Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 13, 1910, Image 1

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    A .
' j
Fair tudnv niul Wednesday.
Tha Mr singe of the nag!.
White Fair weather. HI
ICijo Italn or snow.
White ami blue Local showers
lllnck trinnculnr Above white,
wanner, below white, colder.
Whlto with bluck center Cold.
Medford Mail
T. Mkii 9
Tl .
NO. 226
Cummins Says Many of Its Provis
ions Arc Indefensible Defends
His Resolution Providiun for a
Schedule by Schedule Revision of
the Tariff.
Unique Snapshot Posed For by
Champ Clark and Speaker Cannon
WASHINGTON, I). C, Dec. l'J. -Defending
the rcbolliliuti ho intro
duced yo.sterdny for n modification
of tiiu rules to permit a behedulc-b-schedulo
revision ot tjio tariff fiom
charges that it was "revolutionur
and drastic," Senator Albert H. Cum
mins of Iowa npoko in favor of the
plan today.
"It is not m.v purpose lo precipi
tate a tariff debate," said Cummins.
VI have no desire to discuss the mer
its of the tariff law of 11)0!). 1 be
lieve, however, that some of its pro
visions are indefensible. I gue close
attention to the recent political con
test and I found the sentiment pre
vailing throughout the country
somo of the schedules are too high
Under present business condilioiic
and with tho existing rules it is im
possible to nmeud the tariff law. L'n
lci?s the rules are modified tho pres
ent tariff will continue until tlio-o
believing in high protection think a
. new not- is necessary, or thoso op
posing tbo high protectionists wage
a successful war."
Cummins explninod tho effect of
the proposed change, saying the
uinendnionts would limit tho items of
schedules tho bill carried. IIo ad
mitted it would bar the limine from
presenting any bill revising (lie en
tire tariff.
"I am heartily in favor of any plan
of .atiswying the demand' of the
people," said Cummins. IIo referred
to the charge by Senator Halo that
the rnlo ho proposed was drastic and
revolutionary as entirely groundlc-.
Senator Aid rich took part in the
discussion, suggesting a plan foi
considering tho tariff subject by sub
ject. "I think lh tariff ouuht to bo con
sidered subject by subject," said
Aldrich. 'That would trivo a chance
to consider the substnncc of the bill.
I doubt if tho rule now proposed
would permit of this plan."
Man Wanted at Butte Falls on a
Charue 0f Hotj Stealinn. Is Nabbed
in the South Relatives Live at the
I " - 1 v f
-mmrwwam mkw1;
CMMP CjMMC 1 't0fWGCXmiwi
Copyright. X910. by American Press Association.
While bitter political rlwiN. Congressman Clianip Clark of Missouri and
Speaker Cannon are Rood personal friends. Couurt'sxinun Cannon refers to
Clark as "Mr Speaker" oa all occasions and enjoys tolling the Mlssourlan
what ho may expect If lie becomes Democratic speaker of cougross. Clark
Krowa costive under the banter of I lie Illinois statesman and says ho linn
a 16ng row to hoo before bo reaches the speakership.
Much Suffering Reported Among the
Poor Thousands Spend Day in
Bed in Order to Keep Warm Mer
cury Drops to Zero.
CHICAGO, III.; Doc. 13. Tho cold
Reported to Be Near Death Chief
Trouble Is Inability to Diqcst His
Food Has Lost Considerable
Weight No One Sees Him.
Francisco I. Made, Who Is
To Be Executed if Captured.
Work of Placing Reserve Engineers
at All Division Points Has Been
Under Way for Some Time Vote
to Strike Was Ninety-Seven Per
Cent in Favor.
