Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 15, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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' t 1WJ' Hf'V
JWWW v 'lltiBBPi'HEWr
MiDTOttD Hail tribune. Bedford. 'okkcion, TiiuKsmAynKaiSiUBiprc i.yinio.
, -
Three Tiiousanil Dusky , Pullman
Boys Petition for Increase In
Wanes, Saying Jliat Tips Grow
Scarce With Hiflli Cost of Livlnji.
crosscountry flight
plan in california
IUIJCA(50, Dec. 15. Disgusted
with tho almonco of tips, ISOOO sloop-1
In'cnr porters employod on various j.
lines throughout tho West petitioned
lliu Pullman Palace- Car company to
day for an Incrcaso in wages. Instead
of tho S3 1-2 cents per daf rate they
now receive, tho porters want a flat
salary of'?15 to $60 a month.
Tho high cost of living, thby say,
makes It absolutely necessary that
they ho given the raise they ask. Ad
vanced prices affect them "going nnd
coming," explained one of tho hack
ers of the petition. It reaches them
through the pocket books of Pullman
passengers on whoso bounty they
have depended, and It affects them in
the support of their families.
Tips huvo been falling steadily for
the past flvo years, old tlmo porters
assert. Where ouco n Pullman por
ter couldbc a man of Independence
he now must corral every stray nickel
lo keep himself and family alive, thoy
SAN WWIO, Cnl., Dee. 14.-A
i-niss-counlry flight from Los An
geles to Sail Diego, ut tho conclusion
of the Los Angeles aviation meet, is
bcinjT planned by tho I'unamntCuli
foruin Exposition company of this
city, unit the San Diego chamber of
commerce. If tho plans for tin
flight are Kucccssful, ti two-day avi
ation meet will also bo held hero,
and many of the aviators wild aro
now in Los Angeles will be asked Ur
' W-
Jones to Manage St. Louis.
SANTA KOSA, Cal., Dee. IB. Tho
condition of Juror Oeltjen, whoso 111
ni'38 put nn abrupt ending to tho
healing of tho Dr. Wlllard P. Ilurko
trial, wns announced as' greatly Im
proved today, nnd It was considered
likely Hint tho trial will bo resumed
tomorrow morning, Instead of Mon
day, as announced when adjournment
was taken yesterday.
Ooltjon's Illness, It wns said, Is not
serious, and unless ho suffers :i ro
lapse, It I oxpected tho case will be
resumed tomorrow,
Attorneys for tho defense and tho
prosecution took advantage of tho de
lay to bolstor up their casos.
Ciulahy Estate $20,000,000.
CHICAGO. 111., Dec. 1.". Coinci
dent with the dibcovory of suurct
proporlieh that bring the liilnl estale
left liv Michael Cudiihy to $20,(100,
0110. the divoiced wife of Jack Cud
nh, son of the late millionaire pncu
Vr. arrived here today. Mrs. Cudaliy
lofiiced to tlihcuss reports that Hie
iuteinU contesting tho will in order
to protect her children's intorchK
A CJiange
Not a Gamble
ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Dee. ir. Kiehlei
Joucm, former manager of tho Chi
cago While Sox, will bo Iho manager
and also part owner of the St. Ioun
Browns next season, necording to u
belief in bnscball circles here today.
It is said that Jones and anothci
man have been conducting secret ne
gotiations with Otfiior Hedges nnd
will nssumo control of tho Browns
us soon as Hedged can get permis
sion from' tho national commission
to sejl. Jones, will act as manager.
fContlnuitl from I'uko 1.)
ixls "begin lo innrrrl, each tryiug to
lent tho uame," tliuro will bo free
"It was tho duty of public men.
newspapers add mrtguniucH to accept
tho' Payne tariff in order that the
count rv might have gonti on trails
acting business. Tho tariff is not
ncrfcet and it ought to bo ievied, .i
tho president suggested, oneh sched
ule at u time, scientifically."
Senator Young said that lie mignl
tint object to Senator Cummins' res
olution' were ho not nfrnid tho first
tjehcdiilo involved would bo that cov
ering farm products.
' (Continued from Pngo 1.)
of Mcdl'ord, and when cnjled upon
to lower the valuation, ' refused' It
grant the prayer of tho petitioners
However, the council, after close
figuring-, has managed to tuko care
of every fund, (he general fund get
ting the lion's share ijf tho .."0,-100
According to a promise made the
ladies of the library board and tin
connnittee sent before the council lo
secure library aid, the council levied
'J-10 mills for the library fund, whieo
will givo tho board $l'J(i0 with which
to purchase now books for the chil
dren. As a whole, the levy is very
satisfactory nnd show, clean, clenr
sightcd financiering on the part ol
the council.
