OTDFOR) MATL TRT13lTNtt, aiEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY. DECEMBER It. 1010. POPULATION OF SPOKANE IS 101,402 IN 1910 4 WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 10. Tlie population of Spokiuio, s mi nouiift'd by the rami, bmvuii, is 104,-102, us njjninst .'10,818 in 1900. I Ins is mi inorcu'.p of S:t.:l per cont in ten years. Ilillynnl, J. J. Hill's railroad town, and Fort Go. Wrij:lit,n low milts out from Spo kane, luivinu' an ujrjriuiito popula tion of ."jODO, wpie not included in lliis eount. In checking tlio enumer ation quite n fe mimes wore drop ped becnuge of the work of over enlliusinstic unitiuirnton n the Joomins: hou-.es and hotel di-.triet This makes tSpoknno the 4filh eitv in size iu the United Slntas, n.s HKniiml the lOGth ten yenrs aj?o. Mcihoilist Church South. iWm' Atoih. Ami Oakdnle. Serv-ig khw: huiKlav sehool, 10 a. in.: ' V ap9f99'rP'9P a icon: nunuav senool, 1U a. in.;1 jfHt preaching, 11 n m , subject, "Oiuei-12 - -tf-g O'T'fr'V fTfi (O fi,ion f rhrisf; 0:.10 p. n,.. Kp-.f VI1I 1& LllldLcl muni league aim iioie --iiiuy, uu, ' f pieaehiny. subject, "I'alm Tree" '8 C lihstuuis. The public cordially in vited. J. I llipps, pastor. Don't leavo the ladles In the lurch, But holp them build a beautiful church. They've, worked ver hard a feast w ' roceries to mnk'e; s I t I 1 DIHSOIiUTIOX xotici:. oN'tlco Is i hereby given that the partnership between It. II. Pilchard, Hans J. Holmer nnd William Br Clo ney under the firm namo or Medford Implement Co., has been dissolved. It. II. I'rlchard retiring. II. J. Hol mer nnd William E. Clonoy will con tinue to conduct the business undor thu obi name and place and pay all obligations nnd collect all bills duo tlto firm. . MEDFOUI) IMPLEMENT CO., Per HANS J. HOLMER, It. II. PltlCIIAItD, W. E. CLONE Y. Medford. Dec. C, 1010. If you live already a patron of this store you tiro ,,,...: 4 .. i tfL i:.. Thoy'll bo dellKhted to have you take '2 l'"'". &mi L" e W yuur suiJpuifls. Dlnnor and lunCb, v,o promlso nJ If VOU are IlOt a patron WO illVltO ybll to call 1111(18 ' x 'd Will ilniiimiDfiNitn lmk ', ..! olin trn flin lirwt 2 Of nil kinds of good thliiBs to cnt. i? ,. 1,,w",i,4lv ""iV " "" """ .'- -- . At the .Angei opera house, nth Do-1 lines oi fancy and staple groceries on the local market J cumber. Now, won't you ploaso remember? and il the Ilnskins for henlth. NEW ADS TODAY.. Lowest Prices Well' FOK SALE East front lot 30x11."), t? Kenwood nddition, .$1."50 on ea ? icnns. uorniuus, uarner io., i.j.j W. Main. Plume fiOUl. FOH KENT -Good house, one block- sticct W. Main. Phone 00U1 1.1.1 2E ALLEN GROCERY CO. Here's Something for You Xmas Shoppers onday and Tuesday at M Toys of all Kinds HUSSEY'S Xmas Gifts for Everybody M new o-rooni 5 pH0NE MAIN 271 1. I nun pax oil ' Z MAIN AND CENTRAL AVE. 2 ( ornitius-uniiier C ((., 1 ' l-rfrfJrfJ-JrfJ,vrfrf.rfV'Jrf.rfvrfffJrfJ'rtwl 'J24" FOH SALE (Jood Il-ioom hoiwe on a lot (111x1(18, on cany terms, $'1"0. Cpniitius-Garner Co.. 1U3 W. Main. Phone 0(U1. 22 1 SUBSCRIBE FOR THE MAIL TRIBUNE AND GET THE NEWS THE DAY IT HAPPENS tj tt pf jJi gj A Bl ffi'il jl JW A flj gf 1 ifH - Brt 'i '1 Ui"t 1 (t tf4iigj ' n j 0)iwl?.fei'3 Mft JrJt : r : r : - : : : -: : : : : S wmwmw Mi IPilS: I j s sss-Nrsr Offers For Three Days I onday, Tuesday i "and Wednesday Th e Place s too hjuul ptiinted and Taney decorated fine imported China Plates lk00, $1.2 and $1.50 is our regular price; 100 to select from, Monday and Tuesdaj', CHOICE EACH 75cts Above on display in our east window. And Doii't Forget ! $6. 50, $7.50 and a few $10 1 I f Silk Petticoats at j Special j must any wuiiiaii wduiii apprccwuc a Xmas Oii't of this kind, heavy rustling tal'-J 2 feta silk Petticoats in most all plain colors; also Persians, Plaids, Black and White j Stripes and "Roman Stripes; regular values? I $6.50 to $10.00; verv 4 QC; ipeemt.' -JWJi 1 Silk Waists as Gifts 2 J To induce early shopping we have placed? on our center table a line of Taffeta, Messa- J line, Moire and Satin Stripe Poplin Waists, ? beautiful tailored models; regular valuer $(5.50, $7.00 and $8.50; for Mondav, Tuesdavl -... . J and W ednesda', j special e are showuig the biggost values in osiery, Handkerchiefs, Hose Supporters, fancy