MrcnFOKn m'ail TRinrNK, MEiwoim omofiONViTi:snAY. nwramwH. into. Kir",,r uk i 8 i ': i : ! 3 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AK XKDErnNDEHT NEWSrAMR rUHLIBHED DAILY EXCEIT SATUll- SAT BY THE MUDrOKD FRINTina CO. A eottsnllttittlon or tin- McilCoril Mull, cttiibllKbril .1SS9, tin ttoulhrrn Orrgun lim, pnlnlilliOiitl 1902, tin' Democratic Tlium, vMnlillnhrtl 1S72, tin Astibtml Tribune. oMiibllHlioil 1S96. nnil llio Aleil ftirtl Tribune QHlnbllwIioil Iu6, OKOUOi: Pt'TNA.M, 1'iUtor mul Mnnai-vr l'Morcil it .mi-coihI-cIiikh mutter No vember 1, 1809, nt tlio jiof-tufrlco tit Meilfont. Ori-KOn, umlur Uio net of Mnrch 3. 1878 Official Paper of tin- City of Meilrmil SUBSCRIPTION BATES. Ono yeiir, by until . $6.00 Omi month by until , .. .50 IVr month, ilollvereil by carrier In Meilfotil, JiicUsonvllle nnil Con trol Point SO Knml.iy only, by until. per yenr. ... 2 00 Weekly, per year I "o mil X.eid Wire United rrcis Dlipatch... the Tin Mull Tribune Is on snip at 1'errv Nevn Stnml. San Francisco. Pnrtiitnil IIoIpI News Stuml, Forthitttl lhivvtimn Ncv Ci., Pot-thiiul. Or tV O. Wbltnpy. Seattle. Wash I Intel Spokane Nirwn Stainl, Spokane. SWORN CIRCULATION. Averace dully for J iimmry. 1910 S.Ui .MurPll, 1910 J.20? April 1910 :.30i jiny, 1910 r.tst .luiip, 1910 :,5o; July. iio :.3S AiiRuitt. 1910 r,&j; September. i9io :,.; I October. 1910 .., S.T91 Nov.mber Circulation. 1...U..... 3.100 is 3,o;; ::.....'..'.. 3.350 17 3.071 3 3.100 1! 3,051 4 3,100 :o 3, lot 6 3,150 SI 3,051 7 3.10 32 3.051. S 3,100 .1 3.0M 9 3,100 2a .1,051 10 3.100 27 3,07 11 3.100 2 3,001 13 3,150 29 3,001 14 3,100 30 2.S7. 15 3,100 BATTLING WITH FEUDALISM. npllK election now in progress - is nothinu; more nor loss than a robrouduni on gov' Uuiim, nut' t'tiilietttnil Jealously fouler iiipir nii'U'lianl nuu-liie, IVrlutiN no-tvlie-rv Is tlu nivil Tor niiUl nnil tilled tllllll. plllellM mill flvWIlt ComlllUtlll'tt- lion unite no iiikpiiI iik between the l nllPil Suites mnl l.nlln America. We Ptjn teptlip In no oilier illlill'tel' of Hip Nolllllolt In till' ilcClNlon wlielliel llle tvmlil Mich lniiii"luile beiiefllM In friend- canal Nlnilt lie foillfleil I have iilieiulv' ship nml coiiini. Hi- ns would flow from I Mtitli'il lo lln- eimcri'm lluil I itiotiNlv tile PNtiibllHliin, nl of dlieet llnex nf eom mtiiiicntlon wltli Hie cotiiidlcM of l.ittln Amei Ipii. I illlllded to HllM IIIONt Important Mill- Ject In my la-u miiiinil meNwiKe: It bni oflen been In fine ton mul I need not recapitulate III, iiiihoii for Un tceom lUeniliitloiM I nl, l nioiuni iiolloii- l,. ri 1 1 ii i ' t'oinplelloivr Ibe IMnillllii Willi inelllodH of iIImiiiihIiik of What me ,.. H..n ,, .. m. . Mlll.ll I Villi . HUlH'llllllllll llll N. Hllll IIU. Total 76.99! Hally averitRp. 3.0S0, STATK OP OHKGON. County of Jack Hon, s.: l)n tlio first day of Docpmber, 1910 rHsonally mineurvtl before me. Ooore Putnmn, manncer of the Medfonl Mai Tribune, who, upon oath, acknowledge fliat tho above flBiires are true and cor rrct. It. N. YOCKKY. (Seal) Notary Public for Oregon MEDrOBD, OREOON. Metropolis of Southern OreRon aju 'Northern California, anil the fastest KrowInK city In Oreuon. Population P S. census 1910. SS4U eitlni.ited In November, 1910, 10,000. rive hundred thousand dollar Gravlt Water System completed. Hiving fines supply pure mountain wafer and six teen miles of street belnp paved am contracted for at it cost rxceetllni; Jl, 000,000, maklnR a total of twenty mllvi of luivement. Poitofflce receipts for year cmllni November 30, 1910. sliow a gain of 5 IKr cent. Hank deposits were 2,376,52:, a Kali of 22 per cent. ' Banner fruit city In Orecon Kokm Illter SpItienberK apples won' sweep stakes prlie anil title of "Appl Xing' of th World nt the National Apple Show, Spok.tut 1909, and a car of Newtowns won rirat Priza In 1910 nt Canadian International Apple. Show Vancouver. D. C. ItORue lllver pears brought hlghes' prices In all markets of the world dur Ins the past six years. Write Commercial club. Inclosing I cents for postage for the finest cominu nlty pamphlet ever written iiiriil, t'ompi-ftn iisito Pimm me belnn lllinlo for the fiilille welfille or NlPii t'liKiiii, InpliulluK tho lelmblllliilliiu of IMlhlle ere, Hi in (treat Britain, which M.rcimm Mmm.. Another Inxtiiimeiitnllt.v Imllimlblp lo the Ullllllllllielril mul initunil duvelon crnnu'nt, may hasten or delay the death blow to the nonselj;;;;V:,r,vv;,,;i!::,VC,,;;V,d w.'m.' of Lords. At any rate, it can but postpone this obstacle tohVA'!U"M ,Tho,'-uVesr,,on!.' Vm- nunian progress. The House of Lords survives as a relit of feudalism, a class distinction that is a handicap to human progress. Like all other aristocracy, it is perpetated through in herited wealth. One of the great lessons taught bv democracv is that aristocracy doe,i not, pay. is not profitable, either to the in dividual or the nation that foots The bill. There is and can be no aristocracy of brain... Brains cannot be bequeathed or inherited. Scientists unite in the assertion that "tho gamut of human achievement is run in one generation." that many forms of greatness are ac companied by lack of balance, that while genius wins riches that enables descendants to keep up artificial airistocraey. those descendants are more apt to inherit the lack of bal ance than the genius. Americans and Europeans see the blighting absurdity of the caste system in India, where position and occupation are predetermined, and humanity is without hope or oppor tunity. They do not comprehend the equal folly, of tlieii own caste system and its blight. America is freer from fuedalism than Europe. AVi have no aristocracy based upon tradition and prima genture. We do not rob the people by government sub sidies for descendants of great barons wo only rob then by tariff and other subsidies for living, barons. American aristocracy, if plutocracy can be so digni fied, is based solely upon money, which enables descend ants of the very rich to live in idle luxury, so creating : burdensome caste system, for there can be no equality ol opportunity with a large proportion of the wealth and re sources withdrawn to become the inheritance of the few. Great wealth goes hand in hand with great poverty both the effects of unequal distribution. Bequeathing great fortunes intact, works harm to the inheritors and to the na tion. Poverty is a disease of civilization due to the concen tration of wealth in the hands of the few a result of tin caste system. Humanity loves its chains a lid progress paiufulh climbs a winding spiral stairway. Probably some day when we do not see through a glass quite so darkly, we wil in America be fighting the same battle against the eastt system that the Liberals of England are fighting agains their relic of feudalism, and make the great fortune react tt the state to the people to whom it really belongs. Hltffi',HNllll llMllN Wllh Oil I' own IllelllOlls, ll Hltlo 10 be of ImiUt'hNO Millie l'ltttitmn Oil u ill. At the tiislmipp of Colonel lliielliiilH. the tinny ennliieer, of fleer in i mgi nr w in It on llio Pmimmt emuil, I liute Just turnip n tlnll to Hie InIIiIIUIM (o lllNieet the wink done mul to poiimiiH with hint on the iitipitloii of peiliiln piobleins W'lill'h mo likely In tulNc In the iipiH' III tuip The piogiPMN of the wmk W utimt HittlNt'itctnt) If nil uueviiepted oliNtnple pteseuls Ithi'lf, the ennui will be pom pleled well within Hie time fixed by eon most tifwlt, .liiiiiiiiry I. IIM5, mid with in the PHtluutteit post of (:i,'i.ii00,0il0 litiiug iilii'HtlouN mining foi liii'seiit fui or foitlllpntton mid I now telteinti till opinion mid usk your cuiinIiIoi iitlon of the Htihlcot In the lU.