i wmiwunii ..y i.i i im .nil- iii.-.. i) mjwnwwiwrwiimrntChi1ii'iTir r "y.Tiysw.r.frr. ..ujjijl Lreme. ixmJmiTt,trmKaimi(fiflUtimmSi Jk. M I THE WEATHER Continued rain. r The MiiAg-o of th Tiers, Wlilte 1'nlr weather. iilu Ilaln or snow. Wtiltn mid blue -Local showers lllnck triangular Abovo white, warmer; below white, colder. White with black center -Cold. MedforcTs. Metropolitan Characteristics are Delineated by Her Stores Medford Mail Tribune Circulation MAIL TRIBUNE'S CIRCULA TION YESTERDAY WAS 2975 iVi FIFTH YEAR. MEDFORD, OREGOtf, FIND AY, JWCKMBEK 9, 1910. 'VM No. 223. IS BROOKS DEMENTED OR A MURDERER? BROKE 11, KlliBW; WHIPPED Foreman for E. B. Hanlcy Ailmiiiis: tcrs Drubbing to Man Who Slid China Pheasant Doesn't Know Who Man Is Warden Offers $25 Reward for Him. . CONFESSES THAT HE KILLED BELLE ELLIS BUT MAN STORY FAILS 10 CONINCE Ilqcauso ho broke tlio game laws of Oregon by shooting n China pheasant in the neighborhood or 13. II. Han ley's orchard northwest of this city, a stranger was given a sevoro drub bing by Mr. Hanloy's foreman boforo he was allowed to go. The foreman states that ho does not know the law-breaker, but can Identify him If ho again should meet him. Ho-roport-ed the matter to Deputy Game War den Charles II. Gay, who has offered "n reward of $2G for the arrest of the man. Mr. Ilanley's foreman observed the man shoot and l;lll the pheasant and ho Immediately set out to squaro ac counts. From all reports ho did so In a most satisfactory manner. Police Hold Him In Only One Place His Story Is Correct, and That is in Repard to Hammer, Which Is Found Discrepancy Appears in Tcllinn of Time Crime Was Committed May Bo Rhjht.Man or He . May Be Suffering From Specie of Insanity Lcadinn Him to Believe Himself Guilty. JOHNSON SAYS CORPORATIONS ARE OUT OF IT Believes That the Individual Will Hereafter Control Matters Polit ical In California Pronjessive Laws Are Certain to Conic. At n Into hour Inst night n man giving the name of E. L. Ilrooks confessed to the murder of Belle Ellis, whose body was found on the Southern Pacific right of way south of this city Wednesday mpruing. Today it is believed that lliooks is suffering from a mania which lead- him to believe that lie is the author of serious crimes, and that his con fession is a canard. I lis story does not hitch in several particulars. . The hammer with which lie suys he committed the crime was found this morning, and the police claim that it had strands of hair clinging to it. Others who saw tlio hammer say it hud nothing on it but a little mud. It. is believed that Ilrookt? is suf fering from paranoia, which leads hi into believe that he is guilty oi crimes others have committed in or der to attach notorjety to himself The most serious discrepancy ii his story comes in where ho tolls of the time he committed the crime Brooks entered ScKbv's saloon Thursday night, nppcared nervous and agitated, and began n conversa tion concerning the murdered wo man, and when usked by bystand ers if lie knew anything about the case, reinnrked (hat he did; that la wns close liy when the murder oc curred, mid that he could always sec Hie face of the murdered womnn be fore him. lie even wont so far as to remark, "There sho is now I" and then, placing his head in his hands, said : "I am Ihc mini who killed her. I got out of hero on a. freight train and was put off at Phoenix. Be fore inking Hie train I picked up a hummer which stnc workmen had left laying by a polo, and took ii with me. When 1 was ditched at Phoenix I started to walk back to Medford, and when a short way out of town I met a woman. Needing money, I usked her for four bit, and she refused me, calling mo v hobo and saying that I had nevr worked iiml never would. This made 100 KILLED IN REVENGE IN TURKEY Over One Hundred Members of the Christian Faith Destroyed hy Bedouins to Revenrjo Death of Companion Town Now in Hands of Natives. DAVIS MUST SHARE WITH PAID UP STOCK HOLDERS OF ROAD SAYS CALKINS (Continued on Page l.) ATTORNEYS FOR K OR 3 JOHN DIETZ NEW YOIUC, Doc. 9. That tho In dividual, and not tho corporation, will boenflt by revivified government in California was tho assertion