wMwittiiuuftsrftttftttfaaa ggggm MSfflftll MEDPORD MAIL TRreiTNJODSDlTOKD, OBISaONraiOT&bAY.' DECEMBER 8,7U0. 7 vNEW ADS TODAY.. WAITED To board horses for cither Ions: or short tunc. Geo. Ilil Con, Central Point, Or., R. F. D. No. 3. ' 227 Fplt SALE Moving picture show. liHiuire at Opera house, Central Point, Or. 227 .FOR, SALE TJirce-room house, largo lot, pood soil, good fense,- city water, good well; $1)30, tonus. Box 522, Medford. 227 .PORTLAND,, Or., Dee. 8. Anr gorn Roajt men wilj have a big inning nl the midwinter sheep show to Ijoj hejd jn Portland January 4, 5, 6 and 7, in connection wan tno annual convention of the Na'tionnl Wool gfbwcrb' association. Over $200 is. offered in regular prizes and iienr )ythyico as inuch in spcciaN. The Northwest Angora Ooat asso ciation will give an' elegant banner ffy'the pest indjvidun angora goat exhibited by an amateur, defining an. amateur us ono who. lias not ex hibited on tlio North Pacific fail circuit in lOOfl or 1P10. '. John W, Pulton, secretary of tho American, Angpra Gpnt association, writes that, many have designated t(im'r, willingness to exhibit and he wjjnts every' breeder in the United Mates to participate. , If any such have, not yet received .premium litis. ho, wants to be advised of it. Qu."ctary C. D. Minton of.Jhc limhvintor shpep show has, been ;ul viscd by tho railroads that there will bo return frco to points. cubt of Chicago on all lines covering that terriftoy, with n stop-off privilege on the return for the Denver show. WANT AI). ANSWERS. Answers addressed as follows ' are at the Mall Tribune office: , G. Deacon. o. D. B- Uox ISC. P. K. Uox 411. b. j a. W. Box 7. Box 1G. Dox 00. M. J. .0. 1)4 Box 40. W. G. M. No. 16. . A.'L. T. i Box' 19. Box 70. J. B. Qwner. O. 3; O 12. c. e: W. G. 3. "K. Box 50. TOR RENT. Housekeeping llooms. FOR RENT Furnished houses ,nnd rooms for housekeeping. Furnish ed rooms by tho day '0o tip. Oregon Rooming House, 414 North Front st. ' 'JIM VANTED To rent twp or Hires light housekec)ing rooms, furnish ed, close in; wanted by January 1. Answor W II. Mail Tribune. 220 -rr'ssss ,, , MJ3DFOBD MARKETS. . (Prices paid by Medford merchants.) Potatoes $1.1GQ1.2G per cwt. Cabbage 2c. Squash S5c$l. 'Tornadoes 1 b c. Parsnips lc. t Carrots 1 Vi c. '. Be'ots l1,c. Onions 1 Jc. Pumpkins S 12 Vi c. Apples 2c. Pears 1 2c. Prunes Dried, 4c. .-jCelory 90o a dozon. 4 nutter, Eggs and Fnultry. ., (P.rlces paid by Medford merchants.) Buttor . Fresh ranch, 32 c; crenuiory, 40c. , . , .Egs French ranch, 40c. Poultry Mixed, 10 14c; spring chickens, 14lCc; turkeys, 17c. (Prices paid prodjeers.) ilay Timothy, J1C; alfalfa, U Krass, $14; grain hay, $10. ""Grain Wheat, Jl.lG bushel; oats, $30 ton; barley, $32 ton. Beef Cows, 4Q4c; steors, G G&c. Po.rk 7 Vi 8 Sc. Mutton GGc; lambs, Cc. Veal Dressed, 9c. r j (Selling prices.) '.Rolled barloy, $1.7G cwt, $32 ton; brain, $1.75; middlings, $1.8G1.90. For Rent To trade for Seattle Income Property 56 acres. Fine im provements; 40ac. in bearing orchard balance set to trees, 2-4 years old; less than 2 miles from city; 'price $55,000. ROGUE RIVER LAND CO. 11 N- CENTRAL AVE. ItfEDFORD, OR. FOR RENT 3-room suite of furn ished housekeeping rooms; no small children. Call at 222 S. 1 lolly. Furnished Rooms. FOR SAliE. Ural Kstrtte. FOR SALE Ten days only, nea Vri acre, well improved place at south east corner of Central Point school 'rounds; half -caUi or trade; loo)P, hay, wood, chickens, etc., for $2000; cost of improvements; elcui abstract; rciuoii for selling, am siuglo; also 3-h. p. woodsaw outfit, first class, cheap. Address Owner. Box ISO. 22;i Ileal Estate. I'UK KKMT ruruisiicil rooms or housekeeping. Furnished roo'ms bv tho day 50a up. Oregon Rooming House, 414 North Front st. 211 1 FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, 40." South Onkdulo live. 223 FOR RENT Two hirco connecting front rooms, fine for, offices or dressmaking parlors, upstairs, cen ter of town; $25 mouth. Phone 0202. OO FOR RENT At tho Cottage pleas ant, furnished rooms, with hot and cold running water; baths, largo sunny porchos. 