Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 11, 1910, SECTION THREE, Page 5, Image 9

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Personal and Cocal
S. Vllns DockwIUi and C. A. Whlt- Thomns Foicnmn and wlfo or
lor liavo loft for a short buslnoatt Montosano, WaBh., aie spending a
trip to Seattle.
few days looking over Mcdford and
Dr. It. E. Green of Creston, HI., ' vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Foreman are
lias located In Mcdford. Dr. Green
lias opened offices In the Gnniett
Cbrey bull ding.
Prompt, courteous and careful at
tention glvon all inuttors pertaining
to city property for salo and rout.
Lint your proporty with us. We
guarantco satisfactory results. Courl-tliw-Giirnor
Realty Co., 133 West
Main street. Phono C031. 230
Courltlus-Onrner Realty Co., 133
West Main street, specialists In city
proporty, for sale or rout. Phone
C031. 230
Dr. J. A. noddy has returned from
a trip to San Francisco.
Cotiilttus-Gnrnor Realty Co., iqc
West Main street, specialists In city
property, for salo or rent. Phono
0031. 230
Will G. Winters, who at ono time
lived near Grants Pace, but left
there moro thnn 15 years ago, has
returned to the valloy and spent Sat
urday afternoon In Modford.
Courllius-Gnrner Realty Co., 133
West Main Btrcot, specialists In city
property, for salo or Tent. Phone
C031. 230
Honry W. Moss, who comes from
Sodnlla, Mo., will look over tho
country thoioughly, and will locate
If he finds things to suit him. Mr
Moss owns a large farm near tho city
or Sodalla, Mo., but does not like
tho wlntors of that state.
Courltlus-Gamer Realty Co., 133
West Mn.ln street, specialists In city
property, for salo or tont. Phone
0031. 230
A, A. niackwoll, who loft tho val
loy about 11 years ago and loca.tod
In Vancouver, 1). C, has returned
and will ir.nko his homo In Medford
In future.
,Couritlus-Garnor Realty Co., 133
West Main Btrcet, specialists in city
property, for snlo or rent. Phono
0031. 230
Harvey J. Allon of Soldier, Ida..
Is visiting friends In Medford.
Cpuiltlus-Gnrnor Realty Co., 133
Vest Main stieet, specialists iu city
pioperty, Tor salo or rent. Phone
0031. 230
Davo G. Raker, who Iuib Just ar
rived rrom Prince Rupert, N. W. T.,
says that country may bo somo good,
sometime, but tho Rogup river valley
for hi in.
Courltlus-Garnor Realty Co., 133
West Mnin stroot, specialists In city
property, for salo 'or rent. Phone
0031. 230
Al Morgan of Fresno, Calir., dime
to tho valloy Saturday. Mr. Mor
gan is a raisin grower of tho San
ojnquln valley.
See Couritittg-Gnrner Roalty Co..
133 West Main street,. for rontnlP
Phono Main 0031. 230
A. II. Daniels of Edmonds, Wash.,
Is In the city. Mr. Daniels desires
to locato in the dairy liusinuM.
Seo CourltiuB-Gamor Itealty Co.,
133 West Main stroot, Tor rentals.
Phono Main 0031. 230
(leorgo T. Wall, woh owns a large
farm on Snn Juan island, western
Washington, on Pugot Sound and tho
Straits ot San Juan tie Fucn, Is
among tho out-of-town guests who
are onjoylng Medford life for a few
See Coiiritlus-Gnrnor Itonlty Co.,
133 Wost Main street, for rentals.
Phono Main 0031. 280
Virgil Hui don, who but recently nr
rled from Newcastle Upon Tyno,
England, upent Satin day And Snu-
ilny In Modford. Mr. Uurdon. nfte
looking over the country may decide
to Invest in f ri lit lauds.
See Courltlus-Garnor Roalty Co..
133 West Main sttoet, for rental.
Phone Main G081. , ISO
Richard R. Konnody, who regis
ters from Iluffnlo, Wyo., Is among
tho strange faces arriving in Med
ford, Saturday evening.
