MrcDFOftT) MAIL TRTBlTNF MKHFORg OTC1WON, THShHA V, nNCWMHIW (5, 1!)l(). IP t B:' it rS Un hv Tteftdck Items . HYilV'i Ui.iltl ) 'U.UU .lonhltilU'nKIU! MIU- HI. II.. -i- K. vVj WyoVlilT of 'Hi WnVron' tllMrtiH Ifelwecn lite' of -I . ... . it ... .Lin ti I mill Oil LllllMirilGIM 111 UOIII1UI l.. "II". ""'" Inini lortlnnl Inul week looking 10. TO WAGEWAR ON PLANTING FOREST ' GAME KILLERS . ON SNOW SHOES over his property licre.' Mr. mid Mrm S. C Collin wore vMHnjc with Mr. nntl Mr. Clmrlos KoMcr nl A jura Spur a few tluys "Ko. Mr: Duff,' n proiniiu'ht limy grower timl tililpiHT lrotii' AHwie-nln', who was nil old ncUitnlntmiee of J. II. hvdiiird, iW MieinHliji a slant limp at Ttiblc lloofc Visiting noil tKr till country Thts ojd HeliooliimisfO' was Mild' al miction Sntnrdny and was bought by .S. K. Vdoins. There ta to be n specinl school inedliui; Sntnrdny to vote'rt t'nx to The boys irt the'Modook oivhnidj gave a datiee Friday night. I hey I report having n good lime. Siitmdny nflenioou Yolitoy ThoiupMin with his hrother started hunting, and was passing the school grotintirt while thu Mile wns in prog ress mid slopped to Inlk , and while doing f loMetl the end of hi" guiii Hunts to Be Held in All Counties of Scctllnii Durncit Arms Still Cunlin Eastern Washinuton to Destroy tics in Ncljji!jorliQoil of Cat Hlll- Alt . Animals Which Prey On i Game. ! Work is Dcinn Done By Banners barrel on his risrlit foot mid care lessly, kept hH. linger on Uu-'tnggcij . Sl'QKAN'l-:, Wn., Dee. .-Megii L .iiw..l..i i'.....l in. ..mi. II wns jilniiit: 'Ueeember 13 and lasting fi ing jlrni in scientific npple ,'''; .l-j.n holguli, and it eut a hole Mr. Dnft U very much vlensed' with 1 ,lK ,, jlls, ,,m.k of thl. third toe -and took- everything the 'slKurfxif' the ehuVtfe lhroiiii Mli'o llic ground. He vn taken to lentiiil I'oint hnmediatcly and Dr. Anderson dressed the wound and took oil what 'wn left uf nne toe. and he is rarrv da' thti (school for the present I getting nlong nicely dt this trau), yVnv.the school elerk hns taken tlielbut Hunk he enn tmd a belter tnr- exaiiiina'tion and found A't in the gel next tunc. Ash'lahd Nates "'Thft Voter of Asiilniid' nr lining eiiudlc inwer more than they rt'eeive up ill four groups and petitions are ns what the old company call and out. for uouiinatibns of four differ-1 charge as 10 candle power will .ml ent jiicn, all willing to sacrifice lislit an ordinary room sufficiently Ihcmselvcs. on the. altar of fame lo; to .read a newspaper. An eight vtity serve n? mSfftrat tho city of Ash-j 1IU iovcr in the cities under the full land for the next two .years, in Ihej mensuro inspection law szives l'oith jm'rsons? of ex-Councihnun Irairtmrtf liaht than onV of our Ilia lieu SJioudyr-irc.seut CouneilnuTii F. V.,in Ashland. Moore, the uresont mayor. It. X j Six- families have arrived heie iii- nnit: iJeeeinber lo ami lasting lor a mouth hunts will he held in onir tieally every county ot eastern iWtioliiimlon by spoilsmen who hae organired lor the purpose ot tie slroyim; all animals nud birds kill mime. It is proposed to 'divide the hun ters into two opposing teams and the team which does the better woik will be tivcu a dinner by the losers. Cougars, lynx, cats, mink, coyote. weiiseN and hunk will he counted in the hunt. Tom Hauler who ha- earned n reputation as a bear hunter in the northwest, will have charge of the hunt nud will s.eet the two tenuis. The limit will be held under the nn pices of the local game pioteetic association. Shell who is willing to truccecd him scjf in case Mie uinjoriK of the vot ers so desire, having given up to flic txirsistcut requests of his ninny