"&-. i P ': t ii . f kr " n- ariSDiORiTarArTi TRfBUNjs, angpFom), o won on, Km day, i)wmo.mdkk n;, mm. Medford Mail Tribune AN INDEPENDENT MEWBFAFER PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT SATUIt- SAY BY TUB MEDrOIlD rniNTino co. A connollOallon of tlio Moil ford Mnll, established 18S0, tlio Southern Ok-ruii-Inn, established 1902! tlio Democratic Tltuoft, cstnbllshpd 182: tho Ashlnnd Tribune, established 189(1, unil tho Med ford Tribune, established 1900. OKOHOH 1-UTNWM, Killtor find MnnnRor 4- Kntcred ns stcond-clnsrf mnttrr No vpinbor 1. 1909, at tho postofflCM lit Medford, Oregon, under the oct of March 3, JS7B. THE ROMANCE OF THE ROAD. Official Paper of tho City of Medford. SUDSCIIIPTION RATES. , Ono year, by mall J5.00 Ono month by tnall CO Per month, delivered by currier in Mcdfard, .liickHOiivllle und On- trnl Point (0 Sunday only, by mall, per year,... 2.00 Weekly, per yenr 1.50 Pull Leaiecl Wire United Frets Dlipatchei. Di .",076 17 .1,07(1 18 3,050 20 3,100 21 3.05(1 22 n.ono 2.1 3,U.riO 2C 11,050 27 3,07f, 28 .1,000 29.- :i,ooo 30 2,97a The Mnll Tribune In on sale nt the Perry NeWH .Stund, Kan I'ranclsco Portland Hotel News Bland. Portland. Howinun News Co., Portland, Or. W O, Whitney, Seattle, Wash. Hotel Spokane News Stand, Spokane. SWORN OIRCUZiATION. AveriiKi dally for January, 1910 2,122 March, 1910 , 2,20.1 April 1910 2, .101 May, 1910 2,lf.O June, 1910 2,ft02 July, 1910 2,fi24 AURltRt. 1910 2,Ii27 September, 1910 2,riil October, 1910 2,795 November Circulation. l 3,100 2 .1,350 S 3,100 I 3,100 C 3,150 7 .1,100 8 3,100 9 3,100 10 .1,100 11 3,100 13 .1,150 14 3,100 15 3.100 Totnl 76,999 uaiiy average, ;i,uso. STATE OK OltuaON, County of Jack BOII. ss.: On tlm first day of Dccomlier, 1910, personally appeared beforn me, George Pillnutn. inanairer of thn MeilfW! Mull Tribune, who, upon oath, acknowledgis niui mo iidovo figures uro irno nnii cor rect. H N, VOCKUV, (Seal) Notnry Publlo for Oregon MEDFORD, OREGON. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California, and tho fastrst growlng city In Oregon. Population U. S. cciihuh 1910; 8810. estimated In November, 1910, 10,000. Klvo hundred thousand dollar Gravlt Water System completed, giving finest supply puro mountain water nml six. teen miles or street being paved and contracted for lit n cost exceeding II, 000,000, making u total of twenty miles of pavement. PoBtoffloo receipts for yenr ending iiiivi'iuiiar jv, iviv, snow a gain or 61 per cent. Hank deposits wero 12,370,532, a gain of 22 per cont. Hnnner fruit city In Oregon Rogue Itlver Spltzonberg npples won sweep stnkcs prlzo und tltio of "Apple King' of the World" lit tho Nutlonul Applo Show, Spokane. 1009, und u car of Newtowns won FlratfFrlie In 1010 at Canadian International Applo Show. Vancouver, II. O. , Hotfiio It Ivor pears broiiKht highest iiiiL-un in mi iiiniKois or'ine world din ing tho past six years. Wrlto Commercial club, Inclosing fi cents for postage for tho rinest commu nity pamphlet ever written. SECOND TERM of the JU'ilforrf Cini'-orvnloiy for MUSIC AND LANGUAGES Will iim on JAN. 2, 1911 G TAILI.ANniKW, Director. Many good tlifnkurR nro poor tnll. ora. Til I0R 10 is something primitive and permanent and im perishable about t'lie road. .Mankind lias never got ten anywhere without a road and the rate and