y .y. -0 ! "irts-'rwx i : MRDirOUl) MAT! TRIBUNE, OTDFOTID. OREGON, MONDAY, DEnOMBtiR 12, 1910. WATbR WAGON IS 'BILLION MM OREGON UK OH! SO CROWDED Salvation Army Holds Boozers' Day In New York IO09 Men ClfmL .Aboard Tcniicranco Vehicle Anli Rum Column Parades Streets. NKV YOKIC. Due. l'J.-Tlio wiitoi Wiiuou it, KromiiiiK under a heuvj Io.nl. The wheela cienk oliiiiioualv mid (Ik; fi.vft'a tin Lit tun to giu vn Itl an.v nmiiiciil. One thmiMiiiid am. nine men alinihed aboard- thu oln imrt. Tlioy mo litluiK cm tho kuui and on the lank, on the uprinkler, Hid pole and thu wliil'llo-trec. Horn. of llicin aro literally haiie,iiii: on in their teeth. 'Hie Salvation Aimy ;o I hew aboard and in iniylity piuin. of it. Tlio "SalvoH," iih llio Huwcij calls thum, (iarrit'd on their aiitiin. ThniikucjuiiK "lioor.t'ix' day" cam Iiin. The army talkh to (lie diinin aula in their own Jiuittnu. i douHii't call them "vietima of th. DRAWING NEAR! 10 CALIFORNIA? Taxable Valuation of Orcnon in creased $130,000,000 Total Is About $825,000,000, Multnomah's Report Showbill $277,029,935. demon , runt" it callH them "hoox- ern(" That's wlinl they eall them aches. Out thu doors of thu head tinr(ur in Went Fourteenth nlrei lliey hunt; thu nfn, "Hoozer' Diiy Como In." And at thu door all dn Ioijk theru blood u piiwito who end ed, "Couio in! Conic iul All boot urn and ox-boozer." A I of, of them heard thu call am came ifi. Olhorn wuiu InuiiKht u Tlio anny went out into thu wtrec and not them. At 2 o'clock in th afteiuoon til ere una a bur rotuidii parade uiarHhiilled by Colonel .Mo In tyiu. It wan headed by a Hprinklim (art drawn by Hix horsea and hoar inc tho Hijjn, "Unozor, what- alien mother, wife and child' Oct on th wiikoiiP Ilcliiml thu wnjcoil cam a lloat rupiuHuiilini; an army worl cr u-HLMiiiitr n Hiiinur from thu hIoiiu.' ol dcHpoud, and behind thin march ud the hi in Vi its rntikn broken lion and thuru by cx-Iiouxuih who ha "een thu liitht." Tho runi-dcfyiii; colniiui inotetl alonu Fourteontl sheet to Kind it venue, to Tvent third id reel, to Eighth aeuuu an hnek thi-oiiKh Fourteenth Btrcet t. hcadipmrlcn;, Threu incolhipt wind held in head nuarteiH nnd thtco in thu Hired, A the iiiHt indoor ineclini:, at uooi IIOll men hIuhui! thu pledge, and th total kept on Hwrllhur all day nut' n.t miduiulit it had reached I III')!). Th cx-honrorH exhorted thu wavorim ones and told how (buy IheniHelvo had put Kiui,' Alcohol down. Th liiinv baud criiHhed out a tuuu at III end of every "experience" iclalio NEW REAL ESTATE COMPANY OPENS KAU-:M, Or., Dec. 12. -Aucoidhuj to thu uearuHt CHtimulc that hum now ho made with neveral of the smaller public Hurvico corporation inisMiiiu fioui llio ahMUSHinenl re ports icceivcd ho far at the office if thu statu tax eoiiiuiiHhioii, thu to- al iihhcshimI taxable valuation ol Jii'Kou lor 11)10 will bu 8'23fUUU, 00, nu iucrcnwe of more than fKlO, 100,000 uxor thu ashusxed wilunlini f 1001). which wan .fOO 1,727,(1:11.00 he year just chihcd is tho 11 1x1 in liicli thu tax commiHMiou him iih eshod piopcrtv, the law creating (In 'ommiKfion bein pacd in 1000. JACKSON FIFTH. (Conllminl finin Vagp I.) he full value of tho propurty. Thu following tuhlu ivu the tota issuHhcd value of thu different conn ies as asCHficd by the county at ushors and uiiuiilizcil by tlio couuo oards together with thu populalioi iccordiuj' to the 1010 census:' Total