6 MTCDFOIID MATL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREOON. WEDNESDAY, T)EC1niSn3Kn 7, 1010. 4 Ii -ft L i mi c it I" (i i a ! i'f :i I Central Point Items W. I). Lewis Una returned from n trip to Portlond, Senttle nnd other northern lilaceH. Dr. Dftvls was nt Portland for n few dnys. Tho Ladles' Civic Improvement club'wlll give a third series of their lycotlm course next Tttesduy evening, Docomhcr 13. Mis. Wolvcrton, nsslstnht principal or tho Central Point high school, was a Median visitor on Saturday. Jtalph Hothorly died at tho resi dence of his grandmother, Mrs. W. C. Owoiih, lust evening at 7 p." in. The ladles or the M. E. church will have a sale of hot tamalcs on Satur day nt tho Quality store. Mr, nnd Mrs. Usher and little daughter were Mcdford visitors on Sundny. Mrs. Marguerite Holmes, who Is teaching at Woodvllle, was visiting with homo folltH on Saturday and flunday. Kred Wiley's modern now lesldence will soon ho ready for occupancy. Tho box social given by the Willow Springs school was u great uuccckh, not only socially, but financially. SHOPPERS SHOULD MAIL EARLY, TOO EXEMPTION LAW NOT IN FORCE, SAYS CRAWFORD SALEM", Or., Dot'. 8 At the re quenl of the county nt'or nt Pen dleton, AJtorney-Gcnornl Crnwfonl today rendered nh opinion concern- i in; the .aOO hoiiHeliold exemption . ... law. Tlie iittoriiev-iri'iicrnl lioldn Same Reasons Apply to Postof f ice i tint by Virtuo of tho mx nnienilmcnt passed by the elector", of this Htnte EXPENSIVE DAM GOES OUT IN KLAMATH CO, People as to Clerks In the Various Stor.cs Will Time. Kane's Creek Items - Mrs. Ito3 of Ashland spent a day hero recently, the guest of friends. Mossrs. Stovons and Mnrdon spent Wednesday nt tho county seat In at tendance ut the school meeting. Mrs. John Mnrdon was tho guest uf Mrs. Uoggls on Thursday. .Mr. KiibbcII and family will move to Ashlnnd In a few days, whore they can take ndvnntngo of tho Ashland school, At Uoggls mndo a trip to Medford on Thursday, where ho had somo denial work dono. Mrs. IVrry KnottH or Gold 1III1 spout Sunday very pleasantly hi Kane's Creek visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. llrown were guests of Mr, nnd Mrs. Iloan over Sunday. Klnior lllglnbothnm was In Mcd ford Tuesday making final proof on his homestead. .Mr. Cox and wife of California have become resldenta of this place. nt the L'enernl ejection, the $-'100 Assure Delivery om household exemption law in invali dated. Another dpinion u'ni ren dered at the request of the state tax colnmisHion im to whether oil tanks wele iiHeussnble in the "tnle. The opinion holds that oil tanks are sub ject lo tuxiition in lln- siimo manner ns other properly wilhiii the .slate. Messrs. Khoton and McCiee aiu hauling lumber from CI old Hill to the Centennial mill preparatory to build ing a flume and dam at tho mine, which they Intend to operate this sea son. Mr. Lewis Is building n bridge nt place across Kanea creek, which was taken out by tho recent high wators. WANT LANE KEPT WHERE HE IS NOW ' Tlioso Interested In Fifiht Against Increased Rates Say His Promo tion to Court of Commerce Would Be Serious Blow ot Their Cause. WASHINGTON, P. (, Doe. 8.--Ktnilitf opposition fo the propoHel iiromofioii oflJ''ranllin K. Lane from llio iulerntnto commerce commission to the court of commerce Iiuh beep nioiiHcd by those interested in lln figlit ngniiiHt proposed rnllroud rut increases who suy that Lane's pro motion would be u serious blow t the t'aiiKe Ifioy cHpousc. ' As the commission now stands, Kifnpp, Hurlnn nnd Cockrall nru credited with lioinjr favorable to thu it'Alroads, Lune, Prouty and CJe taunta are opposed lo them, nnd Clark i cumins to turn the balance. Those engaged in the fight against tiuli eased rates suy that Lnmi is in disVcnsnhle where he is, nnd that n promotion at prehcnt nt any into would be a serious blow. SAYS HE'S VICTIM OF GREAT PLOT Mexican, Charged With Ohtnlninu. Money Under Falso Pretense, Says It Is Plan to Get Him Back to Mexico to Be Punished. BAKER NOW