twjHiTiriSiMfcMi' ? HHlli.nw nrnwiiHMi.nligmiiWffwtir"rfTi.lliOi ft i THftvMHtffn In aildDli'OKIJ .MAIL TRIUUNK, AUiftwOKJD, ORMUOX.aUKUAy. UJiUlSJMlJEUlJ. .mio. $ I 1 1 'i If' ; M I; '4 ' i 4 1 t 1 u Butte Falls Items 'air. Johnnon of the sawmill Kaug,lo return, but Ib RolnR worth and was accidentally Injured In Die foot will llltoly rcmnln. 'by. the car running over It, but Is able to bo nbout. "John Obenclmln nnd wife woro vis iting with their children lately. Mia. Obcnchnln hna been In the valley for B;orul weokB nundnK Mrfl. Yore, to wjiom bun been born a fine daitRll v- ! ' Our town haB been very mueh ex cited over the exodim of people who have been fltibpenaed before the Ennui Will Krlckson, Andrew Offlln, Al vln HnyeB, Arnold Hanholcer, Jeff FredenbiirR and others have all boon fiitbpenacd before- the Brand Jury. Mr. Poole came In from Jackson ville on Tuesday, but left analn on Wednesday to remain In tho valley. Tim annual school meeting was held on tho Cth Inst., at which a school tax of 10 mills was voted for tho onsulnR school year and all over 1 -t II... .... .w.l..l .- Jury and It Is expected that several " ""ovl' "'" ' " In.llelnionlB will result from the In- i"" -"'"'"' """ . ,-. VKHtlKatlQII. Central Point Items There was a soclalalst meotlnR dur Iiir the week, at which a protQt was inado aRaliiBt the court's uctlon In afflrmliiK (be decision In tho Warren case. t Several bnndn or rattlo havo been drhen from the upper hills to the valley for the winter, hh tho snow has been very deep and foniRC Is very sea ice. 'Mrs. CnchliiK of Forest drove, Or., Is vIsltliiR with Mrs, Wnna Parker and family. Wo have had heavy and continuous rains bore, while much snow has fall en In tho hills during tho past week. From appearance It seems as If wo aro to havo a long and hnrd wlntor, us there Is so much rain and bud 'be npplled on the payment of tho school dobt. Itay Spencer has returned from his visit and will lomaln In town some time. W. Dnprny and OeorRo Albert have been In the valley tho past few days, but have lotiirned to town. Our esteemed citizen and neighbor, Honjamln Clark, who Is bore sojourn ing with his daughter, Mrs. Morris, suffered a slight stroke of painlysls on Wcdnesdoy, which affected his right sldo and speech, but has nearly recoveied from the stroke and Is able to be around. We sincerely hopo Mr. Clink will not suffer anything more serious and tho heart;' sympathy of tho community goes out to him In his prcsout affliction. Mr. Yore of Medford, who married V. E, Knlilcr nnd wife were Med ford visitors on Thursday. Mr. Kahler linn been on the sick list for h feu day and her muiiy friends are triad to see her out ngnhi. Mrs. Belle I'lcu-mnts. who lia had her millinery parlors in moms over the Oimlitv store, in the Walker unildintr, has disused of her block. Editor I'nttorioii of the Ilemld was at Medford on Thursday. Dr. K. E. Emerson is down from Ii'ih homestead to remain witli hw lamily until after (lie holidays. Joe Murphy lias moved his family into the new bungalow owned by John Clrifiitli. (.'. II. Kiihtcl is improving liis bus (iiosh properly on Pine stjeet by litildiug a galvanised woodshed. Mr. and Mrs. Coml Uull of Med ford weie here to attend Hie funeral of her nephew, Ralph llelheily, on Thursday afternoon. The Central l'oint high school will give a box social next Kridnv night, December 10. The public h ronhnllv invited, Come and hear u very interesting program. A. J. Dunlap was at Medford on Thursday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Uliikcly of Portland are here visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Smith. Miss Rlttke ly is a siter of .Mr. Smith's. Albert Kilbiini has done some beautiful and nrt'i.tic uoik in burnt Wood. He uses the jewels, th0 lat est fail. Mrs. J. W. Merrill is suffering with an attack of lheumatism. It is whispered in "sub-iosa" that Central Point will have a wedding during the holidays. The flritfin cieok hiidge. that has been a detriment to all. bus been re paired. Mr. and Mrs. ISull'iiin are going to reside at Medford. Their friends wish them much happiness in their new home. weather mnklnjj It very unpleasant j;B8 j.Vunklo Obencholn, 1 visiting and the roads difficult to travel. Jwtj, ,H wife's family and i unmix Will Hughes, who went out to at- that his wlfo and clrlld are doing well tend tho grand Jury, Is not expected and nro at tho homo of her parents. Eden Precinct Items Phoenix and Vicinity lly T. I JIAWMNS. Our notes Intended for last Frl day'o Issue were sldo tracked and did not appear until Monday An exciting local election came off heto on Tuesday at which three town councllmon were electod. Tho Issue Deemed to .lie tho cpiostlon of water worko at rnthor