'il&piPT "yTT1" l X"i f"' ((Vf r" yr " -rP wr- "VTOjns mmm MEDFORD MATZ TRIBUNE, IEDFORD, OREGON. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1910. Personal and Local S. A. Pattlson was up from Central Point Monday looking after his holi day advetrlslng. Mr. nl'ttlson hns a papular advertising medium In the Herald at Central Point and Med ford merchants realize It. Freo reading rooms at Presbyte rian church, open every evening from C;30 to 10 except Sunday. When K. L. Brooks, the confessed murderer of Dolle Bills, was brought by the asylum official from Jackson villo Sunday evening to -be taken to Salem wheer he will be confined In the ward for the criminal insane, was being taken from tho dopot of the Hogue Ulver Valley railway to tho Southern Pacific station he fought llko a tiger and had to bo car ried by four'mon. Ho kept his face averted and kicked like a wild man. If he Is out Insane he Is ono of the bets actors of tho part that wero ever given an asylum sentence. If you haven't got a block In Oak data Park addition you had bettei get one at once. See V. II. Everhard, yi)D Ninth street, West, for particu lar. . tf Mrs. Ed Androws assisted by her pupils will entertain tho patrons of tho Catholic Fnlr with song and mu sic at the old office of the P. & E. Hallway, North Front street, tonight. Don't miss this entertainment. 226 John II. Carkln, attorney at law, over Jackson County bank. Judge Colvig will address tho au dience at tho Catholic Fair this even ing. Tho Judgo will select his sub ject, and you enn rest assured of a raro treat as tho Judgo Is thero with bulls on an occasion of this kind. 22GI Moor-Khni Co., loaiiH, Fruitgrow ers' Hank building. Ilnvo your Xiiiiih photos made by Mnchey if you want something lo lense. If It. C, McMnnnus, camo up from Grants Pass Tuesday morning. Is your i 0U80 wired? Ono cigar less a day would pay for a hundred per cent Increase In comfort. Start living tho electric life. tf. Frank V. MIntcr of Colorado Springs, Colo., arrived Monday night. Mr. MInter Is moroly seeing Oregon, and expresses himself as much pleased. Flfty-thrco acres special, 10 acre? coming into bearing orchord. Call on J. B. Wood, Condor Water & Powei Co.'s office. tf It. It. Evans, who camo hero from Uoulder, Colo., expects to locato at poino point on tho coast. Mr. Evans l? a painter and decorator and ox pcota to ply his trade in this city. Wanted Iioardors A now board ing I16118O has opened at 70C South Oakdale. Call and seo us for fair treatment, or address F. II. More land. 302 Wnrron A. Evans arrived hero from Nevada City Tuesday. Ho will look over tho valley for a few days, nnd should tho country suit him will locato. Mr. Evans Is an accountant and collector. Every light but olectrlclty glvef 1 off smoko nnd smoko contains soot ! which deposits on your wall paper curtains, draporles. Electric llghl glows in nn air tight Lull). tf. O. II. Munson Is hero from Grass Valloy. Mr, Munson, who was bad ly crushed a fow months ago by fall ing timbers, Is moroly traveling In tho hopo of regaining h'.s strongth. Tho next Idle hour that comes njong, make It pay you a big dividend by having demonstrated to you at room 207 Phlpps bldg., tho White Houbo pantry. Tho Inducement to Koruro ono freo Is bound to Interost you. 22 G A. W. Williams of Carson City, Nov., wnB, transacting business In Medford Monday ovenlng and Tues day. Mr. Williamson expresses him self as much plensed with tho coun try nnd will return hero In tho sprint; as ho says ho wants to see the vnlley when tho frlut trees are in bloom; Eat n hot biscuit with Garnett Coroy Hardware company December 17, in their new store. tf Mrs. E. E. Goro will play tho piano, Miss Flora Gray will also favor tho patrons of tho Catholic Fair with somo musical selections, also a duet