Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 05, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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Personal and Local
ClinrlfH ColllriKH of Hnvnnnn, Mis-,
Rourl, accompanied by Ills wife, son Is
nnd daiiKbtiT, l In (ho rlly nnd jnny,
Jornlo bore.
0. B. Henry of Snlom Is nmong the
now nrrlvnlH In Medford. Mr, Henry
Ir by trndo a machinist, but cornea to
the vnlleV tiicrety In the Interest of
Mrs. Uoriry's liealth. Ho expects to
roninln """horo during tho winter
ViVrII McVoy of Tillamook la In
Medford on a buulncsa mission.
Wnltor Holms, recently engaged In
tho confectionery buhlncflH In Klam
ath Falls, ha arrived In Medford to
niako IiIr home.
N. .1. Qoldlng, who arrived Satur
day night from Hartwell, Ohio, Is do
Jlghted with tho oxtremo mild cli
mate ho finds In Southern bregon.
Mr. (loldlng doclnros that conditions
for a comfortable home here are
piole Ronator-eleet H. Vonder Hel-
lon vnH a guest at the Nash Monday,
to. H.' JN'orcroiw, president of the
IlonV Creek Cement Pipe and Illoclc
company, was transacting buslncHs In
Medford Monday,
Moor-Klini Co., lunns, Fruitgrow
ers' Dank building.
Dave U. Williams, who threo days
ago arrived In Medford from Council
Hluffs, Iowa, Is ho pleased with the
Hoguo Itlvor valley that ho has de
rided to locate.
Wanted Iioardors A now board
ing houBO hns opened at 70C South
Oakdnle. Call and hco iib for fair
treatment, or address V. II, More
land. 302
(Jeorgo McArthur of Hoseburg nr
rlved from that city Monday, and
will spend tho week In Medford.
XiniiH photos tnmlo ly Mnckoy will
pleiiKe. If
J. H. HnyoH has roturnod from n
visit to Klamnth Kails.
Havo you noticed tho now build
ings going up In Oakdnle Park ad
dition just eouth of Mr. Itoot'o? tt
it. P. Stownit, who left Inst week
for Sacramento, California, has re
turned to Medford and dcclnrcs this
town Is good enough for him.
Rvory light but electricity glvos
off Riuoke and smoke contnlns soot,
which deposits on your wall papor,
curtains, draporlos. Electric light
glows In an air tight bulb. tf.
J. II. Alexander, formerly of this
place, has returned after an nliHonco
of threo yeura In Arlronu. Mr. Alex
ander says Arizona Is destined to be
u good country, but not u Hoguo
itlvor vnlloy.
What Is inoio appropriate than a
seal ring engravod properly? II. L.
Van do Car will engrave It free of
charge while you wait, Philips llldg,
Mrs. V. to. Carnahnn of tho Ulue
Lodge uilnoH Is visiting friends In
Free reading rooms at I'rosbyte
rlnn church, open every evening from
U: 30 to 10 except Sunday. "
O. M. Whonton, who resides c To
pokn, Kansas, Is In the city for a day.
Mr. Wheaton Is engaged In tho bank
ing business In tho Sunflower state,
and says times are good. When
askcd what he thought of the Itogtltv
"Ulvor valley ho replied: "I thfik well
enough of the entire valley hills and
all that I believe every acre Is good,
sufficient security for i $100 loan,
but no ono hero seems to bo In need
of money."
Late inngnxlnos, papers, and pe
riodicals at Presbyterian nmdlng
room In church, corner Holly and
Main streets. Open G:30 to 10 p.
m. livery man and hoy la Invited
to spend tho evening bote.
Dave Canfleld, who lives nunr
flrants Puhs, came up on tho motor
Monday. Mr. Canfleld claims to have
dWcovurod a valuable body of ami
while prospecting In the hills some
five miles from tho puss, and Intonds
organizing a company for Its dovel
An elegant lino of opera glnwrns
In gold, pearl and .Morrow) at Dr.
(table's optical parlors, .101 Hast
Main street.