004 W. 10th, St. o"i 124 King St. tf. FOR KENT Sunny fumishod rooms, ono block from postoffico; board" if, desired. -20S N. .Central avc.. corner ith' st. ' .100 FOR RENT Nicely furnished room in private family, suitable for two .goutlemoii, with or without board. 111.") N. Riverside. llasKlns for health. flic old jdoas, about 6torq .adver tising jio hard but itiey die, never theless. Store advertising nowadays has news value. . , FOR EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE For Medford property: 2j, acres, unimproved, $2000; 10 teres, liuimprpvpd, $1000; 20 acres, unimproved, $10P0; 18 acrps, improved, $7500; 32 acres,, improved, $11,000; 3U acres, improved, $0000. W. T. York St Co. tf FOR EXCHANGE Seattle, choice residenco, 9 rooms, modern; also lots in same block, for Medford or chard tracts, somo bearing and somo raw land up to $10,000; 1 want owners in this, no agents. Call at tho Moore hotel for few days. 223 FOR RENT Punched rooms for transient at No. 10 N. Grapo st., next to Farmers' & Fruit Grower bldg. , FOR RENT A large, sunny, well furnished front room, with private bitth. 211 Laurel st. 222 FOR RENT Furnished largo front room, suitable for two people, at (J10 N. Central. 223 FOR RENT Furnished rooms, b the day or week, at 128 S. Hollv. near City Park. 22(1 FOR RENT 13x1(1 furnished front room; fire place. Enquire Gregorys Studio. FOR SALE Houses nnd lots in nil parts of tho city to suit any purse. Mr. Homescekor: ( House hunting is no pleasant task. Tho problem of being suited is perplexing: -Lot us solve it for you. LANDQUIST, JOHNSON & , L1L1US, INC. St. Mark's block. tf FOR. SALE Will sell or build for right parlyj. hnvo fiuo location for storo night on ono of main thor oughfares; no , competition; good opening for drug, meat, grocery or any store Address llox 8, care of Mail Tribune ' " ' 301 ZiOtH. ' FOR. SALE Uillview Addition now on (he markfit.irlargo lots, highe.d in location, lovestin price; eloso lo pavement Qiiy V. Second st. See Humphrey; liu will piovo it to lie tho best for the money. Office room 3, Atkins block. 3001. FOR SALE. -r Houses. FOR SALE New bungalow, nil .nodorn, fircplnce, 0 largo rooms, with bath nnd closets; street order ed pHved, three blocks from city piuk. Address Pox 004. 227 FOR SALE 3-room modern bunga low, furnished comploto at $3,000; $1,200 handles this. Address P.ox 70. enro Mail Tribune office. 301. HECP' WANTED.' Help Wantctl p-etnalo. i ' ' iii WANTED Good, capable woman to help do kitoho'u work; can sleep at homo. 310 N. Rartfelt. ' " FOR SALE Lot30.220 and house, $1130. 822 Rennet t nvo. Address John A. Henderson, Medford, Ore, 322 lluMneNs Property. FOR SALE Third floor of Adkins bldg., formerly used by Oddfullows. Apply to 1). F. Day, Frank Wilson or J. R. Wood. tf FOR SALE Cheap, confectionery store, doing tho best business in Medford; good location. Address P. O. Rox 433. Medford. 220 Miscellaneous. WANT ads bring results. FOR- SAIyE Furniture o 0-room house at less than Jmlf pneo, con sisting in pnrt of leather nnd weathered oak dining room wild liv ing room furniture, Wilton rugs, brass beds, silk floss mnttrcssc.4, Monarch range, Ha'viland dishes, etc.; all practically now. phono Main 4101. FOR SALE Small team iirv idienii. PllOlie ut ,1() niintld ixmiiml IViiil .1 l ... " " " " ....... w.. ........ ... . . SZi FOR SALE Lot, outside of West 4th 8t., $75 cash .$10 month, $350, for short time Children Pros. 222 FOR SALE Ono good lot, close in cheap, easy terms. Inquire at 210 Court st.'. must self at once. 225 Acreage. FOR SALE A. snap. Ono aero love) grpund, 32 young upplo trees, choice strawberries,', all kinds small fruit, city wntcr, (1 room plastorcd bunga low, best gurdqp spot in Ashland. Cull or address R. Rouso, 100 Calif, st., Ashland, Ore. 220 FOR RENT Front room, closo in. 219 S. Central avc, or phono 2933 Inquire after 5 p. m; " tf - ' "V FOR RENP Furnished bedroom gentleman only. 339 N. Front st. 231 TO RENT Two new sleeping room $2 por week. (120, S. Newtown. 227 FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. 203 Oleson st. Phono Main 447f. ' FOR EXCHANGE For Los Angeles property, ono of tho fine.t small orchards in tho Roguo River valloy; prico $12,500; pajd last year $3000 net; an ideal home. Addrcba "Lewis," enro Mail Tribune of fice 229 i Ft Hoarding house, modern equip ment; toilet, bath, city water, elec tric lights, range and hot wntcr heut tj lqcated witahiu one block Medfotd dl'Jioi. . Inqture .Aldciihugcu, . Rogue River Eyeclric Co. T FOR EXCHANGE Ono Edison Standard phonograph with 150 rec ords; plays both standard and Am berol records. Will exchange for good organ or best offer. Write F. II. Chamberlain, Tn)ent Ore gon. 22(1 Hoard ami itoom. BOARD with room, $0 par week, meals served family style, home cooking. 410 S. Evergreen st., cor. 12th, on Southern Pacific track.23i WANTED Hoarders; first-class tablo board at $0 por week; rooms if desired. Mrs. Suinmerlin, 122 N, Ivy st. 222 FIRST-CLASS HOARD anl room by the day or week, family style; reas onable iniccs. 900 E. Main. 223 PRIVATE nOARI) AND ROOM at 402 S. Central ,-ave. Mrs. C. II. Hart. FOR SALE In vlaud around the thriving, just Incorporated city of Talent, Jackson county, Oregon, valuable, fertile alfalfa and fruit lauds; us the largo farms are all being gobbled up, come to mo on the cars (or write, inclosing stamps) ; splendid oroliurds, too; I hate tracts from 10 acres to 280 norcs; climate lipid, py(y uf good wa ter; Medford ;iind Ardilnnd -uro thriving cltioMj lrttl don't let the agents stop you there until you seo what Talent has; if you invest here your property will inercilso in valuo and you will bo in a "dry" town nnd seo no drunkenness; a town of school and churches. Ly man N. Judd, Roberts bldg., Talent, Or. 225 FOR SALE 5 uM 10-aoro trneis just within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address Condor Water Power Co. Warren, near school house, West Side of valley, or Rox 223, Central Point. FOR SALE Placer claim, 00 acres, ditch, reservoirs, small house, good laud; Jacksonville 8 miles; prico right. Address Y., A Spriiigford. Jacksonville Or. 21'i FOR SALE Hudson touring car, practically now. Will trade for real estate. Address L. L. Mulit, Ashlnnd, Ore. 225 FOR SALE Good driving buggy and double harness, used only a shprt time; genuino bargain. 519 S. Hollv. 222 WANTED Girl tor goncrnl house work; wanes ?1 par day. Call at 21CJ.V. Main Bt. '' '" HittiiUlunB Wanted. WANTED Nursing by Mrs. Iv. Mo Reynolds. Call at 329 N. Riverside nvo.. or phono Main 32. POSITION By lady ns housekeeper with elderly people. Address J O. Bo.77l. 224 WANTED All kinds of sewing at 412 S. Luurelt 227 WANTED- Dressmaking. Addnws Mrs. Fielder, W. W,nliiut. Park. 234 PERSONAL. WILL -the ladV who called at 3J0 N Bartlutt Wednesday nftoruoon in regard to a situation call again? BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Physicians and Surgeons. Attorney. WlTlnNGTON & KEnLrLnwyers, . Palm building. f I ii iiiimiii '-I iinmw iiiwiiMiiiiiminn ii A. E. REAMES Lawyer, Ganwtt Coroy bldg. "ft PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEX LEY Attornoyp-at-law. No. D strcot, ground floor. ' COLVIO & REAMES W. M. Cpl vig, C. T Roamc8. Iawycrs. 