MEPFORD MAI1 TRTBUNK MEDITOUP, OKEOON; SUNDAY, PECEMPEK 11, 19J0.. 5 BIG COINM M VIAIIAln . 1 1 IUHS A 1 1 LtR SHU RESCUED F ASSESSED IN FULL TALKING SHOP; 6REATHARDSHIPS i But' Four Institutions in State Yet 'Declares That He Is Not Yd Steamer Runs on Shoal and Life to, Bo Assessed; Board Hcarinnl Throuflh With Fighting Game Is .Protests Against Their Figures Now Lecturing Moving Pictures Fighting Hard. i Fight. MORTON SAM3M, Or.. Doc. 10. Assessed KANSAS OITV, Mo., Dec 10 vndlimtlons of some of tliu smaller , ButtlltiB Nelson announced ralrrondB havo bcon romplutcd by tliol i ,, .', .,-.,.. state board of tax as1 lcall' todBJr t,,Bt ho hnd Ml tho ,eMt well as for some of the laigor ror-1 Intention of quitting tho fighting lioratlons, nu were given out a few j gaiuo. He does not consider his re daysmgo. The state hoard of equal- cent defeat lu San Francisco the izntlon is now In session, and is henr- rini riKnltinn hoats Arc Wrecked Sinco Then Twenty-two Pcoplo Havo Been Facing Starvation on Vessel. ing (ho protests of the corporations against tho assessments placed on their piopertles by the tax commis sion. The board will be In "session for About 30 dajs, at tho end of which period the apportionment or 'state tax for 19 li between the 31 counties of the state will bo given out. Tho Oiegou Electric Hallway com pany's pioperty has been assessed at $2,51G,:.'Gi); the Spokane, Portland &. Seattle at $I,07G,00; tho Astbrln & Columbia Hlver raihond at $;!, SOS, 4 J 1 r the Northern Pacific at $3,25!),7S0; the Union Tank lino at $2i),G22; Hie Coos Hay, Uoseburg & Eastern '$tt0,7r?;' tho Corvallls & Eastern at $1,758,750; tho Independ ence & Monmouth road at $42,225; tho Salem, Palls City "Wcstoni at $371,28$; Iho Oregon & Southeast ern at $180,000; Great Southern at $208f500; tho Corvallls & Alsea at $f 15(000: Itoguo Itlver Valley at f?35,7'.r.O; tho Sumpter Vnllcy at '$70C,,C72, and N'oithwesteju at $511.-201). The valuations on tho Oicgon Itnll load & Navigation company, Oregon Slioit Lino and main Hue of the Southern Pacific company Nelson was ashed point blank why ho didn't accede to the demands of tho fight loving public and retire while he retained tho friendship and icspect of the sporting public. "Why should I quit?" was his re ply. "I'm as good as I eor was. If a can get a good rest and get mj mind free from worry I will bo all right." Nelson said ho Vas out of shape webu he Tought Moran. He attrib uted his lack or steam to being mus cle bound. Tho Battler Is hero look ing after his Interests In tho motion pictures of the Nelson-Moran fight. He will attend their exhibition to night and will act us "lecturer." OSWEGO, N. Y., Dee. 10. Alter two days of tenible e.xpoMiie, near ly dead nii1 .stiffoiiiisj from hunger and lltiibt, two women and twenty men weio tul.en off the lake Rtcaiuei NhatploKh on Qalleup Nliinil today. Tliu bluamer, rapidlys jrniii: to piece., is pounding- on tho rooks off tlie island. Tlio Sharpies ran on a shoal Thursday in a Moim. All (lie life boats except one vero crushed or swamped as fast as they were launched. .- T MUCH TROUBLED Says There Is Little to Fear in Re gard to Successful Adjustment of Questions Between Corporations and the People. vvizi, I'Mmim: If tho railroad men should go on a strlko on tho 10th thero would be a fuel famine In Medfoid insldo or a week. You hav better got a few tons of qoal whllo you can. Thrco cars now hero. So or phono Uurbrldgo, tho drayman. 