Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 06, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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- . i
onm.VANCK no. -iia.
An ordinance libnossinR mo pcop
orty ndJnccnt to nnd bonofltod by
tho eight-Inch Intorhl sewer construct
ed along Knot Main street from Bridge
lo Roosevelt nveniio for tho coat of
constructing tho snmo nml providing
tho nulhnbr of carrying said nssess-
niontH into Direct.
Tho city of Medford doth ordain
an follows
Section 1. Whereas," tho council
did hereloforo provide by ordinance
for tho nerving of tho owners or
J .OTDKORD MAIL 'fRTttUNtt, M1JJ1)K01H), OKK(,U)N. 'IT rlSlUY, hltt-MAmtiU'iS, 1010.
- . - - -,-.. j. .... .
1 1
propony nujnconi 10 nnu iicncntcn niiv fr,,in.. ,-.j ...... ... ........
by tho construction of tho Intornl i,i'n ,,f .-nB, t .. .,.i .. ....
owur herolnnrtcr described to ap- in Vol Co, n.-ic -n?' mnntV r.
county, Orogon 06.02 feet, rate .
foot 88 cents, amount $5S.10
Asscsinont No. G. Knto A. Gaddta,
A parcel of land beginning ut t"
RotitheoRt corner of Mrs. h. O. Por
ter's residence tot In tCast Medford,
ami running thence west fit feet;
thence north 04 feet: thence east 12
feet; thence north 06 feet; thence
cam -J3 reel; thence south ICO feet to
tho place or beginning, being a part
Of tho residence properly of the said
grantors In the city or Medford, and
runrked H on tho map of tho said
tract, and marked 7. on the map of I
AHSOMMient No. SO J. K. Wllleko.' the. beiilntilnir of i ho' . mint met Inn of
nlllllll llllllllillt llVllllllil from I I. ...... .1
,.J VTln i V i,m i r ,, I rn5,. ' t,r,l P.ri,tm,! ro1"', '!!,lll construction or iissesHinent of cost of riiilrim(liiK the huiiio nid
Oreiton: feel: rnto ner foot 88 .I,... . .. V. , .."M '"'.:"' '.' " ' ."." ..." ".'" ""' """; mi '......i-, n.u . ,,..m.r.iii,..HN in mil nnwi,
.'i. i .....; ... ". "".' i-iuiitb ii'i'iiniH iii ,rii. uriiornti cu usur cieii a in. ' re e v nr Aim irm.i inii .... .. ..
Awm Z lit Vn lEklMI. t M.,. P r n,lcll,S,.0PW,l,! fi f00,S rn,,, W,,,''','", ."' .'OR Of III. COIIHlrUO-l IIM folldVVH;
Absessmept 4o. lG btella J. Mor- per foot SS cents: ntnount Sit. tlnn nf nnht ! ima !.. ni.,i i .i h.,..h.... i wi i
r,'L1',i,.,ir.J?l","'!!lei;,V.K' AMwontN. :tl - Oconto Por- by Is determined to ho. tl on , , of did, hereof ,Y , v I I, " Z
. E&: &:.."" v :r ii,Kr;,',TO , , JX'rxrjrKM'jp'R
; H .mill r Vnt, . iw..u r V Cvii I iV i " '. m "?Ph side of data and decline that each parcel of. .Urn roiiHlructlnn or lite Inlornt sewer
J..' "S '. " "LT3 '. '."' ,,,'l.":,'t.A,Bln s1"'. '" described In -property described below Is adjacent 'hereinafter described !.. , .',., ,.
vest ' -IS 16 c h iiw e km. I ' . " ',. , ' 'V f '' WU,Uy W '"' n(-flted by that certntn bit- , fore ald council a... i-hov ' He f
west ...i.y& cnains. tneuce iiotth record-) of Jackson county. OreKon! , oral setter s indum i.. mIk. ....nuirn..). hmv- wliv u..i,i ..P.......i.. i.....i.i ..
chains, hence son't h ?5 pI,.,, , , ft 5 f,,l,,, ""'" f"t SS cents; r n Howard st.v,t from Km V i Hli-h.o" MM. r 1 1 ' c u.s' ' u
rff""1. -U0"?..M"'1!. :.0,s. "!?". "' .. . Ington to llomiclt avenue, and Unit tailld sewer, nii.l .it.i flv , n , ,. . r ,
I iCIT.Yl NOTICES. ..,.,
I. " '" .-..-- .- tlltllflllll. 11. m IIHTTlMt t llitlktUtlf nlmlillii ikii.l ttiill.I 1.. I ik.. it .. i. I .It! i. if
pear before said council and show coriU.r's tti:0Y ot J.u-kson en un b.l 'I'V ,,nc, nJ ""k''"''''. )i.tallng Assessment No. 3S-Ooor for- o or on o lo cost of sad l , " """, ,
causo. If ani why sad property Oregon. TW feet, rato ucr-rool 8S wit Vft 1;,,S. 1 rt" AA on the maplter. Kast r.r. feet of lot 4. blocJi I I .. r i "J i t"irh of sal 1 1 iL'els . ;,,'V",,-1 ni,v. l-"'l,1 l"t'l wlil).i
should not bo assessed for the cob- nioiint ITr" of 3 ' frontngo 1-IOfi feet on wflleke's addition ti tl... ,.iiV r i.,.i V,,...i i...,.i i i .V. i i ,,tlu.m "' bdllce iin nlven In iteeorduiifo w t h
Btructlon ot said sower, and did fix A"se'smVnt Vo 7 Mm Ada I'or- ' ""h '''" ' B-W Main street, f,, , . Ore o nu i, It Mi J ,i l ..Mii'?!!. .'"'T mM ,,1"'""' "" Hni ten .lavs
a time for hearing any such protests. totO Tv p reel of' land begin, nc r '' ''scribed In Vol. 09. paBo 1 07. i , 'south " lie f ar M in ,. ' ,, a I n LI.8;1 before the hoRlnulug or the , onstrue
wulch notice was given In accordance olinliiW nml 9B Unki w at aSd 4B linU c,,,,n,-v order'a records or .laoksen i", ltl i wrlb"i In v, !. -' n. . i n " "" l, 't'01' of w,ltl w,w,,p. '"" nnit.mlH
with said ordinance more than ten no? 80" " 8"uH,et wnfor ot Uw county. Ortfggn: MO.O feet; rate per -, (l v rec r or!H r. wdn'of hirrV,...' V J Vi.n n r !.' 1,' 1 "W,,,M, "''' '"''"ictlon nMww
days beroro tho beginning of tho con- Packanl I donaHon lind claim In sect f'"t J.S cebts; amount $12.1.73. c y OreK n- f ,- . nor Ci U ,. m- i ..,, .,ri . 1. 1' , . ? nu"" of ,!,t, r,,rtt ,l,,,,""f "'" ""'"
structlon ( said sower, but no pro- ,," :?o In w ?i 3 , , nZ Assessment No. It.--John t5. Taj Shj'osi ' Ii ,., ,. Jw . . . J . . . , ' V 1 ,V.1 , '""T ' ""',"", ni"1 ,ml(l w w- '''
tests against said construction of cs- . " 'V ' '? ,h wmininS ?in , .miJ lor. V parcel of land conimeaclng at ' . . ' ". ""'so- , UmwII I )lescrlpt on below l;iHnl.t council, ordered coOntrm ted;
nessment or tho cost thereof was i V est or tho I lllnmctto. mei-l dla n, . '.,..,,,. '..'a" V,.V ,,.,rt ii .111.1 "n : Ass',','t N- M T Ionian 1. the construction or said sewer, and1 j.,,,1 i."...