today of lllram Johnson, governor-elect of Hint stato, as ho sat In the office of the Outlook nwaltlng Colonel Theo dore Roosevelt. "I'or ten years," said JohiiHon, "wo atouiod to have gono crazy ovor pro tecting tho pioporty of corporations. i The individual has boon a minus quantity. This will bo chnnged. Ilere arter In California at loa6t tho lndl-1 v'dunl will bo considered and not tho, 'machine.' Othor states soon will fol low our lead." Johnson then discussed radical leg islation that tho California legislature is oxpeotod to enact at tho coming sossion. "Tlio Initiative and referendum." ho wild, "tho recall, absolute control of public sorvlco corporations and a comparative liability law abolishing tliu follow-servant clauso will be among tho measures considorod and WRIT OF HA AS ON BEAS CORPUS i SI A 1)1 SOX, Wis., Dee. f). Hun dreds of spectator tilled the court room here today when attorneys for John Dietz of Cameron dam asked for a writ of habeas corpus for Diet, who i- awaiting trial on u charge of having murdered Deputy Sheriff 0-.cnr llarp. 11. up was toiiud dead in the woods near the Diet, cabin alter Diet?, aixl his tarn il lor tie (his-, held at bav a slier ill's poso seeking to urrost Dietz. At the sumo lime the attorneys for the defense asked that Hie pris oner ho released on bail in the event that the court disallowed the wril and that all warrant which it was expected the prosecution would si-re on Dietz, be served at one lime. The court took tho pica's under itihiscinciit. UNCLE SAM WILL NO PLAY POLICEMAN LONGER CONSTANTINOPLE, Dec. 0. Ono hundred Christians and tho Turkish karrlson at Kcrak, a town in tho Turkish Vilayet of Syria,, wore mas sacred by Ilodoulns, according to a telegram that reached here front Jou Ila8m today. Kerak is nowln tho hands of tho Bedouins and desultory fighting Is now going on. The trouble aroso, it is reported, becauso of tlio execution by tho gar rison of a Bedouin. Six thousand of Kerak's 8000 pop ulation aro Moslems. So far as known there aro no American missionaries In tho district, but tho British mis sionaries maintain a station there, PACIFIC&EASTERN SUEO FOR $7500 IntercsUnii Decision Filed in Case of Edrjar Hafcr vs. Medford & Crater Lake Railroad Paitl-Up Stockholders Will Receive n Dividend of 30 Per Cent Reddy's Contention, as Receiver, Sustained Davis Claim Arjalnst Road Is Allowed, But It Must Apply on What Ho Owed on Stock Subscription $15,000 to Distribute. BYMRS GARDINER Frank M. Calkins, judge of tho circuit court, on Thursday evening fied tho following decision in the mlittor of tho ease of Edgar Unlet' vs. Medio rd & Crater Lake lltul road company. The decision in ef fect is this: A. A. Davis, with othor organis ers of the company, subscribed for stock in the sum of .f'2l),500; the to tal of the stock subscribed in this manner amounted to ik'J(l(),(K)0. Kadi subscriber agreed in writing to pav iho l'uco value of his atnok. The hoard passed a resolution making ii nil due. The promoters attempted to pay for it by selling (ho company rights of way and surveys, which cost them :K280O, for 2(10,()U0. Thene, Mr. Davis d'stified, were not worth a dollar, so nothing was paid for the stock. At'torwards ho so licited subscriptions from tlio eili V.ens, who paid par for their stock amounting to .i'J.r,000. Tho sub scriptions which the citizens signed continued a relerence to u bond put up by Davis in which he agreed t" build the road to Knglo Point if. ilioy subscribed. Davis and others then mortgaged tho road for $115,000 In Koo Brow. With this money, and the citizens' money, he attempted to build (ho railroad. There were not funds enough to do IhK and, inas much as ho had put up his bond o build it that far, he had to put up $121,1100 of his own money. He did this while ho was owing tho company about $:i(),U0U on his own stock sub scription. The court held he should take his place with tho other paid-up stock holders. Tho money ho paid in should be applied on what ho owed on his. stock Hithsciiplion, the same as their money was applied on then stock subscriptions; that it would not he just to allow him to be paid first. The result of