0f fico Medford National Bank build ing, second fjoor. I'nlntei-s nnd Pupcrliaugcis. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Nursery Proilurts THE OREGON NURSERY products are all one-year bud on 3-yenr roots; representative offico, now in Medford; can supply apple, ,pcar and walnut trees on short notice; all guaranteed ui every respect; ranch ors, write' us of your needs) will be triad lo ouoto you prices. Notice. NOTICE Aflor November 1st. my olllcd will bo in rooms 211 nut) 212 arnelt Coruy bldg., phono 2071; residence 113 Laurol Bt., plume 2092. R. W. Stearns. M. P. 'if Aiikyer. ASSAYER Earl V. Iugels, B, S. Best, cen nipped assay offico in ,Oro Ron Eatublished five yenrsAo ourato rosujts guaranteod. Grants Push. Orn. 205 Collections FOR SALE Exceptional bargain; 1910 Chalmers Detroit "30." Seo Irq J. Dodge, Fruitgrowers' Bnnk bldg. tf FOR SALE Driving tenm, buggy nnd harness. Inquire J. S. Ortli, Medford National bank. 231 FOR SALE A small lot of furni ture and house for rent nl $11.50. Inquire (HI) N. Central. U'Jll ' FOR .SALE Team iiiulos, medium size. Johii Norrin, Midvulo ranch, 2 inili's west Medford. 231 FOR SALE Gasoliuo engine, al most new, 4-horsepower. Dr. Helms, N. Grape st. 227 FOR SALE Upright boiler, 4-h. p.. used 10 mouths, $75. Inquiro Vi ley Auto Co. 223 FOR SALE Buggv, good ns now, chenp. 230 Nirth Ivy st. 300 WANTED. Houses. FOR EXCHANGE. Mlhcellauc))iis. . TO TRADE New G-room modern house with new furniture; take lot and some cash in part payment, terms. Moor-Ehni Co.. 212 Fruit growers' Bonk bldg. Phone 001. tt FOR EXCHANGE Medford nnd suburban property, ranches, timber lands, for other proporty. Address Box 199, care Mail Tribune. ti FOR SALE 10 acres nicely located, closo In, Rood buildings,, trado for city lots will make good sub-dlvlslon. rpassonRcr, l-cyllndor Uulck, trado fr city lots. S .acres 9 year Nowtown with pear flllors, $SG00, terms, closo In. -'ilj2 acres, 2 miles out, 7. year Ncwtowna and Bartletts, flno bun galow, barn, all tools, trade for In come property. 34 acres, under ditch, fiuo pear and ,fnlfn!fu land, 3 miles out, cleared and fenced; $250 per acre. 10 to 100 acres fine soil, 1. miles out; $175 por acre. 15 to 7d ncros, all cleared, fine pour soil, $100 por no re, Eagle Point. CITY' PROPERTY j 3 room house, line lot, business pro perty, Bnap at $1000. ; F0R SALE OR EXCHANGE Five 4,-rponi buiiKalow,. bath, pantry closo , pa8Seuger 4-oylindcr touring auto ln. ,$2100. terms. , , m0bil8. Address Box .200, care) . -i-iuuui uuuoL-a.'uuv tuituoui-u, syun Mail XriUUnO OIIICO. 11 location. $2100, terms WILL TRADE a good team of mules 4 years old for first class team of work horncs. Address W. H. Ali ning, Talent, Ore. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE MiM-cIlaneoufl. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Fine modern homo in Sap Jose, Cal., for salo or exchange for property in or near Medford. Address 510 East Main st.. Medford, Or. 227 FOR RENT Four-rooiu furnished house ou Washington two., Eiinl Side, $20 per mouth. Also canned fruit and jelly for sale. Addrosr E. 'IL Cordcs. Box 301. 222 FOR RENT 7-room house. 113 N. Ivy st. HiinIiicsu Itooms furnibhed 223 FOR RENT Offico rooms in Elco, trio building,, modern equipment, steam heat, eloctrio light, baths, toilet, hot and coll water. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 21 G W. Main st. If FOR RENT Business roomoo W, Mnin sL, 24x140, snitnblo fr rcs tnurnnt or billiard room or othor business, steam heat. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 210 W. Main st. tf FOR RENT Oriii-o rooms, $1 each por mouth, in Hostel's inoilorp block at Contrnl Point. Or. 237 FOR SALE 5, 10 and 20-acie tracts with perpetual water right for salo iui easy imymcut plan. Roguelaiids Incorporated, Fred N. Ciimmings, inaniiKur. tf FOR SALE -II aorufi, 10 acres planted to pcurx, one milo from Central Point, $225 por acre. W. T, York & Co. ' tf Hours. A non-reader's dollar is froquuiit Iv a 50-ceul dollar in i( buying UseflllllCKK. FOR RENT Large ofilco rooms, in suitu if desired. Gregory's Studio block. , a FOR RENTr-Oflicu jovcr ppbtoflicu. Seo A. A. Davis. FOR SALE OR RENT. Itunlncss Property. 2-roomlng houses, under jrlc qujck sale. , Fl?o,lot In S'8klyoi Height?-, i00 qff his weok only. ' Closein lot and buildings, $1100 and easy terms. Ilgusekecping nnd furnished rooms for rent. Lois in West Walnut ,Park, $275 to $350, easy tends. ' ' ' WANTED S bjMut much horses. f . . Girls for general housowork. Listings of city property ranches. FOR LEASE Miscellaneous. FOR LEASE Fishing, hunting, boating and bathing resort, Vi square miles body of water, on' rnilrpad, within 12 miles of Med ford. Address Box 201, care Mail Tivpune tf FOR SALE Largo modern hoiioo with south and east front, 113 feet front on paved street, by 181 feet long, nicely improved grounds', ev erything strictly modern; reason for selling, lady of house needs a chaugo uf climate; this place is suitable for nice homo or first- class rooming house; easy terms to rfcht pail v. See tho Jackson County Realty Co., C04 West Tonlh st. Wo ulsii have largo and small tracts of improved and unimprov ed orchard JuiuIh, tf Housekeeping Itoom. WANTED-Smali familv wishes lo lent furnished two or thr'o rooms for light housekeeping or hiuull modern bungalow. Address M (wi in Mail Tribune offico. 223 ACCOUNTS collected, jn any part of. the world. No chargo it pot col leqte.d. Pacific Collecting Co., 83 Jackson Co. Bank hldir. Fidelity 4iii(l .Huivty IloixR I;. L. SMALL, bonds of all kinds in tho best companies. 13 Jackson Co. Bnnk bldg. Htcnographcro. ' ELLA M. GUANYAW Palw Block ' Btonoraphio work done quioklj and woll. ' PUBLIC Gurnet t, Side. T T STENOGRAPHER 102 Corey 'building, West 213 IUlllnrd Parlora. S. T. BROWN & CO. Billinrds, Ci garp and Soft Drinks, Up stairs, Young & Hall building. A niee, cool place to spend (ho hot nftov-noonH. Nurserlcfi. QUAKER NURSERJES-Our trees aro budded, not grafted. Our stook is not irrigated. We gunrnntco ev erything put out, Wo nro hoCifi1 tho trust. II. B. Patterson, offico removed to 11(1 E. Mnin st, " , , ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., inc-Growera of high grndo nursery stock. Officd' 25 W. Main. Tel. 1201. Tin Hliopn. II. G,, DEAN, 0, P.' M'AKJLLEN Phono '3732. Dean & McMulleu, contracting ain(crs, pajnting, jm por haugjug and tinting. Estimates ou all kinds of painting wqfir. Medford,' Ord. - DECORATK your tinted wnllq with slencil -bordcra by A. Risdou, paint er, decorator and pnperhanger, No. 5 E. 3d St., Medford. NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE wimjow aiql door sigiif? put on cheaply, fee Myers & HolmoA windows. r Box 821. Photographers. HAVE "your Xinas photos mado jiy Muckoy if you want something 'to please. 