f J Wi M m 41 i ',.. (I nil- - " " HE1L TALKS 01 Interviewed Iri Portland PlJcr Rc gafdlho Progress of Road Builtlint Scenery Surpasses Yellowstone anil Will Bo World-Famous. Suya llii! .loiirnnl; Vbilc lliu im-pi-ovcniulilH ill eouieiupliilioii lire I'm from fiiiitdiud, (lio Crater Luke road tin) i)iiibitioirs,proJf!ut be'uiK cuorcl ieully piihlied by Medford, will in i-iiHilv IruveiHitblu to nutoinobilcK iiik oilier vehicle, by the Hint oi" June 10U. The jjratlosl iiIikIiicIo lo proKicse nloiitr llii; present road was Pumice liill, with a :t:t pur i-eul- rndc an., composed of pntvdcrod pumice utolir, into which vehicles, sank to fheir bul often finding it impossible to iick tiati! hall of the hill. Work win therefore commenced on it first and by Juno it will have bet'ii luvelcc to a miixiiiiiiiii Ki-nde of -I pop cent. The remainder of tin) road, a din lance of fill mile from Medford t the hoiiudries of the Crater Lake national forest In in fairly piod eon dition, I'Ynm the rdjtc of thu forci-l to the Crater Lain National park i a winding road weaves in and out anion;: some of the iiiohI splendid sp' eiinuiiH of forest urowth in Orejjoi! has been placed in first class condi iiou by the federal forest department The road is 17 miles long and give access to the park after disclosinu natural beauties which rival some ol those, inside the park preserve. W'oihIci-n Little Known. , Kvcn Oregon people nro but little neiiiininlrd with (lie marvelous scenic views along the Crater Lake load, but those in touch with the project state that they will have a nation wide reputation. The road passes the Cascades, where there is a drop ol 700 feet to the mile. Mill Creek Fall follow with a 'JOO-feet descent. Tin llridal Veil falls have a drop of 'Jfill feet. Max canyon is the next scenic wonder along the route, and then fol lows (he natural bridge. The Rogue Wivcr gorge in (100 feet deep and tin road will traverse it for a dintanee of six miles. Ongoa people in general iimrvolct at the stupendous nerve of Medfoi( in taking up the project singlehand ed when the Supreme count deniei the legality of the legislative act ap propriating 1 00,0110 for the build ing of the road. Numerous seoffct declared (he city' of 1)000 would lino itself trying to lift an elephant i.J enormous weight. The Medford Con. mercial club went at the matter in a vigorous way and general enthusi asm inutile city was so great that the scoffers soon ipiit. Ilig .Sum liaised. About :K,l00 has been raised b. Hid club as (he nucleus of the ih'ch wirj hiiiii. Mini! money is in fight. .hilo it is expected that the count w ill iissihl in the project, with Hie likelihood that the legislation nil lend some assistance next .vein through enactment of one or more ol the general good roads bills. Congress is also to lie asked at ih present sessiup to appropriate fiind I'or the purpose of improving Cralei Lake park. 'II is not believed thet this, money will be denied, and it i probable that work of improvement will be commenced early next vein Surveys of the park improvement as well as the road, have already been made. Tic work h t been in charge ol Menjamiii l !niilel, higliu.iy cneii-. cer, atlachel ti; the public road-, of. lieu of (he United States department of agriculture, whimy services have hcou loaned to the promoters ol the road. "In all of my travels through seeuiu pots in America I have aevci seen any wnmlum in surpass those along Crater Uike road," said Mi. Iluidol, while in the oily ye-terdu "The Yooemile valley cannot i-oin-pare, in my opinion, Why, cu-n Mcdlord people do not appiueiate die great attraction- uIouk tint road, and some of them have never seen lie beautiful gnrgt along which the ton, will pa.h for hix miles. Thick etui i, -of trees hide it at present