G MKDFORD MAIL TINBl'Xrc, MRDFOTtn, ORKaOX. MONDAY, DWrcMBEK .I, 1010. tk fcV OR TO MAKE CRESCENT CITY H. S. VVoolcy Plans Drcdflinu Chan nel From Ocean to Dead Lake, at Cost of $1,000,000 LooHJ Like Work 9f n. n. v.-c. c. n. n. CABS SPURNED tt - ----- - - f CHKSCKNT (TIT, Disc '. Tlmt Ciotsruiit City mil lu lliu laiorit annul city 'Hy liutuuoii Ijiuukn inul AMoiiu, nml 1 licit it will bo n rival for lliobo two ritiua iiihIiIu ut 1' wiru 1 1 ioi o in nut I lie shadow of n lloillH if lllUKOIIt )llllln Hit) UtllliL'll O'll In a IiiIhIi. II. S. Wooloy, fomiuilj of Now Yolk', Iml now a ichhU'iiI ! lliiw i'i(y, and iiHuuriiiti'H, luitu plmm on 1 oiil to ilii'dp a oliiiiiiiul Mom llni oi'i'an, fioiii a point a hIiiiiI clin lancu hoiiIIi of I'onit SI. tli'iiiKi'. to Dmiil Lnko, n diHlancii ol iiliunt imc niilo which will folia an ahsoltitolv lanilloiikuil liailior into which nliipn may fiitur nt any lime, ami nflur tnk inix imrmt may Hiiil at any hciihoii ol I liu yoiir. Dead liiiku (hoiiioIiiiioh called l.ul.u St. (Icoiu) which in alionl two milos noilliuusl from tlicsccnt City, in n ImmIjv of walcr alionl oau-fouitli of a mile wiilo liv mm and onc-htilt' loiiy and Iiiih u duptlt of huvciiiI fiillioins. Holuuun it and tho I'uuiiu1 onuan is nothing hill Hand, except mi the ciy ocean niioio uhmo w fonml a will Hiuidstono dippmir huoUwiml tiom tho noil, Ho that tho c.xpensivo woxk of uxi'imiliiiir tho ennui will ho onl.s lluoiiuli a low iuiIh of lliiH hjhhIhIoiio foimntimi, which will piotcct tho outer end of the canal when it completed, The ocean heach (hops off ahittplly into .several fathmm) ol walor, and oiiteiilo in a tuof of looks oiiioithor niilo with deep walor for an eiitiniice that Iiiih no liar or sunk en lockH to menace nnwe,ation. Hlioii jellleH oan ho u.luiilml to tlicxo lecln, KiviiiK piotuction to the hut ho r en trance. Cat of ul Hiitvoy Jiiih heen imido and Ihcj ocean and lako Iiiimi heeu huiiiuI od, ttlinwintr that tho cnnul, when com plotod (o a depth that will allow hit; Hhipn to come in, will mil diaiti the lake, hut will loavo plonly of water for a huihor. Shallow pints of Dead lako can ho dreiled to piociuo moio loom, and Lako ICnil, only u hIioiI diHtanco hoyotid, can also ho reuelied liy a canal, wheio also ilmljsiiiK iiimj ho (lime, i;iiiig muoiiiI milos oi Water whero (look can ho huilt. ll in intimated (hat tho canal and hoc iHWiuy dieduint; for tho huihor Will mist 1 ,01111,1100. Tho canal will he 1100 foot wido and, (loop enough to ijllow ttliippi of ordinary aiio to on tor. Tho oorporution Imoklnu; llio onlor prlfo Is iiicoi pointed an llio Lako Ouoico hand mimpaii), under tho luu nt tho ntuto of Oiokoii. Thin com pany Iiiih homlod alionl 1(1,0110 aeies (if land hoidoiim; tho ahoo iiamoil llko and u.luinliiiir to the ocean aioio, Thu dimilion of the Ifmul It (10 day, which menu (hat tho com jijilty in itoiitK In Kol down In wolk tit a shoit liuio. liiU(lnuem luwo o.vpiomwil tho opin ion ihftl thu utidorlnkliiK l feamhle, (Hid liihu l' Slovoiu, Hill' uithi luiiid iiihu. Iiiih oiidiii-Hd the piojeii M tho hunt that hup hrou ahowu Uioiii on tint count for a huih.ir wlioiont In tiinku a railway toiininiiH, Mr Wooloy h mnn of conmdor ihl nieaiiM Mini u wide influence, Im! JiimI who hl itttBmdHlON mo Iiiih not liiM-u irivn out ot. It i anid that llio iiltiniHto ohjoct f tho projoot m to miciua huihor fur raitnmd