-lil of the lepoit iilreml) befoip ,ou, iiuide b) n pompeteiit biMfd. ' Conservation, ItlsPIINNlllg POIIMert lllllMl till' lCMlltcllt Me. H no need fo nidleiil letiillll III the lettll) III Setiteiubei. hut. n pmiMei't iltlntl foil- KteNs wiih held nt Ml. Paul, at which I ilellteted mi iiiMiohh nil llle Nilbjeol of I'OIIHl I VllttOII, NO till' UN II WlIN W'ltllll' the Jut lid in un mul ihinn ble net on of the tedeiiil Hovel iliiienl I leeoiuiuendeil thai Hie lllliltiitlon now llunoNed noon Hip ei'puttte wlilpti foi- bllll Ills leleltlllg mole foleNt IlltldN In iinIiIiIkIoii, Iditlio, .Monliiiiii MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE WANT ADS WILL DO THE BUSINESS Where to Go Tonight President Tenders Messarje. (Continued from page 1.) Sny.s Hie Oreonian: When th-ccn-us was taken, .several month iif-o, Jretlfonl had n popnlnlion ni 8840. It is probahly the fourth eiu of Oregon, and is jjrowinv; very fnM Its birth was :idvcntiliou. Tiventv .five years jitro when Villnrd wa " ptifhin: tlie Oregon & Calitnniir railroad from Roebnr; to the Sis kiyou mountains, Jaeksonville mu the principal trading point of ITom River valley. Medford was not m the, map. In order to reaeJiJacksoi1 ville, the' railroad, as surveyed would have had to make n -woVtorh detour of three miles. To compen sate for increased cost of eon ruc tion, the O. & C. nsked a. moderat subsidy. This the town refused ii .Hve, whereupon the railroad too1. the Miort cut south, leavfiii; th county seat of Jack.ion several inile- out in the cold. From this blow 11 never recovered. If Jack-onvill had sub.scribetl the subsidy it wouh probably have maintained its posi tion of the most important city o southern Oregon, and Medford migli not have sprung into existence at all Incidentally, it may be remarket! that Medford ndvanced more rapidl. ilurinir the past 10 years than hip other, toxyn. in Oickoii. C05ISIUMCATIOX. To tho Editor: Please print the following open letter to the mayoi and city council: Medford, Ore., Dec. 0, 1010. To the Mayor and City C&micil: Gentlemen: There are 30 or more -property owners! in .SuuthwesUMetl- ford that would like to know wli. wo have not been able to get cilv water on Eleventh and other street, out hero. Wo petitioned tho coun cil for the same during tho sumnu'i of 1009. Had the water been put in as petitioned for tho city would be getting a revenue of from four to five hundred dollars n year. You can't say that you did not havn time or material as some tif tin council would have us believe, for it is n well known fact that llio water system has been extended ii' additions that have been laid out and platted since our petition was filed. The water should have been put in whoro thore were people liv ing to iiso it and the city would he getting a levenuo instead .of 'pxtbud intr it in new additions where there woro but few if any to iiso it.. Now gentlemen, will you be kind enough to explain ? W. J. DRUM 1 1 1 LL. Don't aBc your friends to find a rooinor want ndvortlso. and not to reopen the whole bill. This warning came after a part of the message saying that the tariff board would likely report before the next regular session. Many con gressmen believe that it is a plea bv Tnft to the new congross which will be democratic, not to cause the biisj. ness stagnation he believes wnuli follow a general revision. .Some o" the cuiigii'ssinen, commenting n thi art of the message, say that it -nv that Tnft expects a strenuous