1 o B afTCDFORD MATX TRIBUNE, MDFORD. OR KAON. THURSDAY, DKOBMBBR 15, 1010. Personal and Local Don O. EUIb of Dungcnncss, Wash., the man who first mndo Dun goiiness famous by shipping to tooth some Dungenliess crab to Now York, was In tho city Thursday. Mr. Ellis now .lins on his list of customers all tho leading hotels of Now York and Chicago. August Vollncr, well known Alas ka newspaper writer and 'author of tho famous story, "Tho First Marriage at, Keoykuk," was In tho city for a few hours Thursday. Air. Vollncr Is on his way south to spend tho win ter. Every light but electricity give oft smoke 'and smoko contains soot. ' which deposits on your wall paper, curtains, draperies. Electric light glows In an air tight bulb.' tf. II. L. Walker Is hero from Hillings, Mont., on business In connection with Homo mining clnlnts which aro locat ed near Woodvlllo. Mr. Walker stop ped first at (irnnts Pass, but finding tho parties ho desired to see resided In Medford, camo hero on Wednesday night. See Cornltlus-Garnor Hoalty Co., 1 .1.1 West Main street, for rentals. IMiono Main C031. 230 George W. Fritz, an old newspaper man from Dolse, Idaho, spent Thurs day In Medford. Mr. Fritz Is doing ' Oregon In search of a location for a llvo weekly papor, but considers tho field at Medford well filled. Eat a hot biscuit with Garnett Corey Hardwaro company Dccomber 17, In tholr new store. tf William Mclnnls, formerly a mom bor of parliament In British Colum bia now located at Port Angeles, Wash., was at tho Nash Wednesday morning. Mr. Mclnnls Is here on business In connection with orchard lauds In which he is a silent partner. It. P. Thomas, a well known Port land lumberman, was In Medford Wednesday. Mr. Thomas will go to Evans creek on Thursday to look over somo limber claims which aro for sale In thnt locality. Herbert Wavman of Kosobud. Mon.. Is among tho now arrivals In Med ford, Mr. Wnyman wants to enter berry cuylturo and poultry raising and will spend some tlmo looking over tho field before locating. He has old friends near Talent. Ainas photos made by Mac-key wil please. tf Samuol J. Dllworth of Wddcford, Me., arrived hero on Wednesday night. Mr. Wllworth Is connocted with the cloth mills of Dlddoford nnd Is moroly looking up business on tho Pacific coast. Don't fall to nttond tho flno "Vnl." lace salo at Gray & Moo's Frlda morning, December 16; 300 dozen bolts to dispose of special. Foi your cholco each 50c. ! Hon S. Arnold of Chowawa, Okln., Is stopping In tho city for n few dnys Mr. Arnold Is pleased with tho coun try nnd states that ho may mako a change during tho coming year. Thoro Is but ono cost to a good chafing dish, that is- tho first case. Nothing ever offered like tho ones you will see at Garnett-Corey's after December 17. tf Walter MrGrath of near Grants Pass fs nttonding to legal matters Id Medford and will remain hero until Thursday, when ho will go to Jack sonville. Itov. .1. E. Day of Woodvlllo wan transacting business In Medford Wed nesday. 