Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 04, 1910, SECTION ONE, Image 1

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Only 21 Days Until Xmas-and in These Pages are Countless Suggestions
Medford Mail Tribune
No. 218.
Jackson Stands Fifth in Counties
of State, Increasing 88 Per Cent
Durinn the Past Ten Years Ore
gon's Population Has Increased 62
Per Cent One New Congressman.
flio population of the state of Or
egon is" (572,705, according to the
-etisus liureau tony, nn inoreuso of
0'2 pur cent over 1000. In lOtlO it
was 41:1,530; ;n 1800, 313,707; in
1880. 174,708; in 1870, 00.023; in
18(50," 52,405; in 1850, 13,204.
The population of Jackson county
is 25,750, an increase of 88 per
cent over 1000, when it was 13,008.
In 1800 the population of the county
was 11,455. ,
. Oregon's iuorenso is 250,220, or
02.7 per cent. Under the prcsent'np
portiouuienl the state is entitled to
one' new congressman.
Jackson county now stands fifth
in the counties of Oregon in point nl
population. The census, figures by
counties aro as follows:
Multnn.niuh 220,201
Marion . .'.wr. . . . 30,780
Litiio 33,78.1
Clackamas ...-. 20.1U1
Jackson 25,750
Linn ; 22,002
Washington ' 21.52'j
Umatilla 20.300
Douglas ...'..' 10,074
Yamhill ...i.i'. 18.285
linker ., 18,070
Coos 17)50
Wasco 10,330
Union 10,101
Clatsop ', 10,100
Polk 13.401'
Denton .' 10.003
Columbia 10.580
Tosephinu 0,507
Crook 0.310
Malheur 8.001
Klamath 8,551
Wallowa 8,304
Hood Ittvcr .! 8,010
Tillamook ...... 0.200
Oinnt 5.007
Lincoln . 5,587
Lake 4,0. in
Morrow .'. 4,357
Sherman 4.242
I Iarney 4,050
(lilliam 3,701
Wheeler 3.484
Calkins Issues Orders Giving Neces
sary Authority Means That Irri
gation Matters at Grants Pass
Will Be Cleared Up Much Mate
rial to Be Put In New Structure.
Judge F. M. Calkins has issued an
order in t lie circuit court of Joseph
ine county authorizing the receiver of
the Golden Drift Mining company
issue receiver's certificates in an
amount not to exceed $40,000 for
the repair of the Anient dam and
power plant and preservation of the
water rights of tho company located
nenr Grants Pass.
The order was made on tho peti-1
tion of the plaintiffs, verified by the
Taft's Message to Congress to
Tell of Panama Canal's Progress.
Can Now Wire Letter to New York
and Have It Mailed Same After
noon to England Only Extra
Charge Is Five Cents for Postage.
18, 1010, and was opposed by the'
defendants. This question of the is-1
suunco of certificates fiist came be
fore the court through a petition
made by thu receiver and the pliuu
tilfs March 1, 1010, and tho issu
ance of such an order iv:n as vigor
ously opposed then as now.
Tho testimony in thu suit which
caused tho appointment of receiver
has been taken. At tho time of tak
ing the testimony thu plaintiffs re
newed the application, August 17,
1010, and the court, being sufticienl
ly informed, gave out a statement or
opinion to (ho attorneys in tho cane
that he would issue certilientct. for
the repairs that had been approved
by the engineers ami shown by the
affidavits already filed in the case,
and that he would allow such nii
to be made by any interested partv
that would provide tho money and
pay off thu outstanding, claims
against the receivership.
It was after this opinion of tin
court was given out that George K.
Sunders, representing thu caste n
stockholders, went to Chicago and
induced the stockholders to pledge
themselves to take and pay for tho
certificates when issued so that the
repairs could bu made. About two
weeks ago Mr. Sanders returned
from Chicago, and in nn interviow
announced that the trip was a suc
cessful one and that tho investing
stockholders stood ready and will
ing to provide tho money so that the
repairs could be made, and thu re
ceiver and the attorney for the
stockholders, A. E. Pennies, aga.n
petitioned tho court, and tho ordor
2.014' that was recently entered was the
Since his return from Chicago Mr.
