THE WEATHER Cloudy; possible showers. TJio Menage of the Xlafi. While Knlr weather. Illui- ltnln or snow. White mid blue Local showers lllnck Above white, w sinner. Ik low while, collier. White with blnck center Cold. Medford Mail Tribune Circulation MAIL TRIBUNE'S CIRCULA TION YESTERDAY WAS 2975 ' FJFT11 YEAR. MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 11)10. No. 220. HEN HAIR IN STOCKTON MIS COMING AT Standardization of Pack and Tariff on Fruit Is Discussed by J. W. Jeffrey, California State Commis sioner of Horticulture Points Out Evils of Overproduction. FUST RATE All Records for Queries Broken In Commercial Club Manager Mal bocuf Says Land Show in Chicago Is Responsible Has New Plan With Realty Dealers. President Tenders His Annual Message jg? J& J& j? j? Solons Receive it Without Demonstration STOCKTON, Cul., Due. (1. Tito fTliirtv-viulitli contention of the Cul- miforuia Fruit Growers' association gopened here tins morning with about R50 delegates present from nil parts lot the state. The most imiiortnnt feature of thu liuorning proceedings was the annual fcddress of President .L W. Jeffrct Ef Sn ramento, stato eonmiissionei uL horticulture. lie ilwelt at length on the import - unco of standardization of nnek. feinting that within the past .yea. live counties of the statu had admit- ed standardization, and that the as sociation hoped to preach tho eos- Jpol of its benefits until all the lniu growing counties should fall into line President Jeffrey uomted out tlu otils of oer-produetion. saying that it deteriorated tho oualitv of (he fruit shipped. Ho criticised land! boomers and chambers of t'ommcrco for placing tho selling ot laud and the attracting of settlers above the principle of economic, production. lie declared that promotion bodies should seek to discourage ill desired investments. IIo mndo a plea for honesty of dealing among tho deal ers. Touching on the fruit tariff, Prov ident Jeffrov said: "Wo have no moral right to accept tho financial benefits of u fruit growing tariV and at the same time take advantage of the tariff-paying fruit consumer by foisting upon him a degraded or unfit article. Tlu duty exacted from imported fruit places the American fruit grower un der extraordinary obligations to bin customers. A tariff duty restricts the importation of foreign fruits and protects the American standaids ot living from those of the older coun tries. It js right and expedient, and must lie maintained. "Mut it must not bo nn clement of injury to our own people." President Jeffrey said that when the California fruit rates wore reached in the tariff schedule, il would be up to tho woslorn grower to make some showing and in biiball of the maintenanco present pro tee tivo tariff. IIo declared by stiinii--latiny of larger acreage the protec tive tariff had cheapened the price f fruit, and thereby proven a ben efit to the consumer. All records for receipt of inquiries at the Medford Commercial club nix heiug broken at the present time, tin. letters asking for information arriv ing at the rate of CO a day. Accord iug to Manager Mnlbocuf the great influx at the present timo is due to the Chicago laud 'show, most ol the iiKiuirics coming from that sec tiou. Manager Malbocuf plans puttine in operation soon n system whereby a list of those asking for iuforma tiou regarding the valley will ot given to the various real estate me in tho city. In this way detailed information will be furnished. STUDENTS DEBATE A merchant who is capable of making his store positively useful Io von is also sure to make his adver tising positively interesting to vou FA E High School Debaters