fw( i"-wrvw 7TW' - fS- --Jqpjr',FlF!5 WfWfM "MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, OKEQON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1910, M VOTES LONG DEFERRED MAKETH THE HEART SICK VICTORIA, II.' C, Dec. 15 ftites, lone deferred, make the heart sick, so about 00 heart-sick huiios and a dozen "mere males" to say nothing of one suffrnginfr.iit mot i!i the council chamber of the city hall today to form n Woman's Suffrage society for Victoria. The new or ganization is to bear the name of the British Columbia Political Equal ity league. It had a good send-off -with an English lady suffragette as secretary and an American cheque. The latter was contributed by some American ladies who had, it seems, distinguished themselves by substi tiiling nn American for the English flag, and its reception roused a nh- dueil audience to real enthusiasm. Mrs. Gordon Grant was elected to thu chair and explained how che had failed to get another "cult chairman" for the meeting. One gentleman shi? approached was called to Vancou ver, another "became indisposed nnd she was the standby of the party ad necessarily was compelled to act. Briiln Wants Indemnity. KINGSTON, .Tamnica, Dec. 15. Unloss the government of Honduras pays indemnity for tho murder of a British subject in Honduras last Ap ril ihe Honduran customs house nl Coiba will bo seized, it was imnouii" ed in official circles here today. Tho announcement followed tho sailing of tho British cruiser Bril liant for Ceiba to denjnnd the pay ment. The Brilliant is under orders lo hold the customs house until llP payment is mndc. Gun Explodes on Ship. WASHINGTON. D. C, Dec. If,. noar-Admirnl Barry reported tod.iv to ihe navy department that a sin inch gun on the cruiser Poiinsvlvaui.i exploded daring target practice off Mure isir':d. No casualties occurred, according to tho report. No detail word jjiven, Mcdford Mall Tribuno Want ads nro business brlngers. ' i i MEDFOllD MAUKKTS. (Prices paid by Mod ford merchants.) Potatoes $l.l(iipl.2G per cwt. Cabbago 2c. ' ' " ? ' Squash 8Gc$l. Tomatoes 1 c. Parsnips lc. Carrots lc. ( Boots lVtc Onions le. Pears 1(82c. Prunes Dried, 4c. Pumpkins 8312&c. Apples 2c. Celery 90c a dozen. 4 Iluttcr, Kggs and Poultry. (Prices paid by Mcdford merchants.) , Utittor Fresh ranch, 32Vdc; creamory, 40c. Eggs French ranch, 40c. Poultry Mixed, 10 14c; spring chlckons, 14 16c; turkoys, 17c. (Prices paid producers.) " Hay Timothy, $1C; alfalfn, ?H; jjrass, $14; grain hay, ?1G. Grain Wheal, $1.15 bushel; oats, $3C ton; barley, $32 ton. . Ueef Cows, 4(5)4,c; steers, CQ' Pork 7 3 8c. Mutton SSc; lambs, Gc. Veal Dressed, 9c. (Selling prices.) Rolled barloy, $1,7G cwvt, $32 ton; brain, $1.75; middlings, $1.85 1.90. LOST. FOR RENT, FOR SALE. - J-S.-M l I . I ' I LiUM All Aireunic pup. Kctuni lot Houses. 350 S. Riverside and receive re-1 . wnrd. 232 , FOB KENT Good 4-rooni furnished liousc, with a big bnnl and n Inrgc lot. Comitius-Gnntcr Rcnlty Co., 133 W. .Main. Plume 031. ( Amnge.. rUH EXCHANGE. Ileal Kstate. FOR. FATTTANOK-r-Por I,oa Atiimliwl '' . property, one of Uie finest small 0R RLNT-One 4-room house un orchards in the Rogue River valley ; I "'" "(' dose m' In,mre in4.S' price $12,500: paid last year $3000! Bartjctt st. rtn nn Mnnl lmmn All.lrnce! """ awHH , 1.1 .UW... UV...W. KMI.&W.J.; "Lewis," caro Mail Tribune of fice. 220 Miscellaneous. FOR' RENT Office rooms in El6e tric building, modem equipment, steam heat, eloctrio light, baths, toilet, hot and colli water. Gold TO EXCHANGE For Mcdford; Rny Realty Co.. 21ft W. Main st. tf property: 20 acres, unimproved,! ""' L .