1 I Ft m i ? t t , i a I ' I Mi f X MUDFORO MAI 1,TK1 HUNK, aii'3l)KOl?t OKI IPX, THURSDAY. DKOKMP.KR 15. 1910. Medfokd mail tribune AH INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED DAHV EXCEPT SATUR DAY BY THE MEDPORD rnxNTXNa co. A consolidation of Hip Mrilfont Mall. oMiitillrlunl 1SS9. tti Himllu-rn Oregon Inn, mtnlillnlicil 1I02 Uio limoornllc Time. CSliilill.litxl 1!"2 Hie Anhliiml Tritium. entnlillltst lS. n thi Med fnrtl Tribune. IiMIi1hmI 1o Ol.-OUOi: PUTNAM. K.lltor nnl MnnnRer ISO Kntirrl n eeemt-elan matter J.t-i-miImt I. 1109. at Ihe v!ili)(rie) Ml Mttlfont. Ork'in, umler Ihe l of Miiroli a. tsta tVrrietnl lHwr of Ihe CUy f Mwlfera MEDFORD'S FUTURE. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Uno rmr. by until. nnu month by IIHtll lVr monih, lelir,J by carrier In MtHirrrii. juckhouviii. nnu ue trnl llnt Hmutay only, by nrall. nr yr ... Weekly. ii r er .. IS let i te rull LtB4 Wire Unlttrt m DUptch. Tha Xlnll Trltiuna on te nt the Kerry No kuihi. shii rntueiweo rortliuul Hotel Newn StitnO, IVrtlnnA. Howumn News Co.. rortmml. or. W. a. Whitney. Seattle, Vh Hotel StnofcaiM Ntts Htaml. .StMiVanc. . - i. ii SWORN CIRCULATION. AwrnK tlrtlly for Jtmi-try. 1910 S.lil Miiruh. IS ltt 3, Ami! 110 3,1 v I My, IMO EjjB Juno, IMO l.let Jily. ll J.JJI !i AUEUKt. 1910 Kopteml'cr. 1H0 Oclnbor, 1M0 .. 2forutbr CtrcuUtlotu IT 8 Bl .1 J.19B e J.iK ......... 3, Ivy 4 1,100 J.iifl 1 J.14B S lllg JO... J.IMI It 1.1 W 13 l.lfO l J.tM It 1.1 0 TotM .v. ...... .. ait il . MM . MM IS : km . t.M 8TATI Oh OltKOON', County f Ak- On tt fltft oaj- of DrOMMtor. 1SU vvrniH.v itt'nrl iwrero m. Qtrpr lnttnitnv rtMiMiprr of 1W MwlMHi Mil Tribune hv ( vih, atKwMljeM i m ievt iijwfn r u Ml ll ? 1S1 NoUrr 1MI rr Or GOD intuk (In- country and man makes the town, as lias as often been said. The size of the town depends almost alteiether upon the men who build it. There is practically iio reasonable limit, provided the buildei's exor cise brain's, enterprise and energy in its construction. Bedford has become, the largest town in southern Ore gon simply because its citizens have mmle it. They have worked unitedly for a common purpose. They have, though, advertised and exploited but one of its many re sources horticulture. Fruit growers all over the world are beeoihiug familiar with the wonderful horticultural possibilities of the Rogue River valley. WTlie time is ripo to bring to their attention other resources whose latent possibilities are greater than horticulture the undevelop ed mineral and timber wenlth of the adjacent territory. The larger a city becomes, the greater the necessity for enterprise and energy. Chicago today, with its many millions, is working harder than ever to become still larg er. Organised effort is constantly put forth to secure new enterprises and in every Avay to increase the resources, manufactures and commerce, to extend the power and prestige of the mid-continent metropolis. , Medford has made a good start in Us career, but it is only a stnrt. AVork must be continued along all lines. Cit inens must pull together for the common good. Kveryone must rise above personalities and petty trivialities. Ani mosities and jealousies should be forgotten and the citizen ship be broad enough to smother all distention. Shut np. knockers, and work unitedly for a greater, bigger and bot-i ter Bedford. Only by such action will Meutord hnvoa future. WHERE ARE OUR PAYROLLS? A mitlST.MltS V.VMIMUK. A fool Uiro wns, ami he matla n nlfl, (Kroii as jqu anil 1). He IioiikM It w'ltliiitBte ami cnrt ami thrttt . i ( Var h Imly hit ffUnili thought rath- r swift) And who ho gtiVo It tho tsd.r aurffcil (Hvan as yflu and I). Oh, the JmlguieiU iiixl taste ami tlm wet wflt Oh lb glfu Hi Chrl.