--H-Altaie2a,MgKu - mQ!iat ; Si' Ifc s MEDFORD MARKETS.' ;'. ' -i ..... ..-,!, , (Prices paid by Mod ton! inorchantQ.) Poldtoca $l.Kil,2C per cwt. Cabbage 2e.f- V Squash SGct$l. , Tomatoes 1 j'c. v Parsnips Hie. ' Carrots 114 c. Boots 1'c. Onions 114 c. Pumpkins S 12 14 c Xtples 2c.'"'i" Pears l2c Prunes Dried, 4c Celery 90c a-doen. r "" "4 Dtittcr, Eggs and Poultry.' (Prices paid by Mcdford merchants.) "Butter Fresh ranch, 32 &c; creamery, 40c. " Eggs French ranch, 40c. , s Poultry Mixed, lO014c; Bprlng chickens, 14 16c; turkeys, 17c. ' (Prices paid -producers) Hay Timothy, flG; alfalfa, $14; 1'rabs, $14; grain hay, $16. Grain Wheat, $l'.lG"bfkshol; oats, $30 ton; barley, $32 ton. Hoof Cows, 44V4c; steers, 5 5 We. Pork 7 14 8c. ' ' ' j Mutton 5C14c; lambs, Gc. Veal Dressed, 9c. ' R (Selling prices.) ' "Mtolled bnrloy;'$l.75'cwt,'$32Hou; brain, $1.75; middlings, $1.35 1.90. . - Store-competition is competition invnlues not merely in prices; competition in service (of which ad vertising is nn miKirtuiit part), in rciMilafioti making, in fricnd-ninkhig not merely in tho sules uindo today! MEDFORD MATI TRIBUNE), AiEDFOKD.-OftEflON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER I, 1910. re- uuo AMUtLES'ENTERTAfNS1 "" JAPANESE SAILORS LOS ANGELES, Oil.,' the. l; Oflicers mid men of the Japanese training ships Hint reached San l'cdro t,lnv will bo lnvi'shly cntei -tamed during their May in Soid'h ni California waters. Committees composed of Los Angeles business men hud of Japanese' oitizeds today wiiipicicii mcir preparations to ecivc' tho visitors. ' ' ' --..... n.i. .... i raTK win ue thf. scene of icsmmes arranged for tho Japan ese; A program of dancing by Am oncan and Japanese girls, nuisic. M6rts and an licroplnno exhibition linve been nilnoeunced. Luncheo.i will be served each dny. Teacher Disappears. LOS ANGELES, mi., Dec' 1'. District 'Atlonmv l.-,.,l. ...!.!... 1...1.. .. be&nn seardi for Miss Anna Hodges, a Boston school teacher, Who disap peared several months ngot shortly after receiving 11 legacy of $30,000 iiie search was insiituted by .Mis, noiigc!' brother-in-law, Warren T. Currier, u banker of Boston. Cur lier had conducted nn independent investigation hefore he asked the aid of the authorities. 1I0 believes the woman has rtiet jjiUi foul plnyT4 '' FOR RENT, y, Im-iiisliccl Rooms. FOR HENT Largo elegantly fur nished 'front mom, voiy'clotib hi. No oUier roomers. Table boar.l nn'y be had next dobr. Call 3d' particulars at 0 So. Fir st. 210" FOR RENT Rooms for-rent. private family; fiisy walking distance. Lady only, one who enn fnriusli refer-1 eucc. KoiiHon, want companion uvu-i niiiL's. Phone Main 4821. tt". FOR SALE. Acreage. FOR KENT - Sunny furnished rooms, one block from postoffice: bonrd if desired. 1208 N, Central nve.. corner 5th st. 300 FOR KENT New, clean,' newly fui nlyiicd sleeping room, very reason able. Corner 11th and Front sts., Mrs. JtilpiMin'. 1 FOR KENT Front rooiri, close' hi. 219 S. Central' nve, or phone, 2033 Inquiro. after 6 p. m if FOR llENT-Fumishcd bcdroo.ri gentleman only. 339 N. Fionl t. ' ' 2.11 NOTICE. p ,. . , ! Please tako'noticn that .ii I'm.