$2000;' 10 acres, unimproved.! MB RENT-r-Busincss room on W. $1000; 20 ncrcs, unimproved, Mnin st- 24x140. suitnblo fo res $1000; 18 acres, improved, $7500; tnurant or billiard room or othor 52 acres, improved, $11,000; 3(i, husincss. steam hont. Gold Ray acres, improved, $0000. W. T. ncnlt-V Co- 21C w- Mfl" .c York & Co. tf 'KOU RENT Office rooms over. tho FOR SALE Largo modern house . with south and cast front, 113 feci front on paved ste-cot, by 181 feet long, nicely improved grounds; ev erything strictly modern; rcnsoii for selling, lndy of huso needs i eWigo of climato; this placo i suitable for nice homo or first clnss "roqmiug 1ioup; easy terms lo right pal'tv. Ss tho Jackson County Realty Co., 004 West Tenth st. Wo also Juiv'o largo and small tracts of iumroved and uuimproy ed orchard 'ntufo tf TO TRADE New G-room modern house with now furniture; take lot nnd some ensh in part payment, terms. Moof-Ehr Co.. 212 Fruit growers' Bank blog. Phone 001. tf Postoffice. See Geo. Dyer. FOR EXCHANGE Mcdford and suburban property, ranches, timber . lands, for othor property. Address Box 199, cAj-e Mail Tribune. tf FOR SLE OR EXCHANGE MIscellniHHtiis.j WANTED City lots in part pay ment for five and six-room houses, Moor-Ehni Co., 212 Fruitgrowers Bankbldg. 228 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Five passenger 4-oylindor touring auto mobile. Addioss Uox iiUU, care FOR RENT Office rooms, $4 each per month, in Roslel's modeni blonk at Cent nil Point, Or. 237 FOR RENT Largo office rooms, m suile if desired. Gregory's Studio block. FOR .SALE OR RENT. UubIucsb Proertjr. Mail Tribuno office. tf FOR LEASE Miscellaneous. FOR LEASE Fishing, limiting, boating and bathing resort, IVL1 ' squnro miles bqdy of wntor1," on railroad, withiti' 12 miles of Med ford. Addrcsd Box 201, care Mail Tribune. . tf FOR LEASE Fully equipped placer mine. Call on Aluanhcgen, Rogue River Electric Co., 216 West Main. , tf FOR RENT. Farms. FOR RENT FaYms from 40 uores , to 400, acres, alfalfa land, fruit 'ranches, cardon lnnds, general fanning ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 210 West M.iin. tf Housekeeping Koolns. I'IJUFj FAMINE. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing and sleeping rooms at 125 . Oakdalo avo. FOR RENT Five housekeeping rooms, partly furnished, no smnil ' children, good location. 504 S. Holly st. 231 FOR RENT Furnished houses and rooms for housekeeping. Furnish ed rooms by tho day '0o up. Oregon Rooming House, 414 North Front st. 234 FOR SALE Oil RENT 8-room hotiso at 700 S. Oakdalo ave., newly painted and dcoprnted, cement basement; willxsoll at a bargain A'illi best of terms; monthly pay ments if desired. Harry H, Tuttlc, Park ave., immediately back of the above house Phone 71. tf FOR SALE OR RENT Good opon ing for general merchandise stce in now town with $15,000 monthly Vm'yr'dll, oh' raifroa(l,"l'2 hillcs from Medford. Gold Ray Realty Co, 20C W Main. ' 'tf. FOR SALE. lluslncss Property. FOR SALE Choioi business prop erty nt a bargain, on long time; easy terms. Address Condor Wa ter Power Co. ''', FOR SALE Third floor of Adkins bldg., formerly used by OddfeloWB. Apply to I). F. Dny, Frank Wilson or J. B. Wood. tf JLots. FOR SALE One of tho best lots o-i S. Central ave., 3 blocks' from" Till st.. located in one of Iho best resi dence districts of Mcdford; pnvo ment', sewer nnd water; this Is it .bargain you' can't afford to uiis-. Call at 204 S. Central ave. J. D. Bcesne. J'J8 FOR SALE Residence lots, clos6 in. high elevation, commituding li beau tiful view of tho city -And vnlicyj best residence district, at pnees that are riht. A. F. Burnett Jucic hon Co. Bank bldg. Phono Mnjii 42, residence 2574. If , Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT At tho Cottage, pleas ant, furnished rooms, with hot nnd cold running water; baths, largo sunny porches. 