WASHINGTON, 1). C, Doc. 13.
wnvo which yostd-uny continued to- Surroundod by luxury, yot utnivlng
day and tho weather bureau predict-1 to death becauso of Inability to os
el that sovoral days would olapso ho-1 nlmllato food, United Status Senator
fore tho tompoarturo, which Is ueari Stephen 1). Elklns ot West Virginia
tho zero mark, wjll rlso again. Is near death, according to a report
Thoro 1b much sufforing among tho, cuiTont lioro today.
poor, chlofly among tjio fflmlllos ot
tho striking gatmont workers who are
It Is said that the sonntor's chief
trouble Is Inability to digest his food
on tho vorgo of actual starvation and 'and that aa a leault his blood has
aro without moans of purchasing, become Impoverished. It Is assorted
fuol. Thousands of persons In tho 'that ho has lost consldorablo wolght
tonomont liouso district spoilt yoster-and that bis frlonds would not know
day In bed. Tho mercury vs sovon . him, so greatly has ho changod. No
Above zero In tho hoart of tho city 'one Is parmlttetl to t,oo tho sountor,
uid below zero In tho suburbs, tho I although It was announced at tho 151
coldost day rocordod so far this wln-i kins residence last night that his con7
e. I dltlon wau good and that thoro was
The cold wnvo saoms lo bo gon- no causo for alarm
oral throughout tho country. Din
patches from Mlaslnlppl roport
schools sufforing from cold and en
tire communities aro strlokou with
crip and slullar complaints.
Moorhcad. Minn., rouortod the
coldest murk, 10 below zoro; Winni
peg, Canada, announced '.'0 below
zero. Noithllcld. Vt , wus tho cold
est place Ju t'.ie east, 8 below. .
results in death
' Weds and Keeps Matter a Secret Un
I til Ho Lets News Leak Out Is the
! Manager of the Rogue River Canal
POItTLANI), Or., Dec. IS). Front
sources considered as well informed
concerning railroad activities, it was
reported today that tho various rail
roads in tho northwest have been
quietly preparing for a strugglo it
the railway engineers go on sliiko.
Through their president, Warren
Stone, lucmhorx of the Hrothcibood
of Locomotive Kugiiiccrs havo -ilclu
erod their ultimatum of "liiulicr
wages or strike" to tho railroad man
agers at a conference in Chicagj
icslorday, and somo sort of n reply
was expoclcd before tonight. At a
secret ballot,!)" pur cent of tho It",
0(10 engineers voted to strike if the
dcinnud for an iuurcaso was turned
Ju railroad circles ii is conuuot
gossip that tho railroads liac
euouch reserve engineers on, hand at
the division points to operate tho
mail and passenger trains without
tho least trouble. It is said that the
work of plneing Ibo reserves at tlu
points whoro they would bo noi'dod
in case of emergency has been undei
way for the last two weeks in antici
pation of a uoueral strike.
It is sitid (hat the linos havo re
servo engineers at Portland, Spo
kane, Seattle, Tacouui, Umatilla, Or.:
I'ocatello, Idaho; Huntington, Oi.
and othor division points in the
Accoiding to tho stories oireiilul
ing hero tho Norlhsrn I'uoifio, Can
adian Pacific, .Milwaukee, Union Pa
cific and Great Northern havo boon
nartiuulaiiy active in this commotion.
i-i.-:. ' , v 1MB, n'
r Ldfls BP ink. ' '
nnini.m i.m
mtAibAnu FM
Wife of .Millionaire Clubman Con
fesses That She Shot Her Husband
When Ho Struck Her Quarrel
Followed Her Appearance In a Tea
Roseburg Child, Wounded by Broth
er While at Play, Succumbs to In
Jury Was Shot With .22-Calibcr
Revolver. '
Constable SInglar has gone to VI
lnlla, Cal., to bring back Jaek O'Con
uur. who lias caused tho police so
much trouble and who Is wantd noar
Hull Falls for hog stealing.
O'Connor was marrlod about a
yir ago to Mies Cooll Edsall of lJutto
Kalis and lived with his father-in-law,
John Hdsall, and it was during this
tlmo that nolglibors noarby bognn to ItOSBItlHtO. Oro.. Dbo. 18. lb
mist; tholr Iinga. but O Connor was'mor Hjidloott. agl 8 years, dlixl at
not snapeetail for many months. Ho, tho hospital yeatordny morning from
was furnishing moat to tho P. & H.,tt buljt wound hi tho stomaoli, ln
nllroad oarap, but not blng satisfied fllutod acoidouUiUy by hla U-yar-old
bgan tho wholwmlo theft of bogs brother, with !!S-callbr pMul at
and Mbllo hauling thorn to Medford, ttootr home Uwl Friday at :30 a. m.
