Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 11, 1910, SECTION THREE, Page 2, Image 4

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l.i.MilifrMMir.ifciifi..iiif.ifct.fc'i. ita-N'iit'iiai.alifrtiiMii fai .i'Iwi wfiiy
JT. 3-
.. ...
' W.
I Til
That Ashland Water Question
To tlio Kililor:
J notli'o in one of your recent in
BtiOB un nrtlolo on tlio Aelilnncl wutor
byatein, iiiul, "A Citirmi," ns mioli
nrtiiilus usually nro where the wiiter
iliMffus to Avoid lierionnl ioh)oiim
bility for Iiih ulturnneu. I uhtill
miv nothing Jtoro for or ngniiwt the
proponed liplid inane thu puoplo of
Afhlund Will filtcud to Unit, my pui
jiohi' buinj; simply to correct IK'
w liter' fnlto Htnttiniuiits on vmnmA
t-oiiditioim. lie flniys, "JYoto an
pork-nee oi ton ywirn hi fill) fetter
hiiMinesH in tlio uohI," olo.
TIih ninn 58 not the first fuio who,
jiiRt 1 refill from "tlio anal," has fl
niiuifil tlio Kn'ifdiuimliip ol Int. new
douKlit liome mid ettuk tlio ilrt
iii'WHpnpur opportunity to toot liU
dihcordiuH Jioni. Jli proper luliol
is, "A now knoekor coiue to luWn."
Ho Hitys: "J am nun) that if tlio AuTi
Innil wnlor (syrtleni wi in iwllviililtil
hiindt. it would pay," ute. Hero m
"the- flen in hits onr."
"tijtieii" (?) if lie i a eitmm--ih
not tlio first ono to covot the "Jn-i
dividual" control of Anlilnnd'H wa
ter syBtpin.
The most serious fault in his ar
liclo is that lie does not tell the
(ruth. I'oilinlis his ton yunrfc' ox-
pciiiiiico in the oast has not been iij
that hue. ,
lie sny: "The (front or part of
their wnlor mip'ply is tak'un jjiito thu
mains jimt nhove the pail,, and that
miltf 'people live aloiijf the eioolt
ifjiiVvo that, point and Hint the dmiu
uko of HtahloH and human o.voreliu
has no other way except into the
water Hi'stuni." Such u statement
IB absolutely false and libelous, mid
1 do not wonder Hint lie docs not
Bljai Ms name. Jt n not strange
(hat ho should nee "wIkkIuh" in the
water when the anti-truth wij&lnrN
have ho mixed up Iho wheels in the
head (roeeutly impoited "from tlio
cunt") that he caui(ot tell the truth
The reoldcHHUCH.s of the jfcllntv in
jnnkinc such n statement in the
preM'iieo of physical condition, that
iiiaho it ho uasy to prove that he
cither does lint know whnt ho 1h
talking about or that he wilfully
Huh, is a little unusual.
Tho main intake of the system is
two miles ahovo the city limit and
there is nobody living above it. Some
nix miles up the creek there i
old eo.mmitlee rooms have been. The
ooon-to-be-retired republicans gaze
with wistinl lomimj,' at the comforts
llmv numi loretfo. cjcr tunc the
Loiik'm IodMe, nhote people stop in rtr wt,nt olfClll, ,,,,
tho 4UiMnn.tnit which iiotluuir n Jlm(wt (, hm t,v
ueis :mo lot rruun. i mw iwn.i
only other intake i- above the eitv
limits, and l here is hut one place u.
addition to l.oa's ocunpled above
that intake and the "ood eiillnred
people of Ashland," by eft refill fl
penision seo thnt no contamination
eoinc from Unit, h'uoh recklessly
criminal MntonienlH are libelous and
should he prodooiiti'd. Of nil toym
knockun, ,fCilizon" IioIoiik. to the
worst elnss. 1 will not liHievc with
out further evidence, that he lives
in Ashland. C. II. WATSON.
Ashland, Or., Dec. 8.
(Contluuf-fl from l'nuo 1.)
dcmocmli am mneh in evidence.
They ure coiidewconditij'Iy tolornnt
toward tho of foils of this confess
nt legislation. Their attitude to
wards tho present majority i:
"flo as fnr as you likoor can.
You haven't much loiiaor to jro."
Hut thoy mo jenloiiNly on the
lookout for imylhiiiK that nppeaiv
aimed at deprivinp: the next con-
urow of rightful prurojjntivus.l
Ohiiuip Clark, the imposin frtulr
man from iIiss(uri, slated for the!
Hpoukorship of the next house, is
nlready at work coiisideriiiu; Iolin-(
that, will confront him as majority
londer, lie hut, done yeoman's ser
vice as minority leader for so lone;
that he admits his new job if he
p;ots it will he rather Ntrnne,c,
Ono of tho most heartrending de
tails of .tho coining motaiuorphosis
of (he political aspect of tho lioiw
is the approaching exodus of the big
republicans from their long-cherished
homes in tlio fine committee
rooms of the capilol. l'or years and
years the republican chairmen .tf
the big committors, in many cases,
havo accumulated their public mid
private appurtenances of all fiiuds.