direction of human progress has been always determined by the roads of a people, says George A. Miller in the November Pa cific Motor. The road is very much like human life. It bears the scars of all that has passed over it. It is also like living in that if you want to get anywhere you must keep going, and if you keep going, it makes all the difference in the World which road you take. Some roads lead to the gar dens of life and some to the cemetery. Some run across the sands of life's deserts and some -where the fishing is good. There are no hopeless people in the world except those who have no roads. And there is hope for them if they will build roads. Over in the island of Guam, there is but one road, and that a 'poor one leading across the island. Many of the people of Guam have never been away from home, not so much as the distance of a Sabbath day's .jour ney two and a half miles. Most of them have never seen the other side of the island, ten miles away. And there are citizens of Guam who live in some parts of North Amer ica. They are easy enough to find, if you ever knew where they once were. They are right tli .re y6t. There are no earlier marks of civilization than the roads that men began to build as soon as human life became' less beast and more man. In the up-reach after the bet ter, men must' have roads or they could make no progress, Rome built roads. TheVoads built Rome. Greece, isolat ed, individual, valley dwelling Greece, did without reads: the world did without Greece, and both lost heavily. Good roads would have saved Athens. Europe built roads, and Europe led the world. It mat lei's not whether the roads or the leadership came first, they both came, and neither could live without the other. Kmjjland, doughty little England, did more for transpor tation by laud and sea than any other country, and, well, England is England. North America is again the less said the belter, except for (he fact that there seems to be a great awakening in progress that will be far reaching in its results. This roads boom has been slow, but it looks as f liny it here you know it's fiood il it is getting pretty warm and things are already be ginning to happen' all over the country. Four years more will see a revolution in the condition of North' American roads. And when it comes, there will come with it a dis tinct advance in the quality of civilization. Land values will increase, the farmers' share will be doubled, monev will move more freely, and every mechanic, artisan, busi ness man and circus manager will be bnefiled by the change. It's no orator's Irick, nor dealer's device, this matter of the road. It is the most serious and fundamental factor in life, and as a nation buildeth its roads, so is il in its com mercial and aesthetic life. Gain and loss, commerce and intercourse, life and death, courtship and war, time and eternity are bound up in the roads, and if there be no roads man shall remain a ti.'agedyjn the-universe, torn by the swelling forces within, for which ffierc is no release. "We shall novcr have a full share of progress without roads, and having achieved the road, we shall not wait for great progress. It will come oul to meet us in the wav! iniiforcoiincilmr.li in 15)08, fori MEN-BIRDS MAKE FLIGHTS inn.yor in lUOl) und tlio infninoiiw re cull olcction of 11)10, und would feci sure of re-olcrtiun nt this liiuo should ho desire to tnnd; but the result of ycslurdny's bond election looks like n buiik-tnick policy and Mnyor 'Snell does not cure for re election mid' have, it iiitl that he linn nisiled in urcn&ng the ways" of a downhill policy. Permit nie to .sfou as A DKFKXMKH OF MAYOR WfKLL and Pitoniftissrox. A-hlniid, Or.. Dec. !.". 