-. day evening, December 0, 1910, the iimicrHigucir win' apply to 'tho city cjoiilicil of tho city of Mcdford for a license to sell spirituous, Vincous anil malt linuors in quantities less than one gallon for a period or" one year on and after December 3, 100, uC its place of business, located on -Kiln 10, 11 and 12, of block -15, of the lown of Mcdfdrd.' ri ' KAU-MOIIR COMPANY. FOR KENT Nieoly. furnished room, '203 Oleson st. Phono Main 4474. N NOTICE. "-Notice Is horoby given that Ihd iin ddrslgned will npply to tho city coun cil of tho city of Mcdford, 'Orcgo'n, at Its next regular meeting, for a llccnso to'iboll splritous, vinous and malt liquors in quantities loss than a gal ion' for a poribd or six months, at their placo of business at No. 2 Front street, North, Iri' said dlty.'' " " UYAN & IJIIOW.V. Whaf Have 0 For Trade 35 aorcs Good ininrove- ments; 15 acres 4-ear-old i NcwtowilS suu Rnvllnlf F pcaitj; 15 acres in alfalfa, balance in crardcii: 1U, miles from town. 5G acres Good improve ments; 40 acres in bearing apples; ibalauco all set to 2-4-year-old troes; less f I than 2 miles from town. G10 acrcs-.-Stock ranch; good buildings; running water; pumping plant; 320 acres tclearccl. ROGTjk RIVER LAND CO. .11 1ST; .CENTRAL AVE. MEDFORD, OR. FOFR KENT FuriiisLed roOuls, suitnblo lilit liousekeo)ing, mod erii. ol.T S. Holly. . 21 TOR RENT Large front room with board; suitable for two or ihroc gejitlenu-u. 317 East JaeJison. 218 FOR RENT Nicely furnished T. room bungalow, m.odcrn, close i,i, Inquire 519 S. Molly. 219 FOR RENT Two furnished rooms tor light housekeeping. C. E Klvlr, East 14th st. 21H Houses. 'OK KENT-Two-atory 0-rooin cot tage, plastered throughout mill partly furnished. 7 blocks, norill from nmy depo't, good walks. ,f2."i per month. Addres 521 W. Ilniuil ton st. Plume 2irM. 221 FOR SALE Los Molinos irrigato-l lands, Tchaniu Co., Calif., where water is king, nlfalfa is queen and tho fruits of (his royal union 'nro riches and independence. In Suiuiv California at tho upper eifd of the groat Sncranicnfo vnlloy tliore Is h tract of tlie finest land hi the vorld, all of which can be irrigated and carries with if title to a perpetual water right. Six cuttings of alfalfa, n production of 10 to 12 tons per acre. Souiids good, but is it true? I,et mo prtfyo it to you. You1 can also grow spMendid paying crops of pears', peaches, figs, ornnges, olives, walnuts, etc. In seeking a new lo cation you owe it lo yourself and ftiitijly to iiivcaligate this proposi tion. Tlie&o ' lauds, including a deeded perpctilal water right, sell tit $150 to $200 per aero; one-fifth down nnd' balance in four equal an nual payments. Call at tho office and let mo .explain tho project n detail.1' " FRANK O. ANDREWS, C So. Fir St.. Modtord. Ore. 219 FOR SALE 10 acres Very best foothill red laud near Jacksonville, f neres sSet to grapes 1 years old, 2 acres family orchntd of hearing pears mid apples; n fine liomctdlc with bplendid view of the valley: only 'half mile lo school, good wai ter pr;ieo J?3f)00; terms to suit pur chaser. 15.. W. Allen, 135 West Main. 218 FOR'SALE. llututt-a. FOR SALE Largo 5-room model it bungalow oii o 1x100 corner' lot, very reasonable. Inquire southeast corner 2d and Oleson sis. 220 FOR SALE $700; i new 4-rooiu luntse and barn, 02-foot lot on Realty st., near -Liberty st.; terms '$300 down. Inquiro 4 S. OnuiirtfA tt BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Auayor. M Et ASSAYER Earl V. lngels, I1,TS. Rebt cctpiippcd assay olt'ieo in Ore gon. Established fivo years. Ac ournto results guaranteed. Grants Pass. Ore. 205 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ' U " ;' " I'liysltliins and Burgeons, -J f FOR SALE 5-room modern bunira Ib'w, furnished complete nt $3,000; $1,200 handles this. Addross llov 70. enro Mail Tribuno office. 