QGIGVipip?wra" &' 'W -wr- sg "Ti Y" if W"iwijRiW MEPyOKD MAIL TH1BUNE, MEDITO.UP; OKKOON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1910. i ,i 1 r ,- tJk . " 0 GOD'S GREAT PLAN HIDDEN IN ABRAHAM AND FAMILY. The Mystery, Covered So Long, Is Now Made Plain. Iiaac, the Socond Son of th Patri arch, Pictured the Heavenly Sued. , Ithmael, the First Son, the Earthly Seed. OIL iff Omaha, Nob., Dec. 11. Tnstor Itussell of Brook lyn Taberunele vis ited our city yes terday its tins guest of tlio Interna tipiml Bible Km dents Association. lie gave two pub He n il d r i h h e b, willed were heard by larse uiul 4u tellltrxUit iiudlcnees. We report his au di ess from these words of Scripture: "And 1minc brought Itebeccn Into hts mtitlier Smith's tent and ho became his wlfo and lie loed her " GenesU xxlv, C7. When ve Houietlnics speak of Abru liaui, Isaac nnd others ,us types wi. Miouhl not be understood to menu that they were ineicly tj pes that the Bi ble stories respecting them me no tions. A person or thing Is a typo when, hi addition to tlio'netuul expe riences, the Scrlptuies Indicate that It prefigure nnd Illustrates on n small scale some person or things yet fn litre. As, for Instance, Adam In cer tain respects, as the head of the nice, Mas n type of Messiah, the Second Adam. The first Adam was the bead of our race, but failed to glvo tho eternal Jiff" dcslrpd. In God's providence Messiah Is to be the Second Adam, In the seiiep that he will regenerate, as his plilb dren, ail the lwsterlty of, the First Adam. Messiah Is thus declared In prophecy to bo the Kverlastlug Vi ther of mankind the Kathe,r or Life giver, better than Adam, nnd who wll give to our race everlasting life, In Htcad of a heritage of weakness, Impel fcctlon nnd death. Similarly, Moses not only was n roal character, the, leader of the nation of Isrnci, but, additionally, he was n type of n greater Mediator Jesslnh. M Moses mediated the Law Covenant-for Israel, so Messiah, the Prophet like unto' Mses, or antllyplcal of hlnj (Acts III, 23), Is to be the Mediator of Israel's Xew Covenant, under which the Abrahiiinlc blessings wlll reach them and through tltwu reach all the families of tho earth (-ler. xxxl, 31). Shnllaily, Aaron was n typo of tho higher priesthood nnd Its hotter sacrj floes connected with tho New Covo mint. So, also, tho undcr-prlests and tho Levltes, additional to their own experiences, served. In Ood's provi deuce; as types of tint higher Institu tions by which tlm New Covenant w;l be Inauginated hkoitly. On this pccuhIou Ave ask 'your niton lion to Abraham, known In the Scrip lines as the friend of Cod, as thi father of the faithful, and to his sou Isaac, the Sou of l'romlse, born out of the natural older, miraculously, when Ills mother wmt old; also to IsaacV wife, Uoboeui, selected by Abraham to be the companion and jolut-lielr with tils sou latum In his luhciltance. These porsuunges lived their lives wholly unconscious of the fact that (Jod was using them and over-ruling their affairs so as to make of them prophetic pictures of his uwu great 1'lnn of the Ages. These type-plctures are alwajs to be read In, full hurmouj with the lnsiii('d writing's of the Bible and never to be understood In contra diction of the same. Abraham a Type of God. Not eery thing that, Abraham did, however, is to be esteemed typical, In u gencial way this grand man of the past looms up befoie our minds as a monument of faith and integrity and Justice. Tho blcsslugs piomlsed to go through him to his Seed, which would constitute him the father of man: na tious, made of lilm, ns St. I'.iul points out, a tjpe of tho Almighty, from whom flows every good nnd every per feet gift from whom proceed) the blessing which ultimately Is to flow through