""- fe MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, 01?ElON, WTO AY. DECEMBER fl. 1910. NEW ADS TODAY. FOR SALE Surrey, nenrly new.l Call .125 E. Jackson st. 223 FOR SALE Limited iinmhcr pure bred Pohlnd Cliinn boars',' 3 nnd 1 months old, elijfihlo to go in the best herds nnd clicnp enough for Any farmer to buy. Berkeley Or chards, Geo. 'C. Osgood, mgr. Phone Fnrmers 703x3. tf WANTED A Rood reliable womun to do cooking nnd general house work. Address Mrs. Wilbur Jones, Jacksonville, or enll Phone 173 or 101. tf ; arc at the Malt Tribune office: I WANT Al. AXSWI3KS. I I ' . . i ' Answers nuuressed as follows i ; u. Deacon. c, D. i B. Uox 18G. : p. n. iiox 441. ;; '' E. 'j 3. :: i: w. iiox?.,. ;; nox ic. iiox co. ; : m. j. o. n 4. i: I nox 40. Vv.' c. m. : i N. IC. A. h. j; l T. S 1 Iiox 19. ;; :; Dox 70. j. b. :: ! Owner. 0. 3. '', C 12. C. E. W. !: O- 3. K. !; 2 Box no. I rrrrrrrrrrttttttttJ , ru uusiness onngers FOR HENT. Housekeeping ltooms. Medford Mail Trlbuno Want ads FOR KENT Furnished houses nn' rooms for housekeeping. Furnish ed rooms by the day '0e. up. Oregoi Rooming House, 414 North Front st. ' '234 WANTED To rent two or thro light housekeeping rooms, furnish od, close in; wanted by January 1. Answer W 3. Mail Tribune. 220 ?o Trade for Seattle Income Property Notice. I hureby give notice to real es tate agents that my property is off the market. DICK SHERWOOD. 225 SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Doc. !). Guy Lee, the Portland boxer, wh. mado a sensational debut here i week ago, will lmvo a chance tonight to win the foiir-rqunrt ehiimpinnshipj of the Pacific const when he meets Wlilic Ritchie, the kingpin of the lo- cnl four-round men. The imir nro '!n?,"s 'I , ,1,eiulli"ers of ,l,c ,T,,Ion' 56 acres. Fine im- jiniiiiii I'liiu ijuii. While the followers of the four roiind game here were very favorab ly impressed with the showing made by the Portland Ind in knocking out Tony Silva Inst week, they have not backed up their opinion with money, and Ritchie is a topheavy favorite in the betting. Eddie TInnon ' will referee the go. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms 4.") N. Bnrtlott st. 225 Furnished ltooms. y MttDKORD MARKI3TS.. (Prices paid by Medford merchants.) Potatoes $l.lfiQ"l.5 per cwt. Cabbage 2c. Squash 85c . Tomatoes 1 c. Parsnips' H-c. Carrots lV&c. B6ets l'c. Onions l'fcc. Pumpkins 8 12 &c. Apples 2c. Pears 1 2c. Prunes Dried, 4c. Celery 90c a dozen. 1 Butter, Eggs anil Poultry. (Prices paid by Medford irierchnnts.) Butter Fresh ranch, 32 c; creamery, 40c: Ekg8 Fronch ranch, 40c. Poultry Mixed, 10 014c; spring chickens, 14lCc; turkeys, 17c. (Prices paid producers.) Hay Timothy, $16: alfalfa, $14; grass, $14; grain hay, $10. Grain Wheat, $1.15 bushel; oats, $30 ton; barley, $32 ton. Beef J-Cows, 4.4Vc; steors, 5 G'ic. - ' ' Pork 7 A 8c. v Mutton 55c; lambs, Cc. Veal Dressed, 9c. : (Selling prlcos.) Boiled barley, $1.75 cwt, $32 ton; brain, $1.75; middlings, $1.851.90. For Rent Hoarding house, modern equip ment; toilet, bath, city wator, elec tric. 'lights, range and hot water heat er; located witahiu one block Medfoid depot. Impure Aldenhngen, Rogue River Eyectrio Co. FOR SALE 40 neres, $1250; 80 acres, $2500; 'l20 acres, .13750; terms, 3V miles to town. " 3111 acres, splendid soil, no waste, '3iuilqs to station, 70 acre elenr- ud, $85 per acre, teiuw. 8 acres, (I miles out, chicken ranch. $500, quick salo. 37 iicro Rearing orchard, 2 miles Talent, $8500. trems. 1C0' acres nicely located, close In, good buildings,, trade for city lots will make good sub-division. 