8 vi MTJDFORD MAIL TRTBTOE. MEDFORD, OREGON. FRTDAY, DECEMBER f), 1910. j . it? J fi !' If . yri W o f ft I r. i ILl w J v1 I A! p t f'a if I i! Ml 1 J s. t f Ml 'Ml I! r 5R? .' ft us ft fill M !J n l M tb m i AM! 1 Ulli SON HAS RIG USUI AWH MAN MRS. KEO IS PUT lAHPR STARTS AT "ALONG THE KENNEBEC", AMI ANfl UAI IIF TALENT ELECTS NEW pout nu uAuno PinetoQiPnm ON TRIAL ONCE WORE niupc nu ovqtcm IS HERE TONIGHT: ic 9 Tiin iqq OFMUtKS: II MUNI II Is I in II UU ULUULUUIUULnLi m .- i UllUL Ull U I U I Llll III IJJLjITuilUU Supports People's Choice for Leg islature in New Jersey and Will Probably Get Into Warm Water Before It Is Over. 'TKKNTOX. N. .1.. JW. I),- (Jot-rrnor-olwjl Wooilrow Wilson in pro imrinj; to lic'Kin Imh lulininihtiatinn with u liniiiUto-liuiitl .striiKKlu with I lie iiowlv cIt'c!ol New Jersey Io:i lnlure. .Tninps Smilli, Jr., leader of llio (luiiiiicratiu fitnle nindiinc Hint , put Wilmin in office, wants to ro to llle United Rliiles Bonato to Biicccnd SdJinfor .Tolui Kuan. In n primary nlcotion livid In September, James iiitiniiiu. "i lit laruiiT oraior, m Hdlected ly Hie detiioi'iats as the, cIkihmi I'nr tlie office. I'oliticiai rewarded tlie primary as n joke, but Wllhon' considerH it iih an "expreH--on of tbo will of tlie people," and Tins announced tli'at lio .will ftacK iltlllllllU, llllll tlllll llu CXpfC'H lilt IcpHlntiire to elect iim. iSmitli, Hince tbo election, lias been milking a kuiiihIioc canvass of tlie Htfifo to secure his own election ( llio Henale. One of bis inelliods wns In iihIv Martina lo witbdraw. Tim fai(ncr orator rofnued, flaying bo S. S. McKcrchcr Disposes of Cali fornia Timber Tract to Chicauo Syndicate Price Is Reported to Be Over $2,000,000. S. S. .Mclvcrebur, limber cruiser and cMlimator, of Aslilaud, bus xue ciwhfnll.y eloped a deal be lias been operating on i'or many nioutliH, tbu timber land beinir located in tlie c..... i t i.,:..,, :.. 'p.. i l mini, ji.iiiu jiiuiiuiiuiii? ill &t;ii.iijjti mil (llcnii counticH. A Chicago syn licatc in tlie iiiiichiiHur anil Dr. iv I. I'crrin, Fiimcll liiim. ami a iinni cr of small owners arc tlie sellciv. i'Iiii pi- was over .i'J,OI)l),(MII) and .IcKcrcbcr receives a very lingo fee or hi work, lie lias spent several iioiitbs in. tlie I'oolbills near I'iih nla.rabaiua county, cruising liie .mber and iii'uiiliuling with tlie own is for Hie purcbusc. OAKLAND, Cal., Dec. 1). Murk vMlldaH, who killed Vcrulu Carman ml hurled her hody In the roar of Ih home nt I'linliiirsl, will he hnuced t Sun Qiieiitln Felirtiury. Wlllcliis' lenteuco, which for two years has wii delayed whllo an appeal was J'Oim.AND, Or., Dee. !). Ap pearing pale ami worn, after ber long ciintiiieiiiuiit in jail, Mrs. Car tie Kersb was led into Judge Mm rovv's court today to be tried lor the second time on the charge of mur der. She is accused of having aided .leshu 1 Webb, wllo killed William A. John-on in the Grand Central hotel June 2(1. Webb is under sen tence of death. An el fort will be made to secine (be jury before tomorrow. For this pur posu a special M'SHimt will be held liiiiiuht. The jury stood eight to four for conviction nt Mrs. Kcr.-di' previous trial. Material for New Water System at Jacksonville Is on the Way When Plant Is Completed Will Be Splendid Ono. Burke Trial Starts. SANTA HOSA, Cal., Dec. With the reconvening of the for the trial of Dr. Willard llurke, the ngoil inoprielor of II. coiiil 1. the ending, has been confirmed by tho bad been indorsed by tbo peoplo and supremo court and sentence was rc- llml be expected to bo sent to Wash- Imposed todny hy Judi;o Waste of the iiiglnn Smith, who ndmitledly bad much influence In iioininiiling and elecl intr llio former head of Princolon university to Hie governorship, ex PflOtcd Wilson's s"i)ort in his !