assessed 'ountius valuations. Population Nevada People Scent Hill Interest in Proposed Extension of N. C. 0. Railroad for Five Hundred Miles Northwest From Reno. JOSEPHINE CLAIM SOLD FOR $20,000 RENO. Nov., Dec. 12,-Onu of the most siimificnnt moves shedding light on thu still uxisting struggle1 be tween the Hi', nnd Iliiirininn road I limit for siipiemacy in transporta tion between I'uget sound and the gulf caiau to light with thu publica tion ol a notice of stockholder' meeting ot the Xuvada-California-Oicgon railway. Tho notice states that the object 1 the mooting is to nmeiid tho orig inal aiticlos of iucorporutioii of the Nuvadit-Caiifornia-Orcgon railway and to provide for tho extensions of tlio road a distance of fiOO miles northwesterly from Kono instead ol 200 milt! as formurly. The intention appears to extend tho road to The DalluH on. tho boundary lino between Oregon and Wahhingrnu. VUKh VAMISK. Incorporated under tho nnmo of tho Waldo Consolidated conipnny, with n capital Ktock of $2,000,000, half of which was imont In iiurchauliiB min ing Interests and Improvements. O. A. Turner of Uroadway, N Y., Is at the hcud of tho organization. IS QUANTS l'ASS, Or., Dec. 12. Consldcrahlo interest Is being inanl fentod In the mining districts of this county. A big deal was closed this week In which n Los Angeles capital ist purchased a placer claim for $20, 000 from It. A. Denn and 11. A. Cor liss. Considerable machinery will bo Installed this winter for operation purposes. In tho Waldo (11 trlct, New oYrk capitalists have entered tho field and have siiccoodu! In talcing over tho Deop Gravel and the Simmons Camoron mines. The new concern Is cat, The Mmlford Furniture company will give every lady who calls nt their storo a beautiful Kouvenlr, You don't have to buy. Come early. 225 A misleading advcitisciiicnt would be almost as disastrous to n btoro n a fire willi no insuranco. LOOK! SEATTLB. Wash., Dec. 12. Forty men employed by the United States customs scrvicu urc today making u thorough search of oerj compartment of the big liner Minne- .otn for conl rnbuud opium. Since the ship arrived in poll tho custom oflieials have unearthed scores , tins of the prohibited drug worth $10.32.1. Tho stuff was found in old clothes, in chain lookers and in boes of soup wrapped up in borav labels. The immense Mtinnlitius of the drug seized convinces tho author ities that an organized baud of smugglers is at work. 4-'-r-tftrrr4''4rtftfr-tfTf; Kvery housewife should call at thc1 Mcdfonl Furniture Rtoro and receive a useful souvenir. You don't 'have j to make n purchase to receive prcs-,v 22S Ocorgo C. Coruitiiu nnd a Mi Uaiutir from .South Dakota ha fonncd a partniirbhip and will den in real iistatu ami do a geiiura rental business. They will maku , HiMM-inlly of city property. Mr. Cojuilinw has becoinu ipuli well known in .Mmll'oid and y (Junior will be a Miluable mini fo Medfoid on accoiinl of his long u. perieiniu in the realty basinesH i S'uilli Dakota. Duscli on Coast. I'AHADHNA, (jal.. Dec. 13. Atlol plum IIiihuIi arrlvud hnro today In hlH (irlvato enr to Hpeml the winter. Ho was accompanied by Mrs. Hunch and his sccielary Tho 80 giuwU tho mlllloniilro brewer will bring to rawidumi to cololiiuto his moIiIoii wedding Hiuilvurwiry next month will arrive soon after CIiiIhIiiiiih They will rome in a special train Munch Iiiih provided. TRY THIS Two-Mlutite Cure for Cold In Henri or Chest. It Is Curiitfi Tliousmuls Dally, nun Saves Time and Money. 