Sue Courltliis.Giinw Realty Co.,i
1S3 Wost Main street, for rentals
Phono Main 0081. S80
Amos Hlllman, banker of Potts
ilb Pn.. was In Medford Satur
day evening.
. Seo Couritlus-Onrner IteaKy Co.,
133 West Main street, for rentals.
Phone Mnin 0081. 9S0
William II. Thompson, who recent
ly nrrlved from Cbadron, Neb., Is so
well pleased with Medford that he
will return to Nebraska, sell his
prejterty and Invest the money In
Rogue river valley farm and frvit
lauds. '
Prof. IleUee. Pa. !.,. formerly' uf
Ann Arbor, Mich.. Is tendutg a
vh.rt liiuu here looking over the wi
le. . ' :;." ,' rrrrj , ,., i " ' ,r
looking for a location for a homo and
will visit all the towns In tho val
ley. Xmas gifts from Van do Car's will
pleaso forever. . tf
Joseph Hartley, roprosontlnc tho
Homeseokers Association of the
Southwest, reached this city from
Texarkana Saturday morning. Mr.
Hartley desires to look nil ovor the
valley and also to visit other parts
of Oregon before advising his people
regarding the possibility of bottorlng
their condition by coming to tills
Meeker will save you money
rondy-to-woars salo Saturday.
oJo II. Graham, who camo here
Saturday from Aspen, Colo, will re
turn to his old home Monday, oll
his proporty in thnt city and return
with his family to Medford about
March 1.
B. T. Vdn Do Car's Jowelry store
vlll bo open ovenlngs from now until
W. II. Vernon or Klamath Falls
reached Modford Saturday and will
remain on business for a week or
ten days.
Ho sure and call on I). T. Van 'Do
Car when In search ot soniothlng
pleasing In tho lino of now and classy
Jewelry. Open evenings.
Weeks & McGowan Co.
1) Y PnONE 2271
Night Thoues:
F. W. Weeks, 2071
A. E. Orr, 3692.
Will Falter or New Westminster,
H. C, Is here on a business mission
Dave Van Metbr who comos rrom
Rnton, N, M Is sojourning In Med
ford. Mr. Van .Motor Is a railroad
mnn having been with tho Santa Fe
for a number of years,
Don't forgot tho Medford hardware
vhon looking nround for gifts.
Clnronco Gnu loft Saturday even
ing for Portland. He will return
to Medford bofpro leaving for his
homo In Donvor, Colo.
Freo reading rooms at Prcsbyto
lau church, open ovory 6vonlng from
5:30 to 10 oxcopt Sunday.
L. D. Davles of LovoJnnd, Colo., Is
among tho strangors who nrrlvod In
.Medford Saturday. Mr. Davlos ex
pects to dispone of his Colorado prop
erty and will scok a homo oik the
const. Ho will remain In Medford
for sovcral weeks.
Have you beon II, I. Van de Car's
diow window on Main street, Phlppr
r1dg? It has somo siiggostions for
fmas gifts. tf
Henry D. Merrlweathor of Keo
kuk, la., is among tho new arrivals
In Medford.
If you havon't got a block In Oak
lalo Park addition you had bnttoi
ot ono at onco. Sou W. II. Everhard,
100 Ninth stroot, West, for partlcu
are. tf
tl was announced lato Stunla
ovouiiig ihnt the Park View hotel will
change hands on Monday morning.
tho Park View Ilotol company tak
ing charge.
My prlcos nro reasonable. Your eye-
'Iglit Is prlcoloss. Dr. Rlokort, over
John W. Windsor of Alliance, Neb.,
was horo Saturday,
You eau't afford to mlsK Meukor's
'jig sale everything reduced.
The concrete and brick work wll!
start ou the Medford bote building
Tuesday according to an announce
ment matlo by Foster & Clark, arch'
Iteets, and Mr. Coleman who own
oueThalf of tho wall already built
John II. Carkln. attorney at law,
over Jackson County Uyik
W. W. Hlfert Is baring tome val
uable Improvements marie at his
tailor shop.