friends, lind It- P. Neil who has been identified with this city for many years, who, ninny claim is the logi cal man for the place. done neKdt deal of good and made ! ,mui ,n ''" Hvo l'ts hotel, wc many needed improvements. There I will soon have M,mc of the beattle is, however, some complaint on aC-i "mt- m Ashland Ju.tcls. counl-'of tho. unfinished condition-' uf - The- Elks' temple here was filled th6 municipal lichtinc plant, that to oVerflowlin: Sunday, the oecas- ws started mdrc lliaii Iwo ycaiS ago uiidl'r thtadministrclion of V. lately from ilnduou. Wis., and mv unable to srcHiottses and are all li in at the hotels lor the picseiit. It is iriKirtcd that a Seattle mail will-soon open the Five Points hotel, formerly 'known as tho Vendonie. With N. 1).' Hardy in the Ashland hotel, who was formerly a lioten man in Seattle, nud another Scuttle F.-Looinis. Trixpnyrt-s of this city have ,bcen paying interest on .-fSO.- ion beinir the annual memorial ser ieeS. ' Afler the opening Service Uy Itev. Merry the audience wa iiOTcenbty entertained by n splen- Savctl From Awful Death. How- an appalling calamity in lii hunily was prevented is (old by A i). McDonald of Fayeltcville. N'". O. On Snov Slioos -IG00 Acres Yet, i The work of seednu the hunudl areas in the Crater u.uumiil fou I is heiiu: coutlliucll in spite of Hull iiu'i nun innii iwo io mice icei m -now en vlmv thu ground. K'.ii j,e. on siiowsiioct) are spreailiug Hie soe.i' bnuulcast on the ol l. snow. The raimvis have ahcid.v phiuteil -ouie 300 or iRUI n ics ol burned over laud in the Cut Hill district, and there si remains 100 mi, ' lo bo phiuted. The wt-il vmII be mi. tiiiued for n mouth i nt least ' Suprriboi'.Mf I.. l-.iii-K-m. is ut it ceipt of seed from tti' bur Sciiuot.i gitnc in Ciilifoniiii ic .1 tll nl ml ili within tho forest, -o dial SomiIic i. Olt'ljnll IIIIIV also timl-l ol mi . o IL live- in the eoui-c i lit- tiet lii yeuis. Banks On Sure Thino, Now. "I'll neer be wiili.inl lit. Kmj. N'ew l.ilV i!s acv.." tnlc-. A Schinakeck. (U7. Kim St., Iliiliiil X. Y. "The.v cured me uf cliioin If. F. Xo. S. "My ,-i-ter had con- n'on-tipntion wlion'nll olheis toiler" imnptioii," he writes, ".-he was very, rmiinillud for lllionsitc , ,h,i thin and pale, had no appetite and ,lj,.e. ludigesliou',-' 'Headache, Hull-, seemed to "low weaker ever day. ' Malaria nud IVbihlv. 2,"k at nil a- all remedies 1 ailed, till Dr. Minn'- druuui-ts. Xew Di-coxcry was tried, and s.. completely cured her that she ha- So much of lire revolve- uioui . not been troubled with a cough the 'W-t of things" that th s .o since. Its the best medicine I ever ads have an increasing interest -aw - or heard of." For cough . - . . coiuv. .lagnppe. asinma. cioup. hemorrhngc. all bmuchial titnihlc. it has no eoiial. 30c. 1.00. bottle fiee. CSiiaraiitccd by all dnu-t;ists. FOR SALE 000 y&rth of bonds duWhg 'ttxi-f time f diJl speech for the occasion deliv - for which they have not received any benefits. It w'ohld tfeem imperative that thiv ulnnt be 'completed soon .is tho 'contract with the old AK.-1.' e L. Co. will Roon expire:' when it will be-necesttln for the citr to ign up forvfivc years or go in the dark. At thejircsent time the people of Ashland arc paying for thousands o' '::sjsj crcd by Judgo II. L. Meiisou. The llnmctt fliiarlet rendered .some splendid selections. ;The fine cluster light ut the en trance of the Ashland city park which va' erected by the Ladies' Civic club of this city is now throw ing forth its ray to guide the stran gers to our beautiful nark. -ft V Ui-. i t-.l- r-TTtt ' i MATCH SEASON LIST IS PiitlED OFF IS SUSPEND ED Wednesday Study