ii- with the next congress and alrea It ;s preparing for the buttle. As a whole, the message-, accord iug to ianern comment here, is re jarded as a straight business docu ment. The massage in part follows To the xenato and Iiounp of repre.sentn- times: DurlnR tin paHt your tho forelcn reln tlotm of the Cnlted StnteH Iih contlnuei' on it ImhIs of frlendslilji and kooi! under Hlandlm;. Arbitration. The year Ii.ik been notable as wltnen.s 'iik the pacific settlement of Important International cnntrnverHle.s before tlir ix-rmanent court of The Hukup Arbitration of the flHherlex of the iIIh pute between the Cnlted HtaleH am-(Sn-Ht llrltaln which huM been the sourci oi nearly continuoUH diplomatic corie spondence, xlnce the flHlierlen conven lon of I x t S. hat (given an award w-lilcl Ik H.itlNfiiptory to both imrtlt-x Thi arbitration m particularly notew-orth) becauie It Ih thw flrxt arbitration heb under tho Kenernl arbitration of Apr! 4, 190S, between th" United States line iirt-at llrltaln and illKpofex of a coiitrn verHy the Hettlenient of which liu.s re sl.ited every other resource of dlplomac- und which for nearlv ninety yenrn ha been the caUHH of friction between twf countries whone commercial Interext llec In maintaining the most frlendl) un cordial rehillotiM with each other The United .States was abl) H-prem-nt d before the tribunal I should b wantlni,' In proper recognition of i patrlotlQ sertlcu If I did not lifer tin lucid hlHtorlcnl analyslH of the facts um tlio signal ability and forow of iiruu ment preKented thp court In support o: our cane by Mr Kllliu Itoot. Appreclatlni; tho enlightened lenil eneles of modern times, the coki--ih a this IfiHt Hi-HHlon paHsed it law provld Ins for the apiiolnlmont of a couunlxilor of five members to be appointed by tin president of tho United States to con xldcr the iixpodleiicy of utlllitliiK exlstlnt International agencies for thu pin pose til Hinltlnu' the arniamentH of Hie nuiioo. of the world by international uuret- ment, and of constituting tlio combine' navies of tlio woild In u combined Inter national force for the preservation o' unlvoiaal peace I have not an yrt mailo appointment! lo this commission becauso I have In Vlteil utlil am Waltlm.' tbn evtireHulnriu ii foreign governments iih to tnulr willing ness to co-operate with us in tlm ap polntmi'iit of similar cummlMlons u rupri-sentatlves who would meet will our cominlHHloiiers and by Joint nctloi seek to make their work effective. Several linpoilant treutles have beci negotiated with Oreat llrltaln In tin past twelve months. A diplomatic agree iiiem uu neeii leacuen regarding Hie ai nitration of pecuniary claims whlcl each government has against tho otliei The Near Eat. Turkey: To return the visit of the special em li.iHxy sent to uniiouni'ii the accessjoii ol His Majesty .Melient V.. emperor of tin Ottomans, ( sunt to Constantinople special umlMSKHdoi' who was chargpi with tlie duty of expressing lo tho Oito man government tho value attached b tlm government of tho United Statea tt Increased and morn In.iinrtnnt relation! between the countries and the deslro o uu railed states to contribute to tin largo economic and commetclal develop ment due to tlio new regime In Tillkb) Tlm lapld development now heglunlnt In that ancient empiio and tho uiaiket progu-Hs and incrcuHcd commeicial Im nortaiioe or liulf-urla, Itoiiuianla ant Kervla, make It imrtlctilaiiy npiiorttuii that llio possibilities of American com iiioice In thu near cast should rccclvi duo attention, Tho fur eaHl' " ' The center of Interest In far eosteri affuirs during the nast year have uguli I 'if UiIh government sent to Mnmigii iiliMki....jL .. v M -. '"' riiuest f O'O lirovlslonal guv