iwa vjrwjjfi"- 'K"v -41H,- AfEDFORD AtATI THmiEIEDFOIlIX .OJJEGON. .TOKSTSDAY. DECEMBER 1 1. 1910. i II II ' f . i 1 l ui 12 SHOW WILL HELP SELL FRUIT Ho Longer Wilt Spokane National Show 3e Conducted for Exhibition Purposes Only Will Co-operate ,With Growers In Seeing. - HIGHLY PRISES CONDITIONS ROGUE VALLEY GERMANY TOLD Colonel Brady, New York Whole-! Article Which Outdoes "The Junsle" saler Greatly Surprised and De-f Published in Magazine Tells of v m fa t r?, j 8F0KA2TV, Wdf De?.. 14. TW Iftiiav Apple fcw 1 su Umtptr hmt tt rp to the sKapiay m (SfitMiUiBii f tbe apple nwns iupaaify flr Jmmo' 1 next, la d MmJi tfettlMr ftr wbi-n MV o(WI5lwWc 19 HtS1 nWvoHPf HP t otanixsuikm mM etrteT n iU fflh ywax oitk so an iiimry pvotofctw anmeintt, wtnHi wiB Mim fa jtnt the otirhnrdhrt i Utrwmrti out the sMcthwe w obtaining Uw trt bast in Market afford follow California's Htnmpfe. The rsciMed or-ranralin vrHI proWjfy be patterned after tins Cal ifornia fly, m wfeiefc lb rfSree ne of lfc pnrvnt vrxnizati m m eeied from iftdtadnnl a-! d N biejter ttrStntn are aMl i the ewnte rnaaiier . The organization wW be trirtfy proieetiTe find wo at tempt wife be made' In manipulate the raftrket at any time. As the interest ed lrntee pat k yeterdar it will b" th wde aim of the organization, .barked Uy the National Apjde Kfcw o t.p that gmrw jjet their jisni deMirt nnd are mK wheeled ont f their Icgimitaie profit by deinio btryar t4w are rwitanily akm I" depress prteen, whether warrented by eondjtiona or Mat. "The origin aim of the National Apple Show," aid the tnwte, "ww lifihted by Excellence of Fruit Grown In Heiohborhood. "I tip ny hat to Medterd ami the Life Among the Poor of German Empire. LONDON. Dm. 14. An artirk on Kee rr niky. resnarxea cm, im, wwAtw w Oerair. wMch at rMk O. Brwir Xe Yrk, tol., m && 4to4 eei. IM Brwa m( tMt ty. wes Mr. -Trw JmJ.m w ntiataa t4.v tk Dom!T aamltor t the Cwteai. rary riw. Tb trrjte wim vni lew h If S.tth Ko-te. who h.i Branra iiwjiN htm rHa Tail- MCTUrwa awie. Coteaei Krady a New York waaleer. a r iw way a .w !w miuiM- ai mluwtfHre 4w4y of tb. iff. was a arways w aoimaiM-j tJilto" il:r whiHi the Uc rjardlWK the InHt ral veC;ri jB Cenar Ho. FKn i of the MlMOrl rlrer. fa (act th cAlaael It a. kjxJ jadse of frait feat la same way ot the Idea Into fete anad that zMd 'rati m not grow a leitrpt in the atera Kates and he aad? thli ajMftloa to Mr. Brown rtfows thea dtfrrnlBr a entertata ia oetodH la a manaer fceJtttlns th Ifaost Iralt Rrowlns auction In the world, and srocwded to show th JTew Yorker orer the eltr of Med ford and iBrroanding cotiatry. and the more he uv the more Colonel Brad? became delighted with the ral- ley and when hts boat prMented him wltn the Yeltew Kewtona. raised In M'dford, ho ate one oj, them and then gar the fotolwlne r.ntegT of the city acd raller: "I tip my hat to Mvdford and the Rogue rlrer ralley : 1 have made the Pacific coast for years and ate s'i kiad of fralt aad thhi is the first apple I hare erer tasted that I really considered an apple. I hare been i VY1ICU Shall I Give ' Her for iLmas SILVERWARE The attention of thltors and bnyers i inritrd to our elegant stock of Community Sllrenrare for Uie Xmxn eaLon- Jlany of the designs are et dajTe, entirely new thtt season and liljdilj- appropriate for Xms. siv'nK Wr tellere a Twit to oar store and an inpeetion of onr line of snrenrare will decide the