Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 14, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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NKW YORK, Doc. 13. Tlio praml
Jury, nl lln. iiiiKuii(Mi of Willinm Ii.
IIl'iiv.hI, litis begun mi imcHllgnliuii
oil tliu American Hoy Senilis,
lluuM charged ilmt t lie Holictloi
lor (liu orguiiirnlion uoiu itwiiiu "il
lugul nicaim" Id tint moimy lor the
(Miloi'iniso, mitl alleges llml lie willi
tlrow from thu onfuuixutiou when he
tliHPtlVt1)ll litis.
The Ki'innl jury i iiiTiliig iiflo
(lie olinrgi wliii'Ii 1 1 cil il liu dluil,
rtlNiiiinu Hint ttinuv of I its iiirluulillul
frionilH Ii it tl been ended by lolcplnMio
llllli llllll III IMIIllliltlllt'. 'I'ho rtollc-
jlur n) mi il ii liuvo ri'iit)Rii((Ml
Hint- Hid call ivtuo nuiuo from
llotfvnl'i priwile iiflliu'.
.llistioo Gonad I untitled tluil us a
veanlt til' sih-Ii ti will liu liml ounlrtti
titutl $1(11)0 to thu SuntilH.
ttllur MiiRnlny, ropruMmtintr
(loorwn ,M. ('uluui, dI(V CoIimii hint
IiUimi ticked li.v tiiu "iillt'ilnrM to eon
tribute .f.)U00. Hi eniil tliu imiivdii
tltiiiiiiinlliiK Hut contribution iiitiimU
nl Unit t)w Hearst papers would lit-1
lock ('olinn if liu didn't moke tliu
imm.v.vxcK xci. tu.
An ordinance assessing tlUt prop
erly adjacent to ami benefited by
tho H Inrh lateral sower construct
ed along Tripp street from East Main
street to south end of Trlpp street Tor
tho cost of constructing the anltiii nnl
providing tlio manner of rarrylnu
said nnxonHtiirntit Into full effect.
The city of Medford doth ordnlu
na follows;
Soctlon 1. WhOrenn. tlio Council
did heretofore provide liy ordinance
Tor tho serving of the owner or
proporly adjacent to ami tionofltotl
ty tlio tnuminirltou of tho lateral
wor liortflunttor ilos-oiilip! to no-
)xnv uoioro wild romipll ami show
rtumo. If nny. why wUtl iirooortv
Hhotild not li' nHMiKhO(l for tlu con
IK met Ion of mild towor, ami dhl fix
a tlmu for timtlng nny aich irotKt,
whlPh notice M8 xl-ii In awirtU
nuco th mhl onllunnro more than"
ten days before the lieslunlitK of thu
rutiHlntrtlon of whl bvvr( hut uo
mtwtit nantnst Knltl roimtrurtlon of
Aitoi'wiinent of tlio coat thereof wa
mailo h niooue and nnlil newer was.
by !ltl Council unloretl coutttruclinl.
Ami. wheiAD, "the coal of the v-on-t
ruction or njd sewer has been anil
hereby l determlnwl to ho tho um
aj;" KO feot on the woHt hIiIo of Tripp
Htreet, and tlcscrilnul In Vol. 7..
pnf!o 177, county reconlor'M iocohIm
or .lacuHun county, Oickoii; no feet;
rate par foot S.s cents; amount ?ll.
AsHosanient No. 10 It. V.
StenniH. Lot S, block 2. Wllleke'H
addition to tliu City of Medford. Oro-
Hon. FrontnRi) r0 feet on thu west
hIiIo of Trlpp Htreet, aad iloiicrlheil In
Vol. 7fi. ikiko .100, county recorder'
icconl of .lacliHon county. OroKan;
Ml fi'ot. rate per fool SS; cents
ninouui 11.
AHHVMiuent No. 1 1 Mar;arot
unity. Lot it, block 2. Wlllnlcu'H ml
dltlon to tliu City of Alodford, Ore
Itoit. KrontnKe f0 feet on tile went
side of Trlpp ntnit, and deicrlbed
In Vol. 7. ihibo 143. vonuty rucord-
or'H reronls of .IncKMin uomitr. Ore-
Hon; 80 feet; rate per foot 8S coiitu;
amount HI.
At)tiwiiuvnl No. 12 TIioh l. Knh
lor. Lot I, block 3. Wlllnko'a addi
tion to the City of .Medrord. OreKon.
KronliiKo 160 feet on tho went nldo
or Trlpp Htiect. and diwrlbod In Vol.
f3. pnc 280, county recorder') rec
ords of JackKon county, OreRon; 130
lent; nito per root SS contu; amount
A emnuint No. in Marin 1
Trlnp. N a 15 feet if lot 3. btnrlt a
Cottune Homo addition to the C't
of Medford. ProntaKe 3-1 r, feet mi
tho oaBt aide of Trlpp Btreot, and de
Borlbcd li. Vol. 42, pnR RSI, eountv
recorder'M recorder'a recortls of Jack-
on county; lilfi root; rate pur Toot
S.S cents; amount $171.00.
AawMinent No. HAiikuo
Clam McDonald. A parcel of land
oomiuoncliiR nt a point 21 feet
north mid 25 foet oast of the noutli
wcnI comer of lot ;t. block 2, Cottace
Home addition to the City of Med
ford. and ruunlnir thonro enat 12BU
ieci. inenco norm r,o toot; thenci
wo jar, ii root; thonco south CO
ieci lo tlie nlare of Ivoelnnlntr ami
marked MA on the map of the City of
Moilford. Krontago 50 foot on the
easi nine or Trlpp htreet. and de
scribed in Vol. fio. ibo B97. county
recordor'8 reconls or Jackson comi
ty. OnRon; 50 ret: role t)or foot
SS contB; amount ?t.