1. P. Nell camo down from Ashland Wcdnosdny to attend to business mat ters. So much of life revolves nrouni (he "eobt of things" that the sto.1. ud have an iiicivahiiii" inlore-t. I. (in MacDonald, who located two weeks ago in Ashland, was horo on business Wednesday. , Jack Little, a well known mining man of Nomo Alaska, was la tho city Wednesday ovonlng. Mr. Little Is on bfs way to California to spend the winter. John W. George camo in from the llluo Ledge inliio Wodnesday evening and will remain In Medford untl Friday, whon ho will go to Eugene to spend Christmas with tho "old folkh at home." John G. Ollvor, a prominent lum ber dealer of Buffalo, Wyo wag transacting business In Medford Wed nesday evening nnd- Thursday. George V. Martin of Tularo, Oil. is In the city for a few days. Mr. Mar tin Is an nttornoy and Is merely trav ollng for pleasure and Information. Have you noticed the new build Inga going up In Oakdnle Park ad ditlon just south of Mr. Root's? tl Will C. Dates of Washington. D. C . Is sojourning In Medford for a short tliNO. Mr. Dates has been employed for a number of years in the patent office and still occupies a position in that branch of the government. Lewis W. McElvaney, who for a number of years has resided in Suinas Wash., and was a "line rider" be tween the United States'and British Columbia, arrived lu Medford Wed nesday night. Will C. Waterhouse, a newspaper man of Cosvllle, Mo., is In the elty Mr. Waterhouse Is merely enjoylnc n outing on the coast. D. C. Moyer of Battlo Creek, Mich., Is In Medford and may locate, as he Is n homescoker In tho west. Fay V. Summers of Columbus, O., arrived from tho south Wednesday night and will remain hero for sev eral days. Dan J. Heffron of San Francisco Is In the city. Mr. Heffron declares that not anothor tty on tho const has a finer amusement resort than tho Nntatorlum In tho city of Med ford., "There aro larger places, but nono mora modern," said Mr. Hef fron. B. T. Van Do Car's Jewelry store will bo open evenings from now until Christinas. Uniis Chrlstonson of Eau Clalro, Wis., has arrived In Medford and will mako this city his home. Mr. Chris tensen Intends later on to purchase a small tract of unimproved lands. Don't fall to attend the flno "Vnl." laco salo at Gray & Moo's Friday morning December 1G; 300 dozen bolts to dispose of special. For your choice, each COc. . Georgo Ames, whoso homo Is at Cojtago Grove, is In Medford on land business.' Mr. Ames is about to close a deal for a farm near Eaglo Point, to which place ho goes to look over tho proposition. If you haven't got a block In Oak lalo Park addition you had bottoi ,'ct ono at onco. See W. II. Evorhnrd, )00 Ninth street. West, for particu lars, tf Henry Helld, gun and silver smith from Logansport, Ind., nddlvcd Wed icsday nlsht nnd will locate horo In that lino of businss if n suitable loca tion can bo found. .Mr. Helld does not mly repair, but makes guns complete John H. Carkln, attorney at law, )or Jackson County bank. Frank Cook, whoso homo Is at Hrookflcld, Mo., reached Medford Wednesday nlghtand will remain for lovernl days. Mr. Cook will locate U somo point In southern Oregon, but is yet has arrived at no decision. Mnor-Kliui Co., joints, Fruitgrow is' Hunk htiildini. E. J. Smith nnd wife, Sundnnco, Vyo arrived on tho 11:20 train last light. Mr. Smith Is n brother of Mrs: V. E. Powell. They will visit hero for a couplo of days and then go to Irlnnd, Cal., to spend Christmas with, Mr. Smith's parents. Stono's candles aro flno, fresh nnd heap. Try them. Opposlto now de mt. ' tf J. W. McDovitt, who has resldod n Hoppnor for several years, is look ng over Medford and tho valley vlth view to purchasing a homo. Ilnvo your Xmas photos mndo In duckoy if you want something ti lease. f Henry G. Moonoy, who has beon n Klnmath county crulBlng timber, eturned Thursday. Mr. Moonoy In ends to locate In Medford, but goes o Washington Frldny on business natters and will return tho first of bo ycar.wlth his fnmlly. A ploco of gonulno cut glnss Is