Victor Anderson, who for the past
year has been working In Saeramuu
to, returned Sunday to Medford and
will remain hero for oouie mouths.
Mr. Anderson sa)s Sairamonto will
bo a busy city this wlntur, but not
is busy In the right way us Medford.
Hao your Xriius photos made by
Mnujxuy if you want wnuolliing to
hIoiim). tf
John McGirk of Fargo. North Da
kota arrived hero Hun day afternoon
and will probably locate In Medford
Mr. Mudlrd Is by trade a Htoutnuason.
Joe Allison was up Sunday from
the Modoc orchards.
If you want to enjoy tho show,
take a pair of opera glasses with
you. Dr. Goble has them at price
from 10.00 to J2I.00. 301 Hast
Main sheet.
Mrs. TJ. J. Harrington and tmby
have arrived from North Dakota and
KM Is the hnpplotit utuumflttor In a
thousand miles of Medford.
H. M. McLean, whose homo 1 In
Hock Ilaplds, town, Is looking over
Uiojkjyind 'vnlloy with n e in lo-
Gcorgo Keynolds of Crescent City
In town for n few days on a mis
sion of business and pleasuro com
Oeorgo Devlnno of DnwainlBh,
Wnshlngton, in stopping In tho city
for a short time. Mr. Dovlnno wishes
lo Invest In rough land for a stook
farm, and la looking nbout tho vai
loy horo with lhat object In view.
M. It. England, tho popular Cen
tral Point druggist, was In Medford
Sunday afternoon accompanied by
Mrs. England and a party of friends.
Hnrry Solby was up from Central
Point Sunday nftorndan and evening
enjoying the Nntntorlum.
A. I. Meyers of Myrtle Point ar
rived Sundny nltrlit. Mr. Moyors Is
here on a matter of huslncso In con
nection with real estate.
John H. Sturgocs of Orant s Pass
arrived In Medford Sunday night and
will remain In this part of the valley
for several days on a bi'slness mis
sion In connection with n fruit land
deal In tho vicinity of Willow
Cliff Maple, a well-known capital
ist of Van Aesolt, near Seattlo, Wash
ington, Arrived bore Sunday night.
Mr. Maple is hero In the Interest of
a sick brother who Is interested in
fruit lands r. short distance from the
S. A. Pnttlaon was among tho Cen
tral Point men who visited Medford
Sunday nfternoon, returning home on
the T o'clock motor.
Howard HnstlngR of Merlin Is
among tho now arrivals In Medford
who declare their Intention of re
maining. Hubert M. Johnson, who arrived
Saturday night from Qulncy, Illinois,
Is so delighted with Medford nnd tho
Hoguo Klvor valley that he tolo
graphed for his family. Mr. John
sou says: "I have been looking all
liiy life for the spot that Just suits
me and'l havo found It."
Anron Montgomery of Shed, who
formerly lived In Medford, but years
ago, Is here and Is tho most surpris
ed man In all tho land. "I can
scarcely bolleve my eyee," said Mr.
Montgomery as lie looked at modern
M. U. Womnck, tho Gold Hill
miner, wns among thoso who npout
Sunday nfternoon mid evening In
Moor-Ehnl Co., excluslvu ngents
for property In Crcscont and Wake
field, Or., townsltes on HIU'h new
railroad. Seo them. Crescont If
division point. SS0
Hoy. T. M. Jones of Central Point
was In the city Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Jones, besides being a busy fur
niture dealer, Is also a busy minister
of tho Gospel.
Is your ioubo wired? Ono clgnr
Jestj a day would pay for a hundred
her cent increnso In comfort. Stnrt
Ivlng tho oloctrle llfo. tf. '
Amos Grler of Columbia City.