JJonr-Kuiii Co., loans, Fruitgrow
er' Hank huildintf.
James It. Wilkinson Is hero from
I Grants Pass and attended court at
Jacksonville. aSturday.
llao vour Xmii photos mode In
lUaekey if you went something 1
lfiie. l$
' Miohael Delaney of Corvalls was
here on a business miss Mil Saturday.
J. W Anderson of ISlma, Wash.,
spent Saturday In Medford.
Is your oitso wired? One olgar
osa a day would twy for a huudrod
ier cent Inerease In eomfort. Start
Ivlng the electric life. tf.
C. F Holmes who recently arrived
from Kingfisher. Okie., was In Jack
sonville 8aturda on legal business.
nity-threo acres special, 10 aerer
nmlng iBto hearing orchard. Call on
i. II. Wood, Condor Water & Power
To.' office. u
0. A. Densraoro of OraHtS Is
was In Medford on business matters
Saturday. 0
The Hull auto livery has decided
la aecotumcdat the trad to aud
from the opera, natatorlum dances.
Wilholm P. Johnson of Aberdeen,
Wash., is in Medford for a row daj s.
Mr. Jensen 1b here In tho Interest or
Washington parties who own timber
claims which wore reported as de
stroyed by tho recent Torest Mros.
Marvin I. Hawkins of Chinook.
Wash., Is In Modford on buslnoss for
a fow days.
S. J. Sylvls or Clovls, Calir.. one of
tho loading wheat farmors of that
section, Is In Medford for a day or
two. Mr. Sylvls does not stato the
object or his visit.
Henry H. lloldo ot Missoula,
Mont., was In Medford Saturday. Mr.
Holdo conducts n livery aud stage
lino business In the Montana town.
oGorgo 13. Sheridan ot Custor Junc
tion, Mont., Is In tho city and may do
clde to remain as tho country appoals
to him very strongly.
N. L. Rennett ot Idaho nFlls, Is
UntiRActlng legal business In Med
ford. Mr. Ilonnott Is nn attorney
and Is horo in, the Interest ot onstorn
John It. Greenlee ot Milwaukee,
Wis., Is sojourning In Modford.
A. D. Adnmson of Klkhnrt, Ind..
came in Saturday. Mr. Adnmson Is
seeking a business location on the
coasta nd will remain In tho valley
for sovoral days looking over the
field. v
lion J. Smith of Lander. Wyo.. Is
stopping In town tor a wook. Mr.
Smith Is onsngod In tho oil land
business and olnlms to own valuable
properties In tho Dig Horn Basin.
Henry WlnKloninn is hero from
Grants Pass on a short buslnoss visit.
J. C. Goodwin of Roboburg Is mak
ing a short stay In .Medford on busl-
aosn matters
A. G. Wlngnto of Pleasant Plain.
Mo., hnB como to Modford to make
his home.
I.owls W. Wade of oKarnoy. Neb.,
is among tho now nrrlvnls In Modford.
W. W. Wnrrou of Nohnlom Is
transacting buslnoss In Modford and
Jnoksonvlllo and will rontnln hero a
veok or more,
G. h. Schormorhorn, whoso wlfo
was oporatod on In Aahlnnd for ap-
londicltis by Dr. Swodenborg, re
torts tho lady as recovering nicely
and hopes to 'seo hor homo by the-
middlo ot tho wook. Tho oporatlon
as n sovoio one mid tho speedy ro
"overy Is surprising to all.
