SECTION THREE Place Orders Now for Space in. and Copies of, the New Year's Edition Medford Mail Tribune Circulation MAIL TRIBUNE'S CIRCULA TION YESTERDAY WAS 2975 FIFTH YEAft. MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1910. No. 218. IMEDFORD'S SOCIAL REALM jzT The past week lias been unusually tiiiet, socially, and the disngreoable weather we have had lias been ac countable, to a ureal degree, for the few social functions given. Preparations lor Uirtslmns nro now occupying most of the time, which the ladies usually give to so ciety. Christmas is essentially for chil dren, and each year peoplo are real izing this more and more and dolus: away with the giving of "duty"' gills (which have largely made up the hard work connected with the coming of Christmas), and only re membering those whom they really fare for. The Christmas season had come to be dreaded, for custom de manded so many gifts be sent, which were only given from a sense, of duly, a paying up of debts, and when a gift is sent in (his spirit it is no cift at all. For the thought that prompts the giving is more than the gift. A card from one we care for. n book or, best of all, n letter which is sent because the sender really wishes to send it, menus, more than all the expensive articles which money can buy, for then it is that the real Christinas spirit is found. This is n time when love, friend ship and good-will should be pre dominant in each heart, and every gift should bo given with the true spirit of Christmas, or it is no gift at all. When wc come to realize that Christmas is the tim'e for doing for others .giving, not receiving, nnd of forgetting one's self, the season for bringing joy into the lives of those who live colorless, hard lives then truly will we have found the Chris tian spirit, .nnd that same spirit might be carried through tlio yenr with profit to all, instead of being put awav at tlio end of tho year, to rest undisturbed until tlio coming of another Christmas. A very pretty wedding was sol emnized, at tho home of M and Mr?. Kimo Wodneid.iv oening oh Oriffii) creek, when Miss Glndys Kime was united in marriage to Mr. Harry W. Unrneburg. The bride was most attractive in a handsome gown of crepe de chine made over white silk and carried a bouquet of white carnntioiis. The house was prettily decorated in pink and white, com bined with ivv. The young couple .vill be nt home later at (heir new home on North C street, which was a gift of the bride's parents. Mr. Hariieburg js well known in Medford, having lived here all bis life, and is an employe at the Hex market. Tho weddine- guests were: Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Unrneburg, Mr. nnd Mrs. N. Kimo, Mr. and Jli F. !'. Harneburg.'Mr. nnd Mrs. John C. Honey, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Ilcimroth Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Keen'e, .Mr. and .Mrs W. II. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. I). II. Kurnebuig, Mr. and Mrs. Poll: Hull, Mrs. Maggie Townsend, Miss Mnree Towns.-nd. Wilbur Kimo, Ilar ev Kimo, Ira Kimo and Charles Stephens. Sen ices will bo held Sunday after noon by the Medford lodge, No. 11(18, of tho H. P. 0. K. This is the lodge of fcorrow, which is held an nually for tlio members who have passed away during tho year, and the services are inost impressive. The Medford lodge is fortunate, iu not losing any members this year, but the services will be held for the absent members, of other lodges. The program is a very good one and is as follows: Double quartet by Messrs. Hen net t, Laurence, Hurgess, Johnsoil, Whetsel, O'Brien, Hurgess and Col vig; tenor solo, Mr. Whetsel; solo. Mrs. Ilazelrigg: reading of "Thnnn topsis," Mr. Ed Andrews; address by Mr. C. L. Kennies and selections by HazelriggVi orchestra. The public is cordially invited to attend. A very pretty dance wns given iu Portland last week at the Norlonin hotel