Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 08, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Personal and Local
B. T. Harrison of Monroo, Wash.,
who desires to locate his family In a
better climate than that of the Ever
green stato, Is stopping In Medford
for a short time.
Mnnr-Ehni Co., loans, FniitRrow-
i-rs' Hank building
Ed King, tho popular caterer of
tho Nash, made a business trip to
Ashland Wednesday evening.
Have your Xmns photos made by
Mnokoy if you want something to
Hen so. tf
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Foster
and young son, Gordon, and Miss
Pemolla Foster of Oak Mount orch
ard, leavo Thursday for San Diego,
,Cal., whro they will spend the win
tor. If yon wnnt to enjoy tho show,
tnko a pair of opera glasses with
you. Dr. Goblo has them at prices
from $0.00 to $25.00. 301 East
Main strcot.
A. D. Cook, who Is seeking for a
location for a home, arrived hero
Wednesday night. Mr. Cook halls
from Nowcastlo, Wyo.
Moor-Ehnl Co., exclusive agents
for property In Crescent and Wake
field, Or., townsltes on Hill's now
railroad. See them. Crescent Is
division point. 220
tir. Pollnltz of Contral Point was
In Medford on professional business
Wednesday afternoon.
Is your touso wired? Ono cigar
less a day would pay for a hundred
per cent Increase In comfort. Start
living tho electric life. tf.
Joo S. Boswell, ono of tho popular
business men of Central Point, was
In tho city on business Wednesday
afternoon. Mr. Boswell has Just dis
posed of his timber claim In Siskiyou
county for $3000.
Fifty-throo acres special, 10 acres
coming Into bearing orchard. Call on
J. B. Wood, Condor Wutcr & Power
Co.'s offlco. , tf
Henry Heldt of Ynnkton, N. D.,
has arrived In Medford and will mako
his home nt some point In tho Roguo
Ulver valloy.
r Tho Hull auto livery has decided
to accommodate tho trado to and
from the opera, natatorlum dances,
cafes and so forth, and by placing
a call they will call for you at any
time. Their orders wll bo booked
nt their offlco. Phono 3141.
A. L. Lawrence, who Is by trado
a plumber nnd gas fitter, Is In Med
ford for o few days. Mr. Lnwrcnco
comes from Ogden, Utah.
I The Medford Hardware Co. has
hundreds of useful nrtlcles suitable
Tor gifts.
L. M. Simpson, who Is engaged In
the general merchandise business at
the Needles, Cal., Is spending a few
days in Medford.
Wanted boarders A new board
ing house has oponed at 70G (South
Oakdalo. Call and seo us for fair
treatment, or address F. H. More
land. 302
Alvln Mulllnax of Madera, Cnl Is
In the city on legal business. Mr.
Mulllnax is connected with tho Mil
ler & Lux estate and Is hero on busi
ness In connection with that vast
plantation. i
Xmns photos mnilo by Mnckoy will
plwe. t
George E. Green of Corvallls Is In
town on a 'pleasure trip.
Chafing dishes, carving sets, brass
articles, silverware and tho host, In
latest, swellest designs at tho Med
ford Hardware Co.
Chartes H. Hunter of Skagway.
Alaska, Is stopping In town for a few
days. He expects to meet his mother
nnd sister at this point. They live at
Salt Lake, Utah, but aro at present
In Sanv Frnnclsco and will meet Mr.
Hunter hero, from which point ho
will accomnanv them to PorMnml
Every light but electricity gives
off snioko and smoko contains soot,
which deposits on your wall paper,
curtains, draperies. Electric light
Iowb In an air tight bulb. tf.
, Georgo W. Wilson of Galena, Kan.,
reached Medford Wednesday night.
Mr. Wilson Is a lead mlno operator
of that district nnd is on tho coast In
tho Interest of his health, having been
affected by arsenical poisoning from
tho mines of hlsr. district.
The next Idlo hour that comes
along, mako It pay you a big dividend
by having demonstrated to you at
room 207 Phipps bldg., tho White
Houso pantry. Tho Inducement to
secure ono free is bound to Interest
you. 22G
P. C. Armstead of Port Townsond,
Wnsh., Is transacting legal business
In Medford.
I Clnrvnco B. lloglo of Slguurnoy, lu
I reached Medford Thursday. Mr. Bo
I gle has been for a number of years
in the clothing business In lora and,
should the country suit htm, will lo
cate in that line of business nt some
point on this coast.
Walt for Mcker'e big clearance salo
everything on sale.
Arthur M. Beal, who has been
working in Santa Cruz, Cal., for the
past three months, has returned to
Medford. Mr. Beal says California
IhaH more sunshine than money and
he prefers Roguo River valley.
W. H. Meeker & Co. will begin
the big sale Saturday morning. You
will miss it It you fall to visit their
stnrn finlnrilnv
Walter C. Winston Is In the city,
having arrived from Hastings, Nob,,
An elegnnt lino of opera glasses
In gold, pearl and Morroco nt Dr.