AKexiuent No ta-Johu K. So
Hm. A imrrel of laud cotnmenclni:
at a imlnt 21 feet north and 26 fivt
eat of the aouthwesl corner of int
3. block 2. Cottase Home addition
to the City of Mciifurd. and ruunliiR
monro easi iz&v, rHt; thence south
50 feot; thence west 12&H root;
thence north RO f.H't to tho place of
bOKlmilnK. and marked A7. on the
map of sold city. Krontnco -80 rH)t
on the east side of Trlpp atrcot, and
dee-crlbcd In Vol. pa. paje 182. coon
fy recorder's retortU of Jacksoii
eoHtity. OruRon; 50 foot; rate ner
city Notices.
rIiiuIiir. ProutnKo rl reel on tho i ner or the Packard Donation hand
east hide of Trlpp street, and de- Claim in xectlon .10 In township 37
HCilbod In Vol. 57. pnRo 133, county ha,,t" t,f niiRo I went or the Willam
lecorder'n iccordtt ut .lacknon county, 'V "'erldlan, running thenco north
H: rate per foot SS - eoi to n Htnke net for a hcRln-
OicRon; f,3 fee
cunts; nhlount $17.52
Ancsment No. 21- 1. .1. Katei.
W. 1"20 feet of lot II. block 5, Cot
Idro Homo addition to the City of
Aioiiiurii, urugou. i-rontnno 7U feet
nliiR po
point rti
S2.Q reel; thonco oast 130 feet to
tho nlare nr Im..!,.,,!!! t.-r,,..,.,-,.
..n !Tw, .uiul'uf.!.. .,f IVI.m. .,!...., I I ) t! font .... !... ?? . .'.'. t. ... ..'..
.... ,,, .,.,.., n.u.' u. ..i.' o"ui uu!- " v.i ,u iiiu uaai sine in nuuesee
described in Vol. r,7, pnKo 133. conn- Htreet, and dcpcrlbod in Vol 71, page
ty mcorder'a rccordu or Jnckaon HI, county inranlnra ri.rnrih, r
rim my. ureRon; reet; rnto per JncKson county, Oregon; S2 fi feet;
root s.s centa; amouiit ItJli.rrJ. rate per root 88 cents; amount
AaHossmont No. 2ift- -I. .1. listen. ."-""
A parcel oflhhd commcncluR at tho1 AKhOwuuent No, 3 j w nnv
northwest corner of lot 12. bl.fck 2. The 8. ssift feet of tho parcel or
m. rr.i :-.:"-..:."" . ,"' ")1 '"" u" "" map -of the
and described In Vol. 72. naco no.'Kilosovelt av'cnuo'nud tnat tlio pro
county recorder records of Jnckuon I portion of tho cost of nald ijcwcr
county, Oieuon: 75 feet: rate- itcrhtlilcu each of said parcels of land
foot SS cents; amount ?fiG. jshouh) bear, based on the benefits
Assessment .xo. m Mrs. Ch ds. ocnveu respectively uy saiu several
orter tract I tfacts of laud, Is tho amount sot op
posite tlio description of each par
cel hrluiYi.that each of saiu unreels
is actually benefited In tne amount
'Int. mid rfom suld beRlnnltiR N fi, foct he L. G. I'orte
innlnR thonco not th 82. C feet,'0" "enoseo strcol. FrontnRo I
west 130 feet; thence south!011 ,,1C wust'aldo of Oencsco
50 reet
and described In Vol. . unco .
county recorder's records of .Inek- set opno&Ito its description bclov; bv
son county, Orefcoji; 50 reet; ratoltka conslruction of mUd sewer, and
Meuroni, oniRon; and rlinnliiR thenco; City or Mmirnni fw., i.-......";',,r" of
011th : reet. thence east 120 reet; S2 K reet on thoVVT, ,,f n. ! "5
inenco north r,'.l reet; thence west street, nmi ,i..u-.o... ... ir . rn .:" Jl ".
20 reel to the place of bKlnnlUR. R53. eountv 7 wV vZCT, '
irontaRe .,9 reet on the east side Jackson county, OroKon; ssik foot- , . A
or Trlpp street and describee In Vol. 'rale nr r,,n. J h '":..:. .......: f'H't on
57, iiaKe la.t. county recorder's roe- 1?.tiV - . ' """M,,u street.
tier toot SS cents; amount $4 1.
Assessment No. 17 T. P. Walters.
A portion or the .Vila Porter tract on
Genesee street, and bounded on the
uorth by tho Mrs. Chllds lot and
fronting 50 feet on the west side of
Genesee street, and described in Vol.
S3, pace 7ti. eountv rcrnrilor'n rpp.
Jackson eountv. Oregon: 50
rnto per foot SS cents; amount
fin l4 11 f Tttnt'Ciin Hniinli M ........ . f: t 1
root I rnto per root ssi'otU " ount Tho'rT.'lIi'i11 XV; - ,W' 1,orry'
$1.02 iipiuiuu 1 1 ju, central .po.rtlon or that parcel
Section 2. And It Is hereby or J L .' . Jfcf, ?i n ,h "S" of
derod and ordained that said several! ,''1 "'-?' ,?'?,,ror,,:,0r,,B0'1- Y?0,)i:
" . . , v v,vte tti tut? vubi. nuit 01
iVssessniont No. IS Mrs. Ada Por-
parcel or land fronting 100
the vest sido of Genesee
tho same belmr a nnrllon of
the parcel marked I nn Ihn mnn nf
tho City of Medford, Oregon; de-
scrineo in vol. . pngo , coanty
recorder's records of Jackson county,
uregon; 100 reel; rate per toot SS
iiHsmsmuuiK ami too Hens rnoroof be oni..rt rr. n ,i , . """:."' ceius; amount ss.
entered In the Hen difeket of saftlf s ' 0t -5? ,' ,"twcrI,,,,1' ' Vol. j Assessment No. l!)Snell. A por
" a li tnereupon notice boinrds of Jniktin7 .,...V. " ,1 " '"-won 01 me Ada Porter tract of land
given to the gwons. or reputed own-' 73 r. Lt" m? , " ",,V vOr,,o"''0,n,s "trcot. which same por
ers. of w,7d property, and that thvft mu nt I u Z VQt foal S8 COntS: Kh,n fron,a r' tw- " wt side
same he onrorcod and eollwteil in . i..u f ot,nC!iL.c strcct, and described in
the manner provided by the charter v A''sm"nt . ?J- f H. S. Stlne.iVol. --, page , county recorder's
Of Willi lItv fur I lw i-nl1ru,ttii. ,,r .,!' I0 JCOt Of lllll n.irrol nf tnn.l I rnriiriln nf lrrlrur nn,.. 11 .....