0t h bowl three-iHrlerh lull .t boiling water and a towel, I'our into thu water a tuu-ptHiutuI of llyoiiici (piotioiinced IliKb-o-mol I'ul ytiur bond over the bowl mid i'iivki' both head and bowl with towel. Uruatlio (lie vnt-or that itrisi-o lor two niiuuluk, and prelo! your hettd lakor ....!ji J0,807,:i lo.OO I8,07( leutou .... S.OOO.oM.OO 10,(1(13 'laekamas 2I,080,-I00.00 20,031 Clatsop ... 8,0o(),10(1.00 1(1,100 'olumbla .. lIl.IKHU.'-.'-.OO 10,.')S0 'oos 15,ll,7l.'.00 11,031 'rook .... 0,100,008.00 0..H. 'urry :i,im,2i)lM 2,01 Jouglas ... 23,810,7-I0.()0 10,(17- Jilliam .... (1,027.1 1 3.(10 :i,701 Irant 3,31:1,032.00 3,00 larnuy ... (1,002,003.00 '1,03! lood lliior 8,031,200.00 8.0 K 'acksoii ... 110,2(1(1,(1 10.00 23730 'oHcphiuo . 7.823,8(10.00 0,30. lamath .. 12,210,130.00 8,33 wiko ... 8,0(13,270.81 -1,038. 'iimu . :it,7i3.3 io.oo :i:i,78: iincohi ... 8,13(1.221.00 3.38. -int 23,0:i3.7:i0.()0 22.00' dalhour ... 8.8:W.880.00 8,001 lurloii .... It 1.11(10. 100.00 :il),78( ttorrow ... 0,3(12.813.(10 -1,:13'. dultnoinah. 277,020,003.00 220.2(1) oik i:i.0 10.180.00 l.'l.ldl, Ihuimau .. 3,0:12.000.00 -1,11 KI 'ilhimook . i:i,020,278.l)0 (1,20(1 rmatilla .. !l 1.37-1,300,00 20,:i()l' Fnion .... 1:1,700,113.00 io.:i:i( Vallowa .. 10,130.1 13.00 8,:ill Vusco .... 0,202,2:10.00 Kl.Il.l 'ilshiiglon 1(1. 1 -10,0(10.00 21.32;' Vhecler ... :i,S70,OI)3.00 2.-I3J 'nmliill ... 13,3(ll,l2l.0:i 07:i,77.r' If the railroad 111611 should go on 1 strike on tho 10th there would ho' 1 fuel fninlno In Mcdford lnetde ot a cok, You ha hotter get a fow tons if coal whllb you can. Three cars -tow. here, So or phono Hnrhrldge, ho drayman. 230 H. B. PATTERSON The QUAKER NURSERYMAN Ilnskins for health, Totals . .$717,02-1,101.71 07:1,77' JUnGLARS ENTER SHOE STORE (CoiiIIiiiiimI from I'hkh I ) hold by some that these hoys have ommlttcd tho crime expecting to get .hrlHtimiH money from the sale of the dioes. 80 far as Is known onthlug lso was taken and If tho police have my clue to the Identity or the bnrg iirn they aro carefully guaidlug It it present. Mr. Duffleld gives out 10 fuilher statement than the, fact 1 hut ellit pairs of tdioos mtirked oUuiljcar," wore taken. California 1h tho plnco to visit. Orango k'ovcs in full bloom, tropical i lowers, fa mous hotels, hialorio Old Missions, attractive watering places, delightful climate, making that favored section the Nuliou'tt most popular retreat. You can scu it at its host ia thu nnd Shasta Route "The Road of a Thousand Wonders" SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Up-to-date trains, first-cluss in every respect, unexcelled diiiing-ear service, (piiclc time and direct veil uoclinus to nil points south. STECIAL ROUND-TRIP FARE OF $55.00 Portland to Los Auricles and Return. With eonespondiiig low fares from all other sections of tho Northwc-it. Liberal btop-ovors in each diieetion ,ind long Jimit. Interesting and at tractive literature 011 tho various ro Miits and attractions of Californin cull be had 011 application to any H V. or O. It. & N. Agent, or Irom WM. McMURRAY, General Passciiflcr Ancnt Portland, Ore. HAS EVERYTHING IN THE NURSERY LINE- -PEARS, APPLES, CHERRIES, PEACHES, AP RICOTS. PRUNES; ALL KINDS OF NUT TREES AND A FULL LINE OF FLOWERING SHRUBS, ROSES, ETC. A FINE LINE OF SHADE TREES. COME IN AND