V, Hl JL jf ' If SSfc ' ' m HOW MUCJj IS YOjJB ' STOktACH WORTH? It's worth almost as much as your life ;how much in Hint worth? Clins. - fining has a remedy (lint keeps the sldmnch rijrht nnd makes it right when it goefe wrong. Mi-o-mi is the nnmc of the Kix'nt Htornncli remedy, nnd ClmrleH Strung .'tifirnnlecH it to nuro the following Blomhch nllinents nml yinilorns, or monoy hack. t'it Hlomnoh, piiin hi Htomnoh. hulrhiut of jjiih, biliousness. Heart hum, Roitr stomnt'li, lump of lend mmnnrli, nltcr-iliiinur uistrcHs. NurvoiiHiioHH mid homluoho caiiMed by Hlomiieh (lermigumeiit. That nll-in feeling in the Blomnch nfler n night of Kouiahilily, Hnd el'JVi'lB of overeating- or drinking sen or cur jdckiirfH. Vomitiii of pregnitifuy, ' or nay Rlomaeh tlislrMH. Remember, inonoy hack if it fail at Charles .Stning'H or lending tlriiggislH everywhere, and the price in only lit) cents a huge box. AWyORPjjAj.L.UVMauJB, MEDJWID. OREGON, TUESDAY, 'DECEMBER m, tolil CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. ORDINANCE XO. III. ago CO feet on the west side of Tripp Street, and described In Vol. 75, pngo 477, couniy recorder's records of Jackson coitnty, Oregon; 00 feet; rnto per foot 88 cents; amount $4 4, Assessment No. 10 R. w. StenrnH. Lot 8, block 2, WlHeko'u addition to the City of Medford, Ore' gon. Frontage 50 feet on tho wofit Bide of Tripp street, and described In Vol. 75, page .100, county recorder's, recordB of JnckKon county, Oregon; I 50 foot; rata por foot 88; touts amount $44. Assessment No. 11 Margaret Dally. Lot 0, block 2, Vlllikc' nd dlllon to tho City of .Medford, Ore gon. Frontage 50 feet on tho vent sldo of Tripp Btr.at, and described In Vol, 73, page 44.'. county rccdrd- er' recprds of Jackson county, Ore gon; no reel; rnto per foot 88 cents; amount $4 4. Assessment No. 12 Tlios P. Kali- ler. Lot 1, block :5, Wllloke's addi tion to the City of Medford, Oregon. Frontngo 150 feet on tho west side of Tripp street, mid described In Vol. 03, page 280, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 130 feel; rnto per foot 88 cents; amount ?1M. Assessment No. 1.1 Marin L. Tripp. N 245 feet of lot 3, block 2. Cottngo Homo addition to the City of .Medford, Frontngo 245 feet on tho east Hldo of Tripp street, nnd do- scrincu in vol. 43, pngo (!21, county rocordor'H recorder's records of Jnchr CITY NOTICES. ! CITY NOTICES. ginning. Frontage 54 feet on the nor of the Packard Dpnatiou Land east side of Tripp street, nnd de-iClnfin In section 30, In township 37 Bcrlbed In Vol. 07, pago 433, county.1 6outn ot range 1 west of tho Wlllam recorder's records of Jackson county, j jlP meridian, running thence north Oregon; 03 feet; rnto per foot 88,,c feet to a stake set for a begin cents; amount $47.52. ' i nlng point, and from said bednnlne Assessment No. 24 I. J. Estes. point running thence north 82.6 feet, W. 120 feet of Mot 11, block 2, Cot- thence west 130 feet; thence south tage Home addition to the City of 82.fi feet; thenco east 130 feet toi Medford. Oregon. Frontage 79 feet tho nlaco of l.n.rinni.,, Pmninl wii inn -uni. 8juk ui iripp sireoi, anuo.v leci on tno eaflt side of 0ene3ec described In Vol. 57, lingo 433, coun-f fctrect, and described In Vol. 71, page ly recorder's records of Jackson! 444, county lerorder's records of I'uuui), urngon; rj reoi; rate periJacason county, Oregon; 82.fi feet' foot 88 cents; amount $09.52. rate per foot 88 cents; amount Assessment No. 20 I. J. Kates., $72.70. A parrel of land commencing at the1 Assessment No. 3 I W Ilorrv northwest corner of lot 12. block S.iThn .? mu A": , .' ..'. ".ri7: LI. il?"J,J,.,i"n?.' .?.' fi '." barked 6 on the man of tlw ge' e CITY NOTICES. --i! .iiimiiiii ii i iriii'iiii in wiinninrp riion. fin.. m . n, , mITiTViU ' .Sn"V":rilX "'0,earflr('. Oreson. Frontn ih;;..nV,i.Ro .... .::r '.-":, ?.!"..,wl.0I uiooat wo of aaiiem ...i.,-. vi. fr wi. iiitriiut; wi'.il1 Himnr. ntii iijHjn.iiw..i i ?-. n . 120 feet to tho plnco of beginning., .,53 county rccorde ''s records oV JT nJ"Ah "1 Jacko county, Oregon; 8Tj2 fU?f (tint &!( ntkiitci ntniLfc. nrty An ordlnanco assesHliig tho prop- "" CMty, 195 feet; rato per foot y adjacent to nnd benefited by 8S c"nl''; amount $171.00. tho 8 Inch lateral sower construct ed along Tripp streot from Fast Main stieot to HoiHh end of Tripp street for tho coHt of conutructlng tho satno mid piovldlng the mnnnor of carrying said nssessmenls Into full effect'. Tho city of Medford doth ordain as tfollwfl: Bectlou 1. Whereas, tho Council did heretofore provide by ordinance for tho serving of the owners of 'property ndjncent to nnd benefited by the coiiHtmctlon of the lateral sower hereinafter described to ap pear before Bald council and show cause, If any, why said property should not bo assessed for tho coir st ruction of said sewer, and did fix a time for henrlng any hucIi protests, which notice was glvon In accord ance with snld ordinance more than ton days before tho beginning of the construction of