and coin paratively few hue penetrated them. "I ask Mcdl'ord people about link gorge, and moat of llttmi reply, 'Oil, yes. I have siumi it.' If I ask them where they nut it. or some i.tlui pointed (pitfetiou, thev usuhII.v di. rover they have nmer mmi th ical gorgo and open their tve in wale wonder when 1 tell th ui of some ol the tiouiiio values." Mr. lleidel beliees turn il i lit- con vict mad, h? pntws the lov-i-httuiv l will lend substantial itid to the mojcot, rediuiing the rM of mli iwin $l.flQ a day to OH .4nl H du Tin-iiuitrgy with which Med lord m,.. pin have jtnLlcn UP t'lc project lies boon a iiririim,;hp . mil ln ,1, elajo they should be m'" unburn.. HIGHWAY CHAIN OF TOWNS FOR APPLE SHOW Sl'UKANi;, Wash., Dec. 10.-K. !' Curlier Van Dissel, vicc-presideiii and chairman of the board of trus tees of the National Apple show. luci, has submitted a proposition U tile trustees of the Spokane chamber f eoinnieree lo creel u permanent .structure to house the annual com petitive exposition in Spokane next year and make thin city the head itimrlers J or an apple show circuit The wheel is to include St. Louis o, Kansas City, Omaha, Minneapolis Detroit, Philadelphia, Itosto'n, Net fork, Atlanta, Ua., and several -ilie in the middle western and souther, slates. The plans have not yet hey worked out, Mr. Van Dispel said, bu. it is likely these will bo in taugibl ahape early in .January. Several cit ies on the Pacific const, including Portland, Or., have asked lo be vis iled in 1011. but it is not believed th exhibits will be sent into the north western country, lie added that th fourth annual show will be large and more complete than any lw others combined. The cost of th Iwo shows in Spokane and Chicag this year was $H.ri,000. Brown to Los Annclcs, VANCOrVKW, It, (V, Dee. I.V Mauager Robert Drown, of I he Van couver North western league lean ami .lames Drown, his brother, wi' leave this week for Dos Angclc. whore (hoy will spend the winter. Drown says he will not try to sip up 1 1 1 1 v more players, but the fuir think that if Drown can laud a gooi player that he won't let him sli through liis hands. Drown has. a great string of young malerinl. signed now. credit for their courage ulid suc cess. The project fs being directed by r commission named by Hie Med Ton Commercial club, wilh (he followiui incmber.siil: . President, ,1. M. Wont treusir.rer C. It, Day. secretary, (leorge Put nam: .1. M. Keen, .1. l' Keddv,- D. i Waterman. Jefferson Heard, Job Westerlund advisory committee, (Iim Davis, Jesse Kiiyart, V. . A'ayvlei and Moses Alfred. SCHOOL CHILDREN Often need Glasses Morion the formative period of childhood. Let us prepare the ((lasses for your children's eyes, and the chances arc the slinht error will he speedily corrected and witiiln a short time the chil dren's eyes will he restored to normal. DR. STEPHENSON Office Over Allen's Store, Main and C Street, Phone Main 1857. Medford, Or. Let Us Save ou III) per cent of your fuel Wo will install on Mur stose a (him per that we guarantee to save yoiu fuel and protect vour rooms Iron merlieat and gie yon a uniform heat. SAFETY ECONOMY DAMPER CO., lit) Sherlock Pldg., Portland. JOHN D. WIMKIi. Wepresenlntive for Medford .' South Durtlett Street. Mrs. Tay lor's Doardmsr House. , ;; Eat- Figola Bread Q Contains irtgrcdionts of Eis. QTUK BR WAD OF lKltlT. 4jJXot in unmet only, but in reality. , A wliolesonm, nutri tious broad. JAids digostion SOLD Kxcr.rsivj-ji vby AlKDPOK'l) BAKI3UY l ANDDKLICATKSSEN UVY YOl'K ROAST 'ITUkfrY lll'K'K MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, CITY NOTICES. OltlMXA.VeiJ NO. IliO. An nhllnnncu nPKesillng t'c.o prop erty eiljacent to and benefited by th 0-Inch lateral Hewer coiiHtrlictcd along West Fourteenth street from Clng to Newtown street for Ilia cost of constructing the biuiio and providing the manlier of carrylnp aid assessments Into full effect. The city of Medford doth ordnln is follews: Section 1. Whereas, the council lid heretofore provldo by ordinance! 