"fTT5"S!W.""V rv(pi'yT r-f,f ;iffff MttDFORD MAIL TJUBrNlg, E.DlfQRfl, OKloaoX MONDAY, nKOISMBKRO, 1010. rrtr- Eden Precinct Items Wiley Tunibow of the Apnlcjiiicc section came over Friday to sec his father. Mrs. Jamed Morton of Phoenix visited Medford Thursday. Mrs. E. 0. Itensu spent a few duvs in Talent this week-, returning to her home in Ashland Friday. Mrs. Lloyd .Coiver of Phoenix vi.s istcd her sister-in-law, Mrs. A. S. Fury, last Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Bowman Hartley of North (Talent returned from Jacksonville where she has been visiting her par- Miss t lain Allen returned frotn Ashland Wednesday. W. M. Ferns of Ferns Valley vis ited in Talent Monday. Author Hover of Eden Valley de livered -some fine l'rcslj pork to C. Carey Friday. Mrs. J. M. Hose was a recent vis itor in Mcdfonl. 4 Ike Chandler arrived in North Tal ent from Myrtle Point Friday. 0. Carey Thursday took to the Medford exhibit building some fine specimens of potatoes and table beets. Mrs. Geo. MeClain of North Tal ents lor the past two weeks. out has returned from a visit of sev-- Itev. T.'F. Hawlcns of Phonix was eral weeks at Chico, Calif., with her an Ashland visitor Wednesday. arnndmother. Ashland Notes Irving B. Vlnlng started this' week on his return to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Itotiert Vlnlnc are ex pected here soon from Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Shepherd have returned from a visit In Portland. Miss Graco Lager has returned from Chicago. J.. Q. Lawrence has sold his ten acre place in West Ashland, adjoin ing the Pollctt place, to O. H. and J. W. Johnson for $6500. A 40-acro tract In tho Twin Falls section of Idaho goes In the deal. Mr. Law rence will return to Idaho to resume his work in the railroad tervlco as agent at Jcromo. Mr. and Mrs. TI109. H. B. Taylor of Woodvlllo will spend tho winter In Red Dluff, California. Mrs. F. Stratton has returned from a visit with her sister, Mrs. A. But ler, In San Francisco. J. A. Englo is in Chicago doing some advertising for tho firm dur ing tho apple and land shows. Miss Edna Wells and Miss Kittle Wolls have returned from Klamath Falls. ' Mr. and Mrs. P. II. Walsh' of Port land epent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hoot. Mr. and Mrs.' E. J. Wilbur will soon move into their now bungalow on the scenlo drive, purchased from Mrs. J. B. Brown. Dr. J. S. Parson has returned to San Franclco . from a visit at his old home in Pennsylvania, and Is ex pected homo soon. Mr. and Mrs. Gready of Ca'rson, Iowa, have started homo aftor a visit with their daughter, Mrs. L. E. Sten nett. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Lawrence of Buckhorn Lodge left for San Fran cisco and Sputhern California this week to spend tho holidays. M'CARTHY'S FACE. HAUNTED MORAN Little Fi.qlitcr Says That Each Time He Hit Battler the Picture of Dead Fighter Would Come Before His Eyes Is, After Wol(jast. Phoenix and Vicinity Uy T. P. HAWLTN8. This scribe, in company with Pns tor W. T. Matlock of tho Medford Christian church, Medford, visited Jacksonville on Monday last for tho purposo of arranging for a rovlval meeting at that placo to bo conduct ed by State Evangelist Williams of tho Christian church. The Cemotory association of Phoe nix is planning to enlarge tho grounds by buying tho one and one-half aero plot where tho Presbyterian church now stands and moving tho .church building to a lot more centrally lo cated. Better secure burying ground further out, as it Is only a question of time when tho present city of tho dead will have to bo rcinoved to give placo for tho city of tho living. Diphtheria lias made Its appearance In a home a mllo or two from Phoe nix, and it Is feared unless strict quarantine Is Inaugurated It may af fect tho