It I gnit,fytiig lo note Hint the negn Hut Ions for a loan to the i'blnm- got eminent for the conitriictlon of th trunk railway lines from N.tnkow noiiHi ward to Canton and wrslu.inl througl the VangtHe Ml I ley. known as the Hu Killing loan, were concluded by the rep reNentatlves of the itrlouH flnmiclii groups in Mny., anil the results ap proved by their respective soverninents Th ugreetnent, nlreudy tnlilnted by th' ChlneuM government. In now itwaltlii. formal ratification The bnls of th. settlement of the termn of this loan wa one of exact equality between Amrlc:i ('mat llrltaln. France and tlermany I. ruipeci lo rnmnclng the loan and nup pllng nmterlals for the proimsed rail wuts ami thur future branches The application of the principle tin deriving the policy of Hie United Statei In regard to the lliikimng loan, v lis That of the InteriiHtlouiilliiMtioii or Ho foreign Interest In such of the railway if CIiIiih as mil) Im fiuanped by forelgi countrlp, was NuggeNted on a broader icale bv the Hecretury of Htate In a pro ionuI for liiternatlnivHlliuttlon ami cum nerclal neulrsllxHtlon of all the rail whvs of .Msncbtirla While the prin ciple which led to the propona! of thi' ?o eminent was generallv b- he powerH. lo whom it wan iiiIiIivnimmI be giiv-ernuients of HumnIu and .lupa practical difficulties In tin xecutlnn of the larger plan which pre ented their r.-ady ailll. retioe. The iue I non or constructing the Chin Chow ' Aigun railway bv tneanH of an interni Monal loan lo China, Is. however, still he subject nf friendly dlsCUNHlon by th 'nti-rested p.irtli-H. Tho policy of this government in tlies natters has been brought about by a leslre to make 'use of American capita, n tlie development of China as an ln trument In the promotion of China' itlfare and material piospeilty Willi- lit prejudice to her legitimate rlghl s an independent political power This policy Iiiih recently found fur her exemplification In the asHlNlanc Jiven oy mis gnverniuent to the pegotl Ions between China and a group o. mer1can bankers for a loan of '00 to b employed chiefly In curreiic form. A preliminary agreement b, wien the American group and Chin ins been made covering the loan. I-or the success of this loan and ih ontemplateil reforuiN which an- ' treitter Importnnce to the comiuerclii' ntertsts of tho United Stales and th Ivlllzed win Id nt large, It Is reallzi. hat no expert will be neceNHsry and thw ,'overnnieiit bus received nssuruncc frnn hln.t that hiicIi an adviser, who shu" e Jin Anieilcan. will be engaged The year has further been ro.irUe.l i, ! w;o Iniportnnt International agieenienii elatlni lo far eaHlern arfalrs . In tin lUHHo-JapaneHo agreement relating lo ilanchurfa, slgmd .Inly I. pjlti, UiIh got -rnmenl wok fiutlfled to note an iissur nee of continued peaceful condltlonH l lint legion and the leaffirinallon of th ollcba wllh respict to China lo whit hu United Slates, togelher with all olb r Interemed powers, aro alike solemnl -onimltted. The l rent v annexing Korea to the em lire of .lapan. promulgated August :"i 1910, marks the final slip In a pmcei". r conli'il of the iilicieut emplte by hi i lowerfiil neighbor which mis been i irogress for seveial years past In com ruinlcatlng the fact of annexation lln lapanese government gave to Hie gov nullum, or the United Slates assuraiicis if the full protection of the lights ol Vnierlcnn cltllens In Koreu mult r lln hangtnl conditions. Latin America. Under this head the president lefei o the centennial anniversary of Mexleni ndi-iienderice. tlie fouilli piin-Ainer)ciii onferencn ut iliiepos Ayeis and lln voik of the luteiualioual Iniiemi or inerlcnn lepubllcs. lie continues Duilug tho past year the lepublln m