il h 1 i,Tejej J '.'.!. ;i!if " "i ' I M SH '- '!l W' 1 1 , r ) r 4 t) lafi m if tf mispkokd man, TftmuNE, .MranroRp. oinxiox, Tiirivsiuy, December is," mo. Central Point Items r " ' ' " ' i MANY PEOPLE COMING FROM EAST Mrs. WIiilorH, with !iit von ami illffcnttil si ores. utinimoiiH volilclAri dntiKlKcr, left fpr I'ortluml Tuusdny tiro In town and nil seems mirth nnd . evening nftoi n few dnys visit with ko1 choor toward ovcryono. lior dniiKhtor, Mrs. Cornollus. Tho old soldiers or the Ifnrrlsoil. or the oldest nnd best Miss Tnylor nnd her Post here wont to Medford TmwdHjr. tfovoloM niirlcaliiiral counties lu brother. Kdwln Unci., woru vlaltlnir, ""end tho runcrnl nnd burial of rlltt.,,VB """ 1W:" ,Hgi"L '" frlonda hero nnd uttendlng to bus iness. Purry Cnrtor, tho cortodnlst, vlsllt ml tho oelinol horo on Tuosdny lift ornooii nnd untortnlned tho impllw do IlKlitfully with his Iniinonnis sketches! nnd caricature. The building fnlrlyj rnng with IniiRhtor. i Mi. Cnrtor wns norutniinntctl to' Ceutinl Point hy Mrs. Cnrtor. Comrndo Cook, "10 ,HSl lon 3pnrs nno me isaic Nov. Uazolton wont to Grants Pa,of ,6w'R has ,OTt 70S3 P00!'1 f rom . Wednesday morning. ' imo f the oldost eonntles In the Mrs. J. W. Myers was n Modfcml '8,nt5- ' visitor on Wednesday. ! ' Tho otl n Nebraska showing Mr. nnd Mrs Oweils. who llnvo!"10' lo8 h '" tho Missouri been visiting Mr and Mrs. Niwli,r,vor about OiiihIib. and Lin- Smith hero, left on the motor Wod.!clo w,IOh, '" ottti from $inn niMdnv mornliiK for Wonitvlllo. to ?13" l'"r nro- Thprf'e who have i 3lr. MennnniiBh or Tdlo wns tMnift-llcft these farms nre tho mon who J. K. KNTART. JOHN S. QKT1I. Cashier J A. PERRY, Vivn-rrarideni. W. H, JACKSON. A.s'l Cpshier. THE MEUFORD NATIONAL BANK Capital, $100,000,00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKIN6 3USIXE33 TRANSACTED WE SOLICIT YOUR. PATRONAGE. t 1 CITY NOTICES. OIIM.VANCK'KO. 8fK Ordinance declaring thq cost of. CITY NOTICES. soutli 10 feet of lot 9, block 1 4. ord inal townslte of tfio City of Mcdfprd. netliiK ImisIikhm In Central Point on ! Vo' made a mic.-eetf of farming and Mrs. 1. C. Uoblnott, Mrs. J. W. WcAinesdny. 'Are dure ef 8iiaceM wherever thoy go Morrltt nnd Mrs. Tom Pnnkoy were at Work Is progressing up at the ' as I hoy take wfoilth with them. Medford Tuesday afternoon. Snowy Hutte orchard. ,l woilt that the mn nuU women Central Point hn now commoncod Thoy luivo connnoncud pruning nd 'ho nre sottllng the new stales dl- to imrtnke of tho holiday spirit. Many will continue until tho work Is fln-;""' west f Nebraska, eastern Xe- people nre to he seen shopping nt the lshed weather permitting. ' braska and western Iowa nre fur- . . . I ulihlng a good number of them. It 10.000 Nebrnsknns have come on out Eagle Point Eaglets . Ilr A. C. Woulctt. I ; further west during the last 10 jears. ' It is lire tlmtn more can be inter jested In this country. The stato of Oregon and numcr- Mr. Sntnuel KlmgleofLnke frees! eonstuiitlx coming in imiiilriiii: nboiit , ous un,erlrl8lng land and develop- tnv ,"u,,, o""iunics' unvo srmngea an nonesi nnti romprononsivc exniuit or the products of this state which will be shown at the Western Land Pro- hlnn sitiiiiK. t. !.. thin uili .1-!,,,c8 Mhlblt to be held In Omaha.! MJiite ii riivh ,uie in the irii. ,Ja-y IS to SS. Tills Is ono