Sanders has bought up the old is
sue of receiver's, certificates,
amounting to approximately $4800,
uhioh were given out by tho receiver
to' pay merchants and laborers for
thu repairs made last winter and
The ordor just onteied rcoitos that
the .principal assets- of the corpora
tion consist of a power and diversion
dam across Knguo river in Joseph
ine county, known as thu Golden
Drift, or Anient, dam, and tho water
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Finally Consents to Bccomo Candi
dateIs Admirably Fitted for the
Place Welch Refuses to Be a
Candidate for. Re-election.
PoFponding to tho imrsislont so
licitation of many citizens, J, A.
Watt Ims coimenleil to become it
candidate for councilman from the
first waid.
Mr. Watt has long been president
of the. Horticultural society, is a
largo properly owner, both in city
and county, and standi high in the
community m tin influential and
progrusnivu uitizon. He has been n
resident of Medford for tho nast
five or six ywu, coming bore front
.North Dakota
Tint first ward mibraie all thni
portion of Mod ford lying cast of
right for powor mid irrigation out of I CoiilraJ nvvmiu .Mr. Watt roxidus ai
oi!iiu river, and that tho tlitin and! JaokbOU '' Hrtloll utreoU. Al
power plant and wtilcr rights of thu ;ro',,t ,,h fn"" -nl eotiueilnin
company are situated about lhrco live oust of Dear creek ami thjtl
miles up the river from Grunts Pass, ; """"ft" between Centra! iivoiuut nn.I
and Unit tho said water rights arc'-'1" or",,1: '' reproBwulalivo 'io
of great value to the stockholder' ,l' council.
and creditors; that heretofore the) Comiolhnnn K. A. Weloh, whole
north end of tho dam was taken outi,on wnlrwi in Jminnry, rofuso to
by floods, to Unit tho waters of the "h n tnilMlnlti for re-election uiid'or
river now pass betuoou the north end
of the dam and thu north bank ot
the river, greatly endangering the
structure; that tho dam should be !
any condition.
XBNV YOHK, Doc. 3. A merchnnl
in Shu Fniuuisco can write a letter
to hi London representative, go
downtown and foul reasonably cer
tain that it will Joavu Now York on
that afternoon's boat beuause of a
new gytuui that went into offcot on
the linu of the Western Union Tele
graph eoiupaiiy.
Hriofly, th seeming miracle is nc
iiiinliiel in this manner: The let
ter U dictated to tho San Francisco , imired to with.tHjid the AiamIb of tin-
i,l I. ftiaa 111. 41mm it I J , COIllillL' willtor. II till tlint if till! iIhih
trmudatwl into Morso and copied' waa dostroyed the porimnition would I "' "I'lwititwl It.
no without lunus to rebuild it and'rOM"uw" l"v y unwem uy
to preserve tho water right; that the ' " '" Lwnnonn haa Iihmi
Names Successor to Bowers.
WASH.LS'OTOX. ). c. I). fl,
I? 1 u r .1 m . .
h ii. lA'iituHnu oi pi. i.oiii was
,hak into its origiivil fonu at the
Kow York end. The New York of-
uo addrewMiit nu onveloo, stamps
and eads a mosseiigor to see that
ho letter i safelv placed on board
Iio London-bound .tenmer. The ad
Multnomah's Bunch In State Lejjis
iaturo Falls to Get Toficther us
Was Expected Nottingham Makes
Trouhlo for Them. .