Messiah, his Sou, nnd through Juracl, his people, unto ull the families of tho eartii. AH Christian.1, presumably, are aware of St. 1'aul's luterpietatlou of .ybr.t ham and his family as types. As Abraham typified Clod, so lilu wife typllied tho Covenaut through wlilch the vitality of the promise ultimately develops the Seed of l'romlse Isaac In i type, and Messiah In the anJltype St I'aul nUo explains that Sarah's serv ant, If agar, at Sarah's wish, beiame for n time her representative with Abnihum and brought forth Ishmnel IJagar. St. i'aul explain, typlijed the Law Covenant, vitalized by (he gra cious arrangements, of the. atue Clod and father. And Ilagar's mm, lit e.ral!y Abraham's tlrnt-bom, typified tho Jewish nutloii, the first develop ment, under the Covenant. As Abraham lo'ed Isaac nnd desired n blessing upon him, so God loved Is rael ami desired n blessing upon Israel, tho offuprlng of. tho Law Covenant. Nevertheless, an Ubuiael, the oCfaprlng of tlio bond-woman, was declared not to be tho primary heir of the Abiw hamlc promise, but a secondary one. no the children of Israel, the offspring f of the Law Coi euaut, were not intend ed to be the .Spiritual Messiah through whom tho promise declared that (he bIolug should first proceed. iti the type, -.re see Unit Sajrab. Atnyi hams wife, who represented the origi nal Abraliamic Covenant, brought forth o wm of ber onu, Isaac, long yeefs after the bondmaid, uer substitute, had brought forth Ishmaei. "When li,aac was born. Sarah repudiated lsh juaeJ nud uu Jouger ackuowelgvd htm as her u, tut. Instead, iluimeU ctrj UjUjgjux-buafc. XluL.suiUJl.'L'V-lit tUu ones, urst nmonget these tsalqta were some of the Jewish nation, according to the Divine Unle; as the Scriptures t?et forth-,"to the Jew llrst." This BWde cln3 has been selected, from ev ery nation, people., kindred npd tongue, JCt li Oil will be but a Httio tlock "Fear unt, Jlttle flock, it $ your Fn thvr's good pleasure to gy;c jpu tjie Kingdom" the spliltunl, unseen KlnfJ dom of Messlnli-Jolnt-helrshln wlih him In his thronenot the earthly Kingdom which has been promised definitely to Israel. l.s tfiat jrom the time thn'tTIod tiegnn Jbo development of po Spiritual Isite; and set fQrlh the "Cpventint, by saurl flee," tljrough vijch tlia,Sp,liltiml Is rael would be deu'lopod fjinn that time Jt begap to '-' tlourly manifest that the cliief iiortlon of the promise of God to bless the world wns not to be fulfilled through the IslimAol Seed, natural Israel, but through tho Isaac SeedSpiritual Israel. The Wel(-Sprina of Hope For the Jew. From tho Jlrst tiore was manifested a competition for the Abrah'amic bless Ing., And y IhIiiumcI m)cked at the in fttht Isa(p,,so tieiew, hi ids coi"Idcr able de elopincut and strength, mocked nt the Antjtypical lsa(ic Jwus and hlu comparatively Ignornyt and uulenrned follow ei-satid persecuted them. In or der to continue 'the type, that Abraham might typify noil, ne wa.s cpmmatutcii to bend fprth Hagai; and her sou bito the wilderness. That sending forth typified the Divine disfavor which eniCe upon the Jews, eighteen centuries ago and wjitch has made them outcasts from God's favor, as lagar and Ish maei were put off from Abraham' presence and family andcare. The bread and water which Hagar took with her, by wlilch she nnd Ishmaei were nourished in the wilderness for a time, pictures nnd type;, the promises of God through the Law and the prophets which still belong to the Jew and upon which, for eighteen centuries, he has been nourished, nud without which the hope pf tho nation would have perished. Now wo conio to the dire, moment pictured in Genpjsls xxl, IMP. The water provided by Abrahnm had bqeu consumed. io moio was '10 bq bad. iHlinioel wns dying. Ilngur, his