-fniatl(le. UTilcli w lf la Bte lady who hg llwl (Anil mow wc klMHv sht- coulU novar be plaMMl ' i AMlX wtott ffatliflwl). - A foul tkW tfUwMl hf care his (8Nk'J yoa anil I). For a mtlx-iM 0t'jtrls without a tltefc f ( Ah It itttla't Uif liaat an It the Udy'a Meek) -AM shu wtwr tHhd hiat n aiKgM (rtn'3S ron and I). Oh. tho cktftk. we ami Um think w K TV gtw i AcljNly who Tr la )HS1 " (And aow wn ,uiw ah rtaifHc bo And wTr m Stitiaftcd). - Th fol wm flatisil to hk last rwl eaA (Th'an.as yoa and 1). at throw him &fde, wbwt his gold waa ; (And nohaUy annul whera ihe lady wmfi. Vad ta l gst war to load lament (Ifpi aa rou aad 1). Better Fair Grounds, Plan. SALUM. Or . Pit. 15. For tlio pur Ihmo of roushlorlni; rnroniiuondntlons to thi tnRlslattiro as to Ituprorcinonts nt the state fair grounds, a meeting - Where to Go Tonight of the stuto hoard of agriculture will b coiled for December 2S in Salem. t la ittirinratnuil there are many uluns i vifv for chances-at tlio Krourid.br. Harvey W. Wiley, the govoru- whieh. if carriad out. will result In altnenCs pure food expert, who heads Pure Food Expert to Wed. p," WASHINGTON, D. 0., Dec. 15. - .-eninrkahlo improvement. Rudkln for Judge. ;? IU-G0 High-Class i in m4 or- wxsroao, oxxoox. 3itrviivall of Stlwfn Orirf !U4 orlhrn Oltron. w4 h f ! Vtvwmc cny ia urrpsuv lVpuVtKM C. H. 1U: XJ1 rtmIM tn Xowr. 1I, li.M. Jlxe hunvlrnl litonMiKl ktollnr OrTll) wtr s?)jitifm cmrJM. alviac m urr4y pt8 motu water ml wd.. tn wlUs of rl tvMnic rv mnI conlrelcJ fwr at . rt Mwllnc I J. ft,i, maVlHc a UUI of twenty mlk lttffhN rM fwr yr rUi; jr tt lUnV Jixitl wyr $S.i:sSJJ. imli vt it rr wn lUnnvr fvlt Mty tn Orocwu Tcr UVr rati and tilt f -Arple JOaut o-t lh WwlA" At the Nailooal Atr4 Sh iViw. ). and cr nt Xtoa v Ttrit rrii tn 11Q it Cpjnlln IntrrHMtkMMl Anae S. iuru jhvm- ivsr braacat alcai riicr U H market f ta wiM 4r- Artt Oixamwvi rJtj- ri inriB rt six WMrt. vrt nnHnfaal coni t OnnHnfai alaK taaair t for fMWpi. fw tW fat MMBt MrMt "r wHttav enifrtTiM cradlaei r who lt' well to mix a Httle wlf shJ doa lth ?f-r4pt. A Kod faat rata 4aat waar ahow th4t at two mII. Th aK at aafaat UtU thH tha twaats f vletacy. hMaa Kr aeUtA haw ansj- K k to thlagts yom doa't cara far. Awl ta ttghtar a avt head Ui tae ht$lrr aa at aMe tn aarry lu Uaa a aaaated aaar axtail thy 4itraee at yta rich was iSeafac at STRANG KKS often express the query, "What are your payrolls to support a city ?M Our orchards ait our jrivatest navrolls at present. The lwvroll on such iwoducimr orchards as tho Benri Oeek, Uurrell, Snowy Butte and llillcrest each average! Vatf ,t MTW1 aiM, u MwnH iax l?IAA . trt fiVa .. .M..aa J--a a..- ..a.B .1. .. .-! ?. - . ... -aw hvmii nvivn.! in iu.uvivi ;t tiir. uu L'vrrv iHciiartt u is a? tha wP constantly increasing figmv. j Tra4aM,jBtttaMfai.ried; As onlv n few thnnsniid jum-os out of tho Rn.OOfl ntvis. was eoaalaa; MfKaow that abe nerer r ..1....