. .. v. wfc..,av,( umu,;, uiruu.
soHamonts tor the Improvements or ' ,,l,aiwI ke map or tho City of
streets therein. , Meiiforu. Oregon. Prontago 50 feet
section 3. It is rurthcr ordered j"" , ca,?1 fWc rtf.ueneaeo street,
that the notice above provided for'"11" ."scribed In Vol. CC, pago 2fi3.
.., . ... . .. -. .. rni.nri mw.i.... i. ,. ..
per root SS cents;
50 reet; rate
amount $H.
Assessment No. 20 Mrs. Ada
Porter. The N. half of the nrivnto
t ..... ... -- . . . .,,.-.., , . - - . 1
no miitiiLiwxi iiinifk Hmiu it. ... t-n ' "iihij rrcunipr n riwmnia rr nfiiL.Mi .1.1... ..
S&:,urm. Ore6o;VfcelratrA;.,r,iortT;rZr,
ami of general cliculntlon In said foot S.S cents; amount $14. street, and described I In Vol. . pago
city, in tho ninnnnr provided by or- Assessment No. C Margaret . county recorder's records ot
.nuance No. Jrni of ald citr. , iland. A strln of nn.v rni Ijnrkann,f.- o,... r ,. .
foregoing ordinance w.iK.wldo and markn! - n,, tho n.n.. ..f
passed by the City Council of tho 'o City of Medrord. off tho south
City of Medrord, Oregon, on the lSUiJRMc of the following described tract
day of November, l'JIO, by tho ro!-1 Commencing 12 chains and 95 links
lowing vote
west and 4C links north from the
limerick absent. Welch avo i:if.rt southeast eornop of iii tnnv-ni n..
ahsant, Alorrlck nye, Ueiumor nye,!nnlon Land Claim In sectlon"30.
Wortuian aye
Approved November 19 1910.
Oily llecordor.
township 37, S. ranee 1 west of the
Willamette meridian, and runnlni?
per foot SS cents; amount $5.2S
Assessment No. 21 Knola Nich
ols. The S. halt or the private drive
between the Knoln Nichols and Ada
Porter property on Gencseo street.
Frontage C reet on the west sido or
tionesee street, and described In Vol
. page , county recorder's lec-
thence north 536.25 reet to a stake, ?rf,s or Jackson county, Oregon; C
set Tor ti beginning point, and from wt; rate, per foot SS cents; jnnaunt
,iui neginning jKiliit running thence) -. ,
jnprth 123. 7n feet, thenco west 130' "Assessment
j ivi'i. inenco soutli
Now therefore, said cliv doth or
dain and declare that each pnreolffeot SS cnla; amount JH.
or nm)eriy uetieriiieii umiiw Is adja
cent tu and benefited W that rartaln
lateml tew or s iuchittt In slw eon
Mtructud m Trlpp street from Kas$
Main street lo uuth end of Trlpp
Htri'Ot, nml that tho pitHKirtlon ot
the cost of said sewer which each
Of Mild pa reels of land should miir,
bniod on the benorils itorliixt r-
s'pwllxoly by sld sexwnl tracts of
laud Is tho amount set opposite tao
description of each parcel below, that
osum of said parrels is uctunll) lione
fltiHl In the amount set opposlto tt
diwcrlptlou hoiow by tho roustrue
tlon of mild ewir. ad tlt snld
koxoml amounts reprwent the pro-
potuOMnl boHttlM of snhl several par
cels from sjild sowor Ami wich of
imtil iMircels la hereby usawwcd tho
Amount i-ot oppoli.) Ha rinaeri)tUon
below for the ronatmctloM f t-altl
Asstsment No. 1G I). it. Soliss.
A parcel of laud coiMiaenclnc- nt th.
southvvost corner of lot 4. block 2.
Cottage Home addition to the Pitv
of Medrord, and running thece. east
'-"s icei; (ueuc north 60 feet;
uienci. wmi I2SU teet; thenrv
souui o tvet to the plaoo nt bogln
ttltvs anil utnrkM) AF on tho tuai uf
'' v.hj in .MPunmt. hYoBUun
fet Otrtko bnii tMln of Trlnat ktfYf
auil ileerllictt tn Ybl C3, pole 44S,
touaty nmter's neonls ot JarknHi
co.iHiy, Oreiron: SO fin; ntw jHir
ft SS rvHts; aiootiHl $41
AeMsmeMt N. IT J. T. Tucker.
A Minwl of (be wt balf nf k,t i.
block ?. Cmtiit Mobm. cddltloH to
e Cltj of Medford. OrsR. IVoat
BV 7 fwt mm thw mat utile o? Tripp
w""". a iiantfimw 1 vol. n. pa
li, roomy reeordorV rvoro t
jaeaaoa rowntr. Onvmi; is fe;
mt iw ftwt SS .omu; awoMM
lfmi'Wt No. 15.- Vrlelo K
sTitittrr to south und oriSy1 VV"' K of Nk
Tlttl'P STUKI8T ' ttMf Hm adiUM to tm City
Aaaeacn.rHt No 1 J. f. Wltleat. ' Wom. Utrtva. Frultuc 7
Lot 1, block 1, WtllekVa addllkiH to!', "i al ai4 f Trlpp rfre.
the nty of MaJrprU. Orogw. HrtiJl,,, ta In Vol. 77. pag a.
ago 1T0 feet on tbo vt sM of reorilr nwnnlti ot JacKso
Trlpp stteot, awl itworllatd lit Vrt.?,'MM- tre. 7S ft: rl pr
-, ! . ewMity rnlr,a rtjc'" iS ': amount 6tl
onla f Jrkia eountv. Orit.M. J, Awjomumwi No. 1.-PUii J. Van
IXxH; rate i totl S,s real-. AUiouut '" " T. btock i
it. . . j. . : ----- --- ..v.