004 W. 10th St.' or XS-i IVlllg Ol. IL. FOR RENT Two lnrso connecting front rooms, fino for offices :or dressmaking parlors, upstairs, cen ter of town; $25 mouth. Phone G202. 300 FOR RENT Sunny furnished rooms,' one block from postoffice; board 'if desired. . 208 N. Contra! ave.. corner 5th fit. 300 If tho railroad men should go on n strike on the 10th there would be a fuel famine In Medford Insldo of a wijek. You ha better get a fow tonr of coal while you can. Threo car? now bore. So or phono Uurbrldgo the drayman. 230 FOB RENT Nicely furnished rooms. 52(1 W. 10th st. 232 FOR RENT Housekeeping "roojns. 45 N. Hurl let t st. ' 22fl Buskins for health. FOR RENT Furifehcil rooms for transient nt No. 10 N. Grape st.. bank. To Trade for Seattle income Property r 56 acres. Fine im provements; 40 ac." in bearing orchard, balance set to trees, 24 years old; less FOR RENT Furnished bedroom gentleman only. 339 N. Front st. 231 FOR SALE A few choice lots hi ono and two-aero jracts for the purchaser while they fc last; abow property linn preferred title. Ad dress 1108 Newtown or phone 5081. 232 FOR SALE Good lot, one blookAind a half off paving on W. 7th st.; east front lot, (.0x125; price $400, terms. Address N 2, caro Mail Tribuno office. f FOR SALE Beautiful hillside build ing Kite, nbout 1 ncre, just outside of city limits m Last Medfonl; high nnd sightly, with bountiful view of Medfonl nnd the valley; will sell I acre for thq price you would have to pay for a good cily Jot; small cash payment, easy tonus on bal ance. .Address P. 0. Box 702. 241 FOR SALE Ranch, a dandy ten aero ranch, hnlf under millivntion. nlfalfa. water, small house, good well, wood; Yi mile railroad sta tion mid town and school; ideal fruit nnd berry and poultry ranch: cheap. Address J. P. Wiuf, Wood villi?. Or. . 229 FOR SALE A bargain ; 30 ncrcs of land, 2i miles northeast of Jack sonvillo nnd 4V tnilos nnrlliwor.t o MedTord. Call ul the Conger ranch or address Mrs. Samuel Conger, Jacksonville, Or. FOR SALE 5 and 10-acro tracts just wjthin and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay meats. Address Condor Water Power Co. ruit feAijfe x-i acres, 10 acres planted to pears, ono mile from Contra Point, $225 por ncro. W. T. York & Co. If FOR SALE Aro you looking for u uico home, close in, at your own price, willi or without furniture? would tuke jot as part of first pay ment; could give possession this ...1. t...!.. r.nn o n ri. ni-uu, jnrnuu Umii a. uiiihj. oou FOR -SALE $050, 4-room house, nearly new, on good deep, lot, lo cated on 4th Hit, y block from pavement; tonus $200 ddwii. In quire 4 S. Orange st. 229 FOR SALE $400. good 2-room house nifd 50-foot lot; nice, high anil dry; $100 down, Inquire 4 M. Orailgo st. ' , 220 IToaBca. FOR SALE East front lot 511x115, Kenwood addition, $450 on easy terms. Cornitius-Onrner CO.,' 133 W. Main. Phono 0031. 224 FOR SALE Lot 50x220 and house $1150. 822 Bennett ave. Addrest John A. Henderson, Medford, Or 2'30 FOR SALE Bunch ten dandy resi dence lot at bargain price; owner leaving city. E. .1., care Ibis wi per. 230 ' Aciiviigo. , TOR BENT Three furnished rooms for, two people. Inquire Oakdah Cash Grocery. 23J) (FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. 203 Oleson st. Phono Mnin 4474. Hoard ami Jtooiu. BOARD with room, $(i par week meals served family style, home cooking. 440 S. Evergreen st., cor. 12th, on Southern Pacific track.234 PRIVATE BOARD AND ROOM at 402 S. Central ave. Mrs. C. II Hart. FOR RENT Nicely fumWied room. than 2 miles from """lir" ma 10"1 " M1 Houses. City; priCe tp55,UUU. .FOR RENT Croom furnished buti DnPTfP PTVT?" T AWTl PH ! Kiilow, $30 or month. 