'or the serving of the owners of prop erty adjacent to and benefited by, Mto construction of the lateral sower, hereinafter deccr'bed to appear be fore said council and show cause, Ii itiy, why said property should not io assessed for tlin construction of aid Kowci, and did fix a time for hearing, any such protests which lOtlee was glVon In accordance with wld ordinance more than ten days) jcfore the lieglanlng of, tho conetruc Ion o? said sower, but no protests ignliist'snld coimtructloa or assess incut of the cost thereof was mado iy anyono and snld sewer was, by suld council, ordered constructed; md, Whorcns, the cost of the construe Ion of said sower hns boon and here--v In ilntcrmlned to ho the sum of $7(57. r.i. Now tliercVoro, said city doth or lain and declare that each parcel of iropcrty described below Is adjneent o and benefited by Hint cortala lat jfnl scwei' (i Inches In hIzo, coastruct m1 on West Fourteenth street from flng to Newtown streets and that lie proportion of the cost of said ewer which each of said parcels of and should bear, based on tho bene 'Its derived respectively by c.ld sov ral tracts of land Is tho amount sot ipposlte the description of each par el below, that each of Bald parcels s actually benefited In the amount et otyioslto Itu description bolow by lie construction of said son-or, and hat said sovoral amounts roorosent '.he proportional beaofito of said sev eral parcols from Bald cov'ci. And ach or Bald parcels Is hereby ass essed D'o amount set opposite its des--rilitlon lielow for the construction of 'aid sovcr. S8H8SMI5NT FOIt A SIX-INCH I.ATDHAD SHWICIt ON WI5ST FOUUTKDNTD BTKK10T FROM KINOHTUI3DT TO NKWTOWN STHISKT. AKHcssnieilt No. 1- (3. 1 1. Tranu. Lot. It, block I. Newtown addition 'o the city or Meiirord, Oregon; front ijo 110. Hi rout on the north side if Fourteenth stroll, and described 'n Vol. 77, parco 1!2, county recorder's -(cords of .Jackson comity, Oregon; jil.lfi reel; rate per Toot 70 cents; amount $18.11. Assessment No. 1! V. A. & Pru dence Trana. Dot I, block t. New own addition to the city or MciUord, Oregon; frontajju () feet on the north dde or Fourteenth street, and des cribed in Vol. ., page . .. county re pordor's records of Jackson county. Oregon; HO reel; rate tier foot 70 eats; amount $!tr.0(). Assessment No. It 1'. A. and Pin- denco Trana. Lot fi, block 1. Newtown addition to the city or Medford, Ore gon; mintage HO root on the north ilile or West Fourteenth street, and described In Vol. . .. pane . .. county recorder's recorJa or Jackson county. Oregon; 50 feet; rata per foot 70 cents: amount S:tr,00. Assessment No. I- P. A. and l'ru- deaeoTraaa. Dot 0, block I. Newtown addition to the city of Mediord, Ore oii ; frontage 50 foot on tho north side of West Fourteenth street, and described In Vol. ... page ... county recorder's records or Jackson county, Oregon; at) feet; mto pop foot '70 fats; amount $:ir,00. Assessment. No. Ti dins'. Kenton. Dot 5, block 1, Newtown addition to the city of .MeiUord, Oregon; rrontage no reel on the north side or West Fourteenth street, and described in Vol. SO, page list, county recorder's records nf Jackson county. Oregon; "(00 reel; rate per Tool 70 cents; imount $:tr.on. Assessment No. 0 -Chiu?. Seinon. Lot s. block 1, Newtown addition to die city or Modforcl, Oregon; rrontage M) reel on the north side or West Fourteenth street, and described la Vol. 7N. imgo 00S, county recorder's records oT Jackson Till leet; rate tier amount $:t.'