iikiiiiihim nun im-i-ii me m'CIlP Ol iniei -ono struggles, tlcmiul Belaya was hroughout his career llio disturber of entral America and opposed eveiy phii 'or the luomotlon of peaco and filendlt elutions between the five icpuhllcH A'hcn the peoplo of Nicaragua wen Inally driven into lebelllon liy Ills law tss actions he violated the laws of war iy unwarranted execution of two Ameil nii citizens. Tills and olher orfeiises nude it thu duty of llin American gov rnmeut to take measures with a view i) uiuiiiuio it'parauou nnu for tlie sare fuardlng of Its Inteiests. Amerlciui 'oices were sent lo both cniista of Nlcn uguu to he Inieadlness slioiild occasion nlse lo piotect Amei leans and their In erests and leiiialned tliern until the win vns over. Tlieso events, together with (Seluya's contlliucil exactions brought him io clearly lo iho bar of public opinion hat ho was foiced lo resign ami to take efilgf abioad. Since lliep complete ivnt.irow of the MailrU government nnil ho occupation of the capital by the 'oices of the lovolutlon all factions iiivo united to maintain public order and is a i (.suit of discussion wllh an agent migua at linn una ile lo iwill In Intel natlounl lliiirlHuii' buslii'ss of this viienl poulitbii llon to the on ins of Hie world's coin- llllll Pllll ItlCOIII'Ne t Hlfltllltlt ....,, I,,,.,, .1 .. II... t .....1.1-. lit'Hou of the t-oiiKiesH the eiinetineiit nf I R btvv nlipj) inn lo Plvll Se- Ipe to the Itllllt.,,, I l. ,,...1 ...... L,,l. . a.... ( I.... The exptiileiil ipsIiMn wbleb linte nl.i tended the pMiilnl aipllpiitlon of civil tiegon. service pi-lnpipii s to Un- dlplomiillp and t'olonido mid Wyonilng. be repealed coiiNiiiui .sei-vn-es aiv an emiiiHl oiijeoi Thill I lie foul dppoNlls of the govein of the benefit to be wrought Ii) u wldei iiipiiI be bused aflel iidvi rtlNemeiit In mid tunrv p,.i in.ineiil cMenslon of those tnvllliiH pompetltlve bids, for lertiis not nrlnclplos lo both branplips of Hip fotelgnj exeeidlng flflv )ems, with coinlllious us servliv. t,, n.,itii, uiiiipe wbleb will pii'vent i-oin Treasury. , blmilloiis i.. tnouopolliie conirol of Ho The lire.sldenl refels t.i the mittiiiiited I '""'H "") one dlsliU't 01 mmket methods In vokik In the triMsui v b pin 1 Thill until powei niih be dlieetlv ment and s,l)s Hint the head of that di - 'eased bv tin feibial lifter IwrtlUPlit tins foi two veins ben devot a.lvi i-tls. on nt and IiIiIiIium. fin ii"i IIIK Ills time to hrlmtliiK the denitrlnii'iil up to illlte, elliMlimtlng wasto mid ledue log the furci . l.iri.elv In the luleresl of itmntiiy Hi the iletvctlon of fiuuds In wnlghlng oi;ir miwitrds of :1. liui.iiiHi liKVe been 1-,'i-tivel-ed from the belli flplarles of Hi, fraud and an entnelv new svstem fi,e fioin Hie posslbllltv of such II fl-ninl m In ell devised The di ISII'HIIPIlt h'lS pi-rfe.'led lln- llletbiid of I'-dleellng diito s at the port of New Vork so us to se the govet nim nt up Wiirds of ten 01 eleven million dollars Thete itre , ntlrelv too timiiv cusionis llsirlcts nnd ton mmiy pustnins coll, i tors These dlstllpls slioiild be eon solldalrd mid tin Unlit ctors In i-hnrgi- nf them should b. ntiollsbed nt tniited us mere bt-iwipli offlis s In necnrihtniv wllh Hie plan of the tiiasurv depai tinent wbloll Will be ir seated for the I'ousld ,'iatlou of ionKi ss ( Tin Pork Unrrol. ' In our public buildings vve still suffer I from Hie method of appi-iipi httlnn w bli'li lias tieen so inut'ii crltlclinl in cornier Hon with our iiverw mid lint burs. Some i melhod slioul.l t billed for I'lintrolllug the Niiiply of public buildings so that hey will tiirmonU.- with the net mil n.