.....Ml 5" "Swfitt THE WEATHER Cloudy; piiMMililn hIidWCI'H. Tim Mniro of tlm 1'lnKa. Wlilti. KiUr w ! t lift Ill if - I tit I II III' HIIIIW. hlli' mill lihli' l.ni'itl nlinwi'iM Him l( tl liiiiHillnr Alinvi' wlillc, union i li.-luw Mlillc, rulilcr Wlill.' ulili hliuU ci'iiliil Cnlil, The Medford Commercial Club Will Hold an Important Meeting' Tonight Medford Mail Tribune Circulation MAIL TRIBUNE'S CIRCULA TION YESTERDAY WAS 2975 i m KII-TII VKAU. HOiDRHR THIS RUN r MIODKOitI), ()KIXl()N,AVKI)M.;si)AyfJ)K('IOMIJKI7f 1910. FALUNGTIfVIBERSTRIKE ANOBADLYINJU JJL ANDERSON I m m Such Is Report From Portlnntl, Out Local Southern Pacific Officials Disclaim Any Kn(owlcilc of Mat ter Sny Present Motor Takei Care of All Business Easily. A iKporl was received In thin i i Iniltiy riuiii Portland in the iiffi'ci Hint n nceoiul gasoline motor car wiih ' I"1 I'l il on Mm local run In older In lulu mil of local IhihIim'hh i,i the Hoiilliorn Purine, l.neni i.fflclalrt or Kin load, hnwHvcr, illxehiliu any IimuwIihIko of tin report, dial ills, credit II, hhjIiik that ttio proMiMit mi In ItthliiK care of tin IiiikIiickh in a xnlli fur lory milliner. Tin iopt.it mules Hun din nir In lo In iilnrotl on the run between AhIiIiiiuI lltlll ItoiMilllllK'. ThlM Ih evidently tnUlakc. u It Ih hmIiI lo lu tinpoHtillilc fot ii motor to iiiiiIii tin rlliiili iii tlin ('itt fun tiniiyiut gmdoH. The, motor rar plnci-.l on the run between AhIiIiiiuI nml (JrmitH Pmrh ifvPral inoutlm ago Iuih proven to bo very populiir mill facilitates Intorur hrn travel. Tin mr Ih crowded each iluy to Km rapacity. A. S. Itoiii'iilmiim, loml agent for tin Southern Pacific, HtaloH Dial ho '-.nun mnlilnc or Hio matter ami din- i"illtn Hio icpnrt. Don't link your rrlcndit to flml ti MHiiiii! want ml voi lino. Workmen Removlnn Train Ortler Board at Old Depot Let Tlmlicr Fall Mr. Anderson Is Struck Leu Badly Injured Foot Crushed So Badly That Amputation Is Nccessr.ry Further Operation May Be Necessary Is In No Immediate Daiincr Resting Easily Very Small Loss of Blood. S INSURGENTS 6 HUP WO CO. FOR FIGHT S No. 221. ODY OF 1 UN MAN FOUND: LIBRARY IS TOBEAIOED HQDE OR ACCIDENT? BYTHECITY KNOWN : MURDER 1 Service-Worn Banners Draugeil From Resting Place Big Fight Will Come on Methods of Ap pointing Committees to Handle the Business of the House. .1. K. Anderson, picwiilciit mid where Dr. Toiler wn iiiiuieih'itlel. miiiiuger of Ihe Knguc Hivcr Valley (las i'oiiiiiiu.v, wiih Imilly iiijiiicil cuily Wciluesiliiy morning, when n huge pole fell while il wiih being ie moved I'lom tin nlil Southern I'n ril'ii' ili'iMil, mill mIiiii'I; li'n.'i, badly 1'iiifliiiik' hi leg. Amiiilulioii wii uecciir o xiivi hi lilc. stimmniicil, ulxo llio iiijurcil iiuinV mhi, who is cninieelcd with tho fnlh-i'i- in luiiHsH 1 1 cri'. 'Kxuiiiinutiou ol I lilt Hlllgl'OII hllllltcil Hint HO lll(II win llu1 limit mill tool criihlicd (lint to Hiii tin lined man tt in i hi tn t ion uui. nccesunry. .Mr. Anderson lioiv tin pain ol' liih wound with great Mr. Atidorrain, who in u very liu- I'orl it tialtt. Though crushed mid mini, mill it iiiitu of year, wiih bur- bleeding, he gave his mid'h telephone rjing " ll' fteighl depot on Iiii-i- iiililicsh, usked thai his shoos hu re- iiohs. mill not iioticiiiK t tut i u rail-1 Mi'tMiil ami in gcncrul ilnoctod tlie toiiil I'lew uits li'ltuii: diiuu the eld train order lioitnl. wliieh wiih roil ci'itt'il liy ii lio.M'iir, Mr. AnilcrMiu uill;cd iiiniH'iIiali'ly under the lieiuv Iniilier jin-l as ii wiih railing, and too lull) to heed the uuinini: civ "Wiiteli out!" which came troin the uoiktuun it lite litnlier full. Not lieiiiL' hle-f- eiiie of liiuiM'lf until llu a nival ol Dr. 1 'oiler and oilier medical ami hiiruieul aid. Mr. Anderson wiih imnovcd to the Southern ()ihoii