iyn'i'Miliilife'Mitti iIiii'i i'm' --?- ..-iwmMiwyM. dm TS&f.'zr': 5SXWW Wm4P'Wwtm&" j-n.4.w ... w ;" a n MEDFORD MATT. TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREO ON, SlTNDAY, DECEMBER -I. 1910, i B' M I What a Visitor ThinKs of the Valley ft. urrivel,! plei I P mi J. E I'Velnuui. a reeeul 'o.xprenwcs his opinion ol Medfoid u the Hokiio River valley i lul 'Ion i" ll0 Daily Hepoiter of Jlur iioHville, 1ml.. lis old home town: "Meilrunl, Or., Ot. JO, HM. "Editor Kopoitor: "IIuvIiik hern horn and ruined and having led "'I active biiMincws euteer for thirty year in Mnitinsville, I am led disbelieve thai I have many fiieiidH who read the Reporter who will he interchted in hearing Irom n. A Meore or more of perxoiiM linked tne to write to them and I promised that I would do ho, and fully intend ed doinc ho when J promised, hut I Had scarcely ever heeii a dn.v'a travel from homo het'oro and did not lenlize that it would take five whole dnv for ii letter to reach MnrliiiHville from Iiere, and five day to net a lardy reply after it wan written by tii v friends and mailed. "Then, too, I heliovo that wo have some friends who did not roiiiut u )o wiitu, (hat will he ciiully jtlad to hear a word through thu Reporter. "After three day happily mid profitahly npen in Portland and in piakilur hide trips to Orepni Cilv. Hone ('ity I'nrk and other plaecH, wo took a uleopur for Bedford. We raade it a rule to ariHo iih hooii iih it wiih light enough to nee, and thus we took ndvautniro of all thu daylhiht vu could for nliHurvInc the eountr.y Ave paHhed through. 'Twuh' dark when wo pawed tliroimli HoKclnutr. J Oil miloH north of hero. CoiiiiHv up Tow Creek canyon, nonth of Hoho lnir, af folded the roiiKhuHt ol iiionulaiu scenery, and we could not Vefraiu from wondering if Medfoid Wan noinc to appear in mneh Mteli it countrv. hat wo won) delightfully vltrpriHed after a. wlitlu to see the beautiful, hroad valley of the Rojjite river como into view and orchard af ter orchard appear on every hand orchards from proceni of cleariuc and Hcftili yotil trees to those in full hcariuir, more heavily laden than I had anticipated in my palmiest fan c!h and hopes. Do you know that 1 have seen thu apple and Into pear trees heavier laden that thu Medford booklet shows them! Have seen a dozen apples, uood-sized .Jonathan. KpiUcnbiio,' and other varieties on a foot of limb, and the rest of the tree and tree after tree, and oiehard af- aw for the most part are . .11 : -.. .:.... ...! iiiiit rillSIMl WIIIIOIIl IITIKlllum """ ""-J arc much better keeping ipiulitie and ilavor. I ate an apple a Yel low Newtown Pippin, of the JDOSI crop, kept in cold storuire a few ilnvs imo and it was delicious and had kept perfectly. The fruit asso ciation here have several boxes ot the 11108 crop in cold storae and I a inreliubly informed that they arc also in perfect condition. 1 saw sec ond crop strawheriies, fine one, loo; likewise beans, enhhnuo beets, etc, jrrowjtiK in the guldens. "It. K. Wilson, with whom Paul niaiik, a brother of our Clem, woiks on a ranch, will turn his pin on Ins cull apples which our people back home would like to hae for winter. "Paul Hlauk has been a resident here in this valley since June, 11)011, and his brother, Cm I, is now a resi dent of Medfoid, thoituh he is in charm) of a itai'K of woikmen .it Ashland, a few miles south. Moth of the Hlauk hoys are looking well, 1 havo seen moio of Paul than of Car;, "Paul is teainbitf now for u com pany of ranchmen and certaiulv looks the part of health and says this countrv is good enough for him. He was in Dr. 0 Jorge Cook's hands, who operated on him a few yenix ago at St. Vincent's for appendi citis, Dr. Cook told him to come out here. He took his word for it and is glad he came. Many of us know how Carl llliiuk camu to Denver Inst winter, accompanying poor Chmle.y Petlit, a biother-in-law, who died there. Carl then came on here and joined Paul, and 1 think he is also glad ho came. These boys arc as