8J0 Ben- -- -vt nnwrnn it k-vrn ' 7,. , V. . . -- - - v uu ni uu- nuice ami lei mo eje- 11 .N- bilifklKAi AVvb.. Kdmeades Bros.' hot btorc. tf , ,,), j!l0 vrofcet ln etnil or write FOR SALE Los Molinos irrigated lauds, Tehama county, California; we have the five absolutely neces sary elements of California fann ing, Viz.: Deep, rich soil, abundant water supply, growing climate cheap -transportation and c'stnb lished ensh markets; the tuonev mnkiiig capacity of the laud is ex traordinary; tho intelligent handl ing of it brings immense crops,; it is ln'iossiblo to find a region 'hcrc the returns aro more generous; al falfa cut six times por year and yields 10 to 12 tons wr ncro; ev ery kind of fruit' you can mention, citrus as well as decidimus, and two crops ht most all kinds of gar- k den truck and bnrrios euu bo grown hero; these lauds Hill, with deeded i:netuul water right included, for $150 to $200 per acre, one-fifth c,k1i, balance in four equal annual payments. Tiie Company guaran tees nil their statements mid will willingly refund all expenses if any misrepresentation has been made. Call at the office and let mo ex HOME FOB 8ALir-In Talent', Jack son county, Oregon, a newly incor porated town, a fine homo of 18 acres; kvo;l fertile alfalfa and fruit liftid, irrigated; one block from posloflico, on tho main oad and extends (o Bear creek; has two acres bearing NcwtoWns, 11 years old; 12 acres Bin (lot I and D'Aujou pears; 2 ncrcs alfalfa; all is fine garden land; a h'-ronm house; cli iiiato very mild; pure water from the mnuutnins'.'licnllhy; churches, schools and literary societies; no saloons or drunkenness it is a dry town; it is midway between the thriving cities of Medford and Ash laud ;price $10,000; $4500 dowr, tho remainder on tiinu at (i per cent. Come to Talent and lel mc take you over Iho place, or wrjic, enclosing stumps. L. N. Juihl, Tal ent. Or.. Dec. 8.JD10. 210 FOB SALE $250, $250, $250 cn's'i, balance like rent, buys this new nearly completed 4-noui house, close in, ono block from paved street, corner lot 50x200; if in the market for n bargain look this up; price $1250. V. II. Dawson, 133 W. Main, l'hono (il)31 23(1 FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Limited number pule bred Poland China boars. 3, and t 'months old. -eligible tb'go'in tho best herds nnd ' cheap though for any farmer to buy. Berkeley Or chards, iQeo. C. Osgood, ingr. Phono' Farmers 70,1x3. tf WANTED. Help Wanted- Fcmnlej BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorney, 1 . WANTED Good girl for general housework. Apply lit 83p E. Mnin. Phone 3901. FOR. SALE-tr-Placer clnim, 00 aores, ditch, reservoirs, smnil hope, goo I land; Jacksonville 8 mi'es; price right. Address V. A Springford, Jacksonville, Or. 243 FOR SALE A $400 pnir of brown horses and harness, weight 2400 lbs.;' very fine ranch tenm; will trade for lot. Inquire 4 S. Oianqe st. 220 FOR SALE Phono your order for Christmas trees or impure J. . Carroll, 329 N. Riverside or phone Main 32. ' 22!) WANTED Schoolgirl to work for board and room. Phone 1021. 230 (situations Wanted. ORDERS solicited Mrs, A. M. Link, representing Direct Cloth Co. St. Louis, Mo., wishes to announce to Indias of Medford she Will take ntiloM for nuidctomonuro gar ments nnd jjoods by tho ynnl at 23(1 N. Central,, during fall and winter season; prices low, satis faction guaranteed. 235 FOR SALE Singec sewing miichiuo. good as new, $10, for quick snle. Address Box 12, citio Mail Tribune office. FOR SALE Exceptional bargain; 1910 Chalmers Detroit "30." See Ira J. Dodge, Fruitgrowers' Bank bldg. tf FOR SALE Driving team, buggy and harness, -Jiuntiro J. S. Orili. Medford National bank. 231 FOR SALE-Tcnm mules, itnediiutt size. Jolui Norris, Midvnli raiich, 2 miles west Medford. ' 231 FOB SALE- Good cow. Inquire of August I). Singlcr. Phono Fanner 7203. ' 228 FOR SALE First-class piano, new. 334 S. Orange st. Phono ,1371. 