Decide That Franchise Should Not Be Extend ed to Women Over the United States in Interesting Debate. In an interesting debnto at tho high school Monday afternoon the subject of woman's suffrage w..s thrashed out, tho hido opposing- a general franchiso to tho women of tho United States winning out. The subject in detail was: "He solved, that full suffrage should bo granted to women in tho Uuiteti States." The affirmative side of tho ques tion was presented by Albert Howell I.uusford Hind; and Lillian Pierce Tho negative speakers wore Mist, Stella Kribs, Hay Coinptou am Charles Coinptou. The judges, wore Supei'iuteiidout Collins, Priucipti. Killian and Miss Palmer, head 01 the English department; Mists Opa Bailey, president of" the senior class presided. The store that makes its advertis ing valuable to you earns your sup port. Every day. some htoro's ad vertising is particularly valuable It vou and you can discover which store and what advertisement in a few moments. ' i ii- WANTS CITY TO ADVANCE FOR LIGHTS 1 Phutus Copyright, 1910 by American WASHINGTON, 1). C, Dec. (1. Congress convened at noon today and shortly afterward tho annual message of President Taft was sent in and its reading begun in both houses. The membors, who had been provided with printed copio sof the dociunoift in advance, paid close at cutinn as tho reading clerks droned out the message. The various recommendations of the president fo rcuaetmeuts of law he deemed desirable were received without any demonstration, hut it was 'evident from the attention thai Press Association. was paid to tho reading Hint they were being carefully followed by the lawmakers. Greatest interest was displayed in tho president's recommendations re garding the tariff. Tho president'. statement that tho tariff board would not bo ready to report during the present session but that it would report probably before the opening of the next regular session cnu-cd a buzz of comment in the cloak rooms. The reference to tho criticism of the in riff bill some of which lie called .iustiiiable, oiue unfonndei and soino misrepresentation, was re ceived willi careful attention. Tli recommendation for a revision of Hi. tariff, schedule by schedule, am that it bo treated more as it busiues question, the rates based on the nc tunl duifferciico in foreign ami hunw cost of production, was also chisel.' followed. Considerable significant! was attached to tho president's warn ing to congress that its eo-operatioi is necessary to keep the revision It a schedule by schedulo consideration U'mUlnticil cm l'nito I.) CUMM IS IS Medford Mall Tribune want ads bring results. $184,414,860 NEXT YEAR Secretary of the Treasury Submits Estimate to Congress for Funds Needed to Conduct Govcrnme nt Business During. Year End ing June 30, 1912 Is an Increase of $3,000,000. WASHINGTON, I). C, Dec. 0. -Katimutos of tho secretary of the treasury of the funds needed to con duct the government biisinoss during tho fUcHl year omHiig June 80, 101'J, wore triiuaiiiittoil to cougres today. Tho oetiumtys total .f 7-18,414,800. Thu estimates show an incioufo otor thoe for 1911 of .f3.3-J7.aOJ. Dtaitius this, in 1U12- outiuiHtou there Is no proibion for a potl dolieiao oy, which the 1911 efetimtuiw placed at .110.034,122. Only three department show tie ereRsu for 1912. the navy, interior Mild tho territoml guverMinout. Th otititiHiilion of $40,000 in the tMimnt wl opouso of Now Moxifo und Ari zona for 1911 prtiM.v accounts for tho territorial uoverumeni decreni--r'ollowiiKr are th estinmte tr lln (lifferont department-: LouisUtive, l.il4Uli,U(l.'il uwiea-- 92i7,108. Kvecutivo, .09S,720; iueroasa. $720,000. Stato, .f 1,87.V70; incioiuo, f20U,- Jiii). Trensury, $141,599,900; inoioiifce, $4,001,301. Territorial, $202,150; doortrnw. .