l"' V SECTION THREE dford Mail Tribune Circulation MAIL TRIBUNE'S CIRCULA TION YESTERDAY WAS 2975 FIFTH YKAH TWENTY PAGES MKDFOttD, OK ISO ON, St'NDAY, DKCIttlOER 11, 1910. IN THREE SECTIONS No. 224 - in. iiii.him...j. LIVE UNDE uIuIljlOu Law Closinn Stream to Commercial Flshliifl Goes Into Effect MasUr Fish Warden Says Law Will Go Strictly Enforced Expect Trou hie at Mouth. Tlio Rogtiu rivor finli bill pasted by tho poojile of Oregon at thu ltihl general olocljon has gone into effect (Hid from this time ou commercial fishing is burrud on tho stream. Henceforth only tlio sportsman with loil anil lino can tuku ttont from its waters. Thu law wont into offeul a week ago whan Governor Uoiibon issued his proclamation. J'Vo have already takou atops to see th;t tho law is enforced," stated State Fi-h Warden Kd Clanton, wh .in.- In AliwIP.if.l li.'!i1n' 'n,wl .i. I. II-" 111 t'lVMIi'lll . Hill 1 , lllll. itv . ... . . . V . I , . -n nunisli everv vm lalor cmurni. -3 VWH'''' trouble, however, only at :tJfe4urttt1i of tlio stream." tjvTlif law'viiuj.ui'OK tho perpetuation ,,fcSf Rniruo mor as tho finest fl- lishing htroam in tho United States.., 20 WITNESSES- SIH ESE CASE Several Members of Rcsctlc Party Overcome by Fire Damp Explosion of Gas Wrecks Interior of Mine Near Frank, Alhcrta, Canada Most of Dead Men Were Slavs Dead Laid Out on Tables' Arranged at Mouth of Mine Heartrcndcrinj Scene When Wives and Sweet hearts Hear tlio News. VANCOUVER, D. C, Doc. 10.--Rcports .this 'afternoon from Krnuk, Albortn, say that 2f minors aro known 'to bo duad, with tho proba bility that Sovorul more are dead whoso bodies have not yet buun found in the depths of tho Hollovuo uoal mine, winch watt tho scene of a disastrous gas explosion last night. According to the dispatches re ceived horo, 21 bodies havo already boon recovered. Four of tho 18 men who. wore rescued alivo died to day from bums roeoivod. The dead are laid out. on tabled near tlio month of the mine and along the railroad track. It in reported that several inoiu- bora of tho roscno party havo boon ovuroomo by afterdamp while work ins in tho mine. Aiming tho victims wng Dr. MoKonzio, who was ovor como by tho stifling nan' wlnjn two milos down in tho mine this fore noon. Other doctors aro working over him and it is probable that he will recover,. Roseuor cannot stop to bring tho bodies of tho dead from tho shaft th -woro found far in' tho intorior. They aro bonding their energies in a search for any who may yet bo alivo. Ilciunvcd Alive. Later thin afternoon members of (('ontlmieil on 1'age 0.) FIGHT HI SAVE CHARLTON FROM MIAN MICE IS RENEWED IN COURTS OE NEW JERSEY Increase in Population for Conti nental Portion Is 21 Per Cent Great Increase Is Also Made in Territorial Possessions Hawaii Gains Over 24 Per Cent. WASHINGTON, I). C, Doc, 10. The grand total population of tlio United Slatos Is 101.100,000. Theo figures roproso.nl tho United State anil all its poasossioiH. Tho United States proper, has IH.UTli.VUU. Tho population of tlio United States, witli specified dependencies, ineliidintr Alaska, Hawaii, l'ortu Rico and military and naval parsons ubroad, is :i,-102,l.)2. Taking the population of tho IMiil ippines given iu l'.IOII, which was 7,(!!15,'I-L and adding estimates for tho islands of'Ounin and Siiuuio and for tho canal