o'Bfi iamy6nTim;a?RTEiT3aqsDg0R.D;0R'EnaK; yoi-suAY,TOeRMnin; $, toiQ.y. - w -." - BOB BOLL litis is 161 Mysterfous wtfsfle Gets' on Nerves' of HPoice ((flccrs Locked Up Over ftfgh'l anil Then Is Shipped r on by Police. Dob lu'gortmilf iiol the, Hob of the "Mistakes o Moes," but Bob In gersoll who Insisted op -walking ubout the, streets nml whistjjpf; in front of houses, acting ns my&tcriuus as the man o mystery, ami telling the police ,to get next tq themselves--, was the attraction on the streets i'I u Into hour last night. , Dob was warned several times ii. Officer Cingoaid to let up o,i the mysterious whistle which scemeil ,lo bo a sigunf tot his pals, but Hob per sisted in continuing his whUtJfc ami his night trowliiiR, nud .when, np pronched for the forty-fourth time regarding his.'mystciious actions, ho l)lainly told the police to "get nest to themselves." IIq clniiued to hnu' a worn nt the Palace, but when tak en theie by the officers U was learn ed that hf had pp room, and Officois Ciiigcnjil apt! Memsie took Robert into custody and .found, on him $'11.10 and a ticket from Rosoburg 1 Shasta Springs. It is Relieved by tin). police that the mnn is demented and wandered from the train. IIo reached here on the 11:20 aud us thai (rain does not go faithcr than Asii laud, the unfortunate man was de ceived nt Roseburg aud allowed t take the wron-u;iirin,jii. lroyns.jibpvntcd, ffytys.duv morning andll.be, put on the pr,o(er train t. take him to Shasta Springs. Fori, ExferTfHGi:. MJvcclkMicous, TO EXCHANGE -j .For, Mcdford property: 120 acres, uiumprovcik $2000; 10 nores, unimproved. $1000; 110 nerctf, unimproved, .JUUU0; 13 acres, improved, $7000, 52 ncre improved,. $13,000; UU acres, inproved, $0000. W. T 'York & Co. tf T FUJ'IjJWAHNK. If tho railroad men should go on a strlko on tho 10th thoro would be a fuel famine In Mod ford Inside of a week. You ha better get a low tons of coal wlillo you can. Three curs now here. j3e or phono Durbridgc, tho drayman. 230 To Trade for Seattle Income Property 56 acres. Fine im provements; 40 ac. in bearing orchard, balance set to trees; 24 years old; less than 2 miles from city; price $55,000'. R&'GrTJE RIVER LAND CO. U N- CENTRAL AVE. MJSDITORD, OR. FOR EXCHANGE t- One ; Edison blandard phonograph with 150 rce ot'ds.; plnjs both slandnrid and Ai- berol records. "Will exchange for good organ or best offer. Write F. II. Chnmbcrlniu, Talent Ore gon. - 220 r TO TRADE New U-rn'om moilcn house with now fuiniiurd; tnko lot and some cash in part payment, terras. Jkipor-hlim Uim yi fruit growers' Dank bldg. Phono 001. f FOR EXCHANGE Mcdford and snbmbnn property, ranches, fitnbui Irinds, for other property. Address Box 109, enre Mail Tribune. tf FOR RENT--Offico rooms in Elcc- I trio building, modern equipment. steam heat, electric light, baths, I toilet, hot and coll water. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 210 W. Main st. If FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Miscellaneous. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Five passenger i4-oylindor touring uutq-, mobile. Address Qox 200, caro Mail Tnbuno office. tf FOR SALE" 6lt EXCHANGE Fine modem home in, Snu Jose, Cnl., for snjo or cxclpiugo for. property in qr netir Medfqrib Address 510 Hast Main st., Mcdforif, Or. 227 - ) i'l. L.f-n fOftCEXSET Miscellaneous. FOR LEASE Fishing, Hunting, boating nml bathing resort, 1V square milos body of wator, oil railroad, within 12 miles of Med ford. Address Box 201, care Mail Tribuno'. - -- tf -fr FOIl iLBASH Fully equipped placer mine. Call on Alucnli-gcn, Korku Kivor Electric Co., 216 Woat Main. tf FOR RENT. Tf Farms. FOR RENT Farmn from 40 atre to 400 acres, alfalfa land, ..fruit, ranches, pardon lands, general farming ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co.. l West Main. tf NEW ADS TODAY. FOR RENT 01 f ice rooms over the Postot'tice. See Geo... Dyer, FRATERNAL ORDERS. X.V. Tallsmnn LoiIro, No. 31. Mrntn Monilays In IC. 1'. Ilnll. it. a Wortman. C. C; J. K. Hutch uson, IC of rt. S. Pythian Sliteri. Trinplo No. 0. Meet first and third Woilnpsdays la K, r. HnlU Mrs. Knoln llanillton. U. C; Mrs. Alice E. Trow hrlilgf. M of It. C M. W. A. Modern Woodmen of Aniprlcn, Cump C012, meets first, third and fourth Tuesdays at Smith's Hall, W. -O, .v.t.JW.I, (.UII0UI. UUIIII i ii ir. iiwrence. Clerk. HOUOK-W. R. O. ij ...ll.t ; S.'".M',r ArNmr Corps. No ai. iiicft nt kpoukmi nun, riiHt unit tiiii.i V,V .,.!,,".I,,VH of ,'"c'1 niohtii ut ..3o p iii M'vw i',"1-'1' " WIlH.Hl proHlllOIlt t I O." A.'B. "" ; .' l "; t'lNt1 -V Aithur rout, No. 17 iIii'Kiilar iiivi-tlnir firm and ihlril i HumiuyH or i-arn niomh at a:3u i in. nt lUdntcin hnll VIsHIiik coihmiU-h In Rood Mtiui.)nK Invited Major Andruws, ad JUlnnt; Cliarlea Pall. com. "U'V,B LOST. m ' LOST An Airedale imp. , Return to! .i,H) h. Hivursiilu aud recqivq re ward. 2J12 Housekeeping Itooins. FOR RKNT Five housekeepin;; rooms', partly furuishpd, noi.mall children, Rood location. 604 S. Holly Ht. ::il FOR RUNT Fui liwhed holies and rooms for houseTcciiiu,'. ,Furnibh ed rooms by the day '0e up. Oi'prui) RoomiiiR House, 414 North Front st. 2:m WANTED To rout HrIiI housokeepiiiR cd, close in; wanted by January 1. Answer V II. Mail Tribune. 22li two or thrco rooms, furnisli l'tiiiilslii'il Rooms. FOR RENT Two lnrixo conncctiiiR front, rooms, fino for offices or. drcssmnkiiiR pnrlors, upstairs,- con- ler of town; 0202. $25 month. Phone noo FOR RENT. Houses. FOR KENT Good 4-room furnished house, with a Iur jjnrn mid a lat-Ru lilt. Conptius-Giirncr Realty Co., Ity.W, Main. J'hoiio (lO.'t. FOR aRKNTSi.-room fiinrishod house, close in, Coruitius-Garper Realty Co., 1IK1 W. Main. Phone OO.'ll. ... 227 FOR RENlVOnu 4room house, tin ftlhiishod, close in. Innuiro 181 8. Bayljetsl. '.-. FOR. RXlrj-room house, for .f!2.fi0 per month. Cnll at 220 S. Grape st. 2:10 Itustucfu Kooni.i POIt RENT Business room on W. Main st., 24x140, suitable fo- res tanrnnt or billiard room or other business, steam heat. Gold Ray Realty Co., 21G W. Main st. tf FOR RENT Office moms, ?4 each per month, in Rostcl's ulodcrp block at Central Point. Or. 237 FOR RENT Larj-e office rooms, m suitu if desired. ' Gregory's Studio block. FOR SALE OR RENT. IJnslness Property, FOR SALE OR RENT 8-room houso al 700 S. Oakdale uvc, nowly pninted and decorated, cement basement; will sell at a bai-Rniu villi best of terms; monthly pay ments if desired. Harry II, Tut tic, Park nve., immediately, back of the abovo house. Phono 71. " tf FOR SALE OR RENT-Good open iiiR for Ronernl