504. AlistullaiieotiH. FOR SALE Furniture of (l-rooin houso at less (hint half prieo, con sisting in part of leather and weathered oak dining room and liv ing room furniture, Wilton rugs, bhiss beds, silk floss mattresses, Monarch range, Haviland dishes, etc.; all practically now. Phone Main 4401. Colled Ions ACCOUNTS' collbetedjn any purl!' iho world. Charge if not col lected. Pacific Collecting Co.,; 33 Jacks'ou Co. Hank lildg. KldeUty and Huivly lloudn. . 1 , ,, L. L. SMALL, bonds of nil kinds in tho best companies. 33 Jackson Co. Hnnk hldg. "" ' y . " i . iT . l t i Hteuoffraphera.t s,, ELLA M. QUANYAW Palm Block StonoVrnphic work done qnicld' itnA woll. llllllanl larlnrj FOR SALE Limited number pure bred Poland Chum boars, 3 and 5 iijonihs old, cligilito to )jo ' ill- llu best herds mid cheap enough for any' fanner (o buy. Hcrkelcy' Of- cjmrds, (loo. C. Osgood, mgr. Phone Fannfeis '703x3. tf STRAYED A bay pbny( with while strip in' face. Suiliiblu reward if .returned to A. C. Ruiidull, Talent, Or. 210 FOR ' SALE Good driving buggy lilid ' dohblo harness, 'used o;iy a short time; genuine bargain. 510 S. I loll v.' 222 FOR RENT House, 7 west sid6; now. Dr. Scoyoc, Fruitgrowers.' intr. G, A. R. NOTICK. '"Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned will apply 'to tho city' coun cil of tho city of Medford, Oregon, at' Its next regular meeting for a 11 censo to sen splritous, vinous and malt liquors in quantities less than a gallon at his placo of business oh lot 17block 20, In said city, for a period of six months. O. M. SELSDY. Dated Novembor 2G, 1910. i . 'A merchant who is capable ol making his store positively useful to you is also sure to mako his adver tising positively interesting to vou. lfasklns for'hoalth. rooiub, (Mi C. C: Van Bank b'nlld-2ll! FOR KENTA-Two-room furiii.Jhcd house at' (514 N. Riverside Cnll on Mr. Cornelius, Oregon Orchnrdr .hyiulicntc. tf FOR RENT Seven-room furnished house, close in. 322 S. Central nve. 217 FOR SALE Pine farming lands in Jbsephinp and Jackson counties. Oregon, near' Mcdford, Gold Hill. Contra! Point.' Phoenix, Tnlent mid Ashland; alfalfa lauds; orchards in smiill oV lni-go tracts from 10 in 830 acres; also mining lands; also lols in Mcdford, Talent and Ash land. Write (inclosing stamps) oi corilo and see mo nt Talent, Or.. Roberts hldg.. L. N. Jinld, TOR SALE 80 acres, $800; 40 acres. $000; 20 acres, $100; niusl bo sold at once. Call at Palnco ho tcl. M, Stewart. 210 FOR SALE heifer calf. -Fresh milch cow with Phono 3421. 210 S. T. DROWN & CO.-Uillinrds', Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stnlrs, Young & Ilr.ll building. A nise. cool place to spend tho hot nfto;'-noons. Nurseries. FOR SALE First-class cojMi nt Isaacs ranch. buy and 218 FOR SALE -Ruggv, good as now, cheap. 230 North Ivy st. 300 HELP WANTED. Jltlp Wanted Male. FOR RENT I louse. $12.50. See Coleman, 143 N. Grape. 217 Hoard and itooiu. (I. A. K.. ('hosier A. Arthur PosU io.- !; icemuur' meeting hrst anil third Tuesdays of each mouth' at 2:110 p; m. 'at Kcdmcii halh Visiting comrades in good standin-' initeJ Major Andrews, adjutant; Charles rail. com. w HOARD With room, $0 par wcii;; meals served family style, hotite cooking. 