Cbrla Thompson of Hoqulam,
Wash., who has spent tho past week
n Modfoid and leintty, returned to
his homo Friday night to attend tho
Rrrlage or his daughter, Miss Vega
Mr. Thompson assured a number of
ouslnosB men or Modford that ho
would return In n fow days
It. V. Caldwell, a loading real os-
tato doalor or -Astoria, is In Mod
ford. While ho refuses to stato the
object of bis lslt be Is busy, rain or
hlue, looking oor all past ot tho
W. G. Coddlngton, n merchant ot
Sodro Woolloy, Wash., Is stopping
in the city tor a short time. When
asked II ho was here to luvost Mr
Coddlngton frankly replied "That I
my business. I may be hero for that
purpose aud I may not."
W. F. Gordon, of Rod Oak, In., la
eglstered as a new comer to Med
Miss Alma Fiillorton ot Ifixlltio, la..
arrived iu Aledlord Saturday and will
(iinalii during tho winter months
Miss Fiillertou has lieen mirroring
rrom asthma for several years and
p.pect to find relief In southern Or
Wanted hoarders A now board.
ing house bus opened at 70C South
Oakdale. Call and see us tor ffllr
treatment, or nddresft F. II. More-
land. 80S
Walter llnwnrd, who arrlvod Fri
day night from Louisiana, Mo ex
pects to locate here In the dray and
express business. Mr. Howard has
two carloads of horses and oquli
ment which will arrive here In a few
weeks. He comes west In the In
terest of his wife's hoallh.
Ifinns photos made 1)3 Muokcy wil'
pirate. I f
William Fahey, a hotel man of San
Francisco. Is here looking orer the
business field. Mr. Fahey has for a
number of ears conducted a hotel
near fifth nd Mission streets In
San Francisco, but went out of basi
nets when the oarthi-uake and fire
ICvery light but electricity gle
'iff smoke and swoko contains soot.
whloh deposits on your wall (taper,
turtalns, drnporles. lBlootrlo light
(Io-h la an air tight bulb. If.
Miss Carolli.e Walaou of Atlanta.
Ot., was la the city Saturday. Miss
Watson Is a teacher In the Atlanta
'schools and Is trorellug la the hopes
of restoring falling sight.
The nest hlle hour that roaies
slong, make It pay you a big dividend
by having demomt rated to you at
room 27 Phlpps bldg . the White
House nentry. The lnduct'mnt to
Weaver of Clear iJike
M. O. Maloy or Rock Spiings, Wy
oming, is In tho clt). Mr. Maloy Is
engaged In coal mining In the Wyo
ming city.
Samuel R. Smlthson of Omahn,
Neb., who Is writing an article Tor
tho Omaha Bee ontitled "Tho Wost,"
spent Saturday In Medford and
S. 11. Fuhrinan, a prominent oloth
Ing moruhant of Fremont, Nob., Is In
the city nnd If sultiul will loento horo
In that lino of business. Mr. Puhr
mnn litis several stores throughout
Nebraska and Whining.
Tho Modford llnrdwaro Co. has
hundreds of useful articles suitable
for gifts.
W. J. Mdou. special agent or the
New York Life! was In tho city Sat
urday and paid In full to Mrs. War
ren K. Hodge the $2000 policy hold
In thnt company by hor Iirtsbnml,
Warren 13. Hod go.
F. O. Hortzborg. gnthor or Mis. hid
Trowbridge of UiIb city, died at hli
home In Sheboygan, Wis., Friday uf
ternoon. t
George II. Stoele, who arrlvod horO
Friday, will buy property and send
for bis family. Mr. stoole comes
from Pcorln, 111.
S. C. Price, who came here fiom
Seasldo some two weeks ago, lma pusli
received his household goods and will
make Moilfonl his home. Mr. Prices,
owns considerable proporty In Sea
side, but proton to llvo In Medford
and to go Into business hero.
Henry L. Wilson arrived horo from
the east Saturday. Mr. Wilson wIP
look over tho Hold and will probably
locato hero. Ho lies a Inrgo afmilj
nnd Id pleased with our school faull
I ties.
G. L. Hrawloy of Natohoz, Mlsd..
arrlvod horo Saturday. Mr. HrawlOj
Intends to mnko bis homo iu thq
Itoguo river vnlloy.