Wnshlngton, arrived hero Sunday
jvlth ls family and will make his
liMno In Medford.
rifty-throo norns special, 10 acres
coming Into bearing orchard. Call on
t. II. Wood, Condor Wutor & Powor
Co.'s office tf,
,. to. C. Price, lecontly of Medford,
"tin I at present In Central Point, wns
here on Sunday afternoon. Mr. '
Pflfip. Is no of tho leading blacks
smiths of the Point. '
Tho Hull auto livery haB decided I
to accommodate the trade to audi
f i oin the opera, uatatorlum dances,
cnfoB and so forth, and by placing
n call they will call fur you at nn
time. Their orders will bo booked
at their office. Phono 3111.
J. Gieenwood of Central Point
spent Sunday afternoon nnd evening
In Medford.
HiiMt you seen II. I.. Van de Car's
allow window on Main street. Phlpps
llhlg? It baa some suggestions for
Xmns glfta. tt
Tom ItosH of CentrRl Point wns In
town Sundny owning and enjoyed
the moving picture show.
My price are rwaouublo. Your eye
sight Is iwicelttHs. I)r. Hlckort. over
Hnrry Heal. Central Point's leading-
cement walk man, was In the city
1.. II. Warnor I hero for a few
days In order to cIom out all lots tu
Woat Walnut Park. Investors will
do well to umd his advertisement In
this Ihciio, and ee him at once.
Mrs. P. I,. Until on me over from
Central Point Sunday afternoon, re
UMtulug until Monday morning.
If you haven't got n block In Oak
dulo Park addition you kml bettei
get oho at omc. See W. H. Kverhanl.
SOU Ninth unreel, Wiwt, for pnrtleu
luro. (f
Theodora Simuw mwu down from
HiiKtue KumlMy enlng . hiI will
tmnaart bualnoaa Monday Had Tne.
day at Jackaonvilt. Mr. Bimuiaer
U financially toftiw) Ih the Himue
It Ivor allay, and hi nMtlituliwtlc re
gnrdlng the future of this part or the
Xmas gltui from Vsn de Oar's will
please forever. tf
It P. lltiiten and iluihur. Ml
tlliul)s. arrlvel heie fum Munt-j
colliery. Alabaiuti, Seiid.iv utTH(MiH. I
.Weeks & McGowan Co.
F. W. Weeks, 2071
A. E. Orr, 3092.
P. J. Grant of Portland Is In town
for a few dnys. Mr. Grant Is look
ing for n hotel proposition for a
Portland friend who desires to enter
tho business in Southern Oregon. Mr.
Grant Is much pleased with Medford,
hut will also look over the proposi
tion ul Central Point.
Wlllla Van Motor of Hood Hivor is
In the city. Mr. Vtin .Meter snys he
feels as though Hood Klver won dou
ble honors by winning tho applo
prize. This Ib his first visit to Hoguo
Itlvor valley nnd he Is much pleased
with everything, especially the cli
Colonel llarhoo, not tho "old Hnr
hee on see In pictures find bottles,"
but the real genlnl colonel, ex-news-pnperman,
politician and patriot, left
Sunday for the froat frescoed hills of
Missouri, where bo will attend nn an
nual dinner given by tho Unterrlflod
club, which wns organized on top of
tho Ozarks In "Auld Lung Syne."
Piano tuning. Phono Main 4171.
.Mi. nnd Mrs. J. Stilwell Vilas have
returned from n mouth's visit In
W I. Vnwtor has ruturned from n
business trip to Portland.
Govornor-oleet Oswnld West and
family und Stnto Treasurer-elect Tom
Kay passed through Medford Sunday
en tho way to California.
Chief Shot rer and Policemen
Cengeculd and Hlnton attended court
Monday nt Jacksonville, leaving Joe
Mcmslc to.hold tho fort, which lie did
In admirable Rhnpe during the ab
sence of tho balance of the force. Mr.
Mcmslc will bo called to Jacksonville
Jack IJemis of Seattlo, ono of the1 ,0 nc 3 '" Central Point.