1'UO. -sa I..-.. r,. .,- r-.inuxo nMIV flNF OBSTAULfc. AT FRESNO. CALIFORNIA! KEEP G0TCH RETIRED PKESXO, Oil., Dec. 10. A tliree days aviation meet In which Glenn H. Curtlss and his stable of blrdmcn will tako part opened hero today. Ctirtlisa. Wlllard and Mnra all made several flights! Lieutenant McClos- koy of the United States marine corps t waa present as official barograph reader. Lincoln Bcccliy, with a dlrlg Iblo balloon will make an ascent later In tho. meet. Today's fllgths wero somewhat marred by heavy land fog. CHICAGO, li!.. Uoc. 10 Only "one little obstacle" keep- Frank Guteli. world'-, champion wrestle1, from uiin-rsiiwj from retiiemcnt i.i take on Oeorjse llnckeiHclmiidl, runner-up for the crown. Ciotch issued today a -.tntemcnl to tin- effect, but what the obMacle i lie declined to say I do not J eel liKo iiiUint: while I tun as jrood as 1 Know 1 am al present A i'cllow"hiitt lo pve'Tup when nb' knows that he is the best mail in Iub line in the world. If Unit obstacle i eliminated I will irladly incut either llackenchinidt or Manihoiil befoio next summer." C. C. lllKgltis of .Monet, Mo., a retired general merchandise dealer, Is visiting In Medford for a nliorl ... . . Ml ..ltl t. ...4 time. Mr. Illggms win visit run- i. . ,r. 1....(lh unit VimrnllViir I . m.v that I ill wrctle anv - """"A ... 71" " " ." ami victoria, u. ., ui-u ............e. home. I man in the world." aid (lotch, fcpro idcd one little oh-tai-lc i reiuowd Christmas Candies Nuts Etc. Before litiylnn your supply of Xmas Candles, Nuts, etc., conic ami sec our fine assortments- all new. fresh, clean and at- tractivcly priced. "When you to cat, and that the price was rinht." Olmstead 6 Hibbard West, Side Phone Main 571 BOOKS RookwoodandTeco ...Pottery... PRICES ALWAYS CON SISTENT WITH QUALITY. MEDFORD ..Book Store.. KBBtfffiLBM! t'Jl fccjgAm-y.Tn aiwnaawK Duffield Bros. Offer coniplele llnc of all ilcslcable similes and styles in Iioiim sllppci-s !- men, women ami clilldrcii. .'IihIc of Icnllicr, of fell, they last for years iiiul no articles tonlil be more up ii('cial'(l as Christmas Gifts I'ine.sl line of 1 1 1 c; 1 1 tops hi (he coigily. Have a look at Hie ".I. .V M." line. kwmkBbm Kt'lj"" T rr ""MlflFJ H7PW ill IA tJS ISSt-VVBX Make Pleasing Gifts Kerv lady is a locr of line Ailintic Urasswaie, and we do not believe you could make her a nioic pleiusiuc iift ilia nlo prebciil her withVoiiio one of the many uwe I'ul pieces wu uio bhowinu' in this wiuo. Kauiak Ura-s Is especially altractho this year on account of thu many new, exclu.sive de-iKiis. Medford Hardware Company Open Kvenings. . VIrtuo Itn't always satisfied wltjt Its own reward. When tho nveiujjo man asks you tli .bo rcusoifnblo ho in asking yon L .areo wi.th him. - Sonio lieoplo like to have others iiiBk favors of them, hecauso It affoiihi them so much pleasuro to rtfuso. Thoro aro no sure euro for tho to bacco habit with tho possible nx