' IT?1 9 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. ORIWON, FRIDAY, T)KCID3Hl3Efe 1(5, 1910. i i& m '1 OPERATE QUARRY ON A BIG SCALE Unlimited Quantities of Finest Gran ite Soon to Bo Quarried for Build inn and Road Purposes at Gold Ray, Asserts Dr. C. R. Ray. ' Dr. (.'. II. Hay lias huem interview ed uri follow in jho I'ortlmiri Telu ntin refill ditiK liifr jjrnnite qilurry at Gold Hay: Dr. C. H. Hay, jieneial uianaf;cr ol the enterprise, bays that the quarry has been opened and cquippe'd at an expense of about Jp'JOO.OOO. The nulici granite bluff, whieh Jjorders Kotte river is the deposit ataeked, and n seems fo have unlimited stone in re serve. All of the early work has been devoted to stripping the surface reinoviiu,' tlio ehecked and oxidized granite on top, and erushiiijr much 01 this for road construction in the ad jacent country. Nearly two years has been devoted to preparatory stages, and the time is now ncni when it will bo possible to operati on a large scale. Dr. Hay says. tests of the granite have been made at several places with the result that the Oregon pro duct is declared to lfuve the strength and beauty of the' Harre granite oi Vermont. There have been several orders tendered for granite in tin northwestern building opei'a lions, which could not be filled owing to the incomplete equipment. Three build ings in Bedford June been built ol the stone and the effect is beautiful When the plant opens full blast, it i: proposed to put this granite in com petition with all the imported stout in the Northwest, and even in Cali fornia. In the matter of furnishing crush ed rock a. big business seems to be opened. .As the plant is directly 01 the Southern Pacific track, and al the quarry products move to the cart by gravity, crushed rock can l)i shipped to all southern Oregon points on the railroad. .Med lord is but .1 " few miles away, Ashland !H. am' (.Irani Pass nearer. All the heav.x improvement work for the Hoguc H'ner valley, both for road and for building purposes on 11 large scale will be at the door of the new quar ry. Should the state begin wagon roud construction on a large scale, it is believed that this quarry could i'liruisli crushed rock at the lowest i'itrures, to the entire southwesteii Oregon district. The Southern Paci fic will use large quantities of tin ciiished stone to ballast. As the granite is very tough it is declared to be (be very beyl fur this purpose. PORTLAND BOY DEAD THROUGH AUTO ACCIDENT I'OHTIiAND. Or., Dee, It!. ilnrry the (i-year-nld son of Michael Schmitzer, died early today at a hos pital as a result of a fractured skull unci other injuries sustained when hi was run down by an automobile driv en by It. K. Chapman, secretary of Mic Chapman Timber company. The tragic accident occurred at tlio south end of the First -street bridge, where the lad, with other boy companions, Jviis playing last night. Chapman was arrcslcd, booked on a minor rlinruu of "iis-imlt and but tery.'' and released on iji.ltlDO bail af ter a secret conference with the au thorities. According to Chorimuii Hip accident was Unavoidable. CABLE FROM SEATTLE TO CORDOVA, ALASKA SKATTLH. Wash.. Dec. !(!. Plans for laying of a direct cable from So attle to Cordova, Alaska, are being coiisideied by Secretnry of Win Dickinson. If this long line is estab lished the credit will be due the Inis iiu"s men of the northwest, who de clare that the high cable rates now in force are make necc.-v-nry by the crowding of business 011 the single cable (hat runs as far north .1 Nuiiie. Ladies, Why Not Preserve Your Youth and Beauty? Parisian Sage, the quick-acting hair restorer, i now for sale in Med ford at the drug sot re of Chus. Strang and i sold with a rigid guar antee at ')0 cents a largo bottlo. Parisian Sago lias 1111 immense sale, and hero arc the rontens: It i. sufo and liuriiilcRs. It cure dandruff in two weeks by killing the dandruff germ. It htoiw. falling hair. 11 promptly stops itching of the scalp. It makes the hair soft and luxuri ant. . It ive life and beauty to the hair. It is not sticky or greasy. It is the best, the most