20 1-2 acres, 2 miles out, 7 year Nowtowns and Bartletts, flno bun galow, barn, all toolB, trado for In comrf property. 31 acres, tinder ditch, fine pear and alfalfa land, 3 miles out, cleared and fenced; $250 per acre. 30 to 300 acres fine soil, 1 miles out; $175 per acre. 15 to 70 acres, all cleared, fine pear soil, $100 per acrq. Eagle Point. fJlTY PROPERTY Lot on paving, 50x200, $750. Modern bungalow, $500 will handle. 2? good city lots, $50. 2 close-in lots, $1100. 12 city lots, West Main section, $J300 will handle, cheapest buy in town. 4-rooiu bungalow, bath, pantry closo In,' $2100, terms. 2 rooming houses, under price quick sale. Fine lot Jn Siskiyou Heights , $400 off this week ouly. Lots in West Walnut Park, $275 to $350. easy terms. WANTED Girls for general housework. j Listings of city property nnd, ranches. provements; 40 ac. in bearing orchard, balance set to trees, 2-4 years old; less than 2 miles from city; price $55,000. ROGUE RIVER LAND CO. 11 N- CENTRAL AVE. MEDFORD, OR. FOR KENT Furnished mums Tor housekeeping. Furnished rooms tv tbo day 50c up. Oregon Rooming House. 414 North Front st. 231 FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, 405 South Oakdalo nve. 225 FOR RENT Two lanro connecting front rooms, fine for offices oi dressmaking parlors, upstairs, cen ter of town; $25 month. Phone (1202. T100 FOR RENT At the Cottage, pleas hi't, furnished rooms, with hot nnc cold running water; baths, largi sunny porches G04 W. 10th St. oi 124 King St. ' tf. llasklii3 lor Health. The old ideas about store adver tising die hnrd but they die, never theless. Store advertising nowadays has news valuo. FOR EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE For Medford property: 20 acres, unimproved, $2000; 10 neres, unimproved. $1000; 20 acres, unimproved, $1000; 18 acres, improved, $7500; 52 neres, improved, $11,000; .'10 acres, improved, $0000. Y T. York & Co. tf FOR EXCHANGE Seattle, choico residence, 9 rodms, modem; also lots in snino block, for Medford or chard tracts, some benring nnd some raw land up to $15,000; 1 want owners in this, no agents. Call at tbo Moore hotel for few days. 223 FOR EXCHANGE For Los Angeles property, one of tho finest small orchards in the Rogue River vnlloy; price $12,500; paid last year $3000 net; nn ideal home. Addres; "Lewis," enro Mail Tribune of fice. 229 -T FOR RENT Sunny furnished rooms, one block from postofficot board if desired. 2Q8 N. Central nve.. corner 5th st. 300 KOR RENT Nicely furnished room in privnto family, suitable for two gentlemen, with or without board. 345 N. Riverside. FOR RENT Furbished rooms foi transient at No. 10 N. Grape st.. next to Farmers' & Fruit Growers' hldg. FOR RENT Furnished large front room, suitable for two people, at 01!) N. Central. 223 FOR KENT Furnished rooms b. the day or week, nt 128 S. Holly. near City Park. 220 FOR RENT 15x10 furnished' front foom; fire place. Enquire Gregorys Studio. T- FOR RENT Front room, closo in 210 S. Central avo, or phono 2933 Inquire at Mail Tribune in morning or rcsjdcncu after 5 p. m. tf FOR KENT Furnished' bedroom gentleman only. 339 N. Front st. 231 TO RENT Two now sleeping rooms $2 per week. 020 S. Newtown. 221 FOR- RENT Nicely furnished room, 203 Oleson st. Phono Main 4474. ' Hoard ami Koont. FOR EXCHANGE One Edison Standard phonograph with 150 ico ords; plays both standard nnd Am berol records. Will exchange for irood organ or best offer. Writo F. II. Chamberlain, Talent Ore uon. 220 FOR EXCHANGE. Miscellaneous. TO TRADE New fl-room modem houso with now furniture; tako lot and some ensh in part payment, terms. Moor-EImi Co.. 212 Fruit growers' Hank hldg. Phono 001. tf FOR EXCHANGE Medford and suburban property, ranches, timber lauds, for other property. Address Box 199. care Mail Tribune. tf iWILL TRADE a good team of mules 4 years old for first class tenin oi work hore-.. Address W. II. Ali ning, Talent, Ore. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE MlHccllaneoiis. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Fino modern homo' in San Hose, Cul for ' salo or e.eliange for property in or near Medford. Address 510 East Main st., Medford, Or. 227 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Five pnssenger 4-cylinder touring auto mobile. Address Box 200, care Mall Tribuno office. tf HOARD with room, $0 par wnok, meals served family style, home cooking. 440 S. Evergrcon st., cor. 12th, on Southern Pacific traok.23 1 FIRST.CLASS BOARD nnd room b tho day or week, family style; reas onable prices. 90(1 E. Main. 223 PRIVATE HOARD AND ROOM nl 402 S. Central nve. Mrs. C. H Hart. llouwen. FOR RENT 5-room furnished bun galow, $30 per month. 820 Ben nett ave., East Medford. Apply at Edmcadcs Bros.' shoo store. tf FOR RENT 7-room furnished honsc. 145 N. Ivvst. 223 HusIiicsj ItooiiM FOR RENT Offieo rooms in Eleo trio building, modem equipment, steam boat, electric light, Laths. toilet, hot and coil water. Gold Rav Realty Co.. 210 W. Maiu st. If FOR RENT Business room on W. Main st., 24x140, suitablo fo res taurant or billiard room or other business, steam boat. Gold Ruj Realty Co.. 210 W. Main st. tf FOR RENT Office rooms, $4 each per mouth, in Hostel's modem block nt Central Point. Or. 237 FOR SALE. Ileal Estate. FOR RENT Largo office rooms, m suite if desired. Gregory's Studio block. FOR RENT OiTlco over poatofflcc. Seo A. A. Davis. FOR SALE OR RENT. Jf you had never been inside nnv store in this city you would be able to decide where to go by rending tho Business Property. FOR LEASE Miscellaneous. FOR SALE OR RENT-8-room houso at 700 S. Oakdalu ave., newly painted and decorated, cement basement; will sell at n bargain vith best of terms; monthly pay ments if desired. Harry II. Tiittle, Park ave., immediately back of the above house. Phono 71. If F"OR LEASE Fishing, hunting,, boating and bathing resort, 1 rinunre miles body of water, on F0R SALe OR RENT-Good open- . railroad, within 12 miles of Med ford. Addresa Box 201, care Mail1 Tribune. tf FOR LEASK Fully equipped placer mine. Call on Aldenhcson. Rogue i Illver Electric Co., 21C VM Main. tf ing for general merchandise store in now town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on ruilrond, 12 miles from Medford. Gold Ray Realty Co, 200 W Main. tf. FOR SALE Ten days only, nea lVfc acre, well improved place at south oast corner of Central Point school troundsj'half cash or trade; tools, hay, wood, chickens, etc., for $2000; cost of improvements; clear abstract; reason for selling, am sinclo; also 3-h. p. woodsaw outfit, first elnss, cheap. Address Owner. Box 380. 223 FOR SALE Houses and lots in nil parts of the city to suit any purse. Mr. llomesceker: Houso hunting is no pleasant task. The problem of being suited is perplexing. Let us solve it for you. ' LANDQUIST, JOHNSON & LILIUS, INC. St. Mark's block. tf Itusliicss rrojierty. FOR SALE Choico business prop erly nt a bnrgain, on long time; easy terms. Address Condor Wa ter Powor Co. Ixitti. FOR SALE Hillview Addition now on the market, large lots, highe.il in locntion, lowest in price; close m pavement on W. Second st. Seo Humphroy; he will prove it to be the best for the money. Office room 3, Atkins block. Phone 5001. - 224 FOR SALE Ono' good