merchandise storo in new town with $1G,000 monthly pnyroll, on rnilrond, 12 miles from Mcdford. Gold Rny Realty Co, 200 W Main. tf. FOR SALE. Business Property. FOR SALE Choice- busiucss prop erty at a bargain, on jojir time J easy terms. Address Condor Wn tor Powor Co. FOR SALE Third floor. of Adkins IiIiIr., formerly used by.Oddfellows. Appjy to 1). F. Day, Frnnk Wilson or J. B; WNiod. tf liOtH. FOR JvK l-Ht front lot fiOxlKi. ICcnwood addition, $l.r)0 on easy tonus. CornitiuK-Garner Co., J'J.l W. MJiin. Phone (lOIU. 224 FOR SALE One of tho best lots oi S. Central uvc., .') blocks from 7iii st.. located in one of the best resi dence districts of Mcdford; pave ment, , sew pr and wator; lips n ; barRiipi you can't ul'i'ord to mis-i Call ut 201 S. Central nve. J.,1) Itcesnc. 228 FOR SALE Lot .-0.220 aud house l !.")(). 822 Bennett avc. Addrest. John A. Henderson, Mcdforif Or. 230 FOR RENT At the CottnRo, ploa apt, furnished rooms, with hot and cold rutinhiR water; baths, lare sunny porches. G01 W. 10th St. or 124 Kins St. tf. FOR RENT Sunny furnishqd rooms, ono block from postoffice; board if desired. 208 N. Central avc. corner, fith st. 300 I AnviiRc. FOR RENT- -Funfished momn for transient at No. 10 N. Grape bt.t tiaiihieuls at 2su. 10 .. urapu st., bank. FOR RENT Furnished rooms by tho day or week, at 128 S. Hollv. near Citv Park. 22(5 FOR RENT 15x10 furnished front room; fire place. Enquire Gregory h Studio. FOR RENT Front room, close in. 219 S. Central uvo, or phone 293;. Imiiiirc ut Mail Tribune in inoriiiui; or residence utter - '! ' - RENT Furnished FOR, Routlculnn only. " p. in. tf - j r bcdrooin 339 N. Front st. 23 FOR SALE A baiRaiu; 30 acres of hind, 2'L' miles uortheiiht. of, .Iiuik sonvillu and ' miles uorthweit o .Icdfortl. Call at tic CoiiRcr ranch or address Mrs. Samuel CoiiRur, lacksoaville. Or. my. TO RENT Two new sleepiiiR rooms .f2.iiqr,week. 620 l Nowtown; 227 FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. 203 Olcson st. Phone Main 4474. Iloaid anil Itoont. FOR EXCHANGE. Ileal Kutaie. FqR EXCHANGE-SeatIe, choice rsidonce, 9 rooms, piodeni; also lutfc in same block, for Mcdford or ufiftrd tracts, iomo bcariiiR and some raw laud up to $13,000; I want owners in this, no agents, j Call ut the Moore hotel for few,' duvs. C. C. Paul. 220 ' : i FOR EXCHANGE For L03 AnKelcsj property, ono of the fiqeift 'small orchards in the Roruc River vallev:i prioe $12,500; paid last year $30Q0j nfU iJcl . Wwo; AJilr?s "fjcivi," care Mail Tnhnnp of-i fico. ;'9 BOARD with room, $0 pur rpek; meals berved family style, homo cpokiiiR. 410 S. Evergreen st.cor, 12th, on Southern Pacific trnek.231 T PRIVATE BOARD AND ROOM nt 402 S. Central uvc. Mrs. 0. II, Hart. FOR RENT Nicolv i'.jimibhud room. Inquire 520 y. J.0th st. 231 Uouici. FOR RENT 5-rooni furnished bun galow, $30 per month. 820 Ben nott avc,, Eist Mcdford. 'Apply at Hdmoudes Bros.' shoo store. tf FOR RENT Slr-room ottngp. Ad ilivfc rM W Ila'tiiillnii si Phoi.i FOR SALE Boatitiful hillside build ing site, about 1 acre, jiijit oiUsido of city limits in EuM Mcdfonl;liigli ami Hglitly, with liuauliful view ol Mcdford and the valley; will sell 1 acre fortho price you would have to pav for u good 'city lot; small cash payment, easy tonus on bal j ace. Address V. O. Box 702. 