-.!' :i t i i ... W . ,il "i (minimi cuuuucrcim oivnnnis are in Hearing, me ijhvixjuj will eventually grow to immense proportions. " The orchard is better tlmn a factory. Its output ist shipped to the niaiHkets of the world, bringing a constantly increasing strewn of revenue into the valley. Tt supports' as many neople and has no outgoing expense for raw nm! terial. Tlie occumtion is far more healthful and eniornble! than fnetorv life, j mt al tafia? ajjI'rumnwiHkd their Mining htrnfeUes some payroll, and eventually its pay-j' - Sfclfc iMen brother roll will equal or exceed that of the orchards. Lumber will wly aaa:rdered to. Aike.i also furnish large pnymlls. ami not in the very far future. hi mq$9 nJ Ik a .- i. ........ i . iil . e i. .. i ?.. . . .. i i ' t Slnrk fin. MAUJOKli: MAX11VIM.K Slo6lv COMI'ANV Tonight rhansjf f Prtrrara. "EAST LYNNE" Me-Ap Drnnia, by MnrjorteJ ManlrviHe Stork Co. Spi-iltie j between lactw. SeeiHl Matinee Sntimlav -2:30. j General Admission, 20c. i i 0 j I'.Oo Orchestrn, J Directed by Anna AHbrey Kainr X 5 N. il. ThraeilettO silver ten J rrleo Ktvea way fr Wodncs- i da. Wianlng namber must be In thootre. j' WASHIX0TOX, I). C, Doc lo.-- It itr-wliHperoil here toilny that Chief the bureau of rhemlstry of tho' de partment of agriculture, soon will iwiso to he a bachelor. Ho admitted today that lie waa engaged to MIbb Anni O. Kolton of this city and that- thoy would bo married next spring. ', i.e'l.. I ittililriVii Itl Hin II Juxtu-e HudWn or ValimBtoii stfttui 'u l" D "" """," " pmbably will be appuintetl as fcMonilbrar' r cont;rcs8V ' . jutlue of Kahtotii Wfhinj;toii by I -"- , il. IV IKMUOrU OI nooiivuiu lJi- iiidav eniu punlnAciI Hie pool- The jmsition -w w Preiiileut Taft. Justice Wliitwui. It i said that no tender lias hecn made Juilse liuilkiu or to Hy olher Ross. enndidate thita far. ' Itepreeittiitte Poindexter jt' VnhiHKfon in trabliely liiHtiiif: the I endid.ioy of his Jw rtner, O. C. Miforo, of Sjxkue for the jwMtim. room and cunfertmiierv of Jolm 1. t - -ra&rV) Sav BBDliea XMAS PRESENTS. U. C. McMantitiB, came up from Grants 1'ase Tuesday morning. I STAFF OF LIFE. Frpp Threa-l'Ieee Silver T.n J Service Ciixett Awnj uet J Wednenlay. Oct Tree Coujhhi- i at box oftloe, J UGO OKCUBSTKA J Direct ml by Anna Aabroy Kaaies. j RKSKRVK YOUR S K A T S BY PIIONE- -MAIN tl07l. s ' jKSaaBBBaBaaaBttvVIV jSSaaaaLaaaaRaaaaV Aad aerer laat she roaht sever be $ aatlafled). FISHERMEN PAY FINES. foaaiforc')ti. PIW I ) iS thr iuitit)il rtltl rt tlm .tnn(ii If.- ...l i,.,1 K..-.. larkaeMa. S, .... .r.. ,...,,, ..v,...., ,m. u uniiiui, ii ivni .-Ami luinri . , fl .,,! ilnlVAoilo t. ...,.. ....1 ......!. 1 ....A-. ?. ..... .. . Hijnuji, iw Kititir niui uinruiv: mmmc, lis WKlcr jKvcr, unci KumrvHl enterprists are dekjed, ixnyroljs m galore Will 1h furnished, wlliic ;h i-ittHnn nf ninlhnir mm-f hero will give cntplovniirut to an increasiug armv of men. t i pae chase to lac o neeair ftaleitaM-n. AeathaMcr aaTflrT-. a aaaa oerhaalia br tha deoutv hm. Wr atlVsearA ht'ailW faimire ? faaadJBr behind a llleml fSahJoc at thw ..rt i ail o hat keen ctanaWa far .