lunJ?.L.Z!?J. n.m! running thence west fi chains; " ? '....?' ' "'S'' 'V" V"Hr"" i "V Knhlor. Lot 5 and west t. feet of hat said several amounts represent ,w u'm ...lh ,, 1., ...
I. block 1, Wllleko's addition to "f proportional benefits or said sev .imi lir iu.i'.i' ..... 1..... 1 ...... 1. .....'
by said
council, ordered
And, whereas tho cost of tho con
struction of said sewer has been and
hereby is determined' to bo tho sum
Of 12023.53.
Now therefore, said city doth or
dnln hnd declare that each parcel
of property described below is adja
cent to and benefited liy that certain
lateral sewer eight Inches In slic, con
structed on East Mnln street from
Hrldgc to Koosevelt avenne,
and that the proportion' of the cost
or said sewer which each of said
parcels of land should bear based on
tho benefits derived respectively oy
said fcevernl tracts of land. Is the
amount set opposite tho description
or each parcel below, that each or
said parcels Is actually benefited In
tne amount set opposite Its descrla
Hon below by the construction or
said sewer, and that said several
amounts represent the proportional
benefits of said several parcels from
said sewer. And each of said par
cels is hereby assessed tho amount
set opposite Its description below tor
the construction of said sewer.
NUE. Asseesinent No. 1 Pacific & East
ern R. It. Co. A parcel of land com
mencing at a point 24.3 chains west
from tho southeast corner of the
racKaru donation land claim, running
thence north 633.5 feet: tbenco In a
southerly direction 143.. feet: thence
SOUth G19 feotl thnnrp vi;f 141 fnnt
to Uie place of beginning, and being
jian oi section so, Township 37 south
of range 1 east of the Willamette
inoriuian. ana margea u on the map
of said city; frontage 141 feet on tho
north side of East Main street, and
described in Vol. 77, pago 142, coun
ty recorder's .records or Jackson coun
tjr, Oregon; 7C feet; rate per foot S$
centB; amount $CG.
Assessment No. 2 Pacific & East
ern R. II. Co. A" parcel of land com
mencing at a. point 24 chains anil 21
links wesStand iJ4 .links nortbl froml
mo soutueast corner of donation land
claim No, 42, In township 37 south
of range 1 west of tho Willamette
meridian, find running thtnce north
0 chains, and C links, more or less,
to the northwest corner of tho tract
of land conveyed, by deed recorded aj
page, rCr.. Vol. 2S, .of tho deed reo-'
oras ol Jackson colintr. Orecon:
thence north SO degrees east 2 -chain's
and $ Jinks, more or less, to the
northeast corner' or the tract of land
convened by deed recorded at page
G02. said Vol. 28, ot said deed rec
ords, and tbenco south to within 22$
links or -tho south lino of- said dona
tion land claim No. 42; thence west
2 fchalnB and 4 links, lubro or less,
to tho placo.of beginning, save and
except therefrom that portion ot said
premises' described in deed recorded
In Vol. 4 p. at pago C7. of said deed
record, conveyed to Frank E.. Payne
uy Jturus ixx on the 17 day or Feb
rurary. 1902 and marked C on the
map or the said city: frontaeo
feet on the north side ot E. street,
and described Jn Vol. 77, poge 142,,
county. Oregon; 134. C Teet, rato per
foot SR cents, amount llS.4u
Assessment No, 3 ' Joe Drown.
A parcel of land commencing al a
point situated 20 chains and 96
links west and 22 1-2 IIhVs north qr
tho southeast corner of donation land
plalm No. 42, In township 37, range
1 west Willamette meridian, and run
ning thence north 10 chains and 20
Jinks, more or lews to tho north line
of tract of land described in deed
from I. J. Phlppa and wlfo to Spen
cer Chllders. Sr. and recorded In Vol.
2$ page. 451 of the deed recordH
of Jackson county, Oregon; thence
pout n J degrees west ulong tho said
lino 80 feet, more or less, to the north
oast corner of tho tract ot land des-
crueu in sata. Yl, 28 of said records
at pago C02 thereof: thence south to
the cald lino 10 chains and 4 links,
moro or less, to within 22 1-2 feet of
pf the south liuo of said donation
land claim; thence west 8C.4C feet to
tho place of commencing, containing
13,1 acres, mqro or less, and marked
1) on tho map or the saJA cl.ty; front
age of SO, 40 feet on the north sldo
pf K street, and described in Vol...
pago t , qonnty recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon. 85.40 feet,
rate per foot 88 cents, amount $75.20
Assessment No. 4 Pruo M. Anulo.
A parcel of land beginning at tho
southeast corner of Joo Rrown'a lot
In cast Medford, and running thence
north 130 feet; thence east 78 feet;
thence south 138 feot; thence west
78t feot to tho placu of beginning, be
ing a part of the resldenco property
of tho Grantor's in the describe! Vol.
Q0, pago 410 county recorder's ro-J
coniB or jnckson county, Oregon 78
feot, ruto per foot 88 cents, amount
Assessment No, 5 Mary 8. Angle.