24 1 FOR SALE Los Molinos irrigated lauds, Tchaiuu county, California; wo have the five absolutely noco sary oleinonts of California I'arni' iug, vi..: Deep, rich soil, abundant water supply, growing cliinatu cheap -transportation aud estab linked cash' markets ; tho money milking capacity of the land is ex traordinary, tho intelligent handl ing of it brings immense crops; it is impossible to find a region when tip) rutin lis arc more generous; nl. fulfu cut six times per year and yjoldd ,10 ,lo 12 tons .per acre; ev ery kind of fruit you can mention, eRru lib well ns deciduous, and two oroirc of most all kinds of gar den truck and berries cap bo ro)yi; here; thuo lunds sll, with deeded iKirpetuul wujer right included, rfor $150 to .$200 por acre, one-fifth cash, balance in four c(iml annual pn meats. The company guaran tees ull their statements and will willingly refund nil expenses if any misrepresentation has been made. Call at t!uj office and let me ejT plain .the project in detail or write for froe booklet. Frank G. An-i drew, 0 South Fir st., Medford.l Or. , 230 I T FOR SALE. i.tr:.. Heases. FOR SALE f)( 10 nnd 20-ucio tracts with perpetual 'water right for sale on cniy payment plah. Roguelands lncoi pointed, Fred N, CummiiiRs, malinger tf 1.1 i , .i i i. i , m n l , ?.l m FORi BALI- 5 ,iand 10-ncro trnots just -within-nnd.,ndjoiiung city lun itH.-nt a bargain, uu 5 nuuital pay monls Address Condor Water Power Co, FOR SALE 14 acres, 10 ncrps planted to pears, ouo mile from Control Point, $22,") per ncro. JV. T. York & Co. t FOR SALE Good 3-room Kiiise On n lot (i.'lvKiH. on t'lisv tnrnm. ..'l."iO Coriiitius-Ganier Co.," 133 W. jlnlil. ljjiono 0031. - 224 FOR SALE Sinull house and lot, 11 Washington. st, !?flr)0, very ear., teims; proporly will rent $12 pet month; fine investment. Address, 11 2. care Mall Tribuno oflico. 220 FOR SALE Largo modern house with south nnd cast front, 113 feel front on paved, street, by 181 fett long, nicely improved pounds; oyr cry thing strictly iuodrtr, reason for belling, lady of 1imiso needs u cuango oi climate; tins plueo is suitnblo for nico hcno or first class rooming lions; ensy terms to light palty. S tho Jackson County Realty ,C- G04 West Tcnjh st. o nlso.buvo large aud small tracts of iiunrovcd nnd unimprov ed orchard '.amis. tf FOR SAIxll An nrtistio. bungalow, G rooms and bnth, complcto with shades arid screens, reduced from $4200 to $3800; scats, bookcases, buffet, two ifiroplaces, beam ceil ing, etc.; well built. Chas. 1). Colby. 010 W. 10th st. tf FOR SALE Are you looking for n nice home, close in, ut your own price, with or without furniture? would take lot as part of first pay ment ; could give pohSCH&ion this week. Inquire ."29 S. Groifc. 330 FOR SALE A G-room tnodpm bun galow', close in, with built-in buf fet, chiffonier ,uud cabinet, kitchen; will qoil for cos1!1! 'as business calls mo cast. Phono 4701. 220 FOR SALE New bungalow, all. modem, Xireplacc, (1 large rooms, with .bath aud closets; street order ed paved, thl oo '7i(ocks from cil.v park. A'ddrcMn Box (!0 1. 227 FOR SALE .(Vr0, 4-roota house pearly now, ,ou good deep lot, In, cated on 4th st:;' v& block from pavement; leriiis,$200 down. In (piiro 4 S. Ornngo si. 220 T FOB SALE Al u bargain, if taken soon, new ."l-rooiu bungalow, not quite completed, lot 11x110, gout well, citv water along street. In quire 218 N. Heatly. 