(Contlnuvil from I'ako- 1.)
Knton.- who claimed -the Multnomah
delegation, is figuring without his
host, for litisk of Wallowa has more
supporters among Portland's dele
gation than has Katon.
"There is something of a possibil
ity of a lineup between assembly and
nnti-nss'enibly forces. The assembly
support is split between four or five
uudidntcH, with Katon' in the lend.
'lherc are but two null-assembly
candidates, Husk and myself, ami J
stand as good a show as niiy.
"Selling has the lead for presi
dency of the senate, with Bowcrman
as u rival. Senator ImiIIoii is said
have undertaken the management oi
the Boweriiiau campaign, tlioiigh
Selling claims sufticient strength lo
insure his election."
(Contlnui-il from I'hjji' t )
Wo nrn positive tho people of .Mod
ford and .lackeon 'county will hall
with Joy tho now hardware store,
corner Main and Grape streots, bo
different from nny store over seen
anywhere. One will bo satisfied to
come In, he seated, and can seo tho
article wnntod, sampled In plain vlow
You may not know Its
NORTON. W. Vii., Dec. 13. Kr
forts to recover tho bodies of the
miners' entombed in the Green mine
nt Tiicomn, W. Vu., were renewed to
day, although all hope of taking
(hem out alivo has been abandoned.
Nine of those carried out yesterday
have been identified. Oflieiulh ol
the mine assert that oulv three moie
men besides those accounted for
were in tho mine ut the time of the
explosion. An nccuuiiilatioii of gas
which was ignited N given as
cause of to disaster.
paid $5000 Iho pictures would bo
used to ruin him socially.
Ho consented to pay the money
itaked, and after signing a chock for"
$o0G0 wns released. Lnter ho called
Knott liyMelophono and told him tfint
ho could not afford to pay ."CiOOO at'
that time, but that if Knott would"
dull at his -store ho would give him
2000. Knott agreed to tlii". Whoi
he arrived at the stoto the police
were waiting aii placed him under
Mrs. Knott talked freely of the
plan to get Rosenthal's money iiflor
she was arrested.
"Armstrong showed 'us how to get
tho pictures," she said. "lo is an
export electrician uud fixed n-mercury
light in the middle of the ceiling
Then he bored a hole in tho will! and
arranged a camera in Iho next mom
"I easily induced Itossnthnl to sit
with mo wltero tho camera would
catch us, Kvcry picture was good
"My husband is a good photo
grapher and lie Svorkod tho camera
Mrs. Knott said her homo is ii.
Detroit, Mich.
"Nino months ago I ran away with
a ninti iinuied Weiss," she said
"When his money gtivo out and lie
wns unable to buy food 1 left Him
Lufcr I met Knott nnd we woro mar
ried nnd reiiled'iiu'npnrlmrnt cost
iug .$l!t." per mouth. A) that time
Knott said his people were wealthy.
Recently ho told me he had no more
"Then Armstrong plaune'd n
scheme for getting money through
tho 'hadgor game.' It seemed very
easy and simple. Wo had to bin
food and clothes and pay our rent,
and so I consented lo my part in the
scheme. Rosenthal happened lo be
the first victim because ho was tho
first rich man who flirted with me."
fCnntliiut'il from I'ikc
This Is the official report,
It Is
earned, which (lonorul Leonard Wood
prepared for tho war department, and
which Secretary Dickinson passed
upon, replying to n resolution ask
ing whether tho country could with
stand an Invasion on tho Pacific coast
by un Aslatlr power. Tho report, as
mado by (Jenoral Wood, Is snld to
that further concealment of tho facts
in tho case would ho criminal.
Representative McLachlan bald that
tho fact that tho war department con
sidered tho report nlarnilng did not
(iVmtliiiuri from IVko 1 I
My colleaguo says there aro gross
technical Inequalities in tho 1909 tariff act,"
nanio, but you know It whon you seo! said Senator Young. "This Is un
it. Tho clerk will not huvo to climb doubtodly true. It would be truo ir
a ladder for It, hut can reach It from , my colleague and thoso sympathizing
the floor. Wo havo arranged with j with him put In the next flvo years
tlin Rlioriulti Wllllnmc Pnlll - Vnr- rO-WrltllllT tllO Schedules. I a 111 IlOt
nlsh Co. (tho larost makors of paint j so much concornod with tho Ineo.uall-'
on earth In fact. It covers tho earth) ties of tho tariff as I am about liusl
to hoop an expert paint man in Mod- ness gonorallyy. I doubt ir thoro Is
ford. Wo havo sot asldo n very largo a Hingle petition now on fllo In tho
balcony room, which will bo arraug-; senate urging a further rovlslon of
cd by this man to show you anything tho schedules.