snld sewer, but no protests against said construction of assessment of the cost thereof was mndo by niiyouo and said sower was, uy said council ordered constructed. And, whereas, the cost of the rou st ruction of said sower has been and hereby Is detormlued to be tho Hum or $1054.00. Now therefore, snld city doth or ilalu nnd declare that ench parcel of property described bolow la adja cent to nnd benefited by thnt certain lutilrul sewer K Inches In size, con structed on Tripp street from F.iist Main street to south end of Tripp street, and that the proportion of the cost of valil Bower which each of wild parcels of land should bear, based on the benefits derived re spectively by snld iiovernl tracts of land Ih tho amount set opposlto the description ot each parcel below, that each of mild parcels Is actually bene fited In the amount set opphnlto its description beiow by tho construc tion of uald sewer, nnd that said sevurnl amounts represent the pro .'portlonnl benefits of snld several pnr 'cols from said howor. And each of Hiild parcels Is hereby asKrnsud the amount net opposite its description liolow for tho construction of said sower. AHBF.8BMF.NT KOIt 8-INCH LAT- IlltAL BHWKU ON TUIPP 8TURUT FltOM FAST MAIN ' HTHHF.T TO SOUTH END OF TUIPP STUELT. AssoHsniont No. 1 J. IT. Wlllnke. Lot t. block 1. WIUeku'H addition to .tin) City uf Medfonl, Oregon. Front ngo 170 feet on tho west Hide of ,7'iipp street, and described In Vol. ,.' pngo -, county recorder'8 rec ords of Jae.kMm county, Oregon; 120 feet: rato per foot 8S i-outs; amount $100.00. AHRoHsinnnt No. 2 J. IT. Wllleke. Lot HI. block 1, Wllleke'H addition to tho Oily of Medford, Oregon. Front age 135 fut on the west side of Tripp streot, and described In Vol. . tlB . county recorder's reO ordB ot Jackson county. Oregon; 136 foot; rato per foot 88 cents; amount $118.80. Amoftimeut No. 3 Thus. P. Kali ler. Lot 1, block 2. Wllloke's ad dition to the City of Medford, Ore gon. Frontage 60 feel on the west slda of Tripp tttreet nnd duserlbed in Vol. BR, pngo 16, eountj leooider's rmxirdM of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 fwt; rule per foot JS cents; aialliit $4 t. AMuMnidiit No- I Frank Itoltertn. Lot 2, block 2, Wllloke's addition to I liO City ot Medford, Oregon. Front age 00 foot ou the west side of Tripp sltvot and described In Vol. 70, page 56tl, county tecordor's lecords of Jackson county, Oregon; 60 foot: rata pOe foot SS cuta, aiuouui $14. AsStMfliuout No. 6 Louise It. Par ker. Lot U. blook 2, Wllloke's ad dition to the City of Medrord. Ore gon. Frontage 60 foot on Uih west tddti uf Tripp BlriMt, and diwiTlbed In Vol. 05. p go 85. county lecoulor'n rueurds of JnelsMflu county. Oieguu; 50 foitt ite pur foot 88. cents, auiount ft I. Absetwinout No. ft--A. J. Kmuivon. Lot 4, block 2. Wlllekea addition to the Olty or Medford. Oregon. Front age 60 trot on the west side of Tripp stiuut. and diNwillwd In Vol. 76, pace 108, county rcctndet'k leconlu Qt Jatkon county. Oierim. 50. fet; into por foot SS emits: amount $44. AsaiMsijieut No. 7 K. 0. Plymale. Lot 6, block 2. Wllleke s addition to the City uf Medfoid. Oregon. Fropt age au rol ou Uie webt hIiIo or Tripp stivet. and duirrllaHl In Vol T6, page u. rouiiiy rveoruerh records of .Inetitou uounty. Oregon: 60 feet; rate per loot XS cents; auiount $4 4 AMMMiuogt No. 8 -Clara Zlpnev. luil 0. block 2. Wllleke's nddltlou to 111" City of Medford, Oregon. Front age 50 fuel oil the wust side r Tripp streot, and dirrllwd In Vol. 81. Mgf BT. rouiiiy HK-ordei's rec ords of 4aokon oouuty. Oregon: 60 feet. rat pur foot SSc; amount $44 AiMiMiuieut No. 0 Al Vronnn. Loi 7. block 2, Wttloko'a uddltlou to the City oT Medford, Orogon. Front- Asjessment No. 14 Aniriin .fe Clara McDonald. A parcel of land commencing at a noint 21 feet north and 25 feet eust of the south west corner of lot 3. block 2. Cottiii.'c Home addition to tho City of Med- loru, ami running tiienco east 125 hi feet; thence north 50 foot; thence wesi 13ft Hi feel; thenco south 50 root to the. place or beginning nnd marked HA ou tho map of the City or Medrord. Frontngo 50 reel on the east sine or Tripp street, nnd de scribed In Vol. CO. naco 697. coimiv recorder's records of Jackson toun ty. Oregon; 50 feet; rnto por fool 88 cents; amount $11. Assessment No. 10- -John E. Sq llss. A parcel of land commencing at a point 21 feel north and 25 feet east of the southwest 'rornor or lot .i, diock z, cottnuo Homo iidditlon to the City or Medford, and running thence east 125 & feet; thenco south 00 feet; thonco west 120 V4 feet; thenco north 50 feet to tho plnco of boglunliiK. nnd marked AZ on the nutp of rild city. Frontaco 50 fool on tno east side or Tripp ntreet, and described in Vol. 03, page 32, coun ty recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 00 feot; rnto per fcot 88 corns; amount $4. Assessment No, 1C D. D. Sollss, A pnrcol of land commcnrlni at tho southwest corner of lot 4, block 2, Cottage Homo uddltlou to