-S5,200. increase. $238,000. , Dutriet of ColHiubm, $13,002,785: iiicnwrio, $1,717357." Wr. $205,257,545; iBflrwM, $4,707,900. Nuvy, $125,042,158; deorenw, $fiS1.87S. Interior. $180,151,875; dooreNB. $2,072,JJ07. Porftofflce (proper), $1,197590; ttMreso. $1800. AruHlture, $10,081,000; ineronfo. -2.(MHi.Sfl0v I'liiiiinpri'c nml hiljur, f1o.270.fl70: iK-reuse. $2.080.O..7 Justice, 5j,0.lii,.'7l) , ii renfcrf. $.'.17,030. AFTERREVSON BY SCHEDULES Introduces Two Resolutions Provid-J lug for Modification of Rules of Upper House Making Schcdulc-by-Sclicdule Revision Possible. WASHINGTON'. I). C, Dec. (I. -Senator Cummins of Iowa ludav ought to pavo the way for a sehed-ile-by-sehodulo revision of tho tar ff law by introducing two resolii. tioiiH in thu senate providing for a moditieation of the rules of the up per house. Ouo resolution is designed to pre vent the re-opMning of thu whole tar iff question by declaring as out of order nil bills of amendment thnt nay he introduced except those ap plying directly to thu schedule undor consideration. The otor resolution provides t ut any lull upon which tho finance com Hitler nhall not have reported with in a period of (10 day shall be re garded, by the Heuitto himilaryl a ihoiuh it had been reimrtod out of committee. Mauv senators Uedict that the resolutions will not puss. METHODIST MEN ARE TO BANQUET The Muthodtst Iliiithcrhooil u ill hold a riHfci(tl iiiecliiig in the church ' odnoUy evwiiiijf. Hon. it. F. JlulUi' will deliver an mldrenB on men' work in tttw ohureh. and liigui refroliRMut will lio rred. A our Um1 invilntion is ojctouilwl to nil inoti to attend. TJFTS MESSAGE 'CHRISTMAS IS EFFECTS WARKET : NEAR AND MAILS STOGKSDEGLIHE- ARE INCREASING Sharp Declines Follows Publication Large Amounts Arc Being Sent to of Document Passage in Message! Old Country Dally for Christmas Referring to Corporations Said to Over $300 Was Dispatched on Bo Responsible for Market's . Mondny Greater Daily Average NKW YOltK, Doc. (I. -Following (ho publication of Presidont Tuft's uiuciwago to congress today the bind ers in tho stock market experienced marked duuliucti. Previously the cliiingos had been slight. Aftor thu receipt of the mesi-tinc, however, u sharp slump bit the market. The drop was attributed to ,a msmgt in thu muMMiigo with rcfenucu to a teM of cxiatiug laws affecting corpora tions before contiidoniig new lutiisla ifction. United Stutch Stool Iol 1, Cniou Pacific lost 2, I'high Valley 3, and Denver & Itio (Irittplu, Mis- tfoiiri Pacific and IniuiboroiiKh .MetioH)litnn preferred 1-2. Trad ing ciiinu to a MhimImuI at tiiuun jul before noon icndiiig ilic publication of the pii'-i(liiit'. nn --age. The market elccd -liong. Koicign Money onlers aggregat iug hundreds of dollars are licliii. eut to Austria, Italy, ilussia, tin Scandinavian peninsula and nor mally by Medford residents wiiosi reUlhcx still live in (ho old coiiutrs Thu heiiviest of the ChriMtimis motir: order Imslnos iw still to come, nut a greater daily average is oxpootoi before thu bnt date on which menu orders sent from the i-itv can rend. Kuropeaii points hy December 25 Vnsterduy over $300 was dipatched From 1 to 2 (lorilere arc being sum out daily. Poitmuitor Woo ij ford in liandlim. the licHViexl mail for thu liit week in December ever experienced by the Im-iil iMiotoflice. Alrcinh the Christ - inn- mad i cuining inln evidence. Il i- expected that (In- December will be .1 H-i 'lid lilcilcr. CAMPBELL EOR SCHOOL CENSUS DIG TAKEN CDNCILMAN fm ...l. 