by Mrs. Hutchinson of .Med ford. The honor guest wns Mr. Hlil- bert Hovel and most of tho guests were students from St.. Helen'. hull and the University of Oregon. The decorations were yellow and green, the university colors, masses of yel low chrysanthemums and butterflies being used most effectively. Miss Fern Hutchinson, daughter of the hostess, is one of the most popular young ladies of Medford's younger set, and is a very handsome and at tractive brunette. Among other guest-, who are well known hero were Mjiss lAlice Waring, who was the 2'iest of Miss Hutchinson Inst summer. House of Lords Is Tottering, and All England Awaits the Crash. In honor of flovcrnor-elcct Oswald West and Mr. Clyde Ailchison, mem bers of the state railroad commis sion. Mr. Fdgar Ilafer entertained with a dinner Tuesday. California unlets wore used for decorations. a huge basket of violets forming tho centerpiece. Dainty place cards wore used and each guest found n boutnniero of violets at his place. The Hafers are pasl-maslors at cu- loriainiiig and this occasion fullv proved it. for a most delicious din ner was served. Covers were laid for nine. The invited guests wore: Clove,or-eloe Oswald West, Clyde Aitohison, Mayor Canon, W. I. Vaw ter. Kvan Kennies, Clarence Keuiuo.-, Dr. J. F. Keddy nnd Geo. Putnnin. The Five Hundred club met nt the homo of Airs. Hoyden Friday night, when the husbands of the members were delightfully entertained. The attractive homo of Mrs. Hoyden wns boui Vull y decorated iu white roses. Five hundred was played and delic ious refreshments wero served. Thoso carrying off tho prizes were: .Judge Purdin, who won first prize, a handsome book, and Mr. Klwood. who, with next highest score, won a deck pf cards. The ladies enter taining wore: Mesdaines Hoyden. Purdin. Klwood, Goble, Suinmorville, Shearer, Kutler and Orr. firm La 1 nfHHatJRHBH H TnP.Baw Ml HOOSB Of ftffl!& &'"' HERBERT HKr M PARLIAMENT UJSmdM , UsQUTH WILlW djmmm Tuo turning point of the house of lords Is at unuU. The older Conservatives view tuc Inarch of events with mix Ions eoucorn and are loudly lamenting the disappearance of the hereditary principle as the ImhIx of tho upper cham ber; but, wliMteer may result, a second appeal to the nation arising from the struggle between the two bonnes Hccinx certain and that lieucefortli elective and selective lia.u's will enter Into the constitution of tho house of lords. Intel est Iu the situation has now been trausfened to the constituencies. The. belief Is that tho house of lords will tint attempt to puss the second reading of the veto bill on the conditions Imposed by Premier Asqulth.' Tho Christmas sale which was held Saturday by the young people of the Presbyterian church was a gicnt success-. Under the direction of Mrs. aiueiim una iurs. Elinor, tlio young people have been hard at work for some time, and many dainty articles wor.e furnished by them. There were ninny fancy nprons und some of the more practical ones. There wns an unusually good display df rag rugs, which were very attractive and sold like "hot en kes." ft. very creditable showing was made and undoubtedly ii considerable sum will be made. A splendid chicken dinner was served by the 0. K. society, under the su pervision of Miss Elder, and it was vory well patronized. On account of the inclement weather tjie Monday Kiidgo club did not meet with Mrs. Couro Fioro last week. Mrs. Tomlin will cnlorlnin the club this week. Mrs. Stoddard I mm n in l returned oriinuii. TucsdiM The Ladies' Aid of tho Presbyter inn church wus delightfully enter tained at tho homo of Mis. Lunisden Tuesday afternoon. As tho ladies did not hold their usual Christmas bazaar this year, ibis reception wu held iiisteud, and each mciuht-i brought in . her contribution. The amount received wns over if 100. An enjoyable program was ren dered diirjng tho afternoon, alter which delicious refreshments woto served