was dlscovorsd as tho roal hog thlof The boys were playln In the homo
et Hutte aFlls. O'Connor mado awtj, tho niatol when the older lad.
haaty got-away. and would probably pacing a jwrlor watch under tho
never hate been cauit had the hammer of the weapon. wbl h ho up
young wife not have followed him. nosed te he unloaded, snapped It at
Thut Fred X. Cumuilutp liflf "bor
rowed Uiu wing of Oupid mid flown
t'j Oii'tuu Orwo," - now an niliur.
td fact hiiuhik his htwdrciN oi
frieude, but h) guine of uecricv wa
ft luoet profound sueeom. until lu
wan naked to join aomo of hih bali
elor frienda iu auine out-ol-towi
Held aport, and lio remarked : "Ver
aorry, -but I onn't go, an .Mrs. ln
minm will be here on Umt 1i-.'
That settled U. HU old imtnixinions
m ningle uj!sedms knew that aome
thiiiK secret and aoiious hud hap
pened and aaid no more.
It sceuiK that soma two weeks ajr.
while in In eataoity aa jfeneral
munager f the Rogue Hiver Valley
( i' mil i .riiian, Mr. Ciiiniiiiiimi made
ii itu -nit--.- trip tn 1'i.if liiml. , !ii.
which bad been carefully planned for!
WINN1PF.0. Man,, Hoe. Kl.
Leading' engine diivoia on (hu rail
iays running out of Wliuiipog lire
preparing for a strike. Local on
uiuomou staled today n great ongin
eura' strike, ntfeottiig all AmeHcin
railways, would bo ulillcd on Duccin
bcr Hi. if (be coinimnioH did not
grant im incrcasi' in pny. Six dnvV
clupsu bet m ccn t lie null and tho acl
iinl stiike, which puiiod briuga thr
strike dole to Uiicumbor 2J, on which
duv all locomotnee will bo uiort, l
is uxM-.tcil. All onujlisors fiom here
to Vancouxer ard Inoliuled, and
iruiiMcoulmeiitiil trnffju would be ul
logelher timl up alioilld a strike be
TACO.MA. WaluTHo. M. -F.u-uinceiN
emploed on niilrouils enter
ing Tacoma loduy (j.ireasud I Ik
opinion thut there wllj be no ireneril
atnke of limtliiliood mon. Tliev up
pour conlidiMil ilittt(ijiu (imlinns in
diaputo will bo nrbilmtail. There arc
mo surface indicutlofls of prtpura
liouH on the part of Uiu milroada for
u tie-up
Trains Moving Northward Filled
With Women and Children, Refit
gees From Fighting Zone Heavy
Loss of Lifo Reported.
JUL PASO, Toxna, Dou. 1 3.A bat;
tic bui'Vuuu fodurul trooug and Insur
aenta to mlloa from Pedornaloa, In
ho alato of Chihuahua which bogait
Sunday la roportod to huvo roaultoi)
In heavy losa of life. Dispatches to
day Indicate that tho fight Is still In
progrosa bupt do not say which sldo
hue tho advautno.
Ono ineaaiigo atatos that tho liisur
Mtintw uolxod two inachlno guns at San
Trains' aro moving northward on
Wall Street Organ Says That Major
ity of Court, as Rounded Out by
Recent Appointments, Is Extreme
ly Conservative
NliW vol IK, Hoo. I6.W11II
struut ballovoa thai thu now supreme
uoutt, aa rotiudud out by tho ap
poinliiiouta of Proidout Taft, is 0011
aurvatlvo. Tho Now York Nowa Jiu
roan, it ruoogtfUud Wall street or
va 11, comiucniiiiK 011 tho outirt up
poinlmoutH, today sy: '
".Mombom of tho bur who hnvo
been oiidonvoring thu classify tho
probnblo nttitiidu of tho United
StnltiH auprume court undur tho ii
memborahip liuvu mmeludod thai it n
1110 .moxici iMinuweaieni nuironu 1 .,.,. lll,H1...i:.. n.,... ;t ,..,.0 ,..i
w s-vw p nun tvfivti
filled with women and child ran, ruf
ugeea from tho fighting zone.