220 FOR SALE loh, good 2-roojn huiHo and -."O-fool lot; nice, high nnd dry; $100 down. Inquire 4 V. Orange st. 229 FOR SALE TJuce-ioom house, huge lot, good soil, good fense, citv water, good well; $950, terms. Box 022. Mcdford. ' . 227 Mlsi-cllaiicous. DON'T forget the annual excursion to San Francisco, leaving Ashland December 20. 23.') FOR SALE A a 2x15-foot tent, complete with lly, good lloor, lum. her sides, painted and lined with building paper, door, sipcen, screened uiinlow and furniture for housekeeping; ery coinfoituble tii year round; will sacrifice for quick sale. Call or uddious' (ll.'i W. lllii st. Phone Main (113. 22K i ii - ... ,i.-. iimi i imwmi ,iwm FOB HALE-Potatoes, Al ranch po tatoes, 1 cent a pound while they last. 7l)7 W. .Main. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Expcptiijnnl burgnin; lOlOiChnlincrs Detroit- "3q. Sec lr.i J. Dodge, Fiuilgrowcrs' Bank bldg. tf FOR SALE Driving team, buggy and- hurnessi! , Inquire J. S. Orth, Mcdford National hunk. 231 FOR SALE Team njules, niediuu, she. John Norrlg, Midviilo r:tich, 2 miles west Mcdford. 231 FOR SALE Gasoliuo engine, nl most now, 4-horscpower. Dr. Helms, N. Grapo St." !2'i7 FQR SALE Moving; .picture, short. Impure nt Opera hotiso, Central Point, Or. , 227 FOR SALE-Good cow. Inquire of August D. Singler. Phono Fniiuor 7203. 228 FOR SALE Older your Ninas tur keys now. B. F. Ruinsoy, R. F. 1) No, 1. 220 FOR SALE First-class piano, now. 334 S. Ornngo st. Phono 1371. 220 FOR SALl--Buggv, good as new, cheap. 230 North Ivy st. 300 FOR SALE --Brand-new pianov $2.'0. Call 015 S. Oakdalo rtvo,22D WANTED. Heal Kstato. WANTEDrListings qf. city propel ly from those vho eurucsllv dcsiiu ;o sell. We, uro cquipied with u good selling force nnd ijro in touch with several buyers. , If your property hus any merit to .it, lei us havo it, Cornitms. Gamer Co., 133 W. Mnin. Phono 0(131. 227 llOUNCS. WANTED Furnished ltntnq to care for till spring or longer, during owners ubsencc, by young married couple, no children; only good home acceptable; best cure assured; Al references. Address II. L. A., cave Mail Tribune. . 230 WANTED Small furnished house or or 2 rooms furnished. .or un furnished; must be elusu in. Ad dress Me, Mail Tribune. WANTED 5-room modem bunga low, $500 down nnd monthly pay McntH. Phono 4141. 220 uu Acreage. MtsrcUnnooaa. WANTED One or two dozen Rhode Island led pullets or year eld, kens. thoroughbreds, ,P. O. Box 88, Med ford. To!. 3902, 322. WANTED Four mule; must bu found aud used to working on an orchard. Address "Moles," oaio Mail Tribuno. 23.r WANTED-To board horses for either long or short titno. Geo, Hil ton, Central Point, Or., R. F. D. No. 1. - 227 WANTED Two or three uufurn ished rooms for housekeeping pur-i poses. Inquire of C. L. Gaul, Majl Tribuno office. - tf" WANTED-Clean cotton rags .it Mail Tribuno office. HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Male. WANTED Salesmen in evory locaU ily of the northwest; money ad vanced weekly; many make over $1000 month ; choice of territory. Ytikinm Valley Nursery Co., Top penlsh, Wiinli. WANTED A firsl-class JapuucuU boy for housework, 2 in family and good wages. Apply