Ibiiiuiiiik, hut w hio not ml'ornwd m to vrliieli railroad Ih liMckiinr Hi whoniii. Another thin thai look uuud im thu fuel tliHl Mr. Wooley -iiriwMvil liiiiiNoir as to h imition of the land IwiiiR wuuted for m mind lei hi to. Mr W.iolox lett here a few 1u,s l!n fii New tik. whcic lie ifoes on hnxincKh euimci (id with thu cn- ItMplIsC BY FAIR CO-EOS Editorial In University Daily Sets Sets Forth Men's Side of Question jnd Girls Arc Quick to Take Ac Hon According. : I t i..; ! X J WNIVIJUKITY Ol' OftltdO.V, Kn koiiij, Oro , Due. R. Ah a romilt of an editorial In tho col logo dally horo It t pi edified todny that thu co-iuli of tlii UnUuiMlty of OruKon will taboo calm ami niitomoblloH dm adjuncts to college dancw) anil tlnmtor pmtloa, liowovor Boclal licronflur. Umlor tho caption "Cab I.aily," tho odltoilal Kvm cxprcHHlou to a xentl incnt whloh Iiiih lieou left uiiioiik thu college moil that tho emit of vehicle l moiu than hoiiio of tho mat kIii dentH can afford nml hIioiiIiI bo iIIm rai'ded hy nil. A eunviiFH of the Htudenlii Indi ratcH that only a fow can pay thin luxury without miciuflif, ami It If ronteiided that theno fow Hliould ov erlook their porHonal wlslion In order to relievo a IniKor poitlna of tho hIii ilont body of minh an obllKntlon and Kiivo thorn who cannot afford to pay, It Ih probablo that tho co-oiIh will illlike nu organized effort to stop the "cab" Iilio at Oregon. An Attractive Car t . 1CRA Completely Equipped 33W F. 0. B. Medford I t A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AAA V V V V V V V V V V V V r V V V V V V v V V V V V V " V V V V " V " V " " EX TIMBER LANDS WANTED List with us what you have for sale. Timber cruising and estimates furnitshed. HARRIS TIMBER LAND COMP'Y 208 FRUITGROWERS BANK BLDG-, MEDFORD, OREGON. -------- . -. .v . - - -- ---- --------- - I CALIFORNIA IS STOCK IN ID Flajislilp of Pacific Squadron Goes Ajirouml While Leaving. San Dlciiu Hnrhur First Bin Ship Ever to Enter Harbor. -AN' DIKCIO. nil. iVc Tli ortutti' CaUfornu, tluKohip of lnt Qul divUiitn af llit l'tieific cnii mw ftt, wmmI airroiiiiii tui uiorniuc ltU KoiMit out of Saii Dictfo luii I tor. It HHm dfclnicd b thiiW wlltl M llio neiiileni ihitt I lie vmmhlu i in n daimcr, The Culifornm went cm It mud M hiltb tide The ed iiuti inta ik harbor HHuilay. KU hum thu lift bis; warship mwr to on I or. BIG CROWD IS OFF ON A OIG SKATE JlniuiKor Uynu of tlio "Nat" Hkat iiiL' link culoitainod Iiih Siiud'i'. Hclmol (iIiish Kuinhiy nioiiiiii, nssist- od hy 1'iol'cshor Kd I'ickuid o1 Scciiio lliii;ilrf Oi chui d. Thoic wore lit) new caudidalcs dcHiroiiH o! outline llio ii;ooii win't mid Mcsmx l(van and I'iol.aid hold "full hands" for several iuIiiiiIoh while teachinj. llio "youno; ideas how to shoot." .lobe Ituiwii was tho nniht apt scholar in the ontiio cIiihm; ho loiiiom beicd tho Ooldon Tot pertoctly inn pioccmleil on tho nlippeiy tolleih will (tuition, hut others of tho class wen Iimh cautious ;their feet poisistcd 1. muiiK in eerv diieotiou iiuil in spil oi the onrs of ospouonoo of 1'iu iVhhor I'ltl I'iokanl, Ilnrry Kinoald fell in four difforoiil diieotions mid lauded in Kl dirt'eienl nllitudoa nil at once, hut lOKiudlcss of tho man; falls nml tew mnuio siiMuiuod, tin liov, as Chiof Sheaicr can testify had a kooiI time and all lcluin man thanks to Manager Kmiii lot tin ro.il culcrtaiiiment pioideil 'loi thoiu. T- 1 WENDLING FOUND GUILTY: ffiTS LIFE Jury Convicts Janitor for Murder of 0-Year-Old Girl Attorneys foi Defense Move for a New Trial May 'Appeal Case. l.OUISVU.hti, Ky Duo. d.