41(1 K. Evergreen st.. cor. IhroiPSolilhorif Pacific tfiaik.23! WANTED LOST. FOR SALE r.. Three acres or hioic, truck or chick- ' en ranch, miller ditch, close to the f'cily limits; price low; terms easy. Film timber on P. & E. R. R $25 Hhm' acre. lOiiiercs, 4 miles' Out, blds, fiuc, ir v l"rigating well, $3000. 101 acres Rcnr creek bottom, 1 acre 1'ifiiio building sito;$3000, terms. lOracrcs fino hottom soil, 3-year pcars; $4750, torms. 3i4acrcs, under diteh, fiuc pear and alfalfa laud, 3 miles out, cleared ind fenced; $250 per acre. f'1500 handles fino bearing orchard. 10to 100 ncrcs fine soil, 1 miles M'iiut; $175 per acre. Iu'0 acres, 120 fenced, 20 plouched, five springs, small orchard, bnild- iiigs, 4 hftrscs, tools, etc.; $4000, K'finc terms. 1510 70 acres, all cleared, fino pear soil, $100 porJaerc, Eagle Point. City Property Ildusekeeping and furnished rooms $ "for rent. 2iYestiuorcInnd lots, f275 each.' 12Mola on West Puhn, $250 each, J terms. Lofg in W'ost Walnut Park, $275 lo J $350, easy terms. ii lots in Kenwood, $050. WANTED fifim qf 1400-lb. lwrses. Girls for eneral housework. 4cou)les for ronoh work. Liutings of city property and ranches. LOST"-iIJroWir fur collaretle on S. P. motor, Sunday, between Mod find and Ashhujd. Please leave at Mail Tribune oliicu and get rewind of $.- ,. FOR EXCHANGE. Hoarders; first-class (able board at $(i per week; rooms if desired. Mm. Suuimerliii, 122 N. Iw si. WW FOR SALE 8 'acres, bearing orch ard, 1 niilo from Medfbrd. This Is n bnrgain; small houea and barn; finest fruit land in county, $3500. Whito & Trobrid'gR. ti FOR SALE 5 'aiul 10-acro tracls just within nnd'ndjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address Condor Water JMwor Co. jt FIRST-CLASS table board. $(l p,v week: room if desired. .Airs.. Stun, moiliiit 317 E. .limkson st. 220 ' FOR KENT - Private room and board for two yeiitleiueii. 510 N. Riverpidc. tf I IIusIikv;; Itoonw FOR SALE A trad of best apple -laud, .'alinohL-l-jiqiUi., and ail Miioulh, close in; price $2100. Write Owner, (J. S. (lilson, MoMinnvillo, Oi". 21 (i FOR SAL10 20 ucics, niocly locat ed, $2000; will cNchaugu for wt( -i2riilIlLrii'A T- York & Co. ti; JL WANTED Man wanted to tnko up the agency for the Grand Union Tea C. Inquire of J. E. drier, 310 TrinnsL. Easl Medford. ' 217 QUAKER " NURSERIES-Our trees nro budded, not grnftdd. Our, ato-ik is not Irrigated, Wo gunrnntco.oy-l cry thing put out.' Wd nro not. in tho trust. If. H. Patterson, office , reinqved to 110 E. Main st. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR SPRY CO., ino. Growers op nigh grndo nursory stook. Office 25 W. Main. Tel.' 1201. , Tin Sliojwl '' , " " " i" i I ' lull J. A. Smith Tin shop. Tin "and shept iron wnro on hand nnd made to order. 128 North G st. Rend WANTED A first-class Japanese boy lor hoiisewoik, 2 in family and Hood Whges. Apply mornings 21!) N. Oakdalel jf WANTED-Party to do grubbing, also blush pulling-. Inquiro at Old Art Nichols'on place, 5 miles north west of Mcdford. '21!) WANTED Salesmen in every local ity of tho northwest; monoy nd vanced weekly; many mnko over $1000 mouth; choieo of territory. Yakiinu Valley Nursery Co., Top penislu WumIi. Ileal 4tntc FOR EXCHANGE For Los Angeles property, one of tho finest small Orchards in the Koguo River valley; prieo $12,500; paid hibt year $3000 net; an ideal homo. Address "Lewis," caro Mail Tribune of- fice. 220 FOR EXCHANGE Mcdford nnd suburban proporty, ranches, (tuihai lauds, or othor property. Address Rox aOO. caro Mnjl Tribdnc.