mornings 219 N. Oakdalo. If FOR SALE One .spun wink hordes, weight $12.'i0, with wagon nnd harnoas. , Six-room house, east front, oue half block from paving; $800 will handle. , Best vacant lot on Wont 10th a baig.iiu. Inquire W. 11 lit t. Giocorv. ' FQR SALE Limited number pure-, bicd Poland China hoars, 3 anil ,1 mouth old, eligible lo go in, the beat bonis and ohcapi enough for niiv fanner to buy. Berkeley Or chards, Geo. C. Osgood, mgr. Phone 'Fanners 703x11. tf WANTED Mini to toko tho agciiov for the Grand Union Ten Co, In quire of J. E. drier, 110 Tripp st., city. 230 WANTED A proofreader; niuut bo first I'hiKH) Address II, M. F., Mail Tribune office.. 227 1 'jm 'U"'i 'j' mi 'm.uxMi . ji 'hjju i ' v.i'jim -u WANTED. Situations Wanted. ORDERS solieik'd-Mrs'. A, M. Link, reprcscittiilg Direct Cloth Co. St. Louis, Mo.j wishes to announce to 'ladles of Mcdford she will take orders for inade-tn-mensuio gar ments rtud goods by the yawl al 230 N. Central, during full and winter scivjou; prices low, sntU faction guaranteed. 235 CQMPETEN1 monographer, 4 years' expei iouce, desires either pernlaiient or teijiporary work, Phono Main 5071. 227 WANTED-Ntirsino; Jy Mrs. K, Mo Reyuolds. Cull at 329 N. Rivorsldc nvo.. or phono Mnin 32. WANTED All kinds of sowing al 412 S. Lnurcl. 227 WANTED DrcssmnkiiiR. Address Mrs. Fielder, W. Walnut Park. 23 business Directory. Nursery Products THE OREGON NURSERY products arc nil one-year bud on 3-year roots; representative office now in Mcdford; can supply npplc, pear nnd wnlliul troos on short notico; nil gunrnnlecd in every respect; ranch ers, write ns of your needs ;' will bo glnd to uote ,Vou prices. Notico. NOTICE Aftor November 1st my olflco will bo in rooms i!ll and 212 nrnett Corey bldg., phono 2071; residence 113 Lallrol at., phone 2092. R. W. Stearns, M. P if AccoiinUilli.N. I). Rt WOOD flenerul mjcounliint. Your books audited nnd kc)it 1'ot ,i reasolmblo figure; your btisinors solicited. Oflico Phipps bldg.. room 209. Aiiycr. ASSAYER Earl V. IiiroIb, U. S Bost nequipped assay office in Ore gon. Established fivo years, Ac- oiiraio results guaranteed. Grants Pass. Ore. 205 Collections ACCOUNTS collected in any part of tho- world. No thargo if not col lected. PaciHc, CollcoliiiR Co., 33 JnoksQiiCo. Hank, bldg. . t Viilcllty nnd Kuh'ty lloiul.i, L. L. SMALL, bonds of all kinds in the best companies. 33 Jackson Co. Bank bldg. ..i. J UMl ..it., Htonograptiors. EUJ, M. GDANYAW Paha Block. Slcnoraphio work done qoiokl) and wolf. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER - 402 (laruott, Corey buildintf, Wcsl Side. , , , . 24 Billiard I'arlora. S. T. RROWN & CO, Bl'lHiudfl, Ci gars and Soft Drinks, Up. .stairs, Young & Hall building. , A pise, cool place to spond tho hot nftov- noons. Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERIKS-Our trocs are budded, not graftod. Our stook is not irrigated. Wo guarantee ev erything put out. Wo nro not in tho trust. 11. B. Puttcrson, offico removed to 11(1 E. Mniu st. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR. SERY CO., inc-Growers of high grndo nursery stock. Offico 25 W. Mnin. Tel. 1201. Tin 81i09, J, A. Smith Tin shop. Tin nnd sheet iron warn on hand and tundo to oider. 