.U0. Assessment No. 7 count v, Oregon; foot 70 cents; Ulchard Sher- wood. Dot 0, block I, Newtown addi tion to (lie city or .Meiirord. Oregon; rrontage ,10 reel on the north side or West Fourteenth street, and describ ed lit Vol. ... page ... county re ordcr's treconU of Jackson county, OrPgon; 5J) feet; rate pop-foot id 1-entn; amount $!lfi. 00. Assessment No. S- ltk.hnrd Sher wood. Dot 10, block lyNowtown ad dition to the city of Medford. Oro xoii ; rrontage Ml reel on the north side of West Fourteenth street, and described In Vol. . .. page . ., county recorder' records of Jackson county. Oregen: M) feet; rate per foot 70 cents; amount ll'fi.OO. Assessment No. ! Ulchard Sher wood. Dot II. block I, Newtown addition to the city or Medrord, Ore gon; rrontage SO reel on the north side or West Fourteenth street, and described la Vol. . ., page . ., county lecorder'H record of Jackson county. Oregon. Ml feet; into tier foot 70 reuts: amount $.".. 00. Assessment No. to- -Ulchard Sher wood. Dot II, block I. Newtown ad dition to thu city .of Medford, Ore gon; frontage llO.lt feet on the north side of West Fourteenth street, and doBcrlbed In Vol. . ., page . ., county recorder records of Jackson countv. Oregon; Alt 10 feet; rate per foot 70 cent; amount $tS.ll. Asfonuiiit No. 11- W. 1. Hrown. Dot 10. block '.'. Newtown addition to lite cjty of Medford. Oregon; friytl ngi HKM'.; feet on the south sldof Wont Fourteenth street, and describ ed in Vol. ... page ... county re corder' records of Jackson county, OrcKun; 110.42 feet; rate pep foot 70 rent; amount JS1.49. Aemeiit No. 1U--W. I. Hrown Dot 9, block 2, Newtown addition to the rlty of Medford. Oregon; frout ukc .''0 feet on the south side of Vji Fourteenth tret. and described In Vol. .. anno ... county rocordor'i record of Jucksoij county. Oregon : 50 tot,; i.u par foot 70 coats; amount $Sfi.00. Vfl"."tiiu! No IS- W. I. Hrown l.i'l S l...tk '.' Ul,'HH 11. Mil It'll i MEPFQPvD, OKECION, FRIDj)IJgjgiJL. CITY NOTICES. mo ciiy oi Aiedioni, ureRuu, ij""- ago BO feet On tho south side f West tho city of Medford, Oregon; froiil- l.'i.i.i.i,,,iil li i or. t .Ki.i itpHrrlbed In Vol. ... page ... county recorders records or Jackson county, Oregon; r.o feet; rate per foot 70 ccnt! amount $35.00. Acunmmmnf Vn. 1 1 T K. Merrill. Dot 7, block 2, Newtown addition to the city of Medford. Oregon; frontage f.O fcot on the south side or West Fourteenth street, and described In Vol. 80, page 104, county recorder n records of Jackson county, Oregon, flO rcct: rate nor foot 70 centsr amount $35.00. Assessment No. 15 T. u. .ucrrin. Dot fi, block '1, Newtown addition to tho city or Medford, Oregon; n-ontago 50 feet on tho south side of West Fourteenth street, and described In Vol. 80, page l'Ot', county recorders records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet: rate nor foot yu cenis; amount $35.00. Assessment No. 10 Aaron wy lnnd. Dot 5, block 2, Newtown addi tion to tho city or Medford, Oregon; rrontage 51 feet on the south side of West Fourteenth street, and describ ed In Vol. ... page ... county rc eordcr'B records of Jackson county, Oregon; 54 root; rate per Toot 70 cents; amount $37.80. Assessment No. 17 Aaron Wy land. Dot 4, block 2, Newtown addi tion to llio city or .Medford. Oregon; frontage 54 foot on tho south side o( West Fourteenth street, and describ ed in Vol; . . , pngo . county re corder's records or Jackson county. Oregon; 54 root; rate per Toot 70 cents! amount $37.80. Assessment No. 18 Aaron Wy land. Dot 3, block 2. Newtown addi tion to tho city of Medford, Oregon; (Ymihiirn I"i4 toot nil lllO SOlltll SldO of West Fourteenth street, nnd des cribed In Vol. . ., page . .. county rc- ,.,ii-iliii-'H ronnrilH of JackSOIl COUlltj", Oregon; 51 foot; rate per toot 70j ceiitsi amount $37. u. Assessment No. 1 'J Aaron