6- MEDFORD MAIL TRTB tTNMIDDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DTSOKMBISK 0, 1910: n "1 EGGLESTON 10 PRATiCE LAW Refuses to Be C?ntlh!alc for Mayor or Recorder Will Ask Admission to Bar ns Soon ns Legislature Adjourns. LEGAL NOTICES. LEGAL NOTICES. ASHLAND. Or.. Don. !). Ul,ty lie- cortlcr hRclcqtoii lilts Ijofen Importim t'd many times to run for mayor. Ho (Icollnun to run oltlior for mayor or city recorder. Ho will upend 10 days at Salem an rpjircscntatlvo from .Tncli- hoii comity and after tho IcRlslaturu adJonriiH will appear boforo tho nti promo court and make application for ndmhulon to tho liar. Ho lnteud to open an office in Atdiland and prac tice law. On account of his famll. larlty with municipal law and thai fact that tho city will need nn atlor ney after ho rctlrcn from tho rccord- uiRhlp, lie will Rive tho city council niropportunlty to appoint 1ilm to that position or do (ho work of tho city in finch other manner an the officials may see ;'.l. HAUVBY IJ. SMITH, V. C. UINGKIt, KAUI, UMUCil. W. A. SCHWA HZ, I. C. POOL. II. U. WOODS, A. II. ZIMMKKMAN, (JUS IlOSKNIltillG, JOHN M. FOSTKJl, A. C. HOWIiBTT, I II. DAILY, .1. V. SMITH, I). II. DBBTBIl, II. V. McDONOUOH, K. M. STBVAM .1. W. JONBS.' MAY II. JOHNSON. T. D. MtOLBLLAND, W. STlI(DAC(JN, j. ii. comrun, CI I AS. B. HICB, It. A. PUASBIt. S. H. HAItNISHj WM. W. I. HOLT, V. II. DROWN, A M. LAMMBY, C. S. I'AINTBU. H. O. OHILDItBTH, T. 1 IIOLZ. O. A. 1IACON. S. II. SPIKKft. nine (U) and ten (10), and also Uommenclng at the south corner of I lot eleven fll) and rumiliiK thence ' nui Hi 30 dparees .".0 minutes west slxty-flvo foot; thonco north lil ile igrees 30 mlnutos east to the north easterly line of lot 13; thonco south 28 desreos diet on said northeasterly lino of said lot 13 to the caot corner of said lot 13; thonco south 8 I do Igrees 30 minutes west SI foot, more I or lesi, to the placo of commence ment, all of wild promises being lo- ontnd In bloc'c two of the town (now jolty) of Slodfoid, excoplliiB and re serving thorofrom tho following des cribed portion of said premises, to-1 wit: Iloglnnlnrr at tho aouthcast ror- iter of said bloc), two and running thunco south 54 (1 ok rues fi8 minutes west along tho southerly lino of said block two 45.77 feet; llion o north 35 decrees 5 minutes west parallel with "II" Ktreot 05 foet, thenco north LEGAL NOTICES. LEGAL NOTICES. 54 degreea 58 minutes cast parol!el( showing envse why such application with Seventh street 54.23 feet to tho ijlinll not be granted, tho same will wost lino of Kl'ursldo avenno 05.55 I be taken as confesnefl and a decree feet to tho placo of beginning. will bo entered according to tho vs. Martha L. TIce, Samuel L. SiionH CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. NOTICC from J ' Grape cor, Kriiiik Luelleu and nil "limn it may eoneorn: TAKE NOTICB That on the 23d day of November. 11)10, nn npplictttlou was filed by tho above naniort James Hitter and J. W. Ilakor in tho circuit court of the stato of Okv?oii for tho county of lackson, for tho Initial registration of the title to tho above described lands. prayer of th applicants and you will bo forever baucd from disputing tho sai me. (Signed) V. It. COLEMAN, Clerk or tho Circuit Court. (Seal of Circuit Court) NEW & MBALEY, Attorneys for Applicant. Rend in December Surfs'ct Magazine. I , "San Francisco, .the Exposition 1 Citv." simerblv illustrated in four Now unless you appo u on or before coIol.Kt Now 8aic ftj ,ewH. the 31st day of December, 1U10 stands, 15 cents. In V rf'Irzzs-i'is ir Sr'Z-r SKIN AND SWAM' TltOl'IILIW YIKMI TO ZUMO. Kv. A (j'leuii Liquid rivmrnlloii for Icriial I'm. I