.A parcel of land commencing 17
chains and 95 links west uud 45 links
north of tho southeast corner or tho
Packard donation land claim, No. 42
Infection 30, township 37 south or
rang 1 weflt or Willamette moridlan,
and running thoiico west 2 chains and
50 links; thonca south 10 chains to
tlio place of beginning and contain
ing 2 1-2 acres, uud niuiked G on the
map of said city; frontage C0.02 foot
qu tne north side or isaut, Main street,
and described In Vol, 25, page 40),
. rni ... .r
lienro north 10 chnus: tl.inro ivtfit "" v-l .".v. l"V "urn iviih i-uiiii-i in,.,.,
..i-l . . .. - : ' . 1'- - "" ,1..ti.,l,..t nn.l ..ltl... V IO I.. ........!'
..v.,-1 r, rtinlne lll.-kl.rn enitth 111 mIihIi.. 'l"ll I... 4.4 llllllll .u. 1m. Ill HJ..II-
tho place or beglnnlmr. enntaiuimr r.
acres in Jackson county, Oregon, and
mftrked I on tho man or tho city or
Medrord, Oregon: fiontaco 90 reet on
the north side of East Main street,
and described In Vol. 24, page 543,1
county recorder s records of Jackson
count. Oregon; 90 rent: rate per
toot ss cents; amount 579.20.
Assessment Nr. 8 Mrs. Enoln
Nichols. A parcel of land commenc
ing 15 chains and 52.C links west and
45 llnk3 north of iho southeast cor
ner of the Packard donation land
claim in section 30, In township 37
south, range 1 west or the Willamette
merlJInu. and running tbenco north
247 feet .and G Inches: flmnr .-.!
70 feet: thence south 247 feet G
Inches; thence east 70 feet to the
place of beginning, containing ?4 of
an aero, and marked J on tho map of
!ll. r-l., ,.r M...W....I ........ .l .,la f...... ....I.I A...I .' .".."" v , ....r. ... . n ,i Mill I"
ihlp 37 south or range 1 west ot tho!'" V - ? ,".V . V ' v-,l""' ,V " , ...,. r .. ,t , -Z. il i. . 7 ..uu Z ' "y "' dotormineil to bo : ho himii or
Willamette nierldtiiii nml from kiiM . !1K ,,r' ' tiil "" " s,", 'l,', ,,f " ,u h. r ,al'' l,:u,1() Is hereby iihsohs- 9 i ii T.t; I .
no runnli ctleico west 'chilli UUt r,0, 1"1 d-Tlh'd In "" '""ount Mn opposite Its des- 'N.)V , 'mvhm. ,,, ,... ,,. ....
ini 72 UnkS !& north I chain! I";,;- I" ntv .e.-order's w Mton below Mr the nmstructlnn ,, .In.iXJ?;:.'.''. .J,'
and CS links; thence east 2 chains .,.l,,l, "r ,; ,!,,on "''. Oregon; 1 m- 1 i property described below Im adjr.cenl
nn.i 11,.1u. ti,...... .- 1. m...i... ' feet; rate per Toot nS runts: -SS JSS.MEiS'T FOR AN 'l( MT-iln nml 1 ... .. ..r t r ... 1 i.. n,,,. ...... ..1.. ....
4t -iiintii iiv;ii.u otiiiii i 1 Utiiu.i 1
and 08 links to the place or biigln-
ulng, containing 1 acre, more or less,
and marked All on the map or Mild
clt.; frontage 1S0.2 r?et on the north
side of East Main street, and des
cribed In Vol. 42, page 278, county
iveorder's records or Jackson county,
Oregon: 1S0.2 reet; rate per root 88
amount $57.82.
Assessment No. 3I--L. 1; Porter.
A parcel of laud commencing at a
point on the north boundary lino of'
donation land claim No. 41, In town-
IXt'll SEWElt
O.N HOW Alll) ernl sewer 8 Inches In ln. iikiiim mi
EAST WASH- ed mi llenuelt nunim. Ikhii IIhwhi-.i
I Ibi'l
INOTOX STREP.T TO IIENXETT Klieet lo III, v. It iivenue. ami
. u.MJh. .(lie propuiiliiii nf the cost of Oil lil
tnoildi'rt. W.'Ml UK feel liil 5 anil eimt
211. 5 feel or Inl II, IiIim'Ii 2, HuiiiIhk
lliuiiii I'lirli uthlltloti to din ellv nf
Medrord. Oleitnnt lioiilnne 5 I.R feill
oil Die Month side of lleiinetl ttvouiic,
mill (h'Hei'lliml In It.'Jrili; 51.5 reel;
rale per root NK reiilii; milium!
$ 17.811.
AHsoiHiiieut No. HI -.'. (). Ed.
PMUitli'H.' Went 15. f. feel Inl II nml
the oust 5 1.5 Inl 7, block 2, Mini.
rise mime iuk mh 11 It inn in nin city
of Alcill'iiltl, (Ireitnii; riiiiiluwu Kill
icei no inn HO u I It sine or lli'llliett unit demtrllied lu Ittt4!; inn
feet; rale per font ss coiiIn; uinnuiil
AHHi'SHineul No. 17 Hnrnli WotiN
Vi'il.iu. A pinvel ol" laiiil .iinuntiii'linr
H Hut Month Hun or llentioll uvniiue
ill a pullit 50 rent naHt ftoiil tint Hiiill ti
WMt liiteiHe.'Uini ur llniuird stieei
nml Ueniii'lt iiveiiun. inuulug tliiiiieo
imini mi Hi., milil Miiullt lln of II. ni
ll.'U iiM'niin r.U reel: tlnn mntlli
I'JU feel; ilii'iiie wont 5ll feel; Ihencii
lien tli u I. ..I in 1 bo , ,lril f j.
giuiliug nml ilchciili.i.l in U.;i.
rioutitKo C.n feet on tho siiulb side
or llent.eP ini.iue: 50 feel; rain p.n1
fool Ks .cuts; uiuniiut $ I I.
HmMInii 2. And II In hnieliv or
dmeil mid i.idiilned Hint mi ltl Hiivmul
us.'HHini'niM nml Hn liens llierenr be
entered In the lien dimliet nf miiI.I
III), and Hint llieieupiiti tintlce lie
KlVi'li In (he nWneiM. nr ll'p.lli.d OU II
ets. or hiild tiiiipenv. ami (bat tho
Arsessnieiit N'o. t- Sarah Woolver-I how or
metto meridian, situated 21 ' dltlnn to Hie city or Medrord, Oiomui; ' riti derived rerpeethely by o-
nml 84.5 llukM est or the rrnuluKO I'.'n reet on the west hide of oial tiuitii nf lami u ii... ...n..,...! -...