popular here as their brother, Clem, is ju Martinsville, which is saying a great deal. Our families were yes- 'terday guosus of Paul Hlauk for u trip to Lower Table Hock, and we had a delightful time of sightseeing mid experiences. We saw our l'irM jack-rabbit, killed it and took its ears, since it had uo further use for them. 0. P. Ellin Vaiue upon a moun tain rattler. He striujk it with n htoue us it lay coiled and sounding its tocsin of war. It was soon des patched by a man with a revolver, and he pinched off its nine rattles for the baby to play with. He wasn't rge ns some Jake Thackei Farther than thul J huvc not Been a it'Hhloiici' with a foot of gutter or a down spoilt. Our city water l.t melted snow and a cistern lHnot heard of. Wo have not heard a rumble or thun der or Been n blink of lightning and I underntand they are both rare In tho valley, ' I inlgt say here to my many'ad I had yesterday In winnigvbgkiiJJ mlrorH that 1 want a Stevens repeat ing rifle, a binocular floJd glass, a pair of Hlk skin bunting boots and a few other etcetras for my Christ mas. Talk It over at a iiiiibh meeting so not to duplicate on presents, nnd don't go to Bonding money to mo, for that in the InBt thing I could possibly need. I write you In penty of tlmo so that you can have a number of rnasB meetlngB if necessary, in order to make out your list of presents without duplicating. You can't af ford to lot tho campaign or other min or mutters Interfere with theHO mans mcotlngs. I may tnko to tho pencil pushing trial occasionally. If your readers will stand for it. Wire mo If your subscription lint bIiows a decid ed slump, Medford Iwh ten thousand popu lation. Tho llogno Illver valley haa tho finest of climates to be found. Tho air here on this day of rain In lighter and more delightful than Mar tinsville can muster when Hho has her Bunday clothes on, and I am not "knocking" on tho homo of my nn tlvlty, cither. Sorrowfully yours , J. 15. FUSKLMAN. PAST SEASON (Continued INCRATER PARK from Page fi.) the siiiull brown crawfish for fish food, and that upper Auiin cieek. Kast Anna creek, Sand creek and Castle creek be stocked with casl eru hiook trout. Ksliinales of appropriations for necessary improvements nud a prop er nihuinislratiou of the affairs of the park havo previously been sub mitted, t Very respectfully, W. V. A It ANT, Superintendent Crater Lake Na- tioiuil Pink. The sccrelarv of (lie interior. ter orchard, almost as heavily laden T You just cnniiot realira it. How I wish that all of .vyu could see the tipple and Winter Nelis pears a they nctually are now. Apple pick tug has been on for two weeks. Twenty-five carloads left here Kii dav for New York. "We came here, first, for Mrs. IV selniaii's health, so will lot up on the fruit talk pietty soon. Have picked alnioiuls from the tiees here, and lhov are eeilainly delicious. .The tree resembles our peach and the al mond in its hull looks very mneh like ii (piaiter-growu pencil. I do not think they hear prolifically, for peo ple do not grow them in a eounuer cial way. Knglish walnuts will be on the market the lust ot October. 1 have not yet seen uny bearing orchard-. Our black walnut has bee.i planted to u considerable oMont ami wo m'o lows of tlitun hero in the cit for hude, and pretty well laden wtlh walnuts; have seen no white walnut, tboiiuh they are here. In tact, vi have not been out much because ot our household piods pot .vol hnxit'g ai rived, and our trying to i new homo (which ue purchased) in reiidineNH fur the arrival. We haw two small hmuriilnwh in u iiihmI growing lenldenee Miction of Mml tord, and now, after a hipo of hI mont a mouth, we are o.poeting mil good dailv. "Medford 1 u city of 10,0110 in habitants, and she has them, I m and scaicoly a hoium for ivnt and not a stoieioom. At least oOD iei deuecs, some of them fiur than un thing in Mnrtiiihvillo, hau been buil this year and more Mm tint, doilv Moio InisiniH buildiugt!, euimlly h HubktautiHl as the Citiriuio' Noli iml Hank