of, Kl Wnlkur. uho IAi Widivo uf llie,lho rim,,y b,p ",,uul i8"' . be I Hirer iiileronU in tTte Unite Fttu ""'" '" l,,v VH,lou alL's n"u wl" ttuilillry. enme out Mopdnv lhlj(Bl monand omon ot Mlwourl ail-j brouclit out 4. K. Moore :iu Vnmny. ' ""'Pn' r,wr J8"" a,I"osl ils Botli Thoy thik the train for MWfonl and:an ,dea of th,s 8,nto as a v,a,t ,0! Kil mtiinmil limn., dm , .. . i our rnrnis and orchards. tjotiu. ' Those who pre making; these ex- .MrV. Murv Albert of Unite VH n hlb,t8 toV lhU 8,ate nro urRlnS 0VW-, enme mil Mon.lnv ,, the m nml ono Uv,np ,loro aud hav,nP fr,olul8 ,B went on to Metlfcnl the eve tho wist or - wos io wre i,iHo ' j thoso people and call attention to the Mrs.. Wrislu nml her Ihree eliilJoxl,,l,u of owr 8t,c ,n 'aha. A Iron raiuo out fmni Uiitn. PIU Xhm. "1'iuber or waatarii states will be ns tlioitsli they would keen on Iiaiil-i.Inv wfrii Mr fnw.lai. Si.. i t-Llrwe""!"!- Write a number or let- nit? nil winter. iillh..uSIi the rwntN fnun here lo Cwitrnl Ifint. whbri'tors twUy raUlnR "Wtlon to tho nre in n terrible eondition. Lh0 will kikiihI ii few llays wHlh, t)r0K" hbllt yur friends tr There wn quite u erow.l enme In I friend-., anil ihon will . .. si I....U ' oinoat come oat aad'sco us. noi i- i 1 i . H. B. PATTERSON 1 I The QUAKER NURSERYMAN Ii m "w enme out the lart of hist week, weifi (lie count rv, ellniute,:ute., hut ... l.ll- I 1 : I ....i t..... I .. i . . I ... ii) .ui-muni nun ri-iiiiiiiieii mini nun-1 ninih nun eoiiuiry ttuueniuy ih mi; ''' eve. (wet that thev cmi do hut 'little m(.ie. If.... I..i. ... Ii.. I...i..t.... .i.:.. i.i.,.. :....... . ... .. . . 1.-1. vuiiv-, tnv i ivsiivii-iiiui mm- mini iiKiiure. oiii ine general itupiv.- iUT or liutle Mill, enme out Krlilnj nfter u loiul of hit household good-, lit, uitli olhers, hit've ilepoudel un li milioiul to get tlieir good- up tliOtx hit. full. 'but the enriy rniiir- limy iciulored (he miuiul .-o oft that the nillnuul eoiiipnny ennnot iihc the Iniek. mi the koiM people if thnt town have lo Mill u&e wngnnw nml lenniH to get their frciulit up fioui our UKt. Tonight, iih J am writing; lluuv ere three twiuib, .Mr. Mathews' with two nml Mr. Coudeii with ono four-hoio team, nil lumlcil with gootln for llttttc Khllb, nml ihev talk) HAS EVERYTHING IN THE NURSERY LINE PEARS, APPLES, CHERRIES; PEACHES, AP RICOTS. PRUNES;" ALL KINDS OF NUT TREES ANO A FULL LINE OF FLOWERING SHRUBS, R03ES, ETC. A FINE LINE OF SHCDE TREES. COMEIN AND GET PRICES, I Office 116 Main Street Office Phone 238! Res. Phone 2493 II... I..ii.rnvmniit of Vr.rlh liMr i.lrint I Ori'ICOn. tTOtllSlgO (I ICOl Oil tilt1 I from West Main to West Sixth I wnts side of North I- Ir street, and de al re-t and assessing the property i scribed In Vol. S3, pago 20, county Ibcnoflted thereby, nnd declaring such recorder's records of Jackson county, assessment, and directing the entry (Oregon; 40 feet; rate per foot 4.77; itliereor In the docket ot city Hens, amount $190.80. . mi., .i... n.ifn..i rtntv. n.iini,. na Asuftmunnt No. 8. I orlOT .1. Follows- iNeff. North 15 rcet or lot 7, all ot Section 1. That no protests bar-pot 8, and south 10 feet of lot 0, IVg been filed against the Injirovo-, block 44. original tornsto nf tho ment ot North Fir street froni West j City of Medford, Oregon, l-rontnge Main ttOVest Sixth street due notice! 