Garters, ladies1 Fabric Gloves, men's Gtdintlet and AVorfc Gloves, Suspend er, ladies' fancy Neckwear, Combs, Side Combs, Barrettes, etc.,' in the' city. OUR TOY DEPARTMENT IS THE MOST COMPLETE IN THE CITY. BE SURE AND MAKE THIS YOUR FIRST STOPPING- PLACE. We are showing over 200 styles in fancy toilet eases, manicure sets, shaving sots, and fancy boxes of all kinds. No such line anywhere in the city. FREE DECEMBER 22 The finest Dressed Doll in the city and a fine 50-pieeo Dinner Set. Christmas Cards and Calendars Sure asKl Get, HUSSEY'S Prices on Thfcm TES!r-rse?? MAIL TRIBUNE WANT ADS BRING RESULTS rssayftCTrirairan Furs for Gifts Fui-s arc one of the finest and most acceptable of hoi- uixy gifts, but like jewels they must be bought with confidence, for a poor fur is as bad as a paste dia-1 mond and will wear out even more quickly. It doesn't X take an expert to buy here we watch our furs so J J I closely that no imitations or trash are allowed here. I A very handsome set in Australian Chiuehilla, largo barrel muff and wide collar, at $54.50 X . Beautiful Japanese Mink Sets, priced per set as low ? j as $27 I Others by easy stages up to $97.50 I Handsome Iceland Fox Sets, with large barrel or pil- m low muff; various stole effects, at .. .$84.50 and $38 ; Children's Fur Sets in Krimmor, imitation Ermine, Squirrel, Thibet, Couev Opossum, utc, priced at $3.95, $5 up to $19.50! MailV Virettv KlllSlll afnlno .ull.n: .mil rliimi- miifl- ! lehtly" priced ;rt !. .$3.95, $4.50, $5, $6.50 up j: 1: Ik j : : : ' : : : : : : : - : : - -t-t-4r44 ; $4.95 1 j Children's Coats Half Price LMaiiy prettv Children's Coats from the lit-i tie tot to the young miss of 11; rcgularlv? priced at .f 1.50 to $15.00; at exactly one-half j price. $-1.50 Coats now $2.25; $10 (at imw $5.00; X $0.50 coats now $3.25; $12.50 coats now $0.25 pY.oU Coats now $3.75; $15 Coats now $7.50 Remarkable Price Concession on Coats I Beautiful Black Caracul Coats full ")l inches? long, large loll collar lined with am dved j ?muiiu; tnir regular price was jhuhj; ouicrs I would ask you $5.00 more; 9A jjaj A most handsome model in Black Import c Broadcloth trimmed with a wide beavv sill i Hercules braid, lined throughout with Skin ner satin; a beautiful model at ff'T Cfh I the regular price $50; special Y " I Full length Broadcloth aiid handsona mix- ?ture Coats; many smart touches; stvlc-crafti tailored; regularly priced ffl Q 7C I I $25.00; special IO. J boxed initial handkerchiefs, small croissbur,: ; put up six in a very nent box, at 75c HANDKEDCHIEFS FOR GIFTS. An all-linen hemstitched Handkerchief , pretty embroidered initial, nut ui 6 in a? 5 neat box, at .$1.10 ........ ..will itiuni mi nt() nit, i-i ii twu) uub, $1.00 j OTHER CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS. 7 I SHandlmgs, Silk Throws, Xeckwfar, Belts,: j Jewelry, Hat Pins, Plumes, Umbrellas, Silk iMiuonas, uarreues, nacK mums, modestiv I priced. j'" s Gift Suggestions On your way to the postofficc, or if passing along Main Rtreet, come out of your way justpne-half blook and take a peep at a window of Holiday Goods.4 IMte,r.still, come in the store and allow us the plcasuro-of showing you ar wonderful collection of suitable (lift Goo(ls. . 'Leather Goods Beautiful waJl plaques and motto hangars, leather pil lows, pretty painted dcfligiui; traveling ensos, hand' bags, etc, etc. These are certainly suilablo and lasting rni Ferfumes We have secured the three best brands on the markot and carry a complete assortment of odors and a beautiful assortment of fancy Holiday packages. The brands are . - "Jtomio & (Julett V " I'nlmors," and "OolgatoU"' Stationery You should see our collection of fancy Holiday boxos tr fine Stationery. Alnwafc nuythlng you can wish for is here and sure to please. Price rango. per box, 10c and up to $5.00. Confections Lownoy's and Orange Blossom Candies put up in the neatest boxes imaginable. The contents' of ovory box is perfect aud sure to please the fair exterminator. Buy r'Hor" a Box of Candy. 101-Owr Phone Day or Night-101 s I 22.2 WESTMAINST. ST. MARK'S BUILDING, MEDFORD, ORE. GET IN HjERE lii:iti: its HKJiiT MMWtfVrfMlMMtMW'tMi!MM Medford Pharmacy Near the Post Office i 'mi smiaSJr.mmvmmfri1tllimWKWMmrm Obi rui niii,i .j ( ii