t p " t 6 MEDFOKD MAIL TIM IHrNW, MUDFORD, OTMMON, KCXDAY, DtfCUMBICR 18. 1010. wB8Hs53rwmtwwiw;ws?swn&w i; Jb.MHMIl WK.1MS)C4 Ui IWM1&!l&MeiWZBMKKtKS8RlV)EZJ&K3LX2 GIFTS'' THAT PLEASE 44 Here are a few suggestions which we trust will induce you tocall and inspect this immense stock of house furnishsngs. REMEMBER Our prices are very low ior ihis season of the year and you will be surprised when you see wnat uni valves we are offering for the last week before Christmas .: : : : ' : : : iswwivar , T m Come To This Store For "Little Things." "There are so manv lilllo things out' needs For Christ nms," said a woman yester day. A Tost families need a score of little useful things that make excellent Christmas gifls. This si ore is full of little things at little prices stools, chairs, pedestals, book racks and a hundred other things at a liny little price. They are arranged so you can "shop around" without being bothered. Bring your husband to see the IJoosier Cabinet. Leaf Through Our Christmas Rug Book A new .vug on the floor Christinas morning will bring good cheer for months. The rug department here is complete. .It is cosy and comfortable. Brilliant day light enables you to judge colors truly. The most fashionable weaves from America's fa mous looms are gathered here like the pages of a big book. A polite salesman will turn through these pages of real rugs for j'ou, while you sit in comfort and compare pat terns and colors at your leis ure. Nowhere will you find lower prices for equal qual ity. The drapery department is a dainty corner adjoining the rug room. Begin Sleeping On a Better Mattress January First The Silk Floss used in these mattresses is cleaned and purified by a special pro cess of steam and day heat. That makes it absolutely sanitarv. The purified floss is worked and beaten into soft flaked sheets. 'livery parti cleof foreign matter that migth interfere with the elas ticity of the mattress has been removed. Then the billowy mass is carefully compressed, cov ered with a high grade of imported ticking, and tuffed. This mattress will never lose its elasticity or become lumpy. You could not ask for one more perfectly comfortable. To Your Christmas Guests Your hall gives the first and last impression of ypur home. .If you finish your hall in good taste (it need not be ex pensive if you consult Weeks & IMcClowan), your guests will feel its comfort reflected over your house. Your hall should express your "welcome" and "come again." Jt should have an air of dignity without being cold. Hall furnishings must be different from the living room somewhat heavier in design, more original. A few prices for chairs, hall settees, hall mirrors, haH rugs, etc., convey no idea of the quality. All are the best for the money. (Just like Tfoosier Cabi nets, Mr. Husband.) These Music Cabinets (Mahogany and Oak) Are Practical Gifts. Loose sheet music litters a room. The music itself soon tatters and becomes untidy. You must have a music cabinet to keep sheet music in orderly arrangement. Weeks & McCiowan music cabinets have compartments for instrumental, vocal, clas sical, sacred, dance music, or rag-time. You can pick the piece won want in a few sec onds. An unusually large selec tion of fine cabinets is here now for Christmas. You may have one set aside for Christmas delivery. These cabinets are all high class. Their finish is the best, to match other parlor furnishings. HJli Brass and Iron Beds A verv superb assortment, including the newest styles and the best values vou ever saw, at $3.50, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, and up to $15.00 for Iron Beds and FROM $14.00 TO $45.00 FOR BRASS BEDS. , Dressers We buv them in car lots at the lowest prices. Te can show you every kind of wood and finish and at prices like $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, all along at easy stages up to $75.00. Kvory one a Special. Leather and Velour Couches A bed davenport means more comfort, a better looking parlor all day, less work, less expense, and com plete readiness for company at all times. Another Davenport we carry, opens in front and carries separate springs and mattress. You will find almost as wide a varietvof Daven-ports here as in the greatest citv store. PIUCUK ONT COlTCIIUS AT THIS STORK AUK KAk UtiLOW THIS AVERA(il AND KANCIK FIv'OM $8.00 TO $40.00. I 1 1 PI ' n 1 J 1 t 11 B Jd r if I I Stands ROCKERS Chase leather-seated Rockers in most any wood you can wish for, $8.00 and $9.50, specially priced. Finer grades at $18.50 to $22.50. Cheaper rockers up from $2.00 Keed and "Crex" grass Rockers, $4.00 to $7.00. PBEiS Have you seen the collection of Stands at this store'.' They will please. " Library Tables Mission', fumed, waxed, early English and golden oak, etc., a large line of new styles from which to choose. The prices are within easv reach $4.50 to $10.50, $12.50 to $25.00. Trunks and Suitcases Complete new lines of Trunks and Suit Cases; what nicer for Xmas presents I ji'''"!'"'!"' 'ffy f W'y ("nTTi Steel Couches Are ruining more and more into de maud. They are economical and desirable. "Gun's" Sectional Book Cases START YOUR LIBRARY THIS CHRISTMAS. You cannot tell how many books to provide for. Your friends are always giving you new books. A bookcase that grows with your library is sensible and economical. I'egin a ("I nun's library this Christmas. (Jet only enough sections to house the books you have now. Then add new sections as you need them. No matter what the finish of your other furnishings - or what the st vie, a (lunn's bookcase is made to match them. These bookcases don't cost much. &mFMxim are-awriiB1! ksssfr- 9 jrlirr J 1 Buffetts A very fine line to show um and just now the prices are very attractive. See our line of Com bination Book Cases. Morris Chairs Here is the place to choose lx Morris Chair the t inest gil t imaginable. Prices from $12.00 to $35 00 See our line of handsome DUSKS for LADlls' $9.00 and up to $20.00. J ' EXTENSION TABLES A sea of them at from !).()() up to jjtfo. livery one a special value. lESSg'TRaa rx30 rn H00siteRECAJ $5 Kitchen Cabinets A I lousier Kitchen Cabi-. net will save mure time fur the housewife, and is as sure to please as the world is to revolve. Come and let us explain its many superior points. The best "Gift" in our store. isi China Closets All at re d u c e d prices exceptional values at $22.50, $25, $26.50 and to $38.50. Renown Ranges Pay what you think you can afford we will sell you a range that will please. Thcv come at $L).01), $'.V2.oi), $;!.").()() to .foO.OO. Full line of Charter Oak Heaters. "Nuff Ced." -'Ml! 1 . . nil I) rassH- I tCi - (i'" "'! ''Bl WEEKS & McGOWAN COMPANY 114 to 124 West Main MedfoiOregon HJ