MEDFORD MATT. TRIBUNE, fEDFOTlD. ORECJON. TUKSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1010. ;! m r i !i! i m . SjIa ASHLAND. FRUIT 10 CROSS OCEAN Ncwtowns Displayed at Ashland and Snokano Attract Much Attention States Secretary Frouack, Who Has Returned From Trip. INTEREST IN 'LITTLE DOING IN 'PORTLAMISCO LOETTA SMITH! CIRCUIT COURT TIME CUT DOWN Hocrotnry l'rolilmch returned homo lnit Friday. Iia Inir boon itwny at Hpokano and CliletujuiiHt four woolen to u day, Baj b tint Tldlnr.H. V. K l'lRrsofi, wi)h accompanied lilni, will lulurn by tho wny of Kiiiibiih City. Tlio siii'iotnry roportn tho oxporl onuo of Ills llfti hIoiir lioDHlliiK nml expollltillou llnofl, tlio work ImvitiR liocii hUoiiiioiib from liugluiilriK to (inil. AIIIioiikIi tliu Hnokniio pIiiiho of the mutter Ih now iiumtly undent. IiIh tory, tlioro nr a fow polntorH con. cornliiK tho Ha mo that niny not conio iiiiiIph. Tho rntliiKH at tlio Inland Kinplru city wont novnr before (vjimlod, n perfect car of Spltron- liiircH lalltiK' at tiHM) pointti, hut tho Hiitiut ttpuclfiratloii on N'owtowiiH rated at !l!ir polntH only. Tho Ashland ox lilhlt ttcored OS.'. 7, liaioly 12, a point uhort of lielng porfect, and received a baiinor prlo an bolus tho second licit car of NowtownH, which award nlmi carried with It $100 In rash I Thoro wor In all 21 carloadn exhib ited at Spokane. For being tho hcKt example o fcoimnurclal packed ap plet!, tho Ashland car uIho recolved it filher cup at Hpokano, awarded by tho Intorantlonal Applo Shlppera' as Hoclatlon of Chicago, At CIiIcoro tho condltloiiH weie Homowliat different, as only eight cars went on exhibit, the AshlatuI car boliiff tho only yellow npplo thoro, all tho rent being different. Tlioro wure too many attraction) koIiik on at one and tho tamo time in Chicago, as the blK Land and Live Stock hIiowh wore iiIbo helm; held In addition to the npplo exhibit. Tho first day or two It looked rather blno for tho apple people, but tho land uhow, which wav being hold nearby, Issued couponu with thulr tickets which wero hon ored by and were tho meuiiH of iiur inentliiK tho attendance at tho apple attraction, so that under a fnlr esti mate, at leaHl 100,000 people took a look at tho apples. No prizes what uvor woro awarded at Chicago, and tho National Applo Show folks of Spokane aro roported to havu sunk al least $20,000 In tho Chicago ven ture. After thhi ""Hoad of applorf from tho Ashland district of the Koguo river valley veor footiired at Chica go, they woro rorwaniod east to no consigned by tho owner and minor. A. I). Holms, for export to llalfour, Williams & Co., Covotit Carden, Lon don England. Trial of Dr. Wlllard P. Burke Con tinuesMany Important Witnesses for Prosecution Arc to Follow Prominent Men to Be Called. t n .SANTA HOSA, fill.. Due., M.-Liietla- Smith wax Muin tliu eunloi of allnielioii al Hie 1 1 ml of Dr. nil In i il 1. Hmi kc lodnv. AIIIioiikIi th uoniaii ban told her story of tin event loailinir np to Hid ruiont o Dr. Htirko for Iho aliened iillom,i In kill iier with il.viiamile man timi'M, Hie eiowd of inoibiil find eiir ioiiB HpeelatoiH wiih ii.h huge leila.i jih on iinv other day of Hie dial, iiik the finiiomieemeiil that .Minn Smith would be lecnllcd to Hie slund fm eroxH-cxaiiiiiialion ihew Iho lingual; anilieiiee yet. Jiiipoiliint uitneHHOH for Hie prose ciitioii wore xrliudiilcd lo lollow Mi (he liuid. Dr. Aildirxm V Mill, lormeilv