Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 06, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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    . .l
Personal and Local
lllllll t'llllHlllllHIMI. will) lH III HI'llll'll
or HiilnvnoM!il IhiiiIm In thin vnlli'V.
iiiiIvimI Momliiy nli;lit mul will look
ovor I ho until d flolil hitfoio iiiuIcIiik
ii iMiicliiiHC Mr ClirlHti'iiHoii riimlimi
to onior ilit poultry liioiliimiH.
II. II. Wulliur nnlvKil on tho train
tioin (IimiiI'h I'n mi TiicMiliiy uflnrnooii
lli'iiry C. lli'iirimuiH of Cornlnn,
Now Voili, whh in ik Him iiiiIviiIm In
tho illy 'I'liMMilny iifloitiomi.
Hiih'ii IiiiIIck iiip wauled nt tho Kift
liorlnni. Apply IoiiIkIiI or In tho
iiioiiiIiik. 21! I)
.1. It. Oinitili), mi Mtioincy rtu
Kiuit, U'imhinr.toii, hi lituu on loi;nl
HiiIi'h lailli'i hi i wmiti'il ut tho )'
poiliitii. Apply tonlKhl or In tho
mm nine 21MI
I. I1. Alllli-tl of OhonoKon, Wtmh
Innton, iinlvcil Tiiciiiliiy nml will m
iimln (or ii.'vciiiI ilnyn.
Hnli'ii laili'M jin wiinli'il ut tho Kin
puiliiiii. Apply IoiiIkIiI or In tho
.M.xir-1 Ihiii Co., limns,
in' lliiiik hirililint:.
.Mih. I.. .1. Moor nf Oil ritv. I'.'tin-
iiylviinhi, Iki h in rl veil nml will vIhII
with Iht iIiiiihIiIit, Miit. Hiiiiuni'i villi
or llilii city.
IIiivh itnr X ii in k pholoH iiiniti' l
.miii'IO'V ii yon wmit Hfinii'iMiiiir i
oriii. If
IM. I'lcltiir.l of Hconln lltli;litn or
ihiiiil, ik-ii r ( 'tit i ii 1 I'olnt, will xhoit
ly Imk.Iii Hi" pliuilliiK of L'.oiio Hurl
Jolt mul D'AiiJoii potirx on lilii fiirm.
Mr, I'lcliuii! oxpoctH to put out iiov
i 'i-,i I iicii'H or itci'M ilnilni; tho coiiilnn
j on r.
It yon want to i'iijny tho hIiow.
Inlto ii pair of uporn nlnhm'H with
you. Dr. (iohlo Iuih thoiu at price
riom ir,.oo to r-'o.oo. :uu Khhi
Main Mtiont.
Moiton K. lint to of Siinilanc. Wyo
ii-Inn. U In tho city ami will look ovci
tho riolil with a vli'w to piircliiiHlni:
archanl IiiihIh. Mr llnrtu In a hoii of
tho lalo Colonel Vlrpir K. llnrle or
tho t'nltoil StntoH aiiny. ami has with
hint IiIh ar.oil iiiothor.
Moor-IChtil Co., oxcltiHlvo nconl
for property In CruHrunt uml Wnko
flolil, Or., towtiHltcH on IIIM'h iicv
rallroml. 800 thi'in. CruM'imt I
("U.n. nolol 220
It. M. Morrltt of AHlilaml win-
ainoni; tho ontxIiliTH who wore ilolnr
ImihIiionh In Modfonl TuoHilay after
noon. Mr. Morrltt located In tho val
ley a month ago, coining hero fioin
Aloxiimlrla, Dakota.
Ih our 1 oiiho wired? Ono c!kii
Ichh a day would pay for a hundred
nor rent Incronm! In comfort. Start
living the ntuctrlR I Up. tf.
Marry IVttllt. tho popular nutoino
Idle and toal entate man of AHhlaud,
wiih In Medfonl 'I'ueKday on IiiimIiiii
In connection with It f h office. Mr
I'ettltt Iuih hut recently outvied tin
malt) IiiihIiiohh In AHhlaud.
rtfty-throo ncren Hpoclal, 10 ncrc
coiultiK Into bearing orchard. Call on
J. II. Wood, Condor Water &. I'owei
Co 'h office. U
N. I'. Siiylor. who nrrlvi-d recently
riom MlHHoula, Montana, whh tratm
actliiK IiiihIiiohh In .lackHouvllle 'Puea
day. Mr' Saylor Ih 011 a deal to pur
cIiiiko a farm near tho county Heat.