tho City of Medrord, and running thenco enst 125 & feet; thonco north 00 reel; thenco went 12014 reel; thence south 00 feet to the plnco of begin ning and marked AF on tho map of tho City of Medford. Frontngo" 00 reet on tint east sldo of Tripp street, n;i uescrwcd in vol. 03. page 448, county recorder's records or Jnckson county. Oregon; 00 reel; rato per foot 88 cents; amount $44. Assessment No. 17 J. T. Tucker, A parcel or the west hnlf nf hit r. block 2, Cottnge Homo addition to the City or Medford, Oregon. Front ago 79 reot on tho east sldo of Tripp streot. and doscrlbed In Vol. 71, pngo llC. COUtlty .recorder' lernrdn nf Jnckson county. Oregon; 18 reet; rnto per root 88 cents; amount $09.52. Assessment No. 18 Vrlglo E Craig. West hair or lot 0. block j, rentage Homo addition to tho City of Medrord. Oregon. Frontngo 79 reot on tho enst side or Tripp ntreet, and described In VoK 77, page G3, enunty recorder's records or Jackson county, Oregon; 79 reet: rnto per foot 88 cents: amount $09.52, Assessment No. in. Piatt J. Van Dusen. West hnlf lot 7, block 2, Cottage Home uddltlou to the City or Medrord. Oregon. Frontngo 79 reel on the east sldo of Tripp street, una oescrineu in vol. 72, page 403. county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 79 feet; rnto per foot 88 cents: amount $09.62. Assessment No. 20 W. L. Orr. A pairel of laud coniiniimlnir nl tin. 67. page 433, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 60 reot! rate per root 88 cents; amount $51.92. Section 2. And it is hereby or dered, and ordained that snld several assessments and Iho liens thereof be entered in the lien docket of wild city, and that thereupon notlco bo given to the owners, or reputed own ers, of said property, and that tho same ie enrorctil and collected in the manner provided by tho charter or said city ror tho collecting or ns- sesnnients ror the Improvements or streets therein. .Section 3. It Is rurthor ordered thai the notlco nbovo provided for bo published three times In the Dally Mall Tribune, a newspaper published and of general circulation In h.iIi! city, In the manner provided by or dinance No, 25o ot said city. The foregoing ordinance was passed by tho City Council of the City or Medrord, Oregon, on tho 18th dny of November, 1910, by the rol lowlng vote: Emerlck absent, Welch aye, Elfert absent, Merrick aye, Deminor nye, Wormian aye. Approved November 19. 1910. W. H. CANON, Attest: Mayor. IIUMT, V. TELFEIC, City Recorder, nor $72.70. Assessment No. 4 me ionir.il portion or thnt oarcel or Innd marked n nn th nn r and described In Vol. 72, page 440, county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon: 75 feet; rato per uui. oo cents; amount $G6. Assessment No. icMrs. Chllds. 50 feet on the L. Q. Porter tract on Genesee street. Frontage 00 feot on the wetjt side of Genesee street, and described In Vol. , page , county recorder's records nf Jnrir. son county. Oregon; CO feot; rate per foot 88 cents; amount $44. "A Assessment No. 17 t. p u'nw A - ii ai - !., ji. ponton oi mo Ada Porter tract on Genesee street, and hounded on the north by the Mrs. Chllds ot nnd fronting 00 feet on tho west side of u.-nesee street, nnd described In Vol. 83. pago 7C, county recorder's rec ordB of Jackson county, Oregon; 00 feet; rate, per foot 88 cents; amount 44. AMsesstncnt No. 18 Mrs. Ada Por ter. A parcel or land fronting 100 fCOt On the West sldo of nnnnaetn' Bireoi, tno same being a portion of CITY NOTICES."1 - T w lmrt-v ! 10 'J?. ' "'arked 1 on tho mnp of TJ'tull yi lh0 Ch of Medford, Oregon; do or thnt parcel ne.rliio.i vi ..' ''"'.... the City or Medrord. Oregon. Front ngo 73.75 reet oi tho east sldo o; uiil.llllll fOt.HU Aasesamoht No. 5H. g. stino. N. 50 feot of tho parcel or Innd 'narked O on the mnp of tho City of .Medford. Oreiron. Prnntntrt, no f...t n uiu easi Hide or Gone;)eo street, and described in Vol. CO, page 2C3, county recorder's records or Jackson county, Oregon; 00 feet; rnto per foot 88 rents; amount $41. Assessment No. 0 MnrKarot: nntid. A strip of land 03 feetj viu aim margea N on the map or ..v, viy vi .nifuiuru, on ino south fivrujt-n in vol. , pago . county recorder s records of Jackson county. "h-kuh; iuu leet; rate per foot 88 rciu; amount ?ss Roosevelt avenue and tnat tho pro portion of tho cost of Bald sewer which each of said parcels of land should bear, based on th& bsnefJtsi derived respectively by Bald several tracts of land, Is the amount set op posite tho description of each par cel bolow, that each of said parcols Is actually benefited In tno amount set opposite its description below -by the construction of said sewer, and that said several amounts represent the proportional benefits of said several parrels from' said sewer. And each of said parcels Is hereby aB scjsed the amount set oononito Its description below for tho construc tion of ald newer, ASSESSMENT FOR AN EIGHT INCH LATERAL SEWER ON EAST WASHINGTON ST. . FROM GENESEE 8T. TO ROOSEVELT AVE. Assessment