- tf "FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Miscellaneous. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Pi vo- passenncr 4-eylinder touring auto mobile. Address Rox 200, caro Mail Tribune office. tf FOR LEASE " FOR LEASE Fishing, hunting, boating nnd bathing resort, l'j square miles body of water, on railroad, within 12 miles of Mcd ford. Address Rox 201, care Mail Tribune. tf l-'OH M5ASK Fully equipped placer mine, ntver Main. FOR RENT-Offico rooms in Elec tric building, m'odorn equipment, 3tcnm bent, electric light, baths', toilet, hot nnd coil water. Gold Rnv Realty Co.. 210 W. Main st. If FOR RENT RusincBH room ou W. Main st., 24rl40; suitable l'o- res taurant or billiard room or othor busincjs, stoam hont. Gold Ray Itnaltv Co.. 21fi W. Main st. tf : FOR KENT-OAico over poslonice. Sen 1. A. DjWJs. ' I FOR SALE OR RENT. HiihlncsH Property. FOR SALE Ten duys only, neu 1 V acre, well impioved place ut south east corner of Central Point school "rounds; half cash or trade; tools, hay, wood, chickens, etc., for $2000; cost of unprovciileiits; clqju (instruct; reason for selling, am sjiitflo; also 3-h. f). wodifsnw outfit, first class, cheap. Address Owner. Box 18(1. 223 FOR SALE -Will sell or build for right party; lmo fine location for store sight on oilo oi main thor oughfares; no competition; good opening for drug, meat, grocery oi any store. Addios Hox 8, euro ol Mail Tribune. ;joi ANTED-On Crater Luko high-wTY"te'nm6fcVsrmuckortadrWiTk Clgnra nnd Tobacco. -- - - - - j IRELAND & ANTLE. SinokchouBo-i Dealers In tobacco, cigars tuid smorcks' siipplioa. Hxolusivo agouti of Lowis Singlo Binder. El Moritl nnd El Pnloqcia. 212 West Mom street. Union. CAKPENTERS' UJflON, LOCAL 1840 Moots nt Smith's hall, 128 North Grnpo street, ovory Thurs day evening promptly nt 8 oJclock. All journeymen carpenters, as well as local members, urged to bo 'prob1 cnt. BusiqcsH of vitnl interest to nil enrpentom IrmiHnctod nt those moolings. J. J, Soal. buBinoss nt. WIT11INGTON Attorneys. & KELhY Lawyers, inoi'. Ajqily nt camp. 2(1 miles up . num tmilding. Rogup river, 35 miles cast of Me.l- A. ,.; KEAMES-Lawyer; Oumett iTHi7-yU'7ro-tria,aie. ' i',.,i: .. jw CHOW YOUNG'S CWNESE MEDN CINES. Will dine rliounniliswi asthma, paralysis, boi'cs and ifa vato discasos. Thoso remedies may bo procured lit house,' Nd, 211 6. Front nnd 10th stu., Medford, Or., where they will bo Bold by tho pro prietor, Chow Young. , DrChow Young has treated sev eral severe cases wjth his remedies since coming to Ashland, and li.la for reforencoa sumo of tho best kutiwu mid most intelligent citizens in Southern Oregon. Call on him This is to certify that Dr. ChpW Young, the benrer, attended mo, tuV trouble being liiug trouble nnd asthma. I niu better than I have been for twolvo years. I saw tUu letter WriUcn'by Jitdgp Hunun and as ho rccoiHincuded tho doctor i well, liiotight I would trj' liiin also. -Mrs. St. Uniisr Aslhlahd, Or. "I whs uffliuted with heart 'and stomach trouble for innuy years, mid at last coding in a stroke of paralysis, from which no onu u' pected Ijiy rccovory, nnd no one knows how I suffered, but ut lulH I got n little better linil I heard of ono Dr. Chow Young. I took treat ment and am -well now unit can reiw ommciid him lo liuyono who may In sick or nffliuttid w'ilh nny of thesq comiilaiuls, I iissure,you I am wan pleased un'd Ihanicful 'that I aw alive nt th'is liino,-iMrs. Mnry N lay. Grants' Prfss1, Or". "1 linvd lit'cn troubled with ca tarih for h'ldng time niid have tried over so many treatments of differ cut kinds and T eni! ny I did not got nnytllirit? lo''do we nny good until I jried UiW Cliincso doctor; nnd ho hits dolib'nie n great dual of good, nnil'I ilMdk'ho ctln miro cn tarrh." Mr. Wnrrcn Dhike, Asli laud. Or. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD- Physiciau mid Suigeou. Office 2K1E. Main st., over Harf- kiufi' drug store. Phono Mnin 1001. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY-Phv-bioiiiuft niid' surgcoiiB, Thy lor nnd Philips hldg., rooms 210-211-212. Ofticu phono 501, residence' phono (112. Office hours 0 a. in. to B p. m. DR. F. O. CARLOW. DR; EVA MAINS CARLOW - Osteopathia physicians. Moved to Rooms 4Ki and 4J7, Garnotl-Corey Hldg. Phoiiu Main (151. WAN'J'UD Girl tor gonernl houiie work: vbbjjh ?t per day. Call at u v. fliq-in st. tf Kltuntioug Waiiiti'il. WANTED-Nursnig by Mrs. If. Mc Roynolds. Call at 320 N. Rivorsido avo.. or phono Main 32. WA NTED All kinds of sewing at 412 S. Laiucl. 227 WANTED -Dressmaking. Address Mrs. Fielder. W. Walnut Park. 231 WANTED. POUTER J. NKFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Altornoys-nt-luw. No. I) ,D strcot, ground floor. ltOIIKCS. WANTED A small house or Unco or four unfurnished rooms; must bo close in. Address E, caro .Mail Trillium oil ice. 222 Housekeeping Itooins TOR SALE OR RENT-Oood open ing for general incrchandiBO sto'c In now town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on railroad, 12 -miles from Mcdford. Gold Ruy Realty Co, 200 W Main. ! tf. Houses. FOR VALE OR KENT Modern 7 looui house on S. Oakdale. Apply Oakdalc Cash Grocery, Onkdhlu Cnll on Aldonh?Rcu, Iloguo Electric Co., 216 West :) tf FOR REHT. and 11th, ' 1 . ,t.C. 218 FOR SALE ' j i Biisliicis Property. l''nrm.s. FOR' RENT Forms from 40 acres to 400 acres, alfalfa land,- fruit ranches, garden lands, general fanning ranches. Gold Ray Realty Cii,. 21fiWcBt Main. tf FOR RENT Oftice rooms, $4 each per month, in Ro,tel' modern blcx-k nt Central Point. Or. 137 , FOR RENT At the Cottage, pleas- FOR SALE -illO ncius liinhcr near Jaeksonc, climnlo 3,000,000 f $3500. B. R Benson, Mooie !!- joj. 217 J louses, FOR SALE Lurgo modern house with south iipd east fiont, 113 feet front on' paved slrcetby 181 foot long, nicely impioved groiiuds; ev orylhing stncllv modern; reason for sfilliiig, ladv of li'ouso needs a cliauuc of olhnato; (his place is suitable for nice home or first clnss rooming house; easy torms lo riuht party. Seo the JacUon County Realty Co., (101 West Tenth t. 22(1 WANTED Two or ihrou rooint. or liuhl hiiiisckccpiiig, wauled by .Imii iiarv 1. 1011; close In. Addle W 3. en re 'Mail Trillium. 28 MlHcellniiooB. WANTED Married couple, piufcr ably without childioii, to have use of modern five-room house, close in. with fuel, lightH and wuter fur nished in oxchaimo for hoarding mini mid wife; lofomucon exchang ed. Call Main 3371 on Thursday. , -21(1 NOTARY office. DK. E. II. PORT.ER DisoascH of . women a specialty; Rooms 5, II, f 8. St. Mark'o hldg., Mcdford, Or. Phoies: Office 4001, residenuo 4051Jj DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS-Pmo'-lico limited to diseanoB of tho eye, ear, notio and llitoal. Offjeu 2UI E. Main st., over Mtxlt'onl, Iliinl