UNDER P COMMISSION PLAi I1AKK1I, Or., Dec. 8 -linker City is no mote. It is now the city of linker, iih the new charier chnnging Ilia name went into el feet yiwtoidiiv, lfun tile new comuiissioueis took office. Cluules L. Palmer it mny.ir null will look after the financial uf fall of the cily. (leorge W. Henry will have charge of llu wnlur ile pUilnicnit Mini Aniloi-Miii Finely will hike cjuo of the sheets. The new ('ofuniiwNloncrN took over I lie loins of goveinmont jehterday nlteiuoon mill thu fii-Nt thing Ihey did wns i.i make the followiiu uppniulmmiU: ' Willinm Ililny, eliiuf of ptihei ; Ihiiirv Kowmiui nnd D. II. It. Nhoads, poliounien; A. II. Storm, mty clerk; John Addoiim, duputy iiltV ulurk; J. W. Hailey, eily engiu 001 ; (IiimIiiv Anderson, citv utlor- 110: Luthur Muhan, Htteet foiemnu; ii. &. iianiiu, utility mans rercy . Hiwk, water cidlector; 1 II. (Irali tier, fire chief; It. Shook. C. Mil ler and Cliff Unlet, paid fiitunen; Dr. J. W. lhitr. city health i.ltvsi- lllim; Fiitnk (binding, foiemnn of Vaterwoiks; Allied Wonder, super liituiulont of water. ( . . ,i . 100 CIGS. PER DAY CRAZED YOUNG MAN NEW YOHIJ, Dee. 8.-Vith hm mind uulmlnneed by iuceimant mok Ink' of uigmottes, U'i-) ear-old IVler lsHulor was roiiiocd from hU HrQuklyit home to the Kings county bonpitnl. llefore beiiiK taken into (jitfloily Lawler had attacked liU iilflior and Ids hiother, and wno miIi- (liipfl null' after a fimv t niggle. ItaWler liuw licoii Nuiokiuv figure! to luce he was 11 eurn old and tor lid past tlueoyeaiv had binokutl nil rtvrfmiio of 1UU eiuielle-. a tiny. Ac ooiding lo hut Jfhttr, howns uewr withoul a cignrollu In bin inuiilh, ecii getting up duriiiK the night lo inhkc llHkuiK for huiUJIi. WASIIINQTON, I). C Dee. 8. Charged with obtaining money un der fnlse pretences, Juan Suiiehe. Azcoiin, n Mexican revolutionist, to day declared that tho charge was t lumped up in order to procure his return to .Mexico lo face punishment for insurrection. Axcouu admitted thai lie had po litical ustrirntions and udded that it 'rnncesco Madeio were huecehsfnl he would be seeietary of btnlu iu the rovoliitioiuiry government. A.eonn declares tlmt agents oi I'tesideut Diax me attempting to force his return to .Mexico, Ho suys that the insurgents are daily gain ing iclones ami eveutunlly will overthrow Din.. Axcoiia ix seeking a congiession.il imptiry into his case. SULTAN GETS HIS MONEY FROM BANK 'HKKLIN, Dec. 7. The imperial supremo court today ordered the linoeriul liniik of llerliu to pay (o Abilitl .Hainid, deposed sultan oi Turkev, .fri.OIIO.UUO deposited by the dethroned ruler several jeurs ngo. It is believed that the Young Tuiks worked political wiic.s to pro cine ihe older of the court, mi that wlit-ii the money is icliuned to Ab dul Humid they may seize it. Previ ously the hunk lelitsed lo pay the rummy on the ground tlmt Abdul Hamid was forced by the Young TtiiKs to demand it. DiphuunU see iu Ihe new relation"" of Ucruinny and Turkey ns opposed to HiiKslu nud Kuslund In 1'ersin the eiume lor the evidence that Tm Ki-h ' intliiencu in Ihe kaiei's court has1 neieimed coimiderably. They lie-! Iiee that iirior to Ihe recent Tuiko-j (leiuiHii cnteuto the etfoilt. of the lurks lo gum necc to llio nione would lime been futile. If Madford should shop onrly, there Is redoubled reason why Its ChrlstmnB panknges should lie maljifd oarly. All tho reasons which snvor of humanl tnrlanlsm apply to the force of post office workers ns powerfully ns to clerks In stores, for the men employ ed by Unolo Sam will soon Wave to commenco working 12 hours day and night shifts, and oven longer In the near future. Cluistrans to them will mean nothing but n bewilderment of rush, weary limbs at the eloso of each day and an oxhaustlon which will re quite several days' rest to ropalr. Hut there Is a mnro Imnicdlato and selfish argument for public considera tion. UnlebH tho public puts Its Christ mas mall In early, It Is, physically im possible to have tho mall delivered on time. During the