NOTICL'. 1 1"' n8 130 feet to tho place or
To tho owner, or rej.utad owner. ,h.r.'"i .11 f"""aS oa"' rwl ""
of each ikiraI of 'iirntv rt,r u S1.0 ?Sl w.p ofCenow street and
In the Joregolng ordinance, as name. ! wunVv recorded riJ I ' W i40-7,
thoroliT. and In tho Hon declared b S v Cr' --r'S ?f Jackson
snld ordinance, as recorded In theJtVs SSfT- "a ( rf:i?Ml,M
docket of clt- Hens: 1 . rm!' n,ul:t 56.10
You ar hereby notified that the' v )IS,1lu"fBl ."$ '- Soliss.
...,,.,. .ii. .... ,u ..''.;..!: A Parcel of land commencing 12
onlluanco baa bin made and I hej S?j,fmi?6 ,,eW aml 4S UuKs
lien thorefor in .,.. m 7. 11.... "or,.h .f '"-' southeast corner or
docket, aiul that the wimo Is due and .".... ?'lanort.. '""'"I1 Cla,m Inje.seo street, and des
KTLI1111 ..... inniianin -r . nxti. .f iv ..A , . .
"" , --.....,. -.. ouuiii u.i 10. F..t- jii, cuunij reroruers rec-
No. 22 Knola Nlnh-
reot:''s- iwrivl'of land commencing 15
chains and 52 C links west and 45
links north of tho southeast corner
qf ho Packard Donation lMmd Claim
In section 30, township 37. S. range
1 tast nrjhe Willamette meridian,
and running thence north 247 et,
C Inches, west 70 reet: thenco south
247 C inches, thence east 70 feet to
the place of beginning, containing
throe-eichths ot an nrre. Prnntnoo
corner otj 247.5 reet on the west side of Gen-
crlbcd In Vol.
Willamette lords of Jackson county. Oregon;
,,... ,.,v .1V..-.1J innrru 10 pay me range 1 west of the im. tip- Keronior witaiu meridian, and munlus
ten du)H from the service of this tioo, f.nt tn un i,,.
noilc which servire Is made by puu- theni north 80 teet
.v...viw,i v, i,lv lunTtiinc nriiinanrn 1311 rr. ihn.., ,u
.... iM, ... ...;. .. ' ,..:.- ""r-"" hh uu n-ci;
vir..r.V . VJi";' .I'"1 t"?"01 ' '?' !' ofieral assessments and the liens there-
thai said several amounts represent
mo proportional benonta of said
several parcels from Bald sewer. And
Cach of said parcels is hereby as
sessed tho amount set opposite Its
description below for tho construc
tion of said sewer.
Assessment No. 1 L. G. Porter.
Lot 12, block 2, Frultdule addition
to tho CltV of Medford. Orn Frnnt-
age 50 ft. on tho south sido of E.
Washington St.. and described In
Vol. 71, pago 471. County Recorder's
records of Jackson county, Omgon:
50 ,ft,; rato per ft., .S8c; amount
AstfesE-uent No. 2 L. G. Porter.
Lot 11, block 2, Frultdnle addition
to tho City of Medford, Ore. From
nge 50 rcot on tho south side of
E. Washington street, and described
In Vol; 71. 'pago 471, county record
er's records or Jackson county, Ore
gon; 50 feet; rato per foot 88 cents;
amount H.
Assessment No. 3. L. G. Porter.
Frontage CO feet on the south side
of E. Washington street, and de
scribed in Yol. 71, pago 171, county
recqrderV records of Jackson eountv,
Oregon: 50 feet: rato per foot SS
cents; amount $4 I.
Assessment No. 4 L. G. Porter.
Lot 9. block 2. Frtiltdnlo addition to
the City of Medford, Ore. Front
agp 50 feet on the south side of E.
Washington street, and described In
Vol. 71, page 471, counly recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon;
mi ieci; rate per toot 58 cents;
nrnpunt, $44.
Assessment No. 5 L. G. Portor.
I.ot S. block 2. Frultdalo nilJItion to
tho City or Medford. Ore. Frontage
50 feet ou the south sldo of E. Wash
ington street, and described In Vol.
71, pago 471, county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson eountv. Orecon: 50
feet; rato por foot SS cents; amount
Assessment No. C J. AV. Ilerrv.
Lot 7. block 2, Fruit Jale addition to
the City of Medford. Ore. Frontage
.10 reel on tr-o south side of C. Wash
Ington street, and described In Vol
80, page 32S, county recorder's rec
ords 01 jacKson county, ore.; 50 feet;
rate per foot SS' cents; amount $44
Assessment No. 7 J. - Berry
g thence, north 2 4 1... feet rate per foot SS cents; I Lot G, block 2. Frultdalo. addition
nr winning; amount $27.90. -to the City or Medford, Ore. Front-
.u !?? K,st' . b,cUn - A'"' 't Is hereby or- ago 50 feet onthcisouth sldo ot E.
u aaiiingion sireei, apq oescripoo in
Vol. S, pago .,31, county recorder's
u nn. , ui-n-u mm axpainoti tnat said sev-
Medrord Mall Trthnne. nunNaHt to hoMUP .,.1 ,:C', , " IZ""1 '." 'w"!"" "Vs '" " l 'e ""'stnore-
an onlor of the Cltv Council of aald'or th.. t'ltr ..r lir.;Jj "" ' I '. ,""5lrr ' n- "en uocket of records or Jackson county. Oregon;
clta. ROIIT W. TKLFKR fw m k j& 1 ronlaKo oImM city, am that thereupon notlra 50 feet; rato per foot SS emits;
w.. i 1 ' on lBW wi5C s,m ,,r given to tho owiiors, or reputed amount $4 1
. . . m nr. i? dccrlUli vol. CS. pagelowtf. or ald property, and1 that Cement No. 8- j. W. Smyle
" " "till eounty rvcqrdors roconla of; the sama bo ontoi-cod and collected Ut f. block 2. Frultdalo dddltlon'lo
t)i:iUNA.CK XO 117. ia,rk"" 7un- prosoa; 60 feet: lv the manner provided bj tho char- the City of Medrord. Ore. FronuS
An otiilHanee a hosting tb prop-. V-ln "" S C0M,8; amount ,or of sallt c,,.v. fr tlc collection or! 50 fwt on the south side of E. Wash-
MyadiAcat to aad WiiOKhI by the' ';"' v , (assessments for the improvement of) ington street, aud described In Vol.