school. Ono death has re sulted, wo aro told, from tho plague, and others aro prostrated. Health officers should bo active in prevent ing It from spreading. The rainstorm last Sunday did not fill tho churches with worshippers. Howbelt, nt tho Christian church nil hours of servico were occupied and a fair audience In nttendnncc. Tho ladles of tho Presbyterian church will hold n hazar at tho W. O. W. hall on Thursday, Decor bor 15. Will bo open day and evening. Re freshments will bo served. J. T. Esholman of Seattle, lawyer, state senator, stato librarian, minis ter and ovangcllst, will preaca at tho Christian church next Monday ove nlng "December C. Servico at 7:30. Tho ,kcoplo of Phoenix should hear him. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T. Wilder left Sat urday morning on the local for Junc tion City to visit their son, Will, and wife, who reside near there. We wish them a pleasant time. Miss Clara Allen spent several days In Ashland last week visiting friends nnd attending the revival at the Christian church. Mrs. Bailee, Wife of Dr. "Bailee, pastor of tho Presbyterian church, has been on tho sick list for several days. Tho doctor journeyed to Ash- lland on Wednesday on professional business. NEW YOItlC, Dec. 5. With tho picture of dead Tommy McCarthy be fore his eyes, Owon Moran put over the blow that knocked out Battling Nelson, according to the little Briton. Moran arrived here today to begin n series of theatrical engagements that were offered him after ho had beaten Nelson In San Francisco a week ago last Saturday. "Nelson was a help less old man after the fifth round," said Moran. "I was afraid I would kill him. Evory time I hit him I felt relieved that ho did not topplo ovet! on hlr. head. And yet I had to keep hitting him In order to win, for Nel son was game and fought until ho was completely 'In.' Eachj tlmo I pui'died I saw Tommy McCarthy's face Just before the blow landed tho last lime In our tight, which ended In b'h death. After the first knock down In the eloventh round I begged tho referee to stop tho fight." Moran begun his campaign to force Ad Wolgast Into tho ring with liltu before ho had been hero ten minutes. "1 will fight Wolgast winner take all oi I will split tho purso 80 and 20 per cnt to get him," said Moran. "Anvthlng to got him Into a ring." SIATE. SUPPLY OF HOGS IS LIMITED I'OHTLANl). Dee. fi. Receipts of livestock on this wnrkH r"r weok eliding today have been as follows: Cattle. i:i7l); calves, 118; bogs, l'.Ml sh;eu iVill; horses and mules, 1!). At the beginning of (be week the entile market litxiko '28 conls on the average grades. One lot of baby, beef; consisting of 20 mouths' old calve and boiler- that bid been 'Vd with caic. showed the existing de mand for quality. The steers sold at $0.85 and heifers at 0 cents. The supply of cattle was not up to the rciiuiieineiits i of the market nnd nl lower prices the demuud was suuppv. Everything offered found immediate takers. The hour supply from local lerritoiv was limited, and 00 per cent of the receipts originated in Missouri ricr territory. Tho market stood around 8 cents for the week, with one light load selling at $8.10. Tho sheep market, was ovcr-sup-plicd and valuer, in consequence found u lower level. One lot of good lambs brought $0.00; ewes sold nl $.'1.."i0. nnd one lot of thin feedci old at $'J.'J.". NEW MANAGER IS IN CHICAGO ST. I'-OUIS. Mo., Due. 5. A new manager for tho St. Louis Drowns will be named at tho annual meet ing of tho American league tcuui, scheduled for tomorrow, according to a rumor prevalent in baseba'll circles here today. Hobby Wallace, shortstop for tlu Drowns for several years, is being picked by the fans to re'eeivo the billet, but Wallace's appointment is by no mcaiiM certain. Several other candidates hao been