busiest of the holi day season tho voltimo of mall Jumps to about 10 times tho normal run, whereas tho Incienso given the post office for this work Is but a small per cent of tho total force. This means that If Christmas mall Is plleu In the last few days prior to December 12f It must acrumulnto In the offices until the force can possibly get through It, which always lakes front eight to 10 days. If tho public would show1 somo con sideration for tho postofflco force and commenco depositing Christmas pack ages two vookn or more prior to the acth, tho vast Incroaso would bo dis tributed over n considerable period, and tho force of employes probnbly bo able to handle It about as fast as It was turned over for delivery. KLAMATH PALLS, Or., Dec. 8. Word has renehed this city that a large dam recently built by private interests to store water for the irri gation of about 4000 ncres of land iu Langell valley, about 40 miles from Klnmnth Falls, was washed out by the heavy rains and snow, J lie construction ot the darn co-.l scvernl thousand dollnrs. In addi tion to the loss of cdhstritdlion the promoters of the irrigation system will not be in rehdiiiojs tb flirnisli water next spring, which will bring great loss lo the settlers under the project. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. .i. NOTICE. from flrnpe All persons owning projierfy on the following named streets ho ap plied to nay their water innln nsseis- incut under (he bonding net nro here-1 "tlvct t( Wt'st Second street. West Jnckson street ' street to west boiinnry. AVest Second street from Oak dale nveniio to west boundary. Olson Htreet from West Fourth His Hands Worth $20,500. TOLKDO, O., Dec. 8. The largest settlemenl iu u personal injury case eer mndo iu this part of the coun try 'wits reported when Daniel Chris mnii, u fanner, aged 117, whose hands were burned o(f at (he wrist by a liigli-tciision wire of llio To ledo & Indiana, Huilroad company, in Deltn last April, iccc'm'd fiom Ihe railroad 20,fi(l0. Christman sued the rnilroad for $7.",000. The case did not como to trial. Will Written in Chinese. NEW YORK, Dec. 8. The first will written in Chinese characters ever filed hi Now York county was deposited (his week. It is the wilt of 1'ogn Wing Wnrt. He leaves i comfortnblo sum to a brother'. Read in December Sunset Magazine. "San Francisco, .the Exposition Cily," superbly illustrated in four 1 . T cotors. mow on sale, nil news stands, 1G cents. by notified (lint tlio second payment Is now duo and payable nt the office of tlio city treasurer at once. West Main street from Laurel street to west corporation boundary. Summit ncnuu from West .Alain street to West Fourth street. Itoss court from West Main street to West Fourth street. Jtose avenue from AVest Main street to AVest Fourth street. I'cach street, North, from 'AA'est Miiin street to West Fourth sticet. Clark street from Xnrrcgnii htreet to nest boundary. South Newton street from AVest .Alain street to AVest Klghth street. Xarregan stneet from Jackson street running north. Orange street, South, from AVest Jfnln street to AVest Klghth street. No other notice (linn this will ho gIVen iihd there is a fifteen-day limit on these paj incuts, nfter which the same become delinquent. ii. ii. rfACons, 222 City Treasurer. 1 tjmUJM a. 1. Tho store that makes its advertis ing valuable to you enrns your sup port. Every day some stoio's ad vertising is parliculaily valuable to you "-mid you can discover which store and what advertisement in a few moments. Land For Sale . Fertile fruit and alfalfa land in small and large tracts. Cleared and uncleared.. - Terms and price reasonable. Address Box 16, Tolo, Oregon Special School Meeting Notico is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 49 of Jackson county, state of Oregon, that n speeinl school meeting of tho suid district will bo held at High School Building on the 7th day of December, 1910, al 2 o'clock in Ihe afternoon, for llio follow ing object: To levy n special tax. Dated this 20lh day of November, 1910. Attest ORIS CRAWFORD, District Clerk. J. E. WATT, Chnirmnn Hoard of Directors. I ,,, MEDFORD. -A, CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 203 FRUITGBCWEKS BANK BUILDING. 