GET PRICES. Office 116 Main Street Office Phone 238! -Res. Phone 2493 r Apples in Mid-Winter ALONG bcr or LONG about the middle of Decem- tlis first of January apples .. ..... m 1... kaa !.. Ihnll .... r iwM iuuc .1 (in iiiu.c iiiuii mi. uu now. The price keeps e'"e "P from then on. Sometimes it is a difficult matter to obtain good apples in the early sprinc at any price. To be sure of a supply all win a tfr it is a first-rate plan to lay in as many boxes as you will want, now. Put them in cold (storage with us. You may send for a box as often as you wish. Our cost for storage for small quantities for the season is only 25 cents a box. We make lower rates for larce quantities. The cost of storace is a great deal cheaper than paying the high winter prices. Then too, you arc sure of getting your apples when you want them. Wc are prepared to handle any number of boxes. Independent Coal & Ice Co.. PORTLAND :: :: :: OREGON jNUtay. jt8MJ f0gfir MAY Those who do not mad the new f the day know little of what t 'itippoiiiug in the wot Id. And Uiom vim fail to luad Hid ads know littli if values or of what ih happuiitu; u the store-woild. llaskius for health. 1EGISTRATI0N OF LAND TITLE "&l In tho ('in-lit Court of tho State or ')ror,on for the County of Jackson. In tho matter of tho application or lie ItoKiiolaads Incorponited to rog ltr tltlu to the following luci-iol iiromlKM-, sit iitted In thu county of lacksou nnd stcte of Oregon, to-wlt lots 11-70 Inclimlvo; lots 7'MUS lnrlunle. and lots Hi 1-1 IK! Inclimlve all In the HoguelHuds lnlnnted or- jlmrd tmcttt. , VH. , Mr. JaniM W. Coakloy, I.ouluti Coaklt)-, Aaron II. Meagluy, Franklin i WVrii. M Korges, K. S. Forbon.1 UtliMtieth McUtiiKlillu, Tlionuiit Stott lor. Margaiet Holmes. C. H. Kit). I I)Hort OH company, an Oregon ror- IHirHtlon. Mound School Dlutrlct No I. nnd all whom It ma:' concorn, do-! fumUuttf I TAKK NOTICK. That on the Kith dsy of N'ovemhor. i into, hii uuplluttlou was filed by the llogueliimU liicnrporntMl In the cir cuit mutt of Juckwiu coaaty for Inl-1 tlal rwKlntrHtion of the title of the, land altovt U.wi-rlba. In Just Five Months HIflfcfi!pUUwWH Grew a Full Growth ot Hair on a Bald Head Here's the Proof .Now, unle you aniwwr on or h- 1,,... ii,., ,1,1. j... . . . . . . i M olmr n, a bell ,,d ,, itrb- j' 'a? rS"; : Hon should unt bd urautwl. tho muOd lahnll tie takwn ai rouriMMi sua u !. joreo will he cittortnl m-conll'iK to the neM In the ehoot ia gone N'"thillg like U to break up n ht'wv.v cohl, cure mho tlinuit or drive nwitv a cotujih. It'w h pIcAhnut cine. You II enjoy hiealhniK ll.oiiiui. You'll IWI nt olliic r. MHtlhinit, hcalliiK ami Inuietlc'iHl etteeth a it paaNtn. over the intlnnicil and irritated incaibraiie. 30 cciiIm n bottle, at dniginU, every wheie. Ak ChitM. Sttiiug for evli-A bottle Iljoinei Inimical. 1 pniyur mi inu appiiraiion, ntl you will lie forever lrie. from dktutltiK the muio. W. H. COI.HMA.V, Olork o the Circuit Court. j ' Uy if. U TOWW'U, Detiiit) 1 o.vickp & MBAlilJY. Atlariijs for MUlllllHlllf. O I '-r HitKkoit for lit'ulih. rf twn or Ihrf tti my hair htl " t 'H'S out an. Kt'it 6 qvnt thin, und l.ia liy ot ii y h. w.u IUitly twl'l, AIhu fur III. nlln . I rnauxiurj u t t .