-Fol-Iowiiik tint coiiMctloii of J-cili Weiiiiluitf for the luiiidvr ol Atin.t Kilimr, aged S, nu( his hciiIciicc t life luipi'isimintfiil, it uas iiuiiiMiiK toda I hut liu iittoriicys pn.li.ilil Hould mc tor a r-tritl. It th UiotitMi b denied, it im probable tb u mi apical mil be taken. Mfdfon! Mull Trlbuno aru biltUlitiiei lirlliKlM Want aiU Eat- Figola Bread injjivtlifiils (mtains i IV n t ij,. JTIIK 1JKKA1) OF MKKMT. NTtit in nnnu only, hut in ivality. JA wholi'soino, nutri- t ions broad. jAids diut'stitin SOld) i:x(M.rsivi-:i vhy TODD 6c GO, MKDKORl) HAKKUY 1 i 1 ANI)lKUCATKSSKN IH'Y YOU1J UOAST TlUJKKYllFdiK "Stoddard 30" 11-M Touring Car A 5 passenger touring car, wheel base 112 inches; tires 32 by 3 1-2, (4 inch tires if desired extra) cylinders 4x4 1-2, dual ignition system, including magneto, robe rail, 5 lamps, generator, horn, speedometer, glass front top, jack, tools and repairing outfit. FULLY EQUIPFEE F. Q. B. MEDEORD, $1550 SCOTT V. DAVIS Agent Jackson, Josephine and Klamath Counties )iuiK u absence l)r ('. J'njjc .will have full ch.uae ol siki'iicv. Sec him for lull purticiil.u-, and dcuici.i-lMitioi.s. ( Special School Meeting Notice is horobv eicn to the legal o?rs of Seliool District No. 10 of Jackson eotinU, state of Oreon, that a speetni school moclnnr ol the said ilistncl will he held at Hi'h .School Imildin on the 7th da of Doitanher, 1010, nt 12 o'clock in llio aftetiioon, lor the follow -niir object: To levy a special tax. Dated thin 2fllh day of Nooinhcr, 1010. Attest: ORIS CHAWTOHD, Distiict Cleric. J. U. WATT, Chnirmnn Hoard of Directors. Medford Iron Works E. Cf. Trowbridge, Prop. POUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Purnps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. -c MAIL TRIBUNE WANT ADS BRING RESULTS - fliP- Sfeh. .. , WF'C aWj r,-v w!s H BANISH THOSE GRAY HAIRS! SSlll tho Dandrurt Ccrr.c Stop Hair Felling Christmas Holiday Excursion I TU '1'ilPJ CITY OF MEXICO via the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY LICAV1NO PORTLAND" Dec. nthandI2th,I9IO and SAN FRANCISCO DECEMBER 14, 1910. A MAGNIFICENT SPECIAL TRAIN Consist ing of Obsiir ation Car, Pullman, ves lilnded sleeping ears, smoking ear and din ing ear, will leave Third and Townsend streets, San Eraneiseo, via the Coast Line. The excursion is run under the auspices of the Southern Pacific, National Lines of Mexico, International and Great Northern, CL II. &S. A. and Santa Fe. Round Trip Fare $10.1.00 FROM PORTLAND $101.00 Corresponding low rates from other O. R. & N. and S. P. points. Interesting side trips on the return trip, including the (I rand Canyon, may lie made. Final return limit (50 days from date of sale. Equipment on this train will he limited and no more passengers will be taken than can he comfortably provided for.. For further information, details and beau tifully illustrated booklet on "Mexico," call on any O. R. fc X. or S. P. Agent or write to WILLIAM McMURRAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Thousands ol mothers nro lool.tr. y color has coma buck, u.'