one, the grand total population of tho United States and its possessions is over 1(11,000,00(1. Tho ineroiuo in population for the continental portion of tho United Slates is l.VJ"7,(ll)l, or 21 per cent. The increase in population of tho territorial possessions is 10,113,521. or-20.0 perT'onT. ' s EFERS i ' . Police Take Into Custody Paid Scliultz, Stevedore, Who Was Wounded in Affray at Docks Dur inn Raid on Smuuylcrs. SAN FRANCISCO, Cul., Doc. 10. - Twenty L'hiut-c lu.e brought into the Uuited Suites through thi agency of a elave ring oiorntiug in the 1'aciHo coiud port mid ut llo noliilit trutu Hongkong, will be the priiMnl witneae iu eriminal pnc I'UtiutiH that it M predicted will toi- t- jr3ttV complete efffttaure of the operu- r9 tious of tile KMI Federal InVeatlgutiuu bus conlii. ued fur afte weeks into (ho man agement f both tho custom m" iinuiigratiou nervices on the l'tt eitic const, And it is reported ilwi upou th" return of Couuuisioiier lieneral ICeef from Honolulu u utiirtlwttf uikiip will tnke plwe. Stuvodoi'o Sliol. Inderal offter thi nltcmoon UMik into ciuitody Paul Schultx, tur weriy a stvwdurv at tho 1'Beifie iHuil dock. ,Hekulta eutereil a to tal k.iMiitnl ktat iimbt to have u ttriuh wound 4reMl aud w aid la ituvo udiuklad tnitt Im watt shot b ruotuuM iAa vhtla sbiv girls and cnwhe a tttiag takeu from tin liocr MuiuHuiria. Prlcutf Aro Uirgii. Chinas MarottauU hero dulai that tho mlrkM priceo lor the -ln--runce fruM 4O0U to :j(M, mid th. die iucii bring iirutiU e-tiniitn-d j1 .iUII each. 'fb cMdi' ure Ixmhio iiiit ! employer N until lln-y have win kni out llu-ir (ia--ase mid ill -!... i-' lei-. ELECTION RIOTS NEAR BELFAST HHI.rWST. I ' '" ' v" ii,. ft thai Icriiuii nt- i nli'-t , i ; in iii. -. ! ; "" ic. " ' ' l.i . H i i Oruiigciiifu M'leil lur -rwr.il i. i- H,, l,: h-i 'lll i'1 ii 'I ' ) i i -. .1 ,' l .'111 I TRKNTON. N. .!., Dee. 10.-Tie tight to prevent the extradition of I'ortor Charlton, wunicd in Italy for the murder of his wife, wn ifiiowtd today iu the court of appeals when Chnrlthn's father, . with Attorney William IMwatds, linked for a writ of bubons corpus for his release. They also asked that writs of certi orari be issued, in-tructing the, stale depart inent and the New Jor-ey uu iliiiritieo to liriuv into court the en lire rei-orik of the caie -iwe Chiirl ton'i tirii'it. Jud'i- Ri'll-tiib, to uboiii the u)i- polnliou was made, allowed both Wiiln nnd set tlio date for their hauring as Decembor 10 at tho atatc lioitse. Not Surrcmlci'otl. " Judgu KelUtab's nqlion uiakon n cortain that Clinillnii will not im urrondarcd to life Ilalinn authori tiea uutil after the final detonninu tiou of the writs. Notice of the hen rin ir wiii u'isen to tho Italian miui'-lcr, to Attorney Freelnuil. H' cial lliiliau rmin-i'l, mid to 1'ror.e cuinr tlnrxiii ut' IIihIdil county. H 'oiitlnui'il mi I'.iuh ft ) NCLE SAM TO OFFER L ER FOR SALE AT ONCE 1 Tile li-al hire-try ulfu-e has cuiii piwl its reports on the buruad nver a reus within the. Crater nation ul forest al will iaunodiatery ad vertise for bids ou tba tun her left standing tberwiu. Tba tiiabar ad vartMed as "dead" is Uebig sold ut a great sacrifice, although if willod within lh ni'Xt thrisj veurs it will be us good a urccu limber. On the -until folk it Riiiie ri-r 120,11(10,00(1 tec! of timber is offer id. U imr ceut ot which ia dead. 