1)11! Posters. " 7". VERNE T.. CANON BiU poster wid" Distributor All prdr? prdinptly filled. Room 29, Jackson County Bank building, Medford, Or. Architect. JOHNS & TURNER. Architect ml"! Builders. Offico 7-8, 325 Mum. Phono Mniu 3471. Residenco phono 744. Printers aHd Publishers. - MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the i best equipppd job offico in South ern Oregon; Portland prices. 37 South Central nvotiuc. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physic-inn and Surgeon. Offico 21(1. E. Main st., over Hiw- kius' drug storo. Phono Main 1001. DRS. CQNROY & CLANCY Phv sioiaus and surgeons, Taylor nnd Philips bldg., rooms 210-211-212, Offico phono 501, residenco phono 012. Offico hours 9 a. in. to 8 p. in. DR. F. G. OARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia phyuiciana. Moved lo Rooms 41J and 4J7, Garnelt-Coroy bldg. Phono Main (1351. DR'e. II. PORTER- Diseases of women a spcuialty. Rooms 5, 0, 7, 8. St. Mnrk'n bldg., Mudrord, Or. Phones: Offico 4001, residence 4951. ' TT- llOIIHO.1. WANTED-A snuill house or three or four iiiifuriiiHhed rooms ; uuml be closo in. A tld rows E, euro Mail Trillium officii. 222 WANTED 3-roojn modern bunga low, $500 down iiiul monthly pay Lieuts. Phone 41 II. 220 Acreage. WANTED-To rent, with option to buy, small place, near Mudford, siiit ablo for raining poul(rv, etc. Ad dresH F. R.. Mail Tribune. 225 MlHcellnneonm FOR SALE A completely furnishef bungalow, 0 rooms and bath, sleep ing porch, i, crooned back porch, popular rot'lunt'o section, pnvud street, fully paid; prico $J0D0, etnas; party luaving for California is anxious for quiak bale. Roguo River Orchurd Land Co., 10 Front "fit.' North. tf T WANTED-Ono or two dozen Rhode Island red pullets or yoar old hciirf, thoroughbreds. P. O. Box 88, Mod- ford. Tel. 3002. 322. WANTED Four mulo; must bo sound and used to working on an orchard. Address "MuloM," caio Mail Tribune. 235 FOR LEASE Fully equipped placer mine. Call on Aldenhcgen, Rogue River Electric Co., 210 West Main. tf FOR REST. FOR SALE OR RENT-8-room house at 700 S. Oakdale avc, pewljM minted and decorated, cement buscmcqt; will. sell at a bargain vith best of terms; monthly pay ments if desired. Harry H. Tattle, Park avo., Immediately bnok of the above houe. Phone 71. If FOR SALE OR RENT-Good opeu ing for general merchandise 6torc in now town with $15,000 monthly for KALE Hpii-i niui Jut. 0x FOR ( SALE An nrttetio bungalow, 0 rooms and bath, complete with shades ai.d screens, reduced from $4200 to $3800; seats, bookcases, buffet, two fireplaces, beam ceil ing, etc.; well built. Chus. D. Colby. 91(1 W. 10th st. tf and . payroll, on railroad, 12 miles from Medford. GoJ4 Ray Realty Co, 200 W Main. ' tf. i . Farms. ' FOR SALE. Business Property. i. F. J. nER Room 2M, Taylor & Philips Rlilg., i o . 210 We-.t Mam FOR RENT Farms from 40 acres ; ; to 400 acres, nlfalfa Umd, fruit i FOR SAMr-GJioiw busmen prop, rauehos, garden lunds. general erly at ft bargain, on long time; for.. .;. rm.i linn G..I.I R.av I.VulU ca t. IM Aihli. t ...d..r 1 108 fact, on Ji. K(nd; priuo $J173, Iwnn-; vtiy ninull uionthly pnv intiiits, no iiiU'ii-wl. Humphri. room It, Aitkiqs block. Plion: (Jit ice. 5001; reidejJio 3092. 221 tf ler Power l',i FOR KALI'S A O.'room modern bun gulpw, oo! in, withbuilt-iii .'iu( fcj, cliiUoniwr und cubjiiet kitchen, wilt -ill tr i (. u- liu-iiii' call ii im t I'Uniif Llil 220 WANTED-Bolgian hares, 1 buck I iIoum, AddrobH Box I, Mcdfon!, Ore. Phoap 4051 Main. 22, " p1 ' ' - .i ii. WANTED (jooil, i-luaii cotton rugs at tint .Mail Tribune offico. tf J. A. Smith Tin shop. Tin nnd sheet iron waro ou hand and made to ordor. 