iMttawmattamuuramjamwiftv i,.,tm- ianfl,-cr.BTjiggaascTrrtna .rfiiiXaST.rrcr.rrSJflja 1 T " srrrT7n; V """fWt "lP ' H ygrrran-TM-t-w."Tr,-f : T -caaa tipr tv MEDFORD MAIL TI?JUTNU, aiMDl'X)RD, ORKGOK FRIDAY, PTCrCTBTCK 0, 1010. - -fc"- --T"fw. . r-r- IT""! ii ii flhwifii inirr Jacksonville Notse HURRY HOLIDAY Miss Grnco Unyplioltz, who Is at 'tondlng the Ashland business col 1'iKC lias relumed to her studies after n week's viBlt with her parents. Taylor Durch has been doing sonio improving on tho fine city residence I'mipeity of Wnllnco Woods. Mr. Wilson, a late arrival from Michigan, but at present located In .laijltsonvlllu. Is doing Bonio ditching on the Dr. Cluncy farm. Mr. Wilson, llkij.tho most of tho new comers, Is delighted with Oregon, and when he has disposed of his eastern proporty, wJM probably settlo here. Ii. O. Van Wegen and Lewis Up dlk;j have been very busy sawing with Mi'j V'b gasollno wood saw In Med for(V for tho past week. Kvdrythlng Is lively In Jackson villi' this week. Commissioners Pat terson and Owons arc over for court session. Dr. Clancy, wlfo and llttlo daugh ter wero out from Medford Sunday looking over their ranch and plan ning Improvements to bo made in tho spring. Our gonial mall carrier, Mr. Bro ker, reports last Saturday's rain as being anything but pleasant to htm. Sal'd It rained Into the cart on all aides In splto of sldo curtains and storm apron and that ovon Ills pock ets were full of water. Ho also mot with another mishap, ono morning, which, luckily for him, did llttlo dam age. His horso becamo frightened at an automobllo, turned so quickly that she upset tho cart. Then, seem ing to realize tho mischief sho had done, waited patiently until her driv er could extricate himself and mall from under the cart-and mako a now start. GIFS JS ADVICE Express Companies Remind Christ mas Givers to Send Early in Or der to Insure Prompt Delivery Be fore Christmas. I of limo come into this a ftw-Christ - i mas-delivery clnS, simply because neither postot'fJuo official nor u-pt-PMs etimpatiioy nre able to lure eiioitKli expoiieuord men io Keep up nilh llio oxtfti tlcmuuilb. Of course you have ilotid your part if vou it Clirialimis paok Central Point Items Fred Pennegro and family of Eu gene aro visiting relatives and friends here. II. F. Caton has moved his family from tho ranch and Is occupying tho Pennlgro residence. V. S. Brooks, foreman of tho Snowy Butto orchard, and family wcro visiting In Medford Wednes day. Tho city council met In regular monthly session Monday night. May or Leover and ull councllmcn wero present. No business of special In terest "was transacted except to pass a ten-mill tax levy for municipal ex penses for tho coming year. Kenneth Becbo and wife, accom panied by Miss Nettle Lewis, wore visiting In MedTord Saturday. Tho young folks of the Presbyte rian church spent a delightful .eve ning wjth Miss Hazel Knackstcdt at her homo Monday night. Jacobsen & Bade company, con tractors water system hero, with tholr men, aro todayl filling up tho wator plpo ditches. Georgo Wright, who has been working at Prospect for several months, Is at homo for tho winter. Llttlo Miss Kntherlno Pattison, the charming daughter of Kdltor Patti son of the Horald, had n birthday on Monday. Sho received some beautiful presents. INSURANC E Ml OREGON HtiHW I MUCH PLEASED TO BE DISCUSSED Forward your es early 1 This is utyed upon tho public by tho express companies ami tho posl- ol'liuo officials. Two weokb before Christmas is none too early to mail or express packages, destined for tho outturn const or even for tiic middle wcs.t. This mlviuu 4s not given solely to mako it easier lor tho men who handle tho express aim tho mail, hut for tho satisfaction ol those who send and receive gifts n't holiday time uud to whom the dehiy even of 12 hours in u package is the ocension for mucli disappointment Don't send u Christmas package, to Now York for instance, and order it delivered on Christmas eve. There are a lot of pcoplo who do even that. Tho local express office gels dozens of packages with orders to deliver to a certain point at a certain hour. Obviously it is absurd to allow only just enough time for the package io reach its destination under ordimtrv uuemded conditions, and expect il to ho delivered promptly during the great Christmas rush. Alany peopa have a feeling that tho whole world is as anxious i'or grandmother or Uncle Dick to get that package ao fho sender is and that it will be rushed along pollnioll and hurried to ! its destination in order that grand- mother or Undo Dick shall not bo ' disappointed. It takes in the neighborhood ot I three weeks after Christmas to get all of (he packages delivered to tho 1 point to which they are addressed, dc.spilc all thai can be done Minn I of tho package that are sent ahead Ilia paokago sturtod off tvo wcoks1 in advance and if it a, ilostiiOd for j one of lliu, big ctlius in vMituh flloio is much congestion mid the dchi I oectii-p in the delivery frtun Unit end, ! il tttiii'l, .Up linlpori. Tho main thing is for tfui sender to do his part h , sending n long tune ahead. " "" ------ -.. -..