Wy laud. Dot 1, block 2. Newtown addi tion to the city or Medford, Oregon; frontage 129.75 reel, on the south side or West Fourteenth street, and described In Vol. ... page ., county recorder's records ol Jackson county, Oregon; 70.75 root; rate per foot 70 cents; amount $55.83. Section 2. And It Is hereby or iiormi mul nrilnlitcil that said sovoral assessments and, the. liens thereof bo entered In the lien docket or saiti city, and that thereupon notice he given to tho owners, or reputed own-m-u of until ni-nnortv. and that the sniuo be enforced and collected In the manner provided by the charter oi. said city Tor tho collection or as 3cssinontB for tho Improvement of streets therein. Section 3. It Is further ordered that tho notlco above provided for bo published three" (lines In tho Dally Mall Trlbuno, n-new-simper published and of general circulation Jn said city, in tho manner provided by or dinance No. 250, of said city. The foregoing ordinance was pass ed by tho city council of thoielty of Medrord, Oregon, on tho fith day or neconiber, 10 10,' by tho following vete: " timerlck aye. Welch absent. Direr, uyo. Merrick nhseut, Denimer aye, Wortinan aye.- Approved December 7th, 10 10. W. ID CANON, Mayor. Attest: UOUT. V. TKI.FIOU. City Uecordor. NOTICH. To the owner, or .-eputed owner, of each parcel or pnperty described In the foregoing ordinance, as named therein, and in tho lien declared by said ordinance, as recorded In the docket of city liens: You aro hereby notified that the assessment declared by the foregoing ordinance has been made and the lion therefor entered In tho city lien docket, and that the same Is duo and you aro hereby required to pay tho same to the city recorder within ten days from tho servico of tills notlco, which servico Is mado by publlcn, tlou or tho foregoing ordinance and this notlco three times In tho Med rord Mall Trlbuno, pursuant to an order or the city council ol' said city. ROUT. V. TKIiFKK. City Uecordor. OHIMNANCK SO. -llM. An ordinance authorizing the Issu ance or $21,000.00 or the improve ment bonds or the city of Medford. Jackson count). Oregon, and direct ius tho advertising of the same for mo In accordance wun cnapier or title XXVII or Hellinger & Col - "r -. " ... . , ton's Annotated Codes and statutes of tho Stato of Oregon. Thu city of Medford doth ordain i ui fo'to.vs' S"clbn I When, -is, the city or ! Mi'df-Md has l..:elofoio duly caused' certain streets of said city to be lin- proved, and has duly asBesrod the cost tbereor to tho property benefit- ed thereby In accordance with the chnrtor or said city: and, Whereas, certain owners oi sumiry plociw or property each assessed for such Improvements In u sunt exceed- said several assossnicftlx In install .... :..'--... i.. i....in niiinU, In accordance with section 'J 7a 7 of said Holllnger & Cotton's Annotated Codes and Statutes: and. Whereas, an assessment and bond lien docket has boon duly made up in accordance with tno provisions oi said section and or soctlon 2728 of said code and statutes, and the total nniount of unpaid assessments toi sucn street iniirovoiiieni miu ii which application to pay under the provisions of said sections above cit- provisions of said sections above cit- ed bus been made uml ft cd as nioro- Kni. i Ik the sum or S2i.ouu.ue. as " shown by said bond lien docket. Now, therefore, said city of Med- ford doth ordain as aforesaid that there Is hereby authorized to be Is- suvd the bonds of said city In the total nniount of $21,000.00, in do- nomination of two hundred and fifty and five hundred dollars each, as may lie convenient, Section 2. Said omuls suau ow nude lit the following ferm: J No CITY OF MKDFOHD Jackson County Slate uf Orogon lMlMjm-KMKNT IWXD Kaon ill muu t ilionio prosunU, CITY