;ents; nmount $158.08. southeast corner or donation laud Howard street, and described lu Vol. opbnslte Hie ileneilptlor or eaih piu-
Assessment No. 17 Oenrgo A. I claim .No. 42. lu said township and r,S', ,,l";,, :'S,'5' l'n".v feonidt'r'H iee-t(i. below, thai each t mil.: pmceN
lackson. West GO reet ot lot 1. 1 range, and horn said point running' 'mlR r ,m'U!4, ''ii"l.v. Oregon; 70 : Im actually benefited In II:.. mnuiuit
dock 3, Jackson's addition to the city I thence south 200 feet; thenco west ,' 5 nito per foot 88 (ents: aiuouiit Mt opmnilte lln deiH'i'lplloii below In
of Medrord. Oregon; fi outage GO feet
on the south side of East Main street,
and described In Vol. ... page ...
county recorder's records of Jackson
100 feet; thence north 200 reet;
'n. h eniiMtiuttlnt' of sail m" or, mid
theme east 100 reel to the place ot , -Y"1 H8"-",u . , . ... .. ." "i't hn'" 8,,v'ial muoiiiiH icuesent
heglnnlng. and marked Mi on the poi'll'wcst part or lo '. , block j, sun- Uie piopiirtloimn-euefltn ot aid sev-
.p.. in... iiiiiii.. ...1 1.1 inv !..) ci 111 iuiiccih ikhii mtiii sevei.
5 chains and 30 links west and 45
links uiri or H10 soutlienst corner
ot donation land claim N'o. 42, Iii
township 37 south or range 1 west or
the Wlllumetto meridian, running
thence west 3 chains and 10 links;
tbenco north 3 chains and 118 links:
tbenco cast 3 chains and 10 link's;
tlionce tiOUth 3 chain's and 68 links to
Iii.. ulnrn nf luii'lnnlm fivri.ntlinr Min
county recorder's records of Jnclaon j wost SO feet of the above described
donation land claim, in section 30,.
township 37 so:tth of" rango 1 west
of tho Willamette meridian, and run
ning thence north 247 'i feet; thence
west 130 feet; thenco south 2471s
feet; thenco east 130 feet to the rlace
of beginning, It being understood that
the grantees are to have a perpetual
right of way for road purposes to a
strip or land 40 feet wide and 247
feet long lying west of and bordcrlnc
onto tho vest sldo of the nlove des
cribed premises, 'which aro narked
fl on the map ot said cUy; frontage
130 feet on tho north side of East
.Main street, and described lu Vol. 45,
page 2178; county recorder's records
or Jackson county, Oregon; SO feet;
rato per foot SS cents; amount
Assessment No. 10 Cora L.
Knight. A parcel of land commenc
ing 10. chains and 45 links west and
45 links north of the -southeast cor
ner of the Packard dopatlon land
claim No. 42, In hectlon 30. town
ship 3 1 south of range 1 weft of the
.Mlf....iVA -. ..., ...........
1Jil4MO'-t IU .Ull-I JIU.IU, il.lll 1 1111111111;
thence west 2,5 chains; thence' north
10 cIiuIiir; thence east 2,5 chninn:
Uionce ronth 10 chains to the placu
df beginning, containing 2 acres,
and marked R on the map of said
city, frpntage 155 fee,t on the north
side of East Main street, and des
cribed lnVol. 81 page 555, county
recorders records of. Jackson county,
Oregon; 155 feot; rate per foot, -88
cents; amount ?13C40.
Asoessraoat N'o. 11 Henry Hum
phrey, A parcel of land commencing
at a point situated G32.9 feet west
anil .29.7 feet nprth of the southeast
cornor of donation land claim Xo. 42,
townshlli "37 south, range 1 west of
tho Willamette meridian, and run
ning Ihpnca north 290 feet; thence
-west 5C.8 feet; thenco sonth 290
feet; thence east uG.8 feet to tho
place of beginning, containing .377
acres and marked S on tho map of
said city; also a strip 10 reet In
width, 290 feet In length oH the
e&st sldo of the parcel of land marked
R on the map of said city; frontage
6G.8 reet on tho north side ot Eas(
Main street, and described in Vol. 80,
page "law, county recorder s records
ot Jackson-county. Oregon; 6G.8 feet;
rate per foot 88 cents; amount
Assessment lo. 12 Henry Hum
phrey. A narcel or land coiumniicini:
at a point situated 632.9 reet west and
29.7 teet north or the southeast cor
ner of donation land claim Ts'o. 42.1
township 37 south of range 1 west or
tho Willamette meridian, running
thence north 290 feet; thenco west
50.8 feet; thenco north 370 feet;
thence east 134.64 feet; thence south
600 feet; thenco west 77.84 feet to
tho placo of commuclng, containing
1.G63 acres, and marked T on the
map of the city of Medford, Oregon;
front ago 77.3 feet on the north side
of East Mala street, and described in
Vql. 74, pago 518, county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon;
77.8 feet; rato per foot 88 cents;
amount 968.46.
Assessment No. 14 C. W. McDon
ald. Tho west 80 feel or tho rollow
Ing described tract: Heginulug at n
point 5 chains and 30 links west
and 45 links 'nortli of tho southeast
corner of donation land claim No, 42,
lu township 37 south of range 1 vest
or tho Willamette meridian, running
thenco west 3 chains and 10 links;
thenco-north 3 chains and 68 links;
thenco past 3 chains and 10 links;
thence south 3 chains mid G8 links
lo the place ot beginning, and mark
ed Y on tho map ot said city pt Med
rord, Oregon: rrontage 80 feet on
the north sldo of East Main street,
and described lu Vol. 12, page 225,
county recorder's records of Juckson
couuty, Orogon; 80 feet; rato per
foot 88 cents; amount $70,10
wlilch earl, of mmI.I i,..,.,.U ,.rlH,,,"" ''::"! '""' colle. ted In Hie
ship 37 Miuth of range t west or the1'""- '"t 14. bind. I. Frultdale ml- land nhould bear. Imscil on lUi- bene- ,lm,MI,T. J",'" . 1,y .V1" ,,,",''t,' 'f
.ni .11) ...I ui ciill'F'llllll ill (IH
fti'Minei'iM fur the Impi'nveineul of
HtlcoiH therein
Sen Inn 3 It Is run her ordered
Hud Hie iii.ili'o iibnve ninvldeil fur bo
published linen llnnvt In tho Mnilv
Mull Tribune, a newMpiiper iiiIiIUIi..mI
tnid nf general eiiiiilnttnu lu Mild
City, In the manner provided bv ui.