The Hull auto livery Iuih decided
to accommodate tho trado to and
fiom the opera, uatatorliim dances,
cafeH and ho forth, and hy placing
a call they will call for you at an
time. Their ordoiH will ho hooked
at their office. I'liono III 11.
A. V. AHhhiirton. who recently lo
ruled in AHhlaud, wax IraumtrtluK
hiiHlneHH lu Medfonl Tin'mlny attor
110011. Mr. Ahhhurton helloven that
pno;reH Iuih Htiuck AHhlaud, ami In
IouiIh to inaKo IiIh permanent home
llavo you neon II. I. Van do Car'i
hIiow window 011 Main tttrcct, 1'lilppi
llldi;V It Iuih mittio hiuwhIIoiih roi
Niiiiih KlrtH. tf
A. P. Ooodo of AHhlaud watt doluy
ImihIiichh In Modford Tuenday. Mr
Ooodo HayH tho municipal campaign In
(hat city Ih waxlnj; warm, huo ho he
lloveH Joo Hurt, tho piopoHHlvo can-
dldato for city recorder, will ho an
eiiny winner.
My prlceH nro roiiHouahlo. Your eye
nlKlit Ih prlceloHH. Dr. Itlcltort, ovtn
i Hvnn notumvi of JnckHonvlllo liiif
piuchiiHed proporty In Medford and It
piepailiu: to tuiiko thin city hln home,
MIbh Krnuclno McNuhhiu' of Sconlc
llelKhtH Orchard, near Central I'olnt,
caiim up TueHilay aftornoou to do
Homo HhoppliiK. MIhh MuNiiHsar Ih a
mrn of Kil. IMckard of HiIh city.
If you haven't yM ti hloclc In Oak
dalo 1'ailt addition you had hettei
Kt ono at onco. Seo W. II. Kvorhard,
!i (lit N'liith Htreot, WohI, for imrtlcu
lam, tr
Charlott IIIkIi, well known harlior of
AHhlaud, wiih traiiHiu'tluj? btiulnuHH In
Medfonl TuoHdny aftornoou.
.XmiiH nlftH from Van do Car'H will
pleaHO foroyor. tf
h. It. Mullott, ciiHhlor of tho Flrot
National hank or AhIiIiiiiiI, wiih In
Modford TuoHilny tratiHiictliiK IiuhIiiokh
IM11110 tuiiiiiK. I'liono Main 4171.
Mr. II. N, hyon, roirosoutlnif tho
(IniHHolll (Miomlcal company of Clovo-
luml, Ohio, hi at tho NiihIi for a row
lleoiBo .Moi'Kan of ('oiiiillo wan
amuiiK tho now arilvalii Monday
O. (.. Wlljanl or Oloha. WiihIiIuk
ion. hi vIhUIiik for a fow ilnyo with old
rtlemlH In the vicinity or Modfonl.
.1. 0. Mclntyru of Maiimouth, 1 1 J 1
iioIh, wiih iiiiioiik tho ihiwcoiiioih Tiiok.
day irteriioon. , (.. . .
Albeit a. illnur, who for tho pnHt
ten yuan Iuih been outlined In tho
liticliNtel IniHliieMK at Audubon, la. Ii
'lore and expect h(o enter that lino
of biiHlneiiH In .lackHon county. When
IiIh eiiilpiuoiit iiirlveH Mr. Illnur will
put two waKomi lu tho field, but will
do all IiIh HhippliiK flolil (ho MeiHotil
,. T. Hatfield, who Iuih been mak
IllK (ho loumlrt of the coiiHt towmi ol
Caliroriilii, Oiexou and WiiHhlur.tun,
haw decided that Medfonl hiiIIm him
iicHt. ami will nettle bote and make
I'Ih permanent home Mr. Ilntrleld Ii
a travellnt: HiileHiiiau for Cohen & Co
or New Voik.
The Medroid llanlwaie Co. Iuih
InimlreilH of lliieful aitlcleH HtllUiblo
for nirui.
A. It. McCaiilley arrlveil Monday
iirteriioou fiom I.iiiicIiik. MIchlKan
and opectn to enter ImihIuohh lu Meil
foid lu the coiiiho u( tvo or thri.'O
iiioiiIIih. Mr McCaiilley iiiauuracturei
nalteiH and Ii'iikIiih, both of bin own
Invention, ami mo made for all com
lltlotiM of weather.