NOTICES. that the city of Medford, In the coon- "'" , , ,' ; ... nmitmi for t y of Jackson s ate of Oregon, for rMtiin t-i.pnivnit. lmrobv aurccs nuu llromlses to pay the bearer tho sum d( , dollars In gold coin or the United States oj, America, on tho presentation and Surrender of this obligation on the? day or i In tho veal- of our Lord one thou-, snnd nlno hundred nnd without grace, with Interedt tnorcon front the dntc hereof until redeemed, ir until tho time or the semi-annual i Interest payment next ensuing tho publication of notlco by tho city of Medford that this bond will be taken up and cancelled and tho Interest' thereon will ccaso at tho Interest payment period next following such, publication, at the rate or six per onnt nor n mi ii in. n.ivnmo sonu-aniii:- j ally, In like coin on tho ' uay oi u.... In each year, on the presentation nnd surrender or tlio proper coupons thereto annexed,, principal and interest payable at the ofHce or the treasurer of the city of Medford. This bond Is one of a series author-. Izcd by an act of the legislative as-' snmbiy of the stato or Oregon, enti tled "An act to provldo for the issu ance of bonds for tho Improvement! of streets and the laying or Bcworsi In Incorporated cities nnd for the pay ment or the cost of such Improve-1 moots and laying of sowers by in-1 ofniininnts." fllod In tho ofrice or the I secretary or stato February 22d, 1893, ns amended by an act entitled An, act to nmehd sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Cj and 7 or an act entitled 'An act to i provldo for the Issijanco of bonds ron the Improvement of streets and lay ing or sewers In Incorporated cities, and for the payment of the cost of j such Improvomonts and laying or sowors by Installments,' " riled lit tho orrico or the secretary or stato Feb ruary 22d, 1S03, approved Febru ary 28th, 1001, and is ait obligation r,f tlin niu of Motlfntd. aforesaid, and Is not to be doomed or taken to bo within or any part of tho limitation by law as to the Indebtedness or.sald city, nnd It Is furthop ccrtiricd that all requirements or law have been rally complied with by tho proper officers In the Issuing of this bond, and that the, total amount of this Issue docs not exceed the limit pro scribed bylsalii net. This bond Is rcucoinaine m ino m rlco or said treasurer at the option of the cltv or Medroni upon mo my mont of the raco vnluo thereof, with nnn,nA inioi'nRt tn tho date of tiay- ment at any sonil-annual coupon pe riod at or artor ono car rroni the dato hereof, as provided by said act. For tho fulfillment of tho condi tions of this obligation the faith and credit of the city of Medford aro hero b' pledged. In witness whorcof this bond has boon signed by the mayor and at tested by the rccoidor of said city of Medford and the corporate seal of tho city or Medford hereto affixed tills day of A. .1). 1010. .Mayor. Attest: Recorder of tho City of Medford. Section II. 1-Jach or said bonds shall hnvo attt.ched thoroto twenty coupons, each or which uhall bo in tho following ferm: CITY OF JIFDFOUD State or Oregon Will pay to tho bearer . . . dollars In gold coin of tho . United States of Amorlcn. at. tho oft'lco or tho treasurer of said city, on tho .... iinv or holng six months' lnloroat on lm-i provoment bond No ... unless said bond la sooner redeemed as therein provided? which redemption! will render this coupon void. Mayor. Attest: Recorder or the City of Medford. Said coupons sha.ll be numborcd from ono to twenty respectively. Section I. Tho mayor or said city is hereby autliorl.cd and direct t'd to slt;n said bonds and the city recorder to countersign" tho same by attaching thereto the f;eal of said city, all on behalf of said city. Section 5. Tho recorder or the city of Medrord is heroby directed