mother, nepnrated herself from him. At the opportune moment the angel of the Lord appeared to her apd pointed her to a. spring of water, where she lef resiled herself and Ishtnncl with new life. The antitype of this Is upw to be seen before us. The Jewish popple, separated more and morn fropi tlio Law tun the Prophets, are becoming weak and faint as respects hope. They are about to dial But no, the Lqrd graciously points out n well-spring of the wnter of life at this critical mo ment. As Ishmaei was rescued from death by tills water, so the nation of Israel, whom he typllied, Is now about to find lii the providence of God that their portion of the Abraliamic Cove nant Is the earthly one, not the, heav enly one, no the spiritual. They are about o be refreshed and to enter upon a new- career. That career, how ever, will not mntk them as Ishmaei Ites, nor will their New Ooiepunt re lationship be symbolized by Hagar, ho Old Law Covenant. Thenceforth they are represented under a now typo. Isaac Was Heir of All. If, at llrst, our Jewish f: lends might be Inclined to feel disappointed that they wore represented In Ishmaei, and not hi Isaac, by the Hagar Covenant, thd Covenant of bondage to the Law, instead of being formed free from the Law, there Is a touholntlon. Ther consolation is that Isaac typified the Messiah aud that Israel Is pictured as the nation on v.iio.se behalf Messiah will mediate tlio New Law Covenant. Tho Messiah must bo spiritual. In or tier to bo able to copfer the gteat blessings indicated in tlio Coennit made witli Abraham. Tho nation of Israel never expected to be spiritual and had no such promise In the Bible. To tho Jews will come exactly what they havo always been expecting -greatness as au eurfhly people, honor ns the elect nation through whom the New Covenaut tdesslugs will be open Ml up tq all the world of mankind the Gentiles. As already pointed out, Isaac, the son of Abraham, typified tho Messiah of glory, tho Sou of God and heir of all tho promises the one tluough whom alone eternal life may be ob tained and restitution to that perfec tion which will enulilo Israel and the world to keep the Dlilue Law perfect iy and merit the gift of God, eternal life, according to their New Law Covo mint by and through Its great Media tor Messiah. Eleaiar Type of the Holy Spirit. lu duu time,. Abraham kout his trust qd servant Kieazjr (typical of tho holy Splilt) to select, a Bride for his sou I Isaac. Elearar might not go anywhere. I IIu was directed to go only to those of Abraham's family, thus implying that ! nunc wpuld be. called to bo tho Bride of Messiah except such ns were already i in relationship to God through faith, obedience and Justification When the servant had found Itchcccn he put uiMiii her certain Jewels, explained to her and her relatives the uutuio of hU inlhsluu, ami usked her if she wcio willing to come aud be Isnac's Bride,. He said. My master, Abraham, Is veiy ;lch and nil that he hath he hath given (into Ibaac. ' Thus the great riches of God are Igiiltt Illustrated lu sV.btuham and the fact that Mus.lau is his Sou am) the ' heir of nil the promises of God, tht; Ouo througi whom Isrppl and al man. kind shall bo bleed Itcbeci'H prompt ly resjioiukHl and thus betrothed her. self to the uusieu Bridegroom nud haktcd with the Mtrwint to Isaac Ah. Jier kinsfolk bado her good by they wished her a blessing In tbeno words, "Be thou the mother of thousands of millions" (Genesis xxlv. GO). We read that "Itebecca aroso and her dapisels (maldfc, Kcrvantsj and (hey rode upon the camels und followed the map Bleaznr" Here wo flud. in harmony with other Scriptures, a picture of tbhi Go pel Age ami Us work of bringing' to Men slab a pcclul Bride class ut naiutiy Other Scriptures litne shown us