hoHpitiil, where a huuc porliou of Iuh foot was tunpti titleil. It wan found tlmt lliere wuie multiple fracluieh of Initli hones ol POINDEXTER 10 ASK MFT ABOUT HIS PATRONAGE eil with the IkimI of fitlil, the nedi llio leir jiiht iihovo the uiiI.Il. So man was iiunlile lo e-cape, the liui-jliiidly is the limit iujuied that mi ad Itern eiilehim; liiin, lluouiu; him io-ililioual operaliou may he found lie lenllv lo the t!toiiiu1, lucakiun the ' feitry. lie is in no immediate left lev in tun place, ih the ankle danger mid i ii'Htleil to he rehtiu: mnl cni'hini; his left fool heyoml ca-ilv. reeo-jiutiou. J Mr. Andcivon came to this eil Mr. AiiileiHon wiih curried at ottec ultotit one vear iiko ami piomoleil a to the lohhv of the Nash lintel, local uiis compmiv. RS I STEP TO TRUST WILL Bl Spokane Representative Would As certain Whether President Will Allow Progressive Congressmen (o Name Their Postmasters. WASUINV.TON, I). (!., Dec. 7. KdpicKonlutlvo MllcH I'olmli.xh.r of SpoLuuo. ono of tlm well known n miiikoiiIh or I Im huiiMe. Ha Id today that hi would call upon I'rcHlilent Taft to UHc.iituIn vnitlur pio(,re8Hlvo miiiKroHNinon nro to iu permitted to name poriluuiHtorH lu their dlHtrlctn iih imHeiieil iy Pilvuto .Seciotaiy Nor ton IiihI Hiimmor. I'olmlextnr Hiild Hint he ilouliteil Hie truth of tho MHHertlon, addlni; Mint Im hud not enjoyed tint privilege ilium I'niHlilent Tuft Haw fit to with draw tho prlvlle';o ait a tuinlHliineut for Iiiniii'k!iik. If, howovor, ho Ih to have tho authority to name tlm post-iiiiiHtiit-H of IiIh illRtrlct onco nioro the WiiHliliiKlnn coiiKieHHiuan hii)h that ho him Hevenil to nulinilt. Ill u tmlil Mint I'olndextiir Iuih told peiHoiial frlomlH that ho prohuhly will rilecomineiul IiIh law partner, O. ('. Moore, uf HpoUaue, for appolutmont iih IMilloil HlutoH dlHtrlcL JiiiIko for OV 1 SMASH STEEL : TAKEN BV THE ON THURSORY WAKIIIN'MTOX, 1). C, Dec. 7. Kollnniiij; the delivery of the presi (lent'rt uietiHae to eoiiruhH, which eoutiiiuuil only u few eriunliH forlliu prurOhHivc meuihera of the lepult licau party, the iiiHiirent.s have drained the bervice-Jrajed baimers of iiisiirnency troin their resting place ami are preparui;; to make this u hi Htnhion for their cause. HepioMeiitative Korris, the rcat cbt iiiHiirKer of them all, is of the opinion thai (lie iiiHurt'iil.s this ses moii will eonccjitrntu their lilit on the inelliuil of iitointiii the coia mittecn ol the house. In faet, the uroiniil work lor tliat Ji"lit was ipiielly laid jtint Itefoie adjournment last Hprim;. At thai time Norri.s in troduced and had retenx'd to the coiuuiittee on rules a resolution which, if (ho insurgents can force il through, will revolutionize the conduct of husiiiCHriiu the house. Only a few atnoiiK the iniurj;c'ut knew of tho rcMilntiiui, which will prohahly he the basis, of their fiitt for the ne.t three months. The proposition is to dike tho Ho Light Cast on Grcwsomc Find Near Railroad Track South of This City Woman Was Not Known in Medford. But Had Been Seen Eal ing at Lunch Wagons on Streets of This City Was Well Dressed and About 40 Years of Age Was Pronounced Brunette No Clew as to Her Identity. Committee Meets With Council Ask ing Aid Mayor Assures Them of Support Electric Light Com pany's Proposition Is Rejected Judge Kelly Registers a Kick. caul em W'uhIiIiiijIoii,, FIRS! ATTEMPT FOR REVISION Congressman Sulzcr Introduces Bill Proposing Reduction in Tariff on Meat and Cattle Says He Has Backing of Democrats. n.KVKLAN'D, 0 Dec. 7. What purporls to he (he first step in n plan lo I ) real; (ho steel trust will lie started here lomnirow liy tint kov erumeut in (he filiii1,' of u suit auaiiist the (Ileal I.uI.ch Towiu;; company, ueeoidiui; to senii-nH'iei.il slnleiueiilH today by 10. 