-Vi Jf T3r 1. "p-"wtx- o MEDFORD-MAJL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 11, 1910. REVENGE KILLED HIS BETTER NATURE Bank Clerk Who Stole $44,800 and Fled States That He Did So Be cause the Bank Reduced His Sal ary Owlnfl to Error. 8 MM TIMBER RETURNS SISKIVOUS NEW YORK, Dec. 10. Obsessed Avilh n desire for revenge, even nl tlio risk of losing reputation and liberty, Wnltcr A. Hull, according lo bis confession in court tbis after noon, stole $44,800 from the Herald Square branch of the Greenwirn bank because his salary had been reduced as n result of the bankV efforts to ninke up an amount Hall accidentally hud lost, the institution. Hall pleaded guilty before Judge Crane. Then he said he wished to make n complete confession. He said that he worked for the bank at n salary of $1400 a year and daily handled money amounting to be tween $100,000 and $300,000. One day ho made an error in his ac counts of $500, and the bank offi cials, recognizing that the mistake was not criminal, reduced his salary to $900 in order to make up the loss. "I was unablo to support n wife and family on $900 a year," contin ued Hall, "and I thought an injus tice had been done. I brooded over it for a time until I desired nothing no much as revengo. Filially I de cided to tako all I could get in v hands on and decamp. The day 1 left there was $48,800 in the bank. I took it and fled to C'iada. 1 hung around the racetracks at Windsor and Erie for a while, drop ping $28,000. "One day I heard that my wife had given birth to n son. A wild do sire to see my child overcame my revengefulness and I have come back to take my medicine like a man." The judge wns so overcome by the pathos of Hall's story that ho re manded the defendant to prison for sentence Inter. It was intimated that should the facts be proved il will mitigate his punishment. VOTED TO ACQUIT WAS PAID $1000 Over 12,000,000,000 Feet of Merch antable Timber Will Be Marketed Through the City of Grants Pass. CHICAGO, HI., Dec. 10. Having heard the charges that State Rep resentatives Bcckmeyer and Link told their votes for the election oi William Lorimer to the United States for $1000 each, Grant Mc Cutchcon, n jurat; in the legislative graft trials, concluded thnt ho was worth as much as they, and when impanelled ns a juror in the trial of Lee O'Neil Browne, accused of brib- q dry, he voted to acquit the defend ant for that price.. This statement was made by Me Ciitcheon todijj' on the witness stand f whither ho had been called by the Mntu to testify against Charier. Erbstein, attorney for Browne, charged with jury-bribing. McOitchcon declared that while awaiting his turn for examination as a juryman in the necond Browne trinl, ho conceived and perfected the plan for selling himself. He swore that Erbntein "threw liiii down" nf tur he had voted to acquit Browne, paying him only $100 in the first installment, and no more. Ale Ciitcheon Mated that ho made the proposition to Erbstein on his own initiative.' TO TEACH BOY SCOUTS HOW TO FIGHT FIRE GRANTS PASS, Dec. 10. There are 12,000,000,000 feet of merch antable timber 'in the Siskiyou for est, which has its headquarters at Grants, Pass. Outside of the forest and tributary to Grants Pass are 8,000,000,000 feet more of mcrch nntnblo timber. These figures nro derived from the report of Forest Supervisor R. L. Fromine of tho Siskiyou national forest, ns far as the timber in the forest is concerned, and from W. B. Shexami for tho territory outsido of the forest. W. B. Sherman kno.ws more trees by their first names than any man in Southern Oregon, and the figures can be re lied upon. This vfl?t natural recourse is hard ly ever m'lilioned. The booster ic" so b'ls-y telling about the prize win ning apples and pears gron on tie fertile orchards of tho valley thai he forgets tho great source of wealth enough to support tho city ten times the size of Grants Pass. A close examination of the. le port of Mr. Fronuue reveals tho fact that soventy-five per cent, of the merchantable timber on tho Siski you forest consists of Douglas fir, known the world over ns "Oregon fir"; sugar pine constitutes ten per cent of the timber; yellow pine five; cypress and redwood five hemlock and hardwood, five per cent. The report is a very complete one and describes the forest in detail. The Siskiyou forest embraces 1,302 393 acres of which 000,000 acres are covered with merchantable tim ber and 300,000 acres are classed as woodland. The water-power resources of the foiest nre discussed Yind it is estim ated that there is a total of 300,000 horse-power that can be developed in the forest nlono. Tho forest officer estimates that 80,000,000 feet of timber can bo cut f i oin this forest annually without depreciating growth stock. He ad vocates tho cutting of 120,000,000 