-eds of tin itovi rnineiit it ,,nlv bullillnics left imapproiirbiled for bv PoilHresN wblcli lire nei'iled, but W ll, II tt i coinen lo in,, .irluul couHtructlon tber has lifun In the past inn little studv of 'tn- bullilliiK flans iind Hits wllh a view to the actllnl needs nf the KOVerilluent The last put. up building bill parried1 illtlinrlmitlun for Hie estimated e oendltiirf ur 1 1 t.ol t.Silii and 1 approved t because of tin liillllV good efattlles II contained, just as I approved the river mil hurbor sill, but it wiih drawn upon in men iimi oiigni in ne Honmteii Thr Payne Tariff Act, Th seiTftliilVs of the rales of duty In 'be Paviii Isrlff net bnve lus-n subject..! n a great iiel of criticism. siiiin nf It lust, more of Ii ami to touch llsrepreNi-litm!,"! The up I wis tdopti d 'n plll-Niiiince i.r a declariitlon bv lb, nrlv w liloli Is r. sions-ble for It Hull i customs bj)l sii.aihl be a tariff for lb- Toti cllon .Of 1 luiliistrles. the mens lire of Iho'proi. i-tlon to lie the dlff.n nee N'tWepil Hie lost of production of the Imported nitlc'e abroml and the cost of producing It hi lioitw together with siicli iddllloii to that illf f.-rence an mtulil give i reuii-ib( profir lo the home pro diteer Tb- Iwsls for the criticism o' Mils lartff Ik llml lb in a num ber of the scm-tlilh'N the declared mens ore wns -mit follow id. but a higher ' lltlslon retained or Inserted by way of undue ilhM'rlnilntailoti In favor of per tain Industries and meusiiri-H I.I tile, ir snv. of th erlllrls'ii of the tariff Iibn been dlnrtol agiulnst the proteetlxe prin ciple above slated but the main hndv of the erltlplsm hss Isen besed on Ibe einirjfe Hint the attempt to conform tin measure nr protection was not botiestlv and sincerely adhered to Banking- and Currency luform. The ni.-tlio.l of linpiirllaJ, splintlfli studv bv experts as ii prollmlliarv to 'glsbiti.ii! vihlPb I hoiM- to see ultlmaie- Iv- ailoptid as our flxd iitiUoinil poL'cv with ri sp rt to Ho- tariff, rivers uod liiirliors wnlerwavs ,,nil pubMe buildings In also t.. mg pursm .1 b the noii-pai-Iim.111 in.. i .-tar) coiiiiii1nnIi.1i of congress An (' and most v iluil.b- stinh of Hi" bunking and piirn-ncv svst.nis of foreign iniintrb-H has bien A coin, .arlson of Hie business Inelh- I od aid ustl t ut ir.iiH of our poweiful and , i iIIiim Itri)' yon is lliuul it duiii li'iilnl mul Willi it Oiniilltlnn rilnt mtes clinlgcd to the luililto I'oi' nulls or eli'pllle pow ei', wllh stilliible piovlsluiiM iiKiiliiNt as signment In plevent liluiiopidleN I entiieslly tiiitlest coiiKiesM lo ill I III M Si'Hsloll. gelli'l'ill PllllSel'Vlltioil ll'Hlsliitllltl of the Phiiiitptet' ludli'iili'd be minuted lUUi-oaiW mid Autl-T rimt Lawn, Pol the luoleclloli nf out own people mid Iho pii'Ni I viillun nf mil' Piedlt In foielgn tlilili I ingi upiili I'uiigieSN llle liuliii'dliito eiiiicloieiit or n law uudei which mil' III uniiil liilMini'iH liimicy or it ii it un it hill or hiding limned b u pllllllllllll Plllllel' llpllll llll' llllPIMlllte III Inli'lgll Hhlpmelll. Pllll hold Iho I'llllli'l' Ibthle fur the value nf Hie uiiiiiIm di SPllbed III Hie hill at Hie VillUilHuil spePl fliil lll.the lilll , , . , , I rmtlici icpuiiiii il Hull a ptmlsli- mellt nr I'llie llllll llltll Inoiiiiii'IiI lie llll poseil upon tiillioad ageiilN and ship pus fm fntud III uilNiepii'Neiilallnn In lonuei'llou with Hie Issue or IiIIIm id bill ing upon int. i islii !' and ronlgu shipments Now Attraction at THE ISIS THEATRE The placo where von can al ways spotiil a ploasaiil hour nnil have a hearty laugh. .MAVI'Allt TltlO Kt'Ulll'KA.V CIIAICACrKIt ('iiiingi i:ioi n iciii .Vnvi'ii). Singing, Tn I king anil Ibiiu-lii; :i i:ki,s k piituki's :i a i.i i N'l'.w suur.iTs. 1 A I.IP'kV TlO'lllUI lie li l.i.'s t'arccr. .'I The Li'gacv. SO.