n practicing Hiugeoi nl Dr. Hurko's Hiiiiitiiriiiin liote, w.i expceled to give Hie iiiomI Htarllini' iiifoinmli'Mi. Dr, Hill is Hiipponci to have ridden with Dr. Ibirke in n linggv from Fulton to Hie Hiiiiitiiriimi at Hie lime Dr. lliuko in ullegcd l have In (night Hie dyitamilu with which the .Smith tent was blown no Mix Abbio i. Smith, formerly bead iiiii'mo nt the Hiiiiitiiriiiin, mid .Mihh Kndie Dixon, a inumnzino writoi viliii wnilo hoviiral nrilole.s for Di llinko'h iioiiodienl, "IlealHi," won among Hie other wilnoM'H Httinniouoc Hint intvo liitlierto figiued in tin case. The (lofeiihe announced today tbai it intended calling many prominent men from different section ol Call forniu lo testify ' ehiinieter wit ncHhCH for Dr. liiiike. Murder Trial of Julian A. Mock Will Start on Thursday John Doe Warrants Have Not as Yet Been Served." MADE LOVE NINE YEARS HEN STOLE HER MONEY TO ERECT STONE OVER WILLIAM Prcshyterlans Take Step to Com memorate Pioneer Pastor's Work "Father" Williams Founded a Church Hero In 1057. A - I Older ruHldenta will lemeinber llo. M. A WllllaniH, fiimlllurl) known an "uKlliur" Wllllmiui, a plo iii ri of bontliern Orogon and the. loundnr of l'retibyturlanlsni In those puiu. (wiving t'oine to Ibis miction In Ut7. lie was burled In Jnek in llbi ewnetery. after a long life rilled with goml (IpimIs and faithful mi Ice. Many friend will be plond to learn that there l a nioveinunt under way to erect a niununiutu oer the last nthtlng plaoe lommemoratliiK bin work In this locnlti), to which he (oiiKocmtod his time and tslent In tho t niggles Incident to the mtrllwr (Im.mi Kits Mewrs Mnnls of JHcksonvllle. Shields of Medfnrd, lliilllle ot riioe ntx and Maellmiry of AsUUnd aie the uoinmlttvo IihnIiik the matter In charge, and un wishing to ansUt In I this pral'ewortb ohjmt wilt pleat..-' imike the nutter known to them SKATTLK, Wash., Dec. tll.-Aftei lie liad made love to iier for I he somewhat extended period of dim years, William Milton, an American elei'k. made off with 14Q0 of tin havings of Chi Yo Fehidn, u Japan cc woman, aceoiding to the com plaint (hat the latter bits filed in tip superior cotut here. In Hie com plaint Miss I'eliida alleges that sin hud implicit t nit li in Milton, am when lie asked bur for tliu money, which roplutjcnted Hie savings o several yea in, she londilv gave it I' him, il lining their intention to marry iiih start an apartment hotel. Mil ton cashed the cheek, it is allege I. mid vanished, and the .lapaiiesi maiden has not seen him since. Hasklas for health. Aeidu from it few tinimpoiliiiil civil suits-, (bote wiih nothing in Hie alrouit court nt Jacksonville on Mon dny mid Tuesday, and llioro will In nothing of any inlpoit until TIiiiin dny, when Hie ( trinl of Julian A Mock for niurdor in the lirol (logic will be called. As yet the John Doe warrant is sued by the grand jury nru ulill John Does. The dupuly sheriff ictuined Tuesday morning from Hold Mill, wliuie lie elaimu lo have' spotted a iiiiiii wanted on one of the grand jur.v charges, but be leliirued without ( prisoner. A fow civil causes- of ac tion weie liled Monday. Myrtlo Oardner, adniinislratrix ol the ostale of Nettie C. (Jaidnei, de ceased, files sail against tliu Pacific & Ilasteni raihoad for daiiiiigcs. Nullio Diuke asks a divoice (rom Silas II, Drake on the gi omuls jl .oil-support. John Ilackiiisou tiles suit agaiiisi tile city of Ashland to iecoor