Club Jt;o acres nicely hunted, close In. gootl buildings,, trade for city lots will make good sub-dhlHlon. If. passenger, 4-pylliuler Ilulck, trade The meeting of the Wcdue-dav, fo1' cUy ,0,s Study flub of December 'JS ns peris ncios ',ar Xowtowu with pear calendar will be held at the home, r,,,c. ?sr.U0. tcr;iw, close In. if Mrs. I'jekel Wednc-dav. Decern her 7. The subject for di-cu. inn wil be "The Oriental Hug Maker and Hi- Art." The net regular meet ing will take place at Mrs. Eng lish's December 14. Subject, ''Art in Common Things." Hasklns for health. f. WH,ISi .. l,,s,J1,, Wj J M, After Training Strenuously On Cig-iNo Longer Will Tickets Be Held for arettes Frankie Edwards and Kid"- the Season by Manager Hazelrige Daltdn, Meet In Bing--Twas Notir rrf "tare . Bule Will Be "First . by Any. Means a Fight. at Come, First Served." The sparniig exhibition I histt'fo ify Patrons: evening between- Fninlue Edward.-fir llefeafter there; will be no so of Cnlifomia and Kid Dalton of De troit nnd well known to local fight followers was- all that could be e.x-lliDldinceats for regular patrons lor pcvieu irom two men wlio lind done nothing toward training more stren uous than rolling cigarettes. Dultuu. who has been credited by Medfordites' ab being very clever, after he hud mystified Joo Wallace here last fnll, was up against a man equally -as eloyor and did not show to bitch udvuiitugc s when pitted against the slower man, Wallace The bout was, scheduled to begin at 8 o'clock, but the police inter fered andlacr 'Secured Vrmrnsidii from MuyaWnJiojJjto ullbw tho mill to Prticceduujjr opinion Oioy thought everything was. right. Peo ple in Medford who arc opixiscd lo prwuguis nave nothing to complain aoout, as tlie go last night was any thing hut a 'prfcuffchl,' tht- lnen hog ging each other throughout thu en tire six rounds, rtu'd nof hitting a blow that would embarrass u school boy. 1,11 1 1 1 . Wants, to Help Some One. Fir, thirty years J: P. Moyer of 1''ort, Ml)., needed help nud couldn't1 flhd' if. That's why he wnulg (o Uelp sbme ono now. Suf fering -mi long himself he feels for nil dlhtreVa-froni "llirfkaclfe. 5ferv ousliiUs; Ihti 0f Appetite, Lassitude nnd Ividudy disorders. Ifq shpwp thill Kkctrio Milters work wonder.-. for Uwl'lt trouble.. "Five, bottles," v niun, nilllliy CUICll 1(10 .11..! now I- mil well nud liQaitv." H's nUo IMwitlvidy guaranteed . for Liver Trouble, DyfijiCpsia, Mlood Disorlorn, FeiudlV"Connlrtiiifs a Muluria. Try thorn. fl()p nl i druggies. . ltfUrortrarln Trlbuno Want ucla are UusIuobh brlngura. called 'Vetiboii list" or tickets at my nroxiser" As you nil know, I have been evcryMiow. tho only condition 1 made was that I should be notified by 10 o'clock on the day of the show that the seats were not wanted, oth erwise they were to-be paid for whether used or not. Mut a number of patrons eeni to think thut because they forgot to so notify me, they should not be held to this rule, some even cancelling as late lis 7 o'clock on the night of a performance And its 1 cau!t at ford to have any ill feelings in tile mutter,vt'u if one-half the list oulv is affected, I'htive decided to cut out i thu .r.V'soii list. Hereafter "liivt! come lirst served' will be our motto CHAS. D. IJAZEUtlFF. 