221) FOR SALE Buggy, good as new, cheap. 230 North Ivy st. 300 FOR ALE Braud-uew pinno, $250. Call (515 S. Oakdalo avc.220 WANTED. Kent Ivstate. VANTED Listings of city propeity , from those who earnestly desire to sell. We are equipped with a good Belling force and aro in touch with several buyers. If your property bus any merit to it, let us have it. Cornitius-Gnnier Co., 133 W. Main. Phono 0031. 227 HUlKCft. WANTHDf Small furnished house or good housekeeping rooms, B. A., caj-u Mail Tribune .office ,228 WANTED Furnished homo lo care for till spring or longer, during owner's absence, by young marneil couple, no children; only good homo acceptable-; best euro asstirtd: Al references. Address H. L. A., cii'fl Mail Tribuno. 230 MUrcUuneoHB.1 WANTED Ouo or two dozen Rhode Island red pullets or your eld hens, thoroughbreds. P. O. Box 88, Med ford. Tel. 3902. 322. WANTED Two experienced men want positions as foremen. ou or chard. Address J. C. Slenr, b. o", S. ranch. Brownsboro. 230 -i WANTED-Nursing by Mrs. K. Md Reynolds. Call at 329 N. Rivorside nvo , or nliono Mhin 32. WANTED -Dressmaking. Address Mrs. Fielder, W. Walnut Park. 231 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Nursery Products THE OREGON NURSERY prodituts arc all ono-year bud on 3-year roots; representative office now in Medfonl; can supply apple, pear nnd, walnut trees on short notice; all guaranteed in every respect; ranch ors, write us of your needs; will be "glad to quote you prices. Notice. NOTICE After Novembor 1st my olljcie v bo in rooms 211 nnd 212 arnctt Coroy bldg., phpno 2971; rcsulouco 113 Laurel st., phone 2092. B. W. Stearns, M. P. if AccoitutautH,' D. R, WOOD -General ncconiilnut Your books audited and kci.t for .i reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office Phijips bldg. room 209. Phono 3122. Assayer, ASSAYER Earl V. Ingols, B. S. Bofit coquippod assay offioo in Ore gon. Established fivo years. Ac curate rcaults guaranteed. Grants Pass. Ore. 205 Collections ACCOUNTS collectod in any purt of tho world. No chnrge if not col looted. Paciflo Collecting Co., 33 .incKsou t;o. mnin i.iiig. I'ldellty and Suiety lH.nds. L. L. SMALL, bonds of all kinds in the best companies. 33 Jackbon Co. Bank bfdir. " i i i ' " ' r- '- i i.i I. , Htviiogmpheru. ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm Blook Stenographic work done qalokh nnd well. WANTED-Four mules; must be Eoiind and used to working ou an orchard. Address "Mules,"- caio Mail Tribune. " 235 WANTED - Two or three unfurn ished rooms for housekeeping pur poses. Inquire of C. L. Gant, Mail Tribune office. If FOR SALE Nothing down, $20 monthly buys $925 oottage. B. 1 Boiim.ii, Hotel Moiire, 230 Mlht-cllaiicoiis. FOR SALE-A 12xl5-foot tent, complete with fly, good Jloor, lum ber side, painted and lined with building paper, door, screen, screened window and furniture for housekeeping; er.v c,oniforlnblo the jear round; will sacrifice for quick sale. Call or addrew 015 W. 11 lit st. Phono Main (113. 228 WANTED Will pay 10 iku ul in terest, best security. E, J., Mail Tribune. 230 WANTED Clean eollou rags al Mail Tribune office. HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Malo. WANTED Men lo clear about fivo acres of linixli laud a mile west of Phoenix; ul experienced orchard men to set 30 acres to trees. In quire of F. ,1. Ncwinuu, rooms (! 22, Jackson Co. Bank bldg. If ,W ANTED Salesmen in overy local ity of the northwest; monoy ad vanced weekly; many make over $1000 mouth; choico of territory. Vnkima Valley Nursery Co., Top PoimhIi, Wash. FOR SALE Planer, fine heavy 10 2(!