128 Noilh G al. Read Cigar and Tolwicco. IRELAND & ANTLE. Smokehouse- Dcaleis in tobacco, cigars and .Mnoinks' supplies. Exclusivo agents of Lewis Singlo Bindor. El MoriH nnd El Paloncia. 212 West Main street. Union. FOR SALE--Placer, claim, 00 noreh ditcli, resorvoirs, Binull fioiuo, go(.J land; Jacksonville S ini'es", price right. AddreK V. A Spriugfjird. Jaeksomille, Or. 213 FOR SALE -Orohefltra snare drum Mid trupii, or will oxehnngo foru kuiull basii drum or cello or buy either. "Drummer," care Mail Tribune oft ice. 220 FOR SALFj A "snap. One acre level i ground. 32, young upplq trees, choice! strawberriee, nil kinds small fruit,' city yntor, (J room plustercd bunga low, best garden spot in Ashlund. , Cnll or nddrc R. Rouse, 1f!0 Calif ' FOR SAMS A $100 pair of hrpwa horses anil Iuiiiikss, weight 2100 lb.; very fine much team; will trade for lot. Inquire 4 S. Oiango st. 220 st., Ashland, Oro. 2J(!' FOR SALE -Phono your order for Christmub trees or inquire J. H. Cnrrnll, 3'J!I N. Rhoridf or phone Mum U 2 JO Help Wanted IViiihIo. ; - -t WANTED- Lady for general olTiue noil,-, one that has had oiuo cpc lieucc in billing proforrcd; . gji priiAcnl place of employment nnd H'feroucos; only IIioro desiring Htoiidy i?nplo incut uccd niiswcr. AdiJroHn I. C. Mv A., Mcdford Mnif- Tiibiinc office. tf -u 1. - ..- - . ..-, WANTED Good, capable woman In help do kitchen work; can sleep j( home. 310 X. 1 turtle tt. Help Wonted -Fvnudn, -!- CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1810Moots at Smlth'a hall, 128 North Grape street, every Thurs day evening promptly at 8 o'clock, All journeymen carpenters, as well as local mcmbciii, urged to be pres-i ont. Business pf vital interest to all enrpontors transacted at .thosQ mcotings. J. J. Son), business agt. Notary Public! " t r-rr-w .BUMHESS pirTECTOWYt Physician niul SHreoHM. I v.; ,!. . .,i, . AUorncys. WI,TH1NGT0N & KELLYLnwysrs, Palm building. A. E. REAMES-Lawyer, Garnctl Coroy bldg. U it ,,, , i, . , ( :-f PORTER J. NEFF, ,WM. P., MEA LEY Attonioys-at-law. No. 6 D street, ground floor. - COLVIG & RBAMES Vf ,M. Col vig, C. 1 Renmes. Lawyers. Of fico Mcdford National Bank build ing, second floor. 1'aliitcrs ami PnpcrliauRvrs. II. G. DEAN, O. P. M'MULLEN--Phono 3732. Dean & McMullen, contracting pnilitors, painting, pa per hanging and tinting. Estimates on ull kiildn of painting wont. Mcdfdid, Ora. DECORATE your linlcd wnlls with stencil borders by Altisdou, paint er, decorator ami papcrhungcr, No. 5 E. 3d 8t Mcdford. riiotograplicrs. HAVE your XmaH photos made by Maekey if you waul something tc please. juuTrostcr. VERNE 'T. CANON Bill ,pter aud Distributor. All order promptly filled, Room 29, Juokftoa, County Hnnk building. Medforri. On UCUUfUi. msrt .IOUNS & TURNER. Architects .and XUtildorrt, Pffico 7-8, 323 Mrttit. Phono Main 3171, Residence phono 744. . , . . , Printers anil Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped job offico in South ern Oregon; Portlnnd prices. 37 South Colitral avenue. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD- Physlcinn nnd Surgeon. Offico 210 E. Main st., ovor lln. v kiqR' drug store. Phpijo Main 1001. DRS, CONROY & CLANCY PhV siciniiB nnd surgnons, Tuj'lof t Phipps bldg,, fooina ,219-211-212. Office phono 501, robidenco phono 012. Office hours .11 a. in. to 8 p. m. DR. 