that there arc wo classes ainongst these saints. A few. peculiarly dpyoted, will cqnstttutp ttic Jlridc class. And n larccr number, not so courngecni of tho Truth ond righteousness, an 111 con-i stllute her eompuiilqns, her servants, as Itebecca travelled accompanied by her scn-nnts. These two classes nre particularly specified lu theScrIpturuM (43Jh J'snlm), whern we rend ( tlio AJesslnli Brde and Queep. In her resurrection glory sho is pictured ns the Queen tobfd In gold of Ophlr Willi lne needlework tlm glor,v lepri'.sunthig the dl hie nature which will be grant ed her and the line necdlowork repre seating her glorious righteousness, em bellished with tho fruits of the holy Spirit. The PsnlmUt tells liow she shall be brought Into the presence of the great King .Jehovah and tlipij mlds that tio virgins, or conipunions, that (pIIoav her shod also be brought Into the preseneejif the King, showing that iliero avHI always be u difference of rank on the spiritual plane. These two classes ato again ptctuicd In the Law I as' Priests and Lovltos, the Brldo class' bolng represented by the Priests, oav-' lug to tbelr Avlllng sncritkuti of tlio j earthly portion in fovor of the heavenly. Wu ate not to Identify the Bride class' With the nominal Christian Churches pf today nny more th.tn avo would idem tify the Apostles with tho Jewish Church of their day. The Apostles Avero a select foAA-, and similarly all tho membcis of tho Church through put Hie Age have been u select feAV out of a nominal many. "The Lurd kpoAyeth them that are his." Tn true Church has been selected, nut only from til of the iiyoivo tribes f Isrjiei, but from every other nation, people nnd tongue," even so many ns the Loid our God has called. 391 FISHERMEN DROWN . . OFF CUREAN C0AS1 SKATTIjK. Doc. 12 A storm on November 'JO overtook a Japanese nnil Corenu fishing ileet off Jlokpo Coreii, nnd Ml men wore drowned. Seven .Inmuiose utul (!U CoR-nn ves sels coiitninin OHO men, weic wrecked, nnd only two Japanese nnd 'JII7 Oorcaiis avcio stned. s Rend in December Sunset Magazine. "Sun Francisco, .tlio Eposition City." superbly illustrated in font colors. Noav on sale, nil news stands, lfi ccnty. "BIG TOM" CURRIER, TAFT'S DOUBLE, IS NOW DEAD Tom" mar- CIUCAGO.-Dcci. 12. "IiK Currjcr, tlopuly Uhitihl Sintc; Mini, avIio boro ft fitrikiuj! resemb lanco to PrcBJilont Tnft, died at liia liotuo yesleidtiy nt tlm age of 04 Currier, aaIui was u fumiiiar figiue about tlio tcilcral liniltliug for 30 yeni-s, stood tl' feet 'Afc inches in his stocking feet, nnd weighed 350 pounds. Ho much of lifo rovoh'PH nrptmi tho "cost of things" that the store mis hnvo an increasing iutoiest. R. F. GVERIN (S. CO. 4 MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, Havo a number of APPLICATIONS FOR FIRST LOANS of from $500 to $3000 lo return investors 10 MQRTGAfiE per cant w innum. If you have money to loan It will pay you to investigate them Wood for Sale. Conlwooil and stovowood, hanl nnd soft, in any quantity. A. Siover, city scales nt Main and Fir streets, or telephone Main 2081. 227 Let Us SnA'o you 30 per cent of your fuel Wo Avill install on your stove a dam per Hint we Rimrnntoo to save your fuel mill niotect your rooms from ovoilieat nnd givo you u uniform iipat. SAFETY ECONOMY DAMPER CO., -Nt) Slicilock Bidg., Poitlniid. JOHN II. WIMtill, llepreseutntivo for Meilfonl. 