No. 1 L. G. Porter. Lot 12, block 2, Frultdalo addition to the City of Medford. Ore. Front age 00 fL-'on tho south side of E. .vuauiiimuii at., aim uescnucd in CITY NOTICES. Lot G, block 1, Frultdalo addition to the city of Medford, Orego"n; front ago 47 feet on tho north cldo of East Washington street, nnd doscrlbed In VoJ. 71, page 471, county recorder's It-cord's of Jackson county, Or'egdn; 47 feet: rato por foot 88 cents; amount $41.30. Assessment No. 19 H, W. How m'd. Lot 7 and the east 16.4 feet of lot 8, block 1, Frultdalo addition to thi clt); of Medford, Oregon; front age 6C.4 feot 'on the north nldo of East Washington street, and describ ed In Vol. 78, page 70, county re corder's rccor'c of Jackson rmmtv Oregon; 00.4 fceti rato por root 88 rentsr amount $58.43. ' Assessment No. 20 H. F. Platf. Tho west 33.C root or lot 8 and thn' ast 3.'.2 reet of lot 9. block 1. Frnlt dale a'ddltlon to the city of Medforil Oregon; frontngo CC.8 feet oh the! north sldo of East Washington street and desrrlbed in Vol. .78, parte- 040 county recorder's records of Jackson munly, Oregon: 00.8 feet; rt ...... -o (Inneseo street and de,crlbod Vol AssVCiont No i n :ii a , orVTjSoT, 73.76 feet; ra"e per'flV 8?Sl SI "i& !? NOTICE. To the owner, or reputed owner, of each parcel or property described In tho foregoing ordinance, us named inerein, and In tho lien declared by said ordinance, as recorded . In tho docket of city liens: ion are hereby notified thnt tho assessment declared by the foregoing ordlnanco has been mado nnd the uen ineroror entered In tho city lien docket, nnd thnt tho same is duo and you are heroby rcrpilrpd to pay the same to the City Recorder within ten dnys from tho servlco of this notice, which service is mndo by pub lication or thn roreaolng ordlnanco and this notice three times In the Medford Mali Tribune, pursiinnt to an order of the City Council of said city. ROUT. W. TELFEtt, City Recorder. wuinwtmt roiuor of lot 7. bloek 2 Cottngo Home addition to tho City of Medford. and running thence south 60 fiwt; theueo east 125 ,$ font: thence north 50 feet, thence wet 126 Vfc feet to the place of -beginning and umiked AQ on the map of the city or Mmirord. Frontage 0 feet ou the east side of Tripp utioet and described in Vol. 03. page iuu. i-uiipiy rofoitiers records of iwohsou county. Oregon: 60 feot: rate per foot ss cent: amount $4 4. Asoiinent No. St . j. EmpH A parcel of land commencing at n point on tho oust line or Tripp street 4 fuel north of the northwest corner or lot 9. block 2. CottiiKo Homo nd dltlou to the City or Medford; mulling- thence south 60 feet; thenc iast ISO feet: thenco north 50 reel, thouee west lid reet to the place or ImirIiiuIiik Froutane 50 fet on the east Hide or .Trtpp street, and do scribed in Vol. 66. page 20, county rucoi tier's record of Jnckwiu county. Oregon; 60 feet: rnte per Tool Si couth, amount $14. AsoiueiU No. 22 Stella J. .Merrick. A parcel or laud commenc ing at a point on tho t line of Tripp street 40 fevl Mi.ith of the uniineuHt comer of lot 9, block J. .Cottage Home addition to tho City of Medford: running thence east ISO feel; Ihutiue mmth 60 fool; thence wont 180 feel; theucw north 68 feet to the place of beginning. Frontage uo im mi me earn in or Ttipp stiot. and described In Vol. sj. pave 330, count) recorder's reeoula of .uujKMiii iomii. Oregon; &S feet; Kilo por ftMtt 88 cents; u mount $6h04. Assitdsiueut No S3 I. J. Hate A pnrcol of laud rttininoiiolng at a point on thj eufci lino of Trtpp atree4. SB foot south of the Hirthwat cor ner of lot 10. blork 3. Cnltumt Homih nddltlou to the, Ctty ot Mwtfurd, Ore gon; running, tliuneo In an ougterb dlroclloii 12,0 eU; tkouct) Mulh 48 feet: tbeime wiwt 110 (&; thnot north 64 tut t the pico uf be- oitiii.VAxri: xo iit. An ordinance assessing tho prop erty adjneont to and benefited Ly the S'lpch Intoral sewor constructed along Genesee street from East Main street to Washington street for the cost or constructing tho same and providing the manner or carrying snld assessments into mil errect. Tho City of Medford Doth Ordnln as, l-oiiows: Section 1. Whorens. tho Cntinnll did heretofore provide by ordinance for the serving of tho owners of property adjacent to nnd benefited by the construction of the lnfor.il sewer hereinafter described to ap pear before said Council nnd show cause, ir any, why snld property should not be assessed tor tho con struction or said sowor, and did rlx a time for hearing any such protests. wnien notice was given in accord mice with said ordinance mora than ten dnys before the beginning of tho construction or snld sewer, but no protests against snld construction or assessment of thu. cost thereof was made by anyone and said sewor was, by said Council ordered constructed Alio, whereas, tho cost of the con struction of snld sewer has been and hereby is determined to be the sum of $1799.50. Now therefore. Bald city dotli or dain and deolure that each parcel of property described