mentioned fo' tho place, among them Fielder Jones, toriner manager of tho Chicago White Sox. A misleading advertisement would be almost as disastrous to a store as a firo with no insurance nnrwHnm MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. &faoHMeMMKMra. i owtotwww ffliwwtamuwau juuiwara. PLUMBING S1CAM AND HOT WAICR IIIAIING All Work (iiiarantcud L'ricos ReaBonublo COFFEEN a PRICE 11 North St..Miilfril.Oro. Phono 303 ooo:..i.ooo.coC'ooooooooo- 6 ? ? ? Nursery Stock Let us Quote You Prices on All Kinds of Trees and Shrubs L. B. WARNER Jr. At Warner, Wortman (Si Gore Grocery j& j& Medford voo0':'0':'0ooooo0'K':oooo:'0oooo Eagle Point Eaglets Uy A. O. Iiowlctt. Our Bcbool district lias bad quite ' - an addition during the past year not withstanding that thoro wore thirty i moved out' and aged out. Still the number of children runs to 122, an addition of twenty-five to the last yeai's llHt, and now a call la made for n meeting for tho vlllago to voto on lovylns a five mill .ax on tho dis trict property to keep 119 tl.o current expenses and the remainder to bo ap plied toward paying off .ho Indebted ness of tho district. Our two daughters, Halllo and Agnes, went to Grant's Pass last Wednesday to consult a specialist with regard to their eyos. Another daughter, Mrs. C. E. Hoyt of Lost Ular.tath, who Is hero visit ing, and be cousin, Mrs.C. V. Day. spont Wedncstiuy In Medford shop ping and seeing the city. Mrs. Day Is from Pacific Grove, California, 'and expressed hor surjirlso at seeing such a large and thriving city as Medford. and It Is yet In Its swad line clothes, so far as ag Is concerned. And yot jylllo that Is, Mrs. Hoyt says that she thought Hint business was rather dull for Medford Thursday. ' W. H. Brown of Wood, California, was a pleasant callor tho first of tlu week. He wan on his way to Trail weak, Ho was on his way to trail and Elk Creek to visit somo of his old friends of Minnesota. He spoke as though ho might spend some time " bore when he returned. ' The first of the week our mall car rier from horo to Prospect, Mr. Hay Willets, was stoppod on account of Rogue river being so high that he could not cross. Another striking Instance, showing tho necessity of having a bridge across the river be tweon here and Trail. , Mo?. George Wast returned Satur- day from lliiMe Palls', where she bad NkWmilt- mi iiuir!i. A few daya ago a lady friend told of another 'nstnnco of a young man, Harry Ram, shooting himself through the hand with a rovolvor. Ho didn't think, and had bis hand over tho muzzle of tho gnu, pullet! tho trlgor and thon (Uncovered that ho bad his hand In the wrong place. Ho might of shot some ono else J net na woll. Whon will poople loam to lot such things alone? Evory few days tho Portland papers toll of somo one shot, nrcldontally, with a rovolvor. Jams Owens, 0110 of our county tonmiistionom, who bought tho I. I). Williams property hero, lias coni moucod to rove somo of bis things from the farm ever hero so that bis hlhlion nan have the advantage ot our uxcollent school, and !y tho time that thin Is in print his ehlMron will bo onrolled among our pupils. John Edtell took a load of goods to. Rutto Falls Friday for Claspll & Wauolor and brought bark a load of iinuiohold goode (or his father, who Is moving into tho Abbot lioiito In Eaglo Point. A gontlcinun stopping horo Frldav night brought the word thnt tho gang of mon working on tho road near Union Creek baa boon called off, as tho snow was one and a half feet ' deep at the cam)). ' John Nichols has foor-n enlarging, and rorooNng Ills wood shod and fix ing things hoinsllke. Mr. Matthews of Rutto Palls came In from Mod ford Friday nlcht with a part of hk lead, and wa detained hero Saturday by the heavy rain. The recent rains have boen quite a drawback to the railroad work along the Una, aa It has washed tho fills out' in some places and caused the roadbed to slldo In some and the ground is so soft rfeat thoy cannot run the ears farther thu about th old (ommiaasry building. j Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Automobiles LANDQUIST, JOHNSON 6 LILIUS, INC. Real Estate and Insurance Special Representative for International Real Estate Association, Chicago, 111. AGENT FOR FRANKLIN FIRE INS. CO. RELIANCE FIRE INS. CO. BARGAINS AND MONEY MAKERS IN FARMS, ORCH ARDS & TIMBER LANDS. 