rtrf . lll lik rat iipatul rn Tnnl. ai kaai. ii a. .1 i . a -V.
sou county In a aw days whore he Tfie ekamber of the pistol was loaded ,.,, , llirrii, to MivS ,,.,,!.
will be torwd to stand trial I grand 8na the cartridge aa discharged. ,- ,,, ,., H yoIif ,!( wm1i (i,
Urcen'- . ,he net lw,lu in ,l,c t'1 In., known l..r vcur Hetui, .,... !..
stoma.h K-n efi-.u was mado to ,,,, ,,. ,,,,,. Ui j.,,,,!,,,,,,. ., ,,,,,.
J. W. .MJ'WS W48 transaiung ou-i- Eme 1118 111- mm ii.- .iiiih.iP t , fUui.i!. Lw.l b.-
WASIHMiTON. D. C, Dec. 13
Confident that they havo sufflclont
Hedge tif votes for San FraHolaeo
for tin- I'Hiiaina exposition, members
of the California ileleaatlou today
coucout rated their efforts toward get
ting an early vote on tho iiueatlou of
federal deaignatlon of the fair site.
They hope for an agreement Iu the
UUUSC Villi' ll Mill pMfllit llf a bill llf -
log voted upon either Thursday or
Friday of this week.
Resident of Medford for Seventeen
Years Says He Will Dovote the
Greater Portion of His Time to the
Offlco If He Is Elected.
K P. Little haa annouiteed hi
andiduoy for the office of council
man Vow the FirMt wnni and tll
enter the lists agabist J. 15. Wait.
ilr. Utile tor a coiiiJtmble tiuti
heaitiiti'd ubmit eiiterinu the race, but
HiihIIv gave 111 to the urging of his
Air. Ultlo bat been n renident ol
ilcdfonl for the pal aveiitifii
year'. Oaring that time he baa eter
load f'r piotreHO.nd municipal in-innxf-iiii-iiis
mi 1 ,ulb fuunoation. He
Mtatea tuae ir he j rlevtfi) be hiII
dcMile the ifrealcr iortiii of hit tiim-
the Standard Oil ona and tho Am
uriean Tobucco oaso wore heard laat
leriii. Lawyer nlign tho niumbor
ship iu about thu, following faahion :
"Conservatives Chief Jiibtioe
While and Juutiaou DaVj Hulmcw,
Ltuhni nod Iluehoa.
"KitdicMltJtiaUeoN Ilorlau and
'un eviiutor.
"I'liawrtain Juatlooa Lamar and
Me Kenan.
"Somo are inclined to put Hughe
111 the unci'ttniii list htwauae he is re
garded ne u siiticiaii, but Hughes'
friends say he will decide imoordiuir
to the facta in the case, and thut In
menial mukc-itp in matters xrtalu-
ing to the law is extiemelv cinscrin
to I be cilv'a business. Mr. Little
1 ,- iiinib- iln I.iIhI lip f the Imigiio u-ides at 7.1 Tnlnr strret.
Vllill U.l tilt- H 'mle alt, 111 a'UIN I
1 iiiniiiii.j- mil i.rin.- 111 M. 11 ,,",n "' "'" "" "f c Hoiiiih)
ness In Jacksonville Tueaday morn-lag.
probed for the ball hut the Injury. , ,i ; ;.,.MM i..., ; ..: .... 1
.i.i.o ... .K',. H... v, mv 11, M,n fVF-
(ietUIC lilt IM-HI UI mil-, IIIM I II 1,1 1
vwitf lum.i.:, Lipt
ulx.llv 1011 fur the reecpiiun of the bnd ; 1
Mi- t miiiiiiii j- ill uriiii
iuul u. u tw d4V. uhto ihc Htil Iu ,f,f 'A ht Kl""r M,r,', " M"" 'v
iceelietl 111 lb leading Social "MTUlng. UW-fdllMT 18, aa eight
., Ilu. eiti , POUIUI KHI
'(I! luin II Cook, an ai-'iM soldier
of the civil war, died uL the f.inn
of II. K Howmun at 3: !' Huiulny af
taruoou. Mr. Clark was a member
of the Grund Army of the llepubllc.