Goblo's. optical parlors, 301 East
Main street.
Will C. Hapgood of Salem Is in
Medford for a few days on buslnoss
matters. '
Xmas gifts from Van do Car's will
plcaso forever. tf
James R. McCann of Buffalo, Wyo.,
a coal mlno operator of tho Rock
Creek Coal company, Is In Medford
for a few days.
Meeker will savo you money ou
ready-to-wears salo Saturday.
Piano tuning. Phono Main 4171.
John Worley, who has a homestead
In tho vicinity of Trail, was transact
ing business in Medford on Thursday.
Mr. Worley says tho roads aro In
very bad condition tho greater part
of tho way from Trail to Medford.
B. T. Van Do Car's Jowolry store
will bo open ovenlngs from now until
Miss Alice Degen of Santa Rosa,
Cal., has arrived In tho city and will
visit an mint In tho neighborhood of
Tnblo Rock.
Bo sure and call on B. T. Van Do
Car whon in search of something
pleasing in tho lino of new and clnssy
Jewelry. Open evenings.
Wnrrcn Brooks, who lntoly camo to
tho valley from Port Blnkeloy, Wash.,
will mnke his homo n Medford, hav
ing sent for his family.
Walter Ferris has gone to San
Francisco, aftor having visited tho
homo of his youth for a few days,
tho work of excavating for a now
business building on Fir street Just
above tho Mooro bar.
J. R. Stewart, contractor on tho,
Natatorlum, returned Wednesday
night from n business visit to San
E. F. A. Blttner promises to em
ploy only American born white men
with families, If possible, for all city
Ed Healey of Philadelphia, who
for a number of years has been con
nected with tho Reading Railway
company, Is hero for a few dnys. Mr.
Healey Is suffering from Infected eye
sight nnd hop3 a rest will restoro
his Bight to Its former porfectnes3.
Chris Thompson, a wealthy ox-bus-luessmnn
of Hoqulnm, Wnsh., is in
Medford for a few days. Mr, Thomp
son has n valuablo timber claim on
Evans creek, which ho is looking lifter
and incidentally would like to find
a business focntlon In this city. Ho
Is much taken with Medford and says
tho town reminds him of tho balmy
days of tho Grays Harbor country.
Miss Maxtno Leonard of Ashland
Is upending tho dny with friends In
Medford. .. .
Tho rending nnd club rooms In tho
parlor of tho Presbytorlan church nro
open overy evening', except Sunday,
from C:30 to 10 p. in., nnd nro free
to all men.
Tho Epworth leaguo held nn enjoy
able social Tuesday evening at tho
homo of Miss Clara Wine, and nil who
1111011X16(1 tho event pronounco It one
of tho most plonsnut occasions of
which they have had tho good fortune
to nttend In many months.
Tho M. E, Brotherhood held Its
regular meeting Wednesday night nnd
wns treated to an excellent address
by B. F. Mulkcy.
Georgo Gaspleck and MIrs Mnybollo
Bonner, both of Jackson county, wore
united In marriage Inst Saturday aft
ernoon by Rev. Bolknnp of this city.
Mr. and Mrs, Gnspjeek will mako
tholr homo In Medford, whoro thoy
hnvo a largo clrclo of friends, who
wish thorn ovorythlng meant by tho
word prosperity.
Tho two-mllo relny skating raco
which occurred Wednesday night nt
tho Natatorlum was won by tho Med
ford team over tho champion team of
Ashland. Hurry Schultz, Nolsoy Slo
cum, Cnrloy Beakum and Wlllard
Jones constituted the home team. Tho
slnglo raco of ono inllo was won 'by
Harrington of Ashland. Harrington
of Ashland and Slocum of Medford
nro now being matched for a raco and
tho event promises to be ono of great
W. U. Unlloy, who reached Med
ford Wcdnesdny and who expects to
locate In the Roguo River valley, has
already decided to purchaso lots and
build a bungalow. Mr. Bailey Is a
retired grocery merchant and is
Miieroly looking for a good town In
which to build n homo,
Don't forget tho Medford hardwaro
when looking nround for gifts.
John L. Hnloy, formerly editor of
tho RnlBln City News nt Fresno, Cal.,
was In tho city Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. Hnloy is on his way to the north
west territory.
What Is moro npproprlnto than a
seal ring engraved properly? B. L.
Van de Car will engrave It freo of
barge whtlo you wait, Phipps Bldg.
Robert Foote, who for years was
n tho einpoly of tho government as
intlercnt Old Fort Lnramlo, Wyo., Is
sojourning In Medford.
Freo rending rooms nt Presbyto-
Inn church, open overy evening from
5:30 to 10 except Sundny.