'F. G. OARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS) CARLOW Oslcopathie ph.VHici.ins. Moved to Rooms 410 litid 4J7, Gurnett-Corey bldg. Phono Mn hi (1351. " DR. K, J I. POrVr.HUbrUoases of women u speuialty. Rooms 5, 0, T 8. Ht. Mnrk'o bldg., Mcdford, Or, I'honcs: Offifco 4901, rciJdonco 4951. ... ... ... , i, l , ., .. 7 , i - DR. CLARIC E. SAUNDERS-Prau-tico limited to discuses of tho eye, cur, iiono and throat. Office 21 ll E. Main ut., over Mcdford Iliud wnrn Co. Hit. ARTEMAS W. DEANE-Offico n Hiallo bldg., 123 E, Main, Gus admiuistercd for , pxtrcction of (colli. Telephone Main CS1. Night ijihonu 4432. OIL- W., W, WICIC-Hoincopathio pliysieiau; residence 203 Olson st,, phono Main 4474; offico, rooms 3 nud !., St. Mark's block, phone Mum 1871. DR. tfTEARNS-Physieiun and sur geon. Office Giuiictt-Corey bldg, rooms 211-212, phono 1002. Rcsi donco 113 Lauicl st.. plioiio 2092. W. A. LOVELACE -Contraclor and pi nclieal builder; estimnlea free; patrunago uppiematcd. 125 South njid st, DIL MYRTLE H. LOCKWOOD - Prnctico limited to diseases of wo man. Office Haskius bldg. Phone Main 1001. DR. STEPHENSON fits glasses to current uuv defect of the eye. Of fico over Allen & Rongati's. Phono jMnin 1851. Dr. W. M. Van Scoyoc. Dr. C. O. Van Scoyoc. Dentists. Fruitgrowers B.mk bldg., Mcdfoid, .JZ ...uj . I'm nil tire. NOTARY PUBLIC Room 2U7, Phipps bldg. NOTARY PUBLIC Mail Tribun-offioe. Giaolto W'rk. WANTED A goo.d reliabla voiinn to do cooking nip gouorul hotBo work. AddrcsH Mm, Wilbur Jouos, Jacksonville, or call Phono 173 or 4i- tf WANTED- Olrl for caneral houso work: vacoa fl por day. Call nt 216 W. Main st, tf WANTED Good gill for goni'iul house win k. Apply at 835 E. Main. Phone .'1091, u .munitions Wanted. WANTED--Tww cxpuritmoed mn wuut iHi-ltions as foiomen uu oi chiiid. Addri'x J C Kiwr, K ii S lalK-h. BloMlI'dlillO. 210 GOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 210 W. Main st., mnnufuaturors and denl era in gmonumontnl and bujldiu granite, crushed grnnito common brick and pressod brick, coarao nnd fino washed river sand. PAUL & WOLFF f,oll Baud and foun dulion gravel; all orders promptly delivered. Phone 4721 and 1213 Mnin. , MEDFORD BRICK CO.-Oeo. W. Prl.Uiv, O. D. Nogle, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brisk; dealers In pressed brink nnd limo. Office lit (Inriii'ii fnn'y nlnil.. nmui If.l, tlh floor Phono No :tUl new and Second-hand .goods Jamas A. MoLcuzip, doultjr In now nnd sccojid-hnnd funjiturg. hardware, clothing, boots and ghocs. Highest cash prieos paid for gpojl castoff clothing. Call nnd sue, me when you havo somolhiuR lo sell. iii;i s. ecu triti. r:'i MORDOFF & WOLFF-Cookstoye4 nud ranges. New nnd FeQopd-hnnd furniture. Ends' old stand, IS W. V st.. South. Phono 91. Mndford Unileitflki'ts. MEPFORD FURNlTURFj- CO.-Uu-dprtttkoru. Day phono 351. Night phouen: CW- Cpnkliii 3001; J K. Bnllor 3;)71 i John A. Peri 4111. '''1 ir.,P. WILSON & CO., daulort now nud bi. 'oudrhuiid furnituro nnd liiudwnrc. Agouta for House hold stoves and ranges. 10 South Fir stroot. Phone Main 3101. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS -Corner 8lh and Holly t-trootH, Mgd,- . ford. Mission furniture made, to ordor. Cabinot work of all kind.. A trial order solicited. W'J ' fl yTM