-. for tbo scnnlo. When ho broached the subject to tho j;ovcrnur-oJoot, Wilson jh reported lo have jjlvon him u very chilly reception. The newly elected chief executive deelnrcd hini self in favor of Iho pooplo's cliolco, IV ninller what Alaninos m... niiulil be. The law providini: for an advisory vote on the Renatorship was re Kiirdcd as a Joke bv llio politicians of both rmrllcfl. As a result oniy iliiimporlaut candidates entered tb" primary and Mnrtino was an easy winner. The tsditlcians and ton. chiuo workora who had helped Wil- suporlor court. Wllklus has been In jail since July, 1907 Tho store (hat makes its advertis ing valuable to you earns your sup port. Every day some store's ad- vertisiuu is particularly valuable lo you and you can discovor which store anil what advertisement in t few moments. son, nre surprised at bis stand, 'which Ihey regard as nenr-insnrir-eucy, hut they intend lo carry their fiudit auaiust Martiue into Iho leg islature. Smith says that ho will bo elected in spite of Wilson's activity against him. He intimates that tbo matter will end in a fight between Wilson nud the legislature. Simla Komi Minitariiuii on a charue f having dynamited the dwelling ol Lu'eltii Smith and ber sou, it became apparent today that the trial will be a bitter one und will consume three weeks or more. Ono hundred wit nesses liu vc been summoned and at torneys for both Hides predict sen sational testimony. The court room wns crowded to day and nearly one-third of the spcelulors wero women, who occu pied the splits nearest the defend ant. f The day was devoted principalis to an outline of the case for the prosecution by District Altorii". I .en. Tho object of the defense will lie to show that Dr. llurke liiul n mo tive for wishing to have Miss Smith nit of the way, and this motive was iif ciiiiiiniiai assertion or aiiss inilb in the presence of inmates oT the sanitaria iiitlml Dr. llurke was the father of her child. A rumor Hint Miss Smilh would be trnoiig the first witnesies called wn lenied bv District Attorney I.ea, who mid that she wo.uld. not be called lnlil after the minor witnesses hnd 'icon examined, Hnsklna for health. J. J. Menrs of Portland announce that material for the new water sys tem for Jacksonville will arrive soon and work will be started inunediale I.V. Ho is the' contractor and .f'4'2, 0(11) is the price. The bjy reservoir lo store 'J'l, 110(1,000 gallons will be constructed half u mile above the (own and (he cily reservoir will he hnill of a ca pacity to retain 200,(1110 gallons. Tue supply comes from a watershed high mi in the hills, inmuintr Jacksonville an abundant snpph 0f pare water. A compnny of real merit, a scenic equipment unsurpassed by any com pany I raveling and a play simple in tory and pure in entimeiit are some of the features of "Along the Kennebec,'' the newest big success, which will bo seen at the edfotd to night. The piny ntul company have pleased vast audiences wherever nreoenled and return dates hac been solicited. A special feature this season will be the introduction of some eleven character specialties. All special sconery is enrried for the piodiicliou throughout and a fine luiud is carried to advertise the attraction. County Clerk Coleman Certifies Real and Personal Finures ArjuCflatinu Larue Sum This Docs Not In elude Railroad Property, MR MAYOR Med ford Mall hrlrig results. Tribune want ads Ilaskiiis for health. County Clerk Coleman has certi fied to Ashland's municipal authori ties an assessed valuation, as equal ized by the county board, of .