(llllMllin No. .',l ,,f puhl ,.y
Tlie rnroKolug uril .mi urn Was pAo
.! by thn city council of iH. cHv nf
Meiirnril, Oiegnii. 011 I lie 18th day of, l(. by tint following
Eiiu-rli'k iiIimuiI. Welch" aye, Elfert
abeut, MMHlrk uyn, Hommor ii'e,
Wort iiiiiii nye.
Appi nved November lUth. Ill I (I.
W. II. PAXON, .Mhynr.
City Itecoidei'.
111:111 nf tho dU' nf M.uirnnl niv,,' ""' '""- " in ." v j 1 erai inrci'is iroui hhih sewei. Am
mimfv rtrni-mf V. f..l n.i.. .. r.... ......... . .1.1 c.,.. .... .1.- ....... PI .ilCtllOrd. Ul'egOli: tOI'lltane ll.ti eneh nf x.-ilit n.ii'.-i.U la Iii. ... I, v ....-
nor he a? FsY Malntreet" aid ?ooV78 nU; nmoVnt ITV.sbr; JS Jl sVrtr'a, d d.' ed ? ?" "J", ww, J ,,mV,U" r ' ....VlV U des-
descrlbed In Vol 4S ine '17 AmomiiiwiI Xo. 18-Geo. A. Jack- Vol. 59, pago 31G. county recorder's 8,m''' 1i'hitIIwI Jn Vol. . page tv ltlnn I. v.- the i-ohhII Uitln., r
countJ reco?der's 'records oVjaclWn aon' Lot '' b,ock 3. Jackson's addl- records or Jackson county, Oregon; V; rwir.h-r rwonln or ,.-,ld sev.'er.
W oTego" T H- ra o . Hon to the city or Medford, Oregon: too feet: rate per mot SS cents -n county Oregon; til., rent; ASSESSMENT FOR AN EW'ilT.
foot S8 cenfs; 'amount I'l-fco? ' )0r fntage 77 5 feet on the sonth side amount $S8. j' '.5 'o ' ' ' "'" HM,U,ln ' ,Nt'" ''ATERAI. SEWElt ON
Assessment No. 9 M. E. Woods. 0.fnlKasl a alTciit :""' ' e"!; 'e,(L'." AssessmenL No. SB Anna Jordan. Asi.essuieut No 3-P ll O'Velll "BXNI5TI' AVEXPE FROM HOW-
A parcel of land commencing 12.95 rdVo XkVo,, nty' Oregon" A ,,,?rct'1 ,Vf hu"J, "iS t 'J S'ortCest .mrt oMiit ! block a.'su l wKI) STRKKT AND ItnoSKVKI.r
chains, west and 45 links north ofjK110.1 ipTJr fZ SS mit": 1,0,lt,1on tlio nortlt boundary Unit of se Park addition tl.-'ho city .r Med- AVEXPE.
the J.outhea6t corner of the Packard .'... .iv.,.!?. ' ' "" ,a r,mH donation hind claim Xo. 4 4. In town- r,.ri. n,.,.,.,.,,. f ,,..... r.r. r....i .... a,,... ,....,, .,i v i v i m-.. ......
fy- t. nil .-.. .n,. ...,, air. I J, i , p , ,, li
lt ll 111 T? umit ti T fttitl 1 ifiMjfr tt t)tt .. .. ..
Assessment Xo. 19 W. 1). Jack- T :"..:....' .'.".'?" ..,?...?: .'. '"' w' or now
hi k 1.1. ..-.1. T..l.......l . ..Ill ..... -. . .......... ............ . ..
"' "" ""'Civ I, Jill'hSUII aillll- nlinli.o it..l 1 IL.t'e ....1 Af 1 1... ..... .1.
!..... !. ii.. i f . .! ! iiiiikii i jt j uir nvniil
nun iu iiiu uu oi .uen i urn, uiegiin; ...,, ,.r i-.,.i i..i... jn r ,, ... . ,...i i l ov m mi it iiujitiuif ii inim i itiin
ilUlllUKl IfUl UU iUt BUUUI Mtlf
Vf J'l Iti unl.l Imviialilii ni.l i.iiiiiii.
nt l.'iel l,il., ctr.l n.,.l .l..urll.n.l l. "'. ", "' i,,,,V '" """I' '' ii"H' .
vi ,v.. ...... .i n"d running thenco so
."-.'' ', T"" "'""l '"'""-'' thence west 100 reet; thence north
.v...u9 j. uu.n,uii i..,.,..., , vri,-f,ti4.,
S2.5 reet: rato per foot SS Cents;
amount $72. GO.
Assessment No. 20 W. It. Jack
son. Lot 2, block 1, Jackson's addi
tion to the city or Medford, Oregon;
frontage 82.5 feet on the south side
of East Main street, and described
in Vol. . ., pago . ., county recorder's
records or Jackson county, Oregon,
82.5 feet; rate per foot 88 cents;
amount J72.ti0.
Assessment Xo. 21 H. O. Shearer.
Lot 3, block 1, Jnckson's addition to
the city of Medford, Oregon; rront
ugc 7G teet on thu south side or East
Main street, -and described In Vol. . ..
page . . , county recorder's records ot
Jackson county, Oregon; 7G reet; rate
per foot SS cents; amount JCG.SS.
Assessment Xo. 22 J. W. Ling.
Lot 4. block 1, Jackson's addition to
the city of Medford, Oregon; frontage
.i feet on the sonth side of East
Main street, and described in Vol. . :,
page ... county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon; 75 teet; rate
per foot 88 cents; amount JGG.
Assessment No. 13 L. Ii. Kent,
Lot 1, block . ,, Cottage Homo addi
tion to tho city ot Medford, Oregon;
frontngo 86 feet on the south side of
East Main stieet, and described in
Vol. 55, pago 2G9, county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon;
80 feet; rato per foot 88 cents;
amount $75.68.
Assessment Xo. 24. L. I. Kont.
Lot 2, block .., Cottago Home addi
tion to tho city of Medford, Oregon;
frontage 8G feet on tho south side
of East Main street, and described in
Vol. 55, pago 269, county recorder's
records of Jnckson county, Orogon;
86 feet; rato per foot SS cents;
amount 175.68.
Assessment Xo. 25 L. II. Kent.
Lot 3, block .., Cottago Homo addi
tion to the city ot Medford. Oregon;
rrontago 86 feet on tho south sldo ot
East Main street, and described in
Vol. 56, pago 269, county recorder's
records or Jackson county, Oregon;
80 feet; rato per foot 88 cents;
amount $75.68.