on may want In paint or varnlBh of- "I charge that Now Kngland Ik
fects. Wo will havo tho most olab- drifting to u strango Interpretation of
urate plumbing fixture display to ho tho squaro dual when alio demands
neon on tho coast. Kvcry fixture protection for her manufactured urtl-
iimmI In a hoiibo can he soon, as it will clus and froo trado for food products,
look when pluced In your house. If Massachusetts decides, in purBU-
Sllverwure. chafing dishes and cut anco of tho rocont election, to abolish
Klaw will he bohlud glass. Kitchen i tho duties on farm products thoro will
ware will be on tables, where samo arise a now brand of Insurgents thati
can ho Inspoctod without assistance will make tho present band look Ilko
of clerks. Our ladles' waiting room, boy scouts.'
built for ladles only: tho samo for "T,0 jirgmiieiiU upon which tin
men: and with tho assistance of CO country olcelod Iho duiuocmU at the
office to help pay oxpensos. -ouri!,, eleoliun," Young abnliiiiiud,
in Ii ps will be light. We want cvorj-' "Hero nid down in this counto b
visitor to take tho olovator, go out! reimlilicuiife. If tho democrats elect
on tho observatory and seo tho val-iH j)rvailoiit in 1HPJ It will be on nr
Icj We want the roal ostato men of ffUM0M(, doliterod hi tlm sonata h
riie illy to make free uso of this" republican. Tlitu oiilor in
HiBht-seIn$ pinnacle, for IP was made urv (.Bise voted to nUe the nclu-iU
fin no othor purpose. We may not fc without reducing lh ilutie. i..i
hv overythlns in perfect order Sat- iroiUetb pruduood by our own rmi
u. day. but we want jou to come any--pie.
way You will at least see Toledo .r do not believe Hint the inmi litfi
ranges. 1900 washers, paint that cov- WI(J wu- hflJB (j1Q Urjff reviud and
ers the earth and Crater Lake cut- nuilntuined 'purely on k scieutifi-.
lory. uHi. If MassnIiiisettM i m carn-
Yours fora big store. ,Ut it would bo the Haiti end ot tunll
GARNKTT-COREY HADHWARK CO. dutiwi. I'roteellon un.t help all ot
H or none. It uiiaht as well ho un-
lU-roliMid now Ihuf wlum prilit iui
Hiiskins fur httnllh,
Offer my coiiiplet lines of all
desirable shades anil stjles In
house sllppt'i-s for men, woincn
and children, nmdo of leather,
of felt, they last for years anil
no urlielo could ho more up.
predated as u
i. t
I Advertise
:inve answered "no ' ver frankly to
tho question.
It is exported that Secretary Dick
inson today' will answer Speaker Can
non's letter Informing hint that con
gress could not receive a report mark
ed "confidential."
Representative McLachlan, whose
resolution was the causo of tho prep
aration of tho document, Intonds to
forco tho publication ot tho report, If
"Why should this matter ho hold
confidential T" ho says. "Such an ac
tion wohhl dofeni tho wholo purposo
of tho resoludtton. If we are not pro
pared for war tho peoplo havo a right
to know it.
"it would bo a crime against the
peoplo and a betrayal of posterity to
docelvo tho public regarding thvi truo
situation. If wo havo an ihadcqnato
army nnd lundeqtato national dc-
fonsos, now Is the time, when wo nro
at peaco with tho world, for tffo pub
lic to know It. Now Is tho tlmo to
correct tho situation, beforo It Is too
late. I will fight to a finish to force
tho publication of this report."
Other congressmen, Including Rich
mond P, Uobson of Alabama, who Is
an oxponont of nrtvnl expansion, agree
1 surprise' him, but that If such were
jthe case ho regarded It as n propor
I matter for tho people to know and
! net upon.
! ino defens61es3 slnto of the Pacific
,coiist, ho snld, was it matter ot com-
mon knowledge to thoso who studied
conditions thero, but that no did not
believe tho country nt largo rcallrod
that n foreign onoiny could bo landed
Which could destroy crtninuinlcatlon
with tho cast and hold the states west
,'of tho Rocky mountains for months
boforo tho rest, ot the country could
innko any attempt to dlslodcc- tho In
vadors. It is to correct this condition that
ho hopes congress will provide ways
and menus, and lt,ls to cnl I tho mat
ter to tho nttoutlon of coiigicsa offi
cially that tho report wan uakcul for.