SALE.M, Or., Doc. 3. Multno
mah county's didfgatiou In the Mtnlc
legislature, as is usual, is split up
the back, over the lugialutivo organ
ization fight. All of tho bunutniN
but one hiuo signed up behind Sen
ator Hen Selling for president of the
somite. All of Hie house delegation
but four or itvo are aaid to be romh
to otu for Allen II. Kutou of Lane
county for apcaker, and thu lemuiii
dcr havu other id-nu itud are flirt
in gvvilli Henry .M Kinnoy of I taker
oountv., Jurry Husk of Wallowa and
U. T. Reynolds or Marion. There-fore-rha
Utopian drenm of uiiiiiiiuiou
uction of tho oounly diilogntion
ooins to bo about to end in a niifht
Senator C. W. Nottingham ia the
member, of the senate delogalioi
who is out of joint wild his rompun
ioim. Soino time ago I ho soiiufii dul
'irution held u iui'e'iit; In tho office
of Dr. Lorko in the Coibolt huildini;
to (lincnim (he presidonoy of tho sen
ate. At that tune Stain tor MalurkcY
tfave way to Senutnr SoUicr'x '""
didaoy mid nil four of tho senators
lirexciit Mittiftt lo Mtand hai-k o
Selling. Senator Nrntinhain wu
not nt the meeting. A report or
Late Passcnncr Train North Will No
Lonn'cr Lcavo at 8:39, But Will
Follow as Second Section of Train
16 at 5:24.
Tho Soulhorn Paoil'io company
hist evening ran No. 1 1, nni'ljjbouuii
at 8:30 p. in., through for tlu Ins!
lime. Effective today Is a new
ichedulo. liiNtend of running trniun
N'o. 10 and No. 14 ut firti-J and 8:3'J
p. m., N'o. 10 will he run in two suc
tions daily, tho second suction being
N'o. 1 I. Tim leaving time from Med
ford will ho fi.J4, with tho second
section, or No. 14, running ton min
utes' luter.
This chuugo is miido owing to the
fact that travel on No. 14 from Or
ckoii points north to Portland was
ver vlight, owing to the Intones ol
the hour. No. 14 leuehod Portland
iu thu morning.
Main Is U. of 0. Captain.
eiie.t (Jr., Dec. 3. Al an
inaelifig of "O" men of tho viinlly
football pt(id lust night, WUIIani
Main of San Praneiscii was chiuieii
eaplaiu of the 1011 tonm. Main is
i Htembr of the junior class and i
riaered hi engineering.
While a mwiiber of tho Llek high
hool tan in Snn frauofgoq, Main
'iiaoe ine aii-acnitiuiiic rnottiall lor
Oranncmcn Said to Be Arming
Themselves Will Never Consent
to Bo Ruled by Irish Parliament
Unionists Gain Many Seats In
English Parliament.
DELFAST, Ireland, Dec. 3. Vol-
lowing opou assertions that the
N rlh of Ireland men will never nor-
mil of their being ruled by nn Irish
parliament, it was learned todaj
that companies .of Orangemen an
drilling hi doc-rot under officers ho-
jlecled by them. A sum of sjtfjU.UlH)
(is said to luivo heon collected with
which to puroliuso arms, ammunition
and equipment in case tho English
electors docido that Irehujd shall ho
Hundreds of Orangemen have so
orellv enlisted in "the army" and th(
first nt tempt by an Irish parliament
to levy taxes or impose laws wil
result in fiercest conflict, according
to Unionist leaguers.
Tho Unionists nro opiiosed t
home rule, belioving in standing with
England mid having their laws made
for them by nu English parliament.
The Unionist loaders four that tho
iioerais win no overvviieiiiiiugly silt
Company With Capital Stock tf
$50,000 Is Incorporated WiH
Handle Only Savings Accounts
Will Do a General Trust Business
-Havo Faith in City.
Tho First 8nviiitf Hank & Tnns
company is tho latest financial in-' ''
(dilution to enter the local business
field. Articles of incorporation have' ,
hiuiki Tiliiil wUlt flirt. unttjtt ti il olil.
ukuia Aiiwit tf 11(U PV,ljt tj vr. Dint
and givo as tho iucpriKiralors of tW
company C. K. Nuwlmll, Earlu . a.
Mtiiilli I II U..i,r.l ..n.1 A !