(J "lU'NKKIi llll.l." My IIAU'I'Y ItANCIIAlJI). .Matinee evorv Sattuday ami Sun day at U; ;.'I0. X M A S STATIONERY From all the Fam ous Manufacturers EATON. CRANE & PIKE. WHYTE & WYCOFF. WHITING, IN BEAUTIFUL BOXES, FROM 20c to $2.00. MEDFORD ..Book Store.. NATATOIUUM EXTRA. Mldfict Rncc and Relay Race Be tween Ashland and Mcilfurd Next Wednesday. "If von can walk you can loam to skate." BOWLING. Krst Music In tlm Wps "NAT" THEATRE I'lct.iri'H for .Monday and Tiio-Kilay nli'l.t-: 111 Who Is Slic? f (treat .Northern.) One of tho moiiKcst (Irain.'i.s over shown In Mi'ilfoiil Similar In plot ami story lo that of the wonderful anil unit ot-sfttl pl.iy "Madainf.." (1!) The Count of Monlliclll or tlio Count of No At count (Imp.) roiutiily. (.'!) Twt'iiiU'liliiu'H Sli'i'iiliiK Powtler. A sttotiK comeiiy. (t) ICxeumlon on ML lllnuc Ainlion'slii. ) All thcui! picture1 aro extra ordinary rood, and yo.i vlll miss a tieal Iy not seeing them. Cood intmlc. Adblsslon, I0c. lOcADMISSION 10c. SSSBSS. W Jo fj? Vl J9 J? 1 m I s4Ary SrtO-S --" -- m'' fill Fall & VCmter TYLES for Fall nnd Winter 'in stock now I The hist word in Fash ion, Fit and Comfort. Meet successfully the ever shifting demand of the world's fashion centers. tn infinite variety of styles for all ordin ary occasions. Many exclusive designs for extraordinary use. All shapes and all leathers. DQ nwa de$ red tr7rrxri.t,tj-ii.iww?n Ml f 9 I II I ii1.T1iit Kbg.jiAK'waKK'g'Ka Land For Sale I'Vrlilc fruit and alfalfa land in small and lar. (rads. Cleared and uiieleareil. Terms and jiriee reasonalile. Address Box 16, Tolo, Oregon MEDFORD THEATRE ! FRID A Y, DEC. 9 THE BEAUTIFUL DOWN EAST PLAY AIongTheKeranebec STAGED WITH ALL SPECIAL SCENERY. tho Comody Quartette HEAR SEE tlio Good Singing tho Roalistir. Snow Storm tho Funny Duel Sceno tho Thrilling Explosion Scene cMkaM? Mcdl'ord'H K.cliihin I'icltirt) Thif Latest LicctiKi'd I'hoto- Don't Forget ...Your Eyes... NEGLECT N 1 1 1 t iik dangerous an IN inilHMCT j-liiKsoH. The oJiibHc. I fit urn NOT JlST 0LASSHS. 'J'liav aro t!lii-.iN ADAI'TKI) TO YOL'K KVKIIY ItKQlJIItKMKN'r and fiiinislicd nt a IMIAKOXAIiLH COST. I don't poiform auy iinpoK 'iliihtiuH, hilt if your uyofiiulil ''an he improved ituy I can do il; if it cauiiot, I will loll you , ro, DclayH aro dnn,rorniiH. DR. R 1 CHERT KYHSIOIIT SI'KCIAIJKT, O t'r ICuiitnur'H, iMcdfoiil, Or. I'm-! ' aim. pIii.vk. One Dime No Morn Ono Dime. U-GO Hili-Ciass Stock Co. TONIGHT For Four DiiyH Only, IIccluiiliii; Ktiutlay Dcriuiihcr llh. DOXT l'Alli TO KKH .MAit.ioitn: mandviiju: stock CO.MI'ANV In a hoautlfiil four-act Comedy Drama, ' IJOKA TIIOK.VK From llortlia M, ('luy'H No vol Dlrcctotl by U. K. Athoy'H SpuclnltloH Imtwooii actH by MIhh .Mandtivlllo, Mi'KUiuiiiK TliuiMlay, Doc, 8. MV KltlKNI) KHO.M IXDIA Thrco net Coiuotly 11(10 OltOIIKSTllA Dlioctcil by Anna Aubroy Kninon, Itl'JSIOUVIO YOUH H K A T 8 11Y PHONIC- .MAIN 1!7I. CLEVER CHARACTER SPECIALTIES, BRIGHT MUSIC AND COMEDY Seals on sale Tuesday, December (llh. NEW PLACE for now people, ai the new lown and fruit Iraels at 50.00 lo $100.00 pep acre, at Three, IMne.s, which is I he shipping point on Ihe Soul hern Pacific, railroad in the lower end of Um It! ague liivor valley, for 700, 000,000 feel of lumber. A lumber flume 1 1" miles long is now compleled and a planing plant in operaliou. See IIOWLANI) for prices and lerms on Ihe fruit tracts, or Van DyRe Realty Co. Room 3 123 Main t -. --- -- --- Troutman Orchard Heater The world 'h standard of of ficioney and economy. They burn air. lUado in seven typos lo moot any requirements. Special prices for short time. Wo also manufacture tho lard pail hea-ors. Wrilo Karl U. Wimdt, General Agonl, reridian, Idaho. t'A '1 '.'l .' . ki.