( nj Hi; i, Mir Th tint t' ' rirl to tto xun pml .! I I.4 winit It ru'rly, until n w I h uiol t ur b-. )!, Th Khiir top of mr hMil I n"Tf tiny riiiml wlih btr n4 It kr to InK In thul.tr tht'l Lmp on utinc II a kii inn,r, M I natl ft cniuut lm- "" BTr-l-HHN I1.NCQN. 8ttii or Vrw YouKl.. i ,iunt of Mjou I "" M.im lk in tiB Ju'y iworn, MJ thoi he li imJ th ltat n nfkrj ! ih tht vwnti vt Mhl ttdi mtut t lru, STHl'lltt-S 11ACUN. Iven l UJ a ttl 3Ul itf ot Julr. IDOS. UK.NHT W IULL. Nuu7 lubi:a. Tho blrthrlcbt ot every mnn, woman and child a full, healthy head ot hair. It your hair is falllnc. it is lull ol itantlrull. or if It Is laded or turnlnu. Bray, It Is diseased nnd should be looked alter without delay, WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY, a true Hair Tonic nnd Restorer, removes dandrult In a lew days, stops hair Inlllng in one week, and starts a new growth in a month. Wyeth's Saco nnd Sulphur does not soil tho skin nor Injure the hair; but It Is un ideal hair dressing that will rc Morc faded nnd umy lialr to natural color nnd keep tho hair solt nijd glossy. 50c. and $1.00 a Bottlo-At all Druggists Or Sent Dtroot. Express Prepaid, Upon Receipt of Price 74 CocttlmJt Street New Yotk Qty, N. Y. Over 5000 Useful XMAS GIFTS From 5c ip $5 Each at HUSSEY'S Including Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Fancy Neckwear, Garters, Suspenders, Glassware, Woodenware, Dolls, Toys, Games, Toy Trunks, Toy Pianos, Wagons, Iron Toys, Etc. 200 Boxes of Regular 40c, 50c and 65c quality Fancy Box Pap- mm rm m er, witn envelopes to matcn Sale Price per box . . . 25c FREE ON DEC. 22 The finest dressed doll in Med ford and a 50-piece Fancy Dec orated Dinner Set. Ask about Them. We give Tickets FREE Christmas Post Cards, Be sure and get HUSSEY'S prices on 'em -:4-4---44-4-C44.14mm4tHr44ne44itT, i ftPRlH irVm! 4HaaaaV9sam J. E. ENYART, President. JOIIN S. OltTII, Cashier. J A. I'EHRY. Vico-Presidoat. THE MEUF0RD V. B. JACKSON, Asu't Cashior. NATIONAL BANK Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. - -. -.- Fresh Air in Winter PP jfynMfc A & V In winter, It is hard to get fresh air In certain rooms. Some rooms In a house are usually colder than others, and if you open the windows It is hard again to heat the room properly. If you keep the windows closed you don't get fresh air; if you keep them open you cannot quickly reheat the room. The Perfection fw Smokeless k Absolutely smokeless and odorless solves the difficulty. You can leave the windows In a room open all day In winter, and when you close them apply a match to a Perfection Oil neater ana heat the room to any tem perature you desire in a few minutes. The Perfection Oil Heater Is finished n Jspan or nickel. It burns for nine hours. It has a cool handle and a damper top. It has an automatic? locMno name prcadcr, hich prevents the ck from Yeing "ud P "n enouRh to smoke, and Is easy to remote and drop back so that the wkk can oe quickly cleaned An Indicator always shows amount of oil in the font !h.e,filIer'??p doel not nccd ,0 be screwed down. It Is put in like a cork In a bottle, and is attached to the font by a chain. .... ......... ,., v. Kuri) KJiuioi occome ueaced. bee.iuse of a new t-ed tn well Leon B. Wyeth Chemical Company, FOR SALE AND RECOMMENDED BY Haskins, Medford, Ore, en;e In construction, and consequently, it can aluaysbe easily unscrewe an instant ; for rewick.ng The Perfection Oil Heater Is strong, durable, made, budt for scr a e, yet liSht and ornamental t j Standard r dtiznfhx cirnhr JK "lBCportJ ' .fp' CA,, .1 i. .1(r ii