$2.7-10,-U)8 for the year 1910. This is on real and personal properly as re turned by the assessor. The foregoing, however, does not include railway road beds, rights- of way. rolling stock, depots and de pot grounds, telegraph and telephone lines, elect rie light and power plants, Tho nowly Incorporated town of Talent held Its first election of oily officers Monday, with tho followltiK result: Mayor, Marlon Tryor; recorder, J. T.orrlll; treasurer. James Donley; marshal, J. n! Manning; councllmen, John Lacy, John Itoblson, Thomas Hell nnd A. Alford. The merchant must never relax his anxiety to create buying opportuni ties for his lint rolls not one now and then, but mi endless chain' of them. which the state tax commission is vet to puss, the result of whose Hnd-. iugs will undoubtedly increase Ash land's valuation to beyond the ..!.-'ir-OO mark. H. B. PATTERSON The QUAKER NURSERYMAN HAS EVERYTHING IN THE NURSERY LINE PEARS, APPLES, CHERRIES, PEACHES, AP RICOTS. PRUNES; ALL KINDS OF NUT TREES ANO A FULL LINE OF FLOWERING SHRUBS, R03ES, ETC. A FINE LINE OF SHADE TREES. COME IN AND GET PRICES. I Office 116 Main Street Office-Phone 2381- Res. Phone 2493 R. F. GUERIN (& CO. 4 MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, Have a number of APPLICATIONS FOR FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS of from $500 to $3000 lo return investors 10 per cent tier annum. If you have money to loan it will pay you to investigate them ;: J. E. ENYART, President. J A. PERRY, Vico-Prosidont. :: JOHN S. ORTII, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON. Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 ;; SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES TORRENT. A GENERAL BANKING .; SUSJNESS TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. THE GOLDEN RULE ''''J''''-''N CLEAN ,.j l As we have staled before in our ads, we opened too late to secure the advantage of the pntirp sperm's spriw hemo wo v 2 I compelled to sacrifice to move goods quickly. We have made special sales on special articles at special times, and all have been f J entirely successful, Jut now we are going to inaugurate one GRAND CLEAN-UP SALE throughout our entire store, f Commencing Saturday, Deccember 10th, And Ending Saturday, Dec. 17th 7 Days Of Bargain-Giving I Days of Unprecedented Slashing and Slaughtering Ladies' and Misses' Suits Unspairingly Underpriced All suits worth from $18.50 CI 9 C to $21.50 Clean-up Price of P 1 -0 J All suits worth $22.50 to $30 j1 7 2 Clean-up Price of ... . PII3J Hosiery Values That Merit Patronage 15c childrens school hose, fast colors, heavy-ribbed; special this sale at 9q, Our Century hose for children is always bargain at 18c; 3 pairs for 50c 35c Lisle hose for children, linen heels and toes, always on sale at ... 25c Men's heavy cotton sox worth 15c, but in this Clean-up sale they go at 7c Super weight Burson hose at 25c Men's and Boys' Clothing Temptingly Priced Men's overcoats, the shower- (TO CZ proof kind, reg. $12.50 for P0.0 J Two big lots, 1910 Fall best styles, worth $16.50; these come CI 0 ETA in brown & gray mixtures P 1 u J U Just received, a nice shipment of dark colors; they go for below ffl: CA real values at low price of P 1 " JU Youths' 3-piece suits, long pants, sizes 2S to 34, Clean-uK price .... $4.35 Boys' all-wool Cassimere suits, two pairs of pants; ouk price . . . $5.00 o Men's gray diagonal Cassimere; a hum mer at the low price of ... . $6.95 Another Big Hat Bargain For The Ladies Not many left on our shelves and all must go Hats worth up to $5.00 priced $6.50 to $8.00, now must go CI At at 01. 7 J This m Season's Best Values, C? AD ijJ m J J Make Tlie Golden Rule headquarters for Christmas shopping Toys Games, Books, Dolls, etc. No trouble to show goods. We want you to feel at home. 'Send the children in. A List o! Acceptable Xmas Gifts Ladies'and Gents' Umbrellas, Gloves, il e.S,i f B-ags' Suspenders, Hand- uv..L,i0,uWIH-yi oonars, Slippers, etc rtm I s- " -j&mt PBWIwHPBIBBBBBHBHB(H f v 'smme iilty.a "" ""--- "-Tr-- " T'T'i- N " riMMWWMV4pNnWrWMflNpMiiinHff4H mmymtwmmtim9dfy$ " " " ''""' tmt i n"ti'" rVWwn