m3mmmm W&TgFS?1. railHl! 'jwm J3W"' Tf ; I THE WEATHER Continued rain. The Memtt of the rlaff White Kalr weather. -Hum or snow, ' llllin M'lillo nnrt blue Local showers lllnck trlnnRulur Above white, warmer; below white, colder. White with bluck center Colo. Are You Helping Medford to a Merry Xmas. Do Your Shopping Now Medford Mail Tribune M Circulation MAIL TRIBUNE'S CIRCULA TION YESTERDAY WAS 2975 FIFTH YEAR. jLEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1910. No. 222. WILL INVESTIGATE ALLEGED CHINESE SLAVERY SYSTEM IN SAN FRANCISCO THIS STATE CALIFORNIA S.P.RATES feS" RUMOR HAS POME TO FOLLOW LOWERED HE? fX-RULER OUT WAY OUR LEAD 0NC00LING soon POISONED -..- , Massachusetts Writes to Oregon for Copies of the Progressive Laws in Use In This State Foss Will Use flicm as a Basis for Recommen dation. Til SALHM, Or., Dec. 8. Requests nrq coming to tlio secretary of state's offlco at Salom from far and wide over the United States for Information regarding the workings of tho Initia tive and referendum, the recall and otlicr measures following tho rccont election in this state. The election pamphlets Issued by tho stato aro In C.rcnt domand, sovoral thousand hav ing been mailed out to correspond ents slnco they wore printed. Tho latest roquost came today from Attor ney Gcorgo Frederick Williams of Hoston, a friend of Governor Foss of Massachusetts. Williams stated that Governor Foss would uso Orogon laws its basis for recommendation Fruitgrowers of Bear State Prepare to Standardize Their Fruit, Hop ing to Gain Reputation Similar (o Titat Already Secured by the Fruitgrowers of Oregon. STOCKTON, Cal., Dee. 8. One ot! tliu must important subjects taken up by the California Fruit growers' association in convention horc standardization of pack n being considered by the delegates to day. The season just closed lias marked the first year of organized effort for standardization of fruit in California. Five counties ship ped no fruit this year (hat was not stnuunnlizetl, and the result was most satisfactory. Tho growers hope to mnkc tho label, "grown in Culifarulii, .stan dardized." a sufficient guarantee of Railroad Ordered to Reduce Its Re frigerator Rates to Old Standing by Interstate Commerce Commis sion Rato Was Advanced Fifteen Cents Per Hundred. (Continued on Pago 2.) WASHINGTON. D. C, Doe. 8. Tho Southern Pacific railroad was ordered to reduce its refrigerator rates to the old standing by tho in terstate commerce commission to day, following the hearing of n com plaint by shippers that tho rato had been advanced 15 cents per hundred pounds on oranges and lemons in tho last year. The Arlington Fruit Kxehnugo company nnd other const fruit con cerns wore" responsible for tho re duction, having charged that tho rates were exorbitant. Tho right of tho bhippors to ro-cool tiieir fruit was another matter brought up at the hearing, Extensive System of Chinese Peon age Said to Exist in San Fran ciscoBrought to Light by In vestigation of Smuggling by Fed eral Officials. " Hill NOI INTERESTED IN 1 1 1 RAILROAD SO SAID HEAD OF EMPIREBUILDERS' L OREGON MS AUTOMOBILE 10 SDPPLANI HORSE John F. Stevens States That Re ports Were Wrong Barnum Bought Engine From Them, Giv ing Color to Stoiy. POllTLAND, Dec. 8.- Tho Hill system lh ' interested i" any f,mn or manner in tho Hoguo Kivor Valley railroad that is operated between Medford and Jacksonville, states Pi cedent John F. Stevens of the Hill lines in Oregon. He referred to the matter, lie explained, bucause when iM California reports readied him to the effect that the road was a part of the Hill system. "I readily understand how that rumor was started," explained Mr. Stevens this morning. "Tho road bought a locomotive from us that had been used on tho Astoria & Co lumbia River railroad and that w bad no uso for, and seeing tiie let tering on it, the people of course drew tho conclusion (hat tiie road wan using pari of our equipment. Hut such is not tiie case. Wo sold thein tho locomotive as we occas ionally dispose of lulling stock that we can spare to Jogging or oilier smaller roads." Mr. Steven has returned from California, agonmpnuied by Mrs. Stevens nnd his son, John F. Slov ens Jr., and Mrs. John F. Sloven, Jr. who are on their way home lo Chicago on their wedding trip, Un voting people having been married about three weeks ago in Cliieng'. where Mr. Stevens is in tho rnil rmid Mipplv biiaino.