-fnch latoral seww (iblrHlaa i-tlrf"S j ntbi.i Parlcr. 1 alraets throln. j 7S. page 542. county recorder's ec-
loag Gnew strxt from Enst Majn ? ,i fM... ,' T T.' "i." 'u,lon Section U. tl Is further ordered lords ot Jackson count v. Oregon; 50
street to Washington Miwt for 1U0 SLlfl "?, LiV,r?'- Ogop. taat the ntrtira above provided forfwl: rate per foot SS cents; amount
cost of cowatrHctlas the san m! ' 7?",1KP - ftt o the east hide be juibllshed three tlmw In the Dally $14.
of carrying Vol ZmZ ' ZZ. , , . ..J" .. lr,ou0' newapapor pub- Asessmeut No. 9 S. A. Ny.
11 ,ttM " ' : r"? CBMiniy recorders lbaed and of general circulation in Lot 4. block 2. vniit!.-,i n.i.min.. ..
prwvMfHe the waaacr
sMd attMHietit Into fall iffrt.
Th City
as Follows
.ut tna
--''"w. .. ,, fi.nn. up ivHapai . . . .. .... i -. r.
AM bereioore oivvM bv .tniijiM '",l7!,,T"1 .i!a' r""- u . - paod by tho City CohucII of the 72. oaco 240. eountr rorr' rr.
for the MH-vtat of the owaervt ol iTlJL- fj ..' Z?0 :'SrYuiw A VU-V of Medford. Oregon, on the iSth.ords of Jackson eountv. Orecon: 50
rtwpert adJareat to aad baefttoU'ST 1. 7T.J7i,,i a,' Ur,-J. November. 1910. by tho fol- feet: rate per foot SS cents; amount
r UM rumtrae(loa of tb IuUmmIi SCT' . i, ,v1 p, lBr easi,MwiBg roi: n.
aiwer brnMaafter otUh top-! aT'vr 2l Ooew rtreet. aH rlal 1 P.n.erlrk alawal. WohA ayo. Elfert Asement No 10 J. II. Hock-
V- . 'iw roa- AlK4Mr. AlabTPlPlr nM lUiumr nw 'm-SFUKkl lJt 5 UI00L- iVrtiltnl
--- ----- - "J-., UJIV j -,,.-r,m . w w af akuiu
wortaiaa ayo. lavaitioa to tRe City of Medford. Ore.
Approved Novombar 19. 1910
W. H. aNON.
y of Medford Doth Ordain ?? f- iTSylB0w0,:'f,M cy' ,B un provided Ibe City of Medford. Ore. Frontago
: iLUra-"' fW eimu:, by ordinance No. 250 oX said city. , U reel fin the South side of E. WasU-
1. Wboroas. (he Coaacll YL!i!i', v q it , ., ,., . T". Lfor70,"F orrt,Mce was lugion strOot. and described in Vol.
v1h by itrdlaaaeai ' ZTV hb wL .lt.r, 5 ST.
tt the owaer afloat. l .1 ' $Z?J' K' SU
to aad betltou'SvllU oP.Jf!' 0rvl ty t
a of tb lniMli7a' " '" feet oa the east.tawi
aar orioiv mm i-knu4i iui .uo' 1 . .
raus. if . wbv sM iroerty!!If. rrT,s,of Jolss,n KM,V- p-
4ioald not be .! for the cW- SX mmmiST f 1 Sa '
Mrartioa of ld vokW. ami AM fix &Jk?'L & i r i,.r ,
a tlm hrr:g aay aeb utmmu. . Jt?Zl Sttt.?' lVS.'r
bu mt -.- .. ." 1 " - "wr i. riRiuraw aaaiiioai
.b :.u uLir. r-" .rr m "o cm- of y.
tM dan bofor th L.HH.W.. - j .L. yaS 12 ft
uuf rani.M. r lj i, v. J ."'mvfi atrtvt. a
Anwiw -.-.. .u .r.l;. Ti . Pe 471.
odfani. Orecoa.
ou tho oat kWe
Hd akcrtbvil la'
otaatr reorderb'
Attt: Mayor.
City Recorder.
j Froatage 50 foet on the south side
n. niuBioii street, ana ue-
jserlbod in Vol. 76. pago 124. county
l recorder reegn& of Jackson county.
Oregon; 50 foot; rate per foot SS
Mill.' nranuii. 111
.,.-. .nUn. T,T.
AssMcnt No. 11 Liada Lauer
. :! I
1 ;; I
i ' i
) i t
' t '
i '
' i
! !
JH Jaciaaa ri
f rt par fva
1H' AaWmMit.
IH U" i. bbiri
fa : ikf ii uf v
S 1, ' Irei
at nr . aa4 .
H fj ' 5l' Vkws,
W I Jnrkaoa v .
H r' i"r !-
Sf ' .-ai
ft '' Lm i. Movt
, yT
fi &
II j THpp ,
fi$-0 ' T.
K a ot Jaala
!' t '
I ' ) t lb V-Hjt k4
.... ..Mil. I-t UlnrL- I',!., n.l.