'IV lainimuMi price placed on it is 10 eetita a thoustuid for ''dead," $2.73 per Viousund fur yellow pine and $t for fir. In the Clover creek diatriet 20. (KW.UOO feet is offered. Of thia 1'i per eent is dead. ' On Klk creek l.'iO.OUO.OOO feet i offered, of wlin-b li'i wr cent in ' ib'iid. CROEERA DEALS DEVASTATION Russo-Mancliurla Frontier Is Rava fled by Disease and Hundreds Have Fallen Victim Much Trouble Is Experienced 'by Pliy- slolnns In Carinu. for Strioksn. HON'OKONG, Dec. 10. hpieml-j fne villuiee ot 200 kouls, f'hiulvo inu froiu Xlougoiiu. I be pteguc mid Uunjo is reported to be pnu'ticeliy holirii ure ravagiutf tba Hao-jdaaejted. It i- -uul I lial tba aativus Wmicbiiriit tmntier and tumres mv fltil, linu tbe dead ud dyuig vie falleu vii urn-, to iht di-eeee. Ail, urns ot iht iluorii iu tin -ireets lhlinn in' ini fii ni'kit d I. ' umI limi-i'-miMhi- iind ill.' inn - (in. iili I .' II. it. I Ik- I..-' l l. l"t - i V- A .... - U '"al REVOLT I TWO WEEKS Five Hours' Bombardment Is Found Necessary to Quell Outbreak Great Excitement Rcljins Thou sands of Citizens Witness Fi(bt. RIO JANKIUO, Doo. 10,-Fiv hours' bombardment of Uia naval barrneks ut Cmubra ialawl by lo.il Hrnnilimi nJiips mill aliore Uetlerie iu Rio Janeiro harbor ended a sei 'tud lvvolt iu i he JJnuulUtu navj t ilny. At noon tba i.tutineen ir n-iiiltrfd utter several of the u' ii nil umI crew of the' scout ship R. le Sol, which supported the mutniv. had been killed. The greatest ext'tauteot reigned during the bombardment. Thou sands of citixeiis of Rio Janeiro li.i ed tlie shore mid hills, aratehiug the conflict and cheering the displav of firtunca by th tfuverntueut. Tin red tlag which the uwUneej' hoisted At dusk veotcnluy waa nliot nwuv twice duriuir the firing, but en4i lime wiu replaced. Orders were is sued for a general bombardment, bill bef.tre I he vessei ootild clear fur mlioi) the red flax waa run down mid u while one Uxik ita place on llic liDiiiii-k- flau-tflff. The iirrcuder was nnconditi.n,! .mil i lit- .-nine garrkon waa murcii- .il i. in uii.lcr iirrtst. The ruiglcud-i-i. urn' .'mliiied in the fed cm I iji-on hi i.i ln-avy guard and il . . mii-i.Ii i.-.l ii i.li.ible that they will lie I" . in il Mifi en ICAN FLAG MADE tV UNCLE SU Ono Hundred and Forty-six Million Feet of Timber Sold to the Pelican Bay Lumber Company, tlio Consideration Bclnp. $365,460 Jackson County Will Receive $73, 1 0B of This Amount Is Larflcst Sale Ever Made by the Government of Stantllnrj Timber, Excepting. One Made Recently in Montana. Tho largest timbor salo-oyor uuido bv Uuolu Sam, with thu c,.c.uplii)ii uf ono in ..Montana, ban bint boon aim ed, tho timber stuudiug iu tlio Crntdr nntional forost. I ho deal pcovulos for the transfer of M0.000.000 foot of timber to tho l'elionii Hay Lumbar company at a consideration or .fllOri.-ltlt). Tho local officio Jmiidlod all of the dutails of tho affair. Under tho present law tho coun ties iu which n reserve is looilted ro coivo 25 por cent of tho ninoinit of tho receipts from timjior Mile. This 115 tier ceut is divided among (lie counties uccordiug to their area within the forest. Iu this manner liichsuii county recehes 80 per ce.it of tho "Jo por cant of sales in tho Crater forest. Thtia Jnolcson couu ty'B shuro is $7:1,108, Klamath county roooiving $18,'J77. This sum goes into the' road mid school fund of tho county. Last year Oregon's entire share ill salo.q inn do by tjo govornmeut only amounted to $!lt),()00J so tho in crease this year will bo Inrgo. Tho I'elicau Day Lumber company will start work at once in milling the lumber. Tho payments tiro dis tributed over it period of five yourn. 