11. O. Howard of Clearmont, Utah
has como to Modford to locate.
Hal G. Oakley of Hartford, Conn.,
has arrived In tho city nnd will lo
cato here with n small machliio shop.
D. D. Prlnco of Omaha. Nob., U
Hopping In town for n few days and
may undortako the promoting of ti
volodroino tinck for hlcyolo and mo
torcycle racing.
A slight acoldont occurred on Sev
enth street Saturday whon ono of
ho wagons hauling gravel to thu, new
Schormerhorn building collapsed like,
Holmes' "One Iloss Shay," causing
tho workmou to transfer tho load h
another wagon nnd blockaded trnvol
Or a few minutes.
Alo.andor M. Huttlor an nttornej
rom Fulton, Mo., was In Modford
on lognl buslnesH Saturday mornliif
going to Jaoksuiivlllo on thu nooi
It. D. Brookings, who halls from
Jacksonville. Flu., Is among the
trauguiR within our gates.
Harry .1. Templer, who arrive
Saturday rrom Irvine. Wyo.,. will
'make his homo In Modronl.
I). K. Oitornmn or Hoaloy, Ida.,
wns trnnsnctlng legal business Ii
Medford aud Jacksonville Satuidny
N. W. Simpson, who comos fiom
Hart well, Ohio, arrived Sntuiday. I
A. W. MiiBsera. a recent arrlvti
from Springflelil, Missouri, was li
Modford Saturday. Mr. Mnssor i
Interested In orchard hinds In Jack
ton county.
P. J. Wright, an orchnrdlst of Oar-
torvlllo. Mo., Iu tho Oxark lnniintulu
regions, Is spending it row days in tli
alley, and vns In Medford on Sat
trday. itr. Wright snys ho Is de
lighted with tho Roguo river valloy.
H. J. Fiinkhouser of (IresbKtfj It
transacting business In Medford am
Thomas II. Jones arrived here frou
Iroiiuols, III . Saturday. Mr. Jonot
conducts a la iK harness nnd Imple
ment huslnesH in tho east.
Johu ti. Drury. who arrived Fri
day fiom TientOM, Mo.. Is wel
pleased with Medfertl and may de
ride to locate here. Mr, Drury Is r
cigar manufacturer and falltn
health caused biut to make a trip t
the, coast.
Henry M. Wlllcox, a mercbaiit o
Madison, Wis , spent Saturday In
Medford. Mr. Wlllco-x says ho lws
toen In a great many lively eomttry
towns', but Mfdford Is a real live
country city (bat Is rapUfly growing
luto a metropolis.
II. W. Bearorc. a cattle raiser from
Nettiwaukm , Kans., la making
week's visit In Medford. Mr. Sea
core Is an advocate of more eaUlo
and cheaper beef for the consumer.
Conroy 11. Uuereasey srtlved Sat
unlay from Flagstaff. Arts. Mr.
Ourensey Is engagod in the. tnauu
future of railroad Ilea aatl bridge
Arthur M. Da v bison Is here from
Perry, Okla., t'.nd expeeta to remain
for a couplo t weoks.
Mr. and Mrs. W. IB. Vbltkl f
Central I'olat visited In MacUort
Saturday afternoon.
A. Pattlson Wdi gp from Med
,-, ...i i fnrth ab1 i.v ftladne m. ure one fiAi 1m hound to inU'itut , m.
a call the7wll call for ou at aa u 2.6 f"r4 Satur4ay aftentOOJi on busiasM
ana was bnm siwatusw tuea "
n .. M in W U, )H, wrrvm -
nvllle III aru-r having msilw a thorough Uimhh.. Lawrence Kukes, who has hi
Mr Gird- ilon of ill- ull-v t (Mirr ia un al touting th toiiutry with the 101
Mum. Their orders will be booked Charles M
-. ik.i. -.l Phnna Sill ! Wash., la in the CitV SBtl SXPOCtS ' l"g
,,b Av.. w,,.,u .... -- . -.- .
