t fTcnrari) pT-T W" WPWfff7 G n -wwf -f lyrrv MlgDFOKD MAIL TftlBryfl, MEDFOftD, 0T?E00N, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1910 I 3 f i .1 m ROGUE RIVER BILUM15 Official Count- Shows Popularity of Measure Makinp. Stream Finest for Annllng In America Only Coast Counties Opposed. TIio official count 1.v the ocre tnrv ol ttite show (lint llio l)ill oiiwinj,' tin IIokiii' river lo nulling except willi liouk niul line, currieil by imijority of 1 0,: 1 .". Mtiltno mnli nvu innJoHly of 8708, mid llic linliiuim of lli ulitle 7(107. Ten counties in the .stale Clul w.p, Coliiiiihiu, Coo, Curry, Hout' Iiih, Josephine. Lincoln, Morrow, Til lninooL mid VIooln rtt unioil inn- Coimlv -Bilker . ltojitou . . riai'kiuiKiH Clnleop . . , Collnuhin . foos Crook Curry pOllulllH . . (lillinin . . . Oruui HiiriMiv ... Hood lUver .Jnokajm . . , Josephine . Klimmlh . . I -ii kit l.niit; Lincoln . . . Llnu Mulhttiir . . Morion . . . . Morrow . . , Mulluoiiiiili Polk Sheriiutu . . Tilliunook . Vinnlilhi .. Union ..... Wulhnvn .. Wasco , v . Wtihliinpton Wheeler . . . Yninliill Tolnln Yes. , lfi'te 1)03 2.2.TJ on& lilll 7f! OKI inn Hill) 4)11 in:. (101 :i.iai 70(1 7f! IIP." 2f4!? MO a.0571 fill!) 2,02.1 1105 ir.i i 1,U!$ sua ana 1,877 3,201) (122 8!K! 1,101 110 1,281 jurilics njjiiiiist tlio liioitMirc, -mull in ciiry eliwc except Unit ot Coo-. .Most of tliesu imijoriiioti wore in const cotinlien, where n coiifliilcrrthle number of coiiiiuurcinl fishermen practice. The three Hnguw Kicr viillc.v counties, llic only one iiffcctcil bv (lie mcnsiuc. roliirucd combined majority of 21S0-for llic bill. TIk-o eoinilicn figure Hint the. Kojeue i a Kicnlcr iihuI iik mi iitiirliiifi Ktit'iini llinu iih n fi m 1 1 i 1 1 tr nt tenia. Miilliuiiuiib nnc (he Ini-uusl uiu- jiiril.v, oor ii tuo-to-oiiu o(o; Juek Min wit Hocond, with u ix-lonnc vole: I umtilln Ihird, with .; .Min ion foiutli. willi' 0."i7; linker firii. with it luo mid n liull-lo-oiie Mile; Union,, Crook. Ilooil Hiver, Klninntli. I.nke and llnmev till voted two 10 oiio for llio uienHiiro. Itanium Ore tron linud up Milidlv for tint bill, n OKI u itiujorny 01 w.e L' valley ciiuntioF. The following is the vote by counties: Muiorily Fur. (I Id :i(i(i ;ii)si STATION ROBBED AGENT IS KILLED Bandits Operate in Utah Agent Had Been Shot Through Head Later Safo Was Dynamited Sheriff's Posse Is Pursuing. No. 081) 002 1,810 880 081 1,721 1110 ttll. I.u77 220 ill 12811 2-1!) firii !lf52 5188 187 2.050 121 U822 dill 2.2(17 1110 7.21M 027 21)1) 110 1.1 M 0!I5 1711 72(1 1.JUI) 18!) 1.02.. :iru7 Mujority AKiiiiiMt. SALT LAKH CITY, Utnli, Dec. a L'tnidits held up the railroad ntn lion at Devil' Slide, Utnli, imirdered llio nsioiit, robbed Ibe sale and es caped, nccoitliu;; to a report reced ed beie today. A Inter momnikc Ktated that the lobliei'v was dineovuied when the ilead body of C. K. Turner, njjeiit for the Union I'neific railroad at Devil's Klitlu, was found this niorn inj,'. Tuinur had been shot in the head and the wife in llle station looted. The body ua found by Mr- I timer. Nuiiiliy lay bii ieolcr Sale of Rockers Begins Monday and Closes on December 24 Seldom will you find a homo that cannot uso an extra rocker. AW have them in every size from t,hu .small baby size up to the big Turkish rockers, upholstered in leather. Aimosr eci m"u wood is used and the most desirable finishes that are known to the furniture manulacturers art. Arou will find that we mean a REAL, BONA FIDE ROCKER SALE. dSii 80 Tit) ir2 !o2 2.(ior . .... Vl MO 2;i 11(12 131 2A dltS i:ir 108 8,708 210 7 7011 old Mi) 170 12 2.'0 I8,:i-M 210 1(13 with empty shells in (be cylindei The wife had been dynamited. Devils Mule is .'1(1 milos east of Ojjdcn. Three men suspected of Ibe murder und robbery left on u freight (rain in (he direction id Salt Lake. ShciiflVs officers are purMiinjr. WILL RECOMMEND USE OF k 78 i!) 2.0lhi THE MAIL TRIBUNE IS THE ONLY PAPER PUBLISHED IN A CITY THE SIZE OF MED FORD HAVING ITS OWN LEASED WIRE. WASHINGTON. I). C, Dec. :i. The use of aeroplanes bv the war de partment is recommended by the hoard of ordnance mid fortifications in its iiuiuial report to the scc.retarv of war, which has just been submit ted. An nero corps nml llio lntrch- iibc ot a number of ueroplani' i e. peeled to follow the adoption