by Mrs. Gore and Miss Gray at tho old offlco of tho P. & E. Hallway Co.. North Front street. Dont' for- II. J. Taylor, who owns a flno 40 aero fruit farm near Scenic Heights orchard In tho Willow' Springs dis trict, was In Medford Tuesday to ro culvo a shipment of 1000 D'AnJon and Hartlott poor trees which ho will put 011 this winter. Mr. Taylor has an oxtra flno frutl farm and Is Im proving It at big oxponse. Ho U fixing tho place up for a pormuncnt homo. Tho ladlos of St. Ann parish have all boen raking their brain's to pro vilo somothlng good to oat and will gprvo luneh, beginning at 11:30 Tueedny and continue during tho fair. You are welcome to lunch. 224 H. W. Griffin of Phoonlx, Ariz.. was hero Tuesday on n business mis sion. Mr. Griffin Is financially In toroatad In the, valloy. '(inns pholos intulc by Muckoy will please. tf The Manhattan Cafo Is tho namo of tho new restaurant being equipped by Harry Cnmpboll on North First street In the room formerly occupied by the Pacific & Eastern railroad of fices. Tho building Is being fitted up at a considerable expense and will be ono of the most olaborato resorts of tho kind In the city of Medford Judgo Colvfg has promised to dc liver a lecturo on tho greatest or ganization In the world. The peo ple of Medford all know tho judgo Is there wtlh the goods.) Don't miss this. 224 Dave G. Morgan camo hero Mon day afternoon from Allerton, la., and will in all probability put in an auto tsage from Medford to Central Point and from Medford to Phoenix, Tal ent and Ashland. Mr. Morgan owns four Ford machines which ho will ship to the coast. Tuesday evening Mrs. Ed Andrew will have charge of tho musical pro gram, nsslsted by her pupils. Come one, come all. 224 C. F. Cole, district traffic chlof or tho Pacific States Telephono nnd Tol- egrnph company, camo down from Eugeno Monday evening to look after business In connection with his com pany. Every housewife should cnll at the Medford Furniture store nnd receive a useful souvenir. You don't hnve to make a purchase to receive pres ont. 225 Ed Plckard received Monday eovn Ing through tho agency of tho Hoover nursery nnothor largo shipment of pear trees for Scenic Heights orchard. This is only ono of the many ship ments of trees which havo been or dered by Mr. Plcknrd who Is putting out mnny ncres of pears on his fine farm near Willow Springs. A pleco of gonulno cut glass Is not tho sign of extravagnnco but denotes tasto and refinement. Walt for Gnr-nott-Corey's nev storo December 17, opening day. tf Try Stono's now storo for your ci gars and tobacco. Fresh goods, low prices. Opposite S. P. depot. Stono's caudles are flno, fresh and cheap. Try them. Opposite now do pot. tf , Christmas candles. Best and cheapest In town. Stono's Candy Storo, opposlto new dopot. Miss lono Flynn will play a violin solo at tho nCthollc Fair on Wednes day ovenlng, Docembor 14, Elks' night. Miss Flynn will bo nccom .laned by Loralno Hilton. Don't fall to hoar this number and dont' for got the plnce. Tho old offices of the P. & E. Hallway Co., on North Front street. 227 There Is but ono cost to a good chafing dish, that Is tho first case. Nothing ever offered llko tho ones you will seo nt Garnett-Corey's after December 17. tf Yes, tho street Is paved, tho con creto walks aro laid, the plumbing s Into tho lots, and to mnko a long story short $140.00 Is now paid on each lot. Tho prices aro $750 and 900 per lot. ISuildlng restriction If 12500. Con you bent tho high dry lots of Summit avonuo? (Lies be tween West Seventh and Fourth streets.) See W. T. York '& Co., or Murphy & Harncs. 