iu the dining room, which was beautifully dccorulcd wit It carna tions. The Juvo.iilo Dunning ' club held llioir rogulur dunce at (he Nnlaloi iu iiilusl Monday. Instead of hav ing u banquet thin mouth, it wait de cided lo serve u box luiiuhuon, und, iu iisiinl, nil had u very enjoyable lime. o Mrs, Gnle had as her giuM Isst week Mis. M. M. Taylor of .toeknoii ville. Mrs. Tavlor i coiivaloscinit from a screw Mucus, Miss Phoebe Ilnnco and Miss Joauetto Osgood entertained with a "lea" Saturday nftornooii at the homo of Miss Ilnnco on North 0r nuge streel, in honor of Miss I.uu relle Kelly, who is tho guost of Miss Helen Watt. The looms wore pret tily decorated with oaruutions und dainty rofroMuiienls wero served. Thoso enjoying Ihe hospitality of the young Indies wore: Misses Knglisti, Triechlor. Konluer, Davis, Watt, Luke, K'iddoll, Duller, Kay, Deuel, Marshall. Ware, Giiiy, Worrell llur uioii und Mrsi. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Kotieubuuin returned Monday from n trip to Poitlnnd. Mr. KoMonhnmu uiilo uwuy was Ihe sfiiom of tho Kutithorii Paolflo offi cials on a tour of iiinpudtloii of Hie roadu, .Mi. Koauiibaum loiiiiiiniiig iu l'orllfind. The Eastern .Slurs will hold llioir next meeting Dec jnlier II, when there will bo an elcclinu of officer,. A full iittciidance is desired, The Guild of St. Mark's church will hold a social Wednesday uvo uing in tho Guild hall, and all mem bers of tho church and those inter ested in the church nro most cordi ally invited to attend. A very good program will bo given, refreshments will bo served and u most social evening is promised. No admission will be charged. The committee in charge of the entertainment: Mes daines Piatt, Creswcll, William Hates, Gray, W, 11, Brown und Kentnor. The Graduate- Nurses held their monthly meeting nt tho homo of Mrs. Osborne last week. Drs. Piokel and (V-'y each delivered n short lec ture, lor "which the nurses wish to thank viom- It was decided to es tablish a directory for nurses, whore the names of all tho nurses will be kept, and they will report when thoy are ready for duty. By this method it is jncli easier to secure u nurse when one is wanted, Tho next meet- in of nurses will bo held next month. Governor-elect Oswald West at tended tho hearing of tho railroad commission which wns huld in Mod- ford last week. This is tho last case Mr. West will bear, as ho re signed from tho commission Decem ber 1. lie leavos this week for Cal ifornia, where he will havo a much needed vncnlimi, befiiro his inaiigu ration. While iu town ho was tho guest nt tho homo of Mrs. Putnam. A club has been formed by the young men in town, whiidi will bo known as tliu "Chanticleer club," und their first dance was given nt tho Natntoriuiu Thursday 4 night. Aliyul twenty-five couples wore preseijt nnd all had n "jolly good lime." This club will entertain with dunces every month, tho nuxt being .laniiary '2, for which .elaborate prop urntioiis nro being mudo, The Greater Medford club held thejr regular monthly meeting on Monday of last week. Thero will bo no meeting in December, tho next meeting being on the Inst Monday iu .laniiary, Another informal re ception is being planned for some lime iu January. Thero will bo no mooting of llio Lakes' Aid of the Presbyterian church this week. The missioiinry society will meet wilh Mrs, Linns den, Sixth nnd Hurtled st reels, on Tiirsday afternoon. An interesting program will be given and all mem bers nro requested to bo present. Mrs. L. Mullor guvo a luncheon Wednesday iu compliment to her daughter, Mrs. Joseph L. Murphy, who has recently returned from Cal ifornia. Mr. and Mi. Murphy ex pect to locale iu Central Point. Mr. George L. Davis relumed from u business trip to Seattle Tuesday. Tho Ladies' Aid of tho First Meth odist church will meet in tho church parlors Wednesday afternoon. Prep arations for tho Christmas sale to bo .ield December 14 nro