'For several mouths tho local of firo has been engaged iu preparing reports ou the timber just clinngiug liniids. BROOKS SENT 10 ASYLUM REPORT GRAND JORY FILES ITS AND IS DISCHAR6ED; DEALS WITH ELECTION IRREGOLARITIEI After roliiruiug sixteen true hills, two nut (rue bill", mid filing .' lengthy lepnrl cmcriiig tho result of their iuwitiu.ihon of nllctic.i election irreuiiliiritiits, tho grand jury, which hn been iu sosHiou for the )Mt tub da.s, was iichnrged bv .ludho Calkins Saturday utlpr noon. Tlio report tiled b the grand jur is one of the uioM lenu'thy document" of ili kind ou ic.'ord in the local 1'iiiirt. It ih ilcMitril almost eKclu ivelv to the i mil. r nl irictftiliii'ilii' in tho recent stale election. While I rand was not charged, (he grand lory cited a jiiiinlier of inslaiiees where carelossness bad iiblaiued on elocttou day iu swearing in votes, and it recommended that the varioil city attorneys and tho district at lornevM pioioiia to the next elec tion inform election judgos of their duty. The grand jury bus boon investi uuliiitf Hie matter for several days, siuiiiiiouii.g inaiiv wilnesMos and mi i c I'h 1 1 v eMiuiiiiiiig inmiy matter'' in ciiiiiiei'li.in will) if. STANDING COMI ON WORK OF E HEES TO CAR EUE Man Who "Confessed" to Murder of Belle Ellis Committed by County Court to Insane Asylum Brooks' Is Not His True Name, Says One Who Knows Him. K. L. Brooks, tho paranoiac who confessed to tlio murder of llello Hills, but whoso story fulled to con vince, was committed to tho insauo asylum by Judgo Noll of tlio county court Saturday, following an o. nminntion by L)r. Hosier, No longer iu it believed that Brooks committed tho crime, although lie swears that ho did. Brooks was taken bofnro (he grand jury Friday afternoon mml was luriiod over' to. (ho county court by that body. '' it dovolnps tiiat U. L, Brooks is only ono of tho man's matiy assum ed names. A workulgtnnn by tho name of John Johnson, who tolls u straightforward story, declares (hut ho worked for four mouths wilh Brookes on tho railroad between (I'nilUllliml oil I'ngu to'.) JACK LGNDON.AS CITIZEN OF THE WORLD, PROTESTS Wires Japanese Embassy In Wash Innton Protests Aijalnst Execu tion of 2Q Japanese Socialists Who Conspired Ayalnst Mikado. U The firit iiMHiHg of 111 new board of director of tn jkledtenl t'outttiereial elug waa Held ou Frh day evening, IB of th 31 member being ptfaeut. Tba aaaaiou waa hah5 in order to perfect tba organisation with which the eiub txpteta (o do ih ef feel We work duria the. oumbig seitaou. lluch work wan iic.-um-pJished. The .lii'.'( nl' tin' reoiciiiiiiiii in wiii biii'lls i'ViI.iiii.'.I b I'lr-idci.t ('..Mi.' ii ml Mmmeer Mnllii.ent', wd iiiiLii.nl . il- M.'tv-i Us to the 111"-'! illiili III iiimi lililil ..I' ioiiiiI l.'.l mill lull llij. 'in h.Iii' uln. h the elub liniil.l IuII.mv t liirlhcr llut inii-r-r-t- i.l M.'