cepllou of certlan braiidH of cigars. Hockefellcr'H palor says woiu oii'h clubs mo moro onnient Hum moil's, Has ho over sal in a kiiiiioV ASHLAND OPPOSES PROGRESS. I A married man miyn the HhortoBt uHiiHon of the year 1h tho time botwoen fall inllllnery and opening for Christ 111I1H. The baitfiiin liunlur in simply aet iiiir upon the Hi rift iusiiuel. And tin well-advorliKed store, in which bar Kin huiititii: is always profitable promoles and rewards thrift. SNELL QUITS IN DISGUST. (Continue,! fioiu I'Hge 1 ) water bomU occuried, 1 decided not to .run for ro-elcctlou, an 1 know I would bo U'-elected, and do not wish to utnml Hpoimor for tho uuduliiK of all tho kooiI work or the pant. "1 am backed by thu proKieHBhe oleniont of AbIiIhihI; th hunch thai rallleu tiKaliiHt mu U the uhuic old bunch that lm held Anhlwnd b the throat for the paat 20 or 30 yer, mid finding that I would enforce the law, that 1 would pnh the city for ward to where nho li!ont, they hold a HocrotBinljiy, eliminate the iirtNw, concoot their poIPIchI iK-hemei in the dark nnd een admit that they rt doing things whit h they do not delre tho publlo .to know, l will bt no pnrty to Biich Hchemmi nnd. while am confident tlwr l eould b. olctN) mayor by n larn niKjorlty, 1 wmIi my haiidB of the wlmle hutiueM Bttil N SPITIO of I ho I'acl thai Ashland sul'IVriMl a scwiv shortage of wafer lasf sunmUM'. her eit.ixeiks have A'oled '.aaiiksf enlai'in (he planf and refused (o issue bonds Ifoi' nioderni.iiii,- (lie system (o make it adequate to the "needs of a tfrowino; eify. I'A'idenlly a niajorily ol Ashlandors do nol believe in progress. 'I'he city isf lare enough for them and they waul no more population. Af least this is the conclusion drawn from flic election returns. .Municipal progress in Ashland is only accomplished al'ter a loii- aid hard fiht. There is an eienicnt of moss backism in that charmini'site for a city that only exerts it self to hinder improvement. Sh'ool paving, park boautificatiou, o)enin of streets, and other municipal improvements liave only been ac eoni)lished after a strenuous battle in which every possi ble obstacle wjis thrown in the way of advancement. .Mayor Suell, who has made an enviable record as a city builder, has given up in discus! the effort to improve Ashland, lie has had to fight injunction suits, recalls and referenduius until he has become worn out. Who can blame hunf" Why should anyone sacrifice peace of mind and ease to improve a city against its will .' Let Ashland rest in peace, as long as the people de sire if. ' BUY A SENSIBLE CHRISTMAS GIFT AT MEB-FORD'S POPULAR PRICE STORE Shop Early. It Will Pay You and Help Us Also Central Avenue Near Post Office Seven Days More Store Open E very Eve'g Until Xmas Every Department Filled with Goods Suitable for Christmas Gifts Handkerchiefs i Best Selection in City. Women's all linen r Handkerchiefs, each " Women's all linen initial Handkerchiefs, each Men's Initial Handkerchiefs, en Men's all linen Handkerchiefs, each Women's fancN cred llaudker hieK each .. 