lot, close in. cheap, easy tonns. Inquire at 210 Court st.; must sell at once. 225 Acreage. FOR SALE A snap. Ono ncro level ground, 32 young apple trees, choico strawberries, all kinds small fruit, city wntor, fl room plastered bunga low, best garden spot in Ashland. Call or address R. Rouso, 100 Calif, st.. Ashland, Ore. 220 FORxSALE In and around the thriving, just iueoiimratcd city of Talent, Jackson county, Oregon, valuable, fertile alfalfa and fruit lands; as tho largo farms are all being gobbled up, enmo to mo on the cars (or write, inclosing stumps) ; splendid orchards, too; 1' have trncts from 10 "acres to 280 neres; climate mild, plenty of good wa ter; Medford aijd Ashland arc thriving cities, but don't let the agents stop you thero until you seo what Talent bus; if you invest hero your properly will increase in value and you will bo in a "dry" town and sou no drunkenness; a town of schools and churches. Ly man N. Judd,. Roberts hldg., Talent, Or. 225 FOR SALE 5 and 10-aoro traots just within and adjoining city lim its, nt a bargain, on 5 minimi pay ments. Address Condor Water Power Coj FOR 'SALE -5, 10 and 20-ncrc tracts with perpetual water right for salt) on easy payment plan. Roguelands Incorporated, Fred N. Cimuniiigs, manager. If TOR SALE 14 acres, 10 acres planted to pears, one mile from Central Point, $225 pur acre. W. T. York & Co. tf Houses. FOR SALE Largo modem house with south and east front, 113 feel front on paved street, by 181 feet long, nicely improved grounds; ev erything strictly modern; reason for selling, lady of houso needs a change of climate; this place U suitable for nice homo or first- class rooming houso; easy terms to right party. Seo tho Jackson County Realty Co., 004 West Tenth st. We also have large nnd small tracts of improved and unimprov ed orchard lands. ' tf FOR SALE. t llones. FOR SALE TJuce-room house, largo lot, good soil, good fensc, cttv water, good well; $950, terms. Box 522. Medford. . 227 Business Property. FOR SALE Third floor of Adkins hldg., formerly u.ed by Oddfellows. Apply to 1). F. Day, Frank Wilson or J. II. Wood. tf FOR SALE Chcnp, confectionary store, doing the best business in Medford; good locution. Address P. O. Box 455. Medford. 220 Miscellaneous. WANT ads bring results. FOR SALE Furniture, of 0-room houso at less llinn half price, con sisting in part of leathor and weathered oak dining room and liv ing room furniture, Wilton rugs, brass beds, silk floss mattresses, Monarch range, Havilnnd dishes, etc.; all praotioully now. Phone Main 4401. FOR SALE Placer chum, (10 acres, ditch, reservoirs, small houso, goo I laud; Jackson villa B nii'es; prieu right. Address V. A Springford, Jacksonville, Or. 21'J FOR SALE Pure Jersey cow, just fresh, and heifer call. Call morn ings or evenings. Searle, 23 Roose velt ave. N. 225 FOR SALE Phono your order IW ClirUtuiim trees 'or iiUpiiro. J. S. Carroll, 329 N. Riverside or phone Mnin 32. 229 F,OR SALE Hudson louring enr, practically new. Will trade for real estate. Address L. L. Midit, Ashland, Ore. 225 FOR SALE Exceptional bargain; 1910 Chnlmers Dotroit "30." Sec Ira J. Dodge, Fruitgrowers' Bunk hldg. tf FOR HALE- Driving leain, buggy and harness, inquire J. S. Orlh. Medford National bank. 231 FOR SALE A small lot of furni ture nnd houso for rent at $11.50. Inituiie 019 N. Cent Ail. 223 FOR SALE Team mules, medium size. John Norris, Midvalo ranch, 2 miles west Mfrdford. 231 FOR SALE Gasoline engine, nl most new, 4-horsepower. Dr. Helms, N. Grape st. 227 FOR SALE Upright boilur, 4-h. p.. used 10 monthrt, $75. Inquire Vnl ley Auto Co. 223 FOR SALE Moving picture hIiot. Innuiro at Opera house, Central Point, Or. 227 FOR SALE Good cow. Inquire of August D. Singler. Phone Farmer 7203. 