wnre Co. ' M)Il. ARTEMAS W. DEANE-Offico I id Riulto hldg., 123 E. Mnin. GH udininislcrcd for ri.xlnctiou of teeth. Telephone Muin (181. Night phono 4432. PUBLKy'Mnil Tribune dij. w w vint7u ,'Z. t - - r. ,. w . , i 1IIUU iiuuiuiifaiilllJ phyhiciiin; rittiidonco 203 Olson hll, phono Main 4474; office, rooms -"ii and 'L St. Mnik'u block, phono .Main 1871. COLVIG k, REAMES W: M. 0)1 vig, C, L ReamcH. Lawyers. Of fice Mcdford National Bank build ing, second Jloor. ''ilflfl Notary Public ' iitl NOTARY PUBLIC Rooln Philips hldg. , , . 207, Gran Ito Works. GOI.D RAY GRANITE CO., 210 W. Mhin st., maiiiifaoturerB nnd deal ers in gmouuiiieiitul nnd biiitdln granite, crushed grniiito common brick and pressed brick, conrso nnd fino washed river sand. PAUL & W()LFFs7ns'iind'"iii"i(rfoiin ilalioii uiuvol; all orders promptly delivered. Phono 1721 nnd 1213 Main. FOR 'SALE Choice biibinoss nrosi ' (1ttl. rm . .. . . orty nt li bargain, on long lime.; VK,li tAiih A coinpietoly iurnish cusy terms. Addrces Condor Wa ter Power Co. ' - Lots, WANTED- Ono or two dozen Rhode Island red pullots or year old bond, thoroughbred!. P. O. Box 88, Mcd--IPIik. Tel. 30(12. 322. WANTElTHorscH to feed for win ter. Address M. M. Welch, Wnt kins. Or 230 WANTED -A cheap horse and bugg or saddle pony. Aildio. B cine Afnil Tribune. FOR SALE Lot. 50x127; bast fr.iut, hiuh, about 7 blocks from now de pot, coud walks, oily water; $500, tepu. Addroii 521 W. Hamilton st. Phone 2455. 221 apt, furnished rooms, with hot and ,'(1)1 SALE A low hih, dry rosi- cold 1-itnriliig Avntcr; batlis, large' ". ois. near paving, ihjiji); IU a mount, i). r. duiisoii, .Moore no- miyinuw, u iuuiiih null oaill, Sleep- ing iHjroh, 'Kcreeucd back porch, populur roslrlenco section, lmvod Btrcet, fully puul; price $1000, Boaul ami Hoom. ..it,,!.,.', .... 1 ..!. yi tt . ...... ,....., ....iiiik ior can ornm , WANTED -Board and loom, private '" ;i'"" "V ,,M'T ,f 'u" '..VK": wmily. by and wife, .wi vmwuiu I...1.U co., iu rroni, ,, 207. Phio.w Lldtr Bl.i .MJIIII. ' 1 MEDFORD BRICK CO.-O00. W. Priddy, O. D. Naglo, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractor and mnnu fncliiioi-H of bri'k; dcalora in prnsscd hvviV and Ijrno. Offico ill Garnott-Coroy block, room 401, 4th floor. Phpno jN'q. ai81. rAlatnni maid I'apriuui(ani. H. G. DEAN, O. P. M'MULLEN--Phtino 3732. Dean & McMulliui, conl moling painters, painting, pa per hanging and tiulii-g. EHlimatoe 011 nil Kinilb of piiiiiting Mcdford, Orj, DR. STEARNS-Physician mid suN goon. Office Gariiott-Coiuy hldg, looms 21U2I2, phono 1092.' Rosi dence 113 Lauicl ., phoiiu 2002. W. A. LOVElI(rE Coiilraclor mid priinlical builder; ostiuiatcs Ircb; palrounge uppicciutcd. 125 South Almond si. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD - Practice limited to diseased of wo men. Office llaukins bhlg. Phono Mnin 1001. , wftfjt. 217 minnv nnrnlmn. 001 W. 10th St. or 124 Kine St. tf. JsJl. J'urnislicd it(Miins. FOR RENT Two larve winnacting front rooms, fine for offitiQS or drosmaking Mirtr. uistuir. een-j Inr of town: $26 month. PhOiw (1202. 