.,i.. nn....ii....... ...i... ....-i.i nt-.,. 7 acres Cornice nnd Hose pears !
or Gill, Is in the city, following In the I
wnko of Councilman Virtue, who was i
7 acres bearing orchard, 2 miles out,
building, good Income, trade for
100 ucren nicely located, close In,
good buildings.,, trade for city lots
will make good sub-dlvlslop. '
Fine herd of 70. goats and dog, 2fi0
Span unbroken 3 year old colts, 1000
popuds, $325.
r. passenger, 1-cyllnder Hulck, trnde
for city lotb. F
a acres v year Newtown with pear
fillers, ?8ii00, terms, close In.
20 1-2 acres, 2 miles out, 7 year
Newtowns and Unrtletts, fine bun
galow, bam, all tools, trade for In
come property'.
9 1-2 acres, 7 year orchard apples
and pears, 1 mile to post office, 7
room house, barn, $8950
Small bearing tract npptes nnd pears
all varieties, closo In, $1200 per
acre, nothing better In tho valley.
20 acres, 2 nillca from post' office,
7 year Newtowns nnd 3 year pbnrs
$800 per acre, cut for quick sale.
year old
hero a few days ago.
M. H. Gatithier, n lending lumber
man of Southwest Wnshlngton, Ih in
the city on business.
II. II. McGllllcuddy, who lum been
eugnged In cruising limber In Klam
ath county for tho past month, Is In
W. It, Katou of Goldendalo, Wash
ington, bus decided to locate in Med
ford, and will ut onco send for Ills
family. Mr. Eaton has secured n
house somewhere on Almond street.
Amos Apploguto, who comes from
tho tdrcnili bearing bin name, wns
traiifnctlug business in' Medford Mon
day. W. C. Carrnthers of Yucklmn,
Washington, In tho city on busi
ness. Mr. Carruthora Is an orchard
1st of that section of Washington.
W. H. Wiley, contractor and build
er from Mollno, Illinois, Is In the city
todny. Mr. Wlloy will locate In Mod.
ford If his wife, who Is soon to ar
rive, la pleased with the city, and ho
thlnkg there will be no doubt about
Tom Hosfl of Central Point ia in
the city on business.
From all the Fam
ous Manufacturers
FROM 20c to $2.00.
..Book Store..
years old, 2 1-2 ncres I
Unrtletts, $3l"i00, terms
Three ncres or more, truck or chick
en ranch, under ditch, close to the
city limits; price tow; telms ensy.
Fine timber' on I & E. H. It., $L'B
per uero.
10 ncres, 4 miles out, lildgs, fine, ir
riguting well. .WOOD.
10 ncres lino bottom soil, 3-yonr
pours; $4750, loims.
.'11 uercs, under ditch, fine pour uml
ul I'u ll'n land, :i miles out, cleared
nml fenced; .f'JfiO per nere.
$1500 handles fine bearing orchard.
10 to 100 nei'ss Jlno soil, 1:J4 mile?
out; ijil7f per nere.
15 to 70 uery?, till elenred, fine pent
soil, 100 per nere, Knglo Point.
City Property
Kino now bungalow, oast front $3200
on paved utreot.'eut Monday only.
3 ropm "house, fluo lot, business pro
perty, snap at $1(100.
l-room bungalow, bath, pantry closo
In, $2100, tonus. -
2 t-rooni bouses, one furnished, good
location, $2100, terms.
2 rooming houses, under ptlce quick
Kino lot In Siskiyou Heights , $100
off this week only,
flnsolu lot nnd buildings, $1100 and
easy terms.
Housekeeping. nnd furnished rooms
for rent.
I -room house, pan try, bathroom,
closo in, ifJIOO.
l-room bolide, near pnvinjr, $U(fO.
(i-room bungnlow, modem, oleic in;
eusv terms.
Lots in We-t Walnut Park, .f'-'75 lo
$1150, easy tonus.
- span much horses.
1 Girls for general housework.
Listings of
city property and
E. F. II.
Room 20G, Taylor & Phlpps Bldg
consists of what is really in (ho jjoods ol'lVrod for
salo. AVo knov that von cannot bnv not tor (JR1C10X
1KS, hotter li'LOUK, PKTTICIJ ('OFKIOW, or hotter
Two lotsa'-utMng the pavement on
West Seventh street. Each l6t Is
G0x28i feet; facing Seventh street.