228 FOR SALE Buggv, good as new, cheap. 230 North Ivy St. 300 WANTED. 'H Housekeeping ltooms. WANTED-Smnll familv wi-hes lo rent furnished two or three rooms for light housekeeping or small modern bungalow. Address M., care Mail Tribuno office. ' Houses. WANTED fi-room modern bunga low, $500 down nnd monthly pay ments. Phone 4141. 220 Arrengo, WANTED To lent, with option to buy, siiialf place near Medford, suit able for raising poultry, etc. Ad dress F. It.. Mail Tribune. 225 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE A completely furnish; bungalow, G rooms and bath, sleep ing porch, ccieened back porch, popular residence section, paved slieot, fully paid; price $4000, etrms; party Icawng for California is anxious for quick salo. Rogue River Orchard Laud Co., 30 Front st. North. tf FOR SALE An artistic bungalow, 0 rooms mid bath, complete with shades ai.d screens, reduced from $1200 to $3800; sonts, bookcases, buffet, two fireplaces, bcum ceil ing, etc.; well built. Chas. D. Colby. 01(1 W. 10th st. f FOR SALE -House and Jot, (13 x 108 feet, on W. Second; price $375, terms; von' small monthly pay ments, no iutereHt. Humphrey room 3, Aitkin block. Phone: Office. 5001; leiddeiiue 3902. 221 WANTED-Ouo or two down Rhode Island red pullots or year old hoiu, thoroughbreds. P. O. Box 88, Mod ford. Tel. 3902. 322. WANTED Four mules; must be sound and used to working on an r.rcbard. Address "Mules," (tare Mail Tribuno. 235 WANTED -To board liorseK for cither long or short lime. Geo. Hil ton, Central Point, Or., R. F. I). No. 1. ' 227 WANTED -To buy second-hand pump anil hoiiiii extra pipe. Ad dnws IC. care Mail ' Tribuno of fice. 224 WANTED -Good, clea cotton rags at the .Mail Tribune office. f HELP WANTED. FOR SALE. F8R. REHT. I Heal IJ.IaU Parou. FOR RENT arms from 40 acres to 400 acres, nlttalfa laud, fruit ranches, garden lands, general I fanning ranches. Gold Ray Realty Room 206, Taylor & Pliipps Blllfl. Co.. 210 West Main. If E. F. 1. BITTNEI FOR KALE -Will sell or build for right pnrtv: have fine location for store sight on ono of main thor- oughfures; no competition; good opuning for drug, meat, grocery or nnv store Addrei Mail Tribune. FOR SALE A 0-room modern bun galow, close in, with built-in buf fet, chiffonier and vubiuct kitchen, will sell for com), as business calls me east. Phone 4701. 220 FOR SALE-New bungalow, nil modern, fireplace, 0 largo rooms, with bath and closet ; shoot order ed pa?cd, three blocks from cll park. Addrc Box 001. 227 FOR SALE 6-room modem bunga low, furnished complete at $3,000; Box 8, wire of $1,200 handles this. Address Box 301 j 70. care Mail Tribuno office, COL Help Waulciltf-Miile. WANTED Salesmen in every local ity of the noithwest; moiioy ad vanced weekly; iuany6mako over $1000 month; choice of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top penlsh, Wash. HELP WANTED. .Help Wanted Fxmiale. WANTED Girl Tor general house work; wacos $1 por day. Call at 21 C V. Main st. JLL ' dltunttousTvnnteil. WANTED-Man would like posi tion on ranch. Address II, care Mail Tribuno office. 223 Physicians amj SwrgeoiH. I 1 fc Attorneys. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers, Tnim btiildin. ' WANTED Nursing by Mrs. K. Mo Reynolds. Call at 329 N. Rfvorsido nve.. or phono Main 32. POSITION By Indy us housekeeper with elderly people. Address P. O. Box 77(1. 22 1 WANTED All "kinds of sowing at 412 S Laurel. 