IP I it MKDF0BD MALL TKIBUNE. MBDFORD, OREGON, Kl'XDAY, DECEMBER 4, 191". ! ii ! B I in !' If Nil i 1M 1 i i STIGA TE THE XPCWi Consider Carefully Before Placing Your Order for a 1911 A""mobile andJThoroug'hly INVE Distributors for the States o Oregon, Washington, California and Nevada J. W. LEAVITT (& CO. ESTABLISHED 1894- 529-531 Washington St, Portland, Ore 20,000 OWNERS OVERLAND MODEL 45 SAY TO YOU: Model 45. 20-h.p. 4 cylinders, 96 Inch wheel bace $875.00 A Torpedo Roadster with s ame power sells (or $950.00 r . -AGENTS- Now is the time to get t tjie Best Automobile agen cy on the American mar ket. Inquire for our list of open towns. mm.ni-:.ummmw- ur ,. .. . 'BUY An Overland jA OVERLAND MODEL 49 XjgX FOR1911" ' Model 49. 25-h.p.-4 cylinder 102 inch wheel tase. detatchable toneau, selective transmission; sells tor $1200.00 All Overlands for 1911 Include the New Fore Doors at : : Your Option, at the Same Price : :: We start this new Sanson with al inoat SO. 000 Overlands In ne with n reeortl of 1S.32G delivered la tho fir iovm months of this your with ilufioBttx In hand for more than m.000 of tlio now models Just com ItiK nut. We mart with flvo factories with iho finest machinery ovar employed In making inotor curs a factary ca Itnclty of 110 cars dully. And wo Mart with a reoard of niuaz IniC aticcaas such as none oer ap proach oil In this IndiiBtry. COST HMIl'CKI K I'KIt CICXT We will contluue to manufacture a Hue of five models, the saino as produced In 1910; hut. ns the result of mi Investment of f3.Q00.000 in new oiiuipmont, these five models as well as all new modoli, have been re duced In cost to the consumer an average ofS per cent making 2S per cent In two yours. Wo have made this reduction in pile of the advance In price of mat erial, the great jump In rubber, tho lncrA In wan. We have done It whllo othar makers of low-proflt cars hava-btjKforjd to advaiieod, in one way or another. Now the Overland gives the most for the woaey by a margin much graatar Uian ew. Ktutii noous ixci.pdhp. "" Ta nw Overloads are marie with fore doors and without -your choke at one, price The fore door models, for which moht makers charge an oxtra price, sell the same as the open front. We do this because fore doors will bo the coming vogue. In Europe, whero motor styles are set, 97 ior cunt of this year's models are shown with fore doors. Soon or late, every motor car mak er must Include fore doors at his standard price. So the Overland, In maintaining Its lead, Is doing Just that this year. 112 ATTHArriVK DKSIfiXS The lmproements of this 'year are mainly In refinements of designs. Overland mechanism can hardly be further perfected. It brought this car in two short years to the domi nant place lu this line. , Our master designers have this year created 22 attractive models, largely based on foreign trend. The best of thorn will take their place among the most attractive cars in the world. No ears are made at any price with better styles, or Hues, or flu Jeli,. , , 1'Icichs 1'oit mi r The Overland prices for 1911 bogln at SST6 for 20 horst.powor cylin der and $9p0 for a Torpedo Itoad Kter with -I cylinder. The Sfc-hgrsupower Ovarlaudfl Mil at $1200. The 30-hor8epwor:0or-lands soil at $1100. So does n la side coupe. Tho prices run y $1S86 for the flu-, ext cars possible In -I0-horw$awor with US-inch wheel bases. Hrury price Including a magneto ami full lump equipment. ! Xo other matte gives io much for the money. Xo othr ma ho glrss litt ler than our best. ' t OTIC DM! HOOK KIlKlij Send us this coupon for ottn ItiteSl book showing all the now models with complete specifications. .It will enable you to make your comparisons. Xo catalogue published shows so many stylos as this. Send for jit now before you forget It. Tho cars are on ' show by more than SOU dealers. H- 4;t 4 -t- -t- J. W. IiKAVITT iV. CO. 6211 Washington Stroat - Portland, Ore. t- Send li Name the Mill 'lUmt 1 -AGENTS-Remember that our ag ents can get deliveries when they need the cars.' We have contracted for 20,000 Overlands for 1911 Address ' f f-fV-f-f f Ht s -- -H--H". 22 4-cylindor models; J from 20 to 40-horso pow- Z or, from $875 to $1825. $ "--m- y OVERLAND MODEL 51 :$ All Prices 'Za X Include 1 Gas Lamps and Magneto A esv -o z v i iTTlfilali aaaaaaaaaTTaaaaf , AWmm&r p- -arTBBWavaVBVawv , raaawr -m tf- SV?X OVERLAND MODEL 52 J All prices include mag- neto and full lamp equip mont 'f. o. b. Portland. Model 51. 30 h.p. 11C inch wheel base, $1400. 5-pns- . wngor car with fore doors or open front. Eelective type trnnamisgiou. Model 52. 40 h.p 118 inch wheel base. A powerful 5-possenger car; selective type transmission, Bosch magneto, fore doors or open front, $1750. OVERLAND MODEL y f 1- !8aPrBB BBH1 JaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaJ3tat "" Model 4G. 20 h.p.- 9G inch wheel base. An attractive Torpodo RoadsUr. Its racy and graceful appearance will appeal to the tastes of dignity and refinement. Price $950 OVERLAND MODEL 52 WITH FORE DOORS Model 52. 40-h.p. A powerful, classy Torpedo Roadster; Bosch magneto, 8 spark plugs. Price $1750. -$- ESTABLISHED 189-1. J W. LEAVITT & CO. ESTABLISHED 1894 "5-!' 529-531 WASHINGTON St. PORTLAND, OREGON !!w