40 feet on the west side of North Mr r tho Intention ot tho caunrll to street, and described in Vol. 83, pago cause said Improvement to bo made, 29. county lccordors records of having been Iven. and said Improve-' JnekBon county, Oregon; 40 root; ment bavlnr been ordered made, the rate por foot JI.C amount jJMV council has considered the mattor Assessment No. 5. Porter J. Norr. and herewith nscertalns tholmill- Lot 10. block 4 4. original townslle WW I aDIc cost of making such Improve- of tho City or Mouinni, wreRon. r- mni to oo me sum or '" - ' " ,r , r eu saiu uouncn runner nnus inni """ " o"'-; " ; , the special and peculiar benefit ae- Vol 82, page 460. county recorder crulng upon each lot or part thereof of Jackson county. Oregon; - toot; adjacent to said Improvement and In rate per foot ?4.i ; amount 5llJ.-r. ust proportion to benefits, to be tbo Assessment No. 10. Porter .1. respective amounts hereinafter set Neff. tot 11, block 4 4. original oposlto tho number or description , townsltc of the City of Mcdfonl, Or or each lot or pari, thoreof, and such egon. Frontage 25 feet on tho west amounts respectively are horeby dc-slde ff North hlf strcot, and de clared to be the proportionate share scrlbei' In Vol. S2, pago 450, county of each lot or part thereor, of the recorder's records of Jackson county, cost of such Improvement, and Is Oregon; 2. i feet; rate per root J I.i i; horeby declared to bo assessed .amount $119. 2. ntrnlnef cnl.l Int nr nnrrnlc rnonor. Assessment NO. 1 1. i-POTtCr J. Itlvply, the name appearing abovelNerr. Lot 12, block 4 4, original each description, being tho name of townslte of the City of Medford, Orc- ttie owner or such lot or parcel. gon. j-romagu - iwi on wiu.wi.oi. ASSESSMENT FOR THE PAVING side or North Fir street, and do- QF NORTH FIR STREET FROM scribed In Vol. 82, pago 400, county MAIN STREET TO SIXTH recorder's records of Jackson coun- STREET. ''. Oregon; 25 feet; rato per foot Assessment No. 1. C. W. Palm. 14.77; amount $110.25. East 7& feet of lot 1. block 44, Orig-I Assesi-mont No, 12or Oregon & Inal Townslte or the City or Med- California Land Co. That portion ot ford, Oregon. Frontago 25 rect on i the right ot waj or the Southern tho west side ot North Fir street. I Paciric It. R. l;'lng between West and Vol. records Pt- rain npr fnnt S4.77.- North Mr Street. - --.V .... BWW Y"""Il- . amount $110.25 Vol. , page , county recorders Assessment No. 2 C. W. Palm. I records or Jackson county. Oregon: East 75 reot of lot 2. block 44, orlg-, 300 feet; rate per foot $4.77; amount Inal townslte of tho City of Medford, $1431.00. Oronon. Froniaen 25 fopt on thi I Section 2. The recorder of the west side of North Fir street and de-j City ot Medford is hereby directed scribed In Vol. 2R, pago 2.12; Vol. 28, to enter a statement of the asscss pago 30. county recorder's records ments hereby made In the docket of of Jackson county, Oregon; 25 feet; city liens, and to glvo notice by pub rate per foot $4.77: amount 5113.23. Mention as req.lred by tho charter Assessment No. 3. C. W. Palm, and ordinance No. 250 of said city. East 75 feet of lot 3. block 44. orls-iln tho Dally Mall Tribune, a r.cws- ' iim! tnnnclin ni.iini en- nr i,i-twiner niilil Is'ioil and ot zecnral cir- ..., w....u.w . w, w.v ..fcJ W. ,nv- "'". .. -.