227 WANTED Dressmaking. Address Mrs. Fioldor, W. Wnlnut Park. 234 PERSONAL. WILL the lady who called at 3111 N Bnrtlett Wednesday aftornoon in regard to a situation call again f BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Nursery Products THE OREGON NURSERY products nro all one-year bud on 3-ycnr roots; representative offieo now in Medford; can supply npplo, pear and walnut trees on short uotico; nil guaranteed in ovory respect; ranch ers, wrilo us of your needs; Will ho glnd to quoto you prices. Notice. NOTICE After November 1st my olllco will bo in rooms 21 i and 212 nrnoll Coiey hldg., phono 2071; residence 313 Laurel st., phone 2092, R. W. Biennis. M. D. tf Aaskyor. ASSAYER Earl V. Ingols, B. S. 'Best cbruIppod nssny offieo in' Ore gon. Established fivo years. Ao ournto results gunrnutcod. Grants Pnsn. Ore. 205 Collections ACCOUNTS colleoted in nny part of Mho world. No chnrgo if not col lected. Pncillo Collecting Co., 33 Jackson Co. Bunk hldg. Fidelity anil .Surety llouiK L. L. SMALL, bonds of all kinds in the best companies. 33 Jackson Co. Bank hldg. Btonogmpbera. ELLA M. QUANYAW-Palm Block &tcnoraphta work done qaioklj and well. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 402 'Garnelt, Corey building, West Side. 245 Millard Parlors. S, T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, C gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, ouiig & IIr.ll building. A nice, cool placo to spend tho hot' aftor-noous. Nuisorlcti. QUAKER NURSERIES--Our trees nro budded, not grnfted. Our stock is not irrigated. Wo gunranteo ev erything put out. Wo lira not in the' trust.' II. B. Pnttorson, office removed to 110 10. Main st. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., iuo.Growers of high grndo nursery stock. Offieo 25 W, Main. Tel. 3201, Tin Hliops. J. A. Smith Tin shop. Tin and shoot iron wnro on hand and mado to order. 328 North O st. Read . Cigars and Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE. SmokehoiiBo Dealors in tobacco, cigars and amorcks' supplies. Exclusive agents of Lowis Kinglfl Binder, El Mcritt and El Pnloncin. 212 Wost Mam street. Union. CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1810 Moots at Smith's hall, 128 North Grapo street, ovory Thurs day evening promptly at U o'clock. All journeymen carpenters, as well as local members, urged to bo pres ent. BiiHiiicss of "vital interest to till carpenters transacted at those meetings. J. J. Son), business agt. NoFirryPuLlTc7 NOTARY PUBLIC-Room 207, Philips hldg. A. E. REAMES Lnwyor, Garnotl Corey bldg. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P.'mIa" LEY Attorneys-al-iaw. 1) street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L Rooraesi ilawyeVa.' Of fice Medford National Bank build ing, second floor. Painters and Papet bangers. II. G. DEAN, O. P. M'MULLEN Phono 3732. Dean & MoMullao, contraotipg painters, painting, pa per hanging and tinting. Estimates on all kinds of painting worK. Medford, Ora. ' DECORATE your tinted w11b with stencil borders by A. Risdon, paint er, decorator nild poporhntiger, No, 5 E, 3d si., Medford. NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE window xnnd duo signs pht nit chenily, o Myers & HolmoS 'winfftfws. Box 821 ' '' 222 -T-T Photographers. HAVE your Xiuns photos innda by Mitckey if you want somothWig to please. ' Hill Pooler, VERNE T, CANON Bill pester asd Distributor. All ordera" promptly filled. Room 29, Ja'ckeoa County Bank building, 'Modfonj;' Or. Architect. JOHNS & TURNER. Architects and Builders. Office 7-8, 325 Main. Phono Mnin 3473. Residence phone 74 1. Printers uutl l'ublkitiera. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. baa the host equipped job office in South ern .Oregon; Pqrtlaud prices. ''S" 'South' Central nVon'ue.' ' " DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. Office 21(1 E. Main st., oyer Ilns v kins' drug storo. Phono "Mnin. 1001. PKS. CONROY & CLANCYPhv siciaiiH uud surgeons, Taylor and Phipps hldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offieo phono 001, residence phono (1 12. Offieo hours 9 n. m. to' 8 p1. in. DR. -F. G. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to Rooms Milt and 4J7. Garnotl-Coroy bldg, Phoim Mnin (1351. DR. E. II. PORT.ER Discasos of women a specialty. Rooms 5, (I, i 8. St. Mnrk'ii hldg., Medford, Or, Phones: Office 4901, rosldomfu 4951. DR. CLARK E. SAUtfDERS Praa liou limited to discancfl of tho 'eye,' car, niuio uud lliroak Office 21(1, E. Main St., over Medford Hard--' ware Co. ' DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE-Offico . in Rialtu bldg., 123 E. Main, pas lulmipistorod for extraction of teeth. Telephone Main 081, Night phono 4432. ' DR. W. W. WICK-Homeopathui physician; residence 203 Olson st!, phono Alain 4474; office, rooms 3 and 4 St. Mark's block, phono Main 1871. DR. STEARNS-Pbysieian nnd sur geon. Offieo Gurnctt-Coroy bldg., rooms 211-212, phomr 1092. Rosl- dencu 113 Laurel st., phono 2092. W. A. LOVELACE -Contractor and practical builder; estimates free; patrouago appreciated. 325 South Almond st. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD Practice limited to diseases of wo men. Offieo Ilaskiua bldg. Phono Main 1001. NOTARY PUBLIG-Mail Tribune office-.. (Jranllo Works. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 210 W. Main St., manufacturers and den! era in gmoiiumoutal and buildiu granite, crushed granito common brick and pressed brick, course and fine washed river snud. WANTED-A firnt-olns Japance boy for Inflow nrk, 2 in family nn.l good wages. Apply mornings 219 N. Oak.Talc. k tf WANTED A proofreader; mut be first olaiM. AddrosM 11. M. P., Mail Tribune offieo. U27 Help Wanted Female, WANTEI)---Good, capable woman to help do Uitoheu work, can sleep ( home. 310 N Bartlett. PAUL & WOLFF soil sand and foun dation gravel; all orders promptly delivered. Phono 4721 and 1213 Main. MEDFORD BRICK CO.-Oeo, w. Priddy, O. ' D. Naglo, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brijk; dealers In pressed brick nnd limn. Office in (larnctt-C'oroy block, room 401, 4ti floor. Phono No. 3181. Uncli'itiilfei. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO.-Uu-deitakern. Day phono 351. Night phones: ( W Conklin 3(101; J. K Butler 3571; John A. Peri 4UI. DR. STEPHENSON fits glasses lo ((orreet any defect of tho oyo, Of fice over Allen & Reagan's. Phono Main 1851. Dr. W. M. Van Scoyoc. Dr. C. C. Van Scoyoc; Dentists. Fruitgroiiors Bank bldg., Medford, Or. . Phono 3072. Furniture, NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS - James A. McKenr.io, dealor in now uud second-hand furniture, bard wnro, clothing, boots and shoes. Highest cash prices paid for b9od eiistoff clothing. Call and seo mu when you have something to sell. 103 8. Cen trill. II. F. WIUSON & CO.. dealers in novj ami second-hand furnititto nud hardware. Agents for Housoi hold stoves and ranges. 10 South Fir street. Phono Main 3101. ' .MISSION FURNITURE WORKS- Corner Bill nnd Holly streets, Med ford. Mihmioii fuinituio mado ' to order. Cabinet work of all kinds, A tilul order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLF.F Cookstovos and ranges. New nudtecuud.liiind furniture;1 Kails' old stand, 38 W. V st . South. Phono 01, Medford. M lSr"i I""! Y. J $ ..$ 4