building, me now being erect ed than all the InioiuoMn mums hi MnitiiiHillu. In addition to thU an two line six-story hotels boiiue tmi up of eoueietr. uniiiitu and 'iHek. fine Orcttou grny grunile is unlv S or Hi mile distant. Medfoul h lew fHettrii, I uudertuud, but yuu jnt kei ytntr eye oil im. "The SoHihorn Paeifia is the tnni . diNiH'iisor of injuslieo a rrnds to lailrond ImuiipniiNlion and fruwht. but it is only n ipteaUiMi of a dim I time until lliuiiuuin and Hill wil! have lines Ihrough here fioiu the Pa cific to lite iutetiur and lyisteni Or trnin. hi a wry few ur Ou'ruh will be plhid wth IritHNportHtinn ol nil kinds aud in all wit. Oiowri is a coiuur. "I who in a vineyard Sutunl. where the owner hu tons of lam. lusciniix Tokay aud other vrietw of urojkVH, some bunche weluhmg two pounds or mure 1 hoimlu kind 1 wanted at :i cents a poind. 1 piviime Tokuys iu Martinsvillo iw about 10 cents a jsiund. Tliwo aie raised without irrigation. The at I as la brings iu, but it was a raider just the siiiiic. We had all been up on Table Kock except father, who could not stand it to uo all the way up. Think of Mrs. Pusolmaii going en tirely .up on the mountain a climb, aud a stiff one nt thai, of more than ii mile. We were .well repaid for the effort. Frym this eminence we had a most beautiful view of Mount Pitt ,'ll miles iiwny, us well us all othei mountains of (he Cascade range, on llie east, and (he Coast range on the west, to say nothing of thu beautins of the Itogiie river in its eiopked me iitploriugs for miles, and the prolific orchards and grniu farms on cither side of it for miles distant in till di teelious. One not uceiistomed to such view power cannot couceixi liow oim can see iu the western mi un try. "Mount Pitt is a very high peak pei hup 7000 feet, nud is more clem h isihle to the naked ee at piiles ilintnnee Omit a Inrue wheal rlok mi Honrv Shlruutnii, ,lr'- lull to one standing on the cniiitlioiiM-tower. tuh-a-r Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Automobiles nKNKKAh OVKHIIAUMNC1 & MACH1NK KKPAIKINO.. First-Class Workmanship Gtiaranteetl. 1MIONK MAIN (i'JIlI. Corner Central Ave. and 8th t Medford, Or. The Fair Oaks Orchard Traets Closo to Medfoid. good road-, splendid soil; 70 ncies no. planted to pours and apple-. Pnees riRht and tonus eus Let nut uhow j on a good leal estate investment. Earle C. Sabin Room 202, Fruitgrowers Bank Biilldino. Diamonds Guarded and Eyes Neglected Mnuv ft woman who lakes great enre of Itor diainondii lets her eye tnko enro (if IlirmiiIvtv oft on l their lasting iujtiry. . Considering llie delicate inechaiirfeni ol the eye, it is astonishing how iniioli abuse it beniw. Seldom, too, tire tho eyes of young people watched as thev should be Hcadaehes, which may aud often do mean eye strain, arc put down to liver trouble or indigestion, nud home remedies are administered for these ailments when what is really needed is n visit to (he eye Ppecinlist. Dr. Itifkert j:ies special lionsidor ilium to nil such enscfj and is hnv inir admirable 8iic'o.. Room 2, Over Kunlncr's, Medford, Or. THE MAIL TRIBUNE IS THE ONLY PAPER PUBLISHED IN A CITY THE SIZE OF MED FORD HAVING- ITS OWN LEASED WIRE. oooooooo-ooooooooooooj. 6 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN 14-Acre ORCHARD S acres Bet to 1-year-old Dartlett and d'Anjoii pears; 2 acres Yellow Now towa and Spttzonlierg apples; 4 acres to alfalfa and barley; all tillable laud. " , , , Will sell for what I paid for raw lend plus expenses since holding, as I am obliged to sell before January 1. S. P., ?220 per aero. Address 0. S. W. Care Mail Tribune, Medford ! Nursery Stock Let us Quote You Prices on All Kinds of Trees and Shrubs L. B. WARNER Jr. At Warner, Wortman CQ. Gore Grocery j& j& Medford . R. F. GUERIN & CO. 4 MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, 1 Have a number of APPLICATIONS FOR FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS of from $500 to $3000 to return investors 10 per cent ncr annum. If you have money to loan it will pay you to Invostiflatc them . voooooooo0't!0':o,:'0ooooooooo LANDQUIST, JOHNSON 6 IILIUS, INC. Real Estate and Insurance Special Representative for International Real Estate Association, Chicago, 111. AGENT FOR FRANKLIN FIRE INS. CO. RELIANCE FIRE INS. CO. BARGAINS AND MONEY MAKERS IN FARMS, ORCH ARDS & TIMBER LANDS. 