n HEARST QUITS OOHCOIITS Rcslnns as President of Orrjaniza tion Followinn HI? Charges That Matters Were Bclnn Manipulated by Board of Directors. MEDKORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGOX SUNDAY, DKOKaiHKK 11, 11)10. ' 3 I E SKIR 'II T CAUSES FALL Woman Rolls for Forty Feet Over Jaqgcd Rocks Before Lcdgo Stops Her Now Will Give the Garment Away. NEW YORK, Dee. 10. Charges bv Willinm it. Hearst that the Am erican Boy Seout movement is bc inu manipulated through "irioKtilnr proceedings ot n clique of direct-1 ors," are bcinj investigated by Dis-i triet Attoruev Whitman. In addi tion to making tho charges, HenniJ jesigned from the presidency of the organization. District Attorney Whitman invit ed Manager James McGrath, Vicc I'losident Devore and General Jiis. O'Brien to explain the movement McGrath declares that "Ilear.it i hore because he was thrown out of the organization which he wished to make an adjunct qf the Hearst po litical machine." lie added that Hearst was "fired1 before his ie.--igjmtion was tendered, nnd that Hearst wanted in the membership men of 18 .eurs nnd upward, nud that he sought to liavo his political lieutenants placed in chnrgo of tlw organization. Tlio Hcnr&t Boy Scouts is an or ganization affiliated with tho Amer ican Boy Scouts, which recunth pci footed an limalgamation with binallcr oiganizatious, headed h Kinct Thompson-Solon, Colonel Beams and Dan Beard. SAN BEHNA11D1XO. Cnl., Dec. 10. .Mrs. Harrison Allen, wife of the secretary of tho Gold Belt Min ing compav atDoblc, will be tnk.m to Los Angeles today for treatment of injuries she received when she tell down a mountainside near Do blc, her hobblo skirt preventing licr trom saving herself. Tho woman rolled for 40 feet over jagged rocks before she brought up against a granite ledge, where she lay until she was found by friends. She. intimated todav tlmt the dan gerous garment is available to any one who is preparing n missionary box. Rex H. Lampmnn ot tho Gold Hill News was transacting business In Medford on Friday afternoon. GALLAGHER IS NOW INSANE Asallant of Mayor Gaynor May Never Be Tried for Crime Will Probably be Sent to an Asylum for tho Remainder of His Life. JERSEY CITY, N. J., Dec. 10. James J. Gallnjjhcr, who shot Mayor Gaynor of New York, may never li ttied for the crime. Physicians now observing Gallagher's moemenl will ret tun n report thnt ho is de mented, it is expected, nnd instead of going to piison, Gallagher prob ably will be committed to an asylum Gallagher's trial has boon eot for December 20. Robert H, Beadle of near Ashland was doing some holiday trading In tho city Friday and Saturday. Mr. Beadlo recently located In tho val ley, coming hero from Victor, Col. J. V. Myers camo up from Contrnl Point Saturday morning fo rtho pur poso of inspecting a shipment of fruit trees. Tacoma Has 83,743. TACOMA, Wash., Dee. 10. The corrcot population of Tacoma, as announced by Chief Statistician Hunt of the census buicau today, following a complete rc-enmncration of the city, is 7.'1,7K). Tho original announcement given out by Director Durand at Wash ington, which was responsible for the protest by local commercial or ganizations that brought about a 10 count, gnve Tncoina u population of 82,972, or an increase of 120 per cent. When it became known that' Ihe oiigiunl count of Tjcomn had been cut M.000 names by the census de partment nt Washington, citizens" of Tacoma asserted that they had been buncoed and requested that a to count be made. A committeo com posed of representative business men of Tnconin visited Washington in behalf of a recount and after sev eral conferences Seeretnr Nagcl ol tho department of commerce a.ul In-" bor, consented to a re-cniunoration FORMAL OPENING OF WEST SIDE HARDWARE STORE The CJarnett-Corey Hard ware Co., Inc., will keep open house Saturday, De coinher 17, 1910. As tin announced bv the Mail Trib une Saturday, Dee. 7, 1910, will be a red letter day for the Qarnett-Corey Hard ware Co. We will bo able to show tho best assorted line of genuine cut tflass, silver ware, chafing dishes, cooking- conveniences, ever soon in Oregon. You can come in, be seated on easy seats, Have the articles brought to you and look at us work while you take your ease. AVe have provided a ladies' waiting room where you will find easy chairs, a desk, wash bowl, hot and cold water, looking glass and many other things for ladies' use. No need to go homo to write a letter, just use our house. A lady clerk will be at the door to meet you and show you the room. A room for gentlemen furnished in the same way; so conic on boys and use it, we made it for vou, we will not need it. Wc have tried to do our part to make it pleasant for you, and having GO office rooms to help pay our