Assessment Xo, 2G Cora Lyon,
Xorth 136 feet or lot 1 and the north
137 reet or a strip of land 8 feot in
width off tho enst side of lot 2, block
2, Cottago Home addition to tho city
of Medford, Oregon: frontage 100
feet on the south sldo of East Main
street, and described in Vol. 58, 'pago
259, and pages 470 and 471, county
recorder's recgrds or Jackson coiinty,
Oregon; 100 feot; rato per foot 88
cents; amount $88.
Assessment Xo. 27 Mary E, Field
er. A parcel of land commencing at
tho northeast comer of lot 2, block
2, Cottago Home addition to Med
ford, and from said point running
thenco west on tho north lino and
side thereof 72 feet; thenco south 137
feet; thence east 72 feot to tlio east
line or said lot 2; thenco north 137
teet to tlio place or beginning, save
and excepting a strip 8 reet In width
orr tho east 'side or tho above des
cribed property, and marked II D on
tho map or Medford, Oregon; rront
ago 64 teet on tho south sldo of East
Main street, and described In Vol. 50,
pago 5C6, county recorder's records
ot Jackson county, Oregon; 61 feet;
rato per foot 88 cents; amount
Assessment No, 28 Maria L,
Tripp. The north 245 feet or lot 3,
and the north 245 reet or a strip of
land 20 feet In width ofr tho west
side of lot 2, block 2, Cottage Homo
addition to lie city or Medford, Ore-
igon; rrontago 87 foot on tho south
.aid street, nml ui.ii.i i.'uvi -us ivi i,,i n i.i,.i i
described lu Vol. R-I'.ni; 55 reet; I Sunrise llniio Pail; a l.lltli... i.. n.e
rate per root 88 cents; amount t o I i v or Medlnrd. Oiegon; fniiitupn III!
H-.'0- " feet mi the north slt'o of tlmtuntt nvi-
Assessment No. 1 II. P. Urough-' nil.-, uud de.rrlbed In Vol. ... page
ton. A parcel or land commencing nt I ... county reonr.ler's records of
I tut villi Hum nf tnf mV'rt Inn tt I lntvni'tl f f .it. .... i - ... . . . . . .
It.tll fnof; llmnro .nt 1 nil f..nt t I In. '. ' V ' "T ,; ...' .'" '.. ;."' " . " ". '" .V. " TV '""'" V"'"'.. "'. ..!; " .eei;
: -;', , ..,,.,. sireci nun iiciiiicu avenue, running . rate per tout SS cents nnWiinil
place or beglnnn.g and marked 111 tbenre'soulh along (he east line 0f.t31.1is.
on the map of said city; frontage 100 .., Htlwl ,. feet; t hence east f Awn-mi-iil Vn. 2 - IM Kteeil Inl
feet on the south side or East Main 5t reet: Iheucn north 120 reel to the Is and west 25 feet or Inl 7 block I
l t t' nll.1 1iiLlSItliakjl tat lJtl " t ll.tllii a...,lb 111,.. ..r ll.n.i.,.11 . . i... ...... t II.....M.. I i't . t .. .. ... . .
street, nnd described In Vol. 3 1. page south Hue or llenuelt uveniie; Ihoncoi Sunrise lloine Park m'dlll.iu to
1G7, county roeorder'fM records or west 5u feet to the place of begln-icllv of Modford. Onfon: '"on
jauivauu tuuni.v, jreKuii; jui. u-i-i; i ning; irnmage i.n leei oil 1 lie casi 1 1 irj feet on Hie mil III si l nf lleiinetl
rate per foot SS cents; amount JSS. side of Howard street, nnd dOcrlb-I avouiie, and donor'bed In Vol
Assessment Xo. 36 Halle Hoytled In R-.149; 120 reet; lale per foot J paw ... county lei'order'a reen.'ds'of
Johnson. A parcel or land commune-. 's's cents; amount $105. GO. JacUon county, Oregon; lilt) reel:
Inu at a nolnt situated 28 chains and1 Assessment Xo. 5 - .Martini ( Rob-. nw ,.r rtitit ss .eni- hmu.....!
10 Vi links west and 30 tet't south rtn. A parcel or laud coiiiiuencliig at I iss.011
or the southeast corner ot donation a point on Hie east line or Howard! Aimessiiieiil Xo. 3 Or. Van Scovnc
land claim No. 42. In .township 37 street 120 feet south honi the south-j Ka,t 50 f,.t,,- it 7, . WIMll r, f(M,.
south of range 1 west or tho Wlllanl-, cast Intersectloii or Hownrd street; t B ,op. ,f n,,,irlm, Home Park
ette meridian, and running thence, and Ueunett avenue, tunning thence .addition to tho city of M.'ilfoid, Ore
east 217.82 feet; thence south 300 south along tho east Hue of Howard ,,. nonlunn 100 011 Hie uoilh
foet: thenco west -.VHtjfcet: .thentjelfiremv pu tuei; uionco vixny ion icei; mde or lleuni'tt avenue, and desci lied
Mil-, in? iiu. i.. .... leei , lev....- .-ni
north 10 degrees 30 mlnntes west to
lu Vol.
county record.
....... ... ..vm.-v., .... ............. ..Vn- " ------ : : ,,, ----. , . ., , '" ' '" l1"' ,,, .ninny recur. 1
the place of lieglnnlng. hud marked 1' feet to the pjace of bglnnliig; $V-H records or .lr.ckioii couuty. Ore
HI on the mai or sald-rlly: frontage; fii.ntnge .'.0 feel on Hie eiml side il iifuii; 100 feet; rate per foot ss cents;
1;... leet on iiib souin hiiio or r.asi ; jinv.alil street, and .tescriiieii in , illimnut JKS.
Main street, and described In Vol. R-355; 511 feet: rate per foot 8S AsiieiiHipent No. t II,, II. Cliedes.
55. pago 143, county recorder's rec-; cunts; amount III. Iter. East 25 feet lot B and nil of Inl
ords or Jackson county. Oregon; 35 1 Assessinent No. G Victor ll.;.". block 1. Sunrlhe llonte Park nil
feet; rate per foot 88 cents; amount Wheeler. A parcel of land cominenc- dltlon to the city of .Medford. Or
$30.80, 'lug at a point oil Hie east line of son; frontage too feel on the north
Section 2. And It Is hereby or-Jloward street 170 feet south of the. Midi- or llennett avenue, anil d.crlb-'
dered and ordained that said several J southeast Intersection or Hownrd oil In Vol. ,., county rerord.l
assessments and tho liens thereof bit street nnd Dennett avenue, and iiin-lefH words of Jackson county, Ore
nntnred In tho Hen docket of said ! 11I1.K .thence south along said eastigon: 1 01) feet: rain per foot 8S cents.