pleasant mid iuvigoratin? ,hair drossing made. The Mail Tribune want ads brinjr iwitlt. k FAVOR ROADS FOR JOSEPHINE Grants Pass Delegation Works for 'Bonds for County Hitjliways Irri gation Matters Will Probably Be Strtlnjitcncd Out Coming Year. Says the Telegram: II. C. Kinney ol Grants Pass, who was a delegate to the good roads convention, is one oi the most prominent citizens in Jos ephine county, and for many years lie has been foremost in every work that has been started for the upbuilding of southern Oregon. For more than a qunrter of a century he has been a business man of Grants Pass and has for the past few years been act ive in securing for that section tin benefits of irrigation, being a director of the Josephine County Ir rigation and Power company, lie ha see"n Grants l'ass grow from a ham let of a few houses to a bustling city of iiUUO people. Mr., Kiuticy fjnid that he and- the otheiylelegntes from Josephine coun ty had done what they could in tit-: convention to help the good roitds movement and that ihey were much pleased with wlmt they have accom plished; 'Our count" gave a substantial majority for the adinendincnt. of the constitution, and I believe that if the Legislature will, pass the bills re commended by the convention there will be. no difiieulty in bonding Jose phine county in the interest, of good roads. Ti.e e'ounty court was el ected on a good road plaUonn and it the means arc available I feel quite nrc of tae result. "Wo ho,)o this year to havo our ir rigation matters in such a shape as greatly to benefit not only the fann ers of the vicinity, but the business men of the City of Grants Pass as well. Whenever we get the water 011 thu land adjoining Rogue river and u portion of the Illinois valley we will develop not only the fruit industry, but we will have the best agriculture section inlbe United States. "Our Commercial club, which is composed of tlio live busiues men ol the town and lending farmers and mining men of the country, propose to take up not only the general work of the club, but to devote its energies- especially to this mntter." q CAPTAIN JARVIS RESIGNS FRO MGUGGENHEIM FORCES SKATTUO, Wash., Dec. Ki.-Cap-laiu David II. .larvis, for many ycar. a confidential audit of the great Guggenheim interests and the mt.ii who persuaded the Guggenheim.s to enter the Alaska field in which they have made many millions of dollars is stepping down and out. lie has. announced that he has resigned. .larvis organized the old P. P. and N. fisheries combine and reprcsontel thu Morgan-Guggenheim syndicate in Alaska. Jarvis has cleaned up a fortune through 11 quarter ownership in the Degroff mines at Chicago!'!', and the first of the year will give up business activity. Thu store that pays a lot of money for space in which to suy something to you must beliovo that what it says is important to you. The Mail Tribune want ads bring results. XfoAS PRESENTS. Opera glasses make the best Xmu presents. "There's a reason." Thoj last 11 lifetime. Tli whole family can uso them. They increase the pleas ure of shows one-half. You. can renti the orchestra music from tho bal cony, thus anyone can sue the ad vantage of having opera glasses .it tlio theater. A fine assortment in morocco smoked and white pearl, gold mount ed, with and without handler, at Dr Gobln's Optical Parlors. Glasses ground while you wait Tlio most complete optical shop be tween Portland and Sacramento. See big oyo sign. ,' -v ' t NOTIUIJ OK SAMS. Tlio board of dlroctorK of school district No. 40 will connldor bids for ttio purchase of tlio Iioiiho now situat ed on tlio property which said dlKtrlrt han acquired from W. II. Crawford said building to bo removed from said property. Tho property Is situat ed on the north sldo of Woat Jatkson street and nosr tho John Dommer plaoe. Tho board reserves the right to re-Joc-t any and all hide. Hills to bo in by December 24th, ORIS CRAWFORD. 231 Clerk ffisSI FAKE PLEA TO ESCAPE PENALTY n - ' - ' , Grants Pass Man Who Violated Law by Fishing Off Dam Pleads iii Dc- . fense That Trout Is Not a Migra tory Fish. GRANTS PASS, Ore.. Dec. lll.