AMMWnent No S J nioke i of Urjf.,,,1. Orw Kraii IH"1 ' ". n lT: ral 7w if'cau-i l"1 f l"l dilbea" In ! B lt Cu ofModfimi. Ore
.-.. ,, fn , uir.r so ..-.-. m iw nui mm ui Tripp 4rw. , ' "' j" wi wbi wutt i, lainBBi Ha. t w rorDia))C oMttmaetN as. tnauHi '"" " " iv mjhim biue
th CMy ..,t. tVwun Kcrn-aml d.nirnb. ia Vol TS. pan tea. ." Caaaril oniw aaaunwiaal. AwaL( N ,. iv.Im1i K.M,i Ifawla. ami la the Ilea ddared bv,of AK-. WasblHgtoa street, aad de-
w IS irrt n ih .m .,a, ,.fcvaai ,-, nrr,a oTJaeVww Aad. waroa tm rm or tk ce. t ZEmt FraU.lalo Lwhk, ' erdlaaaea, as rvrordcl m tb'e Vol '. page 122. eoHat
Tilpp aM. Hut rtiiHM in ,j .ohd Ontia T i,. rat per '" f sM wr ba bva aad JC cU?, JliiiTr ftJUIT iSL.. wortket of rlty Ueas recorder's rowrds of J a ch son county,
pawf ...uttix .,.,.!,, . , fi xv ,,!. ,.,, jj rtb?; w-lmd tu bi the mii .11 Vi L l" .IJzFEZ Jr VS." Ya an aerobr notified that tbn0r":0; 9 fe: ra I1" 'lot SS
?T' W' "' NN ''"' V p- -I ..m.nrlat t tb. ,N" mW c"y h .t- ?L ;" 5hV'a ilnb rdia" a bmm awdo ami tbS Aatemani No. 12 Ua Uaor-
Illt. Iiihw,,, o.ri.or -l i..i T M,a 2 - i;lar Ibat ."rh p.rrt-1 ifjaclcai WaatT OraaW 1 Tt ,tM refor fMlrrd la tb city lie " '. Work 2. Kraltdale ad-
AMMMiiru. No s Th.w. v Kh iiiai,. addii.B to th Ctni ' fH'i drrtbd wh M- rata ar foot ssTl. -- -'- tet. tbat tac am Is dae i,,to" oT Madford. Ot.
bs Ui bbAk J. ili,ke ad of Mir.,j ud nmaiac iba aral '" ad b,, h ' ' Slaai mn4 borebr rMtairvd to pa) Pr,tw 5a f oa the tb sWe
r ' f f" 'Sr., ,v -b e :t ...oacl S!,r!T.tvi -r froaa ..ouki" block F&ttdate ad- ta ' l" VoLJ' J.155' eo"tl
htv ! Iiii.i aiux and deMuhrd m ' ' t i .. ' m.iK1 M'" lrw lo Jtttpa to tki" CVMSrd oL . "Wi smttIc ts atada by pab- yoTder s rwciSts of Jacksoa coaaty.
d. i ,w.a.. i, ..iu r,.,. j,,, suhi.., , , , w. , vq ., .v mapri"1 0 ,h?1 ,k ' ?, rWalaa " faK . tW wL W of fwaaap; ordlaaaM OJ: tee: rata par fmx SS
o fca rai iw h,vi xs. ,Mt f.t it.- ... ,.- ..JLI!!! PrcU of tamt sboald aar ZSL? .. T", jf!!rt' 1..T Modford Mall Trlbaae aarsaa.t to Ameat No. IS I. C
""wm t v. -. H IWIU . . -. .. .. . TT . . ...
a vol ia. taf parxvi ai iaan comi.nria t
r' u-x.ij. of ; tft' va tb nj itu. ! Tn,ii t-H
wa; T. fae:4 if mh 4 th. Hnbae. cora. r
: a Jt of hat bawl, i i..iaa Mtaw- .
AaMWini No t Fraak Hi.brrt j U fouuiv re, rxl, r rvrxtxt ,tf
1a.i I, bloc 1. Wilbrie addtttoa to! Jacam.a coaaiv. t- : (i
lb. CHy t Madford. Oivmi rYow-'aie int- ft ss' ,, ui. c.Hat $41
ab- 1W oa tho dr of Trlpp j WiBMai N. i t i jt,,
ynw aaa Maacrasmt w v.i ia. paf parcel of land coma., ncian at
rouai.v rpporow a
Jackaoa roualy Orvo
rai par htm ts raota
JmTTSLiSL1i "w '" - if.
' pb m mi omw a- Bomai -- - - .oo.T.kA..
vUibNi lo tb rtt.v of 3idord Or- j, T i-a al. .v " J 'T-. J".11' pa rot U f hrfaj
-. . fc" , . w- w it a
apa. rroaiap r lrl oa taa vM
lido of rile nrw aad daanlbod
Vol ai pan nmoty raparaVrV
rarora ol .art.wta ovaaiy urvfloa
voi ran im. i,vii & n&ai. ft. . . . ' .
a.waaai Ml Oijea fvt .... ., ..... ..
No A J " '"
f ,1 "lL Wkaa addubaa t. Aaxatti No tJ -AalU J
ta Clt of Madfo J vr,a FrooJ- abarrlrV a LUT.. i".TL.-
racvrdrrs rorortte of Jackxta naaa " anr l" "' Toamcu ot )d i-ner. i-ot .. Otoe J. Frail
t. Orocuo. 12 !k; rata par foot nv' ilOttT. . TW.HKK. dale addition t tita ctty of Mad-
. aaaoaat 10a.9. Clvy Rooordor. for- Qw Fraouao 142 let oa tb
thai vara ,.f aid parc-l is artoallj "7?!"... .,Tl:.- TTT, x .... ,,Mst. Wablaatwi streot.
WwWIWd ia lb awouai OMMwIf "T ' pmr f- ...m.,..-. n ... .. aM aarrtbd la Vol. . page
!vaad oa ib boaeflu aVHvod r-
Pcivv:) (. aaM aneral trans of
land U the annual aet oppoaita lb
Jrripiho f a.a iareH Wkv
Lot o; block (. Frultdalo udUltioh 16
the city of Medford, OrcEon; front!
tiKfi 17 feet on tho north cldn or East
Washington street, and described in
Vol, 71, pago 471, county recorder's
records of Jacitson county, Oregon;
4 7 reet; rnto por foot 88, cunts;
amount $H.:iO.