- -; - -- described n Vol. 2C. nage 232;iaiain streoi ana wcsi aixm sircci. 28, pace 30, county recorder's on the cast side of North vir street. i of Jackson conntv, Orecon; i-rontage 300 rcet on tnc east siuo or r. fPPt- ram npr fnnt S4.77.- North Fir street, and ccccrioed in hiiiuliiy mini JaeHMuivillc on the wn to June hill-, who hud been before the grand jury a witiiioi, Vie. Miniw to iiKeeiite h1 Mime to Iry to tuj iiiu-Miitiou. but we juilsw Mo. ! to fall to go to Omaha and see our The rnilnmd couumav is dome Inroduct. The AVwtorn Land Pn grotudontof wrki)HMilnnmnltie',,ucls oxMm la B,nP ,0 bo a b,K now Ieimf. Thov are Imuli, -mvW th,nB for u" as U ,8 BO,n? to show from off the ilMrt filli.,- ;.. .... r P'txtuets to thousands of people tV the retort or IhHt Iwilj' tlmt theivj the end where the paH..npirs j HR" in me neari ot tne country will Itkuly bo Mime of them gB to.' get off and on the car-; are digsu:- tvhcre Qu' ue,x ff,t,,r art coming JockMUivillc as w1tuoi.M)K ucnin. great hole to put up Jhe wator Um' (leorge Wom ,! Mr. Wntria maw tank. They arc Inn-ins ehiiMilcn:i- rrr ohi irom the roroter-. onnip lust trouble in disiving for the foundntiou. Fiiifev. Mr. Wot ha- hud elmrge of Us tho first man wlm hid ehurae .i a ttWin: of mutt working on the Cm-the work mmle a mi-uk and trie! tur lko rami sn.i .Mr. WnrriH liHfefto'dfcr 1wh the hls without rpi hl vknnt of the eutiiwry dewii-iMH. aad when the ram tl mL I1 thin enved in. and n tk i rrafHMr WiImiu, h iuu ti-Ven have a)mn 20 man wurkiov tkii a hoWlw.t,l nr fnwrwn Suibn. mt the Mint ami eriUbku: hi th. dh Ihimi in Medfuitl for Mn-iwuhV. Im thov are gttinC iImt,- ..I. enil iU. ihiu. out lt FrMlj'lUc hmwc. nnd in lap ronr-M- ..f i tcimi with m M i.r MnOit- vh,,rt tintv I nil Hh- hIhV to rrjMrt llu i. .l ii i-uiit t( tbonii);lilntl birki-i. i.rk .-oiileltl Tkr nrv mImi di lc priH-urwd i imiu lnre uihI mi tnltuti:ic the in- I.. U mtolhrr irai k m li..inr iurU. ul..iit mxIcvii huuUml feat lout; lor AnHMtc the rlliv SnnUy wvr'aiHiur trk. Wirbnr AiJiimk. mid r. Trver of Mr. Pain, now of Hertford. Mho Mdf..rd Mr Ncthcriund of llmtc bowvat t Alfml Honlon plc. .m talU. I'li.ulr, rUlnKiuilMin of 1 ferity, ltmrn mr. Kof Klk rmk, j. 1hn.iJp ., i. (inliitr ..r Mri.vt vihoc a cw m ih Snunid hotel Sm-tuum-o tim , i i, nn lV-tfe nr-dv nicht. ,-, 1 JttaMrii Che finest Sample Rooms in the city. Hotel Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath Moore Telcphono In livery Room RATJ-MOHR COMPACTS' Proprietors. EUROPEAN PLAN ford. Oregon. Frontage 25 feet on the west side of North Fir street and described In Vol. 26, pago 232; Vol. 2S. page 30, county recorder's rec- orus oi JucKMJii county, uregon: -it loot; rate por foot $4.; amount $119.25. Assessment No. I C. W. Palm. East 75 feet or lot 4. block 44, orig inal townslte q," the City or Medtord. Oregon. Frontago 25 roet on the west sjde of North Fir street and de scribed In Vol. 2C. page 232; Vol. 2i. pago 30, county recorder's rec ords of Jackcon county, Oregon; 25 feet; rate per foot $1.77; amount $119.25. Assessment No. 5 C. W. Palm. ' Bast 90 feet of lot 5. block 44. orlg , inal townslte of the City of Modfonl.: Orogop Frontago 25 feot on tliejMld ordinance as recorded In the dilation In said city. Tho toregolng ordinance was passed by the City Council or the City ot Medford, Oregon, on tho 4th day of October. 