201 St. Mark's Building, Phone 241 1 -vwi rvfc e 9 --- :; J. E. ENYART, President. J A. PERRY. Vioe-Presldont. i: JOHN S. OUTII, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Aus't Cashier. "the MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 I SAFE DEPOSIT DOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKINQ BUSINESS TRANSACTED WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. (MM PAY INu TELIEW Jaat ;iiil, , !fl 'JSitttfl t $8 .SF8RH iJ?!Srr iiHKrsV ui Mil TjflAW EVERY POSSIBLE COURTESY ifUi;j -liv- ...... u:i.... i ..hi. ., i c:.,.,. ..... :.. .." .J VlMimmilll l.ltll 711MIII1I Allltilliu lO w tended to euMomers of (lie FARM ERS & FRUITGROWERS' BANK. Hmall ilt'iioidturs roceivo equal rod Kiderntion with those wIuiko Ii.iU iiiii'i'rt am lnrner. Applications Tor loans upon ncceptnlilo security nru treated promptly and confidentially". The lmnli will be f;lad to lmvo you consult il on any financial matter. R. F. GUERIN (& CO. 4 MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, Havo a number of APPLICATIONS FOR FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS of from $500 to $3000 lo return Investors 10 per cent ncr annum. If you have money to loan it will pay you to investigate them I M H. B. PATTERSON The QUAKER NURSERYMAN HAS EVERYTHING IN THE NURSERY LINE PEARS, APPLES. CHERRIES, PEACHES, AP RICOTS. PRUNES: ALL KINDS OF NUT TREES ANO A FULL LINE OF FLOWERING SHRUBS, ROSES, ETC. A FINE LINE OF SHADE TREES. COME IN AND GET PRICES. v Office 116 Main Street Office Phone 2381- Res. Phone 2493 (IENKUAL OVEIIIIAl'lilNn & MACHINE WKl'AlIMNfl. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. PHONE .MAIN 0-J31. Corner Central Ave. and 8lh St .Medford, Or. ASHLAND r PRIVATE WIRE PHONE 1831' Moss 6 Co. GRAIN AND STOCK BROKERS W. L. BAIN LOCAL MGR. ROOM 15, P. 0. BLOCK . MEDFORD, OREGON1 Careful Movers Parties moving will do well to call on MATTHEWS & LAKE to handle their household goods They pack and ship furniture and unpack and set up furniture and do hauling of all kinds. Baggage in-! eluded. Phone 2151. fnfMfi ?wnrf7& Ashknd, Oregon Swedonburg Block This is the 'school thnt will make you Suc cessful, Train you for Business and Uelp you to a Position. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND 4 AND. ENGLISH Secure your Business ICduc-Uion at home at a very moderate expense and, if you wish, we will secure you a position in any of the laire commercial centers. NO BETTER SCHOOL ANYWHERE AT ANY PRICE ENTER AT ANY TIME P. RITNtttt. A. M., President. L'hc finest Sample Rooms in thocitv. Singlo rooms or en suite also rooms with bath Hotel Moore Trlopliium In livery Itoom RAU MOIIR COMPANY Proprietors. EUROPEAN PLAN I WA. KINDS 01' DRY ..WOOD.. Oak, l.iiuivl, Fir and I'mu. Hu.v yoiirwinler wtipply now; iciubiiiiuIi'c prit'OH. The Sun Star Wood Company IIUJ Almond ut. Phono Main G05I. Jol Koyama. Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 208 FRUITGRCWEHS BANK BUILDING. ' I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT I HAVE PURCHASED THE ! Union Livery Stables and will conduct a general food and boarding establiahinent. Horactt boarded by tho day, wook or month. I guarantou a square doal to all. R. GUANYAW UNION MYEKY NAItN. HIVERSIDE AYENUK. 'f