money. T. K. I'ol linger files suit lo iccovei money aguiiibt II. C. Hoiinoy et al. Marion White vs. Southern Pacific railway, daniages. (Jin Dow vs. Win. Colvig, action to recover monu.V. Iho courts attention wits takei up Tuesday by minor eivilnclioii n ml it is hoped to clear Hint pa it of the docket by Wednesday nielit when the few criminal cases will Ik taken up, the most important o, which is the trial of Julis .Mock fo first degree murder, which will 'u akeu up on Thursdav morning. PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 13. The running tlmoliotvvcen San FrnnvclHco and Portland will bo reduced to 22 hniiiri with tho completion of tho Klamath Falls-Natron cut-off on the Southern Pacific, acocrdlng to an an uoiincunipnt of Julius Kruttschnltt director of maintenance and opera tions of the Ilarrlman HyHtem, who Is In Portlnnd today. KruttBcbnltt jtald that he expected that tralnB1 would be oiieratlng over the cat'off within filx months. Kruttschnltt also announced that tho North Coast railroad will be built from Spoknno to tho Snake river where it will connect with tho Ore gon Railroad & Navigation lino near Ayer. This connection will shorten the dU.tanco between Portland nnd Spognnt1 to such an extent that It will be less than the North Hank road ot the Hill system. A misleading advertisement would be almost as disastrous to it otoro n n fire- with no inqitrnncn. V . The Report is True .. ? XMAS PRESENTS. Dp1"'!' glares in. ike Iho lit t Xma piescnt-. riicie's a MMxiiii " Thev lust a liletnne Th whole laimlv cm iiimi llieia. Thev iiiciea"e the pleat, are of hlmwh une-hair. You can ieai the oicliestru uiiihie fruin Hie lial hiii.v, tints nn,oiie cnti uu the nd HiitHge of having opera gins! ,u the iheHtur. A niui MHMirliiioiit in moioceo -.nioked Hint wltil ikiirt, gold mount d. with nnd without liuntllew, m! Di Uiihle' OpIichI I'ttrloi. (HttHMs gmuatl wlule y,m Hit I'lie most ci in pic te uplu-i shop be i ween I'm Hand und Sacramento. California Is tlio plncc to viiit. Oraiigo groves ,ii fp 1 1 bloom, tiopical I lowers, In inoiis hotels, Iiistorio Old Missions, tttraetive wulering plnces, delightful efimute, making Hint favored section tho Nation's most popular retreat Von can see it ut its best via Hie Shasta Route nnd "The Road of a Thousand Wonders" SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Up-to-dato trains, lirst-class in every respect, unexcelled diniiig-eiu service, (puck tune and direct con unctions to nil points south. I STECIAL ROUND-TRIP FARE OF $55.00 Portland to Los Antjclcs and Return. With corresponding low fates fiom all other sections of the Northwest. Liberal stop-overs in each diicetiou and long limit. Interesting and at tractive literature on the v in ions ic-t-orts and uttractious of California mm be had on application to any S V, or O. 11. & X. Agent, or Irom WH. HcMURRAY. General Passenrjcr Audit Portland, Ore. iikhi: vi;itv ,s'i aki: uikjki) to comi: and i:.amix i "WAI.KOVKHS" for .Men. I "1'1ntA" SIkh-s for Woneit. "PAT I'OHAX" line for It js. r .iT "ff mi m - t" - -- - ' -- T bbm ss MBB. Jjifo HANDSOME (Pi TABLE WS )M( SILVER If utaH Is lll drlight of IJPOT vrn? l'10 housekeeper xSrmi i M wl whon she sees It l ' A ' mM decorating her ' i V" If hos)ltablo homo 4 1 I or ornamchtlnB t J si her buffet ami 1 f I lending a tone to ' 41 !fj her dlulnz room. f el You could not j J 19 W find a more suit- f 4 II nblu gift for her. $ J 1 Wo will be pleas- (SHj $ SMl 0l1 t0 8llnw yo" JlEPt ' I Oteta i- : . 