question. Medford Hardware Co. Open Evenings. County Seat Real Estgte Office JacKsonville, Vre&on, il, .iunicn.114 clioire barsnln. in nlv lots orclmnl, fanning and alfalfa ranrli-. Our Appleffatc vallev ranches rc barxaina; a haP an abundanee of nter fir irnB.itin. Don t forjjet tl.nl Jack--onville i he county seat anJ Hint it h instnllinK an up-to-.la'e water vtem. Come and .eo us. We'll interest you. LUY CSL COLLINS MORE HEH SIGN TO PLAY IN NORTHWEST Tae writer devote ,piri atter tioa to a peeafiar GerraaK Htititutsor bmwa the Preibaak a wrt mrket tr th poor. There only the near-detifcnte are permitted to Ixiv HeeaaKe at the PreSbwwk onlr aeat fmm S-eeed animate, made rAim hr eerti prore..es f KterilizalHi., ' saare or lew effeetire, nM4. rVMriftto are rspidlv heeAmai ww, Mh Roh ya. She b(arae the hieh tariff duties levied on in "wnitisr eat tie and hoe. NSANE PATIENTS WANT CLERICALS ISSUE NEWSPAPER DRIVEN OUT VICTORIA. B- C, Deo. 14. T., saore men have iKied by the Vic toria club of the Xorthwc-dPni leaene. W. W. Davis, a southpuiv of, Cahforntn. and "Hen" Korwiek, wiio plitved seeoiul lme with the .Manila l I., league, being the new men. Thi- juake n ikiver-i signed tlui Jar. and it is thought bv January 1 tl" team will be rompleted. STODDARD DAYTON Automobiles Dr. F. C. Page Mgr. Local Agency rihlnf friwl 44lnf Tlf If MY uiiiiMliifirieleMpiiieiippirfra t neTjr ,, lfco mr6r emwffMr mtUtnttj tn the nnmott. I wto m reafi why the Apple Show my not ctmHttently aim to make apjde CMltare a profitable nn po. flile by keeping growery thorojhlv to4ed &a In market ronditiont at al limew of the year." Par many rears the orange indus try of Califonria wan canfiiird to Mipplyfnjr looal markets, and it wat wily after crowrw etferted an orga Hlzatlon nad f staled the Industry i n ulnndnrd rapable of proiluning re Tease, nnd rnnpiwd oaf n plan to i tftde foreign market, that it became the flolden StnteV great nwHey re- source. Krlm Hmall flrower. Vnflcr the California ayitlem lb mIt grower has n mueh voice an the man of great nerpage, nud his fruit aoa hnnd (n hand with bin com Ielilor to the mnrketn of the world The RMooalntion maintain ngfiitM In erory olty in Uic I'nited Hmte-n awl many fnnjtgH noHlortt. Kale are ttmife through tliwe agunpiex, the tr- illicit buJMt: aapidifd on tolfxmpwie adtioe. Amanx (he great thwjj. aeeoiwp li4Hd by tlio nstwtdiHtwn aaide fruia imiabliihlitg iiiilfoim snide for the trim and galnlnt: nnntrule of the ntaihel in th NilJHtnMNt f rail road eiiditiHt( that gHArnntee n fair prwfh to tliw grower. AH frail iti gnlhered and deliver hI to lh lifil packing howe. IIoio il i wasjekad, nortwl nnd pnekl and lrfMU,H for sliipmeHl. The imrmil rxaHiMlion kb fig pnUe uo (Jta warhft and the frtrit in diMrikotod to lb foor ewrnr of I lie world on ll eimidiie advieu from M j;wM-ie. OLYMPIA MAL BE LEFT TO THE WAVE? II. r f f ? TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. VUHHAl.K 'ICMwre lot. Hone In. hih Uvatioa, ewwwwindiwg n Immki hi id viww of t eiir Had valley; l-l rfidae dJlrit, at rie lli.ii i.r ribl. A. P ISnnMti, Jaek- -n u. Iluuk Ud, l'hou .Mam 13.1 u,....i.;.. .....n.... w.i. .. ,l " 'TtIWMI IIIWfiPIITi HWffl wf lwidnee 2S7I. f vr... ha, re.we,l ., rble frr I'Oll KKNT Nieel inritii.il CHplnm Dmiit-U t wnlei lntin ri.ni- '..' loth i :'IJ hi, ,f V.. 1, .' .1 I I. .i.i- i. .11 . Hill Hri lf"u-kn'j'in," r ii- !hi'i ii' tii i .. i .i in ". V It . -. -. r... ti, and quality that Is eharacterlstle of eastern fruits, bat right here I wish to repent and be baptized, for this Is the equal If not the peer of any thing t have ever eaten In my life. "White I am talking let me sa a few words In behalf of Medford and this fine valler surrounding roar city. I am no stranger to the coast, bnt my business Interest have been more In Washington than In Oregon, but I want to say emphatically that yon have the real spirit In Medford that Is so necessary In city building. You have around your valley more fortile than that of the Mississippi and you raise frntl worthy of a place among tho world's beat product. I understand your hills are as rue lu minerals as your valleys are in fer tile acres and I do not wonder that prosperity Is among a people pos- iested by such unconquerable enter prise and blessed by sHch choice gift of nature. "In short I a delisted with the city of Medford and the Rogue river valley ; I never say IU tonal, and while mr hone la New York ettr and wilt always rentals there. I shall advice hnndrad of my reotluM friends to taatr for tnnes In southern Oregon, where prosperity grows on the nvwgreon tree of ontorprlse- and the Yellow N'owtown Is the nugget that lift the mortstigo fran the farm." Colonel Hrady, who has far yean been Interowtod in the wholeal' hnstnaM on the cooet Ml (or Kw York Wsdiiamlar and on his depart nro aro1 Mr Brown that he wottM ;etor again not to looate hern, knl to Invert hi Roane river frnlt lands. Colonol Untdy m ; of the most HthnsUwth visitor that vr riMcberi gennlne BE PATIENT A LITTLE LONGER MEN AND WOMEN OF MEDFORD YOU ARE URGED TO REMAIN CALM-PLENTY 0M TIME YET. Harry K. Thaw Will Be Contributor Vigorous Action on Part of Premier! ii ucmanscB rreeicieu ne 'Seen Attack: Adherents of in Lunatics' Journal to Be Issued; by Patients in Matteawan U?e Profits for Entertainment. PISHKILL HANDING, N. Y.. Dec. H The; first isse of the Weekly Will the Church. 31ADRID. Dee. 14 (via Hendaye,. PrttMire to bring about vigoron- ' -lkcwIj rirhKeVf.1 ( tk lnuw . ,,.1: . ', u ' action by Iresier CasiaJ.3jas again-it (he Matteavaa insane asylum, where . ,, intt , tne eieneais i growing stronger! i j it i ?- ,. ., ii e preaicieu mat a soon "O, why should the spirit of mor tal be prottiH" It K and you can't deny it, and that frtrtrit raut be al- iitieii. beh bewg the oue, why not do it right 1 Yon may .-enreh the irth' remotest IxjhhiIh, yon can read all the ads you can find and in vestigate them, bnt, verily, we aj hMo von, "Kar hath not heard not eyes seen the like that will be s-liowi you in the new tnre on and aftei naitiruay next. Mlverwnrel lo. N'ot triple plnle, bnt quadruple pint. ( linnng inheni 1 1, the genuine f(tpier kind. lican (Kt that teli laics of their own. Xow, don't be foolibli enough to buy before you . thee, fnr well we know yoa wilt ad y regret it. She will like oHr be-t ind row like her bot-t, and what ami ner will iyt ym, fir nm ym tw. jrill be one, anyway, and what titer ef e, -ir; est claw, the real bflM. metbing that Jow dUtsnetfow Jar nsulto will he, "We ham H.' Hnjing nw eonck to give yon a Vnl prira b- nnr stronghold. "W nave it." We are not eonfinad : mi juhber. We bay in tb eojieu mij" 4el of the world. The Mime oi. frdedo rnngee. 