bolow Is ad jacent to nnd benefited by thnt cer tain altornl sewer 8 inches In slxe, roiisirui'teti on lionoseo street from East Main stieet to Washington flre.it and that tho piopoctlou of the cost of said sewor which ouch or nld parcels of land should hem imsed on the benefits derived re- Bide of, the following described tract: Commencing 12 chnlns and 95 links west and 45 links north from the southeast corner of the Packard Do nation Land Claim in Bectlon 30, (?m. I,p 37, s- rnnK 1 wHt or the Wlllametto nioridlan, and running uienro north 030.25 feet in n atnhn ttft for II bcclnilltlir nnlnt. nml frnmi aid beginning point runuiug thence north 123.75 feet, thence west 130 ieei; menco south 123.75 reet; thenco east 130 feet to the place or ii-KimiioK- urontage 0:1.75 feet on tlm east sldo of Genesee street and described In Vol. 07, jmg 407, county recorder's records or Jnckson county, Oregon; 03.75 feet; rate per Toot S8 cents; amount $50.10 Assessment No. 7 I), n Rniioo A parcel or land commencing 12 chains and 90 links west nnd 40 links norm 01 mo soutluiist cornor of racKiirti uonutlo;l Lnnd Claim In section 30, ttfwilshlp 37, south of range 1 west of tho Wlllnmotto meridian, and running thenco north 00 feet to the place of beginning; thonco north 00 feet; thence east t30 reot;. thence south 00 reet; thence west 130 tret to the place of beginning and marked M on tho map or tho City or Medrord. Frontage 00 reet on the cent" side or Genesee streot. nnd described in Vol. 03, page 216. county recorder's records or Jack-son county, Oregon; 00 reet; ran per loot ss cents; amount ?l'.SU, I Assessment No. 8 L. G. Porter Lot 13, block 4, Frultdalo addition to tho city or Medrord, Oregon. Frontage 120 reot on the east side 01 ucnesee stteet, and described in oi. , pngo - , county recorder's rccorua or Jackson county, Oregon; 120 reot; rnto per root .88 rnnt! amoun $105.00. '" Assessment Noi 9 II. L. Robin son. Lot 13. block 2. Frultdalo ad dition to the City or Medford, Ore gon. Frontngo 120 reel on the east side or Genesee street, nnd described In Vol. , page , county recor der s records or Jnckson county. Or egon; 120 feet; rnto per foot 88 cents; amount $105.00. Assessment No. 10 L. ft. inrt.r . ..- . ... . . . - . - - I.01 J. 1IIOCIC -'. FlMIItllalo mil linn to the City of Medrord. Orouon Frontngo 120 reet on tho east side or ueiieseo street, and desrrlbed in Vol. 71, page 4 71, county recorder's records or Jnckson county, Oregon; 120 reet; rate vr root 88 centH; amount $10d.oo Assessment So. 11 Dolph Kent. Lot 1, block 0, Frultdule addltlou to tho City or Medrord. Oregon. Fiont ago 12p feet on tho west sldo of Gen eseo street, and described In Vol. , pago , county recorder's records of Juckson county, Oregon; 120 feet; rato per foot 88 coins; amount $106.00. AsbChsnient No. 12 Goo. AV. How- ard. Lot 12, block 0, Frultdnle ad dition to the City of Medford. Ore gon, i-roniage 120 reet on tho west side or Genesee street, and de scribed In Vol. . page . rountv Hon fronts 00 feet on the wost M,. or uenesee street, nnd described in "ol. . I'nge , county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon; ut reot; rato per root SS coiiIk: .IIIIUllIll, -l-i. Assessment No. 20 Mrs. Ada Porter. Tho N. hair or the private uuve oeiwcun 1110 isiioia Nichols and Atia rorter property, on Genesee street, ana described In Vol. , page , county recorder's records or jacKson county, Oregon; 0 reet; rate per toot 88 cents; nmount $0.28. Assessment No. 21 Enola Kich. ols. The S. halt or the private drive between the Enoln Nichols and Ada Porter property on Genesee streot. Frontage 0 feet on the west sldo ofi ueneseo street, and described In Vol. . page , county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oiogon; 0 feat; rate por foot 88 cents; amount Assessment No. 22 Enola Nich ols. A parcel or land cotnSiienrlng 10 chains and 02.0 links west nnd 40 links north or th poutheast corner or the Packard Donation Lnmi j'l.iim In section 30, townhhlp 37, S. range 1 wcsi 01 too wiunmclte meridian, ami running tneuco north 247 jet, 0 Inches, west 70 reel; thenco south 247 0 Inches, thenco enst, 70 feet to 1110 pince or beginning, containing three-eighths or an acre. Frontage 2 47.5 feet on the west sldo of Gen- pseo street, and described In Vol. 4 8. page 317, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 2 17.0 reot rato per root 88 ceuts; amount $27.90. Section 2. And It Is horeby or dered and ordained that snld sov- oral nssessmontH nnd thu Hens there of be entered in the Hen docket or mtt city.i and that thereupon notice ho given to tho ownors, or reputed owners, or said property, and that tho same be enforced and collected In the manner provided by tho char ter or said city, ror tho collection or ifsessments ror tho Improvement of 3treots therein. Section 3. tl is further ordered that the notice above provided for be published three timos in the Dally Minn tribune, a newspaper pub lished and or general circulation In said city, In tho manner provided by ordlnanco No. 250 or said city. Tho foregoing ordlnnhco was passed by the City Council of the City or Medford, Oregon, on tho 18th day or November, 1910, by the fol lowing vote: Emerlck nbsent, Welch aye, Elfert absent, Merrick aye, Denimer nye, Wortmaiiiaye. Approved November 19, 1910. W. II. CANON, Attest: ' Muyor. RORT. W. TELFER,' City Recorder. mot. XX pomf. nr....it 9t.o vol. , 1, pago 471, County Recorder's Assessment No in-Wm i.i records or Jackson county, Oregon; Lot 10 and IS 167ooi oMoft CO ft.: rato por ft., 88c; amount ,,,ock ,, FntMal9 addition to thh , Wssment No. 2-1, O. Porter. ?