Assessment No. J 9 H. W. How
ard. Lot 7 and tho enst 10. 4 root of
lot S. block 1, Frill tilnlo addition to
the city of Medford, Oregon; front
age 66.1 fcef on the north n'Jde'or
East Washington Htreet. umr describ
ed In Vol. 7S, pago 715, county re
corder's recor'p or .InckEon county.
Oregon; CC.4 foot: rate per foot SS
cents; amount $58.43.
Assessment No. 20 H. V. Platf.
The west 33.C feet of lot 8 and tho
cut n.1.2 feet of lot 9. block 1. Fruit.
dalo addition to the cltv of Med font.
Oregon; frontage CCS feet pn tho
uorth sido'of East Washington street,
and described fn Vol. 78, pat.'c 545.
county recorder's records of Jackson
eountv. Oregon; Gq.8 feet; rato per
toot 88 cents; amount $58.78.
Assessment No. 21 Win. Angle.
Lot 10 and west 1C.8 feet of lot 9,
block 1. Frultdalo addition to the
city of Medford, Orpgon; frontage
6R.S feet on the north sldn of past
Washington street, and described in
Vol. 7S. page G4C, county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon:
6C.S feet: rate per foot SS cents:
amount $58.78.
Assessment No. 22 C. w. tinimrio
et ux. Lot 11, block 1, Frultdalo ad
dition to tho city ot Medford. Ore-
con; frontage 50 feet on 'he north
side of East Washington streot, and
described In Vol. 65, pago 343, coun
ty recorder's records or Jackson coun
ty. Oregon; 50 feet; rato per fpot 88
cents; amount $44.
Assessment No. 23 C. W. Ttoborts
et ux. Lot 12. block 1, Frultdale ad
dition to the city of Medrord, Q
Ton; rrontnge 50 feet on tho north
side of East Washington street, and
described in Vol. 65, page 342.
-ounty recorder's records of Jackson
aounty. Oregon: CO feet; rato per
oot SS cents; amount $44.
Assessment No. 2 1 Sarah . E.
Woolverton. Lot II. block 1. Frult
dalo addition to the city of Medford.
Oregon; frontage 50 feet on the north
ildo or East Washington street, nnd
Jescribed In Vol. 8, pago 3S6, county
ecorder's records ot Jackson county.
Oregon; 50 reet: rate per foot SS
enis; amount $44,
Assessment No. 25 Sarah Wool-
W,r.'.??' ,Lot. 1:'- ''lock Frultdalo
addition to the city of Medford. Ore
?on; rrontago r,o feet on tho north
side of East "Washington street, and
described. In yol. 68, pago 386,
county recorder's records of Jackson
"ounty, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot
SS cents: amount $44.
Assessment No. 26 W. II. Hum
ohrey. Lot 16. and tho east 4 feet
ft lot 17. block 1. Frultdalo addition
to the city of Medrord. Oregon: front-
.S X.. fcet on tue "orth 8,dc or East
Yvashlngton street, and described In
vol. .6, page 320, county recorder's
records or Jackson county, Oregon;
4 reet; rate per foot SS cenU;
intount $47.52.
Asc?sment No. 27 Dr A W
Oeane. West 46 feet of lot 17. "block
I. rrulul3e addition to the city of
Milium, uregon; rrontage 46 reet
on the north side of East Washing
on street, and described in Vol. ...
Kgo . . county recorder's records or
Jackson rouul -. Oregon: 46 feet; rato
per foot SS cents; amount $40.48
Assessment No 2S L. G. Porter.
Lot IS. block 1. Frultdale addition to
Jie city of Medford. Oregon; front
ga 50 fcet on the north side of East
Washington street, and described hi
Vol. 71. page 471, county recorder's
records of Jackson couuty. Oregon;
-0 reel; rate per foot SS cents:
iniount $11.
xVsAOsement No. 291,. G. Porter
Lot 19. block I. Frultdale addition
to taa city of Medford. Oregon; frpnt
iire S6 feet on the north side or East
Washington street, and described in
... ... !-(, i1 county recorder s
-ecords of Jackson count v. Oregon:
" feet; r.i,tc por foot SS couts;
tmount $14.
Assosameiit No. 30. Lulu Porler
Lot 2u. block 1. Frultdale addition"
to the city of Medford. Oregon; front
ige 50 fwt oa the north bide of Eaat
waabiRctoa Mreet. nd desoiibed in
Vol 72. iwgp ass, county recorder's
.-apords of JarbMiu count), Oregon;
feet; rate jier foot SS canta;
xmouat $41.
Section 2 And It is ,.r.
Jorwl aad ordained that said sovoral
isteMeU aad the Hems thereof b
atarad In tho lien decket of said
Hty. and that thereupon notice be
?tven to the owners, or reptiied own
rs, of said proparty. aad that the
naw be enforced aad collocted ia
fca wanner provided by tho charter
. skl city, for the collection of a
sjm?nts for the Improvements ot
sreoU tfaereia.
.kJ8 ' . " U '' ordered
t JMkiMna si. I., .k- ....i, ttoa to the Cttv of MaalfBrd. Owai n ordinaaea aioialni; tb aroa-.ronatr raaotdar's rtaorde of Ja i ...nJ.i.r:.. "?:" proviowj i...
iK ,4 War aad tbai mu - ? 2 lot on tba aas d ! adjaceat to and Wnaftiad bj aaiy. Oregon; 142 foot: rata pr Mafl TrlbJW- --ii . ! Slv
ral aaHaau rproaat ta ptopor- f ? T,' rtbl la'f lJral wr -a4rnwtd K 4 roals; amoaat $12t.. ,j ,B1 of Lynlli-ilTlLi,
ttoaal Wafnti oJ aM wil i-Tr- T. v St2. oatr racwdar e tft Waablagtoa MroM ftp Aii.njwnt No. 14-L. a Portar Hto in ih?Lt !Illf!te '.n " ''
tvfe frooi i M.MT mi -k reors of Jaci.son eoaacr. Oraeoa: "oorato Mtt-m to kocuotou aToaoa. " . nnxi: J. Frnlldato additlaa 4i.... v.. ."7. . """11 ur
1 ! OTb -. -1 . V.K BBk . ak A &. m n n ---- AW . IA BL rH W a V MM B h. .. n I - - - -
tb : ra par wot canu, " v tumicwints uhp nana y w jiwiion, ura. rrom-
aaa pmnaiaji ia manner nr rarry- sa i ta tusx on rna aoatb M of K.