. ....... ... .., ,... - - .- i . . . .. .. 1 . ....-
city, anct that tnereiiputi nonce not'ine i nuwnru sireui n jeei- uieuie
given to the owners, or reputed fiwn-eant 100 reet; thence north 50 teet;
ers, or said propel ty, and that thei thence west 100 reet to the pine of
same bo enforced and collected 'In ?glnnlng; rinnttiK" 50 foot 1111 the
He manner provided by .the charter, east sldo or Howard, and des
of said city, for tho collection ot as- ci I bed in R-34G; 50 reel; rato per
sessments for thu improvements or1 root s? cents; amount. -h
streets therein
Section 3. It Is further ordered
that the notice above provided for
be pulillsliKl three times in the Daily
Mail Tribune, a newspaper publish
ed and or general circulation in said
city, lu the innnner piovlded by or
dinance No. 250 ot cald city.
The foregoing nrdlnnnco was
passed by the city council ot tho
city of Medford. Oregon, on tho 18(h
day of November, 1910,. by the foN
lowing voto
amount $SS.
Assessment No. 5 - M. II. Payne
Lot 1, ii
gnu; rrontago 75 feet 011 Hie north
sldo of llennett avenue, ami dcitcribi
jttt R-508; 75 feet; rate per root 8
To tho owner, or .'.puled owner,
or each ntircnl or property ilHurrlhed
lu the f'lnijf.ilug ordinance, iin limited
theielti, and iitjhe ll.-u decjuivd by
4nl.l onlliiuntf, as recorded in the
dncl-et nNclly llenx-
You inn lienby miilfliil Hint Hie
aHeNiueiii ili'.ilareil by tho foiegnliig
ordinance has bien tunile and tlio
lieu nieternr etiimed lu the city lien
dockel. mid that the name Im due and
.you am b.' ieiiilied to pay the
Miiiue to thn i)v recorder nithln ton
iI'ijm rrnni the hervlce of H1I11 nutlet.
which -civic. In iniiile b iiubllon
Hon of Hie foregoing ordinance nnd
this iiollco three Omen In the MeiN
ford Mull Tribune, purHiiuiit to an
order nf tho city council of Maid city.
Clly Recorder.
'- . u ., , . ,,
Wlieii n liutiHcuife Im.'iiiiua an ml
lending liuruuiii liiiulei' it in n ulrnlie
of " I'uiluiic" I'nr her hit -liAtut '
ennui in 11 siili..iiiliiil ruiwe nt' Mil
my. llnnkltiB for health.
AshCHsment No. 7- C. W. Roberts dents; amount $60.
el iix. Lot 2. block t, Frultdale ad
dltlon to the city or Medford, Ore
gon; frontage 120 feet on the east
side of Howard street, and described , Oregon; frontage 75 feet on the north
Etnerlck absent, Welch nye. ElfertJ S.ST'remUed 'owners' o
vCnt;an,'aye(!k " l,M,,,,,er 'l WV. and ff'thoue b,
' "HIIIUII 11)1. iAi.i,..,,,,,! I ,.ll,...l...l ,1... ..,,.......,
ill Vol. 05. pago 3 12, county record
nr's records of JackHon county, Ore
gnu; 70 feet; into per rdot 8S cents;
nmount ?U1.;0.
Section 2, And it Is horntiy ordered
nml onliiiiii'd Hint said xcvcrul 1
sehsmeutH and tlio lifuis tlieroot bo en
tered In Hie lieu docket ot said city,
inent No. r.-M. II. Payne -- ,
lock I, Sunrise Home Park ',', U Jlf
to tlm city of Medford. On-. JLVCIL
AhsolHtuent No. G Julia Doubt
day. Lot 3, block 1, KuiirlHn Home
Park addition to tlm cllv or .Medford,
Side of rtemiutt n venue, mid describe;
.in in 11-.11.; in ieei; nun jut Mini,
88 rents; amount $66,
Assessment No. 7 Joseph If. Med-1
ley. Lot 2, block 1, HiinrlHO llomel
Park addition to tho city or Medford,!
Oregon; frontage 75 feet on tlio north I
sldo of Dennett avenue, mid described
In R-17M 75 feet! rate per foot 88
cents; amount $GG.
Aises'imenl Xo. K Joseph ll. Med
Approved November 3, 1910.
W. H. CANON. Mayor.
Attest; ROBT. W. TELFER,
City Recorder.
enforced, mid collected in thn miunier )'. Lot 1, block 1. HUIII'Iho Home
i provided by the charter of Haiti city l'urk Addition tu the city of Medford,
1 for Die collection or asuerisiueiitu for
lite imprnvcmcu- ni' strenlu therein
j Section 3, H Is further 01 dered
I Hint tho notlru above nrovl .ed rot-
To tho owner, or reputed owner,, be published threo tlnieit in the Daily
of each parcel of property described Mall Tribune, a newspaper published
111 tho foregoing ordinance as named. ami of uenecil chaelniint. in until
therein, and lu the lieu declared by I city, in tlio manner provided by or
said ordinance, a recorded In tho . dlnunco No. 250 of said city,
docket or city Hens: The foregoing ordinance was pans-
011 aro hereby notified that tho dd by tlio city council of tho city ot
iinnvnsineiiL iivciarcii uy too lorego- .Meiliont, Wiegou, on tlio 1 Kill ilay ll
Jug ordinance bus been made and the November, 1910, by tlio following
Hen therefor entered in Hie elty H.Ml'votn;
docket, and Hint the same; !i duo and! IJinorlck absent. Welch ave. Ellen
Assessment No. 14 Anne E. Nye. I sldo of East Main street, nnd descrlb-
A pnrccl ot land beginning nt a point, ed lu Vol. 42, pago f.21, county re
corder's recordH of Jackson county.
Oiegon; .87 foot; rato per foot 88
cents; amount $76,50,
Assessment, No. 29 J. K. "Wllloko.