1'. ('huiuher Inin, special counsel for the K"eni nient. (.'luimherlaiu itssertthat his investiKi'.lioiiH linvp developed ei ilenee siiflicieut for an iufoimatioii necessary on which lo base a suit for dissolution of the steel inciter, "The steel 1 1 list is the paicut mid liustee of the Pittsburi: Steamship eoinpmiy," said ('hnmberlaiii. "The direelorales of the three concerns have a suspicious similarity. epeel lo prove that the (Ireat Lukes Tnwiiiif coinpany eonlrolH !).r per cent of (he towiuu' hiisines-; on the l.ikcsf and that since 11)111) the price of lowintr have increased 100 per cuil." HOUSE WILL BUCK THE NAVAL (Continued on I'agu 4 ) SOCIALISM? A FULL TICKET IN CITY FIELO Will Enter Actively Into City Pol itics at Coming Election Ernest E. Woltcrs, Union Man, Heads Their Ticket. Suicide, murder, accident, are the three theories figuring In tho myste rious death of an unknown woman whose body was found Wednesday mornlnK by workmen from Phoenix whllo on their way to Medford about three-quarters of a mile south of this city. The woman was small of stat ure, dark roniplexloncd and about to years of n;e and was found a short dlstanco from the mile post south of Medford In the path at the end or the ties. There were no signs of a strug gle, no evidence that she had been struck by a train and no evidence of suicide. She was lying on ber left side facing the track, and from under Iter bend the blood had flowed until It formed a pool a short distance from the body. Sbo evidently had never moved ntfor having fallen. Who the woman Is, is a mystery. She was recognized by Chief of Pd lice Shearer as having been seen on the streets hero some ten days ago, and was also seen Friday evening about 5:30 and Friday night at 0:30 eating nt one of the lunch wagons. The woman had been on the streets Inquiring for "Fred" and had asked a number of men If thoy had soon "Fred." She was warned by tho of ficer not to make herself conspicu ous upon the streota, as she acted queorly and it was thought she was under tho Influence of strong drink. She was Inst seen about 9:30 Tuesday night and at that time was eating n nandwlch and laughing as though all tho world was bright. Nothing more was heard of her until about G:30 Wednesday morning, when the body was found lying by tho railroad track. There wns no evidence that she had beon accompanied to the place. Some of her own footprints wore visible along the track, but no others. There was not a particle of evidence thnt a train had struck her. Tho bodv had not been tumbled about or drag ged in any way. Whether she died by her own hand or was murdered by parties desiring to rid themselves of her presence re mains dark. Tho coroner and sheriff were Im mediately notified. Tho coroner's party arrived at 10:3ft. going immediately to the (Continued on Pase 4 ) It V N TO 1 ON ME" PROMISES E OBSOLETE SOON F At a meeting of tho city council hold Tuesday evening n committee from tho library board mado a request of the council that a levy of one-fifth of a mill be made for the support of the llbary, ns according to assessed vnluntlon that would give tho library about $1200 to support it for the com ing year. The commtteo showed the great good being accomplished by tho public library, which now has a mem bership of 1C00, mostly children: Tho commltteo assured tho council that therel s every reason to bellovn that a Carnegie library will bp secured by? another year. The mayor assured tho committee that tho prbpor aid would bo rendered tho library when the levy was made. , A petition from property owners on South Xewtown street was read. asking for tho withdrawal of the pe tltiqn calling for bltullthlc pavement and that bids by sttbmltted for ail kinds of hard pavement on that street. Petition granted. The report of the finance commit tee