-iuch single planer, shafts, bell, pulleys and knnes nil eoinplcl, iiiohI now, cool -rlol); will mi lor $125; it's a snap. Additmf J. P. Winf.JVoodvillo. Or. 229 FOR SALE Team and harnow, very dhonp, or will tnidij for ollfor proji erty; no bellur driver in vnlluv. Rooms 20-22, Jackson Co. Ru..k bldg. . tf FOR SALE-r-Driving horac, or will trado for milch cow. See T. W. Daily. Jnokton (' Bank bldg. 220 'LEDFOKD,OR. L3ST. LOST OR STOLEN-A dog. Iri-.li setter; reward for infonnation ot liU wliereabouts; leave vord at Olmstead tfc store, w FOR RENT Six-room cottage. Ad drgss 521 W. Hamilton St. Phrmo 2455, llOllkCS. for free booklet. Frank G. An drews, (J South Fir st., Medford. Or. 230 FOR SALE 5, 10 and 20-aore , trauts -wjth perpetuul water -ighl FOR irNN'T 5-rooin house, for for -Rale on eusv pnyment plan Hibbnrd's gn.eeryj 42.50 er mouth. Call at 220 S. Rt.guelands Im-oriwruted, Fred N" " ' 230 J Grape fct. 230 CuuimiilgH, uiuunger. If , FOR SALE -Potatoes. Al much io tatoos, 1 cent a pound while thoy liibt. 707 W. Main. FOR HALE One span work horivs, weight $1250, with wagon iind hatpess. Six-rodiu house, east front, one half block from paviilg; $800 will handle Bent vacant lot on West 10th a bargain Inquire W 11th aj. Grocery WANTED A first-cJuss Jnpnneso boy for hotiwework, 2 In family and good wages. Apply mornings 219 N. Oukdalo. tf PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER -102 Garnett, Corey building, West Jijdij. , 245 Ililllanl Parlors. 3. T. BROWN fi CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up atairs, Young Hnll building. A uieo, cool place to spend tho not uftov- IIOOI1S. Niirserlci. QUAKER NURSERIES-Our trooa are budded, not grafted, Our sloek is not irrigated. We gunrauteo ev erything put out. Wo aro not in the trust. II. B. Patterson, office removed to 110 !'. Main st. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., Inc-Orowers of high grade nursery stock. Office 25 W. Main. Tel. 120L Tin Niton. J. A. Smith Tin shop. Tin and sheet iron waro ou hand and made to ordor. 128 North G st. Road , ' 'Cigars anil 'Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE, SmokoliouBo Dealers in tobacco, cigars and (Uiioroks'- supplies, Exclusive ngonts of Lowis Hinglo Binder. El Meritt and El Paleneia. 212 West Mam stroot. Union. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers, Halm building. I ' ' lit '. I . M .! I! .1. A.' E. REAMES Lawyer, Gsrnett Corey bldg. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. Pi MEA LEY Attomeys-at-law. No. 0 D etrcet, ground flobr. ' COLV1Q & REAMES W, M. Col vig, C. fj. Roames. Lawyers. Of f ico Mcdford National Bank build- ing, socund floor. Notary Public. NOTARY PUBLIC Room 2d7 Phipps bldg. NOTARY PUBLIC Mail Tribuni office. 1,1 T ' ' ( ' "! ' " .ml ,, 11 ., . Painters and Papcrluiugera. II. G. DEAN, O. T M'AIULLEN -Phpno 3732. Dean & MoMullen, contracting pointers, painting, pa per Imaging und tinting. Ksliinufea on all kinds of painting woric Mcdford, Om. DECORATE your tinted walls with stencil bordojs by A. Risdou, paint er, decorate aVid paporhangor, No. 5 E. 3d St., Mcdford. Photographers. HAVE your Xmas pholoa mndu tiy Mackey if you want something le please. , '. Hill Pouter. VERNE T. CANON Bill poster nud Distributor. Alt orders promptly filled. Room 29, Jack&on County Bnulc building. Medford. Or. Ari-llltuvla. JOHNS & TURNER. Architects nnd Bnildors. Officii 7-8, 325 Main. Phono Main 3171. Residence phono 744. Printers ami Publishers: MEDFORD PRINTING CO; hns tho host equipped jpb office in South ern Oregon; Portland prices. 37 South Central nvoiiuo. PliyflicTaiiH aad HHrgeoHS. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician nnd Surgeon. Offioo 210 E. Main st., over Ha.,. - ' kins' drug store. " ' ' '' Phono Main 1001. DRS. CONROY'ft CLANCY-Phv Hicians and surgeons, Taylor nu' Phipps bldg., nmins 210-211-212. Offioo phone 501', residence phono 012. Office hour 9 a. 1.1. to 8 p. 111. DR. F. G, CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, Moved to Rooms 410 and 4 J 7, GariiolUCoroy bldg. Phone Main (1351. DR. E. H. PORT.ER Discuses of women a specialty. Rooms b, 0, f 8. -St. Mnrk'n bldg., Modford, Or Phonos; Office 4901, residencu 4951. DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS-Prnu-, lice limitpd to discuses of tho eye, ear, uo'su and throat. Offico 21(1 E. Main st., over Modford Hard ware Co. DR. ARTEMAS W. HEANE -Offico . in Rialto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas ' lidmiuistcrcd for extraction of k-uth. Telcphouo Main 081. Night phono 4432. t , DR. W. W. WICK-Homoopnthio phyhiciau; rciidence 203 Olson St., phono Main 4474; office, rooun 3 and 'I St. Murk's blook, phone Main 1871. DR. STEARNS-Physioitui and sur geon. Offico Garnott-Corey bldg, rooms 211-212, pho;iu 1092. Rci donoo 113. Laurel al., phone 2092. W. A. LOVELACE-Contraetor and practical builder; estimates free; patronage appreciated. 125 South Almond nt. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD -Practice limited to dlsoitseH of wo men. Office Hufikina bldg. Phone Main 1001. WANTED-Mnn to take Ihe agency for Iho Grand Union Tea Co, In quire of J. E. drier, 110 Tripp st., ally. 230 Help Wanted I'Vmnlo. WANTED Lady for gonoral iiffic work, 0110 that has hud some expo riouco in billing preferred; give present place of employment and refereucoH; only thotn dnwiriui' steady employment need annwor. Address I. C. Mv A., Medford .Mail Tribune offico. If Help Wanted FemMfl. WANTED.-A good reliable woman lo do cooking and general house work. Aihlrimx Mrs. Wilbur Jones, Jutiksoiiville, or i-nll Phone 173 or 101. tf WANTED- Oil I tor Koneral botmo work, Yitiv fl por day. Call at SIC W Main st, t( CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1840 Meets at Smith's hall, 128 Noith Grape strcot, overy Thurs day evening promptly at 8 o'clock. All jounioymoti carpenters, as well UK local momlicrH, urged to be pres ent. Business of vital interest to all enrponters transuctod nt those meetings. J. J. Seal, bupiiiess agt. (Jrunlto Work., GOLD RAY GRANITE CO..210 W. Main St., manufacturers aud'Monl efs in gmonumeiilal and buildiu granite, erushod granito common brick and pressed brick, coarse mid fine wishcd river sand. PAUL & WOLFF soil sand and fouu dntiou gruvel; all orders promptly delivered. Phono 4721 and 1213 Main, MEDFORD BRICK OC).Geo. W. Priddy, O. D. Nnglo, Oco. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of bri'k; deuleru 'n pres-ed brick and lime. Office in (larnett Corey block room 401 4lh floor, Phouo No. 3181. DR. STI-JPJIKNSON fits glasses to correct any defect of tho eye. Of fice over Allen & Reagan's. Phono Main 1851. Dr. W. M. Vun Scoyon. Dr. (i O. Van Scoyoo. Dentists. Fruilgrowers Bank bldg., Medford, Or. . l'hono 3072. ' 1 " ' m Furniture. II. F. WILSON. & CO,, dealers tn now and si'ond-hnuc furniture, nnd hardware. Agents for Housif hold Klovos niul ranges. 1(1 South M r street- Phono Main 3101. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly uf recta, Mod ford. Mistiiou furniture made lo ordor. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial ordor solicited. MORDOFF & WOJI-'F- Cookstovcs and ranged. Now and neronri-liiim! furniluro. I!ads' olil stand. 18 W. V St.. South Phono 01. Modford L'niiortnkers, " MEDFORD FCRNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Dny phone 351. Night phones- C W Conklin 3001 5 J, R, Butler 3571 , John A, Pari 4U1. -". -A Yt'l X , 7" m m