perhaps tho system or pbn of construct Inn tho plant. Mr. Fisher, Mr. Wan en King and Fred Furry woro tho choice of tho peoplo. This mcntiR no back ward stop In our city ntop. Wo aro fclad to report that Mrs. Heains, who line boon confined to her bed for sonio days with la grippe, bordering on pneumonia, Is uov much improved and nblo to no up again. On account of Mime disagreement between the principal of our school and the Janitor a now man, Mr. Wright, has bean employod to tako tho Janitor work In pluco of Mr. Houston, resigned. J. T. Esholman of Tacomn, Wash., gave a fine address at the Chilstlau church last Monday ovonlng. He is now In a icvlvnl meeting at Ashland. or. Sect. C. F. Swandor ofPort latld will preach at the Christian church next Sunday evening. You wl(l hoar something woith vhllo If you hear him. Sorvlco at 7:00. HMoth churches bore aio preparing for a Chrlctmns untertnlument and tree for tho holidays. Exercises will bo at the Christian ehnioh on Friday ovonlng and the l'loaliyturlnii church Saturday evening. It soetus that Willamette climate has been extended down Into Hoguo Itlver vulloy. It Is to bo hoped that wobfoot and mossbacklsm will not at tend It and get hold of our peoplo ns It seems to have thorn In our neigh bor valley, Wo aro glad to noto tho activity of our road workers and bridge build ers, who, notwithstanding the con tinued storm, nio rushing tho work on tho lleur.creok bridge rapidly. In tho faco of all tho difficulties It seoma the work will be completed at an ear ly date. A very Interesting rally will bo held at the Christian church at Cen tral Point next week, tho t nth nnd Kith. The first service will bo on tho ovonlng of Thursday, tho liijli. Would lll.o for a number of our Phoenix people to attend. Fieo on teitalumnnt will bo given those who attend. A higher authority, tho town board of Phoonk, has takon up tho (pies tlnn of a water works system and the "windows of heaven" has been open ed so the question now scorns to bo one of drainage and tho building of an ark rathor thnn water supply. Sine We have all tho water wo wnnt and thnn some. Our stores aio putting on quite a holiday appearance in decorations and In the display of Xiuiih gqnds. All seem to be remembered by our old friend, Santa, from tho youngest to the oldest, and the least to the groutest. The Xmas trees at tho chinches will bo huge enough to car ry all jou can bring to them. Ho liberal. Fred Hupp ol Talent was visiting his mothei, Mrs. Maitlia Hupp, of Ashland lust Tuesday. (leorge Ilowr of Phoenix made u business tiip to Ashland last Tues day. Oliver Helms of Talent was an Ashlunil business caller lust Thurs day. WIrs. Dentol of Tillamook arriv ed at tho home ol her iiuut, Mih. Jnmes Allen of North Talent, a few days ago, and will visit lor a jJhmI time. Mr. C. Cn ley spent the week end at Ashland, visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. O. Reuse. Joe Rador went out for the first fall roundup of cattle on this side of the PijiiiI Indian rnngc, whcie about .'1(1 stockmen aie epeeled M i ide. Mrs. J. M. Hose has gone m nrownsille, Or., to visit her daugh ter, Mrs. 0. Catc. Word was sent Mis. Rose that Mrs. Cate's lilllo son was (iuite siok and wished Mis. Hose lo come to tliciu. Eagle Point Eaglets lly A. C. Kowlctt. J. V. Hales of Medfoid with nias to whether wo will be incorpo guest at the Sunnysido the first of rated or not. Mr. Von tier Ilellen (he week. i seemed the required number of Miss Hell Fin ley, who has been assisting in the culinary department nt the Sunnynide, was called homo Tuesday las! on account of her mother's sicklies. Piofcssor Wilson, who has u liomeslead near Cameron station,! spent a lew days here the tir-l if I tile week, then wunt lo Medford on business. Ho seems to In much1 pleased with his location iiml es e ciallv with this country. Mr. and Mrs. Frank II. McDon ald of Medford came out Tuesday nnd procured a lig and dnver Wnl uesdny. and weretnkcn to Trail to, visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, the putties who bougM i the piopcity of the what w.ts then' Widow Inlaw, but now is Mis. Ab i hott. CI. W. Owens, proprietor of Hi', Englo hotel, started foi Nevada on Tuesday, to be gone lor an indti-i uile peiiod. Allied S. Lee and L. Upshur, twoi civil engineers, eamo out the past week and sun eyed out the lines of the proposed iucoi potato limits ol the town of Eagle Point. William Von dor Hellen lias circulated u pe tition (o the county court to call au election so the otor in said boun daries can vole, on Ihe proposition names o the petition and took -it before tho county court, hut tho move will have to be advertised for llnce consecutive weeks befoio ac tion can he taken by the court, nnd then comes the tug of war, although Iheie does no) seem so much opposi tion to the move as at first appeared on the surface. We have two families living in this neighborhood that boast7 of having four generations slill living, nnd they are both related by marri age. There is Grandma llccka thoni, Mrs. Frank Lewis, Mrs. Chnuncy Florey (nee Jennie Lewis); and Mrs. Klorey's baby on the one side. Then there is Grandma Nye, Mrs. A. J. Florey (nee Mhs Ettio Nye), Chauney Florey nnd his baby, mid thev are all hale and hearty, showing whnt our southern climate can do lo prolong life. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Qnackenhush and their two hoys, Mr. and Mrs. M. dm mini nnd son, and Miss Emma Amies ol Talent came in on the P. & E. train Tuesday evening, stopped at the Sitnnysidc there weie 84 took supper nnd breakfast that night nnd the next day and the next morning the two men walked lo the Hntdshau orchard, procured a team and proceeded on their journey lo that place. The two men will hiuo charge of the orchard this year. Misses Hazel and Leona Dean of Medfoid enine out Wednesday lo visit fiiends in our town. Jess Spencer of Dudley came out Tuesday, spent the night here nnd on Wednesday wont to Medfoid on busiiess, letiirning the same day, and the next day took the sloge for Unite Falls. Ram Hruice, also of Dudley, who has been in lliu coast legion cruis ing timber for the Southern Pacilie Railway company, came in Tuesday night nnd the next morning piocured u rig nnd went home. T. V. Kelso and wife (they had been tunriicil on Monday) stopped here for dinner Wednesday. Tlic were accompanied by bin brother and family. Ilert Woodruff, who lived for a number of years in the Hig Hutte country, but has boon gone for some time, has lelmiied and was a plea ant uuIimi Wednesday. The legal voters of Eagle Point school district No. I) met tit the schoolhouso on Fiiday, the 0th, and voted to levy a tax of 5 mills for scuooi purposes, and to nssist m paving off he indebtedness of t'le district. The valuation of the dis trict is reported by the county clerk lo be $:U0,ni(I, and .tho railroad property was not put in the rdport, beenusc the clerk had not benrd the valuation placed on it by tho state bqard of equalization. New Jersey Grows. WINTER SETS IN AT FORT KLAMATH FORT KLAMATH, Dec. lO.- Skating time again up tlits way, but this sport will not likely he equal to what it was last winter, when Annie creek overflowed and flooddd i large acreage of the valley, and freezing, made many of our lnrjjo hay ranches splendid skating pond. WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec. 10. -r The census of the state of New'Jer sey is 2,53.').! 07, as announced by Hie census bureau todav. This ip an increase of 114.7 per cent. The new figures entitle New Jersey to three additional congi cssinen. A misleading advertisement would bo almost as disastrous to a storo n. n fire with no insurance. t VA1 4 Q DISHES at Sale Prices Now is the limp and this (he place to purchase your dishes and fancy china for Christ mas presents. The display is very pleasing juM n0v and the prices aro far below those us ually asked icgular. Come early and see these values. Allin and Allin I 132 WEST MAIN STREET. PHONE MAIN 29GI. Are You Wise? i TVe have been in business in Medford a long time and our hardest task has been to get the BEST goods, and our greatest idea, was to always sell for the lowest price consistent with profitable merchandising. Wo know that we CAN AND DO SAVIOUR, PATRONS MONEY. Wo aro prepared to serve von with anvthing vour Warner, Wortman ($1 Gore Grocery Phone 286 Market Phone, 281 XMAS STATIONERY From all the Fam ous Manufacturers EATON. CRANE & PIKE. WHYTE & WYC0FF. WHITING. IN BEAUTIFUL BOXES, FROM 20c to $2.00. MEDFORD ..Book Store.. Of futt Rome Auto Co. Automobiles GENERAL OVERHAULING & MACHINE REPAIRING. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. rilONE MAIN G231. Corner Central Ave. and 8th rft VMe(lfonl, Or. I; You are NOT ; Going Blind f mv son ices, and adwee can ji any way ameliorate a con dition of vour ee, which Is perhaps horderinj; on I ailing wmoii. My failures in fitlin difficult unscn are fo,v, Vour ease, although simple and ear. ilv corrected todav, may he ajjravated hy wnitnifr. Profit by the mistakes of others; do' not put i( off. Dr. Rickert Over Kentner's, Medford. ----- - IV ANTA SAYS: "Before you spend a lot of money on useless articles, to consider having that Wall Rack, Book Shelves, Panelling or Cabinet work done" We are prepared to turn out the most satisfactory work. Our men ar skilled. Our prices within reach of all. , CALL AND SEX SOME OF OUR WORK TAKE A TIP FROM SANTA MEDFORD SASH DOOR Co. V i mmmsmtmsmmm 5ESS5BBB