& tW .. wui ii, diock z. Krintdaia miiimon ..it,.,.. ,!... . m - spectlvely by said several t roots or rnZ. 1T1,. ,rai cl,,n; land Is tho amount set opposite the &. 1?Ar ? ' rat0 ,,0r Un) ilMrrlniliin or each parcel below, N8c.' ""'?, ' ' lt $v 0fi-'- , . ., , that each ,.f w,, parcels Is actually lev fnt 1 lio.L r 'Vl ,4 M,7 bnefltoil In the amount set onnoalte k' ,40t ' 0,ock B 'o'tdale nihil- onnos itn description below by the construe Hon or said sewer, and that wild sev eral amounts represent tint propor tions benefits or wild several par cels fl'Oln unl.l hiiuiii. Anil onoli of aid parrels Is hereby assessed the' ,su leoti rnlo per amount set opposite Its dt'jorlptlon 1 m,ul,,IU H'&.t.o. below lor the consliuctloiu or said Assessment. No. 14 W. H. Canon sever. . A parcel or land commencing 010 Hon to the City of Medford. Orneon Frontage 120 feet on the west side of Genesee street, nnd described In Vol. 73, page 342, county recorder's records or Jnckson county, Oregon; root ss cents: ASSESSMENT FOR A LATERAL ilKWICIt ON GENESEE STREET. FltOM EAST MAIN STUEET TO WASHINGTON STREET. Ahuosunient No. 1 N. K. Woods. A panel uf laud coinmeuelnir 12.95 chains weal and 45 links north from feet north nnd 1030 flfot west of the southeast inrnei of Donation Land Cluliii No. 42. township SI, S. range 1 west of the Wlllnincttrt meridian, and running thenco north 80 feel; thonco went 100 reet; thence south so feet; thenco east 100 fett to the place of beginning; also n strip of the Willamette NOTICE. To tho owner, or reputed owner, ot each parrel of property described In tho foregoing ordinance, as named therein, and in tho Hon declared by said ordinance, as, recorded In the docket of city liens: You are hereby notified that the asBCbsinvnt declared by tho foregoing ordinance has been made and the Hen therefor entered In the city lien docket, nnd that tho samo Is due and you mo hereby required to pay the wiuie to tho City Recorder with in ten days from the service of this notice, which service Is made by pub lication of the foregoing ordinance nnii tats notice three times In the Medrord Mall Tribune pursuant to an order or the City Council or said city, ROUT. TELFER. City Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. Ii:i. On ordinance nsaesslhg tho prop erty adjacent to and benented by the S-lneh lateral sewer ronstructed along East Washington street from Geneseeo street to Roosevelt avenue, for tho rot of constructing tho same and providing tho manner of carry ing sain assessments into full ef fect. The City of Medrord Doth Ordain ns Follows: Section 1. Whereas, tho Council did heiotoforo provide by ordinance for the serving or tho owners or property adjacent to and Knerited by the construction of the lateral sewer Hereinafter described to ap pear before said council and show cause. If any. why said itronertv should not bo assessed for the con- to tho City of Medford. Ore. Front ago 00 feet on tho south sldo of E. Washington street, and described In Vol. 71, page 471, county record er's recortls of Jackson county, Ore gon; 00 reet; rate per root 88 cents; amount $44. Assessment No. 3. L. G. Porter Frontngo 00 reet on the south side ot E. WaBhlnnton street, nnd do. scnoed in Vol., 71. naao 471. noiintv J recorder's records or Jackson county, ""s"i " ieei; raio per loot sn cents; nmount $44. Assessment No, 4 L. G. Portor. Lot 9, block 2. Frultdalo addition to the City or Medrord, Ore, Front a'e 00 reet on the south side or E. Washington street, and described In Vol. 71, pngo 471, county recorder's records ofsJackson county, Oregon; on icci; rate per foot S8 cents; amount $44. Assessment No. 0 L. G. Porter. L6t 8. block 2, Frultdalo addition to the City of Medrord, Oro. Frontage 1 uu leei on uie Houtn siuo or E. Wash ington street, and described in Vol. 71, pago 471, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 00 ieei;,raio per root SN cents; amount $44. Assessment No. 0 J. W. Berry Lot 7. block 2, Fruit lale addition to the City or Medford, Ore. Frontage au icei on tno soutli bPJo of C. Wash Ington Btreet. nnd described In Vol 80, pago 52S, county recorder's roc- oruB 01 .lacicson county, Ore.; 00 feet; rate per foot SS cents; amount $44. Assessment No. 7 J. W. Kerry. Lot 0, block 2, Frultdalo addition to tho City of Medford. Ore. Front. ago 50 feot on