128 North O st. Road Cigars and Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE. Smokehouso Dealers in tobacco, cigars and smorekH supplies. Exclusive agents of Lewis Singlo Binder, El Morilt and El Paloncia, 212 West Main street. Unions. CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1840 Meets at Smith's hall, 128 North Grapo streot, every Thurs day ovouing promptly at 8 o'clock. All journeymen carpenters, as well us local members, urged to bo pres ent. Business of vital intoreat to nil carpoutorH transacted at thoso meetings. J. J1. Koal. business ngt. ' "" NY.hiVy'PiiMlr. ' NOTARY PUBLIC-Room 207, Phipps bldg. HELP WANTED. Help Wuntcd Male. WANTED -Salesmen In every local ity of tho noiilnvu.it; monoy ad vuiiccd weekly; many make ovur $1000 month; choice of territory. Yakima Vulley Nurnory Co., Top penisli, Wutili. WANTBD-A Hint oIiimm wtoiiu uia- soii wantod at 217 South Kivemidt avc, (it nncu. No union man uood In apply. 221 WANTHU A firt-chiM Japunpsu bov for huunawork. 2 in fninily and good wugou. Apply inoriiiugs 210 N. Onkdalo, . tf fW- NOTARY offieo. PUBLIC Mail Tribuno DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS-PracX tico limited (o (liboudca ot tho oy,l ear, uotso and throat. Office 210 E'l Main st., over Medford Hnnl wino Co. DB. ARTMAS W. DEANE Offico ill Riallo bldg., 12U E. Main. Gas administered for exttvotion of tcelh. Tolephoiio Main (181. Niglit phono 4 132. "Miw ' "w wr ' ' D. W. W. WICK Hpmcopathio physician; residence 203 Olson st., phono Main 4474; office, rooms 3 und !. St. Mark's block, phono Main 1H71. DR. STEARNS- PliyMiciau ami Hiir gcon. Offico Garnelt-Coroy .bldg, rooms 211-212, phono 1092. Resi donco 113 Laurel st., phono 2092. W. A. LOVELACE Contractor and practical builder; estimates frco; patronage appieciatcd. 125 South Almond st. DR. MYRTLE S. I.OCKWOQD ,--Prautii'ti limited to disenses of wo men. Office Hawkins bldg. 'liono Main 1001. DR. STEPHENSON ills glasses ( correct any dofuot of tho oyo. Of fice oi or Allen & Ruagau's. Phouu Alain I85J. Dr. W. M. Van Scoyoo. Dr. C. C. Van Suojoo. Ddlltibts. t Fruitgrowers Bank bldg., Medford, -Jilt , 'llHB Wrjk firanlto Work. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 2ig W. Main st,, manufacturers and deal ers in ginpnuinentul and., buildin granite, cniblied granite common brick and pressed briok, coarse and fino washed river sand. PAUL & WOLFF soli sand and fouTi". dntion gravel; nil orders promptly delivorcd. Phono 4721 nnd 1213 M"' ft" " "'"iwiiywwpi u ! WANTED- A proofreader; must l,c in i i l.i .t.it,- II M I . M ,,i Inbuilt Ui' J,', MEDFORD BRICK CO.-Oeo. W. Priddy, O. D. Nnglo, Goo. T. O'Brien Contractors und mann fncturorfl of brisk; denlors in proHsed briol: and Ihjio. Office in (lnmott-Coroy hlook, room 401, -1th floor. Phono No. 3181. t'liiU'itakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE C0,-Un, I dortnkers Day plump 351. Night plume I W ('.lliu llHH J P i limit r J i.l, JjIiii A Port 1111 f I'm nit urt, NEW AND SECOND-HAND G0OIJS Jniuos A, MoKonzio, dealer jn uew and Heuond-haud furnitmcj hardware, olpthiug, boots and shoes. Highest cash price paid for good oastoff clothing, ("all and seo mu when you huvo somothlug to scllt 103 S. Contrnl. II. F. WILSON & CO., dealers, in now and seguud-hand furnitura und hardware. Agents for House hold stovos upd ranges. 10 Soyth Mr wlroet. Phono Main 3101. far MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner Slli and Holly stroots.iMejl ford. Miwiou furnituro uiado lo ordor. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. M0RDDFF & WOUPF-CookMoves nnd ranges. New nnd neooud-hnud liirn.luro Fid old tnud, IB W F . I . South Phono UJ, Medford. WzA k ' t.V ,1 :1 i" M o I t e -8 i M M "JI fU , m i wB I