not ho sign of extravagance but donoteF asto and refinement. Walt for Gar-ictt-Corey's new storo Dccomber 17, ponlng dny. tf H. II. Hlgglns of near Meadows was ransactlng business In Medford on Thursday. Flfty-thrco acres special, 10 acre oming Into bearing orchard. Call on . D. Wood, Condor Water & Power o.'h office tf . James Miles, who has been work ing on the Modoc orchard tracts, la In ho city buying supplies. Miss Maude Nichols, bookkeeper or tho Wood Lumber company, It lorlously ill of typhoid fovor. D. W. Gnrvor of Shod, Or., Is In Medford for a couplo of days on busl less. i Chief of Police Shoaror vas called o Jacksonville on Important business riiurbday aftornoou. Wanted hoarders A now board ug house lias opened at 70(1 South akdalo. , Call and seo us for fall reatmont, or address F. 11. Mjire ind. SOS Deputy United States Marshal Thomas E. Hammcrsley was In the It)' Thursday afternoon, coming hero iftor "Doll"' Mooro et al. Just what hnrgo the government has against 'ho men wanted lu not known, but it s believed by those who aro In the 'est position to know, that ho wants ho men In connection with tho recent orost fires, either as accomplices or irluclpaU or witnesses. Mr. Ham iiorsley has nothing to give out. Free reading rooms at Presbyte Ian church, open every evening from 1:30 to 10 except Sunday. J. W. Jacobs city recorder of Con tra! Point, was In tho city Thursday and reports progress in his city. Mr. Jacobs nays tho attention of the city council has been turned entirely to tho most sore need of tho city, thnt of sewerage, and In his bollef Is tho first question to bo settled by tka municipal body. Tho municipal wa toi system is on a solid paying basis with a fairjpromlso of being a money maker for tno city. Mr. Jacobs re ports that A. Wi Cowley Is placing tho fire wall on his new building' nnd thnt Mr. Cowley has purchased tho hardwaro stock of Werner & Son and will move It Into his new buslnoss building on Second street. Is your iousp wlrod? Ono cigar less, a day. wbuld pay for a hundred tor cent Increase In comfort. Start Ivlng tho electric life. tf. A deputy Bhcrlff was hero last night from Grants Pass and took back wit hhlm ono J. O'Dell, who was wanted In Josephlno county for pois oning a horBo orxln some wny nils-" treating ouc of those fnlthful ant mills. Just whnt tho specific charge was Is left for tho public to guess, but at any rate O'Dell was charged with conduct not becoming a mem ber of the hostlers' union, and In consckquonco was taken back to Grants Pass, or nt least to bo mado to apologize to the fnmlly mare, In whoso trough ho Is supposed to have placed tho poisoned lotion. INSPECTOR TO LOOK INTO n WRECKED STEAMER New York Stocks. NEW YOItK, Dec. 15. Fluctua tions In tho usunl leaders were very narrow In today's stock market, al though showing slight gains over yes terday's, closing prices. Cnnndlan Pacific rose 1, Missou ri Pacific 1, General Electric 1V4, and Lehigh Vnlley, New York Ccn trnl, Southern Hallway preferred and Vorfolk ft Western 1. There wnH an Increased demand for bonds. Tho atock market closed strong.. . Bonds were firm. Hnsklns for Health. f MEDFORD TIME TABLE. 4 i if-f -f -f-f4-flf Weeks & HcGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PHONE 2271 Night 'Phones: P. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT , 20, , 24 , .12 16 Northbound' PortlnnuTLocal . . Motor Motor tfa No. No, No. Nn, 14 (Portland Kxprcsa OreKon Express 8:04 a. m 10:35 a. m 4:48 p. in E:i4 p. m 8:33 p. m. j Bonthlionna. 