nouring com pletion and all members are asked to attend. Services will bo bold ill St. Mnrk'.i hall both morning and evening Sun day. There have been no evening services for somo time, nnd this will bo the first evening senico held iu tho hall. v The friends of Mrs. A. IT. Miller will ho glad to learn that sho is im proving rapidly and expects to leave tho hospital iu u few days. Sho will bd at the lioniu of her sister, Mrs, John Orth, for somo time. Mr. and Mrs, J. 1). Olwell enter tained a few friends nt dinnor Mon day, Thoso present woro: Mr. and Mrs. Co nro Fioro and Mr. Jack Ast- hnry. Mrs. Sceloy will onlorlnin tho 0. W. B. M. nt her homo Wednesday afternoon. All mciubors are urged to bo uresent. Mr. nnd Mrs. John D. Olwejl wore tho guests of Mrs. OIwoll's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Kay, nt li fnmily dinnor Saturday night. Tho Ladies' Aid of tlio Christian church will 'meet at the church Tues day aflornoon, instead of Wednes day, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie, ontertninod informally nt dinner Wednesday. Iheir gnosis woro Mr, and Mrs. J, I). Olwell. Mr. II. 1). Foster, assistant for ester, nnd Mr. Clarence Underwood left last week on a two weeks' oruiso, Mr, and Mrs'i Ran . entertained n thoir cuest Inst week Mr. Deckel - bock of tho Snluiii Browing company. Miss Hilda Palmer cntorlaincd Misu Sanlel and Miss Means nt hor home Friday night. Mr. udn ' Mrs. J. 1). O'lwoll re turned last week front a mouth's trip to Seattle. Mrs. Kay and Miss Mabel Kay re lumed last week from u trip to San Francisco. Mrs. I'd Ilanloy nnd children ro turned lust week from it vinit in Sc uttle. Porlor Caio of Los Augelos is in Medford, a guuet of Miss Hilda Pal mer. Mrs, Miiudy returned Inst week from u visit with friends iu Seattle. .Mrs, J. D. Heard s still confined to tho house by illnoss. The Past. Season in the Crater Lake National Park uzr jzr Being the Report of W.F. Arant, Supb. Crater Lake National Pnrk, offico of Superintendent, Crater, Lake, Or., Oct. 1."), 11U0. Sir: I have the honor to submit the annual teport on tho conditions existing in Ihe Crater Lake National park from July 1. 11)0!). to October 1.'), 11)10: Itepalrs anil Improvements. On July 1, UIO'J, the date of tho opening of tho tourist nnd working season, it was tound that all tho government buildings iu the pnrk had lHen seriously damaged by the great weight of tho snow of the preceding winter. Since July J, PJOO, tho con dition and the work of the protection and improvement of the paik hae been as follows; Immediately nftor July 1 I pro ceeded to put nil roads, (mils and bridges in the reserve iu the beet poboihlo condition. Lumber and oilier building materials were pur cbtwod mid workmen employed, and the nuceasiiry repairs nnd improve went uHn the buildings und fence luive Iidoh continuously und vigor AUfelv prosecuted to the prosout time. It' is buliovod tltut hereafter the bliildiugti will be uninjured by the severe winter wonthor, as huavior and bettor timbers havo Leon used, the tools have been mado steeper mid the wotkmnnsliin Iims been first clnss in tfvvr.v resoet. The fost of Ihe season's work lo October 1 hns been practically $1100, divided nppmxiniRloly ns fol lows: Kepnirs ud imprnvemom UM' building-, including material., $7011; repair- uin mads, ir.ul-, bridges and feint-, film, punba of necessary tools and implements, .HOI). On October 1, 1000, travel in the pnrk was practically ended for the season. During October there were heavy rains and allow and for a considerable portion of the time the ground was covered with from six inches to a foot of snow. , The preparations for winter wore carried on to the best possible ad vantage, and on November 8 the work of closing was completed and the superintendent left the park for bis winter (iiiartein at Klamath Falls. At that time Ihe snow was two and one-half feet deep at Ihe hcadiitinrlers