Jtuamcs. Tho liapltul Btook is .fJiO,-
Tho incornorntors of tlm now in
stitution state that thoy intend to
handlo only savings accounts and to
do it trust company business. They
will in no niaulior enter tho commer
cial bunking field, which is occupied
by M'y: banks at thu present lnti$.
Two of thu incorporators Mossro:'
Heard and Heames aro well knoim
in tho city, being residents of Med
ford. Their associates, Mossrs.
Nuwlmll and Smith, cmno from tlio
east, whero thoy worn tMigugcd in tho
banking business.
' Tl... t 4 J...I.. II... .
i nu iiiuuiiitiniioi nuiiu llllll us
i.i.nn .iii uu i vi liuilllllll(y our-I .w ...w... ,......, n.ii.u iiiiii. iir.
cessful ut the elections, and that 8,J0I s thoy decide upon n location,
H.I.. ...:n i ..!.. .i i I!... II.,...:.... il. -.- .... :.. ..i.i ii. .i
this will mean not only the abolition
of tho hoiio of lords, but tho es
tablishment of hoiiio rulo for Iro-
I land. 'I he province of Ulster is
grentlu in favor of remaining an
English dependency, and tunny ol
the leaders, ninoiig them thu Mur
iliiis of Londonderry, Sir Edward
Carson, solicitor-gouoral and now n
inemher of parliainont for Dublin
university, havu declined that thoii
livus and property will bo given lo
preserve English rule nbsolutu in
tlir,.Mic'oive seasons. Slnoo ho
statement of the result of tho meet- pluyod with Oregun, Msin haw slurr
ing Ha-, drawn up and atoned by the d at tackle and fullback.
cnaiT- present. Noltinghsm haul ' ' " --
refin.e.4 to gitfU H. Till 3g tnkan to Oiu- Ihi.iiilm-I' mi n unJarn Irnin
m LONDON, Dec. 3. Elections in
70 constituencies today resulted in
the return of 40 Unionists, licsulli.
in tho remaining district wore in
doubt this evening. Fifty 0f the
seals already elected stand: Liber-
als 18, Natiounlists 5, Unionists 32.
( oiiHKlerublo money is. being wagered
thai tho UnionislH will gain J0 sealH.
The Unionists chiiin thoy will gain
30 aunt in tho now parliament as a
rcmiilt ol Ilalfour's offer to submit
the tariff issue to a referendum ol
lending writers. Tho Liberals, how
ever, nro not discouraged, mid claim
that Hulfoiir'a plodi'o wa sindefiuilo.
The elections iu Ireland today re
sulted in thu return of Itudiiiuud,
O'llriuu mid J. P. Nanotti.
Winston Churchill attempted to
violato a ciihtom today by speaking
at Lincoln on polling day and was
llllfllltit lllU'M fl ....II.... II 1
Osorgo hroko down today unifur tho
slraiii ol thu oiiiiipaigu and was or
duied by his physicians to lost.
having throo or four in sight, that
thoy will order their fixtures mid-gut
ready for business. Faith in tho city
led them to loento hero in prefer
ence lo any other plnoo iu tho wot
which thoy visited in search of u lo
cation. Medford needs n trust company,
and no doubt the now institution will
bo generally supported.
Kid Farmer Good.
PEORIA. 111.. Dec. 3. Friend,, of
Kid Farmer, tho locnl Bornnnor. ut.
pcot to 600 him matched with soinu
of tho topnotchors soon us thu result
of his good showing ugniust Tommy
Hrosiinhnn of Omaha, whom ho
kuockod out in tho last round of
their scheduled ton-round bout. Far
mer has been coming slroig mid will
probably secure soinu good matches
this winter.
If Clark Is Elected Ho Will Uso
Streetcars Chances of His Being
Speaker Does Not Cause Him to
Change His Mind.