feet annually for a term of years until the overmature supply is cut off. AFTER 40 HMMSENE Then Tells Friends of Gold Lcdyo Shown Her in Her Youth Will Receive Fifteen Thousand Dollars for Her Tip. STEAMER VICTORIA, 11. C, Dec. 10. Lill oet Waterman, who almost half a century ago was the first white wo man to tako up n residence in Lillo oet, returned to that town luct week from California, where she later had made her home. It was just 4( years ago that slio said good-bye to the district to join her late bus band, then serving in the United States army. During her present visit Mrs. Wntcnnnn chanced to mention a "gold ledge" at Senton Lake, which an old Indian friend had shown her a half century ago. By her doseriptivo account of the Chicknmon "stone," sho so im pressed several of her frioi'ds that they forthwith determined to visit the property. They did ?o, finding the indications of very rich ore, and staked and recorded sovernl claims If tho property redeems expecta tions, Mrs. Wntcnnnn is to receive $1"),000 for her tip. Wood for Sale. Cordwood and slovowood, hard and soft, in any qunntity. A. Slover, city scales at Main and Fir streets, or telephone Main 2981. 227 Let Us Save you 30 per cent of your fuel. Wo will install on your stove n dam per that we guarantee to save your fuel and protect your rooms from overheat and give you a uniform heat. SAFETY ECONOMY DAMPER CO., 440 Sherlock Bldg., Portland. JOHN B. WIMER, Reprcsentatio for Med ford. 45 South Bartlett Street. Mrs. Tay lor's Boarding House. TO BE LOST AT SEA NEW YOttlC, Dec. 10. Shipping mnsters hero wore notified today to be on tho lookout tor tho steamer Arcadia, leaving New Orleans Octo ber 11, bound for Sim Juan. Porto Rico ami still unreported. It Is fear ed that tho vessel Is disabled some where In the South Atlantic, or has gono to tho bottom. Tito Arcadia carried four pas sengers' and a crewof U7 men. Cap tain Griffiths Is master of the miss ing steamer, and her chlof engineer Is named CI rod. No wreckage In tho southern livtl tudes has beou reported. VICTORIA, II. C, Dec. 10. The steamer Northwestern, which went aground on San Juan Island Vevcm' days agt) and on which several at tempts to pull her off have booi. unsuccessful, was floated, shoitl.x before noon today by Iho tug,s Sal vor and Joeliffc and is now on hei way to Seattle fur repairs. file finest Sample Rooms in the citv. Single rooms or en suito also rooms with bath Hotel Moore Telephone In Kvcry Room RAU-MOHR COMPANY Proprietors. EUROPEAN PLAN -------- -- I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT I HAVE PURCHASED THE Union Livery Stables and will conduot a general feed And boarding establishment. Horses T boarded by the day, woek or month. 1 gunraatoo u Hqunre deal to all. R. GUANYAW UNION LIVERY BARN. RIVERSIDE AVENUE. MI - ---- -- - TO MANUFACTURE PATENT MAIL CRANE SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 10. Trainiug in the methods of prevent ing and fighting forest fires will probably bo included in the work ol Spokane boy scouts in the future. E. T. Allen, forester of the Western Forestry and Conservation associa tion, hiiid recently that he hoped to secure the co-operation of the Spo kane scout troops to help &yrend the knowledge of fire danger among the boys of the entire northwest. Call Ultes, Jr., and tho Rev. David W. Ferry, the lenders of the scout j movement in Spokane, stated that they believed the training of every ocout should include some woik ii u-lation to forest fires. ''The boy scouts should be able to help us greatly in our work," snid Forester Allen. "The association is now pre paring a series of leaflets intended for distribution through the school- to every boy and girl in the stute of Washington, teaching the need of protective legislation and care in regard to campfires." SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 10. The Washington Safety Mail Crane com pany of Spokane has been incorpo rated with a capital stock of $2.'i0, 000. The plant will cost $.-)0,()00 and will manufacture improved rail-' way mail cranes. Work will be started on the plant during the com-j iug spring. About Hi men will bo1 emploved in the establishment. The1 inventors of the new crane are Paul Hanson and Thomas Jarrard of Rockford, Wat.li., 20 miles Miutli east of Spokane, who, with W. C. Donovan of Spokane and L. E. Kiikpatrick of Rathdrum, Idaho, are named in the articles of incorpora tion. The new crane has been put in use for testing purpo-es on the Spokane & Inland Empire Railway company lines and has proved sat isfactory. They propose to make Spokane the distributing point i r the east ns well ns the west after the hiisiuei of the company has heei pat in running order. Tho crime works automaticallVt the arms fold-l ing up t'iter the mail