being a mem her of the post u' Cen
tral Point 'I hw tuiierut took place
atl p. Mi . Tuesday, from tho How-
man residence uild ao l,irc. at-
I leaded bv cumruilcs and frlendB. Iu
u rinent In I o u. V. cemetery,
''" uiiimti'i. who owna a
large faun near Kl';usbiirg, Waal).,
l iiiklm; Iu He Hug id rlvop valloy,
. Jaxmti'uaa.iw
Mrs. Jfario Clapp, wlfti of 'ilerberl
Clapp, h milliouuiro clubiiiiin, uiys
terioiisly wounded at his homo last
night, todny uonfeased that sho shot
her husband to protect her own life.
"Hut I did not vant to kill hlm.V
sho moaned. "1 shpt him before I
thought; 1 did not want to kill him.''
When sho becamo fi littlo moio
ipiiet sho told tho circuin.stancu'S
loading up to tho shooting.
"I only wanted to fix him so ho
couldn't hurt mo," nid Mrs. Clapp
an u prefnuo to tho story. "Ho at
tacked mo first and 1 wanted to pro
tect myself. I didn't want lo kill
Tho (rouble, sho 8aid, sturfod Sun
day night. '
"Last night," Mrs. Clapp contin
ued, "I went to tho MajeHtio hotel to
buy n newspaper. 1 was drosHcd !
a Iooho tea gown. Whou 1 returned
my husband ehided mo for appearing
in such u-dress, I loft him nnd went
to my room nnd retired. Mr. Clapp
(Irani; four big ghisse.H of whisky Hud
look iU graiiiH of morphia. Later
ho walked up to tho sjdo of my lied
and without speaking struck mo in
iho face. When I attempted lo rise
ho seized my throat wilh his hands
and choked mo. Ho held ino until
my Inoath was nearly gono, thou ho
released mo, but heaped insulting
nainos upon mo. Ilu leaned over mo
and struck ino uguiii. Then I struOl;
back. v
"Ho walkod slowly to his sijjo of
tho bed and took his roolver from
its holster.
"1 run to tho other side of tho bed
and he followed. 1 dodgid him and
ran back. Ho climbed over tho bed
and wo mot in the center of tho room
hohvuou (ho bod and tho bureau. IIo
pointed tho revolver nnd I grabbed
lus hunda, tugging nt his fhigors uh
all my strength. Tho gun went ofl,
tho bullet entering thu ooiliuyr. Then
ho broko uway from mo and htoppeil
'"I'll got you this time," ho
aoronmud, 'and I'll got you right!'
".I was oortuln ho would kill mo,
mill I wnnted to piolflol myholl'. f
lunjud forward and seized the reul
voi, 1 niannged to wroneh it lroiu
my hushnnd'a hand. I Stopped buei..
aiilmd Iho weapon nt him and pulled
lli.i triggor. Tho buliot puaaud clear
througli Ida tiock and he dropped.
"I win. frautiu, 1 olcaucd tho
floor, wiping up tho littlo pool of
blood. 1 imMtt. u potul card ovi r
iho hole the bullet made hi n plrior
when it left the buck of Ips heml "
Mr3. Ciapp then hid hei-holf, kIio
"fiid. but t(illy aurwend tbo Miim
inouh of Iho H)liee.
Clapp probably will recover. IIo i
vrv bitter agulnt bi wile, miyiug
l hat h intciuU to prertf tbo ohiuwe
oT "miiielv wlh iutent to kdl" wltjuli.
Ills been lodged ngHiiist her. "'
SUATTLK, Wunli., Doc. 13. Tho
Culted. State postal authorities to
day iMtgau a. tiearch for tbo unknown
peibou who aent u death t-efli-tluouKb
the nmila Inat guuday ,to Dr,
duu Wilght Irfpnawl, paator'of tltiA
1'lii.t Metbodlat Uuirth of-Soattlo.
iSuuday mwrnlnis the talnlator intmch
U a powerful Herman attacking tbo
aduiInMrntion pr.Jlayor Ollt and I'o-
lice Chief Wiyiptistoln. and ulumlng
i1i.mii Tor theVleo coitdllloiia oxlatlng
111 tlin MKv s
Iu tbo city.