.lluid umI the Rouiio lti'i .iIIijk The iu.i;t iiiii"i l.uit h'uttuc lakcii wn-. the U..inliiitf of the g.toil ruads c.tUiUiltU'i', ruiinijtting I S. Vilas Iteckwith, rliuinnun; U. I'utuiun. J. I1'. R'ddv 'r"!i''' ll (. 'unlliiui"! im I'.IK" t ) IGAS i mm ON SHIP KILL! HOUSf PUSSES Traiicdy Occurs on Board Unltod States StiO.narinc Stntioued at San Dicjio Sotman Is Hurled Aflainit Wall of Boat, Badly a Injurlnii Him Two Others Are Injured. KAN FRANCISQO, Cal., Dec. 10. Among Hooroa . lolegranis arriv ing iu thu Japnueoo cmbiissy in Washington today from Amerieut.s protosting ngaiiiat tlio proposed ox eciitiou of lid .Jnpiy.Mu booialisos in Tukio, for mi ailBgud plot to assas snmtoMhe mikildu tilitl tlio mynl fnmily, is the following ine.isa;c ti'Mii .In.'k Loudou, eIfstlod "cn ieii of the world": "As a liner of liberty and as it citizen ot tho world, I do most ear nestly protect to you u ml throujt oii to your country, against tho uu inst coiitemplalud e.xceutiou of !. Kotoku, his wito and their 21 com rades. 1 niitu myself one of (ho great army of iuiernationiil free dom.. JACK LONDON." In addition to this moMugo, locil lubor orgmiixitliuus aro adopting rcsoluiious protantiug against tho piposeil ilnu to puuish thu Jupaiioo s.ninlits fur what they (unit n liuiuH'd-up I'harge. The uewisud men nid tho woiiiHii havo bgon ngtivo organixt'i's ot the trades union inovo inent iu Jnimii, aud the roaoiultpiui allege thai their netivitlaa ill Gib lino caused the gu eminent tft" ro- sot uisiu (lrnalio niaasnrae tn'uro ciit the spread of the unionist $0( in Nijiisiu. '. K. Vutu, iu nttornoy from 'iHtiiim. wuu trniiiiacttng buulnosa lu Me.lloid Saturday. 1 , L I"' w r.iiiii ..H..-I , Mim ii f .vi in - I 1 r- l.i ttti !,K ..K" fl'l l'"l 1'illl't I i. . il! . il I" 1'l.n ii'irlif ami WAHIUN'OTii. Ii. ( .. In. Hi,, tin !iiie lln- iificiiuiiiii .ii--i'il ili'. i, i i- in h.n!r- uMir.i.riiiti..ii i-i' Mil. ill til l., ' . hi .. Dili HIM' III,. . I,li i , '- ).HiB'"Hi'H'h lr..(iMi- ii. .'.irmn , ;- ni Uwirted to lt n itois my. w.rv j,riH ,,,, m.lv one uni.'i.dii..'il 'VM- ld..'i "I Till' ll'lll-l' llll'll .I.I .I . ii i,1 W i,d i 111 u-r ti Kan. i uii. i I I II L' II 'Ml .111 h II .'iixun'i i nt SA?DlrUJO, (VI.. Dee. 111. -in n iffM engine expl.iiou on (be subaii tine ('raniptih in Ibis kerts.i 'llii ini.riiinu, Ki'i'i.nil Hi'mimp Leahy was -.. Iji.illy in inicd thai it is fenii'il li UWIV ill.'. I.li . in iM'Visd In the lli-- in il iii i i I. I i I le Ii nil. I hi I L, I... il ,' uiIMI III . I II II . IWI . I.l I .1 i I., I1 lilll-e 111 I lie I'tpiu- . 1 l. iMls- ,'1, - -.ilil In Ii ii' been i.l I -.'.I !i l (i.iih.. 'I Ii I lie v h ' " . 'I . ll .Mil' whieh ueiierules isiwcr h.r I lie mo tor ul' I he Cnuuiius. Tli.' i.e. u lent occurred just niter the I'muipiis had concluded a piae liee inn, nnd l9uh hh throw it ii I.U'.iii.-l I lie Mlll of I lie 1'iiu.llie I. ...in ilil !'l'.'.'ll ti.. e. 'twi. ullu I l.u-i i , J. B. I'iMike ,ilii4 I. M M.. nl. u. ,.- -hake,, up That I le. 1 1 ii i. ii. I . . I . v i- l,"l kllli d I-ii.n-uien ii i. iiiuiieiti. NOTHING GAINED 'I I ill ll e lllll IV I1!-- BY ELECTIONS ULNDON'. Dee. 10. With only IT7 umr-' oonsutuencies still to bo hi'iUil fi-om cMi-lt eido in tho parliu lnciitnry oting at thta btnge hua exai tu tlio aaine imuilier of beat that it had in tho hist parliament, Tho i,nolih"its Imvo 20!1, i major, iiv ot M. i