1U00 washer?, lb . IHiint that cover the earth, ami f .. ' r IjiL oNllfiry will be on snle iw. f jfter DeeeanW 17, next SutHrdu), .i llnrnett-Corwy'o nw nioro. Mam im drape atreut. Wnteb for more t" morrvw. Har.-T tv. TJiaar U roBftsf anoeared. Thaw rioea not aunear asidaHy. one of the editor, bnt It Is announced ; the b'fcet U-OHt of the way the hat he will contribute to the nextprraler wiM attack the adherent ot iSe "" , the chnrch. It i- expeeted that the The paper says In lu salutatory: ', b8,Ifet wfW thed bv the middle Kvorv nrfarion traJe or bal-."f J"ry and that the radicals . ti.n a i aesa has a Journal to votea Its kicks. Rardon's New Grocery The Home of Good - - - Things to Eat and benefits, except the lunatics. In tbe staio of New York 30.006 of us ire now restrained, fed. housed and tlothed at an annual expense of 16,000.000. Outside of Insane asy men ww M.t upon ihe premier carrying out he promt-e regardmg chnrch reform. It Is natd that Canalejas ha a--toni-hed even hU opponent-, with hi cleverao- m holding off a cri-iis m ihon.-iw. t-in innhr.ti l-- -l eventually be met. The n hi h3trJ.irifM nf iiiB,i ririiirp,! S premier has pleaded variort.-, cnu-er. nd Christian society, preparing to; wr My. the latent being n i iden that j make one of these palace their final ' m "w" "k? me raoinei. ine -ooattng place. It is to put themt r,,,,w,,s' hwer, are in-d-tent tht and the taxpayqrs wfa to the inside j1'! Hrait ,,c ftjfe5 J tBC nean f their futnro homo that vro launch J wh!,e ih" dn1 are prejinring fr his long-feit.vaat. ptnfe. "The pro.'lts from this family ! tournal will bo font for the nBtr-l alnment of themaato. li's the fame old thing hero day after day. , illvo us a ohance. to help onitoivoa." I Card of Thanks. Card of Thanks. We wvdt In thank onr friend and Mitdtbors and espertaHv the ekoit from JnefoMmTiK?5 nnd the C. A. R I'net lor their .ytapwthv and kiwl ne during the illne.. death and funeral of Wn. II. Cook. (Sunel. II K. IIOWMAS' AND FAMILY M. M MAISK AND FAMILY. 2--'- Raskins for health. We wlh to thank our munv friend and nelghlwirs nnd the member of Talisman Temple, No. 40, Pythian SUtr. nnd the members of Tli--hnm hidge. No. 31, K. of P., for their kindly; help, minihtrntion and yni pnthv dnring the mt week. lllne-.-. exprereil prior to and after the death of onr helot ed wife, mother and relative. Mr. Lillian Damon Again thanking von. we remain. L. L. DAMON AND FAMILY. MR AND MRS. W. P. DODGE AND FAMILY. -i9 Hasklns for bealtj. I The greatest display of Candy ever shown in Aredford including fancy imported bas kets and boxes pound to 10 pounds each in . 'size, and from New York Delatour Choco lates; Fancy Novelties of every description, together with tons of medium priced candy. Prices to suit any puree. Shelled Nuts, all kinds Imported Figs and Dates, Fresh and Dried Fruit, Imported and Domestic Olive Oil, Olives, Cheese, Fish, etc. 1000 lbs. Fruit Cake, the best on earth. Fresh Ranch Eggs and Creamery Butter Our Own Wagons Have Solved The Delivery Problem Rardon's GROCERY AND BAKERY Next Door to P. O. Phone 321 VICTORIA. H. C l)e. Wtolktrr any effort will b mad b alve the w reeked tner Dlywpii frVisn tb iNwh Uland reef baa Bu vsi been defrnsMfled. Til AhMv ' Police Search for Jewels. 1.03 ANOBLBS. Cat.. IVe. 13 i'nvate dotectiv, UtAny afe aiding he Hdin in a search for jewel vnrth fLIflU that were toteu fmn .he home of Mr. Gra Morn.