201 St. Mark's Building, Phone 2411 B. B. PATTERSON The QUAKER NURSERYMAN HAS EVERYTHING IN THE NURSERY LINE PEARS, APPLES, CHERRIES, PEACHES, AP RICOTS. PRUNES; ALL KINDS OF NUT TREES AND A FULL LINE OF FLOWERING SHRUBS, ROSES, ETC. A FINE LINE OF SHADE TREES. COME IN AND GET PRICES. Office 116 Main Street Office Phone 2381-Res. Phone 2493 'Say, hoy, thin iw the next da mid the heumriliHHo of iiiv lliinK rthop thul I had .Ytmleuluv in wiiiuu the foioKuiiiK '& pHKfi. has nppai otillv enured uo unpWint filed after a vood iiuihtV re.t, and here I Hiu makinit h few lemniU h wa of llliuuinv till oft'ilfrinll to ii close Mv wife think 1 nm out at our ne.x houm wahiiiK window , hut I mn not. It inaltttai iu.v hend Nelu i w.i-n windowh, aud m I never had a fn nine hendnehit, it' lm lutf in lit for iut to tiv to not up ou ot ai eoiiMfiUue by Unjliinio to wji-Ii wiudow'K now. "Il'x mininv hnie today, whuh i tho I hud day of. rum Miu-e .on arrival in .Mfdloid mIuiom ln.-. wwks nito -baviiiK htma om da itat-h' yok. ,lmii nhoul iiicht. dm on think k,tf WVII, th w.i' it milt lttrv i mxMilutr ,w .' romliuU me of uur Utile UIIimWUi in her nit nf erylng. The weather man Uei;uu yNaerUay to think lie hud to Ktve iih w)iu mtu aud Vtcmui xtHuit toady li enn.lHg oui tl-. ilmnU to upponr fioui tint to t line. ud hint iiIkIU not a Ur wm to l- oa. and ruin bifitn to ittl trltkle down LhU old wtatherlioiu (hi, without one of thiMtf offuhjfnt overflow as we oxiHirlouett no ofuu lu MrtluM vllle. Mo trle to nnio )iimir. ntttl n tililllu ilf dllliulllll.t lkr.uil.is r..tlli fur a time, thou agnlu, reiuiulMr that VTO"V1Q llU reeltUKH wore hurt, or be Iuiuk- j J vA vj ino the) have been, ami the lui ofj Parties moving will ilo well to call on PRIVATE WIRE PHONE 1831 Moss h Co. GRAIN AND STOCK BROKERS W. L. BAIN LOCAL MGR. ROOM 15, P. O. BLOCK MEDFORD, OREGON r ' ((?W . ASHLAND rwMicyrtsri m Ashland, Oregon Swedenburg Block Tins is tho school lluit will make you Suc cessful, Train you for Business and Help you to a Position. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND AND ENGLISH Secure, your Business Education at homo at a very moderate expense and, if you wish, we will secure you a position in any of tho lare connnqreial centers. NO BETTER SCHOOL ANYWHERE AT ANY PRICE ENTER AT ANY TIME P. lUTXKR. A. M., President. Uhe finest Sample Rooms in the city. Hotel Single rooms or on suite also rooms with bath Moore Telephone Iu Kvery ltooni RAU-MOHR COMPANY . Proprietors. EUROPEAN PLAN ALL KINDS OP DRY .WOOD. Dak, I.auiel, Fir and Pino. Huv .ourwuuor supply now, reasonable prices. The Sun Star Wood Company liOJ Aim. .ml st. Phono Main 6051. Jol Koyama. ... .... I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT I HAVE PURCHASED THE Union Livery Stables Careful rain bot;!u to alowly mil down hi cheek aualn Tho rain dinm not route In torrent an It does bark hom the furiuer home Many people do not enrrj an timUietla, but wiku a tilvtti ellti and irtut to lurk to Keep dry MATTHEWS & LAKE to handle their household goods. They pack and ship furniture and unpack anil set up furniture and do hauling of all kinds. Daguaye In cluded. Phene 2IQI. Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS,' CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS WTbnoy on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches nnd fruit land. PHONE 3231. 203 FRUITGROWERS BANK BUILDING. and will conduct a Reueral feed and boardiuB establishment uumucu uy me ony, week or inonih. I Kuaiuatea to all. Horses Bquure deal R. GUANYAW UNION LIVERY BARN. RIVERSIDE AVENUE. .. - m --- - MAIL TRIBUNE WANT ADS BRING RESULTS ---' - ---