4.r South Ibutlctt Street. Mrs. Tay lor's Hoarding House. MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES VGF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. Uhe fincsf. Sample Ropm3 in tlio city. i';y. i- Siiiglo rooms or en suite also rooms "with frath Hotel Moore Telophono in Kvcry Itoom RAU-MOHR COMPANY Proprietors. EUROPEAN PLAN i , . ,. i j' I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT HAVE PURCHASED THE Union Livery Stables nnd will conduct a general feed and boarding establishment. Ilpnjos, ; ; f boardedby the day, Avook or month. I guaraateo n square derU ; ; I to all. R. GBANYAW UNION LIVERY BiUlN. RIVERSIDE AVENUE. --4 Land For Sale Fcrtilo fruit and alfalfti land in small and largo tracts. Cleared and uncleared. Terms antl price reasonable. t Address Box 16, Tolo, Oregon Pure Clear Sparkling You can't afford to do vritkont this spleudid, refreshing drink. Call up nnd order a case sent to tho house. Tho purest, most healthful drink known is SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, Agent. II Campbell & Baiunbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 200 FRUITGROWERS BANK BUILDING. -tr rr- 0J0'X0-OOO0Of00f'f0f0C Nursery Stock Let us Quote You Prices oh AU Kinds of Trees and Shrubs S L. B. WARNER Jr. At Warner, Wortman (EL Gor Grocery j& je? JP Medford 000000'K400000000040tOf-1 yywi?"1" i! ni.i...i!iM'!ii"!gsa AI KINDS OP DRY l .WQOD-. Oak, Laurol, Fir and Pine. Uuy younvintor stpply nowj roasottahjo prices. - v The Sun Star Wood GQflipajiy COS Almond st, Phono Main 6051. Joi Keyawa, 'r)i. ij? MM -T Cliuirniileeil Honest ami Reliable Me&sciie;crH. Tiiij und I'ucKiiKo Dcliwty ii Specialty. Medford Messenger Service Uudor Ni'iv .MaiiiiKeuiont. PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE. All Miinll pnreelH or hiohkiikcsi ilclivv'ted i'lvo bliiel.H or undor Ovor lio block nnd under ten . , . Over ton blocks and under lift eon . Over iiftccn blocks . FRED IIANH('M. Prop. 337 South Central Ave, Telephone Mini 1 J i:. Mcillord. Qi-cgun .100 .l.'io .2."io J 'ft -JSSi. - ------. ---f- t fcat- Figola . Bread Contains ingredients of Figs. tJTIIK BREAD OF MERIT. JNat in name only, but in roality. CIA wholesome, nutri- i tious broad. JAids digestion SOLD EXCLUSrVJSLYBY TODD SCO. MEDFORD BAKERY AND DELICATESSEN BUY YOUR ROAST TURKEY HERE ------ LANDPST, JOHNSON 6 LILIUS, IN Real Estate and Insurance Special Representative for International Real Estate Association, Chicago, 111, n AGENT FOR FRANKLIN FIRE INS. CO. RELIANCE FIRE INS. CO. BARGAINS AND MPNEY .' MAKERS IN FARMS, ORCH ARDS & TIMBER LANDS. 201 St. Mark's Building, Phone 2411 -trr Medford Iron Works i E. Ch Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines. Spraying Outfits, Pump, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So, Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO, TIMBER LANDS WANTED List with us what you have for salo, Timber cruising and estimates furnitshed, HARRIS TIMBER UND COMFY 208 FRUITGROWERS BANK BLDfr, MEDFORD, OREGON, JJ0JfiJE.JJJ x Determined to Sell This beautiful country place, comprising 14 acres, Is located wltWn a mile of Mcilford upon one of the best country roads In the valley. It Is practically all set to trees, with, a family orchard In liearlnij. The bulldlnijs, which could not be duplicated for less than $2,70p, are all new. The house (bungalow) Is exceptional ly attractive, ror iiu npxi lev nays wo uuvo ucen uniiigrucu ju vwr wo property at the low price of $8000.00. Any reasonable terms will be accepted Arrange to see this bargain Monday. If the price is npt rltjht, make us an offer. '? I! 1 1 4r4r444rtf -' ' Huntley-Kremer Go. 214 FRUITGROWERS' BANK BUILDING. vtm "- PLUMBING SirAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Ciuarnntood Prices Roafionablu- COFFEEN (Si PRICfc j 11 North D St-.Medfoid Oro. Phone 303 nir irniwfBWBi Troutman Orchard Heater Tlio world 'a standard oil efficiency and oconomy. They burn air. Made in sovon types to meet any rcquiroinonts. Special prices for short tinie. To also manufacture tlio lard pail hcars, "Writ firl 1, Wuudt, General Agent, Meridian, Idaho. Am -j - 4 On m mP, f? w5