sack has been released and is said to bo a great danger eliminator. MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. Land For Sale Fertile fruit and alfalfa land in small and large tracts. Cleared and uncleared. Terms and price reasonable. Address Box 16, Tolo, Oregon Dr. Roller Would Roll. PITTSBURG, Pa.. Dec. 9. Dr. D. P. Roller of Seattle today Issued a challenge to Ouorgo Hackeiibchmldt, the "Russian Lion," for a finish wrestling match. Holler's challenge camo as a roan It of tho showing madu by him In his match with Hacken- schmldt here last night. Ilacken schmldt agreed to throw Roller twlco In one hour, but failed to accomplish It oven once. The merchant must never relax his anxiety to create buying opportuni ties for his rvrtroiis - not one now and then, but an endless chain of the "cost of things" that the sto e tlieni. Judjj have an increasing interest. Dissolution Notice. Notice is heroby given thnt the partnership between R. II. Prichaid Hans .1. Holmer and William E Clouey, under the firm name of I .Med ford Implement Co., has boon dissolved, R. II. Prichard retiring., H. J. Holmer and William E. Clouev' will continue to conduct the busine under the old name and place and pay all obligations and collect all bills due the firm. MEDFORD IMPLEMENT CO. Per Hans J. Holmer, II. II. Prieh nrd, W. E. Clonev Medford, December 0. 1010 Pure Clear Sparkling Yon can't afford to do without this splendid, refreshing drink. Call up and order a case sont to the house. The purest, most healthful drink known is SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, Aflent. Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 208 FRUITGROWERS BANK BUILDING. -35 SUBSCRIBE FOR THE MAIL TRIBUNE AND GET THE , NEWS THE DAY IT HAPPENS ,v : .-m oo ooo:oooooooooo okoo 0 Nursery Stock Let us Quote You Prices on All Kinds of Trees and Shrubs L. B. WARNER Jr. At Warner, Wortman (SL Gore Grocery j& j& j? Medford a . St MI VO00400000000000005, 51 ALL KINDS OP DRY ..WOOD.. Oak, Laurel. Fir and Pino. Buy yoiirwiulcr supply now; reasonnblo prices). The Sun Star Wood Company (102 Almond st. Phono Main G05I. Jot Koyama. "i i hi 'Iojjuv 3 Special School Meeting Notice is horoby jrivon to tho legal voters of School District No. 10 of Jackson county, stato of Oregon, thnt a Hpocinl school meeting of tho Hiiid diHtrict will be held at High School Building on tho 7th day of December, 1010, nt 2 o'clock in tho nftoruoon, for tho follow ing object: To levy u Bpecial tax. Dated this 20th day of November, 1010. Attest: ORIS CRAWFORD, District Clerk. J. B. WATT, Chairman Hoard of Director. Guaranteed Ilouoht and Reliable MeshengerH. Tray and Package Delivery u Specially. Medford Messenger Service I'ndcr Now Muuiigeuicnt PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE. AH small parcels or messages delivered fio blocks or under. . JOo Ovor five blockn and under tin .J.'" 0cr ten blockw and under 111 I ecu -0c Owr fittccu blocks , , 'J") FRKD IIANscam. Prop, 337 South Central Ave, Telephone Main 111-1. Medford. Orciou. Medford Iron WorKs E. O. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon i'or FAIRBANKS, MORSE & OO. -- - So much of life revolves arouM) T Eat- Figola Bread Con tains ingredients of Figs. JTJIK BREAD OP I MKRIT. QNot in name only, but in reality. JA wholesome, nutri tious bread. JAids digestion- SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY TODD 6c CO. MEDFORD BAKERY AND DELICATESSEN BlTY YOUR ROAST TURKEY HERE LANDQUIST, JOHNSON SLILIUS, INC. Real Estate and Insurance Special Representative for International Real Estate Association, Chicago, 111. AGENT FOR FRANKLIN FIRE INS. CO. RELIANCE FIRE INS. CO. BARGAINS AND MONEY MAKERS IN FARMS, ORCH ARDS & TIMBER LANDS. 201 St. Mark's Building, Phone 2411 TIMBER LANDS WANTED List with us what you have for sale. Timber cruising and estimates furnitshed. HARRIS TIMBER LAND COMFY 208 FRUITGROWERS BANK BLDG-, MEDFORD, OREGON. MH ---------- - ------ ----t NEW PLACE for now people, at the now town and fruit tracts at $50.00 to $100.00 per aero, at Three Pines, which is the shipping point on the Southern Pacific railroad in the lower end of the Rogue River valley, for 700, 000,000 feet of lumber. A lumbor flumo 11 miles long is now completed and a planing plant in operation. See DOW LAND for prices and terms on tho fruit tracts, or Van DyKe Realty Co. Room 3 123 Main CKM 1 PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices RoaBouablo COFFEEN (& PRICE 11 North 1) Rt .Mctlfdld Oru I'linnc 303 --- Troutman Orchard Heater Tho world's standard of efficiency and economy. They burn air. MadQ in seven types to meet any requirements. Special prices for short timo. Wo also manufacture the lard pail lienors. Write. Karl R. AVuudt, General Agent, Meridian, Idaho. m i KT.Tl -1f