-.i hile the family whh at dinnr. Mr MnrrWon wan Httrneted by n noi-i- u her dramr maH nnd rnobed in up I hi lb thief, whom nh reeuanizei , 4 n mm who bad followed her ! lb ntwtft ml liwe during lt ( Uut wk. (I weaned by Untnisg thmncb . vindow. " 'i' ' i : : : : : i: WOMA.V, l;VHI.V WOMAN What Shall I Give Her for Xmas A Carving Set Meeker's GreatvStocfe Reducing Sale Continues Great interest shown each day, because the people found every article just as advertised. The object of this trade event at this unusual time of the year for holding sales, is to reduce stock before the dull days of mid-winter strikes us. One-half of this tremendous stock should be sold before Christmas eve at the prices we are making. Sale continues all Dec : : : : An fttriiordliiitry olioulng of Caning' SHU, u gift tluit t In t N iiioi arii'lii. Ide. All ! lm" oxlr itelei't lg tlHIIllll's. MUlkshl klltlll olltet liiiuml. ingk. iinil haniUilliirl) I'useil. Vou will fluil u few ol Hie lilglii'r-prictHl M't.1 likilu)el In our mIiiiIom, mill Mitriii-ftt y 4ii inLe a 'i'p nl them !. fi.iv ili'rltllng (In- iiiillini. Medford Hardware Co. Open Evenings. lilt Ainu, WilllMlit lU'itutifiil llnlr No Woman uu 1U IIiiiiiImhiic, We k ttvery wennan roetlwr of III papor to Rive Parisian SK a 'hoiougn trial, and w glailly mak uiu tbht liboral offer: m (let a larK " eMt bottle front ' m 'haa Strang ttalay. I'm It !-M-Iwl tor two wwkf. If at th end f thai Urn yon r out satisfied lth la rnanlt. my so to Chut utraaK and he will kIvb you your uiney hack. BM ImIhr a ueHRhtful and in lgartlUK hair ttreMlng, Partoian Mas wll euro duadruff. stop fall i a hair UHil HrhinK f the Mlp, or money back f : : : ; : : : : t RARDON'S CONFECTION ERY AT MAIN AND GRAPE STREETS AND RARDON'S GROCERY. NEXT TO P0ST OFFICS. IS SHOWING THE GREATEST ASSORTMENT OF FANCY CANDIES EVER ON DISPLAY IN MEDFORD. t f : : : : : : .: DRESS GOODS-MANY SPLENDID VALUES. An i Accllcnt .showing nf high-grade fabrics priced ihmc than ordinarily low. "h values )(;'$ 1. '. alucs &V. s"n- values 50; .f 1.3d values $1.10. UM) values 71).-; $:2.(X) values $1.: 159. FUR COATS AND MUFFS An interesting display of Black Marten Scarfs ml Mull's that denotes .superiority of quality and ex liiMwiirss if style, iiue-fiiurth to une-half less than uvular prices. KIMONO SALE DESERVING OF STRONGEST EMPHASIS Kimonos in flannelettes a new shipment com I rises values that are most extraordinary. We have added new styles that cannot fail to impress every . u.stoincr with the advisability of covering present ne ls, us well as buying early for Christmas. All short Kuiomos 98c; valjjos to $1.7."). SILK PETTICOATS IN EXCELLENT ASSORT- MENT An almost unlimited variety shown in messaline and taffeta silk Petticoats in rich Dresden, Paislev unl floral patterns as well as solid colors. $u50 ,5 00 values $'.7o. ' ' r MANY CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS IN FANCY GOODS FOR EARLY BUYBRS Attractive new designs in Neck Tie Rack: Pin Cushions, etc. We feature the following as worth v of special at tention by holiday purchasers: l WARM WELTER UNDERWEAR If you ai)preciate an opportunity of getting big ic ':: in,,;.;our ;:u,iu,y' v,,,u'u ,n h tim s share in these oftermgs of nih grade winter under wear. o()c values 39c; $1.1 values 95e Home1 of McCall Patterns 28 South Central Avenue tVVTttftvt-tVT Y4--"-" ""''""" ry'i''i' r i1 rwuu zl I: r ; : : ; : : ; ; ; : ; : ; ; : ; . . : : i . niiWii. .iril I'liima.,,,.,., i . - y