230 nilnnl company at $1,920,000. These assessments have been 'made pro-1 with tho Idea of assessing at the full CHICAGO, III., Dee. 10. Paul Alotton, former bcei.elnry of Ihe navy and provident of the Kqu'itnble Life AsHuraneo society, holds op tiuiistio views rogardiug tho ultimate pcaeenlilo ami suece-l'nl adjustment of. (luostimib regarding tho relations of corporations with the public, (.'ommi'iiliiij todn on the United Press interview obtained in New York Willi lliratn JohiiMni, goer-nor-elect of Califuinin. in which Johnson promised corpoiation legu- 9 rrrrr-r-r4.rr. X X X The Report is True vloubly reported woro $4 7,000,050. $1 11,850 and $32,088,950, respect ively. The Poitland Hallway, Light & Power company has been assessed tit 'T22,1S0,71S; the Pullman Car lompany at $G05,010; tho Paclfh ( Telegraph company, the Postal Tele- Telephone & Telegraph company atigiaph company and tho Wells-l-'argo 9 $1,S7H,1Q0 and Northern Pacific Tor-, and American Express companies, valuations of tho properties under In vestigation as all other property Is assessed according to the lows of this state. Four large corporations jet to bo assessed aro the Westel n Union That DIAMOND'S line of WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY STERLING SILVER CLOCKS AND GERMAN 0 SILVER 'BAGS SOUVENIR SPOONS TOILET SETS MILITARY BRUSHES STERLING SILVER TABLEWARE, ETC. Gives the prospective purchaser the largest assortment to select Irom to he round in the :: :: Rogue "River Valley :: :: The . Right . Goods . at . Right .' Prices J. W. DIAMOND PALM BLOCK MEDFOED, OR. lation and more iepec( for the rights of the individual in Cnlifn--nia, Mellon said: "M observation bus hcon where cot partitions tM and receive morn limn they ought to have, then stain is only temporary and they pay de.uh for anything they may Itiue scorned in the way of special piivi lege. "lleeuuxe Iho rnijumds Imvo done witiig in Iho past in specific case, It docs not justify (ho public in do ing thorn wioiig now. I am out of polities and do not care to discuss political ipiestions. "As between the peftjde and the eoipoiations, I believe (lie lelntioiia should he mutual. do not think (He corporations are entitled to more than lair ticatinciit anil if they get that tliev ought to lie atisfieil. 1 believe publiu sentiment in Amer ica will concede this. I tini onti infatlo legaidiitg (he tiltimnlo busi ness outlook and believe thai all questions sooner or later will bo ad justed on a basis satisfactory lo all." Plnn-'Ncw-Exchange. SKATTLU, Wash.. Doc. 10. Plaus for a stock exehango Midi as is operated at Vancouver, II. C, and Ran Francisco, ale being eonsiduicd today liv a committee of stock Ihiik ers headed by h. II. Uriffilh and 11 M. llerwin. As liliii us 25 brokeiH or other pa i lies inteiesled have sig nified their willingness ttiioin such an exchange, a pcrmitucul orgumxtt lion will bo effected, the promoters of the enterprise stated today. TJieie are about 2000 corpora tions in this state add (he cOutoifliou is made that n stock exchange is lie (essarv to pvoporly keep track of (ho stock and bond isHiies ol these" eoncerns. CHICAGO, 111., Dee. 10. An oi ler to tight Ueorgo Mcnisie in I.os Angeles, Uci'titiihor 2-1, was. toceivod here today by Paeky Mufoii'lmul. Tom ak-Omvy would s(age' the ( in n 20-round bout at Vernon. Mcl'ntlaud will duuidu duflnHelv today -whether or not to accept M -Carey's lei ins. SENSATIONAL SPRINTING IN SIX-DAY BICYCLE RACE NKW 'YQniC, Dec. 10. Si'iimi (ional sprintiltR thai regained twHlfu Itlttt-Clark lentil tho two lttw they lost earlier ih the riteu wan. the fe.t tme of the atlnuhl !si.