7c 10c nitial 25c! enibroid Neckwear and Dutch 9c Xew .Jabots Collars; siTecial Xew fancv Hows and win- Jewelry The Newest Novelties. New Jabot Pins, ICj each JL S x,":':h";s'.. .. ioc Mesh Dai's at. each. Al "i(). . ..it , . .. . ' ...., ..m ' -,---, .New isuic .Jahots in all the s-j.ti(), .v-;;-j0 new shades OHiand ai OWC New fancv I. ace Dutch (Vllars (low Ties 25c new New Auto ells; extra i5c!rr,K-lnl' .. $1.50 Ucautiful 5Aipnt up in Ilnllv . vt :., :,()., 7,-,(. ' 5.00 Hat iiins, boxes, at Ashland Water Bonds Defeated Mayor Snell Declines to Stand fqr Re-election on a Policy of Retro- lircsslon. .Ilhl Dalny Sets, at a M't 98c $1.25 Gloves Tho Best Makes. We carry the celebrated J''. W. L. Kid (Move in all '"lors. These iiuikesplen did gifts. Sjiecial fur Sat- untiiv on v, 'a pair.. $XleF ALL WINTER SUITS AND COATS 250 OFF p.i. To llic Kiiiter: j iiu-nt in miK'hci- in A-hlnml Siiico (lit- limiil isiit' lor llit int 'riMiiunU 'or Ihik1-iii Inn Itiiixt'im-nt ut Axlilaml i iiiiiniciiml I nu-iil ami I'm- f.uicroii' iiirh .u wati'r h.vxIiiii in a luuitcm anil xaiu-j Miluwalkx Mutl'icii-nt In kcp die ,i.' lar mnmiyr and alonir Jiiu-n litut itiuii-i rtiliiti of 1D11 al uik in niMvn in 0 fopoit ut' Kii;iiitvr W. .1.1 Jul 1, all ol' uliu-h bt-iuu ilnnc u ih fiu'l ut' inoU"t ami n-M-innn'i i i. tlio H(i)ile otM0il to prumi Mf that liix rocord n a proun'-iv. ,i . inliiMlnout minor lian lim-n (-i.i,. i. . i .' KuIhm'U, Mavor 1(. N. Sm-ll toMiit' Iv (Ii'iIiiiph to ik'imll IiIh naiuo to Lt netl j'or iiUiti(iii at ilni'i'oiniiijj itv I'li'ftioa, .Mavor Sm-ll has hlood Cor un;ii'iinii alum.' all munifiMl liiici ami many &Qa iiiiovomon(, lolh pulilic anil iit'ivalt), an- in eu ili'iirc nil ovor Ahhlaiul. a a ivmiII ol' I Iik iiriiirrti.iva tuilii'itt ulii.-li h ...in ..ii... .i.... . . i - -'- - will liliun inwi- w.iwi-kii in HWSKOU ri-lMillilllPlKlvd HJkftl taklUC hi Mfnt .. to the realism Ion that they hive1 ,ftVor. Januuiv I, 1UUH, mid wlii h "wuHtort thQliB...n-ll8ou the U.'-rt a jIMal ,, ireirr..w.lw ruaiivil luive air;" Hint Uu-y :.- Uon fighting aUtt-d him iu rartyiu hit . Tnt iigiitnBtninn&wh'islnv0thdfMtor 4urintf i h.' m( two er $ho wntor bniulH-jM no lileg of rnn- ;iv. Knoll iM th' nliiK for ro-olootlon." nm wlwiMlern m: iMit'd ami ina i m i foiiiciu i. -h aiiU ami make room lor ooim-'oth. tfooil 1-iiir.t-ii to till tho nil ire. uii tho hoH that jmoiI iiuprt t - now Ik-kuii in A-hlaini max ini,mi. ami our Iw-uutit'iil eity rt-mam m in., with othor rugrKMiv oiiu-. .1 1 1 . l'aoifio foaxt. .la.or Snvll nUo vuIik. mi Inuhlv the uooil vpl . i in.lfi-ixu 1 ' ;"h t bee-- him In .t "' "...j .-, .Mill ull.ll I, Furs Roliable at Low Prices. Our l-'tii-s arrived a little lati' iu (he season and we are anxious to sell them. A .splendid selection of con ey, marmot, blended squir rel, tan and -lap mink, on ale from now until Xmas at 25 per cent off Petticoats Now Styles. New Near Silk AO Petticoats, at, each eOt Xew Wash Petticoats at, ;;;;:,":. s,v'.": $1.00 LH10 brand new silk IVtti cottts, black and C AO dors; special .. . yiouU Waists colors; spec Xew Persian Petticoats, all beautiful pat terns; special . $5.9 Beautiful New Ones. Women's all linen Shirt aists, each Women's Shirt Waists, 'ach W o m o n ' Waists; special W Kimonas Silk and Crepe. A beautiful line ni si Ik Ki all )Rc. v crepi- and flannelette embrouh-red 1 5fl,!,"Ulms; f" distil; ' s black silk n,'w 8l.vll,s; llendid pat-$2.48t"nKSallsiz,'s:'"e'the onieu s heautil'u lil.iiil , lu-st a nmw ., ... ... and Persian Silk Waists:! , " '"' ,n,"n CHILDREN'S WINTER COATS HALFPrioe H I H, u v