in tho park and was falling at (he rate of two inches an hour. Tint entire park was dosed lo travel until April, 1010, whou some of the lower lands were accessible, but it was still imsssible to resell the headquarters in the park, as the snow wns still very deep nnd soft. During Mny I succeeded iu ronch iug the huadipiurters und lomaiued t part of the mouth jii the park. On June '2 a work camp was established in the reserve, and during the mouth the roads and trails wore cliwird of the fallen trees sad In that hud Heouiuulnted during the winter. Tb flooriug of all tho hrnlitog whs re placed mid the rwul nnd I mils were otherwise, repaired him! Improved and IMil in fairly good condition for travel. Forest Fires. Forc-i fin-- !wne been mure im Huron, and il.unugiog in the forest reserve and the sunounding forosls than has ever before boon known, although the forest fires' in tho park Ibis seasoji have done no n mount of damage. (Jiini ding the Tail;. The inanv duties und contingen cies coiistiiiitly arising along the lino of the work of pink ranger made il impossible to maintain a sufficient guard over the pnrk with the vory innduqtintu force of one mugo. I hero should be nt least one peruin- nont park ranger und two tompomrv rangers lo remain on ifuty from Jnlv I to September III) of each yenr; and, iu addition. I recommend Hint nt least one compnnv of soldiniv In detailed lo duty in this pnrk, to tho uud that outposts may be established along the lines of the reserve iu (he more remote section, Ihe ineu to sol as scouts, game ardens nud fire xunrdb and to do genorsl ranuer duly. OliM-ivantc of Itules and Ions. Thoro have been no nrrosts or trials of offenders during the liut season, and so far ms known there have been w violations of I ho rules. Tho rogiilniions nro seldom inten tionally violated, but it Is difficiill tweon the settlements lying on oue side of the pnrk and (llo huntiiM grounds of the Cuscad mountain- on the other. Daring Ihe lust sensoti nil guns were taken at the auperinlwideitl's offico, checked uud iuturned iis;i inosculation of the coupon when the visitor was ready to dopurt from the psik. At oue lima fhore ware more (linn -10 guns In the office. Some good gun seals could be used to ndvuuliiKe in handling Ibis per- plo.xing question. Telephone Sei-vlcit, Theie is a telephone line umiulaiu ed by ilu- Klum.uh Telegraph & Tel ephone couipsny troiu Fort Klauuitli to Ihe siiiMriiiteiidenl's headquarter in the and Ibis U connected with a private 9ie oonstructed by the Crater liikf coiutian.v, which ex tend to the cmnp at the rim of tin crater, thus roniicclinjj Ihe snprrin lendsnt's headi i nutlet's and sll lb iHiiqw wilh 'Fort Klnffjilh, Klamalli Full and Ihe outside world. CoiU'esiIoiis. There mere n In two i-iiiici..-iiin- iu (ho reserve duni" the season. Hotels, There nro two camp liolals iu the park, one a( Camp Aranl, uor the superintendent's heudqiiHi'ture, und one at Camp ('rut or, five mllos dis tuiit, at the lint of the ofrtlar. The camp nt Camp C'nitor was first op ened on July 20, 1UUD. During the souHon of 1U00 there worn '111) per son accommodnleil nt Canip Aniul uud I-"' person nt Camp ('rater. During the season now ending 71(1 guests wore afoommoduiod at these cauiM up to October 1, JO 10. Visitors. During Ihe ssuson of 1000 the number of tourists in the park, us aliowji by the goxerumutit legist or, was as foil as: 4Juiiu, IU.1; Julv, 77 I; Anitust, 2.'Lj0 Sepleiubor, U8li total, II 71. If a reasonably allow line is made for isiisons not regis tered, it is nfe to sa. that during the ensou Iheru were at tho Iwul "iOOO person in (he resenu. Coni purultveb 1cm pei-Mins oaiuped iu the puik fur tlirce days ur more J u li en I iiuiiiv came in ami WOltt out I lie saliie ila, and ei fyvf OtllllpOll held in lh- i.i rk daring Ihe pa ,t reason, Isnh Ik-ius huld hi Hie .