'o istMoior 8:4i!r. m Vo. IfifCnllrornla Express . . . 10:35 a.m Vo. ml.Motor 2:24 p. m N'o. UIHim FrnnclBCo Hxprr.- 1:32 pm No. 19Aslilaiu! Local 11:32 p. m Medford to Jacksonville. Motor car leaves . Train leaves .... Train leaves .... Truln leaves . . . . Motor Car leaves tc.to.i, in 10:4.1 n. m 3:3R p tn 6:00 p. in 3:30 p m Jacksonville to Mtdford. Motor leaves 7:30 a.m. Train leaves 8:45 a. tn Train leaves 2:30 p, in Train leaves ,..,.... i:30p, m Motor Car leaves 7:30 p. tn Pacific & Eastern Hallway. Effective November 28 Vn. 3No l 191U. M.IA. M I 5:00 9::i I.v KukIp I't Ar r:ir 916 Tallin Itock i.22 9:53 AllKiito 5:30 10:00 Davis 5-45 10:10 Prater I.nkii Je. 6.00 10.20 Ar. Medford I.V IN'i). "No. I SEATTLE. Wash.. Dee. 13. The local inspector of hulls mid boilers will ninko a thorough investigation oi the sinking of the utennier Kilsnp by tho steamer IntltaiinM)lis late yes terday afternoon in Seattle harbor. The liutly of Aulnev I'. Vernon. l'J. engineer of tho launch Columbia, which was sunk by the Kitsap jtwl before tho two larger -teamen? crashed in the fog, has not been re covered. His with tin onlv death re sulting from lite accident. The 510 passengers untl eiew of Hie Kitsap were (uintd'crrcd lo the In -diaiiiipolis without mishap. Tho Kitsap was owned bv.llie Kit sup County Trniispoitution coiiipnn. and was valued at $13,000. She vn insured for $17,500. The vessel was built fie years ago at I'm Hand. The launch Columbia was a fit). fool emit valued at $30110. Says "Grinds" Are Impractical. UOSTONVMass., Dee. 15. Advis iuir bis hearers to m into "praelieu polities" nnd branding the college "grind" and the student who shirk? his studios us impractical, Colonel Thcodoro Roosevelt today addressee the class in constitutional law .tl Harvard. itr.soi.i'TioNS oi' roxnoLKNCK. Chnnrc-IIor Commander and Uroth er Knights of Pythias: We, your commlttco appointed at the last regular meeting of Talisman Lodge, No.' 31, K. of 1'. to draft res olutions of condolence, do hereby submit tho ' following: WhorenB, It hath pleased tho Itulor of the Universe lo removo from our midst the beloved wito of our friend and frother, L. L. Damon, bo It here by Hcsolvcd, That tho Btncoro sym pathy of this lodge bo extended to Brother Damon and family In this their dark hour of bereavement. That overy member of this lodgo trtuly fecla tho great loss our brother has sustained and resolve to not only ox tend our sympathies, but stand ready to help by every means nt our "omutnnd to lighten tho burden ho Is called upon to bear. Our admoni tion would bo this: "Do bravo and trust In God, who doeth all things well." Ilespectfully In F. C. & D., your committee, A. C. HUD HARD, 10. J. CLINK, J. P. HUTCIIASON. Bin Increase in Foodstuffs. The girl who oiiya that sho won't pinrry tho beBt man living Is lucky If she doscu"t eventually enpturo the worst. A. M II Ml I 8 46 S:39 8-35 8:18 8:11 ! M 4 15 4:18 1.12' 4 05 3-50, 3:45 SUNNY MONDAY Laundry Soap contains a wonderful. dirt-starter which saves half the rubbing. It will double the life of your clothes. Its real virtues may not be appar ent the first time you use it Yqu have perhaps been washinjj your clothes with a heavily-rosined soap, and it will take some time for Sunny Monday to undo what the rosin soap has done. But after three or four washings you will notice a decided differ ence in the whiteness of your clothes. Sunny Monday will not shrink your flannels. Sunny Monday will not make your woolens harsh and "ncttlcy." Sunny Monday will not fade your colored goods. "Sunny Monday Bubbles Will wash away your troubles." THE N.K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Makers, Chicago WASHINGTON, D. C. Dee. 15.