Robert G. Wilson of Salem was In
tho city Wednesday evening traiimici
:'B leg" I business
Lato magazines, papers, nnd pe
lodlcnla at Presbytorlan reading
room In church, corner Holly nnd
Main streets. Open 0:30 to 10 p.
m. Every man nnd boy Is invited
fo spend tho evening hero.
Will H. Gray of Klamath Falls was
In tho city Wodnesdny, Mr. Gray Is
hero In tho Interest of a Portland
vinegar and pickling works.
Have you soon B. L. Van do Cnr'B
how window on Main strcot, Phipps
Bldg? It has Boino suggestions for
Xmns glftB. tf
Gono Whitney, who for tho pnst
four years hnB boon ono of Undo
Sam's boys nt Fort Flagler, Wash.,
has his discharge from the service
and will Hvo In Roguo River valloy
In tho future. Mr. Whitney hns serv
ed two enlistments in tho army.
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Night 'Phones:
P. W. Weeks, 2071
A. E. Orr, 3692.
You can't uffoul to miss Meekur'u
big sale everything reduced.
A. II. Avers of Williams, Ariz.,
arrived In Medford Wednesday on a
ten days' visit with friends and while
hero will purchaso a small tract of
land for orchard purposes.
My prices aro rcasonnblo. Your eye
sight Is priceless. Dr. Rlckort, over
S. J. Pottoi, who for several years
has been engaged In tho general mer
chandise business nt Greshnm, was
transacting business InMcdford Wed
nesday evening.
If you haven't got a block in Oak
dalo Park addition you had batter
got ono nt ouco. Seo W. H. Evcrhard,
009 Ninth Btrcot, Wet, for particu
lars, tt
Warmed into life by the sun shining
on Southern cotton fields, nurtured by
rain and dew, the cotton plant concen
trates in its seed that ltfc-giving and
life-sustaining quality which is the basis
of Cotlolene. From Collonfield to
Lilcheu, human band never touch the
oil from which Cottolwie is made. It is
a product of Nature.
I.-ird comes from the fat of the hog
often impure, always indigestible. Cot
toleiic. on the contrary is pure, and
jelly mode from the jnlcc( of choicest
fruit is not more easily digested than
this product of the oil extracted from
he kernel of the cotton seed.
Sunny Monday soap is just
as pure as it looks. It is white,
made from the purest mate
rials and contains no rosin
starts dirt like magic washes
woolens without shrinking
docs not fade colors works
in any kind of water and
contains a marvelous dirt
starter which saves time and
rubbing. Sunny Monday will
double the life of your clothes
ahd save you half the labor
of wash day.
Joint It. Wlrieman tt Tillamook 1$
In the city on n business nilwion.
Joo Hunt, who Is musing for city
recorder of Ashland, was In tho city
for a few minutes Wednesday eve
ning. John II, Cirkln,. attorney at law,
over Jackson County bank.
A. M. Dlen of Warrenton Is among
the Thursday arrivals In Medford.
Mr. Drew will Investigate- tho entlro
valloy beforo returning. He expects
to buy land nt somo point In southern
Oregon and will place his son, D. V,
Drew, upon the place Small fruit
culture Is tho object.
You nro Invited to cnll hero
,', and boo my exceptionally fine!
naHnrttiinnt nf lTnllitnv Hnnila.
That llttlo ARTICLE you havo
been looking for may bo here.
Jowolry, Diamonds, Watches,
Rings, Silverware, Cut Glass,
etc., etc., all In -Intent designs
nnd superior makes.
--- -
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Christmas Gifts
From Van De Car's Please
Store Will Be Open Evenings from Now Until Christmas
on All Goods Two Weeks
Before Christmas
in the city consisting of
Diamonds. Watches, Guff Links and
Scarf Pins in Gold or Gold Filled
Sterling Silver and Ebony Toilet Sets-Over 500 Patterns in Fobs and Lockets
All At Recuced Prices For Two Weeks
Every Walthaii Watch move
ment f guaranteed by tho manu
iu.turcrt mgttlnut liny delect in
trutcrul or construction. TnU
guarantee U without time limit,
and bolda good the world over.
Elgin & Waltham Watches $5 Up
Boys' Watches from $1 up to $5. Of)
Ladies' Watches from $7.50 and up
WALTHAM on.tho dial of n watch muzhik Unit there is an ncpiiiulo
nnd dnniblo timckeciiij; mncliiiio under the dial.
15 ,000,000
Waltham Watches
now in use PhiniW
We have a large assortment of XlljO
Waltham Watches in Gold, Gold T 1 A q
Filled, Silver and Nickel Cases. IJlUg.
A small deposit will hold any of
these beautiful Christmas Gifts un
til you are ready to send for then.
When you huy a Christmas pres
ent you want to know that it Is as
represented and that it will please
the recipient. We boast of the qual
ity of our pods and take pride In
making every claim good.
A specialty of Lodoe Pins and
Charms In Gold and Gold-Filled
14 Karat
Seal Rings
Look All Over Town, Then Come and Get Our Prices
1 1