-jf imi. wire to the Ueei'vaeitornHuent a vail: aaar the Chaaaaariala heaae half j he Uw. mud WnraV &Midn ha- h. aa ear after the eaeoaater. Hedtedt'u haaaV AiU of saeii ease stned abart tnaa ao t teet aad the fhaaihec waun taaay iaaw a , "r"" mr mm te w uraaa v najaoaraaia ta Ual y "i ae aeA"OBieu i. , hH atdaadWI "wwrk is kreou.. HOME-WRECKER MURDERED Oftntlil frxwM lta I aad he eoaeladed'thariae) nere rlaiK kMar. k weetlajc. so he ad. Later la the areata Oaa as Serials Me raa oat of the hoaeo aad I weat oat to alee anjraelf aa. Maaala u roaad lyta oa the saae i VI. If. a ehMlreTea, ,7 their h?1 -- " tM PP hi- at 11 l-J NrUi SeeU h I 2!,"J" Sf,Sr5!r ureot to dtaar. aad thoa Chaaisor. ' W fOaaal a paa:M k oprliaraa M M ha galac hack to tho :heater. laatead." he saM. ! hid front porch aad waited. afterwarde the au 1 tahaod Polk door aad raonod. Me a-ts 1m N a&a la. 1 waited a few aa.iM is, iaortaw's wUh m? oarket Xalfe ooea I vailed 4'l tato tee hoase aad fonad trew ie- Te eoaale aae two raiMrea. aa ' tether tn her hedr,x I: , m V aad 11 years, resrrtirely rai 1 ruvs1 aa to 'n aad s?i.sl :ta lo 1 H -,i There u ao haip tar a woataa ho ia t aot serraat to do her vo-k A jreeohla datjf. ho a who does d.- tho sease o' h hi MwojW adrteaahte ta set hrmad off arooaoratf htal yea .t, Truth evajalaM awrth wtn arise aealt aoMt tt la koat aaxgr eUa Of eoojwe, thoro o each a thts aa the haaaor halt, yat laoat per4 It A Hrl Ui a ahUa aaee law : Usee ta atOtirata tho Bot fes' oeraajf ha lM Of to p Haw Utah tae oaao PWrWa Whoa joase pes fir talk e are re- of the dtettoaary tth ta Or- . Whjat lal at hotac m tho taei'i tt eat. c t vhea th It a ri he vi. attire x five After a ataa h aeoa saaniet a wefc he ta n .rVawro a lot of (ktua-k ifv; k kr i'vft aaaoa. V -c i ': ts atartied lliW attod ; - wan. TURN EXPENSE Maaata aad Jas stoeadMi -wotlt w to Perotlo. Masvt hwaT uen abjek for a aaaabr had toM hlaa saase ttaaa an that J VM h hmd bttle or at i va a aood filaad of tho voaaaav I ' Senate Asrerahie, . WAGBINaTOX. D. C. Dee. 15 The era at i eoataOHtw a the jadic anr todojr dortded aa reert rseorably a the aoailaa:ioa& o: Jadcea Van rVTaater aad Laawir to the saBroaae mrt of the l't..:e Stale The ree ruea4atoa oi t& ooatnitiee wli; irvr;,v3 &van)tox to the r-re- le ' ess xeeat o msios ' :,- so..., r od the avt-'niUi Li 'ji r oeatiTZied l dr- . 11 - T" V! .' l,.f -' A N. ?! r--4-rr New Atlmrtion at THE ISIS THEATRE AT ALL GROCERIES AND RARDON'S BAKERY. 0fi'.x 1a--e, in.ike the bct XuiaB prc-enN. "Tin. re'-, n rea-tm." Tliay lat n lifetime Th whole family eftn i-e them. They mcrcano the pleas ure of shews one-half. Vou unit read .'ic orehcfrtm music .from the lml imv, thus nnjone ean tee ihe-'ud-.autase of having opora yliisses at the theater. A fine assortment in moroeno, smoked and white imarl. roltl uioiiiil wl. wilh and without handled at Ur. Gohle's Optienl Parlors. Glas-.es Rmiiml while yon tvnil. The mo-t complele optical shop be 'Aoen Portland and Saernmciito. "i bur ee sfmi Ttft Tilam Arlinr vnii o& ill ways spend a Jraant hour and J have a hearty laask. 1'KKKY antl K-nWARDS In High-Class Vaudeville. MATINKK KVKRY S.VTlltlUY J AKD SLNIUY AT '2M. THREE REELS OF THE LAT- EST MOTION PICTURES J - AMI ILLUSTRATED SONG BY HARRY BLANCHARD. NATATORIUM SKATING. Wednisdaj Night. OlWTAfl.K RAt K AXll TWO- 5II1.K RACK Friday Night o Pure Clear Sparkliii Yon can't afford to no without this splendid, refrehin drink. Call up and order a ene sent to Ihe hoae. The purest, most healthtu dr nk kuwn is SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, Agent. ...For Sale... DRY BLOCKS ...Phone... MAIN 2601 G. E.MORSE i ! CHARIOT RACE, LADY DRIVER J : i : BOWLING. : FOR SALE lift are.. 70 i-le.trt-d. H