22G Will C. WnterhoiiBo, a newspaper man of Cosvllle, Mo., Is In tho city. .Mr. Wnterhouso Is merely enjoying nn outing on tho coast. All KnlghtH of Pythias aro Invited to bo piesent nt a "stag social" In tho K. of K. hall Wodncsdny oven lng December 14, 1910. Come whether you belong bore or not. If you bolong locally bring n pros pect. Ole Jorgenscn, of Lns Vegas, N. M., Is transacting business in tho valley and Is making Medford 4ils headquarters. Mr. Jorgonson spent Tuesday In Jacksonville, looking up some abstracts of tltlo In which 110 Is Interested. All KnlghtH of Pythias aro Invited o he prusent at a "stag social" In tho K. of K. hall Wednesday oven lng Docombor 14, 1910. Como whether you bolong hero or not. If you bolong locally bring a pros pect. , William II, Woltorman, who ar rived here Monday night from Cndl lac. Mich., will purchaso n small tract of unimproved land and entor tho, market gnrdon business. Ono of his specialties will bo muchroom culturo for tho Portland market, as well an for homo consumption. Seo Cornltlus-Garner Healty Co.. 133 Wost Main stroot, for rentals. Phono Main C031. 230 Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PDONE 2271 Niglit 'Phones: P. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT win SWI.M3 on. Tim Fi.owr.nr Ah nic 1 1 saw a huge and loathsome sty, Wherein a drove of wallowing swine were barred, Whose banquet shocked the nostril and the eye; Then spoke a voice, "Behold the source of lard I" I fled, and saw a field that seemed at first One glistening mass of roses pure and white. With dewy buds 'mid dark green foliage nursed ; And, as I lingered o'er the lovely sight, The summer breeze, that cooled that Southern scene, Whispered, "Behold the source of COTTOLENEI" Prompt, courteous and careful at tention given all matters pertaining to city property for sale and rent. List your property with us. Wo gunrantco satisfactory results. Corn ltlus-Garner oRnlty Co., 133 West Main street. Phone (1031. 2330! Henry H. Jackson of Maywood, Mo., arrived In Medford Tuesday nnd will make his home here. Mr. Jack son Is a pharmacist and will bring with him his wife and two small hclldrcu. All Knights of Pythias aro Invited to be present at a "stag social" In the K. of K. hall Wednesday even ing December 14, 1910. Como whothor you belong hero or not. If yon belong locally bring a pros pect. Mobs & Co., brokors, aro moving from their present qunrters Into n now homo at No. 10 North Front street, ndojlutng tho W. W. Eltcrt tailoring establishment. Cornltlus-Garner Healty Co., 133 West Main street, specialists In city property, for sale or rent. Phone Main C031. II. T. Vnn Do Car's Jewelry storo will bo open evenings from now until Christmas. John Hovcrmnn of Aberdeen, Wash., is stopping In tho city. Mr. Howormnn wns among tho witnesses who convicted William Gouhl of second degree murdor In that city a few months ago. Cornltlus-Garner Healty Co., 133 West Main Btroet, specialists In city property, for salo or rent. Phono 0031. 230 Ed Thompson Is hero from Chela 11b, Wash., and will probably mnko Medford his homo. Mr. Thompnon is a tinner by trado and may open a shop in this city. Havo you noticed tho now build ings golus up In Oakdalo Park ad dition Just south of Mr. Root's? tf Henry Murray of Corvallls, camo to Medford Tuesdny on business. Mr. Murray says this Is his first visit to Medford, but asserts that It will not bo his last. Cornltlus-Garner Healty Co.V 133 West Main street, specialists In city proporty, for salo or rent. Phono C031. 