was read, and aside from oiu bill of the Clark & Henery company for pavement on Roosevelt avenue, wcro MRS. SNYDER IS VICTORIOUS N AR-RM AM PROJECTS OF SECRETARY MEYER WASHINGTON, I). C. Dec. 7. That tho naval projects of Secretary Meyer will meet with anything but clear Hailing when they reach tho house rnmmlttoo on naval affairs wits tint prediction today lu official cir cles. That part of the secretary's piogntm calling for tho "exile" of Hear Admiral Capps, chief of tho con struction llurcuit, It wuh predicted, would bo attacked Hovoroly. Tho re duction of Admiral CappH contained In tho order Heading him to the Phil ippines If widely discussed by mem bers of tho commit loo and rumor says that various methods havo been considered for "yetting back" at Meyer. Tho secretary Ih accused by some congressmen of having Issued tho order because Admiral Capps op posed IiIh navy reorganization uuhonio. CongiesHinan Ulchmond P. Ilobson of Alabama Is said to be leading the defense of Admiral Capps. A sugges tion has been mado, It Is said, that the naval committee recall CappH and ask his opinion on the reorganization scheme proposed by Meyer. Local socialists mot Tuesday eve iiiiiK at Hie hull eu Koith Grape street ami placed a complete eit ticket in the field for the enmim election. Inasmuch as the socialists polled over 'J DO voles in the Med font precincts at the last election, ihev have become unite a factor in loca' utilities To head (heir ticket, the socialists have named KmiM K. Wollors, sec retary of (he ('nrpenier.s' union. Mr Woltcrs- has for several years past been ft resident of Medford and has u lurj,'o circle of friends. In the first ward. W. V. Gould wns nominated for the oily council, W. J. Duuuhill in the second war.l and Georae 11. Miller in the third. The socialists are preparing their platform which they will submit lo (he public, The socialists stale thnt ns Mr. Woltcrs is actively identified with orjiiinizcd labor (hat ho will poll n Heavy union vole. Medford Mail Tilbuno want ads bring results. TACOMA. Washington, Dec. 7. That old familiar Invitation, "Have one on me," will be obsolete lu Ta coma atter December 19, and any bartender foolish enough to pormlt a customor to pay for a drink Intended for one of his friends, will bo subject to a flue of $100 or a ride in the pa trol wagon. The city commissioners to day passed Mayor Fawcetts ordi nance prohibiting treating" in sa loons and here after every thirst quenching station In the city must bo run on the antl-trentlng plan or suf fer the revocation of tholr chnrter. Also they nro compelled by tho pro visions of the ordinance to hae post ed notices calling the attention of pa trons to tho new ordinance. According to Mayor Fawcett tho or dinance Is to be strictly enforced atjd the police will be Instructed to mnke arrests whenever a violation of the law Is observed. WASHINGTON, I). (. Dee. 7. Tbe lii'Hl iitlmupt of Hie ilemoeratH lo bring aboiil revision of Hut I'uyiie Ahli ieli I a riff law eunm loday when CouarcHHinun William Sulvnr of New York in! induced u hill proposing n icilucliou of llio In HIT on meat mid en I lie. Hiilttr iiiliiuulciHIuil ho had llio hacking of ileiiioerntH mnl in-Mirgciils, PORK AGAIN ON UPWARO TREND Following Small Decline, Pork mid crnl Advance Bound to Come of Chicago Bref May Pork Products Start to Soar Gcn In a Few Days, Say Packers Remain Present Level. CHICAGO, Dec. 7. Tho prlco of pork and pork products Is tending upward followlui; a Hiitall decline dur ing (ho past few weeks. Pnckora to day admit Unit tho prices are again souring, 'hmTiiIIIioiii'U there has beon no advance In Chicago, II Ih bound lo como within a few days, they say. "Hogs and hog productH nro higher though tho advance a yet Is only Hllglit," said tho nutnagor for Armour & Co. "Tho outlook Is for still high er prices. Keef Is iih yet unchanged, and it Ih possible that It may stay nt IIh present level, " HEAVY RAIN CANAL ZONE Work Is Checked Temporarily by Overflow of Waters of Chagrcs River Rainfall Is Unprecedented Railroad Inundated. CVOI.ON, Dec. 7.