the south sldo or E. asnington street, and 'described In Vol. 78,-pago 031. county recorder's recordB of Jackson county, Oregon; 00 feet; rato por root SS cents; amount $44. Assessment No. 8 J. W. Smylo Lot 5. block 2, Frultdalo addition to the City, or Medrord, Ore. Frontage 00 root on tho south aide of E. Wash ington street, and described In Vol. 78. page' 012, county recorder's" rec ords or Jackson county, Oregon; 00 reet; rate per root SS cents; nmount $44. , Assessment No. 9 S. A Xve. Lot 4, block 2, Frultdalo addition to the City or Medrord, Ore. Frontage ou ieei on mo aoutii sldo or E. wash Ington street, and described in Vol 72, pago 240, county recorder'c rec ords ot Jackson county, Oregon; 00 feet; rato per foot 88 cents; amount $44. .Assessment No. 10 J. 11. Hock ersnilth. Lot 3. block 2, Frultdalc nddltion to tho City of Medford, Ore. Frontage 00 feet oa the south side or E. WuBhlncton street, and de scribed in Vol. 70. pago 124. county recorder's records of Jackson county, "'i"B"i " icei, raio per root ss rents; amount $44. Assessment No. ll Linda Lauer man. Lot 2, blorl: 2. Frultdalo ad dition to tho Cits' of Medrord. Ore Frontage 00 reet on the south side of E. Washington street, and do- scriDcd in Vol. 82, pago 122, county recorder's records uf Jackson county, Oregon: 00 feet; ruto per foot 88 cents; amount $44. Assessment No. 12 Linda Lauer mun. Lot 1, block 2, Frultdnle ad dition to tho City of Medford, Ore Frontngo 0u feet on the south side of E. Washington street, and de scribed In Vol. 82. pago 122. countv recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 00 feet; rato per foot 88 cent; amount $44. assessment No. 13 L. G. Porter. Lot 7, block 3, Frult dalo addition to the city of Med ford. Ore. Frontage 142 feet on the south sldo of E. Washington street, and descrllK-d In Vol. , pago . county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 112 feet; rnto per root SS cents; amount $124.90. Assessment No. 14 L. G. Porter Lot 6, block 3, Prultdale addition to tho City or Medrord, Ore. Front age m teet on the south side or E. Uabhington stretjt, and described In Vol- , lnge , county recorder's .V'nshlngton street, and described Hi '1- i. Pngo 540, county recordor'n rrT'1, ?C 'Ta?,8n county, Oregon; 00.8 reot; rate per root 88 cents' amount $58.78. ' Assessment No. 22C V. Roberts . .!'X' .Ij0t.n' 1,Iock ! Frultdnlo'ad dltlon to tho cltv or Moitrnwi n,.n. 'TV15 f.l0,ntnK0 50 feot tho north .f ?a.fit Washington street, and described In Vol. CO, pago 342, coiin'- ij ,. mucr k recoroB or Jnckson coun 'v, Oregon; 00 feet; rato per root 8B cents; amount $44. Assessment No. 23 C. W. Roberts m!1 0t..12, b,ock !' Pniltdalo ad dition to tho city or Medrord, Ore gon; rrontage 00 feet on tho north Vdl' ? l?R"t Washington street, and described in Vol. 00, pago 342 hnllUft c0r(,ei8 records of Jackson fnt at& Bon: 50 feet; rato per foot 88 cents; nmount $44. Assessment No. 2'4 Sarah E. Woolverron. Lot 14, block 1, Frult dalo addition In tho nttv nf f.1...i Orchil; frontage 50 feet on the north iWe u 'ast Washington street, and describe,, Vol 08, page 380. conn y "ecorder's record nf .iii...,.. : Oregon; 60 reet ra o nor t ) " cents; amount $41. Assessment No. 25 Sarah Wool Norton. Lot 10. block 1, Frultdalo addition to the city ot Medrord, Ore gon; rrontaco 00 foot ,, i, -.,. Hnf1:,,?t Washington street, and described In Vol. OS, pago 3SC, l!! :or,,cr,8 records of Jackson rourity. Oregon; 00 feet; rato per root SS cents; amount $44. Assessment No. 20 W. II. iium-Jy- LotlG. and tho east 4 feet to ho oi7t;.hIr0Cxk i Pp"Ualo addition 0 r.cftJ' ot ;s,',1'"-d. Oregon; front Wn.M .? ". tho l,or,h 8llle of Knt 5i8hi2ston atreet' and described In Vol. 70, pago 320, county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon; 04 reot; rate per root 88 cents' amount $47.02. ' Assessment No. 27 Dr A W Deniio West 10 reet or lot 17, "block i irl i addition to tho citv or ...v...., u vkuh; irontnge 4G reet 11.,. ......1 . i .. 1. .. , !'""' ui in'Klillll DAia u.mif,,' Vt ,S ' ,tt,ld- - rot,t wd0 atendlng along In . i ,, r V '"l" " " M;CM0M, 3, tho 0,,tlr,, "atJl ( tint above dc ,l,,N, V:1"1' J 's- l)f ni l wl. r : lncrJbiHt land, which strln of lnnd W. meridian, 1 ItUUIIIg 11 iVinhn nirrooH tn iliwlli-nt.. fnr Ktr..t 'Striirtion of uald Kowor n.l .11,1 V " - -- -- - .. ., ... .,..., - .. .... .. ... ,.n a nine ior ntwrtug auy such protects, which notice was given iu accordance with eald ordiuanre 111010 than ten days before the beginning ot the t! Jl! ; ,,ii:n,ttwtT Purposes nnd marked L on the map 13' revi. thenco south 24.. 0 reel; of ,M0 c. of sit.dforti Oregon betZioT',,1 V7Wl ,0,llM; "'t0?,",' Montage 80 U on ll?J wlit side of T " .""f- l uo1 1K iderstood thai Ueneseo street, and ilewrlbed In Vol. uu gnmiet .ire 10 nave n porpotuni ti2. .,,, 5n3. rrtlv r.r.i,W' i.. ,n.t, u; ,i -"i.r "'" . l"t .'." right of sia for road purposes to n ords of Jackbon county. Oregon; so ; protests against said eonstr'nctton of mrtii inii.i lit r.i.. itii. i.i . j -7 lt . r . v .