These lots aro 40 or 50 feet higher
than tho Wellington Dcboolbo.tso lot.
Will sell both lots for $1800 and
easy terms. HK1J L. II. WAKN'IMt,
, bt )nj Nirre?pn stfeot,-S6xlO
feet, half blok north of Jackson
Etrcet, or boulevard. A new sidewalk
has just been built and sewer and
water nro handy High, dry, enst
front ' lot -a SNAP AT SfJOO
TKKMS. SKK h. II. W.lllXKIl,
Medford's Most Beautiful Residence Addition
This picturesque residence section HcS at tht ehd of Wo'st Mnlti ' street on the Sdutli Side. It Is
high, commanding a flno view of the city nnd alloy A home built In this nddltlon will steadily
increaso in vaJuo, besides nffortlhiK a jilGAiinnt outlook at nil tlrnon.
10 Per Gent Discount
will be given for cash If you'b'uy a
lot in tho nevt TEN DAYS or before
DEC. HHli, 1910r
Only 10 Lots Heiiiniu Unsold.
17 lots Sold In Inst 4 days. All
lota 00x12". feet Mid
$350 Per Lot
Terms, If you wish, $25 down nnd
$10 per month with C per cent In
terest on dofeired pnyments.
20 Per Cent Discount
will bo' given for cash If the pur
chaser will agree to build a houao
which will cost not less than $2000.
zSome two homen nro to be built In
the very near future. Ono $3000 Is
now In the course of construction.
West Walnut Park Is as high as
the top of the Washington school
Don't unit, these lots must be sold
In 10 days.
--4 -----
m ' a .m - ". : r - jirwm mm m- : r
' iWh U MM
r - ; HII Kill till ' -x .Y
WiV I !!! .lHO. I ..'WWW.
W fWmi
Ait I
i ?W
Why All
. Progressive
Are Using
Progressive merchants everywhere have found
the wonderful General Electric Mazda Lamp an
immeasurable benefit fo their business. This lamp
radiates brilliant white rays nearly like those of
the sun. This superior quality of artificial
light is produced by a rare metal filament that not
only radiates a perfect light, but gives nearly three
times as much light as the ordinary incandescent
and costs no more to burn. It is this remark
able combination of facts that is causing thousands
of people lo have their houses and places of business
wired for electric light. In fact, this new G-E
Mazda Lamp is swiftly revolutionizing artificial
lighting. It is making electricity the universal
You owe it to yourself lo at least come In and see
this wondeiful lamp. Wc can show you to your own
satisfaction that this G-E Mazda Lamp immensely in
creases the advantages of electric light.
-- -.,
Ono cnhlmtjo pnh'h may look a little iiiier, but
raise no Doner eauua&e, ami yet, ilia garduuur
will (MIAKd'K YOU
i ion
Allen Grocery Co.
Main & Central Phone Main 2711
Back Again
Kromai trip through tho Dakotas, Minnesota, Iowa and Nebraska the see
irom whit h most of settlers in tho Ko-rUe River Valley are coining Mr.' Hi
, '".a .ii ii'iiiiiii-u i nun ins seoonti rrip uirnugn these states within the
lour months, ami, as a result, our laoilities for selling property
Are Better Than Ever
Many new agencies have been established, and we ,u-o in .'oniniunieatioh with a
large number ol prospective hoinesookers.
Land Owners
eril1 with !1'LASJU'!,!,r n'' fVhV W,,,IC? Uf (l0Sir f0 S011' sh0M,(l ,ist ! pmp
eil witli jis. None but thr best arcepted.
are united to inspect (,ur oarefully sele.-ted list.
Huntly-Rremeir Company
211 b'ruitgrowers Bank BldV
prortiiino Toknvt. i MnrlWiKVino i'i u,i,.U but wwr . - .... -
il J inU n Tle -1. . a t t to luck to Kolp ilrv cludeil. PIB8 2151.
ruWf1 without trilKulum The ii