-r-A case that bus been holding fire for some time, but whieh is now booked to be tried December 'J8, is whethor or no a trout is u migratory fish. There will also bo.otliei' fishy ques tions setteled at that time, when the case of the Stale of Oergon agaiit A. Mock, will be tried in the Justice Court in this city. A score of ex pert fishermen will testify. One Of the witnesses already supenned is A. If. Mclicnn, an expert with the hook and line, who hit long studied the character of the fish of the Rogue river. The caso arises from the fact that some time ago a number of Southern Pacific officers spent 11 day at this city, and thu Commercial club enter tained tlietn with a nice moss of fish. To gel a trout., A. Mock, one of thr local expert fisbeimen, was engaged: to catch the fish. In order to be sure' of the fish, ho was, to 11 curtain cx- tent, authorized by tlio club to fish off an old dam near this city. The question arises as to whether a trout is a "migratory" fish and it ho could catch them within UUO feet of the dam. v The shale officers contend that they havu all the authority on fish on their side, while the defense as serts there is ample, evidence right here in. Grunts Pass to disprove the theories of Washington authorities and college professors. One thing is certain, the hot 'evidence has long since boon lucked under Ihu belts of Messrs 0'Prien, Fields, Fcnton itud other railroad officials and, it s up to the slate to prove whether Mock caught the trout, suckers, carp or polly-winkles'. The mosl dninag- ing evidence against Mock is that the railroad officials staled that the fish were "mighty fine." Sunkist Oranges for Christmas. An cxliu supply of The famous Sunkist oranges are now in the hands of all retail dcnlci.s for Christ mas trade. Sunkist oranges are th finest product of the finest groves ii California. They ai'e belter than us ual at this time of the year, and a lhey make a very acceptable Christ um present, and the prices arc reas onable, thure will be a largo demand for this luscious fruit. If you will read (ho advertisemenls of Sunkist oranges, you will note their special premium offers. The.io premiums mnke very acceptnblc presents. The girl who says that she won't marry tho best man living Is lucky If. she dosen"t eventually capture tlio worst. SAGE FOR DARKENING THE HAIn Tboro Is nothing new about the iuVa of using sago for restoring lln color of the linn-. Our grcut-Knuidniotlier.s kept ttiolr locks .ofr, dark and glossy by using a "mro tea." Whenever their hair fH out 6r took on a dull, faded or htrcafcrU ap pearance, tlioy mailo a brnv ofsngd leaves and applied It to their hair with voadcrfully beneficial effect. Nowadays wo don't have to resort to the old-time, tiresome method of gathering tlio herb and innkln? tho brew. This Is done by skillful chemists better than wo could do It ourselves, and all wo have to do Is to call for the ready made product. Wyeth's .Sage and Sulphur, containing sage in tho proper strength, with the addition of Sulphur, another old-time ncalp remedy. This preparation is sold by all first-clas. druggists for f.Oc. and ?l.00 a bottle, or Is sent direct bj the Wyeth Chemleal Company, 74 Cortlandt St., New York City, upon receipt of price. For salo and recommended by Leon H. Hasklns. Are You Wise? Wc have been in business in Medford a long lime and our hardest task lias been to get tho BEST goods, and our greatest idea was to always sell for Hie lowest )i'ie consistent with profitable merchandising. "Wo know that we CAN AND 1)0 SAVE On? PATRONS MONEY. We are prepared lo serve you with anything your Warner, Wortmae , Gore Grocery Phone 286 Market Phone, 281 t t-tX- f ttt PHOENIX ITEMS: t H Mr. and Mrs. Hover, Mrs. Utiruuy, Miss Amy Harney, T. F. nnd Mrs. Rawlins and Mrs. Flshor are attend ing the rail with the Christian church at Central Point this vyelt. Rev. Mr. McGce, eolporter of the Daptlsrchurch, spent several days In Phoenix conducting several very ln tere'stlng chldlrcn's meetings In the Presbyterian church during his visit. , Tho school Is preparing brief holi day