- Tho govornment railroad through tho canal zono was Inundated today by an ovorflow of tho waters of tho Cluigres river caus ed by an unprecedented . rnlnfnil, which still continue.. Work on tho Panama canal has been halted tempo rarily by the heavy i.tlus. WANTS CONGRESS TO HAVE POWER TO CURB MONOPOLIES SUPREME MR I Long-Fought Legal Battle Is De cided in Highest Tribunal of State Has Been Fought Through tho Courts for Three Years Past. WASHINGTON, D. C Dee. 7. ln an effort lo give eomrixs the power to emit monopolies, Con gressman John A. Sterling of Illi nois today introduced a joint reso lution providing for the submission of u constitutional uincutlincnt om pow eiiug congress to suppress trusts. Tlie u'solution provides that "congress shall have the power lo pi event mnl suppress mouopolic throiiiilioiit the 1'iiitcd States through legislation." Steiling, who is the ranking mem ber of tho house committee of ju dieiary, wants tho amendment to give congress power not only to reg ulate interstate, but iutrnsta.to, com merce, in certain cases. "It is necessary," he said, "tlm: congress control not only the big corporations operating between the states mnl in foieigu commerce, Imi also those operating within tit, stales. State nuthorilics do no' proceed harmoniously m controlling corporations. After a legal battlo exteudiii'? over a period of nearly thrco years, Mrs.. I' ranees M. buyout has apparently won her suit brought for an ac counting against John Harrington, proprietor ot the Otticc cafe. The suit was brought by Mrs. "Sn viler as executrix of the estute of victor K. Snyder, her husband, who was for- merry a partner of Harringjon. llio plaintiff alleged that Har rington had never accounted for Snyder's interest in the business. Tho ease wns fought through the courts in several different ways. At one time Harrington was imprisoned for contempt of court. Tho cube filially reuuhcil tho su preme court on appeal from a decis-. ion in Harrington's favor by Judg'r II. K. llauna. This was reversed by the supremo court Titosiluy. In ail probability this means thnt Har rington will be lorced to an account ing now by Mis. Snyder. Modford Mail Trlbuno want ads bring results. STEAMER SIGHTED MAJORITY CLEARS BALLMER ls IN DISTRESS Congressional Committee Reports to Congress Says Secretary Is Not an Enemy Nor Is He Hostile to Judicial Policy of Con servationNo Grounds on Which to Condemn. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 7. Absolutely exonerating Secretary It. A. Ualllnger of the Interior depart ment from the charges that resulted In a congressional Investigation, tho majority report of tho Hullliifiur-IMn-chot investigation committee was pro sonted to congress at noon today. , The findings of tho commltteo nro summed up ns follows: That Secretary Ualllngor Is not an oneniy of nor Is ho hostllo to a rea sonable, judicial policy of conserva tion, and that no ground whntovor has been shown justifying tho opinion that ho Is an unfaithful and Ineffi cient public officer, Lifesavlng Crew Go to Rescue Both Funnels Havo Gone by the Board Rockets Were Sent Up at Daylight. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J., Dqq. 7 A lajiiio steamer, flying signals of ilistrobB mid with her fumigls gotio by tho board, was I'Q'Mirioil today off Utile Kgg hailtor. Meinborn of tho life-Hiivini' orew nt Kgg Hiubor station observed the rookgla t?inl up hy the ship mnl at ilu. break prepaid eil to go to the roseim. j(- --'-(.' . '