to ad vertise said bonds fop sale,, and that th' same will bo sold fot- tho highest price obtainable, not less than par and nccpued Interest, and In said advertisement ho shall announce that bo will receive sealed proposals for the purchaso of said bonds or nnj .. .. r ... I.I.. ,,frl.. ,t nnv ..iioriiou iiu'iooi .ii. " n,i v .... .,.. ,..,a ,, , ,, i, 'oth 1 "" 1,cf0l ,:'t0 " In- on , , , day ot wecoiiiour. i. i. .. publish said advertisement three tlnioa In a dally newspaper r-inllEiiod and nrlutcd In said city and, shal submit the sealed proposal!? received In accordance with Bald advertisement tj the council at Its next njcotlng therentlor. i The foregoing ordlnhr.ee was pass-1 ed by the city council of the eltj or Medrord. Oregon, on the bth day or December. r.uu, ny mo iuuuihi vote, to-wlt: Welch absent. Murrlclt absent, Mn- mul llnninini nvi niul Donimor nve. Approved December 7, 19 10. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: R0I1T. W. TEM'MHl. City Recorder. xoTH'K OF TII1S.1,K OF S'-M.OOO iiV rm.; IMIMIOVKMKXT IIOXDS ()I, ,r,, cicv OF MKDKOKI), ()l(K(OX. Vntli'n Ik bornbv clven that the . ,.nillirii nf ,iu; ,.itv of Medford. 0r,irnn .... ..,.,..., ......loa m0nosals :.:;:".,.-,,....,; .'..' .....- ior iii' ii,uuu.,uu, ii.-ii-.Mi.ii . oi. 'ii con( luiprovontent bonds at Its next regular mooting, to bo hold on tho aVoiitng of December 20th, 1910. m,js t0 Ui, rjKni with the city rc- cortjor nQj inter than 4:30 o'clock ,, , iiooembor 20th. 1910. and bo accompanli 1 by a certified check equal to five per cent of the nniount bid for. veruiieo ctiei-K io ue ninuo inj;i l.ltt in thu trABCiirrtr nf iIia K9I1I rlf . Tho ooHiibU niaorvefi' tho 'right to rojtiuU.any awl all Ulds. HOllT. W. TKLFJCK. City HMordor. Itftod th It nth 4ar of DwpMboi. A D. 1910.' tg""""7777ii7IZ---4"" " J 1 J E ENYART, President. J A. PRIWY. Viec-lWcnt. JOHN S. 0HT1I, Caidiicr. W. 1). JACKSON, Ass'l Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK Capital, lOOSSSS Surplus, $20,000.00 ..,, r,n.T nnXFS TORRENT. A GENERAL BANKING j SU3IHESS TRANSACTED WE It"' . The QUAKER NURSERYMAN 1 HAS EVERYTHING IN THE HURSEHY LIME- j PEARS. APPLES, CHERRIES, PEACKESAP RICOTS, PRUNES; ALL KINDS OF NUT TREES AND A FULL LINE OF FLOWERING SHRUBS, ROSES, ETC. A FINE LINE OF SHADE TREES. COME IN AND GET PRICES. Office il6 Office Phone 238! Che finest Sample Booms in tho city. Hotel H ' Vj'lMamjimamammm llliHIHiHI Illl IHIilH II WHlTiM I I'l - Telephone In Kvcry Itoom ' KAU-MOHE COMPANY Proprietors. EUROPEAN PLAN Campbell MORTGAGrE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 203 Guaranteed ll)osi and Kolinblo Messengoprf. Medford Messenger Service Under New Management. PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE. All small parcels or ines-nges dclioicd tto blnrU or under. . 0e Over lho blocks and under ten ,-. Over ten bhx-ks tyiil under lift ecu -jo.- Over fifteen blocks '" FKKU UANSi'AM, l'rop. 337 South Central Ave., Telephone Main 1113.. M -dturd, Opcgot . LANDQUIST, JOHNSON SLILIUS, INC. Real Estate and Insurance Special Representative for International Real Estate Association, Chicago, 111. AGENT FOR FRANKLIN FIRE INS. CO. RELIANCE FIRE INS. CO. 201 St. Mark's Building,! PhoneI2411 I a nwnn h inw wnnmnTirir"Ti S1EAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Price Reaeonabb COFFEEN , PRICE 11 North 1) Pt..Medfoi(l,Ore. Phone 3CKJ SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE, 4---4- r- N Main Street -Res. Phone 2493 Simrio rooms or en suite also rooms with bath ! Moore I U nirrrrr''nTMimiiTr BS-lH & Baumbach to loan on improved ranches FRUITGROWERS BANK BUILDING. Tray and I'm kage Delivery a Specialty. BARGAINS AND MONEY 'MAKERS JN FARMS, ORCH ARDS & TIMBER LANDS. IN tatK-HaMMuasil I HllttHtttHHIHfHMIH