program, which will bo rendered on Friday afternoon before Xnms. . Now for a move In time to secure tho advantages of high school grades under tho now law voted tho last election. Wo ought to have ten or a dozen high school students hero next year. Of courso- our school board will taka tho proper steps to secure theso advantages. A prominent gentleman of our town suggests tho urgent need of a hunianu society and a health official for Phoenix. The old adage that "what Is evcrybodyy's busliie'ss Is nobody's business" Is tt'ito In ninny things, and so In matters involved In tho abovo suggestion. Should our town council look Into these things, or should tho churches Interest thoinselvcs In such affairs? Tho world Is teaching tho churches today tho power there Is In trusts, combines, federation and unions. Tho churches aro beginning to seo what they havo lost by their divisions and oftentimes conflicting efforts; and leaders In religious thought every where at'o moving Cor or longing for a closer fellowship among Christian people. Wo aro not disparaging the efforts of others when wo say tho disciples of Christ are pioneers In this good work. Mrs. Iloxcr, Karlo Hover and Miss Fay Carver wore down from Ashland Inst Sunday - and attended services at tho Christian church. Mart to see them. Two outslrto preachers attended al tho Christian church last Sunday, Rev. O. H O. , Ilumheiit of IOugono speaking In tho morning, and C. F. Swander of Portland preaching In tho ovonlng. Mrs. Ronton of Kugcne, field worker for the Christian Kn douvor societies, also visited with tho pastor and talked to soino of the young pcoplo after the school hour. Unfortunately tho woman who knows exictly how to imiungo her husband seldom gels u chance to de-- nionstrato her theories. California Is tho place to visit. Orange groves iu full bloom, tropical flowers, la- nious hotels, historic Old Missions, attractive watering places, delightful climate, milking thut favored section the Nation's most popular retreat. You can see it at it- best via the Shasta Route and "The Roatl of a Thousand Wonders" SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Up-to-date Irai'i-i, firsl-cluv in every respcel, unexcelled diniug-cai service, quick time and direct con nections to nil points south. STECIAL ROUND-TRIP FARE OF $55.00 Portland to Los Annclcs anil Return. 1 With corresponding low fares lnon all other section of thu Norlhwc-a. ' Liberal stop-over 111 cmch directum nnd long limit. Interesting and at tractive literature ia the various re sorts and attraclimiH of California can bo hud 011 application to any S P. or 0. Ii. & N. Ay-til, or from WM. McMURRAY, General Passcnjicr Agent Portland, Ore. I 4I 444- -M CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. Mrs. Wright, wjio has resided at Hullo Fnlls for several months, has returned to Central Point. Darius Green of Concord, N. II., has arrived here nnd will at onco as sume his duties as sccrotary of the Y. M. 0. A. A. II. Cornell, agent Oregon Life insurance company, was hero trans acting busies Wednesday. Fred Ponengor and family, who have been visiting rolatlvos in Cen tral Point, Expect to lenivo soon for California,' where they will stay for an Indefinite time. 1011. Strhmelor and wife, Mr. and LMrs. A. W. Moon, Mrs. 13. Kahler, Mrs. Hrooko, Mrs. Raymond, Miss Mary Olson, W. I), howls, Dr. Doris, wero at Medford Wednesday. Tho toachors and scholars of tho M. 15. church will observo Christians ovo by having a cantata entitled "San ta Clans' Christmas Mall." Tho Presbyterian church will havo a tree and an Interesting program. The Baptist church will also havo a troo and 11 good program. Tho Christian chruoli will havo a troo and a splendid program. It Is expected that each church will have a crowd. It will bo an evening profitably spent, to attend. It takes tlmo and patlenco to get up tlu'so different entertainments,, It Is both refining and Instructive nnd speaks much prniso for Central Point. Pure Clear Sparkling You can't afford to do without this splendid, refreshing drink. Call up and order a enso soul to tho houso. Tho