That tho report will suhstantlato
statements Mint McLnchlau has made
that It world bo easy for a foreign
I boHevo that soven-tonths or
u!l hoadaohos have tholr origin
In strained vision. M also know
that correctly fitted glusnos will
entirely rdllovo the causo.
Hoarcoly a day pnueos hut I r
lluvo ho in o sufforor through m
khowlodge of making and fit
ting glaMos. I am anxious thut
all sufferers should know there
U a remedy ho Blmplo. This is
one reufcon uhy I advertise.
Over Kentner's, Med ford.
AAAMr.v nun 1 (fc'A'f i l.h.M-
M f I 1 U-f 1 f "
V . -
You aro Invited to call hero
and seo my exceptionally fljio
assortpiout of Holiday Oooils.
That llttlo ARTICLE you liavo
boon looking for may bq hero.
Joyclry, Dlamontls, Watches,
Rlpga, Silverware, Cut (lluss,
eta, etc., nil in latest designs
and uuporlaf 'ninllciK '
oncnty to land largo forces of mcui
practically without opposition, nnd
that It will bo u long tlmo bpforo tho
propor defenses and an adequato army
can ho provided, ovonit'eougross acts
promptly, tc admitted by thoso who
examined It.
Tho desiro of tho secrotar yot war
to mnko tho report confidential and
tho questions his actions- InvelifM'
havo tended" to center tho atteatW;
of 'congressmen db the matter, nd
when it Is fluMJy submitted, M Hr k:
oxpected it will he, they belfave the
report will ho rend with coMhleriifclg.
more Interest than It would rsTv K
It came In In tho ordinary 60fw.ef
' r
County Seat Real Estate Office .
JacKsonvllle, Oregon,
i Lis iiuiueioiH choice bargains in citv lots, ol chard, fanning nlid
alf.illa ranches. Our Applegnto valley rnnchoH aro bargains; a! I
lune ait nlitiudaueo of watvr f r irrigation. Uon't forget that Jack
mhimIIc in the county seat and that it is installing tin ttptot1n
Wtltl't "SVtClO.
t'onio and sqo ,uh, ' We'll interest vou.
, . , JLUY (Si CO.LLINS . .,, ,,, ,t
yfc ?T'iyyir?ff3
js .
Gift Suggestions
On your way to the postofi'ies, or if passing along '
Main Htruet, conio out of yourAvay jjiist'onc-lmlf hlock aiul;'
take a jmop at :v -windbw of Holiday Goods, hotter stillj :
como in tho store and allow us tho'plbhsurc of showiugyou
ar Avonderi'ul colloc.tion of suitable. Gift Goods. ,
Leatlier Goods
Beautiful wall plaques and motto hangers, leatlie,rl)tl
lows, pretty painted designs; traveling eases, hand bags,
etc., etc. Theso ine certainly suitable and lasting.
AVo havo secured tho-throe boat brands on tho market
and earry a complete assortment of odors 'and a bountiful
assortment of fancy Holiday packaged. Tho brands are
"lloquo & Galctt's," "Palmers," and "Colgate's."
Yon should Ken iiiii1 i:nl lection of I'niioV llolidav boxes
of fino Stationery. AIuiokI. anything you-oiui w"islifor
is here and sure lo please, l'rices rahgq, pyr box, lOcand
up to $5.00. ;, ,
' l t;
Lowney's and Orango Blossom Candies put up iiUlie
nealest boxos iiiiagiiinlilo. The cont6n(s of every box ifj
perfect and suro to pleaso tho fair exterminator. Buy
J,Her"aBoxof Candy.
1 01 -Our Phone
t - '
Day of Night-101
Dr. F. C Page
Mgr. Local Agency
edford Pharmacy
Near the Post Office
U. U Ift.itJlHin ' i ! i J - - i i in j ii .in
Diamond Solitaires
----" j -- - - -t t.... -.
r ak icUtla i
s" jCIL-XX
1 J
From $10.00
io $600.00
Intondiiig buyers, upon investigation, will find quality and -ceon-only,
the ruling osweutials, governing our extensive line of HolitaiVes
What we toll you of our rings aro facts, backed up by a guarantee
that is n substantial one, thereby making your purchase a safe
in'opowitiou from this store.
h "
HAWKINS rfeli cut glass cut from the
gouuinn blank is tho finest on the uuu
Icet. M v selection comprises many very
i.i ii , ! -- ii ii, .. iiMpwinm wrwl m
(U'sirable pieces. friie in'ieojj aro right.
t ixspi-yT oil'rr;)i'AiMOKi) gifts, tiikv kkj'kksicnttino miost in (tauty, mix$ Nij)
JMaitin J IxCOCly , Near Postoffice
-V f v -. --- - ---