of (he report. The board has been conduclintr .1 series of experiments with aero planes. .Spuakinir of (his kind ol wnr device, (ho board reported: "It is (he opinion of (he board ihat the art of aviation U now developed sufficiently to vwirrnnt the purchase by the war department of a number of aeroplanes of o.is(inr typos mid lor the trniuiui: of certain selected officer-, in (ho art of flvint:." So much of life revohes around the "cost of IhitiKs" thnt the sto.e .ids have nn iiiereasiiiK interest. Rockers in Oak Maple Reed and Others Rockers in Almost Every Finish including the waxed, funjed, golden and mission oak, Cir- cassion walnuts, birdseye maple, reed and many others Don't Miss This Chance to Save on a Rocker Meclford's Only Complete House Furnishers Medford Furniture Co. k SATURDAY QUIET DAY AT THE COUNTY SEAT Tliiuus at Jacksonville were e. cticdinglv quiet Saturdav, while noi in a business way 11 was iiiuct at the county courthouse. The county cleik J censes to a Imlf-dozen Jackson was the busiest mini in the entire Os- county youiiy: folk. Judge Neil may tablishment, 11 ml about the onlv!lmV(' hom 1'iny was not in his of- strenuous work in his office was the'"'?'1 I,he t,,,ully -lriiitcileht ot ,T. , , , 'schools was not nt home; the treas- lilmir of a tew cause, tor action ... , lircr's fti,-c was locked and there civil suits and issuing marriage li-!was nothing doinir in the assessor's room. The sheriff reported all things to lie (iiiet along Jackson cieek. with but 'little prospect of any sensational developments, and tin 11 it rained, and with a loud toot of its inland foghorn the Jacksonville lini lled p'llled out for the metropolis. -- ----- mmmmimmmmmmKmmmmmmmKmmmmmmmsmmmmmmmmm.KinmmmmmmmimammmaammmmKmBmmtammammaaa ------. --- ------ WEST WALNUT PARK -'- - Medford's Most Beautiful Residence Addition stta This picturcsquo roaitlence section lies at tho end of AVest Main street on the South Side. It is high, commanding a fine view of the city and valley. ,A home built in this addition will steadilv increase in value, besides affording a pleasant outlook at all times. - J-.V Y-MESG 40 Lots to Be Sold at Once Every lot in Walnut Park (the first addition laid out by h. M. Warner) is sold, and but -h? lots in Wwt Walnut Park remains unsold. These lots are to be disposed of quickly and in order to close them on the double quirk the priv is named very low. Wide Streets and Alleys Lots 60x125 feel only $350.00 Nowhere in Medford can vou huv lots as good as these for anything like the price asked. These lots will go quick ly at rhe above mentioned price. If vou want a lot for a home, now is the time, for such lots will never sell as cheap again. Easy Terms $25.00 Down and $10.00 per Month I Ins is to be a home addition, and evcrv purchaser is buying with that end in view. The terms' are $25 down and 10 per month, with (5 ner cenf int..nt .ii- i payments. This places them within the reach of anvone Put your nu.ne where it can grow. On this tract soho 7 or 8 homes are under construction and will be pushed to completion. LUMBER is now on tho ground to build a $3000 house and same is to be mint f once. SEVENTEEN lots havo been sold in tho last three clays. They are bound to sell, and when you see them you will realize that they are certainly exceptionally nUnri ments. this addition is just as high as thj iuim.h;sT iakt ur thu w a sniw ittuin sunuuij -BUiUJjjNij. Twenty per cent will be given to anyone w ho will build a $2000 house at once. optionally good invest. . fcrftfesorj For Further Particulars See E. F. A. Bittner, agent or call on L. B. WARNER Sr. OWNER At Warner, Wortman & Gore's Store, ' East Main Street, Medford, Oregon In order to close these lots in the next 10 days a 10 pr. ct. discount will be given for cash - --.. . . . Cf - 1 . 4 - tmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaiMmi hot on Naing.ui tu t, ."iills tnt, b.ilt bloik nojtb of ilat-ksnii street, or bouli.ird, a new Mdrw.dk has lust been built and m wer and water ai' baiuh. Iliglj, li v . east front lot a SNAP AT $G00-Tr:i.lS. SEE L. B. WARNER, OAVNER. I. t high, r ilunth,. W , Lh,'S(' luLs !U,o 10 or s.U U.,1, i7.,. f(.;t s .Ik " K ',U lot. Will TJPP mtrTTiTs ,,K'-,'deasy ten,. SEE T. P wad NER, OAVNER. SEE L. B. AVAR- w