-'-"T " IKMINU VI I " ----- ...... 1l
he belief iu growing i. I"'"" t national oxpenso will ho
o house of lords will "J" r !"' Clark, who o
LONDON. Dec. 3, Although (he
dock oxchaugo odds nro 4 to 1 that
thu LibornMriidi-Lahoi; allianuu will
elect a mnjoiity of the houu of
commons, tli
day thni Ih
weather the election storm ami m.
lain its veto powers. It is predioted
hi aoiiie (iutrtor that thu Liberal
majority iu the commons will !
Many assert that thu liberals will
not have as many bonis as the eon.
Morvatives and that Ibu lilutrnla
thereby will ho forcod to dopund on
their allies for violorv. whlob will
lf b.v u iinmivv iiiarKtn, with the re
sult that King (leorau will not nvn.
onto tho libernls' nnli-lords policy
WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 3,-Jfi
Chump Clark is uluuled speakur of
thu liotisu ho will uso tho stroolcar
oi- walk mid tho big automobile which
has whisked Cannon around Wash-
Ollllllkllil tint
hill providing for tho maintennium ..f
tho atitomobilos for thu speaker mid
thu viuo-pruhidont, wis asked today
if his attitude would cli04igo .if he
were oluotod to prugldu o0 ihu
"Tho spwikor," he nid, CHIl ,,,,
tho streetcar tie walk."
Sponkor, Crniuou, who. returned to
dav from u brief s.Jny jq Nav York,
pltuhed into tho preliuiinnry woik
of the sObsIoii. IIo wns ultipper mid
mipp.v wnen no reached the cnpitol
floldeu Drift .Mining oompany, as n nsoJoil with tlm Missouri Itxir
imliliii Ervin nr.nw.m II...I i ' SOeiftllOn IOr ii) VOar. IIu u a
"" - jj rWBI rm iiiiiJHa in llllll- . --- --. - ..... I ---.
gated to tho country generally f or I wmbIiw of the finn of Lehmamt mn ''"" ,M', "' Ut "' lm,k 'lw, "loiwliwl" for IA00 by plck
supplving water and jsiwer, and ' '"hinahii. jjMornevs iJow'nniiii. who haa lieirun an aelia imm-Ih-u mid another on the same
... . ... ........ ....... .1.. iMi.r-..l. great injury will reult to wnler-ui- ile.Ifo..l Mull thi....... w...t .i- "' m''"." "" " ' ,r" ""' " " "f j.-H.-ln.
UIOIIIII lu.i'K' ". -,-. - - ... ..- re.Hl.,fV II .HilfK III.. H lniu f..r ... I !,,... !..... I.. v..
itumuwuuiiiupij afl. uih. .i. bringera. . . . ,. . ' " V" . ' '" ""' ,
linn iiiiiiii iiji...i... .... ...i. . . i . .i.i. . i i.
"' ' " 'ifiiiiiT. ' i-ii-r huh hn mm u iiiiiiuv. i
,, Ml.i.-II.HID MIIU),V ---l-. I.u .Vi.tlll.-ll . 1-lipilOI
limy duclaro that Hut king rlghtfnllj "" ,lml "hHolulely nothing to sav
could iy that tho liheml victory I ll00,lt polities.
- 1f a. 1 til I t I tl
u ijioks iiko a uusy sesfiion," he
remarked before ho plunged into (ho
muss of ncctimulated work.
was not duolbivo enough to warrant
his orontiug unough liberal peers to
give tlm UUonils control of thu upper
A peculiar feature of the campaign
iirm . .
inure is no slmi of immn.t.,,
UUOUt tllO HIKMllaH'' ftmimimtlA) ,.
Roll- l- " cent- $r si-tage.
llll' lllflll
-- . ....... ....... .v ... ,llu iiitlllMlli;il i - "v ",...M, vuilllllllllictl
i. the general belief that tho lthurul ' 'fiismuii who called nt Cannon's
limine- y,to hurt bv mi offer t" j ofiit"e "Unelo Joo is as busy ns u.
('hail it llurris. American tlinnl.i'uaii can bo mid Is miitarmillv wmlvi
i uii.uiui-u uii ru;o 9 j
f J
to work iu Imrtl its ho ovof hus."