'l . l .1 inoHe wan no not reno me ncwi i of (ho dar know littlu of wlmt ii Imppeninir in the world. And thoM Hho tail to lvud (he ud know liltU nf value- ur ol wlmt in luipieniiig in (lie -lore-world Medfind Mall Trii.nno want ad bring rtWMlts. V. X Caiiiplx II will Ik i rnndldate for counclliaan from tin- Suond ward. He grtrtd today to hiIoh his name to litt put forward l Mm rriundi, who hnvtt iorlteutly oen urglnn him tu rim for oin time. Mr. CmdiiiIioII ban mauy nuHllflou tlons which fit hi in for tbo nlaeif. V. J. Hmorlck, the preaeitt Inouuihont, would not nceept rtHoiuinatiou. J. I.. Deiiiiuvr will lt a enudlditt for ra.Mloetlan from the Third ward. J. K. Watt will voter the rac from thu First ward, vtaa recently an liolltired III lliiiM- ol ii liiUa. The -lore that in- a hit !' unmet lir -iMi e iii iiii '.it .iiiin-thiii.' (' Voir Uilut L" I'' I"-1' it -at- !h intor(aiit to ou. Work Will Bo Taken in About a Week and Will Be Considerably Largccr Than It Was a Year Ago. Th work or taking tho Boliool I'tfusu in Mudford, which u in t'ltwrK of John II. Hoiiaolmaii, la invriwtiiiK VHpidly and will bu ooui' iiletfd in ubont M wwtk. 1 The efiKiin baa progreaaed fw ,1-iioiigh ut I lie ore-enl iiuie to sllovt In coii-idcr.ilili' iin-reuHM oter lui ti-iii'- cen-iif Mod Mall Tiiiun want ada hrlMX reaita. Roguo River Electric Company Asks City to Advance Them Money With Which ot Construct Lines to Fur nish Current for New Arc Lights. 47 (n Number. MESSAGE IS N COMFOR T S I Now comes tho Roguo It Ivor Elec tric compnny and auks tho city to help Mioin out by putting up th6 monoy to Construct tho noceasnry oxtonslon of tholr llnoH In order to furnish current to tho 47 additional arc llghta ordor d by tho city on various streets. In ill tho company uafcs tho city to nd vnnco them soluo $ I n 0 0 . which they will return at tho rato of $3 por light er mouth, In all probability tho iroposltlon will bo turned down by Mio council nt Its mooting tonight. In having theso lights Installed tho 'ty must fllgu n contract to pay $0 per month por light for tho 47 lights ind 6 per mouth for nil lights In stalled In tho futttro during tho 11 fo if tho contract ot tho Electric com uiny with tho city. Tho Installation it theso lights will cost $4,355.40 and tho Itoguo Itlvor Electric company proposes to havo tho city pay for such 'installation costs, and nftor said amount Is. paid tho Electric company will thon redtico tho monthly light bill if tho city of Bedford ono-hult uutll tho cost ot Installation lias been ro 'undod to tho city. How President's Annual Document Was Received Democrats and Progressives Apparently Approved ,of Most of tho Message Regulars Consider It Futile. NEW YORK. Dec. C Commenting on Presdont Taft's lnessogo to' con gress, J. 8. Ilneho & Co., bankors, Is sued tho following Btatomont: "Wo do noteeo much comfort In tha messago except that It has tho merit ot not being radical. Tho presidont ifovotcs ns much space to Captain Peary, as ho docs to tho whoto subject of banking and currency reform. Thoro Is nothing In tha messaga to re lievo tho business community or help to upbuild conttdonco In capital," SURE, JACK WILL MEET1, JEFF Heavy-weight Champion Says Ho Has a High Regard for Jeffries and Would Bn Dcilnhted io T"ik to Him CHICAGO. 