1910. by the rol- lowing vote: . Welch aye. Merrick aye, Emcrlck absent, .Wortmr.n aye, Eltcrt aye, and Demraor aye. Approved October 5, 1910. W. II. CANON, Attest: Mayor. ROUT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. NOTICE. To the.ownor, or reputed owner, ot eeph parcel of property described In tho foregoing ordinance, as named therein, nnd In the Hen declared by EMPLOYING PRINTERS , 10 MEET IN PORTLAND! PELAGIC SEALING IS SOON TO BE CHECKED YKTUIUA. It t. 1W. IV An otWr anuoaui'WM roacktd aerv u U froat Ottawa that tto aKmaavt . bHwrm laa4a and Ike I'mmyo SCHOOL CHILDREN Often need Glasses during the formative period o( childhood. Let us prepare the glasses Iqc your children's eyes, and the chances are the slight error will be speedily corrected and vitdin a short time the chil dren's eyes will be restored to normal. DR. STEPHENSON Office Over Allen's Store, Main and C Street. Phone Main 1857. Medford. Or. Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 203 FRUITGROWERS BANK BUILDING. west (tide or North Fir street and de- si-lbed in Vol. rS. pago 354, county recorder's records of Jackson county, OrcKini; 26 feet; rata per foot $1.77; amount $119.25 Assessment No. G - C W. Palm. Lot d, block 44. original townslte 1 f the City of Medford. Oregon. j Frontage 25 leel on the went side of North Fir street, aud described in Vol- 40, page H5, county rocoulor'f I rtirds ot Jackson co'inty, Oreson; ' ;. feet; rate por toot $4 i7 1119 25 Assessment N'o 7 Nor'h : teet or lot Porter J Nerr.I r. all or lot i and' docket or city lions: You are hereby notified that the assessment drclarcl by tho foregoing ordinance has been made and tbo lion therefor entered In tho city lien docket, and that tho t.ame lb duo and yon are hereb required to pay the same to the i-l.y .recorder within 10 dajs from the service of this no tice, which set vice Is made by publi cation or the roresolng ordinance and this notice throe times In the .Mml- amountirord Mall Tribune, pursuant to an oruer or me nt-j Council of said city. RODT W TELFER. Clt- Recorder. POKTLVNU. 111. lw i i,llfiuj , . .. u , Ml for la i-atMw of peij; I oriMMa will ! In? Urrra for mmi. i ... .i HoMac nrlatrr ,.r the Pacific roaat mmi.,. for iku ncreateMi ka ua rbraar IS. S3 n4 II, wheal am nmfer for a laclftc Coaat Co CMcmck. thai4" alt rtil in tke far waat. vtll W bI4 Taew aroiMlaM to a a vary large t Inert cttlas from tae Caaadtaa to taa lk,!ff J aeat. Let Us rrs sat tu ,U iifr ori oi mr liK'l WWnV JMMMali4l V lU llkaklxtt tut AfaTkfir klniA al ilnalJ 1-fTeHed ahrMhy ta fHat JaStcf,. Iht w gwnuM i.. ave nr -aaa w ana Tuaas a a-Har.tWa1 atni pnieet aar rK from ta taUraat m la aaal aer m iWAvrM..i -, . ..,. .... . ....,..,. Uuarni.iet-il ai.! Tnv and I'm kage IVheiy Kcl.aH'e MeengiT. n SiMMiallv. Medford Messenger Service 1 i ii-r N v M.u.i,iiiit"il PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE. All im.ill iirreif. .r ie4pf deliered he block- or tiiiib"'- la ther tne ttck. and under tvn 1 '. (her ten bl.iefca aul undar fu'lcea . , L' (ftftf flfaflll llda FKr3) lLWSCVM. Pn.P 337 South Central Ave.. Teiepbone Main 1HJ. ile.lf..i. Oi,j.i Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Maxkaa Har imU tram DaU Laliai.N1,i,t,ri ' flty la 'ie roaat lavitattoas to.:"1' a not euaMiMetl vtiatHMuk to mMaar of tae craft all titer the watt lll he h ml la a few '- aad It le 0Aetet to have aet hMi thau ;i itaiaaatea la altaa4 aaea. The roaveatSta mnwIom wtU ha helti la i he aeaamhly hall t the Portland (Vmnerrtal rlah aa4 oa the Ktsih of Kehruarr is. the tar- aa4 4 u( lite mmmmi. a 41 attar ttii he ft.u the itertare nt the fiaiawr. ciaJ rlut hy Portlaa4 rlniera. Otaar aatrutaaMtat vkllt he outttaail al a later ante. C A " " - --.