-.-. 'I speut nearly three woeks in California routine up mid looovoring frmn hii attack nf tho grip that I contracted on my recent trip oict." said Mr. Stoveiis. "nnd tiow fee' much letter. I did not allow myscif to think of busiuo for a moment while in California and did not even receive any mull. So I have prac tically been dead to the buiuois world since T laft here. Mr. and Mra. Steveae, Jr., wiJU pr.diahlv remain in Portland a few days bpfoi rpauiniaK the trip to CliicHro. DRAWN MICA L DEAD WOMAN'S IDENTITY KNOWN Fire Laddies Hold Banquet and Bus incss Session Many Matters for tho "Good of the Department" Discussed Officials to Aid. That Medford will soon change her present flro equlpniont, discarding horses' tor modern nutomohllo flro trucks, was forecast last ovenlng nt a meeting of tho .Medford flro de partment at which tlmo city officials voiced their approval of such n change on tho grounds that it was more economical and much more TMM KILLED Had Lived Checkered Career Throughout Northwest Coroner's Jury Finds That She Came to Her Death Under Wheels of Train. Mystery no longer surrounds tho death of the woman found by tho railway track ..Wednesday morning. While her truo identity is a more conjecture, it is known that she went by tho naino of Hollo Kills and formerly Jived with hor husband, J. If. Kllib, in Spokane, Wash. Tho pair became estranged and, aooord- ( Continued on Pago -) (Continued on Pago 2.) I . MARY BAKER G. EDDY IS I: D S SERVICE SIMPLE BOSTON, Mass., Doc. 8. Tho fun- James Hussoll Lowell and Ollvor oral of Mrs. .Mary Haker fllovor tidily, founder and lute head of the Chris tian Scloneo church, was held this morning from hor lato ros'ldenco on Chestnut Hill. The funoral was un ostentatious and in accord with hor wlshos there was no music nor floral display. The remain will he removed later to a tomb now being constructed l' Won (I oil Holmes ran bo soon. As tho funoral rortego passed through the Htreots on Its Way to tho comotory It attractod considerable at tention, many persons having waited to watch It pass. Aftor tho funoral party had loft tho comotory a guard was thrown around tho vault. Tho guard will bo maintained until tho body Is finally u most exclusive section of Mount Au-. placed In tho tomb that Is bolng pro- burn, from which slfe the tombs of pared for It. Washington; d. a, Dee. 8. Federal officials will order a rigid investigation of the San Francisco Cliincso slavery system upon receipt of official reports from tho local immigration officials 'in that city. Detailed reports have not yet been' recoived, but it is expected Ihoy will bo forthcoming soon. Tho department of commerco and labor and the trenBiiry department never have received reports of cases of peonage. It is thought this may bo duo lo tho fact! that specific cases become known only to individ ual employes of tho different de partments at Sau Francisco, and that these employes failed to report them to their superiors. Witli the completion of tho opera tions of u number of secret scrvico agents on tho coast, it is intimated here that ehnrges warranting ilu fi nite action will bo'pruforred. SAN FItANClSCO, Dec. 8. Fed oral investigation Into tho cxtonslvo smuggling ring today rovoaled tho alleged existence of Chlneso peonago In America. Chinamen desiring to enter tho United States nro bound out to morchnnts In the various Chl neso quarters of Amerlcnn cities, be coming virtual slaves until they havo earned their passago to America, tho fees of tho whlto and yellow smug glers and a profft for their quasl-oin-ployor. In addition to exposing tho peon ago system of the smugglers, It Is rumored In Chinatown today that 11 stowaways woro brought In on tho liner Manchuria and that 2(1 of tho contraband mon and women woro lauded under cover of darkness bo fore tho federal officers captured tho 1G now