paying him first would have loll nothing for the oilier stockholders. This' will leave Iheiu n dividend. The amount of iiioucv to distrib ute wM be about ifl.'i.OOO. Dm in' (Contlnuoit on I'aso I.) Mrs. Gardiner Brinns Suit Followinn Death of Her Husband, Who Was Injured in Wreck Says Injuries Killed Him. DIAZ U'unttnu.'il tin Pane 5 J AVIATOR SOARS 10.400ETUP French Man-Bird in Bleriot Mono plane Breaks Record for Altitude Old Record Was Held hy Johnstone. WASHINGTON, 1). C , Dec. 9. Tho urrost of Juan Azcoaa, a Mexi can, taid to have Incurred tlio dls ploasuro of President Diaz of Mex ico and nought by tho Mexican an thorltloa on a charge of having "ob talnod money through falso pro tenses,'" will le made the subject of a fight in congress whereby Wash ington shall cease to bo a policeman for Diaz. Congressman Wilson of Pennsjl vanla, who has taken up an Investi gation of the Azcona caso, said today that he would demand a change In tho treaty between tlio United States and Mexico. "I will prosont Azcona as a per gonal, living oxamplo of tho ovll sys torn that portulU Mexico to form Wellington tn Imprison Moxlcau rof ugoue." said Wilson. "I think thoro Is little ohanco of gottlng action from the committee on rules, and I prob ably will take up tho matter on the floor of the house " ICO PAU. PlMM. Dm. 9. Aviator Lo OnMix. a "!rlt monoplane, to day broke the reoortl for altitude, acv oordln to n nnofflclnl announco manfc Hli barograph showed that he ajconded 10,-iOO feet, The Instru nwnt ItMs not yet been verified, but it to believed here that the barograph was accurate and that tlie record will stand. -EOS ARE DRIVEN 00T BY FIRE Students in Ninlifclothcs Escape to Street Dean of Colletje Is Com pelled to Leap to the Street From Window Collene of Fine Arts Is Destroyed. LOS ANGKLISS. Pec. --Mthty building and an adjoining dormitory. women student of the College of j William L. JmiIsoh. dean of the eol- Flne Art of the University of South lag. wa asleep In his apartments In era California were drlveu to the 'the college when the fire waa dlaenr . ., ... .i,ir .ihi rob early to-'erd. ilia ruoma wore filled with day. when fire dntro.-d lu- toll- sim.ke and b waa compelled to leap An action for damages was insU lutcd in the circuit court Thursday evening by Myrtle Clunlinor, as the administratrix of the estate of hei hiisbatid, Walter C. Gardiner, against the l'aciiic & lOasteru mil way for $7r00. Mrs. Gardiner aotn forth her complaint that .Mr, (Inidi ncr died as the result of injuries received in a licnil-on collision Au gust 8, HMD, while he was engineer on one of the trains of the compauv. A. K. Kennies uppenrg as her attor ney. The complaint fmos on io aay that he suffered numerous coiiviiImiiii and that hia phynieiati advised an operation. He went lo I'orllaud, where he was examined liv thice xpocinlitfts in different lines, ac cording to tho complaint, who ad vised nil operation. I In died from complication arising from the an asthctie. She alleges that without the operation lie would have died without the opt i. limn. The ca-e will pmlmlilv he tried during the Di-cunber li'Vn of court. HEAVY FIGHTING REPORTED BETWEEN REVOLUTIONISTS AND MEXICAN TROOPS KU PASO, Tux., Doc. 9.- Citizens of I'arral, fleolug to escape being caught between federnl and Insurgent forces, which are gathering In that vicinity, arrived today In l'l 1'aso and reported that sharp fighting with heavy Iohkom to both nicies had been going on at I'arral slute yesterday. A large body of lusuigentH march ing toward Chihuahua will meet a similar force of federnl troops march ing to meet them Sunday, It la be lieved, and a decisive battle Is expect ed, according to tho reports of tho rofugooH. Those fleeing from I'arral ald that the federal fotces aro preparing to attack Temosachio. Madera. Ml mica and (lueirera, wlibh towns tho rebels now control. PASS UP YOUR PAPER? THE AN A ATTEMPT MADE PRESIDENT . e Man Rcpresentlnn Himself as Peace Messenner Draws Revolver and Would Slay the President of Honduras. UNIVHKBITV OP WASHINGTON, Kealtlo, Wash , Dec. 9. A man who does not read the newspaper oanuol be a good cltlxeu, waa President