.d , Vi It t nc i, you look old beloro your time, when you c. . ."lit!r gi'" 1 -In r.ro pone. I tl iul., i'v . '. .uri-rt h;lr. , Iscil o curs. youuQcs by ual.ijj The nnturnl Why should You Can Work Near a Window Sa WSUK six n.jv.iA t itmrm-in wr-i.r rhvu r. u iiMiw MU. J M M U I L-HUI M isMiBJ L w - ' fc wmt m vw j " ' W ZS& 1 .1 J .! M ff.1 M " 1 M ' T&.-.L'Ui i Dandruff Cured Three appllcatlona reraoveJ nil tl.a dandruff and left my scalp clean, white and smooth. Win. Croat, KochMter, N. Y. It Is Positively Guaranteed to Rcsforo Fadod arvd Gray Slalr to K'atural Color If othor sivcallcd" Uektorers have fallsd. don't p.lvo up hope. SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMl-.OY a trial. Voa run o vlak. aa rcjiruscntcd, your money will he vetundcit. PROJIT DY OTHERS GraV Hair Restored My hair was Rettlnj: quite rav and fallt-sg out rapIJly and I was troubled wuti a tcni'.ta itching of tU fclp. but'Blvo WYETH'S It It Is not exactly My head was full of d.mdruff, v. huh fell uiwi tny clatba and kept me continually brushing it off. WUllo on A. Mtit to Rochester I heard of yi.r S and Sult'Uur for the hair. I got a botti and i ..I it. A few appli cations relieved the itching, r h-ir stopped fall tng out and gradually canto back to it natural color. It is now a alee dark browu color, sc t, t'My and pl..bU Several of ray friend wast to u. it, and I wast to kuM 'Ut yvtt wUl charge lac for r'x bottles of it. MLS K, A. BOSS. Sbari., Mcr.cr Co., l'a. EXPEDIENCE Grew Hair on n Bald Head Fr two or threo years my hair had beea falibg c.t and Retting quite thin until th top qf ry h-ad v.s entirely bald. About four MitBUtt ao I commenced using Sago and Sul pbur. The first boltU seemed to do some Rood nl I kept utBg it regularly until now I have ua4 four t'ti-. The whole top of my head la fairly atrared aM ktpa cormnj; in thicker. I kball kp en nig it a while longer, as I sotiou a constant improSMat. STEPHEN BACOIf, Kochwter, N. Y. 'Xlssii'P w in winter when you have a Perfec tion Oil Heater. It is a portable radiator which can be moved to any part of a room, or to any room in a house. When you have a PERFECTION SOc. and $1.00 a Bottle -At nil Druggists n Your Drvgaist Docs Hot Keep It, Send Us the Price in Stamps, and Wc Will Send You a Large Bottle, Express Prepaid Wyeth Chemical Company 74 ly&StfEF FOR SALE AND RECOMMENDED BY Leon Be Haskins, Medford, Ore. Absolutely smokeless and odorless you do not have to work close to the stoe, which is usually far from the window. You can work where you wish, and be warm. You can work on dull winter days in the full light near the window, without being chilled to the bone. The Perfection Oil Heater quickly ... . , . !." nl) UIIU Willi UUC IllllUK Ul IHK on burns steadily for nine hours, without smoke or smell. An Indicator always shows the amount of oil in the font. The filler cap, put in like a cork In a bottle, Is attached by a chain. This heater has a cool handle and a damper top. The Perfection Oil Heater has an automatic-lockinn linmc spreader, which prevents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, mid is easy to remove and drop back, so the wick can be quickly cleaned. The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged and can be unscrewed in an instant for reuicking. The Perfection Oil Heater is finished in japan or nickel, is strong, durable, well-made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. U f kTfrv fcn '.r dtienftKt amlsr nav '". vBSSSSIBSl MAIL TRIBUNE WANT ADS BRING RESULTS S2X3Tot" luiKutloll. The IM1-J- tt-ffiite . .' t-