Will Carter wiih lu Aohland Ti.oft-
day mornlui: on a IiuhIuohh trip.
Mr ami Mih. Carl Carlrtou have t:
new haby r.'il at their homo In Kant
A l. Tox of AHhlaud wiih trammel
lui; IiiihIiichh In Medford Tuesday.
A. It. HlrliiKor of near Cold Hill tr
.i town on biiHlni'Hii connected with
a real entato deal. ?
.loo Momiile of the pollco fotco wuf
u .lackHonvlllo Tuesday attondlni;
Two terrlhlo TnrkH with their tur
baiiH ItiHlMto' 011 flulitliiK and makliiK
u loud iioIhc on tho Htreetti. They
woro Klvi'ti free IoiIhIiik Momla
"iKht by .N' It; lit Policeman Joo Mem-
Harry Selley of Central I'olnt wnw
In town TueHilay and reportH duck
HhootliiK on the dcHort to'ho oxcelleut.
Allen Arnold, who Ih employed
near Central Point, wnn lu Modford
Tuesday huyliiK ammunition for a
patty of bird huutem which Ih p.oIiik
out from IiIh part of the county,
Henry Mn renin manufacturer of red
cedar hIiIiikIoh of Marc.urn, WaHhliiK-
011, ih Hero lu tho lutcront of IiIh
iIiIiikI" hiiHlneHH. Mr. Marruiii he
IIovoh that uioro money ran bo mndo
by HelliiiK hIiIukIch on tho coat than
iy HblppliiK them cat.
Wantedx-l'onrdorH A now board-
lui: hotiHo ban opened at 70G South
Oakdale. Call and hpo iih for fair
reatmout, or addroKH F. II. More-
and. 301!
The Womau'H Homo MIhhIoii ho-
clely of the Southern MethodlHt
Miurcb will have a ChrlKtmiiH ttalo at
tho wardrobe on WVst .Nraln Hlreet,
Jatunlay, nocember 10. They will
have aproiiH, Imkh, cooked food, etc..
oil Halo.
'Ciiiiih photos miule by Muokoy wil
ileice. tf
(!linfliiK (Mh'.ioh, rnrvlitK HetH, luaHi
artlcloH, Hilverware and tho b(t, lu
'ateftt, HwolleHt doHlKiie at tho Med
ford Hardware Co,
Kvory IIbIU but olootrlclty kIvm
off Hinoke and Htuoko rontalun noot.
which deponltn on your wall paper
rurtaltiH, draperleH, Hloctrlc light
Iowh In an air Unlit bulb, tf.
A. II. DavlH, who Ih Improving a
section or laud at "IivIh" Ktatlon,
five miles out of Medford on the Pa
cific & KuhIi'I'ii, went out to IiIh poh
seHnlomi Monday artornoou with hoiiio
tuoHpectlvo InveHtoiH, Mr. Davla Iuih
u-aicely placed IiIh laud upon tho
market, desliiiiK do much more
Improvement work beforo offering
IiIh acren to tho public.
Don't forget tho Medford hardware
when looking around for KlftH.
What Ih tuoro aiMiroprlato than a
deal rhiK eiiKiaved properly? H. h.
Van do Car will enmavo It freo of
chaiKo while you wait, PhlppH HIiIk-
W. W. lllnlon Ih anions tho now
comeiR who arrived Monday night.
Mr. lllntou Ih from ProHHor, Wash,,
ami comes hero for tho purpose of
Inventing lu a Hinall tract of land
Kiiltablo to tho culture of briar her
rloH, Hitch iih logau, raHpherrloH and
Kreo readliiK roomii at Presbyte
rian church, orion every evening from
fii.'lO to 10 except Sunday.
C. O. DowoMittornuw at law from
Walla Walla, Wash,, Ih lu tho city
on IiuhIuohh Monday and Tuesday,
l.ato magazine!!, papoiH, and pc-
ilodlcabi at PrcHhytorlan reading
room lu church, corner Holly and
Main HtreetH. Open 0:0 to 10 p.
111. lOvory nmn and boy la Invited
to upend tho evening hero,
Toho Houho will make a IiuhIuohh
trip to ItoHoburg WednoHday, rotitrn
lug lu tho evening.