v irrhar'. buJdit.v. -cr Rfst Music in the West. -evood-ood California Is the place to iit. Orauqc proes ia lull Muom, tropical llower?, tn mous hotab'. hbtoric Old Mirfon, littraetive watering plnees, delishtftti limate. making that faored seetion the N'atwnV mast Hlr ritriat. You ean see it at it het via the Shasta Route and "The Road of a Thousand Wonders' SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Up-to-date train. lirt--luss ia eerr reiteet, unexcelled dining-ear -oriee. quick lime and direct cou Hectu to all ix.tnts ?uth. STECIAL ROUND-TRIP FARE OF $55.00 iw$i Jf s mS KS ricaM Medferds Kxetasira rSetare Tto ter Ljitet Lirvied PVi- ! .'t nailo stjtioti acre. j aereo or too re under ditrh. clo ! to lunirs. truck or chicken Vanch j price loo, eay terra. i Il'l acre, spleodid eiL bo vate.4 : wiles etatioa. acre clear-;.,... cd. jS5 oar acre, teiass. (Portland to Los Angeles and Return. Tatent. Wh Iroaw. vall4her cu-.n, o ihe North. t .cre.da.r, aad alfalfa raoeh. L, .. Ul tmth iinHim and lone heart. Ititere4m; aad a. tractnv iileratare oa the varioa ro orU and aitrnrtion- of C'aliforaan caa he Iwd in aiHMcaiMn to aoy ii P. or O. R k N. A.- . i. r fma lite lliav n., u . One Dhae Nae 0.dNe-dNdKe0-0e'e---d-ee INTO INVESTMENT If it's merely a question of Hiut )u ca "get nkmp I vkith," use an ordioary pdtpcr lor xur business statwncty. IC however, ou are ds tojj to turrt expense into it. esttnent, use TV d..-j - ,m jm --i- cAMmmmnwm Fhe 4itiied tnHuence grree )ur mcssAje ry tfce clean, cn$p iheett tvll wipe out tlst expense item and Ictve a bate. Atve in the other aide. NAT THEATRE t t a 7t.ae ca swmaaao at b4m anoaaaitMO. lN rk oatfahw tBar,4ft at 'HaBVhafllBavk v tmi h r ? 4v e v Medfori Printing Co. 3as c l 1 iaBWBBBBaaaKBgSk m. I a r" . tmu aaaaaaaaaaaWaaMaahaaWBaani&3'!aaH.X- - tBTrU. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaWMi $MUB&"M aW BWMrWaWBaaDaaaiW JXXsyi.lBBBHaaoHal ER0WN AND MILLS i i -, s i' in T t.! . V lU .il t '- I ?"'"' Av z . ,' l,. t.j'. , . m' - Wtt'; i I aaMaaaaaaaaiamwt. ' .i. . -m., . M I ' ' . ' , FINE JOB PRINTING IS OUR SPECIALTY WE CAN AND DO MAKE QUICK DELIVERIES GET OUR PRICES nnlc froai MedfonL 5 -', KMweem cro vooo; 'e acre alaary hxateO. afaoe ta. co,td buildlaaa trade Mr-eJqr iota ::i auhe good jvh-dletaaaa. U re. oador eh, Oao aaar aal n.faifa land. 3 aailea eat. cleared ...4 J feiit-od; $136 ir arra. GITY PBOPERTY -'-ro hooee, hat -MxlM. cWr uu ; aaaor atfaa. "X14V. .1 UOCU BBMtufrir- jsA av tenaa. W .m.rrlaoJ ot. $gt , V.r im. rwakara foe aaW che. r aeaaaa. lo rootao. oa Kj- M . eta in; Mrk eat for . k a'. :- m 5t. . W. SeewoNl aad ! . tr-,, aojaaaaw lata eaftac e4. f-h Priee a aed lana. 't .mi vmiaac. MsjaaV JRH. i -ien. &oUow, 9Sm anli kmU ' Won Waiaot Unit, cars . WANTED fr ceaoral heaeeoork- ' ' W?T PHertT as- WM. McMURRAY. Geweral Pawesfer Agent Ptrtland. Ore. BOOKS L F. I. Bin 20t Talar HER RooRwoodandTeco ...Pottery... PRICES ALWAYS CON SISTENT WITH GUAL-ITY. MEDFORD ..Book Store.. P$ &kj I MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT BUTLDrNG ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC FULL FACULTY. G TATLLANDIER, DIRFCTOR I Careful Movers Pari BHitef wfli ie well to cat! aa MATTHEWS i LAKE U haaoJj tkeif baoseflsld ssods. TW) pack ami sa.p fBrnlture and nMc5c and set p furnitBre and de ij!. cf all v-nds Bas9ae w c -ti Phone 2151