-. - - ------ II I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT I HAVE PURCHASED THE Union Livery Stables nnd will conduct a general food And hoarding establishment, llorsea bonrded by the day, wpek or month. I guarantee a squuro deal to all. 11 COANYAW UNION LIVKRY BARN. ---.--- -- ---ft RIVERSIDE AVENUE. AHRTat i v 7 JK! VMS il 111 t m.Mi Good Paint Single rooms or oil suito also rooms with bath Clio finest Sample Rooms in the city. Hotel Moore ' Xelcpliono In Kvery Kimiiii , . RAU-MOHR COMPANY Proprietors. EUROPEAN PLAN pmmmaMnm!mmmmmamm9m Mwniiwjwit'iimwTfwwwwiw imijMiTfrniwm ALL KINDS OP DRY w o o D Oak, Luurol, Fir and Pine. Hu.v yniirniutor supply now; roasonablo prices. The Sun Star Wood Company (102 Almond at. Phono Main 051. Jol Koynmn. Is True Economy fciiiiui mwamm nrnmntmuami mi mimuim t The real cost of paint is the average cost per year of protecting and beautifying the surface. The paint that costs the least per gallon is not the cheapest. It's the paint that covers the most surface unci wears longest. Ask your painter to use ACME QUALITY HOUSE PAINT f i ?Q It insures the greatest protection and beauty at the least cost per year of service. Color cards and suggestions for fashionable com binations at our store. No matter ivhat the surface to ba palnteil, enameled, stained or varnished, there's an Acme Quality Kind to Jit the purposa 0LMSTEAD & HlBDAMD, MEDFORD, OR. 4 MAIL TRIBUNE WANT ADS BRING RESULTS After Visit in City Expresses Him self as Delighted With- Medford and Surroundinfl Country Med ford 1$ a Live One. ''What Fenian thinks of llio vnl ley" io not tho title of any fairy lulu, not u subjeet for doerel nor a ruso for iillinj; space, but is the real Kuuuiiio opinion of W. II. Fea tlim, president of the Empire Lih Insurance company, who made hi lir&t visit to Medford on Thursday hist. So well was Mr. Feiijjui pleased with tho country that In frankly said: "I have traveled over practieall; (he entire state of Oregon, been ii Junction, Corvallis, Euoue, Suloin Pendleton, La Uraude, Ileppuu: (runts 1'ass, Ashland, Klamath Falls and in fact neaily every towi in the state of any note, and tliev aro all kuucI, but 1 am freo to admit that this is tho most beautiful am prosperous valley in all the state, and Medford has more reaj life t (he siiuare inch than .any city of its population on tho I'aeitiu coast. 1 am an old-limur on the const; thei' uie but few !ov;n fioin Los An Kulos to llio ISritish Columbia lim u i I Ii which 1 urn not thoroughly tie iliiaiuted. This was nut so of .Med ford, however, as this is my first visit here, hut I know a jjuml town wliuu 1 see it. J know a ood coun try when 1 seo it, uud whilo yoii people think your town is about as uood us it can be, permit me to1 toll you that it is not one-half so k,)01' as it will bo in live years, and ii (en years you will nil be wonderiim how it happoued that you have u eity hero in liomiu River valley with J.'j.OOO population. It is iroin io come, Thoio is no power short ol l'rovideneo to prouut it; the coun try is here, the rusourcos are huie. Ihe climate in hero and the eutei piisu is behind the people. I uau say- in all truth that m other cil mi tho entire coast of 10,000 inhab itant, is seeing such development in substantial building way as i .Mudfiml, and no otlior valley on I lie const, Likinir aereajro ipto consider illion, has any biisiiuiss of compur in ileolf with tiiis fertile, bonutifid amt prosporoiis huetion of Oregon." Mrs. Shonts Summoned. Will Be One of Important Topics at the Good Roads Convention to Be Held in City of Portland Next Monday. "" imuKmcssstxmmiatamnmeiwsisimi Aside from discussions of pro posed yood loads lejjislution, the most importunl subject to come be fore the Oregon jjood roads conven tion to bo held in Portland, bej-in-liiiiT December l'J, is the building