--All iuerensc of nearly 1,000,000.000 bushels of foodstuff over the output of Inst year is shown by the iiinniiill crop report of tho department of I ngrioulttiro issued today. According to tho report, this year's Crops ag gregated :i,l'J3,000,000 btiHheU against 2,772,000,000 in 100!). The total valuation of the coun try's farms hus decreased during (ho same period from $1,()5'J,000,000 to $l,5'Jl.O0O,00O. Winter wheat production gained nearly 120,000,000 busliols over last year. Tho figures given were -KM, 000,000 bushels, against .14(1,000,000 Tho total vidua of wheat farms, the report said, is $41:1,500,000, again.sl $440,000,000 last year, - Hnsklns for Health. PAPER MILLS DEMAND REIATE ON FREIGHT WASHINGTON, Dec. 15. A com plaint was filed today wijb .the In terstate commerce commission byMhti Willnmetto l'ulp & 1'npcr company of Oregon City against the ltnrriutnii and various omitcm railronds allege hi! thnt excessive rates itjo charged on nihbor-covcred, iron, pncr nil rolls shipped from Now Ungland 'to tho company's mill in Oregon. The rate elmrj;ed was .$2.00 per 100 pounds. The toi initial rate to Port land would liuve been $1.50. ltepar atioii t otbe amount of $1.04 is asked. There will bo only 10,000 words in 'he Arizona constitution. This i right. Tho least said, the Soono.it amended. y4r-' 1 JUST OUT Medford Mail Tribune Official Map of Jackson County, Ore.! I. . uompuiMi especially for tho Mull Tribune by tho ;; A ItliHnnn.l ni-l ttt ' iiMrvt( (I OU Wlt' Jackson County Abstract CV. Approved and dally adopted by tho county court, July, 1910. Shown ownership of ench parcel of toyyushlp nnd soctlon linos, county roatlB, forest r Borvcs, railroad grant, city nnd town and all other necessary Information. Tho only convcnloilt, hnndj complete map or Jackson county publlnhod In many years. Slzo 20 by 10 Inches, on heavy mnp papor, tinned at both ends. No homo complete without this map. It sella for $2. TiO, hut will' bo given away free to miliHcrlb era to tho Medford Mall Tribune. HOW TO GET THE MAP FREE SUnSCUIBH TO TUB DAILY MAIL, FOR ONI3 YEAR IN ADVANCE . . T1UI1UN12 95.00 1 1 'i 'i 'i 'i 'i 'i 'i ii 'i i i ; ' . I i : I :: 'i 'i 'i I . i ' i 'i OH VOli T1IW WEKKLY MAIL TIUHUN13 TWO YI3AH8 IN ADVANCE AT $1.50 A YI3AIl.:i.OO AND THE MAP IS YOUK8.' Or get ono now Hiibscrlbor to tho Dally or two nuw tines to tho Weekly, remit mid wo will send tho map. Old subscribers may securo the map by paying up arrears and subscribing In advance. ' Medford Mail Tribune 27 N. Fir Street Medford, Ore. i 4N4t44.444A444Kvr4ss44K4.N' WP1A ttttfr ''t 4 r A FEW Christmas Suggestions SILVERWARE s COM) mi,t rom.s IlltltltV KTOONH ' VHVIV KM vies I'lClvlil'I I'OltlvS IIOCILLIO.V SI'OO.NH (.'HAW LAIILKS ( ItKAM LAIll.IvS DKKSKItT NPOONK OVSTKIl KOItKS COI'KMK SPOONS HCt.Alt SIIKM.S IvMVUS AND I'OIIHH BRASSWARE I. :: '. i: I'AMHill HTICKH I'lv'II.V MSIICS .i.iiimi:iii:s (III Mil TltAVS AMUHONH .ll'AVKL CASIW CAItll CAHI'X c.Mi:Li:ni(As SMOKINC HlflK JOItACCO .IAIIS CMJAIt JAMS INK STANDS OTHER WARES CASS HI (Oh KM hakim; disiiks PKi(-oriATi:iis (IIAKINO DISIIKS IIPTTHU MICIrilKH Cl'TI.HT DISMISS INDIVIDl'AliTKAPOTS INDIVIDI'AL i'Ol'l'T.K POOTS TOASTMIIS KKItN IIISIII-S PIC HIS I IKS JAIIDINIKIIKS Medford Hardware Company Open Every Evening from Now Until Christmas i V