111., Deo. (I. "If Mr. Jeflries wants to como back- und try to regain his old I i t Io, would io delighted to talk to him," said lack Joiisoii today. "1 havo til 3 ligbost regard for him, and if he would like another go, I'll bo there to give him the chance." Johnson's readiiiesH to do battle with the former champion has a String to it in the shape of it con ditional premise that he shall receite t "bearV sliure of the purse. Mean while the husky ditbky .uhampion is loiug regular road work ami is ready to take on any hopes of the white race that desire to dispute his title. Medford Mall Tribune want ads bring results. WASHINGTON, Dec, 0. .Congress man Dwlght, IlontibtlcAn "whip" ot tho house, commenting on tho mes sago, said. ' "It Is oxtromoly .comprehensive Tho messago covers tho ground-log Ically and thoroughly, tl will un doubtedly hnvo n good effect." Nono ot tho Insurgent leaders mada any commont for publication. Tho senators generally woro ovastvo whon nsked to discuss tho .messago, Tho Democrats and progressives ap parently nnprovod of most of themm sago; tho groatost exception botng taken by thorn to tho ship subsidy ref erence Tho regulars gonoraHy ap proved tho message, but considered It futile. Tho recommendation for revision of tjio tnrlft schodula by. schedule caused tho greatest commont among tho tnsurgouts. SUB-DIVIDE AT . EAGLE PDINT A synilieato of ICaglo Point bjiHi noss men in which William YoiiNler Helleu um George Drown pre the loaders, have purchased tho 20-acro tract lying between thu 1'aeifiu & Eastern railroad truck ami tho btisi iiohh section of. the city, and will nt once improve the tract, cutting it up into Jots, grading streets, grav eling sidewalks und the like. The lots will then bo placed on the market. Haglo I'oiul is looking forward (o big tilings in the way of develop ment, and this move is but a prelim inary stop town id wlmt Io follow. A store would soon final if it paid for any considerable amount of ad vertising which it could not nuiku it to your interest mid profit to rtmtl and nnawor. CHICAGO EXHIBIT IS A WINKER J. A, Perry Tells Easterners of Roguo Valley Wfdo Attention Is At tracted hy Prize Winning Fruit Which Is On Exhibition at U. S. Land & Irrigation Exposition In Chicago. CinCACIO. Hoc. (J. Pristo apple are atirnotiug wide attention to (! xhibit of ihv Hoguit rivr valley piodiicls which are bing ahown at i he great United Stre Ijnd and Irrigation exposition at Chicago's bine fliMiuii by thu Mwdfont t oio morcial club of Orwii. Tha pri winner are allow Newtown Pio imia whitfh captured the firt prue ut the inltmmtioiial Apple show m Vancouver. H, C, ImI October, hi brilliant eoutrant to the ellow iu pine tha Konuo ritei tallet exlnlni alao militailta ikonamU "1 MHtwt n' the rich Spiti'iibi'iu iipplt wblck took tm Kruiid awepi.lake. at the Nationul Apple lmw in Sjiok iiH'. Wn-h , IukI eur. "We but it h doze. i tlifereat kiinU nt' upli'x and halt' it dozen peiiv nt iM-iii- mi exhiliitiKii ht-rr, "ii land t"du. MituiiKi'i J- A I'crit nt tli exbililt. "'Hie Hnguo river valley coutaiiin mte of tho finest ap lle orchard in I In world ami il la also n inHMnJfleent alfalfa gnitvintf iMiuulry. The valtoy. in whiuli die city of Medford with 10.000 popiilu tton occupiee n etuitml luunlioti ti oulv no or 00 miles fmm tu Paeifio twenn und barely '40 utiW flout tile California Mule line, lying in tint o.--1 1 cine MMithwewteri', eomor uf Ore eon "I he t alley contain some !1000 Miuare milen f exoeMlingiy fertile land ut' whirlt Imrolv 100 mile is letnted (o apple mieillff HOW. Tilt) rc-i i being cultivitluA largely fr ii rain and imise. although many fruitx nioh us pciirs, plums, grspos and louche- are lifting grown in pro fuioti The Kroatttr pint of our liiml 'l"fi- not neotl irrigation and it U brintiing on (he iiyUkel all the t.i tri'iu $u(l to $ft00. nn aoie-du- IS'iiding on the loealinti, ' . ." "Hm 7'A.' .; wm , . rii a 4H ' YJ - '.S fl ,. i :ii m A i 9 w i i n 'aji 31 vi s