" ibio tail t- wrwapioa sarvet. aa4 aaacrinad la
f vf- j. ! connur raroroarV
rr dry oi ai eantra uotn omaia iMotaw or jan&aB) imtir rv.
SKWbUi tVC gkSmubt oamr of DoottJoa Lul ftH: 14 ft: rata par loot SS rams;
rHOM bUST INr1kctto Bm" - " -r?bi. a rang $jo NVnama.. tn Coancil nnannnt $JS4.
SlVSthm TO I vaat o tno 5aa mortdtaa, TOotoe ptvt4d b ordinancf Xr aiaat Na. j. C. Ward at
Coatlnaai No i V W "f rm" ,W St !T K??. " ownorS 4 11. black J. FriUl4dd
jti: rr.T ,tt.: 'rr".'"?. " . tnonr owt im reti nipi w owwaw m
ot iii iL ,vJ- 7V , Miwh I. karabj aaa war ad tb- - ran- por wot s wnw.
4 lit? . S ' '. lh ' ' t or iba mMrarrloVlaaU Aaaaaanat No. 14 W. H Cam.
. arrttnv) a Not 5 , 3 .x.aaiv ATvS5?SLk'I. fo'L.1ri22i- ontbaoat oaroer of Donation Land 1
lb buoral froavac 143 on rm aortb abta
,0 Of nl
ia. toregoiBg ordinance .s
dty toonail of te
Jti d'"?- Oregon, on the ISth
aJ2!?Ti!r1,t- wtek ay- E,fcrt
- mjv.
Approred Nowwbar 1, 19io
fu IHZ r Mt h IT J Paebard pj.4 . f, yj xtn4taie alons re said anell and taw . ertbn4 l ni. 7.
L 5SK f : J"M,;i1 r11 u !io 5 im. .aura oat apd of b abot do- earn. If any. any vim aropwt, rororper raopraVs ,
TTi 2Jf!.H,,,, VH 'N f liyZSPJ' LH ' .' rlbd land. bMi atrji of tead W W naavf for tb pon- Orcoa. 145 fapt:
J. XT?!? n:B! '. '- !?rt.,,,t"',. "' H Canon asroat fc gadlaaiia for ataaat W?tt- '. n4 dM ft caaia. amonnt $13
n c fiNrt ikaor t..8tb . fw -ba 'banoa nonb JlTV mot. Uwojc ..urw aaa airkol ll oa iw -- hina lor baarbu nnr aacb nrotaats. - v-
- -. m il ft tboa, noril. n " co .oath HTTfa. ff'STcAr- tJi OT & nTTYS- iTiVK. UtTbT!
r wltlf L rtvaauna ? ona Uo loot I ib pUo o. pi iO ra am M via f ordJaano. mora inan ifc .r.vTr Mc4f3r
., .1 4l , ., XtlJ p (W graa aaa arc i bat a jrptaa ; j-, j,s ,,4, roaordor'a. rot- ronotracUaa of sd aerTbnt no W'nton st-W
L.v. . lWa ' M" woid of rttbt of aay for road prpoo to a ari. of Jackaoa roanU. Oronoa; 4 pnxaott acnanM said cvctractan ol Vol Tl p. Ti
iT . "U rtp of band loot aid aad 1T fwa ra: p.- f.t SS caajt. aaaoant ai iiiantnT of th rot tboraof was racordj of JacK.Ka
111 t .'" " XV "u l t t'lajt aad bordortnc $: m4o b any oa and aid ar wa IS ten rat nr
-T . I -., v .. . . . ! U1WI finammat No. i P M Kor- by atid Ooanail ordawd ronatrocaid. at $4J 2t
V 1 -T T . ., J B' "n, l,' ono !IT ! aba A panol of UaJ wmmoctaj: Ad. wbau. t cov of tn roar Aaaaai No
tTi !? , x--??sl at a va in a wd of 6nw t- iSA portb a4 !? Wt Anacuoa of sad wr bai ba and Lr . bterk 1 Ta
--7 5T.ll f-. Um Triw -rtJ n Vol 4J. pa W c-t lb Moibaui coraar af tvaaattoa baroy ta daaoraataad u b tb saia tfca cfv af Mentor
IS. ii. .i-!?i . It w n ronr roeordc ot Jarlva Laad CUnav N tt. tOvmsbJp IT & of $ll i No thr for. saM : oa tb
, tlauwvTlJfv. JSI i1" wl OT, StT faat at pr m raait I rot of tW WiaUntott .h dotb Mvaaie aa4 dtlra tb-a Hs.aatoa .
tt iT- !J?J. l,M,wr 0j !J tW. oaai $JIT aa.dun. ra.aiaj: tbff aortb Ti vara pancal .f .wpattj cScnbd b Vol Tl pa 4T1
Hi KL.I1 ,r .Tv1 -"ij ! ini So. t Hwtm an- Ipm tponao aroH bwlnintac and lor at &djaapt t and bonotftad by raoardn afJakMo
TitTl J.iiTaTm " 'W J$ 1 UmA ronaaaonc- nWbtlTon tb nptJa tatTol ibat ean Htora! rac S taxbi foot? m
iwi iw . iv r-ia. wi w t. (tat.
r y..t-J-..lltw..''i
awin .4 ihx- wMtifetfwtM n
., iaa,,j-T-.'w.''i
40- .4 t.v
.iri .agivw v. "r-
ttl . . xrVt-4
' T V IV.n
City Heeonler.
nam- -i ..