- "-- mmiut aVpMiwa aaa roaMa ha heea theaea praa-' " Met a of the luetiaiUar; ertaaUathia IS GREAT GRANDPA AwJ lW... VI .11 ... .... I ""urn mt'iTVii n imjg JUaHHa)! Statktaeo Prtatlaic laajataj ta Mtcraiary HttlUei tattla. afaaWiai -M... f the Howe-Dn,. eaata te 'HaUtiaNa XU . Iv, trMPAr. Jaaal laaaaac of Atltou. (nirre-: The hllotni! ixitmHiiiN have '" l. err-.. anuafltaihar at a sanrt, mh he i,k. HMt rWhto aaa. howevar. and thru. foilawtMfe 1'ie cWee at tlw Wr arith Uttawia. a laiye fhe i JaiNUMN awMur tartiJ )eart aeraw. the larfie ami a nem itn4tfeu we hrxHichl aboui. A.i UlUana iitatea a: "A aa HMJttreaaaat l a rriaMiai-h ielaxir eatux. m -aeaVreicKxi the I ailed Stnie k.. rruawat via laangnjaj a tsuit in tto aai herd of thr Pith. eff ana" Maakc aiU he rerneii ,.u aueVr eoeqaate rUvtir resu . letu. whteh ill uuare the b. a. SAFETY ECONOMY DAMPER CO., 44 MrWk HMe . lN.rlhu.a. JtMiN R W1HEK. M(rretitalite fe Medford 5 Soaia Hartleti Street. Mr. T lr' ItoerdMHt lka-e. - -- - t AT4S; LOOKS YOUNG Eat- Figola Bread ingredients ba aaated: Hiaratttt- a r Heath KuV MarJeJl, Jo eeri4s. C A Yh:t aaV. ltd Jiae Mum annient C, .. Whiieaaaee. V W Raltea, Jaa l)eArMm. K Pm4toaiine. i U Wright aad X K Kera Ktnaace )nie Hall O K Hall I. a&4 Yiitioa Meikt-tkiti I' .t$ia S C Uteth K-.i-.n Ve, .;, and K W ttve. SlaMHUylas aad fcuadardttlas VMkUtlaa a U-.4 ti errile: al b.4 -( lot.tHr " i aulin ivtiiua ne vaa aMMTMH e er .. auU w.i. fattor a4a aoi is IU J awrned when a a oulx l ead her lirvi rhi'd. dnnchtr.. niainrd i me -ou- ur j dad hxr V Colma -"'" tb w. i-r .,.. , , a ie. aaMhcr nj r a t- . aiiemat e the l tie.- QCouUins of Figs. qTHK BKEAD OF MMR1T. QXot in QAiue ouly, but m reality. fl wholottttie, iiMtri- ttoits bread. q A ids di-estion- 0LD ieuivt:i.rBY TODD SCO. MKHFOKD BAKERY'ATKSKK ' V t)l R R(nsT U Iv'K! V HI UP LANDQUIST, JOHNSON 6 LIUUS, INC. Real Estate and Insurance Special Representative for International Real Estate Association, Chicago, 111. ii 'aiMttaaMaaaaaBaM AGENT FOR FRANKLIN FIRE INS. CO. RELIANCE FIRE INS. CO. BARGAINS AND MONEY-MAKERS IN FARMS. ORCH ARDS &. TIMBER LANDS. 201 St. Mark's Btiildin&l PhoneI241 1 TIMBER LANDS WANTED List with us what you have for sale. Timber cruising and estimates furnitshed. HARRIS TIMBER LAND COMP'Y 203 FRUITGROWERS BANK BLD&. MEDFORD, OREGON. mmmmmmmimmmm'mmmm!mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm a PLUMBING STE4M AD HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEEN . PRICE llN'nrthPt5! MtiH.-iil Oro n-n-c S.V Determined to Sell This beautiful COltnlrv :,!- ... . . 5 within a mile of Medford upon VTl 'bei coun rv rS in ; the valley. It is practically all set to tr-L S h i &Jnil J ? J SS. Tl" lMuse l"!!) is txccpllonal- i mmmsiBJi a 4 Huntley-Kremer Co. 2M FRUITGROWERS' iANK BUILOIHG rT1Mtt4 MAIL TRIBUNE WANT ADS BRING RESULTS