Lot 1, block 1, Wllleko's addition to
tho city of Medford, Oregon; rront
ugo 50 feet on tho south sldo nt East
Main street, and described lu Vol. . .,
pago . ., county recorder's records ot
Jackson county. Oregon; 50 feet;
rato per foot 88 cents; amount $14.
you ate hereby rcrpilrcd to pay the
samo to tho city lecorder within ton
days from Hie service or this notice,
which service Is made by publication
of tho foregoing ordinance and this
notice three times In the Medford
Mnll Trlbuno, pursuant to an ord)r
ot tho city council of said city.
City Recordor.
nbfenl, .Merrick aye, Douiiner aye,
Worlmnn aye.
Approved November ,19th. 1910.
W. II. CANON, Mayor.
City Recordor,
To tlio owner, or roprted ovnor, of
men parcel or property described lu
tho foregoing ordinance, an named
An ordinance iiHHosHlng tho prop-, tlieioin, and In the Hon declared by
erty udjucent to and benufltod by tho hiiI.1 ordinance, ah recorded Id the
8-Inch lateral newer constructed along docket or city liotin:
Howard street from East Washing-, Yon are horcby notified that the
ton to Dennett avenue for tho cost assessment declared by tlio foregoing
or constructing the Hatno, and pro- ordlnnnco baa been made and tlio Hen
vldlng tho mmiuer of carrying mild Uierefor entered lu tlio city Hu-i dock
assessments itilo ful. effect. J ot, n ri'1 thu iiaino Is duo and ynv 1110
'I no city or .Medford doth ordain hereby required to pay tin natro to
as followHt tho clly recorder within ton days
Section l. Whereas, tho council tmm the uervleo of this nollce, which
did Iirreloforo provide by nrdlnnnco "orvlro In mado by publication of tlm
for Hie fervlng of owners of proporty fororsolug ordinance urn'. Hi'u nolle
adjacent to nml benefited by the con, 1 Iii,o.,Hiiioh in Iho .McdfoiV. Mnll
Hlriution or tho Ininrni mver linni. Trlliuiio, iiurtiuniit lo an ( do- or Hilt
Innlier described In muiear before flty council or'snid city.
an I.I council and Mtow cause, ir any, HODT. W. TELFER.
Why (.aid Pioportv sbniilil not bn as. 1 City Recoidor.
sessed for tlm construction or said I :
sewer, and did fix a tlmo for henr-j ORDINANCE -NO. 11(1.
lug any such protimtn, which notice An ordlnnnco uKneitfilng tho prop
was given lu itrcordnnco with cald erly adjacent to uud botiofltud by Din
ordinance moro Hinn ten dnya beroro S-lncli lateral newer connlructed
pri'Kon; frontage 75 feet 011 the north
side or llennett avenue, and described
In R-178; 75 foot; into per foot 88
conln; umoiinl $66.
AssesHnient No. ! F. E. Seinon.
Lot 1, block 2, Sunrise Home Park
addition to tlio city or .Medrord, Ore
gotii froutiigo 75 feet on the south
side or llenuelt avenue, and des
cribed lu It- Ml; 75 feel; rate per
foot 88 cents; amount $66,
HKHiHHiunnt No. 10- It. C. ICInley
Sldo. East 39.5 foel or" lot 2, block
2, Sunrise Homo Park addition to
the elty or Medford, Oregon; front
age 39,5 feel, on the hoiiIIi Hide of
l!onu"tt avenue, arid described lu
It-1 10; 39,5 rent; rale per loot 88
c.iiitH; amount $31,76,
AifesHineiit No. II- E. W. Draln
tird. West 35.5 feet, hit 2, and the
east 19.75 feel or lot 3, block 2, Sun
rife II01110 Purl; addition lo the city
pf Med I old, Oregon; froutiigo 55 25
feel 011 the iioiith side of Pennotl
uveniie, nml described In ;
55,25 foot; ratfl per fool 88 cciiIh;
mnnliitt $18.62.
Au'ievuiiiftnl Kit 1 '.. p. nni.fifir.
Vest 55,25 feet lot 3. block 2, Siin-f
rise Homo I'.itk uddltloii to tho city
of Medford, Oregon; froutiigo 55,25
feet on tlio -KOiiili side ol' Heiiuett
avenue, uud described In, ,
55.25 feut; rale, per foot 88 centn;
amount $18. 02.
' ' Asicrsiiicnt No, 13 -M. M. Carl
Lot I, block 2, SiinrliK lioino Purld
uddlHou lo tho clly or Modford, Ore
gon; lioiilago 75 foot 011 Dm hoiiIIi
sldo nr Dennett avenue, and described
.11 It-307; 75 fool; tain per fool Its
rents; mnoiinl $6(1,
AH'iewinicut No, I I John Hentlois
rion. IOiihI 50 feel lot 5, blocli, 2,
SiidiIho Homo Park addition to the
cjty of Modford, Oregon; frontngo 50
foot on tlm hoiiIIi nldo of Dennett ave
nue, and duficrlbcd lu R-260; 50 feot;
ruto per foot 88 renin; amount $4 1.
AfisejiHiiifiil N. 15--TI1011111H I'M-
CJC'oiiJaiiiH iiiyi'otlitMils
of Kins.
'-JNol, in name 011I3', but
in nullity.
I -IJA wholesome, iiutri-
tioiis bread.
f GJAids digest ion-
I MVY YOVll i?OAS'l'
t TlMtKl-.YJI.MI-
-- --- - 4 4
MirfflnlSlv' yts. xsSv f I
H Iriiiiif I lllr vCYiTvk Sr lv f I
Mpr fijKJv
I'ui.rl llixir
Dlrr.'l from
lu ( Vim,
14 ttUfN Ml
Veil Rnt thu licut VlilllCM illiil lillltl"
ewt .iiulty ut iirlci.v IIIid tlic.iu liy
urilmlnir from uilr cutiilniriic.
MIhmIhii ml').. l.m.icoUiv, I.UU.
I', It HK.OO.
(.'otluicr fro 11 1 vln.liM, ShI.1 uii-I up,
l(, II, Ii.hI.Ic il.ioc rp.i.ii'v, 73,
K. 11. pliili. lu0 rriiiiim. III. Oil,
L'-llul.l iill..l..i, clu'i'k mil, THu ui.
Wit lluvn our own rut lory am) hiivu
ynu tlio 111I1I. lb. iniin'ii profltH, ' I'uck
cur. 'fully una Nlilp uuywhuru, Ugml
uh your lint uf iiiutorliil,
A.IK I'Oll CATA 1.0(11113 N,,,
Ill Cl llrrl ,.r.. Ni-iiKIr,