laHkliiH drug store Is so confident that ZBMO will rid the skin or cnlp of Infant or e,rowii person of plmploR, blnqkhends, dandruff, eczema, prick ly heat, rashes, hives, Ivy poison or niy other form of skin or scalp erup tion, that they will give your money back If you aro not entirely satisfied with the results obtained from the ubo of KBMO. Tho first application will give prompt relief and show an Improve ment and In every Instance where used persistently, will destroy the germ life, leaving tho skin In a clean, healthy condition. Let us show you proof of winio re markable euros made by ZEMO mid give you a 32-page booklet how to prosorvo tho skin. Hnsklns' drug store. SUMMONS, the circuit colurt of the state of Oregon for tho county of Jnckson. I). J, S. Pen red and Moyd rcarco, plaintiffs, vs, Win. A. Itamcay and tho Oregon Placer Mines Co., defend onls. , To Win. A, Itnmsay and the Ore gon Placer Mines Company, tho abovo named defcudante: In (he namo of tho state of Ore gon: You, ana each or you, aio here uy ic(uliod to appcer In tho abovo mimed court and p.nswer to tho com plaint of tho plaintiffs on fllo there in against you. within six weohs after tho date of tho first puh.icatlon of this summons, or vlthln six weoks after tho dato of sorvlco of a copy of this summons nnd tho complaint herein upon you personally outside of tho state of Oregon; If iiorvlco be nlftdo In tho last linmod maimer, six rtrnd 2c. for tA "The Care of tho Hair ind weekR IioIiil' dm limn flxoil liv the Bkln.'M'hllolIaySprc.Co.. Newark, LN.J.,U.S.A. nbovo named court In Its order for fine! lintilc. at dmnn sorvlco of the. summons heioln by publication within which the defend ant Is required to nr.htver Bald com plaint, which order for publication JSt it; 'jS&SW Premature Grayncss I an unnatural dlifigurcment and a i handicap In social and bualnen life. Those who care for their personal np- i pearance, use HAY'S HAIR HEALTH, j It removes ell traces of groynes by re- luring iiic unir iu us naiurui cuiui uocu succetsfully when all others fail. IS NOT A IJYU. Land For Sale Fertile fruit nnd alfalfa land in small and large tracts. Cleaved and uncleared. Terms and price reasonable. Address Box i6, Tolo, Oregon West Jnckfron street street to vuvst lioiiuary. . West Second street from Oalulalo incline to nest boundary. Olson street from West Fourth street to West Second street. , w Clink street from- Nnrrogan street Vtcst All iiersous owning nropetty on the fidloulug named sliccts who ap plied to pay their water inalii assess incuts under the bonding net uro here by notified that the second tmxnieiit is now due nnd payable at tho office t0 "c,t houndnry. ..r ii... uv ......v..,-... ,.i ,.,. South Newton stiret from Main street to west J'.igiun sircei. Nnrregnn sttx-et from Jackson street running noitli. Orange street, South, from West Main street to West Kightli street. No other notice than this will ,lin given nnd there is n fifteen-day limit West Mnln street from Laurel Mtrect to nest corporation boundary.1 Summit ncnuo from West Main street to West Fourth street. , Iloss court from West Mnln street i to West Fourth street. Itosc avenue from West Main street ,, ,K.S0 payments, after, which tho to West Fourth htieet. Peach street, North, from West .Main street to West Fourth street. same become delinquent. 222 Ii. L. .ACOIJS, City Treasurer. 