230 Adnms brothers at tho Oakes aro having somo valuable Improvements nnd changes mado al their plnce of business. Tho hnr Is being length ened, a basement put undor tho bar room and othor improvements mndo. Amos Singor is hero from Great Falls, Mont. OREINTAL RUG DISPLAY GRAND Display in Local Window of Genuine Oriental Rugs Attractlnu Wide spread Attention. A l iy oh Iho'i.. (ho (urgent mul most reliable Oriental nig diicct impor ter mi the Pacific const, extoml ttoi dial invitation to Medford people In visit our stoic mul inspect their mag nificent display of lliu gioiitent east ern art of the huntl loom, which will ho here nil this week. A(iych IJrod. uro the most notable- Oriental .rug dealers wui-t of the Rocky mountains and slnnd buck of every rujj they noli, mul wo (Weeks & McOnwuu) iiImi stand back of every rug Hold licio in .Mctlloid, for wo know Atiyuh llros. to be n reliable firm in Oregon ami not trunnion t dealers. Wo con sider it u couitosy of Atiyoh Bros, lo send llicir ropiosontulivc, .Mr. IJiuiiel', with such a line iine of ruy rus:-. that won the highest awards at Seattle exposition mid now ex hibited in our window. The people of Medford should be proud to hoc mid educate themselves Id io won derful handicraft of tho far oast, for oncli mid every rug is u gmn ol rare merit of its kind mid pltinoiu;; In the o.viw of everyono who possesses mi uilistic taste, and none hut the guiiuiue Oriental rug sold. Wo in vito every admirer to investigate tin merit of our soiling prioos. All nu Hold mid not satisfactory to our cus tomers can lie o.xuhnngcd nt their full purchasine; value at nny lime. Ati yt'h Bros, were ostiilillsliuil twelve vonrs ao in I'orlJiiud, Spokane mid Seattle. If vim wiuh to liny Oriental nur-. como early uikJ mnko your selec tion. Wo yiwiiHiitee the price In be th lowest. Wekn & Mcflowun Co., the lioinu f the hiuhes't (-unlit)', Went Mum street. I Cuinlllus-Garncr Healty Co., 133 West Main street, specialists In city property, for snlc or rent. Phone 6031. . 230 John G. Rudd, the mlnor-wrltor who spends the gi enter part of his tlmo on his plnccr claim on tho San Jonquln river near old Fort Miller ton, wns In the city on business Tuesdny. The Misses Crowd and Crawford from the Nash Grill will play nt tho nCthollc Fair on Wednesday evening for tho Elks and their "Hemic. These younk Indies need no Introduction to a Medford audience nnd tholr pres ence Is n guarantee of a first class musical program. The old P. & 15. office, North Front street. 227 H. C. Dachman of Flrobaugh, Cal., ono of tho old-time sheep raisers of that section of tho Golden state, Is In tho city for a few days. Mr. Hachman hns retired from the shcop business). Wednesday evening at tho Catholic Fair Is Elks' night. Tho ladies will hnvo ono booth decorated In Elk col ors nnd songs nnd music appropriate for tho occasion. All Elks nnd their friends aro coidlally Invited to nt- tond. Don't forget tho place, nt tho old offices of tho P. & E. Railway Co,, North Front streot. 227 Toho llrous, the populnr caterer at tho "Oaks," Is confined to his room suffering from tonBllltls. Ed Plcknrd has been purchasing black hccaltco nnd whlto ribbons for tho lady friends of the sufferer, In caso ho falls to rocovor. Mrs. Krnuso and Mr, Will Mullcr, assisted by the quolr of 'tho Catholic church will sing at tho Fair Wednes day evening, Decomhor 14. The plnco, tho old offices of tho P. & E. Hallway Co., North Front street. 227 Scott Wright of Ladlcy, Tenn., Is stopping in Medford for n fow days. Seo Cornltlus-Garnor Realty Co., 133 West Main streot, for rentals. Phono Main C031. 230 So much of life icvolvos around the "cost of Ihinj-H" that the Hto.'e ads havo mi iiiorensine; interest. WIVES LOOK! I F R F F WK A,u: s0,N0 T0 fUVI- away A FIXE, TiAROE, A Mi MKTAIj $18 Kitchen Cabinet lYbruniy 1st, !1I. TO ONE OF THE LADIES WHO f L L .I117Y TIIKIU CHRISTMAS I'll US ENTS AT ART STUDIO MEDFORD, ORE. imilNT WOOD AND PIERCED IIRASS OVTKITS AND MATERIALS, CHRISTMAS ROOKLETS, lOSTALS, CALENDARS, SEAL AND TAOS, KM I TV HOLLY 1IOXKS, POST (Mill) ALRl'MS AND SOl'VKNIRS. CLOSING OUT From 25 to 50 Per Cent Off ' . A TICKET WITH EACH IWo' , PURCHASE. ' J ' REMEMBER 331 E. Main St. Upstairs i Before Very Long We are Going to Have a Big Stock of ORIENTAL RIGS - Buying an Oriental Rug is largely a matter of guess work. Consequently you should buy from someone who knows and where you can depend upon the prices We are here to stay and not transient dealers - t IT'S A.LWAYS EASY TO TELL SOMEONE ELSE HOW i NBW YORK, Dee, 1.1. The Her. Percy Grunt, tuwlor of the church ol the Ascension, of Fifth avenue, h.lrt hct'ii making a Httutv of New Yolk, , nowKiii)citf. Clarification of 10.