held at Angel island. It Is said that tho stowaways woro In two bands, each concealed In the dark holds of the veasol. Whether the customs and Immi gration officials wero aware of .the oxlstelnce ot the first band Is not known, as the government agents aro endeavoring to prevent In ovory way tho development! of their Investiga tion from becoming public. Influential Chinese declare that tho majority of tho officials In the ImiiiM gratlon sorvlco horo personally know of tho existence of tho peonage sys tem and Its operation, but that offi cially they aro unaware of It, Persistent Rumor That Deposed Turk Ruler Is Dead Was Given Added Color Today Announced That His Illness Has Taken Seri ous Turn Whereabouts Secret. WANT JOB ONLY FOR THE COIN 20 PER CENT CONSTANTINOPLE. Dee. 8.--A porstslent rumor that Abdul Hu mid, deposed sultan, is dead, which has been widely circulated for tho past week nnd as widely believed, despite denials from official sources was given added color today when it was aulhoritativol.V announced that Abdul's illness had taken a se rious turn. j Tho theory is advanced tiint the Turkish officials are preparing the minds of Abdul's followers for I ho worst. A sudden announcement of his death, thoy beliovo, would bo fol- Huinor says that Abdul was pois oned. No ono knows his exact whereabouts. Many Ashland Men Would File for Mayor and Council If Salary Mcasuro Carries, Otherwise There Will Bo a Dearth of Candidates at Next Election. GROWTH IS MADEINU.S. ASHLAND, Or., Deo. 8. If tho salary measuro falls to pass at the special city election to ho hold In this city on Dccombcr It, there promises to bo n dlrth of candidates for tho various city offices which aro soon to ho filled. On the other hand, If tho measuro carries, tho candidates nro lo glon. Ashland on tho 11th will voto on a measuro providing n salary ot $125 n motrth for tho mayor, and $25 a month for couucllmcn. One day later tho dato for filing ot potltlona ot candidates for offlco will cease. This means that during tho olght hours With Complete Returns From All Except Eight States, Estimates by Census Bureau Place Populatlsn of United States at 92,135,221 Growth Is Rapid Gain 15,000,000 (Continued on Pago 2.) WASHINGTON, D. O., (Doc. 8. tistlmates by tho census bureau based on complete returns from all oxcept olght states place tho population ot tho United States at 02,135,221. This estimate docs not Includo Alaska or other liiBiilar possessions. Tho population In IP 00 was 7G, 303,387. Tho gain Is 15,831,044 or 20 per cont. The United States kcops tho same rank among tho nations ot the world. China has 432,000,000, tho British umplro 392,84G,835, and Russia 140, 7U0.C00. 'Tho consua of 1820 gavo tho Unlt- CCotitinuod on Pago 2.) DELEGATION T OATTEN ASM LOOKS LIKE BIO SANTA CLAUS IN CITY THIS YEAR All of tho Stores In the City Aro Ex ceptionally Well Supplied With Goods-Splendid Offering in All Lines Stocks Freely Moving. In no way are tho metropolitan tendencies ot Medford more clearly shown than In the largo and varied stock of goods provided by all local merchants In their soparatn and In dividual Ilium for tho satisfaction of tho Christmas shopper. In every store and In overwhelming variety Is found an excellent and up-to-date WOMAN DEAD: MAN IS DYING: CRIME STARTLES After Shooting Woman Five Times, Man Hacks Own Throat Witli Razor, Thrusts Head In Bath Tuli and Tries to Beat Out Brains. EMPLOYMENT OF PRISONERS WILL BE SUPPORTED Memorial Is Adopted by Commercial Club Requesting Oregon's Delega tion In Congress to Ascertain tho Cause of Delay in Granting Patent (Continued on Pago 2.) SAN FHANCJSCO. Cal.. Dee. 8. .Mrs. Kulm Wcbb-llartley, 'JO, proprietress of the Hotel Ilriilo, who was shot five times yesterday by lames Whitley, (10, hor' partner 1.1 tho hotel, died today ut 7 o'olook. Whitley, who haokud his Ihtoal with h razor. Ilmitit his head in a half filled bathtub nnd iluui pojindud bin (Continued on Page 2.) WAS IT A FIGHT? JEFF TO ANSWER REPUBLICANS SPEND THREE TIMES AS MUCH AS DEMOCRATS WASHINGTON, I). C, Dee. 8. -The republican and democratic na tional campaign committees today