Wind McMahon'a opinion, oxproMod to lila American history class today. "1 wish," said tho professor, "that I had power to flunk my students i who do not read the papers. There I U nothing which Is so certain an In 1 dex to show whether n man Ik alivo 1 or dead as his newspaper reading. ! Intellect null) he s a corpse If ho doe not Keep up with the papers. We li.ntt to Know what Is going on about us If wo are to be good eitixeus, and that Information must bu annulled from the dally papers." This exhortation was provoked by tlio Ignorance hla students showed on the subjects of elections now be ing held in Great llrltalu. A misleading ndvuitiseniunt would be almost as diHastrous to a ntoro a a fire $'ith no iiiMirunco. TEGUCIGALPA. Honduras. Doe. 9. That an attempt to assassinate President Davllln was made Tuesday became known here today. It Is sold that u man representing himself m a peace messenger of waatarnHundu ras Insurgents, obtained an Interview with the president and draw a re volver. Davllla's guard pemneed upon the Intruder and disarmed lilin 1efou- u xhot was fired. NO SUCCESSOR TO MRS. TDDY Unless Her Will Contains Name of Someone She Wishes to Follow Hit as Pastor Emeritus, Directors' Hands Aro Tied and No One Vill Bo Appointed. Says Publicity Man. HOOT'OX, Mass.. Dec. 9. Uuless the will at the late Mrs. Alary llaker G. ICdill- contains lae nam of Mine of ber follower whom saw wuhe to sutc-etHl her as pastor emeritus, there will not be un siicK-ssoi appointed to e Ohnlriuau Alfred fnrlow of tho Curie tlon Science publicity ooiumlttee to iUv PhtIow Miiitd out that tho touiulci' uf tliu svt.1 that has had the most rapid growth of any In the his- n'l.nilnu' il on 1'ukv 0) CERTAIN TO BE F Question of Appointments to Su preme Court of United States Will Bo Settled Next Week President Has Consulted With Members of All Factions. WASHINGTON, D. 0., Dee. ft.- Tlio question of appointments to tho supromo court of tho United States will bo settled next week, according to Information given out today. Presi dent Tatt haB decided that ho will send his appointments to tho sonata during tho week, Ho lias-consulted with loaders of tho insurgents and regulars mid with somo ot tho load lug democrats, and Is now ready to make his final selections. It is authoritatively learned today that tho full list ot men from which the selection Is to bo nmdo includes Justlco Swnyseo of tho Now Jersey supromo court, Judgo Lamar of Geor gia, United States Judge Kussoll of (Continued on I'ajto 6.) EAGLE POINT IS PETITIONING FOR T IN CORPORA ON Littlo Villauo Would Govern Itself Much Improvement and Growth Is Manifest Will Be Important Sta tion on Pacific & Eastern. Nil CORPSE Tho 'proxioseivo ullizoiiH of Engio Point have tiled u petition with, tlio county court unking that their lit tle town bo incorporated into n vil lage. The petition hut) been gener ally signod. Aolioii will probably be lakun at. the nc.xt term of tho circuit court. During Iho pnet two years Iho in flux of ranchers from the un&t and liiiHinosa men has so iuureascd the population of tlio suttloniout art to warrant incorporation. A 20-nero traol of land lying bolwuon (he Pa cifio & l'aslern railroad traol; and tho main street of Knglo Point him been platted into lots and alrcutri, These lotu will he placed on the market for sale about January 1. Took Bride; Goes to Jail. NKW YOUK, Dec. 9. Georgo Yeandle, a Juror convlctod of brlbory In tho trial ot Iidward Rosonhuluiar, charged and acquitted of murder, was sentenced today to servo an Indeter minate Hoitouco of from five to eight ami a half years In tho stato prison at Slav Sing. Judgo Hluiichard Impos od sentence. JULIAN IK A. IS INDICTED Grand Jury Returns Indictment Charuinu Mock With Murder In First Dcjirec-rCrlmo Committed In This City During Summer. Julian A. Monk was Indicted ths morning on a uhnrgo of first dogreo murder hy tho grand jury now in mwIoiu Tho crlmo waa commUtod lu this olty In August, Joaso O. Smith being his victim. After the killing Mook fled, but was apprehended lu tho mountains, sluco whlqh time be, has been confined lu tho county. Jail. ?! ,3'l V Ws I ! '1 3v f ft 1! -v 4 1 1 f