purest, most healthful drink known is SISMYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, Arjont. Careful Movers 1 Parties movino will do well to call en MATTHEWS & LAKE to handle their household noods. They pack and ship furniture and unpack and set up furniture and-itd hatillnn of all kinds. Baujago in cluded. Phone 2151. ...For Sale... DRY BLOCKS ...Phone... MAIN 2601 G. E. MORSE STODDARD DAYTON Automobiles Dr. F. C. Page Mgr. Local Agency 2SSnraSS39iCHKeWSK? JONES REFUSES TO RETURN T.O BASEBALL POR.TDAND, Or., Dec. 10. Field er Jones today denied the report thut Ifo would lnunngo the St. Louis Am erican League club next season. lie likewise asserted thut ho had noth ing to do with the pttrehnso of the Drowns or was ho interested in the matter in ntiy way. ."Oregon is good for me," snld Jones'. ,"1 don't understand why thoy always taok my liatuo onto every team purchase or oliunge in the ma jor leagues." The old ideas nbotft storo adver tising die hard but they die, never theless. Store Advertising nowaduys has jicws vnltto. To the People of Medford ' Not long ago we purchased the stock of tho Southern Oregon Tea& Coffee Co.', and have siucu greatly enlarged it. Wo ;iow carry ft complete line of staple and fancy groceries, fruits and vi'getnblos, us well as tho largest slock of Coffee in Southoru Ore gon. In fact, we have ovorythitig iu our line for the holiday trade. We aro not on Main street in a big brick block, but lmvo n firijt-class stand on a Ride street, so thereby out expenses aro light and can defy competition. We request that you give us save you money.; Southern Oregon Tea and Coffee Co. PI ION B MAIN 10!) 1. MSB I County Seat Real Estate Office JacKsonville, Oregon, lias numerous choice bargains in citv lots, orchard, farming and all'allu ranches. Our Applcgntc valley ranches aro bargains; all hno up abundance of water Ltv irrigation. Don't forget that Jack Mimillc is the county seat and that it is installing an up-to-date vwiler sslcm. Coiuo nnd see us. Wo'll interest vou. LUY (Si COLLINS Medford Trcm Works E. Q. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits," Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, , TIMBER LANDS WANTED List with us vhat you have for sale. Timber cruising and estimates furnitshod. HARRIS TIMBER LAND COMP'Y 208 FRUITGROWERS BANK BLDG-, MEDFORD. OREGON. tp Determined to Sell This beautiful country place, comprisinu 14 acres, Is located within n milo of Medford upon one of the best country roads In tlio valley. It Is practically all set to trees, with a family orchard in licarinu. The hulldiuns, which could not he duplicated for less than $2,700, arc all new. The house (hunnalow) is exceptional ly attractive. h For the next few days w- havo been authorized to offer the property at the low price of $3000.00. Any rcasouahlo terms will ho accepted. Arrnntic to see this harnain Monday. If the price Is not rlfiht, make us an offer. - Huntley-Kremer Go. 214 FRUITGROWERS' BANK BUILDING. f -- -- ---- 4 - - - I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT I HAVE PURCHASED THE Livery union nnd will conduct a gonoral food and boarding ebtubliuhmont. iloraoa hoarded by tho day, woek or mouth. I guaranteo u squaro doal to all. ' ' R. GUANYAW UNION LIVERY BARN. MAIL TRIBUNE WANT i :- FOR DEATH OF MONKEY PORTLAND, Or., Dec. lO.-r'Two hundred thotiHund dollars damages is asked on account of the denth of a chimpanzee iu a suit on filo rigniilst the Northern Pacific Ituilwny com pany in tho circuit court today. The Oregon law allows tho recovery Of only $7500 for the life of a man, Tho suit is befng brought by Cliua." Judge, owner of Charles I an edu cated chimpanzee", which, it is alleg ed, wns suffocated by alcbmrnl-ii baggage car while en route'tp Port land from Seattle a few.incmlhs.ngQ. A misleading ndvcrliscmgnt would bo almost rts disastrous to n store as n fire with no insurance a trial, nnd wo assure you that wc i i iff :hj south aitAPrcwi". ASK $20d,000 DAMA'GES,,! waMtHMMwnaaHmanamnMMMBHaHBa MORSE Si CO. WM - - - -- - -------i RIVERSIDE AVEtfUB. ADS BRING RESULTS' s Stables I mi