Many of Ilium fool more nt homo
there lliuu anywhere else in Wash
ington. )!ut the time is routing
when they must gather ip their be
longings and hie thoniholvos forth
to little hnlliooum In the house of
fice building, convenient find com
fortable, no doubt, hut far fioni the
homelike, familiar places that the
think of removing their ovii,iudiid
unl furfishing from tlioso familiar
wall iiul resigning the honored
jrtneo to the hands of the deiii..
enils. ,And already the democraN
are looliiinc with longing eyes 'on the
dIiicos to bo wcatjid and .'mderiiig
anxiously just what part of Hi ,
eotrtinlllec pio each will be able t"
cnnluro. '
Ovor on tho senate side of tho
camlol the venerable Senator hu-,
gene Hale 'A propnrfng to leave the
Hcenslomed room of the committee
mi appropriations, of which he. is
cliniririHti. For the venerable Hale
is letiring. .Inst down the cor
riijor Nelson W. Aldrich, for many
years general manager of the t'nitcd
States cnale, it more llian busy
with his titnil ef foils at general
uiMmKing. For Aldrich, too, has (h--
Itei mined to lesigu Ins general imin-
agerihip when Alnieh comes aronnu.
and he bus much to do before llml
Among tlio hosts on blind lor the
final nets of the (list congress, the
busiest are those members of the
house who are known vnriomiv ns
iniurgeiitb mid in-ogresics. Ihe,
are planning Jo make this session i
'big" "lie for insiiieney and fol
lowing tlfoir fight last session to
curtail the power of the speakei,
they have fettled on the comnntte-s
of the liouse ns the nbjeotiu- point
for their this year's fight. The in
snrgents, under the leadership of
Noriis of Nebi'aska and Murdoek nt
Kansas, ftVe plnnuing to "bring ill1.
committees under the control of the
house us n whole." Willi this end m
view they have framed a relonn
meiiHiiro providing for the election
of the committees by the membei i
of the house in a lather involved,
safeguarded way. They have some
doubts about being able to gain the
support of their erstwhile allies, Ihv
democrats, for this measure. Tho
ilemoeratH worked well with the in
surgents last scion iliirbjg the at
tack op Cannon and the committee
on rules, but when it comes to tak
ing the power of appointing ""111"
committee of the house from the
speaker' entirely, the insurgents nr
not so confident.
'- Mik
xr Agai
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M ffnflli HB1! PCJtT-j t 1 1 Cin ll
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For This Xmas
Rto) and think :i moinciit and soo if you
don't iirrivo at the conclusion that the host
Christmas Present that you can possihly huy
J'ov iho homo would be' a Victor or Edison
Wo show thorn in all sizes and styles.
A child can operate them and they last for
years and years.
the finest productions of the world's most
foremost musicians, and all at small cost.
When you feel in the mood for "Grand
Opera" your machine will reproduce it. The
same is true of tiny other music you may
a machine. Every niemher of the family
from the baby to the grown-ups.
We carry a complete line of records for
all machines.
Victor and Edison machines $10 and up
to $250.00.
Whetsel Music
' ;
j :
j ;
j ;
' :
' :
j ;
j :
j :
' :
XT 12j VJ
xv U .L fcj
As we have staled before in Our ads, we opened too late to secure the advantage of the entire season's selling, hence we are
compelled to sacrifice to move goods quickly. We have made special sales on special articles at special times, and all have been j
entirely successful, but now we are going to inaugurate one GRAND CLEAN-UP SALE throughout our entire store.
Commeecing' Saturday, Deccember 10th, And Ending Saturday, Dec. 17th
7 Days Of Bafgaill-Givillg 7 Days of Unprecedented Slashing and Slaughtering
Ladies' and Misses' Suits Unspairingly
All suits worth from $18.50 CI 9 CZ
to $21.50 Clean-up Price of P 0 J
All suits worth $22.50 to $30 $ 1 7 XL
Clean-up Price of ... . $11. J J
Hosiery Values That Merit Patronage
15c childrens school llose, fast colors,
heavy-ribbed; special this sale at 9c
Our Century hose for children is always
a bargain at 18c; 3 pairs for 50c
35c Lisle hose for children, linen heels
and toes, always on sale at ... 25c
Men's heavy cotton sox worth 15c, but
in this Clean-up sale they go at 7c
Super weight Burson hose at 25c
Men's and Boys' Clothing Temptingly
Men's overcoats, the shower- CO L
proof kind, reg. $12.50 for VM J
Two big lots, 1910 Fall best styles,
worth $16.50; these come CIO :ft
in brown & gray mixtures P l u v
Just received, a nice shipment of dark
colors; they go for below CI L lift
real values at low price of v l u v
Youths' 3-piece suits, long pants, sizes
28 to 34, Clean-up price $4.35
Boys' all-wool Cassimere suits, two
pairs of pants; our price . . . $5.00
Men's gray diagonal Cassimere; a hum
mer at the low price of ... . $6.95
Another Big' Hat Bargain For The
Not many left on our shelves and all
must go CI At
Hats worth up to $5.00 at $' 3
This Season's Best Values, C9 QIT
priced $6.50 to $8.00, now $0JO
Make Tiie Golden Rule
headquarters for Christmas shopping.
Toys, Games, Books, Dolls, etc. No
trouble to show goods. We want you
to feel at home. Send the children in.
A List of Acceptable Xmas Gifts
Ladies' and Gents' Umbrellas, Gloves,
Ties, Belts, Bags, Suspenders, Hand
kerchiefs, Hosiery, Collars, Slippers, etc