- J 00.0 news items printed oyer a purioil of three months, he tnyn,J8hnviil llio Inllnwirg result: ' v Worth while. 3000. , .j Trivial. U100. I'uwholcHomo, 1700. Ho urjjes Hint the itcwbpnpci-8 , shmthl hu nn "cdtU'uttoiifil nencv, not u mercantile medium," mid itoA dares that the public may Heeure A hetlcr type of newspaper "by niu: je.slion, that in, by refushijr to read papers that will not print whnt U wan led. Where Lo Go Tonight rir4.. TONIQIU ONLY, CUTHBERT'S The House that made it possible to buy house furnishings in Medford at reasonable prices - i You are NOT j; Going Blind f mv fierucei nnd advico can ii any way ameliorate a con dition of vour eyea, which ',h poihnpts bordering on fuiliiiK vUion. .My failure in filling ditficult cMhiw, me IW. Vour caho, although simple and oi ily corrected today, may be usruruwitcd by wailing. Profit by the mistake of oIIicth; do not put it off. Dr. Rickert Over Kentner's, Medford. Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Automobiles OKNKKAIj OVKItflAUIilNO & MAgiINK HICI'AIKIKO. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. 1MIONK MA IK IBM. ('inner ('mil ml Ave. nnd Klh SI Medford, Or. STORY ABOUT PANTS Some il-oplo prefer to call them "IroiiMir," but iinywuv. Ihev me made by the "Ol I Woolen Mill-," of Mnyliehl. Kv., nnd are (he hebt in the world. They start tho lino with tho genuine Old Kentucky .leaim at $1.25 a pair, and run to tho Tine all-wool grades at $11.00. T5hQ WARDROBE WEST MAIN ST. .HlT.MVAN CONSIMNN VAUOKVIMiM. AT THE "NAT" THEATRE GEO. YEOMAN, who kept the hmwo itunn iipituit' :;)imt uiht in hiH German dialeet. : telluii.' all nhotit Imhieft, nutoiiio ; l)ih'H nnd airships. Yeoinun litis ;! a uulioitnl reputation uh ii fler- lutiu comedian. Don't miss henr- l ine; him. BROWN & MILLS, !:Tvo clever SiiiKU'v mid Daneei-s ;! from tho Sulliviiii & Cotixidiue ; udevillo circuit, will appear ul the nt Theater weunesun.y ami Thursday nights. JTIIKUH KKKhiS Ol' IMCTUHhS. Admission 10 and 20 Cents. rt . rM. i.T r I l-ll High-Class ! I m W ': Stock Co. ! MAIMOItlK MANOVIIiM: HTOCKi Totilulif 'IMHVrimH lli' PATRIIKH" ? , ...... v. . -. . . IFoiti-act Comedy Drama, Spo- claltle.s clltwcon Acta. UY MA1WOUII) MANDKVIIilii: HTOOIC COMl'ANY. Uflo Ort'licHtrn, i Directed by Anna Aubrey KainoH. S N. I). Threo-plocu silver tea Z ; jorvleo kIvoii away froo Wodnoa- ;;day. WiunliiB number niiKt hoi ', In theatro. I Itooorvo your soatn by phone. Z ; Main -irtl. biiver Ten i p ti.-.-.,,-t:,w. rri'i,,,,uu ' " "'" -...i j: Tiervieo Uiven Awny DonI i! WcdiieHdny. Get Vno Ctiupoiw ; tit box office. UGO OllGUKSTIlA ' ; Dlrectpd by Anna Aubrox-HamcH. 11KBKUVB YOUlt 313 ATS UY :: IMIONK MAIN UOfl. :: ; how Altrnction nt THE ISIS THEATRE Tho plneo whoro you enn ! vii'h Hpeud a pIcaHiiul hour and ! s have a hearty Imiuh. PKItllV mul KIIWAUDS In HInli-Class Vaudeville. Imatikkk KVKHY SATlTKI)AV: AND SINDAY AT 'JiIIO. THREE REELS OF THE LAT EST MOTION PICTURES AND - ILLUSTRATED SONG BY HARRY BLANCHARD. SKATING. Wrrwlnr Vh'l'l IIAItl) TIMIi I'AIITY ON HKAT1CS X NATATORIUM Tuesdny Night, LADIKK' 8KATK I-'UICliP Wodnesdny NlKht, (IIISTA(MK HACK AND TWO MI 1,1 J haci; Friday Nlsht BOWLING. Re;t Mnsln In tho Wost. ---0-rr z s Medford's KxchiKive I'icluro The iter. Tiitliuit Ucoiifmd Photo. ; olava. i One lllma-No More One Dime.: 7 m 3' w M :i tfH-4tJ