tiled lists of contributions and ex penses in the lucent eongroMiioiial campaign. The republican received ni.d ex pended $7l,:i";5; the democratc, M7.771. Chairman McKinli-v publcaii committee of tho r" CLAIM VICTOR? FOR THE PEERS Lord Roseberry ami Arthur Balfour Say Elections Were Not Suffi ciently Decisive to Warrant Curtailment of Power of the House of Lords Liberal Orgrti Is Opposed. LONDON, Dee. 8. A conferva-, Lord Kobrrv and Arthur HaJfour live MUr gmi of larec ul. in pr-!d "da that the election were liamcnt ywterday gave n tdav ""' -utfWntlv deceive to warrant lo tke moat extravagant claim. MRS 0 INII (Coiiliniit-d on Pago 2.) l.OH ANOHLKS. Cal., Doc. 8 James J. Jeffries" prlvato opinion as to whothor tho rccr-nt Hono unpleas antness actually was a prize fight must bo told In court, and by the fallen hope of tho white race hlmsolf. Jeffrlos was served with a subponu yesterday by a detoctiro from the ills, trlct attorney's office. Ho must ap pear In a suit against I). Uyrne, who Is alleged to havo exhibited pictures of tho Johnson victory at Arcadia In violation of the statutes. Jeffries Is reported to havo dodged tho subpena servors for several days. It has boen facetiously said that he entertains socretly tho opinion ox pressed publicly by (arsons who saw tho affair that It could not bo digni fied by the term "fight," according to the stipulation made lexicographers that It nsnkf any fight. tho striken and their families U dally $r0(J(), the Union League oluli of Philadelphia tj57.')0, Leslie M. Sh.iw $HJ:H, Hlilui Itoot $oUU, John liny Hammond .f 100, Frank II. Hitch cock $300, Charles D. Norton, non rotary to tho president, $101); Am baHMidor Kerens, $')00, Tho republican funds were dis tributed iiin-.t livi-U in KaiiHan, I'Mwi, Ki-iitii'k, Mk'Iiiuii, Minnc hota, Ohio, Ti'iiui--te, Oklahoma contributed nnd Miout SflUff 1 Garment Workers Growing Desperate Five Thousand Families Without Necessities of Life 25,000 People Now B.lii( Fed by Com missaries Established by the Organization. CHICAdO. !). 8. With Indlcn-ibei-omliiKinoredeeuerflt. Plvathoii- by certain 'Hone Hut garment workers strue will ml famUlee are reported as near takes two to contluuull winter, the situation of,""1""1 starvation. Jhilonltts assort (Continued on Pago 2.) Jledford will scud a laro dulegu liou to the state ood roads conven tion to bo hold nt Portland Monday, instructed to work for sluto-aided highways mid for tho employment of atulo prisoners on tho Crater Lako highway. At the meeting of the iMitdfortl Commercial uJuh held Wed itosday, every member interested in tho subject who can attend wan re quested lo inform the secretary and receive appointment as nil .author ized doliwio. A memorial was adopted request iiiK Oregon's coiigroHiotial delega tion lo ascertain tho reasons for do lay in j;rnii(iu(r patents to thu- lihto Ledgo copper mine, which woro np- plied for two years ago, and which, lor eomo unknown otuiio mid unax pluiued reason, are lieiuj; hold up by the department of ilia interior. Tho Oregon senators nnd uongros&iuou are loipioutud to unfnthoiu thu mys tery nnd hasten (lie onto along, m thu speedy operation of tho uiuie, upon which u million dollars htvj I) eon apetit in development work, dc peuda .ii)oii the rucclving oj.' Jho pul uiits. The exhibit building came up for ilUonssion and the history' of tho structure was given by its huildoro. It was built seven yours ago from funds raised by John D. Olwell, uot tributed bv seven fruitgrowers and htirtitioMM men of Medford. Thu ex hibits went collected, owned and mnttitaiued by Mr. Olwell, tho lights lining furnished free by the lloguu ltier KJootriu company nnd tho hitu, by the Southern Pacific. It hud uover ooat tho Commoroiul oluh or the cillaen of Medford a cent, and wnri purely a privnto enterprise, though of puMio benefit. Mr. Olwell tutod that ho was' willing to re move it, or to soil it to tho club, if duaitud, but thu olub decided that lit Ita present financial condition tho piirchtthe and mniiitainanco were out nf the nueMion nnd recommend- (Continued on paR J.) &VA-- -I 131 m 'i ! .- i K 1 n n 3 -n v Li. itLr