An ologant lino of oporn glaBsea
In gold, pearl and Morroco nt Dr,
Oohlo'ti optical parloiH, 1101 lOaut
Main iitreot.
A. (I. IIIhIi ip of Unfile Point mado
a pleaKiint call at tho Trillium offl
II. (J. Howard lotnrned TueHdaj
inornlng rro"i Hacnimouto, to which
place )hi wan called hint week lo vIhII
Iii Invalid luothei. Mi. Ilovanl te
poitH I1I11 patent an much Improved
and ho bopoii to IiiIiik hor to Med
ford lu about three weekn,
J. 0. McCay of AHhlaud wan trutiH
idling IiiihIiichh lu Medfonl and .lack
hoiivIIIo on Tuimday. Mr. Mc(!ay It
engaged In the development of mum
valuable IiiikIh omir Aiililanil.
Joe llurb wuk down from AHhlam'
TueHilay looking after legal IhihIiiohk
nil wept ovei ti, .lackHouvllle ti loo'
'ifter tho aliHlractlng of koiiic prop
''irl M Carver Hie Iowa piomoter
vl'o Iiiim fur yearn been hark of the
Iowa" inlii" lu Kh'hiio, California, a
piopoiiltlou diedglug the Kan Joiuiuli
rlvei, Ih hero and will Inventliiale tin
iiinlter of divdglng tho upper Itogue
liver. Mr. Carver Iuih iipout IiIh life
lu hydraulic mining.
John It. Orovor of MocllpH, WiihIi
ugton, Ih lu town. Mr. Garvcr Ih
among tho plonoor KCttlcm of tho
OruyH Harbor country, and camo hero
to vIhIi relatlvoH who live on tho Ai
lib-Kate river. Mr. Grovor Ih lu IiIh
oith year and Ih halo and hearty.
Clint It. HolmoH of Klma, WihIi.
accomjiauled hy IiIh wlfo and two
chldlren, aro In tho city. Mr. HoIiiich
Ih looking for a location for a general
blackHtiiltb and repair Hhop,
1 1 '. 1
'I'llOhO olll 1
illlll .ll'l('tlll;il
Millie I heir iiihi-u
('IniHliniiH iln ,,.
heir eii'iloni "'i
ml Tom and .! 1, ,
Mi'ir. 'J'Iioiiiii
"II pi iliably ii'ii
in .Meillonl on
has long been
a Hlraue ('net,
0 he nie coin
inoiil.v kuouii, niiiiii mi npiiearuiic
in 11111 eii.y on riiii(iay mi n
( liriHimax I11IN on Sitmlay, tliev v ill
tirohiililv mil be in evidence.
H Iuih Ioiij.' been I lie contour 111
Medfonl for llie iwiiiH to grccl ill
lie).--old fiieinb- mul Ihev are le
iion-ut lenxl oiico 11 year, but law
vear Ihev will pji.- Huh eiiy ti.
The baroain iiew lu the nloro ads
iuiiiortriiit to all iIiomj who eon
iilcr careful hiivinc to he irnpor-
Sri'lIKItlilN', Ore., Dec. (i. l-'iie
of unkiiowii origin wei through the
l)iiiii(m cenler of Siitlierliu todav
(lie town.
wipiuj.' out the heart
The loit is ontimnteil
.f'-Ti.tlOO mul in imrlly cowl ml by
instimnri!. Four htrttPlure.H lioiminir
Ht'vi'ti HloreH and a number ofoffieea
were hurneil.
A miHliNiiliiig iiilvertisiMncnl would
J be almost iih ilisnnt loti.s to a Htore Hi
1 11 firc--witlt no instiranco.
1 taut.
The old ideas about utoro tulvor
tisim; din hard but they die, never
tholes. Store advertininfj nowuiliiyrt
has iicwh value
' (
-Jg"Wu m-g'
Have you noticed tho now build
ugri going up In Oakdalo Park ad
tit Ion JiiHt south of Mr. KooI'h? tf
Ends Winter's Troubles.
To many, winter in. a neaon o
itoiible. The frnxt bitten too am
fingers, chapped hand uml lip
"hilblaius, cold 01 cm, icil uml roue,!'
'-kins prove tin-. Hut sueb trouble
II V before Ilueklcu's Arniea Salve
A trial convinces. (hoatoM bealei
of Hurith, lloilh, I'ilcH, Cuts, Sore-
I'!e7ema ami SpraiiiH.
nil druggislH.