expenses, goods can be sold at a much better price. Come and sect us, if nothing else. Garnett-uorey jtiarawaro w.i Cor. Maiu and Grape Sts. A m erifeJHi W 'Urn I t CerfM 11 y Bcnjanin Qottcs1 EVEN though time goes bounding along .with Christmas arriving every year, apparently a little earlier each time, it is ever welcome, ever the occasion for festivi ties, greetings, kindliness. Let us wish you a Merry and Satifactory Christmas, one which will prove happy and fruitful beyond your ex pectations. Let us also, at this time, thank you for your interest in us, and assure you that our efforts to serve you during the coming year are to be greater than ever. SHOULD YOU FIND IT CONVENIENT WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS TO VISIT OUn ESTABLISHMENT WE WILL BE GLAD TO SEE YOU AND TO LEND YOU ANY ASSISTANCE WE MAY IN SELECTING APPROPRIATE GIFTS. OUR PARCEL DEPART MENT IS AT YOUR SERVICE AND OUR SALES PE0PLE AND OURSELVES WILL BE GLAD TO SERVE YOU IN ANY WAY WE CAN. DANIELS For Duds v Largest Men's Outfitter in Southern Oregon Chalmers MOTOR CARS Are Cars that have given the best of ser vice to owners in the Rogue River Val ley. Ask the man who owns one. While the mochanicaf principles of the Chalmers "HO" have not been changed, tho i!iii lwmcis nave, nowever, undergone a process oi reunemem, matting lor.siuopuiurue tion and increased comfort and beauty. The rear axle housing, for instance, is this year made from a single piece of pressec steel, strong, resilient and dirt-proof. The nickel-steel drive shaft has itwo univcrsa joints, giving the maximum of elasticity, while a specialty constructed pressed stee i .i j ' torque arm has replaced the torsion tube. Chalmers "30" Touring Car Tho operator cannot fall to find enjoyable ease ttt tho new font accelerator, which allows tho foot to rolnln nn nlwaH comfortable ponltlun, no tnnttor how long or hard tho drive. Tho dropping of tho fenders over tho fronU wheels and tho graceful oxIciihIoii of tho roar fenders not only add to tlio heauty of tho car, but ulso glvo fuller protection to pnssengors when tho car Is passing through dtibt, wntor or mud. Whon luxury means added efficiency, It becomes doulily desirable. Anions mnuy things that make fur both luxury nnd efficiency may lie mentioned tho neat leather handles for lifting tho front foot boards, tho good looking nnd durable running board coming, tho soft tonueau carpet, nnd tho silent friction iiundrant 'or spark nud throttle coutiol. Comfort, too, Is tho kcjnote of the enclosed bodies which are made for tho "HO" cIiubsIs. Chnlmoio enclosed cars nro complete to tho Inst degree. Chalmers "30" Pony Tonneau CHALMERS 40 TOURING CAR, $3100 F. 0. B. MEDFORD, INCLUDING TOP. Tho lucienied mechanical uukn of the 11)11 'Koity" makes It all the automobile that any one can want. No eitr Ih made of hotter in;il ilulx t hits all tho power one eau me, nud, In the touring car typo, will accommodate yen jih.h ns, r V i finished like the hlglitwl pilced oiiih. The mtitoi of (hi i a' In b i miid friirnll mni- shlp-slmpo lor 11)11. Tho HohcIi dual system of grease, In aloud of rollers, makes tho i oleum of the dutch Hiuooth and ( u let. Tho brake on tho "Foity" are 'u more efflolunt than formerly. The triinamlaslon brake eitiu has boon enlarged, adding to Ui effectiveness of the lorvlio brake. Tho hub In a ken are almoltuely alleul and very powerful Tho simple plunger oil pump will be found effective and fruo from the poihlblllly of dlaordur. All valve spring aro uncased In fia Si...., X-s- CHALMERS 40 TORPEDO. FOUR-PASSENGER. brass, affoidui.', irutefilon from dui and muffling m dhmm of operation. The Ktioinberit carburetor Is umisiiull) efricl'iit and economical. wmiW ! fiV" w. ( Like the 30," the "Korty ' ha undigoue uiwny minor chnngwt looking to the lnrrwiwwl coin fort of piik, luugHrti and driver. The touiiumu l luk'r and wkIm All eat have bu lorI and pltotied to glvo tho utmoftt comfort. An tu tbtf '" imtiii-M imse heen plel liiaiiih Uie Uuinwiu floor, leaving room for tho tool box, large enough in chm; tlr- inimj'. '-xna Innor tubtw. tool, glovMi. gogglca mid other neogM. surlM, on tho left running bogrd Ih a readily nKible pokltlou. The new style foul rati contributes to rld IriK comfort on the rough roU. Minor inerlmitlcal reflnitiiii have done much for lite eomffrt of tie operator. The olutch ryleaae, for Infante, Is lubricated from above thai It la uuaeeeeaary to lift tlie flow boards. The foot niumlurutor is M) conslructeil that It does not cramp or tiro the foot The shortening of the elutcli and service brake ped als adda to the driver's comfort on a trip of any length -if $ -,i r :t t o & I FOR FULL PARTICULARS AND DEMONaTRATION CALL ON THE VALLEY AUTO CO HOLLY STREET NEAR MAIN. u