-dnv hicyVIo race at Miulisou Bipuuu Qaideiilti" day. After Hutt and' Clark werb again nmoiig the lender, the race, which for two hours hud kept' 1Kb spectators on their feet cheering wildly, settled down in(n it I'cgidii tion monotony and until late in tho day, when tho lidcrs begin their final spurts, it is not expei'ted there will bo any seusalionnl feature. At I) o'clock this ntoriiing the lenius were running as follows: lloltir Coullett, Folger-IIill, Hoot-Mornu a lid RuU-Clnvk, 'JIKHI miles (l IUps .AliUcn add Thbnuts were a hip Un bind, Ves( niil Ucmara two Fnik and Cuiucimt and lljilstead three laps. The record is 2180 miles ami six laps. llaskins for health. rsrsr-- 9 4 i 4 4 : 4 4 I 2 4 4 4 4 4 4' 4 4 4i 4' I 4 4 4. II When Down Town See Our Windows YOU MAY GET JUST THE IDEA FOR A Handsome Gift Article by a glance, at our window and we invite you to step inside the slore and 'allow us the pleasure of showing you the exceptional values in carving sets, silver plated table and kitchen ware, ranges, kitchen' Ware, tool boxes and every- thing in tools in fact, we can supply you with most anything for boy or man that is commonly carried in a first-class hardware store. Nicholson Hardware Co. 4trtf4!tftftfr4vTtftfr.f4'?tf4tft " iaMiaaaaiitiftMrtiwajift))i M t& 4 m i : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : i"1" """" : : : : : : : : : A Liberal Discount on AH Goods Two Weeks Before CHRISTMAS Christmas Gifts From Van De Car's, Please Store Will Be Open Evenings from Now Until Christmas '' N III. I I im ii Mi ,. mom d' bjrn: ' $Sj'&, COftYRlOMTl OUR STOCK LARGEST in the city consisting of Diamonds. Watches, Cuff Links and Scarf Pins in Gold or Gold Filled Sterling Silver and Ebony Toilet Sets-Over 500 Patterns in Fobs and Lockets All At Recuced Prices For Two Weeks iui3liWd f y fMf rX 1 If NS r . wiiniiu Wateh move ment f guaranteed ty the inaou UiW or. c.m.trurt Ion. Th curn ee w "'', ."-" and now goou n " --- Elgin & Waltham Watches 5 Up Boys' Watches from $1 up to $5.00 Ladies' Watches from $7.50 and up WAI.THAM mi t)u dial nt u Hiiti-li iiicmiim thui tlierc i uu uruio and duruble tiuiekcepm luucliuu miller th iliui. ALL KNOKAVISO DOKK HV CILLKIJ WOltOHX WITIIOIT KXTKA ClIAItCU: WIIIWS YOU WAIT. ,15,000,000 Waltham Watches now in use Phinns, ttt w A larire assortment of i XXApo Waltham Watches in Gold, Gold Filled, Sliver and Nickel Caes. A small deposit will hold any of these beautiful Christmas Gifts un til you arc ready to send for them. When you buy a Christmas pres ent you want to know that It Is as represented and that it will please the recipient. Wo boast of the qual ity of our pods and take pride in makirifi every claim flood. A specialty of Lodye Pins and Charms in Gold and Gold-Filial Goods. A LARGE LINE OF 14 Karat Seal Rings ; '. VK I'AltHY UIMY'H. HAWK'S AND IIUAIt't) JMCII CUT GLASS, Till: TIIItKK I.KAIHNU AMKKU'AK MAKiiS. Bldg. Look All Over Town, Then Come and Get Our Prices B. T. VAN DE CAR Medford Oregon i Mi rr f : : 1 ! : ; i iHiUdM'M'MMMMMMMll MMiMMMMMMMVVVVfV'VVVVMVVMMWvffVVVVVVVtii1VVVVVV V.,