-, ui the re-cnu iuor than one night; er Ijikc conqtaii.v. one for maintain- v Ocltsier 1, 1001), the travel in the to pre von I the cutting of the bushes mg is-ruwiiicni chimp- (hotels) in th.viwrk is pmctically ended for the and houghs for beds aHuiit the ennui-'park and i)i- m' i.itmn f reason. iav places, and to keen tsTsnii. froin I.hiix-Iic .mil roulmal- nn Cr.itcr Doiintr the -eason of lino id,. ... . ... PRiMucig, ramng mid uritmg names lake t..i Hi,- ,n -. .t nrnl.i i ! i ) u and other thine' hmii j,ik-. liee- 1 1 - m ih- af, tin- o'liei , - banisters or boats or oilier objects Mr iransportuiK iwsserigers in au.l The proper recwlnlion (,f the earn'-'through the purL in aalniiioliile. 'A our of lire. inn- llir..ii!.-li the park I In-en-t- l-.- nf 1lJ .idi li.i- c. t b-cuiiiiiig .i rrulilctn, a die !'."-'' up m ih ilu i it. .m. .I(,. ihr'ui;li ilu p.irk i i!n "i.lj be " -'I ' ' ''"' i"-1' in n To about August :M the number truxeliiig iu the park was fully eqii.ii lo Unit of any piownu season, but at this limy tho forest I ires situa tion la-came so alarming und danger ous iu (ho mountains ndjuouiit to (he park that for a period of two wouks or inoro Ihoio wus scarcely any travel iu the loeervo. Another reason (hut His legist ra tion does not run us high ns it should is the very limited rnugor force, mid liuviog the forest fires lo conl and with iu addition to nian other duties many in llio park wete not called upon In register. If due allowance is mudo for nil person who from one eauso or an other were not registered, it would be it conserve the estimate lo nlnce (ha number iu the teserve duriii" the season of 1010 at ."iOOO nei-Mias. Driving Uwstock 'llirougli tlio Park. Tlieis has been one herd of cuttle driven llirougli the park by proper authority from western Oregon lo ihe summer range enst of the Cas cade mountains. They worn driven over Ihe Koguo river mid Fort Khun- alb wagon road and the owuuru. and drovers havo complied with the lorni of their permit und the rttloa nnd refrulutinne or thy park. ItoaiN, Trail anil lliblgcs. 'lliare ure tlirea wagon roails iu mult m iii Mik i, ar- in li. lb,, park -one runuiiiK from tlu is. in ilu .inn a- the ca-.o,, -,,iti, u. r,f ()B park, a distance nt -t IMiii). a It hough the Koyernmsiit leiahl milos, to the siitierinteudent's egis,..r due. n.-t show ,t th.-.s ll.eud.pu.r.eis; ,,c fro.., the super.,- ,llltA rn, from ,,, HUerinlomlenfs ";'". '" T ' ' """"" r'""1"1 ''",,',"l-',l',''ri..islJ. ,Iisi.h,,.i...i headquarters th Hybeo creek nml ;' "". ",i,",,"' ""'" "" " " ' ' i- "' n... ... .be Hvbee prnirio. m tho northwest por- l" ( t ,i. , ule. .,..d ..... lrum lio (Coulluuea on Puna 8.) headquarters in the park lo the west lino of the park iu the direction of Medford, Or., u distance of about seven milos. During tho past season all of Ihese toads havo hemi kept iu as good (loudit'iion for travel us was possible with tho vory small working force available. Tho roads should bo widened uud straightened. The soil, which forma tho surface of these roads, is of linn or voloanut foi inution, and vuhieli passing soon cut the surface and convert it into a very line ami ileop iiust. inning tho past season the vory dusty con dition of (ho roiule was the most distigruenlilu (eature of traveling in tho park. Thoro being an abundance of water nt convenient places, I rec ommend that three good road sprink lers be purchused und that these mad be thoroughly sprinklod dur ing tho sonson of 1011. Tho cost of such Improvement would bo nominal iu comparison to tho benefit receiv ed by tho traveling public. Thoro avo four trails in tho ro sorvo. Qno runs from tho wngoit road throe miles south of the lake to flnrfiohl peak, Applcgnto ponk, Sun crook. Snnd oreok, Tho Pin uncles and Mount Scott, in tho east era portion of tho park, n distance of leu miles. One runs from the su poriiilonduut's hcmlquurtors to Union mink in tho western portion of the park, n distance f flvo milos. A