-. . a .. .... . 11 it a - -...,. v., .,, , ,vuv mini ami . i .i. luvi , ruiu per uuu aa corns, nuiomui avessuiunt or tho com therHf was fwt long. liuK ost and bordering $7o.t0. , mad l any .ne and wild sewer was ou the went side ot the nbove do-, Abnessniont No. 15 P. M. Kor-,by satd Council ordered constructed rrlUin place. Frontage S47.0 feot shaw. A lmrcel of laud commencing And, wheerae. the cost of Hip con- uu iur ri 1, ue oi iitiuobeu street. ;,jr, leot norm am to"r reot woit uiriiriinn ir ...ii.t . -... ,... H1...1 ,i ..1 1.. ;.i , y ... ..." . ..:..."-.. v .'::.:.: r -"- --" u-vu .um ...... ...-nuuiii m mi. ie, i,K' u.i, ui inu nuiiiiiiKiiii ronii'r in iwiiiiiuiii iiwroiiy u ueterminod to be the sum couuo itHHirderV rocunU of Juvksou Land Claim No. 42. township 37 S. of $1001.59 Now therefore said county, ouyon; 247.0 feet; rnto per, of rang 1 west of the .Willamette city doth ordain and dcclar'o that foot 88 ceuu.; amount $217. i0. tueildlun, running thenco north 76 each parcol or property described bo- WkW"t No. 2 lllrain Doit- feot; thenco weet Itoginnlug audi low Is adjacent to aud benefited by WtKluy. A parcel of land cotuiueiie. marked K on the map of tho City of, that certain lateral .ewer X inhes tug 1 ehnliiB.and i HnkH west and1 Medrord. Oregon. Frontage. 70 feet'ln sUe, roustriirted wu East Vash 45 link north of the southeast cor im the wt side of Goneseo tr.vt, Inston street from Genesee street to records of Jackson county, Oregon; 143 feet; rate por fbot S8 cants, auiount $125.84. Assessment No. 15 J. C. Ward ot al. Lot 1, block 1. Frtiiulale nddl tlou to the city of Medrord, Oregon frontaw 143 fret on the north side ot East WaeHugtou utroot, and dr- criiKM 111 vol. 70, rasa 372. county recorder s records of Jackson county Oregon: 143 feet; rate per foot 8s cents; amount. $125.84. Afsotment No. ic J. ,. Porter Lot 4. Mock 1. Frultdsle .itititi,.,, ,,; the olty of Medfoul, Oroion; front age 48 feet ou th north side of East WaihlnRton street, and I'esr-lbcd In Vol. 71. page 471. county recorder's .wumii 01 jacoii oounty. Oregon; is feet; rate per foot SS r.nt- .n.n.... ... " t .M8snior.t No. 17 J. a. Porter Lot .'., block 1. Frultdalo adJUlon to tbe cltr or Medrord. Oregon; front age 4 . feot on tint north side of East afchlngtou btroot. and described In ol. ii, juge 471, county recorder's recordb of Jaokwn county. Oregon 4. feet; rate tr foot SS cents amount $41.30. ' Assessment No. IS J. A Porter on the north side of East Wrishlng- .".. im, uuu nescrioeu in vol, ... page . ., county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 40 reet; rato per root 88 cents; amount $40.48 Iot 18 block 1, Frultdalo nddltion to tho city or Medrord. Oroimn- f-.,.- ago 00 reet on the north side or East Washington street, and iloscElbed in ol. il, page 471, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon: 00 feet; rate per foot 88 cents amount $44. ' Assessment No. 20 L. G. Porter !?M18,i.b,0rk1: Kr,llt,!aIo addition to the city or Medrord, Oregon; rent age 00 reet ou the north side or East ashlngtou street, and described In Mil. il, page 471. county lecorder's records or Jack,on county. Oregon; 60 feet; rato por foot 88 ont- amount $44. Assessment No. 30, Lulu Porter. I.Ot JO, block 1. Friiitilnln n,Mll,. to the city of Medford. nroi-nn- f. age 00 feet on the north side of East nBlilngton street, aud described In ol. ,2. page 3S3. county recorder's records or Jackson county, Oregon; 00 reel; rate per foot 88 cents: amount $44. ' Section 2. And It Is hereby or dered aud ordained thnt said several assessments and the Ileus thereof bo entered lu the Hen docket or Buld city, and thnt thereupon notice be given to the owners, or reputed own ers, of said property, and that the. same bo enforced and collected In the manner provided by tho charter of said city, for the collection of as sessments for tho lmnmv.,.. .. streets therein. thnh-1 . " '? fllrthor "d01 thnt the notice above provided for MnnUTHih.U thre0 tlmes ,a th0 Mall Tribune, a newspaper publish' Sftvanii ti Ke,wpal -dilation I,, said SI:'" l$ Tr. I'T'd by or- ..,J10, , 'oresolds ordlnntica pasied by the cltv ..,,n 21 ?.f dfor?' 9rt. on the 18 ?,"f "lc:n"Tl l91. by the fol- Emerlck absent, Welch aye EHert Approved November 3 1010 1,. . W- " CANON. Mayor. Attest: ROUT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. t tt. NOTICE. 10 tno OWnr ni. -..,.i of each pnrcel o'f pmpV; y desc bed !nhetr0arnndIiLUC?--'! ?!.?!. rded ,no "" ui mh)' nuns: ou are hereby notified that thn assessment MpoIoJ i. .? 'I31 xm Hen therefor entereti In tho city 1 en ?akah!rSBt th " ' 2 am um. t. I reb.y rw.''li to pay tho wwi. -, the service of this notlee, Mhloh service is made by publication not c ihS0,.nR ordin" and this of the c,t, iuwn"oCS dtyrBr "v"- w. IKbFER. City Recorder. was tho '- Tl,!!" -"Illll "I !.,,, Mil , ., . (T 1, .... 4 UsfttZ "Xijk.L-bkA t- - - - jUJSniia b9