i the Oroon hijihway, u part of the I'.icific hiuhuav. The plan for building the Canada p-Mexieo hiuhwav was (he oui neasuro leceiwiiK iinaninious. up iroval al the rooiI roads convention eeently held in Walla Walla, a con .enlioii which was at (ended by dele jutes from WiishiiiKton, Idaho am1 Montana. An Oregon man, who wa iot oven u dolcttnlu (o tho convcit tion, iisjlsed )iuin(ission 'Io iiuloie the project and Io uio the repic-' scnlalives of the Ihreo slates to dt all in their power to fuilhur (In miiu'iueut. No kooiI roads enthusiast in Oiv V'ou has opposed (he Oiepin Iuh wav. All concede (he value such road would bu to tho stale in provid ing a reat lhorouj;hfaio for (oun-l travel wilh feeder roads luadiiiK l' the places of icnlest scenic iult . ust, such as Mount Hood, tin- sc and Crater Lake national pari. Moans of procedure have const- ' quoutly bucomo of tho greatest in teioat. Some of the promoters ol tho plan for tho Oregon hij;hwii. be liovo that it would work better with the statouide ood loads ciiiupaii to lot ouch countv through uhul the road would ho constructed, ,i. lend to its buildinj.', under (he mi pervisiou and with tho aid of stjiie authoritios and the Pacific Hii:hwv assoeiation. . .. 1 N'EW YORK, Dec. U. irrs. Theo tjoio Shoot .hub ordurud today to uppoftr before the surveyor of the poit to e.diu the prosonee iu hor hfitfsiiso of $30,000 woith of jewels K&iQt whim hor trunks were lundod from tbtf tiuer Kier Wilhtlui dor GtaxMe. Mr. Shouts said that failure to duojuje the soie was the result of igtnmiuee of tho law. She sid she touk .0,000 worth of kbibs to Ku rpiio to hive thom eiebaused for more fnhMimhh ent etoues nn.l Ulflt hIip did not thuik (he echniiui' Would rtHjuire dwlrliou. Wood for Safe. Cordwood and stnvowood, liar.! and soft, in any quantity. A. Klovei aity scales at M'ain and Fir e'.rceU, or tolophone Mam Mrs. Sturtcvant of 1515 West Main street held ticket No. 32, which drew the $25.00 Suit at the Emporium this Mornlnn. r AdivlljJ AND JAMMED To Utmost Capacity Thousands of eager, anxious and satisfied customers participated yesterday in the most sensational Clearance Sale ever inaugurated in Medford, and to the women who were unable to get waited on, we beg to state that today we have made arrangements for more clerks and will be able to take care of everyone l''(llfkc''arJJl'JlJlJrrJrJrll ? I The Emporium's Stiipenduousl "Hurry Out" Clearance Sale is the j Talk of Every Woman in Medford i . Here are Some Real Red Hot Specials For The Girls 2081. 227 AN UP-TO-DATE DRUGGIST nays It U surprUlns'liow many old fahloned remedies ate Iwlus ul. wn-cii gos to show that It Is hard to Improve orae of our Grandmother' old, tiwe-tn-'d rnwlle. For Inntaiuv, for kpnj th- hair daiV, so't and lo)-. nothing equal ine our Irrandraotb'tl, "wse ta' has evnr bwn dlcorerd. Although, by th adli tloa of sulphur and oihr lngrHli-nt, tii old-fanhioned bww hag bwn wad mor effective as a scalp toole and color re atorer. Nowadays when our hair com- oat or ceta faded or gray, lontrjd of g' luc to the carden or samt for berb an 1 maklns the -tea" ourehe. V IP1 SO to the nearest drus atore and ak r a bottle of Tv'yrth'a Km nJ Sulphur. ThU preparation U aold by all lading drusshts for CO cent and $1 a botile, or Ii aent direct by the Wytb .Chemical Oooipany, 7t Cortlandt St., hew iorK City, uuon relpt of priea. FOR SAKE n" LHON U. HAS KINS. MEDFORD. OR. Children's and Misses Gingham 'Dresses as a Special Worth $1.50 Sale Con tinues 8 More Days After Supper Saturday Nighi Every 25th Purchase Free t COMMENCING- SATURDAY NIGKT AT 7:30 EVERY 25TH PURCHASE, REGARDLESS OF AMOUNT, WILL BE GIVEN FREE. A BIG BELL WILL RING EVERY TIME THE .25TH PURCHASE COMES TO THE COUN TER, AND THE MONEY WILL BE REFUND ED ON THE PURCHASE AND GIVEN FREE iaaxMEBCTnraiigfrwiumuHi Wool Dresses for Children in Shepherd Plaids Worth $2.50 and $3 126 East Main Street Sale Con tinues 8 More Days 1 See the Mechanical . Doll DernGriSthif tion at Kenthef's Store Every Afterribofi One to Six X O ' i i A ' 5 aiuraay to Six and -to Nine thirty Big Attraction . i -- PRIVATE WIRE PHONE 1831 Moss 6 Gfti GRAIN.AtTD STdbK BROKERS W. L. BAIN LOCAL M&R. ROOM 15, P. 0. BLOCK MEDFORD, OREGON Ifnkin- for lu-alth. yj'?WarWrTtftBgParMlflffMr7fty Careful Movers Parties moving will do vyefj . call on MATTHEWS & LAKE to handle their lim&ktl ils. They pack and ship fwiMtw M unpack and set up turhltwe am w hnullnn ot nil kinds. Bga In eluded. Phone 2151. Ii pr 51