1 2frrrr4rr ; mm raw &meade4Smk B Perfect ' I ' J H . mi . a ; VU9MMrgJMaMMMeaHUMMMNMOTMHMMmMf 2 That DIAMOND'S lino of WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY STERLING SILVER CLOCKS AND GERMAN O SILVER BAGS SOUVENIR SPOONS TOILET SETS MILITARY BRUSHES STERLING SILVER TABLEWARE, ETC. Gives the prospective purchaser the largest assortment to select from to he found in the :: :: R-ogue l?iver Valley ::" :: rpi... us. ,t,4 rirwwic. ..- r;.,iw ..:,.... t J.llU . IIIIIL . VlWtmO . Ill . Ulllli J. i H V o J, W. DIAMOND PALM BLOCK MEDFORD, OR. .444444!4--a-S-44----'S--iS4r4f Men's Shoes Women's Shoes Boys' Shoes lt()N(J hlXKS AT THIS KTOIIK. YOU ouu mm: OK H. B. PATTERSON The QUAKER NURSERYMAN Careful Movers E FLY: ENTERS MEET SAN Kit VNClSi'O. I'ul IVc 13 l'Villg Yd, h Hntho-Uurii OiIiimo. who linn HupliiUUiun to become n blrdmttu. will tty In the mlatlon niHet to lie held In Shu I'laucUe) the flr( uk In Jimunry. Fung Ye today nun eat hi id n the uovlce rlntM by the foiuaiittoe In ckargr of the meet , lu mi nernUiH4 Minbodjliig iMtriK of tbe t'uulM and WiiglU mnelilUM.! Fonic Yi has made t.eral jtraeiWe' rjlRhtu. He ban a bandar of tiU own la Heikeley and I tuld to U very adept In liHudlliiK his uiurbliio, I Parties movlnii will do well to call on MATTHEWS & LAKE to handle their household pods They pack and shin furniture am unpack ami set up furniture and di haullnn of all kinds. Daanaoc In eluded. Phone 2151 I ...For Sale... DRY BLOCKS ...Phone... MAIN 2601 G. E. MORSE MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. I i BOOKS RookwoodandTeco ...Pottery... PRICES ALWAYS CON SISTENT WITH QUAL ITY. MEDFORD ..Book Store.. HAS EVERYTHING IN THE NURSERY LINE PEARS, ArPLES, CHERRIES, PEACHES, AP RIC0TS. PRUNES; ALL KINDS OF NUT TREES ANO A FULL LINE OF FLOWERING SHRUBS, ROSES, ETC. A FINE LINE OF SHADE TREES. COME IN AND GET PRICES. Office 116 Main Street Office Phone 2381 Res. Phone 2493 --- ---- .-...,-...., J. E. EKYAKT. President. JOHN S. OKTH, Cashier. J A. l'EHRY. Vice-President. W. 11. JACKSON. Ass't Canhior. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFE ntrOSlT BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKIN6 IUSINESS TRANSACTED WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. i 1 j I j i J Jon't lail tu hiuk hoic for y our cut hn..-, priousj. Now ship ment, jiiNt owni'l- the hvulo,t tk'-.i-ns in yuniiino cut from (ho lilniik -the most porfout cut k!ih on tho inurkol. Fine Diamods l nut bhtiwiiiK Iho lrr'"t -tock of DiuuioiuN stud iJiuuuiuil Sil Jtwolry in all thu intent tleMgiw mill imtlorns lluil ovor wns shown in .Modford or Sniithrrii Oroson. Jtrouciiw, Stit-k Iuk, LockcU, Ctttf Ilitttoitri, l'lntiiium mill i)iiiinoii(l lVinItinls, Plntiiiiini Tiiini liers; overythiii" in the jewelry line Unit i Iuh kiikIo anil Kou.l. Silverware, Clocks, Etc. Don't fowl to see f lie kitt und nouobt hlorluiic mKci- tnhlo ujiju iHiucniN uie I'atnax I'ulltrti, tlio moxt tnlkul-of t It it t hut. been mario for yeuiti. See tbe Intent in Hrtws t'lok all the latoct iWid-.s. filHh -Silvoh Toilet Sets,, .Mtuiieure Seth. OoM ,nl silvor Noel lies. TU Inigiwt i-twek iu nludford. put loin in Cut I 1 ' . I Show the Goods If it Comes from Reddy, Its Good Martin J. Reddy j 1 he Jeweler Medford, Ore. Near Post Office srsss 4 MAIL TRIBUNE WANT ADS BRING RESULTS