51 and EOc. bottles, at druggists Let Us FUEL FAMINE. bears tho dato of November 7, 1910, If you fail to nuawcr said com plaint within tho tlmo aforeaald tliej ., . Plaintiffs will apply to tho court for hllv' von .10 per cent of your fuel tho relief demanded In said com- We will install on your stovu u daiu plnlnl, n succinct ntateiient of which ,0r that we LMinranten In wn-n vm.i If tho railroad men sliould go on a slrlko on tho 10th there would bo a fuel famine In Medfnrd lusldu of a week. You luu better got a few tons of coal whllo you can. Throo cars now hero. So or phono Ilurbrldge, tho drnymati. ' 2.10 llasklns for health. LEGAL NOTICES. I'KTITION I-'Olt IXCOUPOUATION. in tho county court of tho state of Oregon for the county of JackBon. In the matter of the Incorporation of tho Town yf Eagle Point, Jackson county. O logon. To tho Honorable County Com t of Jackson county, Oiegou: We, the undersigned, duly quali fied ulet-torH of the county of Jack sou and statu of Oregon, nnd resi dents within tho territory herein descilbed, desiring to effect the In corporation of said territory undei nnd by vlitue of the prnNlslnus of chapter I. of title XXVII, Helllnger and Cotton's Annotated Codes of Oiegon, respect full) pray the court for an mder Incorporating the Town of Eagle Point, Oregon, Into a inn nlclpal rorpointlnu, to be known and designated ns the Town of Eagle J'olnl That the teirltory which we piav to have set off and formed Into a uiunlelpnl lorpnrutlmi lioiclu re fi'ircil to h situated within the conn l of Jackson and state of Oiegon, and tho boundaileti theieof aie des Olhod as follows: lliiKlnnlug at the noithe.tst corner of tho T. Cameion donation laud ilitlin. No. 16, In section .1, township at! south, rango t wost Willamette meildlau, lliiutue south St) degieeH. s miuutim wost 1BII!I feet nlong the not Ih line of tlia mIi T. Cameion donation laud elalm to an Intersec tion with the renter Uim of the track of tho Pacific and Eastern Itiillrond Co.; thence south It) degiees 20 min utes west 2210.5 feet along center Hue of wild railroad track to the Y 1. of the cunn south of the said compnnv'M depot thence ftnm haUI P I. of mine south III degrees 12 mlnutos wost 1500 feet nlong centei line of wild railtoad track, theme south 2 1 degrees So in I unlet, twut Mil. 7 feet; tlieuce wiuth 21 deKieM '7 minutes uast 730 2 feet across l.lttlo llutte creek at Fivers ford, thence noith 5-1 dugreo It mliHium oast -ltilS.fi feet, thence north 1670 s feet, tlnMtoo west 971 S feet to the place of beginning. ronsbitlnK of all lots, hlooKs, streets, ullayuavM hihI parcels of laud within Uie hIhivk dw cribed dlsflct, ami iiIiki miulstlui; of all right of vva of wild Pacific und ISnHtoru Kallroad Co Uihk sd jacunt and wmiwad of miIU itutrr line of sutd coin pain's track And that the number of tnhabl tuts of kalil terrltor) Is mort limit one hundrwl and fifty (15o and that the number theieof Is s uearb as may he oatiiiiutml 260. WM. VON DISK IIMl-hEN. S, II. HOUMrl. lS NICHOLS? M. J. HIIO'N. It. O. IlltOWN. J, l IlltOWN. a AJtUHItT MeNETTON. IJBNItY DALHY. Q. D. WUIOHT. A. J. PI.ORHY. M. a WOODS. o HOY ASH POU8, JUIUS' WATKINW. u OHAtJ D 1.0 YD. relief Is as follows: That tho contract mnrked Exhibit "A," nnd mndo n part of thn enm plalnt und which bears the dato of tho 10th day of November, 1000, nnd which contract wiib for tho purchase of certain mining claims, known ns tho Pearco Placor Minos, situated In township thiity-olght south, range three CD west, In Jackson county. Oregon, more particularly described In the said complaint, nnd tho rights of tho defendants nnd ench thereof, thereunder bo foreclosed, together with such other nnd further relief as the court may deem just and equit able. NEFF & MBALEY. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Dato for tho first publication of this summons iu November 11, 1910., If thoro'H u prospect that tho nrtl- elo advertised "for salo" today might ho what on want, go and see It. i tucl anil pi elect vour nunns I nun ovoilicut nnd give you u iiinfoini heat. SAFETY ECONOMY DAMPER CO., Ill) Hheilock Hid;;.. Portland. .JOHN J!. WIMTJH. Ifeprcseiilntive lor iMcill'urd 15 Sonlh llnrllclt Hlreet, Mrs. Tu- lor'n Ihiurdiug House. Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, coUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. 208 FRUITGROWERS BANK BUILDING. Special School Meeting Notice is hereby given to tho legal voters of School District No. 10 of Jnckson county, state of Oregon, that n special school meeting of (lie said district will he held at High School Building on the 7tli clny of December, 1010, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for the follow ing object: To levy a special tax. Dated this 2Cth day of Novetnbor, 1910. Attest: ORIS CHAWFOHD, District Clerk. J. E. WAIT, Chnirmuii Hoard of Directors. PHONE 3231. i !L Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinory. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. CLEHK'H NOTICE. In the circuit court rf tho grate of Oregon In nnd for tho county of Jack son. In tho matter of tho application of Unto .McAndrovv, as executrix of tho i estnto of James Orrr, docaced, to register title lo tho following des cribed real proporty sltunted In Jack son county, Oregon, tn-wlt: neglunlug at tlio northwest renter of donation laud chum number fifty two (02), township thirty-seven (.'17) south, I ango ouo ( 1) west of tho Wil inmotto merldlnn; thence north 1.18.5 feet to the south lino of section twon-' ty (20) In said township : nd range; , thenco west on tho south Hue of Raid ' section twenty (20) 125.0 feet to tho southwest coiner of said section; thence north on the west line of said section twenty (20) OKii.S foet j thence cast 1S90.R feet to the west Hue of the courty road; theuro south on tho west lleo of wild county road I 102::,! feet to the noitli lino or do nation laud elalm number fPty-two (51!); the-'ce west on said north lino of h:v Id donation land claim JITf' feet; thenco north 1 10. 8 feet; thenco vv st 308.1 feot; thenco soul' -ltd S foet to tho north lino of said dona tion land claim number fifty-two (52); tho'ico west on snld north lino of said domMlou laud claim S80 0 feot to tho place of beginning, con taining 3S. I1.) rtros more or lens, vs. ' Queen Anru Addl'lon. Incorneiat ud, Jackson County, It. P. l.lttlo, and , nil whom It mry couocrn. defendants j TAKE NOTICE. That on tl.o 20th day of October, A D. 1010, ui, amended appllontloit was filed by tho said Kato MeAnt'rovv as executrix of tho estate of Jnme Car', doeonsul. In tho'e'rciilt court of Jnckson eouply, Oregon, for the ini tial registration of tho title of the land abovo dcterlbed. Now, unless you appear nnd un swor on or before tho 22d day of No vnmhor, A. 1). 1010, and show cause why kiioh .Miuiudod application should not bo grnutud. tho same will bo tak en s confwiM'd, and a deoroo vvll b entered according to tho prayer ol the application, and ou will bo for war Iwrrotl from disputing too same Wltuuis my hand sud tho seal of tho court krto nfflxixl this SOth day of Octobor. A. D. 1010. Thn d:il of tl o first publication OitMs nonce I October 3Ut. 1910 ' W It. COI.KMAN. J Couuty Clerk of Jackson County tad x-Offlclo Clerk of tho Circuit Court. , MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDINGV ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. Pure Clear Sparkling You enn't afford to no without (hia splendid, refreshing drink. Tall up nnd order ii case soul to the hotun. Tho purest, most hcalllit'iil drink. known is SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, Afjcnt. The Famous IZ&rfb 1 lit luUllljJ Willi ISlUUdZU lilgltl should always be used where several people sit, because it does not strain the eyes of those sitting far from it. The Rayo Lamp Is constructed to give the maximum diffused white light. Every detail that Increases Its light-giving value has been included. The Rayo Is a low-prlccd lamp. Vou may pay $5, S 10 or even $20 for other lamps and get a moro expensive container but you cannot get a nettcr ugnt man inc itityu gives. This season's Rayo has a pew and strength ened burner. A strong, durable shade-holder keeps the shade on llrm and true. Easy to keep polished, as it is nude of solid brass, finished in nickel. Once a Rayo User, Always One. i Ditltrt Eitnwhtrt. If Ml at yours, unit br dtxnptti umtjr to tht Hartst aitMcy cjtki Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) n O i jyi.jyf'T"''!" TIMBER LANDS WANTED List with us what you have for sale. Timber cruising and estimates furnitshed. HARRIS TIMBER LAND COMPY 208 FRUITGROWERS BANK BLDG-, MEDFORD, OREGON. - r -- Cluni.iiiU'cd l!ouc-.t anil Helmble Messenger-. Tun und I'm knge Dchvety a Specially. Medford Messenger Service l mler New Management. PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE. All siu.ill p.m.'l- oi mi -.s.ijtcs, dlivticd live lilmk-i or timlei 10 Ovi'i tiv blocks and iiiidci t u , , v . l.'ie liver tin blink-, mill itnib I In I ecu . Utle t)cr 1 it ti n luniks ,''.V Fli:i) IIANM'AM, Prop 337 Soulli Central Ave, Tcln U ne M un 11 II. Medtord. Oregoi . NEW PLACE for new people, at the new town juid fruit tracts tit $50.00 to $100.00 per acre, at Three Pines, which is the shipping point on the Southern Pacific railroad in the lower end of the Rogue River valley, for 700, 000,000 feet of lumber. A lumber flume 11 miles long is now completed and a planing plant in operation. hee llOwLAND for prices and terms on the fr uit i tracts, or Van Dyke Realty Co. Room 3 123 Main - -- ; Eat- Figola Bread (Seal.), liy M. H. TOWXK. TIIU Till; IX TIIU rilttHIT COlItT OK STATU Ol' OltUliON, HO U ror.vrv oh jacuso.n. , In Ui atir or thf aiillcatlou r Jnnitw lllfter 1 J W. UnVw to rog lliar tho tttle to th follnK d? erlbed iifMUw. sltmtln th trea ty of jHi'mtii lnt or Orrcnti. to nil: TIlU WAlU IihK u( Kiln olglu ivi ingredients J Contains of Fiirs. qruv: BREAD OF MKU'IT. WXot in name only, but in reality. A wholesome, nutri tious bread. IJAids digestion ISOLD TODD & CO, .MEDFOKI) BAKERY AND nKLUWTKSSlSN urv voru rost Tl'RkKV M: - LANDQUIST, JOHNSON 6 LILIUS, INC. Real Estate and Insurance Special Representative for International Real Estate Association, Chicago, 111. AGENT FOR FRANKLIN FIRE INS. CO. RELIANCE FIRE INS. CO. BARGAINS AND MONEY MAKERS IN FARMS, ORCH ARDS & TIMBER LANOS. 201 St. Mark's Building, Phone 241 1 ml Troutman Orchard Heater The world's standard of efficiency and economy. They burn air. Made in seven types to meet any requirements. Special prices for 'short time. Wo also manufacture the lard pail betters. Write Karl R. AYuudt, General Agent, Meridian, Idaho. M.IHMttIMM JI MT1 PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEEN . PRICE 11 North 1) PI .Mrilfmil.Oro l'liolli- 303 MEDFORD THEATRE FRIDAY, DEC. 9 THE BEAUTIFUL DOWN EAST PLAY AlotgThe Kennebec STAGED 1 WITH ALL SPECIAL SCENERY. the Comedy Quartotto tlie Good Sinffinj the Realistic Snow Storm the Funny Duel Scene the Thrilling Explosion Scene HEAR SEJE CLEVER CHARACTER SPECIALTIES, BRIGHT f MUSIC AND COMEDV Stnts mi sah Tut'sibix, 1),-, t niberlilh. rj&i-y i' .ti-vwm p.IVl. I ilg ' ""I'M r. jr-i-nr- i. -. e f&i " V- - f- -6W JMj8K' iffitimfCK- r-$zs&Kr iUu.,