300 FOR RENT-Nieely furofeiHl room' - . Acmigc. in pmaie lauun, naimoie mr imp you SALB A snap. One nore level FOR SALIi An artistic bungalow, 0 rooms and buth, complcto with shn'doH nitd sorcenfc, rcdhecd from $4200 to $3800; scuts, bookonsos, buffet, two fircplacoa, beam cell- iiur. etc.; woll lnlt, Chns, J). tf Call at' 217 ' DECORATE your tinted walls with tcii(iil borders by A. Rlt,don,' pnmt gr, decorator and pa'porhanger, No. 5 E. 3d st.. Mcdford. DK. STEPHENSON lil gassot lo correct any defect of i0 oye. Ol fii'o uwir Allen Jc Rouguu'u. I'ljouo Main 1851. Dr. W. M. Van Scoyoe. Dr. C. (A Vmi Scoyoc. Dentists. i FniilgioMcrs Bank bhlg., Medford, Or. PMio M7 t''tlllll(ll-C.. riiologniplicr. WAMhl) 1-irst-clasK bonrd nnd rivi. ....... v. . . i . i i ... i , , ,,,l4l' .voiir . hum photon iiiido by room Ijv the dnv or week, fain y ai.,,.l.. it .. . .1 . lvlr,: ro,,., I..,. ,.,!,. (inn ..'.'.' J ,,0-V " "" W""1 ''h.llg tO "' " . 'VWDt !! 4i . MuiilM'cix JiMtCf UHV please. FOR SALE -Lot, ouUide of Wot 4th st., $75 caah ,10 moiilh, $350,. Colby, 910 W. 10th st for slioil tunc Chilgroii Broa. 222 FOR SALE Lots, two F.nooin housew. cheap. Coleman, 143 N. Qn9. 2Q BUSINESS DIRECTORV Nurncry Prod 11 its Bill Posters. new and Second-hand goods Junies A. MoKonzic, dealer 111 now and second-hand i'uriiituro. hurdware, clothing, boott. mid shooff. Highest mihli prices jmid for gQjjd ciistoff clothing. CilII and boo W when you huvo something to selj. 103 S. Can tml. 7 VERNE T. CANON-Bill poster mio I TUB OREGON NL'RSEKY produols' Distributor. All ordern promptly j nro an onc-iour bud on 3-yunr 1 iooih, repiHaeiiiailve OUIOd HOW la FOR SALE 0-rooui house, furn Ished, eloo In. Anr nlniond trco' Medford; onn nupply apple, ienr in num, iin mwii, win rem jthj iiiiii wuiniii ireoa ou snort tlotioe; nil filled. Room 20, Jackson Cotiutj Bank building, Modford. Or. rancues. -s L nl"i"rnrn -wai Raem 206, Taylw & Philips Bldji t gantlomwi, with or without bonrd. 345 N. Bnen.id. FOK RENT F'Jrnlshed rooms and board. No. 10 North Grape strict, noil in Ftrmrt and Frult- tjroRera' PaiiV. " Arthltccta, ir month, will -yll if wld thU1 gnnrnnteed in every ronpcut; rmudi- JOHNS & Tl'RNER. Architect nnd orw, wnte uu ..I jvifr needs; will be BkIIiIbi- Oftice 7-8. !r2.1 Mam. Phone Mam 3171. KoMiduuott phone Week for -ftWOO. Sc owuer or d- dVoMi J. W. Urio. 22 Almond Irool.. 218 Kind to (iiml). yon pricw. Notice. ground, 32 young vpple trees, choice htruwberrien. nil kinds small fruit, FOR SALE -5 room furnihhud mod-. NOTICE After November 1st 741. city water. 0 room plastered bungn low, best garden sot in Ashland. Cull oraddrii . It I.'.mi -, H0 Catir t A lil.md. Drt 22o bra liiiiihc. leu minute. ' walk' from m.k,,jT1(... A simp. $2200. terms Mor.r KIiiii I ... !' l-Vitilroi-i ' B.u.k bldg Prliiicn and I'uMUIiors. H. F. WILSON & 'CO.. deulora ffl pew and hooinid-hand l'yrnjlurg nnd hnrdwiiro. Agents for Holing hold stove mid rnngin. 1(5 Huiilli l-lr slreot. PIk.iiq Mmi, 3101. MISSION FURNITURE WORlTsT Corner 8h nnd Holly Mlrflulj; MuJ ford. Mission fiirnituri. nih.lw (.. order. A trial order solicited. Cabinet work of ul kinds. 'wiw. Anur iovemoer hi my """ " "" ollloo will be in rooms 211 and 212 MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tho arnelt Corey bldg, phono 2071: best equipped job offico in 8oi. re idenrp 2002 R 111 J.Htlll'l . I. I.liuu W KicriH, M n ir em Orpgoii; Pnilliinil piicoft n-ulli Ceiilrul avenue. 37 MORDOPK WOLFF- l.nkTh7v and ranges. New dm aecoiid-luuld furnituro. lltuW old stuwd, 18 , F st.. South, Phono fll. Afdr,ir,l ' PndertakcrN, MEDTORD Ft'RNlTURE CO.- l. di'tlakerH. Day pliouc 351. Nildit Phones- c w -i.nl.lin 3rt0l; j r. Butler 3J71, John A. Puri Ull. in t i W'i A H i T vtf 1 li..