Wesley L G.rdner of Dan
arrWeU liert- nn twturoat mi unu- nun ' ".- ,an,-' ," ,,.,, ,- ., (
T . . .. ,. m. ,..-.. 1.1 ...!..
... ,' .. r.iM.i nr,. i.i iu r.inri v wi.rtii.r iitnii,-H u .i.."
umw- ii i" -"'' --. ,..-- ....,,. i i . hi
in. -i M at bin- , !.! tli.- djlr, Iiiih1ii-ms ut Home i' i' r...i. .- uiu . -,
i j.j. .- ho- ...u J4i-ut puiui iu the i alley. '" '" '1" '"'"' shop In the
foilnwd for nian )-ars He ex- na you hoik-hj tae new ouuu .. -.-.- ..- --
,,rm, himlf i -" Planed with lKH g.i.ii-; up t Oakd.ile Park ad ' " d " '-" "" of
Mjuth.-tn Unv.n ditloii jHt south of M- Roofs' tf "'l '"
Tic ton .ilid ll ) H i i
lug ttevn tlt i-ui -
tiund r i'i , ai rived
- , ' j i
yEDPORD has no place for tho pessimist, tho misan
thropo nor tho inconoclast. Thoro is so mucU here to
be accomplished, which remains yet untouched, as to more
than command the resources of mind and heart and tho
time and energies of every man in this community who is
willing to work. Surrounded as wo are here by tho most
diversified and opulent undeveloped resources in America,
tho one business of tho people of the Rogue River is build
ing. The creative spirit is the sentiment which should dom
inate every heart and every activity,
Tho people of this community need to learn not only to
think together and to work together, but also to hope and
believe together. "We need the faculty of inspired vision.
Sight wo have, indeed, but it is limited and circumscribed.
The people of this country need tho vision that can look
beyond and seo the meaning of tho mineral resources, tho
timbor, the power and the unbilled soil of the valloy of tho
Rogue as these things are worked out into the civilization
of a coming generation.
Tho importance of tho undeveloped resources of this val
ley is not their potential wealth, magnificent as that is; nor
in their speculative value, alluring and intoxicating as that
may be; it is what those resources will mean whon actually
utilised. Ten thousand fortunos lio right around us here,
awaiting men of optimistic vision, unconquorable courage
and creative gonius. And these fortunos are not yet tho
important consideration.
All of these, the resources yet undvoloped, and the vast
wealth which they will undoubtedly produce, aro only
moans to an end. Tho paramount objoctivo is tho homo
and commercial conditions which will surround us hero in
this great territory a few years hence, whon tho Roguo
River valloy is a fact instead of a dream.
There is no oscaping the fact that the territory stretch
ing out hundreds of miles in evory direction from Modford
holds'the most magnificent of the possibilities that attract
every ambition of tho heart and mind to be found any
whero upon this continent. And so groat aro those possi
bilities, and 0 immediate their wealth-producing value,
that thoro is not an hour of time or an ounco of strongth
which wo can afford to uso in any other cause than their
We have beon as children gathering pebbles on tho soa
shoro, with tho groat, inexhaustible sea of wealth all undis
covered before us.
What tho past hae been, or the present in, is not a cir
currifitnnco to what tho future will bo. It challong03 tho
attention and admiration of tho world. It is unrivaled
in point of opportunity.
You know then what Mcdford will become. Do you
realizo that wo are offoring tho only business block loft,
near .the heart of things material, in this city? Is it not an
opportunity you cannot afford to lose? Wo offer you our
box faotory site for $21,000 It is bounded by Fir, Ever
green, Fourth and Fifth. It is 170x300 feet in size. It is
directly oppoaito the now $50,000 Southern Pacific depot,
the grounds .surrounding which aro boing improved at a
cost of $10,000. This offer will hold for a limited time
only.Crater Lako Lumbor Co., Edgar S. Hafor, Mgr.,
Modford, Ore.
i t ' '
." . '
, 'Pef ff
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