20 1-2 acres, fi tulles out, 7 year Xcwtowns and Ilnitlctts, fine bun galow, barn, all tools, trade for In coiiio property. LM acres, under ditch, line pear and alfalfa laud, !l mile- out, cu aqd fenced ;$'.!')) ikt acre. 10 to 100 acres fine soil, li miles out; !?175 per.ajig. 13 to 70 acres, nil cleared, fine near soil. .flO.pcr.arreFaglp Point. CITY PROPERTY :: room Iioiihc, fine lot, bimluess pro perty, snap ut $1600. come to nny home than tho craving -l-room bungalow, bath, pantry close for strong drink of husband and 'n. $2100, terms. father. Wo appeal to wives, mothers 2 l-room liousoa, ono furnished, good and sisters to save the husband and, location. $2100, terms. father or the brother with Orrlno, aj- rooming, Iioubob, under price quick AX Al'PKAIi TO WIVKS. I'ure-flic Drinking lliisli.tiu hyl'slng Oifinc Can Ik' C.'lvcn Secretly. No more terrible affliction can scientific cure for the liquor habit Can lie given secretly. Orrlno is sold under an absolnto suaranteo that it will euro tho drink habit or money will be refunded. Save the happiness and prosperity of the homo with Orrlne. $1 per box. Write for free booklet "How to Curo Drunk enness." Orrlno Co.. C33 Orrlno building, Washington, D. C. Orrlno Is sold In this' city by Leon IJ. Hns klns,, 211 K. Main st. I-TKIj I'UMIXK. If the railroad men should go on a strike on tho loth there would he a fuel famine In Medford Intido of a week. You kit better get a few tons of coal while you can. Three cars now hore. So mo tirayman. 230 sale. Fine lot In Siskiyou Heights , $-100 off HiIb week only. Closcln lot nnd buildings, $1100 and easy tortus. Housekeeping and furnished room- for rent. Lots in West Walnut Paik, $2 7ft to --J330, easy lenui), VANTED ian ranch liore.s. (litis for general housowork. Listings of city property and ranches. E. F. II. BITTNER or phono iiurbrWisn. Room 20G( Tfly(Jr & rtlpps BWfl 'Ypttr favorite store's usefulness u you is cut in half unless yon follow its n'dvei Using pretty closely io advertising is tho right arm of stor service. jfcijfi AN ASY. AND HARMLESS WAY , : Td"!DARKEN THE HAIR. yho dos not know of the value of wee and sulphur for Jceeplng tho balr Jart, toft, glossy and In Rood condition? As a matter ot fact, sulijiur U a uatural tretaeht of balr, and a deficiency of It In the hair Is held by many scalp spe- clallifa to be connected with lot 'of I color and vitality of, thy hair, Una""' . tronably, tfiefe Is no bettqr remedy for balr and scalp trodb!r, especially prema ture eraynestf, than Mge and sulphur, if i.vierl prepared. The Wyeth Chemical , Company, ,71, Cortlandt, Stv "w 1'ork City, nut up en ideal preparation qf this kind, dlleil W'yeth's Sage and Sulphur. It Is all leading druggists' for fiOc. and $1.00 a bottle, or Is sent direct by the manufacturers upon receipt of price, j j,n t. " Kor sale and recommended by Loon U. Hasklns. DUALITY consisfa of! what is really in tlit; goods' ol'furtxl lor .sale. Wi know that von .cannot biiv bcltci-GRKKN GOODS; hetti'i' R'I'APLK and FAX(!Y OKOOKtt II3Sf better 'RLOUR, HKTVEll COKFIOIC, or better BAlvJUKY PHODLXTS than we are oHVring for Halo. One cabbage iatcli way look a little nicer, "Lilt raise' no better rtabbae, and yd jho frjirdoner 'win (jiiAumo you ioxtha on ac(!ount OPT1II0LOOKS. iWl 'rffi. ' Alien Grocery Co. , Main & CentralPhone Main 2711 , ri " ,- , "i Woihen bt Medford ..Here is Your Opportunity.. nmt MBHHA VflBHft fflV dlHfek 'Don't Spend a Cent for Ready-to-Wear GARMENTS t Just Hold Onto Your i Money and Walt Commencing e Thursday At 9:30 A. M. The Emporium sit Will inaugurate a Gigantic "Hiirry Out" Clearance Sale o that will offer opportunities . i i - to economize never before equaled in MedforH. From Front to Back from Wall t--- to Wall this store will be crowded with Price Con- - cessions that will create a . . .trcj . v:a t . I selling sensation never to be forgotten. jmmmmmmmmmmaBHmmmKammmmmmmmmm i ,i . i . i t The EMPORIUM i i k - -t 126 East Main Street, Medford, Ore. Wat htorVft 1 1 U .(ft i a I .v kj: h