Ailei'tinte adverli-ing- frank In
iirrnui'.'. luclfiil, freipienl being :.
nart of 11 Ml ore's erviee to vou. r
followg that n cooil store is neces
sarily n well advertised htore.
A rnont'CT 01 .VATimc.
Warmed into life by the sun shining
on Southern cotton fields, nurtured h)
min nml dew, the cotton plant concen
trates in its seed that life-giving and
life-sustaining quality which is the basis
of Cottolene. ;roiu Cottonfitld ic
kitchen, human bands never touch thi
ol'! from which Coltoluic is made. It i.
a product of Nature.
Lird comes from the fat of the ho?
iftcn impure, always indigestible. Cot
toleue, on the contrary is pure, ami
clly made from the juice of choices)
nut is not more easily digested thai
Ins product of the oil extracted fron
ic kernel of the cotton seed.
a Sample of
To all ladies who visit
The Marinello Shop
?ooms 5 and 6. over Kentncr's
Ever Saw
KviM'y woman in tho cit v
is inviiod lo call and soe
tho woiulopful
now hoinj' olToivd
a plains
& Allin
P1IONM MAIN 2(ii)l
The use of Sunny Monday
laundry soap means economy;
economy in the saving of
clothes saving of time sav
ing of labor. Sunny Monday
is a white soap which con
tains no rosin. It will double
the life of your clothes, and
one bar of it will go as far as
two bars of any ordinary yel
low laundry soap.
Ask your grocer for Sunny
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Night 'Phones:
P. W. Weeks, 2071
A. E. Orr, 3692.
Precious Jewels
Make Lasting Friendships
Largest anil finest iiNsortiiirnt of ISIiirs Watrlics, Toilet Art I -les, Steillnt: Sliver nml f.'old Article",
Diamonds, ete. Vou mii'l lnuijliie lioiv eUeiihlve out Hue irullj Is until yon vUlt my Moro nml
haw it look. C'orne nny time you nro nlnay welcome, unit you are sure offsetting llio for tint
li'iiNt money.
I MARTIN J. REDDY, The Jeweler,
Near Postofflcc,
Just The "Giff ' You Want
Como and soo our line of CHRISTMAS d'OODS. You will find the articlo
you want horo. There are Hand Jiags, Toilet, articles, Perfumery. .Brass
ware, Sfatipnory and many other useful, desirable articles all reasonably priced
Our Phone Works Night or Day
101-Gall Mam-lOl
Medford Pharmacy
Medford, Ore.
Sale of Tailored Suits
Your Unrestricted Choice for
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Cf This is our first sale of its kind and we intend to make it a memorable one to Medford and vicinity worn
en who are discriminating in their taste. The reason for offering such UNHEARD OF PRICE RE
DUCTIONS is our desire to demonstrate the superiority of the garments we are handling with this sole
object in view, and regardless of loss, we will offer for four days, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat
urday, 150 highest grade suits at EXACTLY half of their regular selling price. This is a bonafide offer.
You can see on every suit the regular price, and all we ask you to pay for it is ONE-HAT.v.
Alterations, if any, will be charged for and made at our
Earliest Convenience
j It is a well established fact that Ah reus handle nothing but reliable women's apparel, many of the
famed style-craft suits included in this sale. . si . .
S The materials aro tho most desired kind, including Broadcloths, JYenoh Serges, Storm Serges, Home
spuns, Basket Cloths, Planish Mixtures, etc.
4!i The colors tiro tho latest dictates of fashion, including tho beautiful two tones, Black, Brown, Blues,
(ii'oons, Grays, Cardinals, oti
L::.00- Suits for $11.50
$2.t.()0 Suits for $12.50
$2!).rl) Suits for : r, $14.75
:5LV0 Suits for ,;..... $16.25
:i.-).00 Suits for .:.........!'; $17.50
'VT.."0 Suits for .". $18.75
.$39.50 Suits for ...!.'. Suits for J,
jfjfl.00 Suits for
$50.00 Suits for
$").r).00 Suits for ....;.:.;...
$();").00 Suits for
?"" t'-.
- " .
I .' i
jTi'innn(jd I lals and untrinunod shapes for those four days til exact V-j Price.
GjSalo begins at 0 a. ui. Wednesday morning. This will give an opportunity to those living far out "to be
first to have full choice
it comes from
Ahi'ons, it is right.
J $$.$ .