1SJCM ! VICTORIA, H. C, Doe. 7.-RuKh cutliitKiuht of ltrilihh Columbia will he uhoii a hunt, if present plans ma ture, during lht Chrlxlmnw holiday The vaivitv inithy fifteen from I'nl il'oiniu nud Stanford uniuMMtie have accepted the mutations I torn Victoria ami Ynnoouer to come noitli this month, (ho Herkeley boy to piny for the Keith intemntionu' iuh tiophy at ictorin nud tin Siiiiifuid studeuls lo eiMCUKO in . fnuudly surte will, t,i Vuncoiiu'i icpreseutwtive twuu here. Pure Clear Sparklin or You enn't afford to do without this splendid, refreshing drink. Call up and order u case sent to the house. The purest, most healthful drink known is SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, Aacnt. ASHLAND uyiwtA'akl. ?& yzsy , Ashland; Oregon Swedenburg Block This is the school that will make you Suc cessful, Train you for Business aud Help you to a ?osition. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND AND ENGLISH v Secure your Business, Education at homo at a very moderate expense and, if you wish, we will secure you a position in any of the large commercial centers. NO BETTER SCHOOL ANYWHERE AT ANY PRICE ENTER AT ANY TIME P. RTTNER, A. M., President. v t Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. TIMBER LANDS WANTED List with us what you have for sale. Timber cruising, and estimates furnitshed. HARRBS TIMBER LAND COMP'Y 208 FRUITGROWERS BANK BLDG-, MEDFORD. OREGON. NEW PLACE for new people, at the new town and fruit tracts at : $d0.00 to $100.00 per acre, at Three Pines, which is : the shipping point on tho Southern, Pacific railroad : in the lower end of the Rogue River valley, for 700,- : 000,000 feet of lumber. A lumber flume 11 miles long : is now completed and a planing plant in operation. '. See HOWLAN13 for prices and terms on the fruit ) tracts, or j Van Dyke Realty Co. Room 3 123 Main : S --- ;;Eat- Figola Bread J(mtains ingredients of Fij. Mllimi'..vi MKKTINd OP TIIK't lltlltlll .....-- . ... mmri; lll lilt IIOItTU'rlc Tl'KAI. StKMin'V. TheltortltuUurHl uoclety will hold a upeolal mtsilliiB thU nftornooii at S o'clock In (heir hall and Important hiuliUMW In to be tinnwicttttl .Notice wa kIii at the November meotliiB that mi Hiimitu'mi'ut to tlio b)luw would bo oi.t uimiu rhniiKlng the day of mooting Iroin Saturday to WtHlniwday. On aceauHt of continued' effort In tho ot to gt the l.afwin apple box bill througU coiigrwA. thU mutter will also ho up for cotmliler ullon. All member niuuiw ue r out. Tho roKulnr Hiiuject vtll if 'Winter Pruning." OF nutri- JTHW BREAD AIKR1T. JNot fu name only, but in reality. LY wholesome. tious bread. J A ids digestion SOLD EXOIAVSIVKI YBY TODD &CO. IIR1)TOR1) BAK10RY ANDDKLKWTICSSION BUY YOUR ROAST 'ITRKKYUKRIO LANDQUIST, JOHNSON 6 LlilUS, INC. Real Estate and Insurance Special Representative for International Iteal Estate Association, Chicago, 111. AGENT FOR FRANKLIN FIRE INS. CO. RELIANCE FIRE INS. CO. BARGAINS AND MONEY MAKERS IN FARMS, ORCH ARDS & TIMBER LANDS. 201 St. Mark's JBuilding, Phone 2411 Troiitman Orchard Heater The world's standard of efficiency and economy. I They burn air. Made in seven types to meet any requirements. Special prices for short time. We also manufacture the lard pail hears. Write Karl R. Wundt, General Agent, Meridian, Idaho. ----n MEDFORD THEATRE FRIDAY, DEC. 9 THE BEAUTIFUL DOWN EAST PLAY Along The Kennebec PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Gunrautood Prices Roasouablo COFFEEN & PRICE 11 North 1") St..Mcdfoid. Ore, Phone 303 STAOED1 WITH ALL SPECIAL SCENERY. the Comedy Quartette the Good Singing the Realistic Snow Storm HEAR SEE the Funny Duel Scene the Thrilling Explosion Sceno CLEVER CHARACTER SPECIALTIES, BRIGHT MUSIC AND COMEDY Seats ou sale Tiuda, December (th. -- --- t - i -- V f 'V r"-- - riwjijyyurtrTir r " -iFNIitd